HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-19, Page 44
iT th 111•11111LIACIIIIIIMI.
Oils et P fr.ii M a --J and ler. Worth stress,
a.dsrdeh. Osmate.
Teems et d.Mes retem t
Mto►, 1. idem°,
11oe.dii s »
will be eer.A ~~ MR y� l .
Adeeolba.t �m
and oiler casual .dvertleemesr., lea
per 1 w for first insertion, sada oasts per Use
ler each.uiecoueet tnaertlue. Measured by
• .00pereil scale.
Basta:or cards of six Ilse" end nadir. el per
edvenisemeats of L. round. Ntrayei
t'a.rnt. Shoat sesta Wanted
Chancre Wanted. net enseedax $
seapan .1. ti per mouth.
li Na'e .n.1 Varna on Bale. not he
exceed M Bn.en. SI for first ucouth. see. per ons
Baines, month. larger whir. io proportion.
Any special notice. the olden. of which i• to
promote the pr:unmsry henedt of say tadi-
vida•f or company. to he ooasidersd as •d-
Terttaritienl anal charred aerordinely.
Loral 0011001 in noopsreit type one tient per
word. n000icw+lrws.ban J5c.
Isocal noticed in ordinary reading type two
cents per word. No notiee for lege thea M.
Notices for chum -bee and olbrr religious and
benevolent maltutton. half rate.
t'.at+meretel (•salmm
i+ Ad.ershieea•.
A limited number of dls�yt�ed advertise,
menta will be Inserted .t the awIna rata
Per tech. one insert los. M N
four insertions 1 .a
three '• the munch..................... W
" na months ........... x
'• one year S gel
No advertisement was than two laches in
length will be o.lrulated on above bats. S
per rest. discount allowed for cash payment.,s
es three ontlu'eontract : to per mot. on aux
mouths'. sod 15 per rent. on a year's, These
oo.dttbns will be strictly eeforved.
A soot ••Taw Mesal" alellvesy.
Subscriber who fell to receive Tat SIowt
roan. •
regularly, either by carrier or by a. will
confrere furor by .cgwnti.a as of the fact at
es early a date aa possible.
Lee& as Tear label.
Tour label 1s. standlne receipt of thr due
to wbiett you are paid up. Nee that it is not
allowed to 1.11 into arrear.
When a change of address is desired. both
the old and the sew address oeld be levee.
Rete. -rad mann.rript. eaanot he returned.
C.wreepondence must be written on one side
.1 paper only.
Pe.r. oll
weeTomei..1. 1'. Le Tomei. of Goderk•h, has been ap
voluted LotaI 'reiterating Ageut for the town-
ships of Dederick, Colborne, Ashfield and Wa-
Local po.tma.ters over the dietriet are also
w mein' ein' subscriptions to Tse
All commentutiuss must be addressed to
Til Seat,
reiepho0e Call 3o Oodsrick. 0.1.
titW t lace.
During the next few weeks. our men
friends should d le renewal subscriptions
for the coming year. It is a comparatively
easy thing for every subscriber to set himself
or herself square on the list for the ensuing
term, and when that it done they are not
haunters ; y • label in arrear as each week
passes by
Tii SIGNAL. Jariog m
the coing year
will be touch aided by our many
ribers making precept remittance of
. ubacr,pttona. The solitary subscription is
• small item, but she aggregate tote's up
thousands of dollars, and if every subscriber
would make up his mind to commence the
n ew year by getting straight with but sub-
scription account the sphere of usefulness of
this journal could be largely extended.
Dunng the past few weeks hundreds of
dollars worth of accounts for subscriptions
and job work have been sent out from the S
oeaotiog room of THE ic. AL. and we hope
receive • ready tuss.
1f you don't get an account don't get ot
fended, het mail your indebtedness to us at
once, and you will get due credit for it.
Look at your label and see that it gem
moved one notch In trout ofits present de-
Yon send the subscnption and we'll do
the rest.
Tas COLO .sx
ar ax. r. Tis eters earoa
l-hristntas has nos osly been the longest but
also the most severe is forty years in this
wuld have a readym•de Jame. Ytt.tow.
✓ i.rso in the Court reporter of our loyal Gna-
Ors airylat
.'h++TO THg •H1'tIPIYT
Mire of royalty in Canada it doesn't take
lens to discover that the gentleman who re-
ceives good Canadian dollars for keeping the
loyalty collar on the colonists is might well
paid for him labor and his ability. The
present vice -regal tour is doing • great deal
be opea the eyes of Comedians along this
T.. t.ATmer M1' TO IIA•. TN■ I:wrlte
te do its Basi. best is Cot, (('Ketal., M.P.,
the ". from Shanty Kay. " The Colonel
steeds shoulder to shoulder with D'Ai.Too
'CA MTHIt, M. 1'., wawa the gerrymander
and for • redaction of the tariff. A few
megeed, able bodied kickers like O'Rsirs
and McCaeirnt, and the N. P. will get a
e hakiug.
TEM UMW ■ov gat WAITam.
The recent g.Merhgs of petition stare in
Terms, and Hamlltea were watched with
much interest, for from the lips of Air Jong
Teorrenw words of great Importance were
expected to f•11, portraying whist it any
Ming was likely to lis intr.-heed daring
the fnrtltrsming session of ihirli•meet to
belles the hertben now barring so heavily
die▪ tagneolteirsl cemmsaity and through
that ohea.depreeisg all oar legitimate
ind4leThe e Premier premised is •
heN-hearted urease to lop same " mould
.rel+ h,.aobemay,. " may, bet is the lepplog m
of presses he will he et with the same
dhieht*e n that (rine-oily beset the archi-
tect who, trying to reat.• deemed labels,
dSado that, ilambed•s all, it mast fall te
pias from im very reatemeees
Qhs the Premier pmt • head en that part
w x te
of tie al P.hey that pr.e.m the
mer iris. manges*, N..utp.t .1 the
i mM
men el the ..ees., the esermess
grease fifties. the probe M the agar t.•
rs1I1 tlyd
1.' J) __ SatMS ae%
IBMSE Msdessers, er my ether poierbd1rs/s ggelidthat .midst the ge wklg pessover-
ty al ear lers has waxed het. sleek ..d
wealthy • 1f not, thee all We words ars bet
as ft.
sawdust to a heavy nialtds.
Rat mom .lg.41oe.t of .11 was W decla-
emiration that no reciprocity +nary with the
Vatted states would be considered by the
Tory (.or.rt ..s1 that would discriminate
against Crest Kellam, which, is Bast,
Imam mathat the farmers of Camila nay
growpoorer day by day withuwt any co
eers beteg felt by the well-fed and well-
elloared for dignitariee of the ('rows so beg
as - the pedaled tie beading Canada to me
archiul Renew u ntaintaised.
Theo we had a most unusual and very
aeaselese speech from the Governor I:sacral
rBoardwho, at the To,oto Board of Trede ban-
quet, gave the country • lot of unreliable
st•tw.ios from • very unreliable were*, sad
tot the unit time in l'aanda's history we
had preoted to us the unseemly spectacle
ot a Governor general monnting the stump
gull becumkIg • partisan. Lord STA]LAY'i,
speech was iu lad taste. and did we not
know that he a of • dull tendency we
mieht feel indignant at be presumptuous
lecturing of neo who are hu superiors in
intellect, met who, unlike himself, feel the
pinch of hand times and are paying the
price of their national folly in permitting
them.such as he to lord it over the. lave to the
debt laden tanners of (acada no Iuzuua
qrters m Rideau Hall with • Canadian
cold each income of 1150,000 per aurum for
doing nothing -. •together with furniture,
rel, servants and every other item of ex-
pense that I rinogs to housekeeping, sod the
privuegr of importing for himself and
household wise., clothing and every addi-
ion to his .:omfe.rt and luxury. free of duty,
and meet of them would be `• loyal."
Lord STA .t.El has always bees known as
the dull member of the family and so was
neuybt to be gond enough tor Canada :sod.
a troth, he te, while our people are satisfied
with imperial connection : but he may rest
assured that when the irresponsible repre
n tatives of the ('rows become partisans
he day of our relief from such inflictions
wt he near at hand.
fir Lvr•tth delivered himself at Hamel-
n in what may be termed the speech of
hte tour, while it was adorned by polish
d had in it some good wholesome politi-
1 doctrine it fell short of whas we all
know to bare been him duty to be country
That the Canadian farmer must be prosper
ons before any prosperity can his the lot
our country at Isrge u self evident, and
feel very ere that the Liberal leader kno
the diereses and i. quite aware of the oily
pernanet remedy. let he oonte.15 him-
self with delivering old and stale platitudes
and fondly imavines that he is going to suc-
ceed thereby
Let us suppose him successful at the
forthcoming general el.ct,or What can he
do beyond reducing the expenditure a trifle
pehaps, and reducing the import duties on
• few goods in all of which be would have
our heartiest support('lei he giv- our
farmers the freedom of the American mar-
ket and the profits there'rcas' If not, then
we feed bound to ay that his talk about
British Free Trrde and the adoption of
such by use country is ass tinkling -cymbal
and is unworthy of him.
Revenue we must have, and to obtain
11 duties must be levied oe imports or
else we will hew. to orr•siae • staff of
Federal tax collectors, and while that may
be (mend in the abstract no such system can
be successfully applied in Canada by any
Ouveromeot that desires to lire, tad least
of .11 would it ba tolerated in Mfr. I.at
Rine. own Province where the debt is
about thin, eight millions of dollars, and
the prospect of repudiation staring the
foreign creditors is the foes at as early
lost issigues the Federal target/weer
visiting the boner of the poor habitant and
demanding that whieh he does not possess
nor sever oan pommies while his potatoes,
hay, poultry, eggs, lamb., oats, pulpwood
and ether marls prodwote are Mut oat from
the only paying market That Mr Lir
cotta bas faith that he can euro the ills and
evils from which eon from are sefyarins
short of mien with the Steam we do set
believe, for we know hist to be • highly
intelligent. wan. He comet, therefore,
escape from either performing hie fall duty
to ha distrsm ed htlew netisese by proclaim-
ing the truth, or beaming • laggard is the
race for the ems•seipatien of our hand.
Twelve of the members of Marsha leaned
No 103, R. T. of T., attended the district
Conseil of Huron held at Vara., Tuesday
Why bay your somas leaehisss frena
steamers •t teatime atom, when you sae
ggostt tbe bent as.factured from G W
I�ieulsen mfee IIM.00.
Monday .meanie net the pregpashes
eosins perm at Mrs. D. wDeenldS bents
was • plashed (Meri.g and high* wssser
fiti every particular.
M. Niehsien, the We.t..a Saurian*,
the miel re
splashy ( administerenateral tenth
d tree 9
fon the painless eztreetiss of teeth.
Mies Nellie Mekes.im, el (leeertek, Ins.
dared sus of Mr. t 1w.rlsr'e favourite wise`
Pa, Coe his Wa v.rT ee�b*
at the c
ser+ hell is Jams. eves-
resiesge t:5 bees eibenees tl.w ed
ve a
weary �risenng IsR M a Mkt ..chaneed is the
Tenspenimee Se& Me F. Mir . Mee
Ilandhip. AR nee wakens M thus ment-
1'alfr Var...ram.mignee1 tar Ae.due of
ifs .rn-L
tyres ear ora eeretsllswdeat.
Our mail starrier via Leskinen to(lsdert.b
we presume owing to the recent storm itdled
so immoral with regular trips, 1. ass-
s.queuer a which we were shut m lee to
owumuuu.tiea from the outside csrmee-
poedesos et h•irpwup throughout the
world. It le to be hoped that it will he •
I...r naso fro • reptitiou ul the saute
should take pion
Lae -ruse. A hut ly large mama
turned eat last Meda, night tho gk the
weather was au acid, to hear the seemed
lecture a Om *muse under the attnpioes
of the Kpwurth Lemper. 1t was gives by
for pastor of the church, Rey. 1).
entitled '• Talmage, his hie and labors"
It was bsteneely interestug, prtha0ile clad
hunionw., and very much enjoyed. Rev.
Mr Kerrie awrteoualy and pleasingly. .or-
furnted the duties of cbairutaa, and the
choir discoursed, as th y .Mays do, good
On Sabbath, the 22nd, eeriness wilt be
preached for the &Sabbath Scheel in oos-
uection with the Methodist .•tturek hen. by
the Rev. A. Fear, of the Nile circuit, both
morning and evening at the nasal time of
services. On Monday evening 23ri1, as ia-
tereatir; and attractive rot.Raingent
music, remtatioss, etc, etc., under the
auspice. of the Sabbath school •ed
which is commonly known as the Sabbath
School Anniversary, will be held in the
church, when short addresses will he given
by resident clergymen. .t good time is an-
Oh Thursday of last utak the annual
meeting of :be Ashfield and West 11swa•
nosh Agricultural Society was held here,
president Jobu Mclean in the cher. Mo-
nte. of last meeting were read and adopted.
Treasurers and auditor ■ reports which
showed bassos of $177.00 to 11123 were d-
owel. John Mclean and T. Anderson,
the retiring president and vi,.. were re
aper: r.uly re electel. Messrs. N m. Bailey
and J. A. diallo.gh were appointed direc-
t..., in lieu of Ileuses. I. H. Malluuggh
and N m. Kilpatrick, who resigned for
secretary aid treasurer y.CO ble era \t.
McArthur and J. M. Robert.. From the
foregoing balance of cash on hand as slso.
increase oi members and exhibits at the
last Agricultural Show. It will he aces that
the society- is steadily pr.gre.ehg. Ow -
ing to the iscimetey of live weather the
ettendan('e was not ao :viae as it might have
fhe municipal council 01 West Wawa.,
ceh, in complia.c. with the municipal
statute, met in the town hall of Monday,
Reeve, A. Stewart, in the chair, Deputy
Reeve, .las. Gibson, oxxup.el the chair of
the ex -Deputy, J. }lowers, and T. i)ursin
re,un.r d the seat at the 'we'd vacated by
the present deputy who has been elevated e
step harbor, of course Messrs. Todd and
Medd occupy their former positions with an
increased confidence of the ratepayers as
was evinced by the iucxeuse of voles in
their favor. .1fter the usual preliminary
business at the tint uteetunv inch a• install-
ing the members of the council, etc.. the
following officials our 1893 were daly ap-
pointed : Clerk, R K Mailer ; Treasurer,
J. G. Weed: Aassswr, W. A. Wilson :
collector, A. 1). Cameros : auditors of ac-
counts, .lobs Webster, J. B. Weatherly/ad.
all of whom have been re -appointed by na-
•.ienous consent of the coummil. Parti-
culars of meeting may be seen in the pal-
lication of minutes.
Delayed by tie Owe= last week.
I'oser,.et,. The lecture. as intimated in
last week's issue of Tax Sic NAL, owing to
very stormy weather and bad travelling to
consequence, was postponed ental Monday
evening, 26th.
Coot, Cao,-,, 1893. If there be anything
to the old adage, "steady winter, deep
snow, etc., good crops and beautiful har-
vest.- we may anticipate such the ensuing
harvest of '93. So mote it be.
STOEN.STAY.i. (loving te the drifted
u.,1 impassable 000ditioo of the road for
travelling, in consequence of the severe
storm of snow, wind, etc.. the venerable
popular carrier of Her Majesty's snail did
cot put in appesrasoe here on Monday.
l)rf.tAysleoN Remelts:. We hare been
informed that our popular taker, 8. Roche,
has recently purchased none property in our
village from John Hrydges and in coos-
yuenoe of which we pregame, he intends
resting under bit vine and fig tree. More
success to him.
K••os. Is the last issue of Tut sicv•t.
you were made to .tate that maionty for
deputy•reeve, .1. Gibson was 153, which
number was received by telegram aid Is not
the correct number, the ofiscia) statement
being No. of votes polled for Gibson 306, for
Badley 162, majority therefore for Gibson is
143. T. Todd's votes polled being 346 in-
stead of 360, the remainder pert of state-
ment is correct.
V. S. (AIMING. - We have beam informed
that a Mr. Medd, who has recently ob.
tained • diploma for the practice of V. S.,
u in the near future to locate at Dungannon
when he unmade to take care of the fanners'
horses etc. of this neighborhood. (We wish
him *access. it beim as excellent opening
for • good V. S.) Ile is, we understand, •
son of councillor R. Medd, of West Wawa,
nosh, and is highly oomaseoded.
Ola Tom INi»Trs- -Winter for some
ti..e pint sad in its present ph..e vividly
reeds& me el the seven Winton awa) heck
in the forties and fifteen-- snow drift., frost,
etc., in galore. We presume the weather
who some time ago predicted •
mi Winter for '99 and '93 would do well
to take • back seat, sad now is busily en-
gaged a getting his •p•i•gy ready as be
promised he would in the .vest of bis
weather prediction as to this winter proving
11.xrtiaeLr. Lir Kat•rio•., ()t Thursday
of last week Geo Methene and family mov-
ed ate the residence lately nocupied by
.toe. Mothers Mr. G. having meld cis re-
wdo i)asgannos vatlte to Mr. 8. for •
hand.ase sum, and lsea.d the premien 6.-
Ieatisg to). 8. for the term of 6.. mum
J Q at the same time removed inte the
premises idich he recently porob.ed. We
wish both 711 them the bast of enema We
tender • hearty weloome to all who intend
to bemuse charmss of oar Mrivlag v;llig..
leariuso. -011 Friday evening of last
week the mewb.rs et Haven Lads No.
3M, A. 0. U. W., held • msalieg, ata at
which the wfollsering
reepgentlemen were duly
igeteleeti otdlese der 1
M. W., Wm. Gray: lemmas, A. 3 Mad-
urese reorder, (1. W. lna
& J. Yam ehlis ; ineier,
iff : receiver, & Se tbers ; adds.
D. Sproule • overseer, Ona Tbttds ; W-
eide watek.D.O. Blekl.: ea..id. wabh. Was.
Rye: who seat of M- sipremed himself
utero a wall the wickets mid phases"
I be derived at teak listened
Ms order, mad lidlietersed till semtaestiniawgularar
eteet5L via., WM Jammery.
Seem (b'.. At the enssi emmt� es)
Deposers Agri.sad it P. ~ons les
hid es Mesd y the 94, the old dbuiebarstion
were raapeektw f.. 11103 elf Me snap.
M !' wee aappdsod wy.. as
rlIAsr MOW Q'�brad.toeses I
11 le eakidagerrey Se the U.y te he able M
Mite that the &asses M the pact twos
i• raced shape. se starch es, Shat a ia�s
41.0.at we Beeler+ the estaeb page*
wooer be gives le these who have es seer -
venally end wwsds1 earned es the
este te . � sm
beaetitul and ..
aseemary ase•=
mudatloa tor airmail/mat. eta, ere., pur
Vim -ruse - Idem Agge Lindsay, of tate
Soppy y.Binge, north el her., chinas teat
weak was visiting T. A.der.on and family,
of Aelnald, aad is the enmity of the pro-
gressive village of Demgas.e.. We rider
mead Use yo.sg lady ejeyed bereelf wt•
away. Q..ry--Why sM, is wash seas-
ppe•aay t.. . Atex. Stirling with he detaa)Ier,
Miss Klizabetb,of Colborne towwuhip, layer-
ed your humble oornsepo.d5.t wit► • friesd-
ly visit dorms last week. We were pleased
to see 1best look .o well and healthy,
will welcome them whoa they can rose
their visit Mr S Is one of the successful
sod industrious yeomen of Colborne, sub
whom your oorreepon.i..t had at
o wl agreeable aaviai•n'soe for upwards of
tnuty five years may it further matinee.
From our ows correspondent.
(`Herm+ Nerve • -dlsrvioes were held in
the Presbyterian Charsh Sunday evening
but did .ot use • large turn out Owing to
the roughness of the weather. The Rev
Mr. Feathers, of Ihtsg•anon, preaobed an
impressive sermon from John 1329
Strange to sete dunes' a period of thirteen
years this is only use third time divine
venison has been held ie the evening of a
Sunda) Revd Ur. Leech, then pastor
of the Presbyterian church, Duugasa.e,
was ,ne of the .01.1. ors •ud Rev. Mr
Hurd as the other pastor. Ibets ea the
Me .60.i11111 circuit of Collewee. These two
ser tsars were held in 1880. Of the colon
in ; ' • hurch choir thes,esly three nen pre-
sent .Lan talc.
Delayed by the storms.
11.e. 'etag,;le W1ne who etas bre. in Michi-
gan for some years is visaing among re-
lative@ and (reads hero.
Miss Annie Chisholm, formerly of Salt
ford, but now of Montreal, who is up here
serving (rued, and relatives about S•Itfa^d
and Goderich was the gut of Bier mesh.
the Mamas. Chisholm this week.
O, • LAP, -M lima we notice the meg-
rem of our I.e.burn boys abroad, and in •
copy of a County Review of ('ass and ('lay
counties, Dakota, which gives • short, his-
torical, descriptive and ooeimercial review,
with mention of some of the chief hashers
ase. we notice • familur name, at one tis
a resident hero. Wrsouof Peter
Stuart. formerly teacher ofour school, and
previous to that, when at the high
(:oderich. one of its eadtny student's. eu.i
as taking • part In some ot the debates rot-
ten up with the students then. Sine he
went out to Ken, Dakota, be has entered
the list as nose of the general merchants, be-
ing quite successful. His courteous, genial
meaner is .till with him and be in ever ready
ea when here to promote all matters for Ilse
psbbe good. Resides other business duties
be 10da the poet of town clerk of Krie, in
which he gives general satisfaction
A large circle of friends here will be 1)ten•te
to Mar that be has at Iasi suocutobed to
Hym.e's charm@ and was a few days ago en -
tared on id" bssedict • forces of Dakota.
Limbers .ztasds it. ocegratul•tioo..
The LO.G.T. 213, herd it. mesa supper
oe the 5th last, which marked its seven
teenth year in its workings as a bodge here.
the progrea of years seeing many changes
in the faces of those that have been Inked
in its membership, and who are scattered
in many parts of the Dominion and in the
United Meuse The pate S. Yates organised
it and H..1 Horton was ata first W C. T.,
and at present be rend.. in (:oderieb. i).
('ramming was its first L n., which post be
held for nearly sixteen years, the present L
D., S. B. Williams, succeeding him cm his
re+iroation to May, 1892 Among its list
of Chief Templar@ four ladies have ably filled
the office. Two of them have undertaken
other duties in this life which removed them
to other infueemce. but Bull 6.d them strong
adherents to the cense of temperance. The
lodge entertained the Port Albert lodge, the
ta.mbersbip of which was • large party .n -
der the charge of Kron. Brows, F. Hades
and A. t:ordou, L 1). Also Biro,
lawra.ge, the able D. S. of No. 24, 1.0.0.
T., was present and during the evening gave
a pleasing address, referring to hie cocoa -
nee with the lodge hen and the building cf
in hall here after tbe fire in 1878, within a
year a small membership had built • hell
and were out of debt. Though not • sup-
porter of Women's Rirbte he believed he
would give them suffag. on prohibition, and
it would he tarried without fail. The
gums ..d members enjoyed • sumptuous
repast. The Program after supper oousut-
ieg of Bongo and recitations from guests and
the members win heartily enjoyed. At the
close of the meeting .:star A. Barrows as
behalf of the Port Alpert lodge thanked tbe
home lodge for their kiedeess.nd said that
to all the gathering was se pioneasely passed
in social intercourse, with the program,
would ever to all be • happy imprembo al
the sunny past. The ch•irmae Bro. Lie,
Edd, replied op behalf of the lodge .nd the
mestug closed is siagIsg the everting hymn
.ad the hessdictioa from Bre Lawson.
Through illn.ss several members and former
owes were usable to attend. The active
membership for the i nnsiwg year is not largo
bet it is hoped sees to add more to ifs sem •
ber. The lodge's financial sesadiag is good
sad on that moonlit the quarterly rates to
is support ham been lower s so fine
coming will find than • bertha to pay when
From our own narn55o.d.at.
Meow and cold weather •re very piatifwl
jest. caw.
Ate pse..oe oessert is waken el, to be
bald in the car future.
The oouseil of 1893 held i1. first .seetisg
on Monday of thin week.
A. Peaskaker, (*miserly of 1►ie pies,
vest Ida Christmasholidays with trends
(:fob test' bees
.omsty also • Football
our puMie ..bent gna is egeneotige mite
The Methodist oheir of this p1aes will
take part h the opening of • new Manch on
the 16th em of Grey, .at 8abasti.
J. A. Pease, wise has bees agent lar the
Ost rho Mutual ler the Inst few years, Ma
aeeepted • general wear ler the eases Co.
end will iwonmve to Mt. Fermi Is • low /aye
Mr. Y .sd Wady trill he wash mimed
M al.eii ep..
The C. O. F. el this village hated gi.isg
p.� aefs.ert Is Grey township bait en
Fel id, at whisk the Mids.risg are ez-
poeW te h. premise Mr. M..r., sneak
singer el Harriers ; Mr. Me9wonC. O.I.
.eg,sks, d W isereege : Pat. Haerkles,
hel..idw lead �i lawsea el waive,
are .e
tst nsmhew stMeld inie\ 7'h.
et mea seam Ie Its res were hely
est drawl Is mini Mon,
whidisma awasis. gl mica lr1. i
U... ilia
At Walkerton as Friday, 0140 per 1M
As. was pied der perk.
As high lee MO per cwt. has 6... paid
for pork um Nwteri Way.
A besioli of the lmpertrl Federating
Lague has been formed at Wisdom.
Haeme eteaWtg i..a.emfartakly preva)at
.s the .eiglihosrhood of Newcastle, flat.
The Lady Stanley L.etit.M for Teamed
Names is threw• is i. • Ienrleaug state.
A scheme has boon eat en foot ler the
.auction el • $10,000 beepiw in Wood
. 1550.
Fifty -5t: Ma.tlub• orders .Needed the
St. Peal corli.g boaepiel which *posed
Mari.. mea are circular g • epactal
petition against the removal from Forests)
of the observatory.
The a.asel ropes ed the oust of p01..
d BellevilleMows that there were 813 ler
rust. during 111111 .ad 3211 osnvicttooe.
Over ton tke.wad o/ *lemon is the any
of Mustiest have bees disqualified from
veti%g by e1-•poymut of this water tax.
B.6'slo detectiveesterday arrested
Themes Desai. for steal' • rld watch
from Timothy Kinsey, of Tara Goads
le is a..oa.oed that Headter is to be
divided and will, atter neat Bacter, have
two members of the previa:MI Legislature.
George Follicle. • ship carpenter, ha. bees
hustled out of Red to by the indefatigable
D.H.rry Follick is a 110..vil'.. I)nt.
During the lam quart., of L*P: the tree
+upon. of fish from Canada to B effelo
amounted to 2.1711,114 pounds, valued at
The Ohio opal syndicate paid the G.T. K.
91110,000 for the two Barth• ferries, which
are to be run het ween Cleveland mad Port
The transactions at the Mammal clear
t -house amounted in low to =5(0,043,.
(100, as tiomliared with $5I4,007,0110 for the
previous year.
Chariot +Mmot, as inspector of Wberise,
was arrested at Morraburg, Ont., on 00.0
plaint of • constable, charged with cum•
pounding a felesy.
Matheson's hotel, flleoeiburg, knows si
the Dominion Howes, was destroyed by fire.
The guru had barely tune to ".cape Is
their night apparel
Right carlauls of horse.: ranged urs the
nachos of Alberta, N. 11.T., were shipped
from Lindon last week fon the old ore:tor .
Tbs. is a new experiment.
The town round has Offered exemption
from taxation and fns water to the f ana-
Jtan Windmill Company if that coheirs
loll locate in Woodstock.
Mr. Peter Mitchell, who bas refereed to
Montr.el from New Brunswick. states that
as wearer fishing through the ice w tb.
Mirassicki is eseeptioa•Ily esenin 155
There it an we -bridge over the Chau -
dike, • (armistice that has not bees seen
once ISS- The thermometer .t the Falls
on Tuesday night was 3: degrees below
The new electric road between Port
Arthur and Fort William will be in full
roaming order next week. The Port .trttbar
council had • tidal popover the road Satyr
Crowds of people are ,1 -snag the Sn
Clair aver, between Sarna and Port Hares
every day. Tice neer has not beeu frown
over so early in January fon many years
At Lo.dnn Winter Assizes the grand dory
brought in a true boll against Wilson sad
Berke for tM murder of Detoctire Pkair.
Their'rial was po.tpo.ed fill the 8pri.g
The Berlin and *5 aterio. Street Railway
Comp..y have decided to pot in as eisstric
system, which. it addition to rm.ning their
street ear., would'apply tight, power and
heat to the tows.
The eighth enamel steeti.g of the Hamel
too Young Liberal flab was held lain Tues-
day, when Wilfrid Louver, who was the
principal speaker, sated that the Liberals
were in favor of fres trade.
.4 by-law to raise shop Bosssm for the
sale ..f tgaorfrom two hundred to use thou-
sand dollars was earned in Downtime Me,
Ont., by a vote of three hesdred and fifty
for to one hundred and thirty three against.
.5 deputation of Toronto citizens waited
on Mr. C. H. Tipper Il%sister d Mari..
and Fisheries, and urged
repos lam that so
transfer should sake place of the Observa-
tory staff from Toronto to Ottawa. The
Minister held rat so hope that the views of
the deputeuon Mould be given effect to.
1t is reported that the Dosushon Govern -
mem has decided to aba.doa the policy of
ag wises Amerman porta in
the ti•.w d ..mai meg the l -undue
meals. The lio.er.ment oisidly en
n wn•d hist J. tint dieerimisatiee
would cease with tits seem. and, elm use,
Me erder•da.aasallil eider which it was en
fereed expired Me Me Mise M navigates -
The 'stigmata who MA Derma. ports
for the United Mame in IMF numbered
1)1. recent oases of cholera in Hamburg
are ascribed to the drinking of water from
the Fabe river.
Ten of tbe Geruegie strikers were Mead
guilty at PItt burg, Pa., of rooting, and two
of unlawfully assembling.
The Pope Ism established • peremsest
Apostolic deleg•tioe in the United !hates,
and that Mgr. S•telli is the first delegate
Two ick sailors from the Spanish
steamer Mercian arrived at Hamburg front
New Orleans are deelered te have the
A heavy enowstorse swept over Ragland
Sunday. Five men were drowse) e/
Uartemo.tk, and easy miser oaenalti.s
me reported.
According to Wait masers lh..seiudoe
indeed le M whom Mend le
who has lost hie eppe the dwd Ay
flesh and .stmt be bs M a rapid (1m.
Mas ;brit
Firs bre& 1141 ther II el
ma h nano
Sit Need. oho Mergo
see pelmet Misled stet ma •• •00. Om%
as.asgsr► S.P.ha w lasn*Oa R 111
�A� ■g.Jil
!� ILLIAMs• vtea
enema and Did), bens isboxiNki mem,
should Mims Mese 1 bq a� rewire
lest tmmsl.e, kiNh pbmisal and stsNeL
aillisted with e weaknesses ee
sae gash thUse meat
down as weak beak tuppreesioa�aMm.mens, ate.,13
lad Mheess,On as R
abash/ take thews PWa. They .aitch the bro*
swill irigMalan
k ilii Is the ahaMn end caw
�l Themaa
trade mark or w111 Mages by melt pen re,
ole resets or prtaeNeants • bes art ter
teroekvlile. (W.. or Monielow.,
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever ea•
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cat Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Cat newer. drempffar-
ham Ifo Ce s.Jls.
Cat P1W, 10e. i lb ding, 10e.
i 1 Pig, tor.
Universally acknowledged
to be superior in every res-
pect to any other brands in
the market. Always reli-
able, as has been fully dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually sad
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding an
increased competition of ov-
er One Hundred ani Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are not
cheap Ogler manufacturers.
Largest and Highest (bade Cigar
Manufacturers in Canada.
u -a
es rremee.t a arum, s mace, are maamg
desperate efforts to fore* bin to reign over
the Panama sca.aal• t'..,
Masked burglars mimed Arm Deleon
booms early Saturday m.rsiag. Alter a
brisk .100. 3. of .haft frees revolvers.
oaeers wrested two men cm e.•pieias.
A mob el .ser IOa armed tags Weer
day sftsreses at (.ls'..s, Meade .gash.
K.st.eky, hewed two .agrees to • Sag
pale it frost .f the postetar*. The neves@
fad sesirdersd • farmer
A ee.Mse of the lithographers el (Uwe
Mad, Chicago, Detroit, Balla. and Resbee
ter have bees hrsed. TM sass r Ire
erpsia.tion le the "ue►airspher.e A1/00/1 -
ties .f the lake l Maier.
Within •slow eye ermP0Y.t
M.grt. is Iasi city Sow w.r1Y �tM�
�,.,, t.r pr.brud a
la la repartai Godes Asa 11r. OW-
bi..k a Plhi styesee ter 111/41.114.
Mos_srto "AY* Mc Wri.bws
NM ib. Usislials by rayeslksab. Ads Ili
Mike the bleb to w le
e weld be *eweb a nets-
rittisg $ Item l This Miaii t
amble the bleb' Now te pees Meal Ater,
,s1bPlii!ghgrilrse4 sod IOW"