HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-19, Page 1r - win MINN MIIMMNIME THE SIGNAL TSE NEST. Mearniest (stew --Olin Ara Dalian • Tisa, >aN Abremse. THS izawamirca. warviraup. HURON OOtTNT'Yr VOL. RL V. No. 2396. GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1893. D. McGILLICUDDY, PRorR IMIEWADVERTISEMENTSTIIMWEEK I 't BRINGING IN Mater Satre V. J. Prattles nigh THE SHEAVES." Oriel Phobic R k Selows. 8 PIM far tial. H. Morrison .. 8 i OMslamers' Cordage , Co. -A. McKim Oonolufllon ofthe Oroflflley and • Co. 3 Hunter lMeetinglfl lurvaat Wetted Mn Lindsay. .. . 8 I' Ilene demi g .od t :moral Mlachsmithlag Thos. Warner 8 I NEARLY Carnegie and Blackamathiag--.1. A. Walker b Vel list Mrs. U.org. Perks,. 8 Low• ila's Trxeeatantice Opera Haw 8 Yumanro_ -W. Smite 8 BORN. ItMlyH-laINIS*, as the Rat of Jae . left the wife et Wee LtunUt. o: • sea. MARRIED. MAWEISS-et TRONO-At i. rekissoe of Mr. Kees. Htackt-.i., m the Ilth test.. by • the k v. K a Torr.•ca, Mr Therm t. Hankie.. he hiss l7srsllae *Rog. all of ltt:Hk11LN-MoCLUSYYT- la Gamisetows- amp, Thuredyr. Jan. is. at the news. o., of the timber of the h -i fe. by the her. Or. tire. James Mennen to l*ato:la. ...tat macaw ut Jw.pi Mcl'auekey. DIED. ItU$u--1■ Delaware. on hued,. Jen. long the daughter of I.00sid Muss timelenta..ert 1 •nista.. t&kKb:r -In Stapp•rd.ut., on Tsewd.T. Jen. 17u•i, I:Ac., Para N . t,l era, •a.. >n )env.. 7'n,w,bmid 17 days. TLe rostral wUt take plate (rem thee rani., deem um I.ie tailor at els. ptvr•11ea. w, Veto.). Jas veil.- It71. an 1 •'clerk r M . to t'.wbsree .re.eitr). 'Thad. stud •cquaselaaoee wLs 0.e.t•e amity' this intiaatien. MAYFIELD. Delayed b) la.t seems'. .aero,. J. Gad sad drugut" have Lew eroding Meads at Luro.l u. Ed seed Rogtledge of 9t. Thorium, was home for New Year a lw.id.y. SA sumhrr of )bees fulls beer c.oderich es jo3 d • sleigh ride and attended the CYO - COM School has coop n.nl. Mr Basan sad Mu. 1'.Ktetlieid are the new teachers u charge. Mn. lk. Wright sari child, of Tottenham. have been vinitiag her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jowett. John sad George Stenbury 1.. a returned to Tor..oto after .poodles a plesrrnt .sea boa at home. John toes has merited from • very g- met'a• visit to tripods et i.oadco, :cairn ..d other placer John Newts awl Job. K. Merges have hem Furrier a wonderfully pleasant Hese at Thdferd and viciuity. Oa Mandey messes, Jan. and. Mien illy iRiNt .stsrwntsi • breis sanber .f bar kiwi le a daeei.g party. Mmes. John Morgan, Joh. Femmes sod sea Whiddcs ware Mooted school truism • Wednesday, Jan 4th, for 1863. Res. Mt. Granas, of Stratford. has oe.eu vied $t.Aadrew's pulpit the pest two Sun- aeiliensed large co grepiioas with idsenomil.ee diseeiresa CAasivAL.-Te int fancy dress oaruiv . al of the erases mune oil oO Tuesday eve aiag, Jam. 3rd, and was :•rgely attended. The proles were au at Jed as follows . Lady's faacyr, Nell King : *pat's tatty, U. Harri- son ; boy's comic, Johu t :allath.r ; boy's rasp, Fred Edson : obstacle moth N. Came tea wane To KNow. His many friend. are making anxious inquiry se to the where- abouts of Amber Fowlie, est that be has eloped or dts.pyresred under a Mead of mime Wry to as, for he is well knows as an up- rieht honorable young men, but it ie feared that a certain young lady of Odericlt has made • very deep impression on his heart. Ragjege • premiter Asdrew aid twiny the bird home to your cage. Tea Cowceer-lieu•liy, donor the Win- ter seams here, the amoems•nt lotus People be.. no dearth of entartainmeat, . = trees, he Tbis err.a there has bead little' of the kind going ma On Thursday evening, Jan. bah, ono of the meet intelli- gent sed orderly andie.ces ever assembled in tie town hall was pelmet when a char- ity c.mcel t that had been geetes up by the voosg people of the village was provided. the program was opened by a dealt by A. kiwis aged Mist Lily Morggan, bola of whose an well meow. to Rayfield .edhmose. John Simsbury reed in capital style s ire melee ties from that Illustrious post Teeny -ass, sad with his ester Flossie taw • sosg is fine vire. Master Robbi.limtttie, of Mi- tes. passed e11 by rsgdeg ems d hi. fame • its Boa.'. The mat Sart el the %we - gram, elegise tad asstemen, was ar- ranged to represent ye paten flees, and was � mid attractive. The Aerostat of grandither was very well awsed by Harry Ries, sod theft of greed• mother was well taken hy Ma. &ai. Brwi.. All took their various parts in fine syn and it woeld be herd to paricalarize. ElliottMim tt .s Al.. y. Th. gper thek hy A. Keens, AIB= Femmes. Mase MottMary and Maggie Beattie, Li=e 1Ige.rt, Angle Erwin and Hilda Morhew were well rendered se were .be the Arca by the fell Mompasy. 111Ms Mosrfaum ~- pried mid delighted all with • el whistodor iest awhich showed her M M an adopt whistler. Miss Wilde M..A.sw was astir* is Ger .tent. in mmaag#mg *he whole pp Joanna.. seri dw.erwa meek Spcawta for the same= el the ecneert Jehm glsmiuey performed the duty d Winne ha a amen eati.frdsry amrr. Thatessipb wee W76. After owning expense Ise ad- wrMmisg e*e , • bahra r 101.48 rmasb-f Whisk was used to provide nessmmjLs Ist a dpurriag femay. A ham hese shoed M the .a ilemisei .1 Shasimedeeeth that attsMeet elm be .II. by UM DM'1 i• dsmsgwi �y L the emi�i Irsa.n.mt. 11e ems i h while* the *thee is eery dsmis.em.. t4 Sas wait the right Weebeeent yes nee t eh my Mahal t nimtt a� Oren M.W. 360 HAVE ACCEPTED. 1M dinar Beeuan la awn tlorok-r•Ity 1.1119 Pereess lereecat et tale (leets. steect.es-An Iespew.Nvt dervlre- 1be TentMeeny el the Laval (imsyeses 4e1a.M5 Leave-Takl.g by rte swan - warm •• Farewell r THERE WAS A GREAT AUDIENCE in Kunx churak on Werlue.d.y even - lag last week to witness the farewell ozonic• 10 COOOret WU with the I7ruesley .sea Hunter revival servlc.n which were, brought to a clow on that recants. The Rudy of the obuieh was crowded to the .1..l ., sod many oucupsd chairs in the aides, whilst 11.e galleries were well filled with interested sp eustoes. The meeting upruel with prayer by Rev. J. Y Hunter, oM. of the revivalists, which was followed by the large wogregattoa sing- ing. " There s Rest for the Weary." Then Rev. J. K. Howell, of North -N. Methodist church, lad in prayer, after which Rev. H. T Crossley, the singu.g es angedut, *eve re • solo, and with marvellous power, '• Peace, he Still " Rey. J. A. Anderson, pastor of Knox church, drew attention to the fact that it was expected that a thank offering would be given on the ecomeoa to aid in defraying the exposes. of tie wretings. For twenty - five !Yeats.' the evatgei,e.0 hal labored teithfully and well. arid the result Lad been • goodly lacrosse to tail church n.ember. . hip of the tows. They bad rade no charge for ,.heir a.rvioue, but se opportunity was afforded all who desired to help along the work to uontrib.te through the medium of the '• Tbeek Offering ' eaveiopes whim► by.l been placed in circulation. Hyman - " Shall We Meet is Heaven •.. Rev. J K. Howell •asounced that el - though Messrs. Crossley sad Hueter were leavieg, the es.etinp would not be allowed to drop, had •aid it was the toteouon of U.. n.•aagsmeest t. carry them ou for •t lest the next ten days in Victoria -.t. church. ,' Although our dear breakers, Crossley and Hunter, are leaving ea .cid going to another sphere of labor," said the rev. gonthemar,, .. Jew is Mill with us to carryon the work." And " Praise the Lord '" •cad " Ames '" soe.de] on every tide. Continuing Mr. Howell au•seneed that • reception of converts would be held in Northet church on Sunday, and is tie ebeasse or iter. Mr Torr.wr, made • nirb- ler announcement In reference to Victoria - at. church. K....1. A. Anderson said that it wee the intention prfsss1Jy to opera • Dass for re- ligious instruction is oosa.ctios with Knox church, hat he wen se prepared to Nate when the reception of ceuverts would take piece. Rev. Mr. Hester then took charge of the meeting, had in bis own peculiar manner kept things moving. Hu seat addresses of introduction, expla..tiee said exhortau..n were brief, warn heel enthusiastic, and he made hie marked individuality and inmost - Mit strongly felt by the large assemblage. list the country side on fire, said be. ed hie vies rang out like • bugle call. You formerly attended demise school tied hrneyht the members to It from miles around : be as earnest now as you were thea, .rad bring other with you to join is the means of grace which yon ha.e just fated. We now coca to the clow of this iateresti.g series of meeting. They have bees anise, isdee,onuastiosal and for .11 creeds. You who have been converted .11y yourselves with the church of your choice the one whale you believe you can get the most geed and do the beat work for the Master. Creeds and doctrine. may differ. bat the see heaves remains for a11. Deni Walt of heaven like the men who saw in Id. dream • small teem 1. harveo, and asked tor whom it was designed. re- ceiving in answer that it was for tie me theta, but they were semisg by water and heel not yet arrived. (Laughter 1 Ner should it be th.sgbt of i• the light of the ream which, is r.p&y teaeery, was wv be be •yed lar MNbodua who were Mill outside as a six meet\'s prebatioe (Renewed laughter.) Them should be .e d1f ansae in mien b. - lief or with regard to method.. Wh mea h., we all here ditersM •Math ; Brother 1::=2 and 1 differ. tied serer repeats ha and it is god thea sash a the cape. Yee will hear mess chi..' about your =41117114 resehrra, and moan things about crass.• Ii.ts, M1 tlw'1 let that 1at.emn.y..i fuse up the seen who 5•7 the mess Odium,and Yes will .mom inm6m eyear Mod of the ealria W. have Imes before the peo- ple yam, sad didn't cause to lidsricb ler • Weather. W. had obeisant haloes we earn bora Dat they would be add the evangelists nada rash .it .f Wee nest, lege Well. Mnight emthat be had set MOD to his these in the bank, bet hews r(W is the bleeder fresm the hem* of thousands of people M whom he had been the lestr.e...t .f .end Secretary Arent:en gem • report of the program .1 the . °i'sp which sheered that ever 300 ammos had ane Mims of teem who bad ceetes.ed CRAM and Rim er eri- Mei. *neat d e =die great, from Wham AuMUM ismiegwagRae� A4 We stage M was •ae.sew1 that ire (kemby woad eine hi. lest sees Mt (iees- risb, .d awe were =ski d .eeyes a pat 8..m and Wished Wiwi peso, heart .ed I e1 that 011e yea. " Cts=s lin way. A bash e.w sa=e weer the ..mea ea ..tegsrn Haase rend . ean.ier .f m fsalsl restio . ger prayer • lather eel .f Dein t pre Imam aerated 11r IM MA e& se . enrope.eses .w, and men strength for • pesylag father ; from a wife ' H. aid W Christians to keep e. warkiag. TII Ti MM 1 N ii1N i mina he felt assured that the markets of the United states woafd be open to him. Be is pretty close to Mr. Cleveland, 1 judge, hem Amertwn newspapers', and Mr. leve- land L pretty clone to Governor Russell of Maeraehastte, aad Governor limed! the other day seemed to wast the New i ngled market* open to Proem -nil goods. Gover nor Rnme11 may be playing the rob ut 4 manufaotur.r .t publt.• opinion. At any rate, 1 know it to b. • tact that the per- chase has berm made, and .t a figure which would not be warranted unless the market I should be wider 111 every sense than the our open to it under existing couditior. Amerman* should sot underestimate the value of this purchase. The comity of Pico*, in Nova Scotia, would, with • free market in the United Slates, untrival Pitts bur` as a Dual and iron neuter in lees tiesn twenty yearn." whom hasba•d was hot fee from the king - ! does, Ike. 'Ilk ak.r Incisive Loom of the pr aoher io eartteet prayer permeated every Mart of the large widow -stun, and the feel - Peg wee seals layout, ls that the refrain of die layo, ""It t• (food to be Here," Iastinetivelfoie mem m•hearts. The ev.utgelut followed ap 6.e potiI1os fur the unarved by asklug the divine blowing upon the officials of the tows, .ad earseedy praying that day might be induced to do their duty alto% the ham et morality and social parity dunes the en- suing year. The local initialers who had taken part in the Berme were .idled up.ae to espresso their views os the ruse'•• aoco npli. Rev. J. A. Anders.« w.s brat called sport. He .detailed the ateaotstasces under which he hard been led to cooperate in the work. At tint be hod prejudices, tut ac ended the opinion of Ur. (:amaliel in a siM•ar caw. If it was of man it would Dome to naught, and of G.d it would bear trait. As the work had prugremed he ear the beset of heaven la i'. Tbo «ra•geliats had duos • road work -they had toned the Presbyterians up and the Methodists down, (Laughter.' I'ersusatly h. had Imo blessed, and he ilupeu that all that bad taken place watt of God. Rev. J. E. Howell WAS grateful to the Rev. MT. Anderson for 6.. aid and waist .nor He had learned t.. love him as e (stcker. He gave a resume of 16. condi- tions which led to the evangelists being brought to Gotlerioh. The fruits 01 their Wore were apparent, and he hoped to Bee them toe -reset until the whole town and rect.nn would be perme.led. The evmr, gelate were dusty accredited ministers and as such had a good ruputation wherever they went. The union t hat had pree•iled amongst the (b4erich churches had been for good, and he himself bad felt as mach at home in the Presbyterian church and en- v airy meeting as he bad in hie own church. They had been united in hearty effort and hid, aid God bed honored the effort mad the faith. The wpnoathility of caring for the weak and looking after the new co- vert* was one upon the churches, and he prmyed God's betrediction to test upon the pastors and people that they would prove faithful to the trait. Kew. Dr. Ure bad a great deal to cheek God for in sanding t hew brethren here, and for I.l.*.ing their efforts. He had enjoyed the speeches that had been made thus tar, an -1 hoover' that now a sew keel had been reached by the uplifting of the Presbyter: - me and the depressing of the Methodists. He trusted the brotherly love would lung onetime). He coocludml by •eking that God's Winning would orlon:one to rest upon the labors of the dear brethren who hal con- ducted these meeti.gs. Mr. Heater said it bad Seen asked how d:d you two men get together in this work' He was in Manitoba and Brother Crossley we. it Brantford and the Lord brought then together in his own way and .t his own tame. Then it had been asked why are you uniformly ,iocwful ' For ase reason, we try to live tear the Lord. although we are liable to make mistakes. Axa•, said be, in St. Thomas there Is • wife, three beau- tiful little childrea, together with an aged mot ber,prayisg for me, and for the s.coesw of the labor, of tiro. ('n,ssley and myself. All over the land, from Vancouver ea Lha Weft t. Portland, Maine, on the aunt, thousands are praying that we may be successful in our work. Would you like to be one of that company • If so, stand up and *pity by so doing th.t you nil: pray for us. The almost unanimous rising to the feet of nearly 1,200 per*noi tostihed that the words of the evangelist had taken hold of the keartstriage of the people. Rev. Mr. Crowley gave hie farewell ad- dress when the large audience were mot: mon seated. Said he, we have learned to love this people ewer Doming $*0Q5 1 yea, and you will never get out of our hearts. A somber of the choir had been converted, and would henceforward consecrate their voices to God. Everyone who had ex- perienced good should give his powers to the service of the Lord. Lilies should aid the W, C. T. U.: the S. S. and Bible clam should be attended to. Retain the spirit that is mow apparent : mkt- a fresh start : stead by the initiators as they have stood by as ; stand by one another : aid the new convert.: help the stumbling : dee'eapeak disp•rag.ngly of the work done : seek to win other- To the unconverted he would say don't Its satieied with turning oyer • hew leaf. To the indifferent don't wait to be B rowsed, for if this work does ant arouse Tou scribing this sided perdition will do so. o the haltiog, he raid, the Lord says, " Why halt ye between two opinions! ' Make up your mind on ski.. the Wt night, to seek the ford. To new eseverta he said: lie ern.mies. Christians ; Bay, ' 1 ams M. Level's and He is mine," be happy sad don't ler.gthen year farm: don't re M the world for joy, far .l1 the world is a intern is °o.ipurhei..s with the fo0Min of salve, ties. life is Ilke riding a bison- ou have to keep mwieg et )• • go off. Be ennplary. Avoid that mime is evil lying. &eating, swearing, dream- iness. Abain from the appmraeoe of evil -the tl••..•, the witoep, Ike mrd Labia. Ile • Redone °hennas -het like the man no f. Meant Forest who said he had been a Chridlea off and ea 1st • aemher of years. (A ripple of kaoline. ► Take as your tett Isaiah 26.3. " not shalt keep him is perfect pores whose mated is • emel on Thee." Re • ohure6 member -mem etas and woman should get into the ebureb of his or her Aerie. Be • life -fig Chris- tian. A mea in Pieter, was afraid to cram ever the line lest he would •lip and team lei held ea life eternal. Be was asked it he and ha wife had ever W • Tiff, •ted be re- ly the afflrwative, M added, " ..Iwsys made it .p again." I. like m•wer (8rbt would sot fer.abe these tI wham be said. Y. are the beide .ed i am the bridegroom." Never deep betimes this fly amid the day of year death without leafier sneered diet if you were nailed away yes will awake in glory. Bele's my heart mil bent my need To mese you fa that hmve.ly teed. Rev. Mr. Renew dedred M thank the Meir, the and the ..=Hieb! &r the and .ei.tdsti dense them swings We lest., said he.* The reaming{ Wain, and Weald he pima te shake Made with the piane and membma el the ssmlmMMee. Tet w the nurses mks ke care of the Dew convert.. At • fin is New ONTHE BRINK. York • babe was dieouvered at • window up high in the burning 10114- - fei Whim • ladder ut sufficient to reach the window was Amused ate • Aman .pious forward to mount it, it weal The People Are Anxious for aAmman found that the hre and smoke from the awe Chance. er windows were w heavy that It ..nerved c him. Some one said, " hive ham • cheer, ' wad the cheer wen given, sad the gal" t 1 LORD STANLEY IN COMMISSION. fellow mored forward on his perilous tank and succeeded in reaming the babe. Cheer ! the . ouvert. who have to overarm* ditiicul- - TM ties. Put down the day of your oosventon. My ostial d.y is July 29, had I'd give • good , dal to know the date of my spiritual birth. day. A cohered USIA caw converted .ad bad big uana written in the family bible. When be was tempted he must walked into the home, asked to have we bible opened, and pointing to his name cried out " 1'0' see d•t, ole devil ; jut look .t it while 1 go roto dot oder roots too pray." Have the courage to case all difficulties •Uel overcome all obstacles, like the mother who bearing that her son was wounded, passel throurh the lines of pickets until t he reobed the huepital tent, and passing the- nurse pieced a kiss opus the brow of her dying b.,y, who before panning away said, "That's like mother a teach that's like mother', kiwi." There is not enough power iu earth or hell to bar the proems of a faithful C6rutian. lie systematic in giving. Twenty per oast.. of the receipts 04 Bro. Crossley and himself were given to help tae Lord's work along other diose ; and he did n ot say this buestiagly. He had never found a man or woman who systematically gave ten per east to the Lord who ever regretted it. I'd rather. said the speaker, trust God and give ten p"r Deet, than keep my own schedule and hire chances. Never drop • copper on the collection plate silver ie small enough for that purpose. To the careless be would my, don't put off Lha day of solvation If they pat it off now he did not know what would neve them, sod the day of seulemeat would come when the wailing c. Jr, " 111 only bad," would be their portion. 1m conclusion he said, 1 wast you tomorrow to take your family bible and erect a fondly altar to the service of the Lord. Though we may go away, let the work go on, and no matter where we may 6e we will remember you in our prayers. Farewell, faithful friend., we must now bid adieu To those joys and those pleasures we've mated with you : We here laboredtogtec6er, united a heart, Rot now we mut cfrse and soon we taunt pan. Our labors are o'er and we must be gone : We leave you not friendjess to struggle alone Re wntclfol and prsyfnl mind leen will shy, -- Cleave clone to the Saviour, let him lead the way. You have help all sufficient. no Jeans de- pend : lir met this eSvival with this meeting end : iwt casyh mik Ohm neer " Why abou ld this week then 'Tilkaal1l these poet ililstsa Mesa yielded in Farewell, deer young convene, we leave you likewise. And hope w, .hall meat you with ('bre• • is the akar. Who will tun back and their Saviour . ,-ray, Like Judas, the traitor, deny him and die! Farewell, trembling sinner sad time now with you Our haunt silk within us to bid you adieu, Oen coep doom backk or forward may settle your 'Midst the glories of Heaven or eternity'. g Farewell, every hearer, we now torn away No more perbapa to meat 'till the great jedgmeat day : "Though abased in body we're with yes is p And will meet you in Heaven t13.* parting ting C6re. Atter the closing prayer the choir " Shall We Gather at the River gni "God be With tau till We Meet Again." DUNLOP. Tee late for last week. Thir brat new readmit to our burg for 1893 came here to the residence of R'm. Smith eo Friday the sixth sad It is a boy. Two of the tills of Mount Hope House" of Providence, R. C., London, which an- timony sea& eat silvers of its .toff to ask for aid amhosg Catholics in the R. 1'. dio- cese of London were visiting among R. C. families Saturday last getting domstlose d mosey, amid grin and whatever those that they called o0 mold give to be turned to account for the benefit of the poor is their institution at leaden. The work is • moble one and them ladies ably did their duty on Saturday ia mite of the heavy reads and weather, which showed 88.y had forgotten their trials with the reads in Ihid07loh Township the day before. Thar who drove them beim were .lames Foley ad Janes Young. LANES. loupe. W the term or hist week. paries an very .um0reas hawed h. Lpfy. The resent Morns Meshed the side Ilse•. Mr. ad the Maass Kelly, frown Rhk an the gnats of Jobs Hogs. at present. Pete Soott has returned hams after speed - inley week vaitaroundag triads in and around R trial .1ohasou •sd J. Jamia•oe have cash perohae.d • myna eater. We wppeee giving U be dose p a the Imam after � M. Feed, d Debits, tole herrItly live) here, m armed thaw parte aria. W. lime It whispered renal that be is ..4 "deg hash aims 1W time. At the .seal pails school meeting Imre M. Ferries and R. 0. Ines, the IMletmg ttwaMa, were esmimaMt • pell was de - by two ef the rMp•y.n, whish did eel Wee WI 4 Le. the resit being 16.5 M. Movies wee Wend d wit • najerky of 10. ban M,rrtserair•erel atra7Md 1. Sieve 1k C ANN wens. nets stn rhea - Mrlpr'.r/ty In ata the triage. ts $.Loral hobnob be I' -het'. has v.LN.-Bet lb. l*naei flame l'e.tl.e.la1 True WI$Mse ('ent/.en/as me.te.aw/NII t, Vrom a staff correspondent of the N. Y. I r... THREE: RIVERS, 1'. Q., JAN. 10. There are two thing* that force them selves epee the atlentton of even the moat casual reader of Cam elian news papers thew days. The tint is the persis- tent. and vehement mincer in which they deny editorially the ctstesoe of any sen- timent in favor of aniter•tim, and nett the multiplic•ty of dinner engagementa which members of the governmeut emit bent on keeping. And, at these dinners, these men &leek with the comfort of nch office, declare there is anther reason nor desire for a change in the form of government. That u the sole end entire refrain of the song they sing at every festive board. 'Choy ere taking a vast amount of trouble if what they combat is the myth they de- clare it. to be. This u not the massa for pleasure junketing in Canada. The ther- mometer is crouching away in the teens be- neath the zero mark, travel u excessively cheerkw, and few are abroad unless busiaens demands it, The fact apparent end trans- parent is that .he Cabinet us ordered out le duty by the manufacturers, and • good many Liberals .re drummed into line with them. There is • systematic fight for lite on the part of both the federal political officeholder and the manufacturer, who hag grown wealthy on the eieIusiveneb of the market. It is .n organised crusade to crush out a sentiment that has growo too strong to be ignored. Ir RN IAmp STANLEY CALL&I 00T. Eveu the (:o►ereor l:emrel, Lord Stanley, has been drafted into service. He,poor ran, is 001 orating and denying with great Linn. isms that elite is any measure of annexation threatening. Urdinierily governor genotal. are not expected to be more than mere fig- ure beads. They do not speak except at the request of the Prime Minister and hisCoun- ciL This, em, is Stanley's last year and be is not seeking to ingratiate himself in public favor. what has brought him out these &aye of biting cold and sights when stars are steel white in the frosty atmosphere' Why does be make • specie! plea for a ooa- tinuaooe of British .wonectioo' 1e it threat- ened ! He says it is not 404 his Cabinet say it is not. but at the same time they pray with .ztsedieg fervor that "the.piritof un- rest" May pam away. . Unrest," your correspondent learns, is the official and diplomatic lsoguage used when referring to the aspirations of the peo- ple for • future larger in possibilities than se the present. The Governor General re- ferred to it in that term, as well as dui Sir John Tbompon. The only member of tie Cabinet who has steadfastly refused to even admit there is any "unrest.' is Minister of Finance Foster. who is proving by statistics that every mai ie rich and that he would lose social and financial status by joining the Republic of the United Stater Mr. Foster is sot ordinarily it humorist. but hie ad- dressee are Wonderful pro luctions. He juggles figures with the expertness of as Oriental sleight of hand man, and when be sits down is perfe,ttly edified he bas cos - winced hu hearers. Mr. Foster delights to bear himself talk, but hu present perambu- lations are by the special request of the or- ganization of manufacturers who are known throughout the Dominion as the Knight. of the Red Parlor. 11001. ru.T :e 1)51.01. They went the isolation of Canada per- petuated. They put up the money that elect& the members of Parliament, and they feel that for the first time in a quarter of . oentury they are at the brink of • precipice. The fanners and the .tames ars pursuing them. sad the manufactoren are ending to them the mi.iatoss for parleys. They ee- dp•oer to di•medit the idea of any .enti- meat of easexatson, fearing that if it be mot abashed them may in Mme be perfected en orgaaiatlsa against which they will be impotrt, Every for • delay is be- ing bread, ..d hope is neaared out in un- limi glissades. 'relining to tlib oily from Meetre•1 it was ay privilege M have for oemp•.ioe • member of the Previ.eial Parliament of Quebec who had been the recipient d some soothing a.•ura ci a I hdiv. something will he doe. i. • very sheet time," he said, " but in ay opinion it wilt'd.ped entirely on what se- ism is the matter of the red.etiom of the Mutt the D.mseraW House may mak. I OOmpledy have •m er nem free men who Mould know that we will be •6ls to a tacit whish will practically fes n.i ty 1n ea - tura prsdem& (der Goon ...s% has al - way. hese Madly be the il.mom•(a We belays Mr. Clev+le.d te he as .wad • free trader m try man es. pesiWy be and will- ing to give Canada half • .6•nee. I ds.d thank he would endeavor to forms (lt.d. to asses herself by keeping up the duties now se very hostile to ea HR can RNR'. 00AL MAL. " The par•ebam of the entire seal •d miaisg iodated.. of Me Previews d Neve Amei•, nape the pr peeiy of the (lensed Ming Amaiat3M, by • eydiesee, .1 the bead of wish le 114. W. C. Massy, leads me to helloes that seal and brae will ge ea the free 04, and that they will be bet the Wdowe ant by esmi g emote Yr. Whiney omrt d mares se to Nov. Beefs 1T 010•Li.R' W. TMI 1,5Mte'RAT,.. This gestlemsu is but one of the thou made *heave placing their dependence in the Democratic party of the United State.. 1'ro*ably never in the history of the world was there a parallel case to this Here is • country .standing iron. ocean to mon, which has in twentylive yarn opened up millions ascots of land, meet nearly $100. 000,000 over and above its receipts on in. proven,onts, tow hanging with 'utmost et pect•ney en such politie.l action as the dominant party in another hied may; take. A reciprocity ao trade will give it a new life A centralism's of the preempt relations may compel it in self defence to seek political union with it. it is • time fraught with tremendous responsibility to the peoples 03 both lands. What P" as stability to the annexation sentiment in Canada is the fact that the politician, as a rule. is not interested in it. In the shuttle of a Union his positron would be uooertein, and the politician of ('aneda is a first cousin in blood to his neighbor .Dross the border. The sentiment goes mush deeper. It bas its phos in the homes of the masses and ou the farms that have h ot blossomed since their natural market was taken front them. Each sucoeediig year is • proparator.f the idea It finds the tines harder. the strusgle keener, more chain empty hy the fireside, new links binding the old folks to the United States where their sons sad daughters bare gone. Such sentiment is neturally glow d growth, but it u• deep rooted. It is net found largely do cities in which mane factures predominate, but seem. of it are everywhere in agricultural district►. The man must actually seek to avoid it who does not find evidence in every village be trat' erre* iOT .t 4t'10.110A OF NATIONALITY. Lidera s and Conservatives hey. it with equal virulence. The Freucb, the lriah, the Scotch and the English, are all interested vitally in it Indepe.dmt of national or party predilection. It is no 0-.,.lutioary movement. It is one that will never see the surface nor be the object of an orgeniaatioo if only Canada will be able to secure each trade relations •a will make her future one that her people have A right to expect it will Ire. Fiat then must be eitiher better trade rela- tions or a political onion Ky better trade relations is meant a practical commercial union, and in bringing it about the United States will have quite as much to ay as will Enda i 804 many people who un- hesitatingly say they would rather vote for political union manfully then favor un- restricted reciprocity, for political union would at least snake them factors in one action, while unrestricted reciprocity wsold be • barter for dollars of their status and leave them with a country whose policy the trade of a foreigu and more powerful neigh bor would dictate. TIM ,"014101AN .r)N►tIERATIOO. It may seem somewhat 'strange to some people that • country should sit down and calmly think of changing its iag, but it must be remembered that until 1867 there was no Canelo Up to that date the provinces hen were Met as distinct from one another ea they are today from the States is the American Cana. More than ens of them went Into the confederation with vary bad grace after they had once re yarned the measure. The Province of New Bruuewiok, for example, refused by a vote to enter confederation. At the succeeding election the cry wan raised that the Fenian wen on the borders and the province de ceded to amalgamate. Nova Scotia, too, .t first rejected it until the ate John A. Mac dm eld captured its leader with " better terms " mad it was dragged in. Quebec went into it became d the silvan tease she seemed, het is all the province. then was • vpr] Prong camber of anti - Confederates. ' 1... latter sever regarded the with as either practical or amoral, lied hence it is that 16.r. is • much ,ten ger love of premium them there is of the poli nosily mmited musky. The majority of these .tee have sever became reconciled 10 the mmi.. &meed epee them against their wi1L The maritime provisos@ particularly have been •t the mercy .f their Waders nigh - bees. with whom, emir exiting trade re- lti.s., they are actually famed to deal Tisza sad again they have been wowed at Their temper bee mea improved with �asgs. . ed they win have toade random wit► the United Statm whether Upper Canada trill se am. B RUOEFIELD AND LONDON ROAD. erns our owa eorremesdesa. Rev J H. Simpson s rwmveri.g f me his illness. To. Rimmed le Minus .tier the parw- tal reel. Imply d The OMR- f� *maw so the depth the plsuaamt Ione, VOID mesion acid mesh leg ./mNs d Syrup d 1111 when in nm d td a wrath.: wed if obeisant. sr somber he mile*.r Mlles, the nest gestifyieg n- inth follow 1a Mme, se Mat it b the host lemony remedy hews sad every Wald have • betels. li OIM"""^. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIP'T'ION TO "THE SIGNAL" FOR 1893. r.� R LA (&D WEttgL Me Hats in O