HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-12, Page 7)O , it rip etis.1 )ODS HANDSOME= RAT. blew and Prayer 'dies and Gentle - Iver Pen Handles, 3riental Pearl Toys, Games for aries and School RTRR, hers and Stationers. SEASON ley Cough Cure, op. etc.. ie ekndrea. l c. Medicines. De iso ►."t.rei. d is required said geigi 1 waat deMnro eattktas that 'w2 shins-- carrying rho mat etremto. le Our prices solidi as SON & Co. iS1 r• 1, tae d d ;d 1S! TAPANS 18apor order wilt eon - assertion. 'able. SON. THII SIGNAL: GODiRIUR, O]TT.. TU I RSDAY. JANUARY 13, 1333. JOHN T. ACHESON. + + + i + i + SPIIL►L SALE OF MANTLE CLOTHS AND SEALETTES. In order to clean out the beL.nce of our stock of the above goods be- fore stock taking, WE HAVE RE -MARKED in plain figures, EVERY PIECE OF MANTLE CLOTH AND SEALETTE. This n Opportunity Seldom offered so Early in the Season. + + + + + + + Our Stock Is Learge tN1) Must be Reduced_ JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL "TRADE. 892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a tee lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Si itingY will be a marked feature, while all the other line, -too numerous to mention -will be fully up to the. mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest Mock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. INSPROTION KINDLY INVITHD. 5 PIER CINT. DISCOUNT FOR GASH. STRItTPLY ONR PRIOR. mei. tdoad praiser and Haberdasher. X -MAS FRUITS! We have l■ Meek grid* • full we .r the aHMwiag oasis: Valencia Raisins, Elam. Figs, London Layers, Candied Peels. Black Baskets, Golden Dates, Dehesia Clusters. Filatra Currants, Florida Oranges, Almonds, Cocoanuts, Florida Tangerines, Filberts, Brazils, Messina Lemons. Walnuts, Peanuts. We have also the most oomplete stook of Confectionery to be had outside of the cities. Try a box of our ohoioe Oreams, they are afore to please you. Select Baltimore Oysters arrive daily. Finnan Haddies, Bloat- ers and Oisooes and all kinds of seasonable fish to stock .T ED. CAMP..IGNE'S, Cor. Montreal -et and Square. 3'Telephoce Connection. Ilse Peso Mash Odra. 66 The gbh w, its obliged a work Jar a Who are .et the peeress saes L New Yek or asp ether itis el the United ashes" is the semewhee wrttlog begls.Lg d as artiste by tan Wheeler Willem 1. the :femrmsker, whisk weed to. if it dees set„ rot may beads of Mahn Mlsking, no depade.t daughters of presa..bly rink p....a. Mrs. Wille: pee ea to say, .re deo mars awls/ of ear ptky then the working girL However em•1I the cresta. el a weekiag- Neb. her wages ere her eros. Oho eats the Meed et iodd.pesde.se .ted esa maw her sera Maness. The world knew her pan- ties, sad exenerstes bar from eases oblige teem while it denies her tame pleasures. she live aware with the hope el bigger these se so Lereem ofOe the ess- W.ry, the tree meal= of lash' ✓ asset-biitrhie girl is sat Mews ; the b the wedgies* d levee she meat L some seesa.e mews - the eteeeLMt with the Ash sad . enned.b.d...d le egp.Md NI beep ewes pees with them Yet she het s.eesly ever a pansy to mall her ewe. Her mad perhaps erha s b h. giver her . .thwhisk e erbai � eenth her hill hr s*ssitaerf seed a le LvMNMs. He wait he hart N she west kite • ekep e s • atheglrL w whited be take • ire L meek. yai be there Mr le seheit to hem- IEa1Maa ler Merit Nes work mil glee Thew nn glib whew pests nth *dr ma ham, est see otherselled by —sew wbwe then thea glib meat I hew he a ring Wheat gparedsibd ,rsllwb asis_1. a may iw .basy h ews e tee Blase, sed win beep three ser wealth ?b. yetsag bis b bbestYrl, sad she b.e b...ireM.I lo • i.he mshie atheel, Islam in �b. her she le -the est eellhed� 11tH se rear w she bwehed Isee ebb thio ba ++sa moi 1_ bsita. worm. be pay fer ey aseemp+hr•t•, bM be awns ghee w say e•,i.ey es spend Apar he earls yid N. sauna. beep Mi. Ws, yes e.e give see half. sea he 019 awes b. On wiser, w N. pester. is d...me used she me•ey ..d f do.' " eb.pkwRer..oM iafreq.estly have the mese eapert.n.e. They are taken late she ee.fidewie of their eastomers .dM are rem - demi to meet the lady's Jeu,aud, who ob- tains he- retrace from the n.erohest altar the ussuspecting father has prod the loll Of •' mensal t les." This sort of Llano is iwapreesibly d.- uioraluii.R. 1t geld malty leads the weak and ...violate to shop-Wuug and petty laroeuT. it teaches the Joaog girl to put - beim peonies from bee 1ather'e pockets, and to bestow • heredity „i kleptomania upon her children later on is life, while daughters brought up in this mariner speculate upon the sdvaatages of or haubuod. Fathers who are unreaseasei le and unsympathetic geuer• ate this sort of thought us the muida u1 the.r children. A thousand antes hooter is the father who says to M. daughter : " You must fit younslf for some ,.ucapatirw and go to wok. I teapot support you. ' A thousand Limes more dugrsding than: the We of • chop girl is the lite of the poor i ieh girl. House keeper's Weekly. - - .,tats sior Weed "Hula The world "quiz," which the d cuu.uries variously define se " to stroke fan of," " • riddle or ;oink,' " to play trick. upon. ' etc., was oiseel bythe elder Sheridas le. wben he was seee othe old Crow Theater, Dublin. Whits at a droning party with • number of his friends after the close of the theater one S.tunlhy nigLt, the subject turned upon the inuvdu, sun of uew worda into the language. Finally Sheridan offer• ed to wager a doses bottles of wise that he could coin a word that would be in every- body s mouth the text day. The bet war taken, and when the party diapered 'then. dais rang up the call boys and gave each a dozen pieces of chalk. He .mit ordered each to speed the night writing the word •• quiz " on every door. doorstep, fence and shutter they case to. promising to each boy three shillings if the urk wea toand to ,be aril executed by morning. These direc- tions were carried ono to the letter ; wad a. a .natter of course, the new word was heard on every side the next day. There was much speculation as to the prolable incas- ing of the four letters so oddly but together, the more timid of the population interpret- ing them as some revolutionary sign. The true motive and the circumstances .under which the word was coined finally leaked out, since which tone it has the mesons given in the opening. a Naertta.e One alae Sleet. /tom the Chios.* New.—Record. The church is i. Europe almost the only career in which • .tan of Bumble birth may raise himself to social equality and even su- periority of the old blue-blooded aristocracy. Thus the late Primate of Hungary, who ranked next to the Prince Archbishop of Manta is importance and wealth, was the .ern of • village cobbler, and his soother, at- tired in her p e•.t garb, lived with him in his magnificent palace at Gran., where hese household, orpnized on • royal seek, b- athed no ins than tea chamberlains sad lay ge.tle.ee in wetting of noble birth, When the late Oirdinal Archbiiop of Vi- sage died • couple of years age and the Me- asurer attended the funeral in person and is n ate .funding at the bead of the coffin, be had next to him on either side two old nine droned in the most ordinary peasant garb ..d apparently indifferent to the magpie• canoe of their surroundings, being al absorbed by their grief. They were two surviving brothers of the dead CardisaL . 8o will ksowe is the ecclesiastical proles - non a. • speedy .ad easy mean of bettering sae's social statue that three-foortba of the candidates foe ordiasiios,botb in the Catho- lic Church on the Continent •.d in the Church of F..gl..d. bake, to the lower mid- dle classes ads..eei.es eves to the art- 1.•..M.net it M the pasea.ery. Tae MONS Melt ILIUM Dewe Selina. The musket ball that killed iord Nelsen, the "hero of 1 rat•lg.r," le at present the subject of much dimenice. One writer claims that it is among the irsss.red relies of the British les theism ; another that it i. preserved among the mosey menieatoes of the late Prise.O Bort, whish Queen Vic- toria Berries with her in bee periodic trip Irene Weather to RalmereL Beatty, the .��ee. ea beard the Vinery es the day of Neke.'. death, .add the seas who removed the babkst tree the bad of the dead Ad- miral, . i. his ' Authentic Narrative of the Death of Lord Neils :" "The fatal ball struck the foeepsrt el hie Ledehip'. epaulet te ..d esfed the left shoulder. • O. removing the ball 1 noticed that a piece of the gold hoe. • pert of the epeeist and • e.s1I piers of his cost were /rely smashed 10 it." Indeed, the adhesion neatened by Bargen Beattie was shunt .s aloes in I1 the frag...se had been driven amain the metal when it wee is • melt. math The seat Mad of this relic it the L the heeds of the Captain Hardy, who had it mes.Nd hi • silver loath with crystal fame, and after - nerds presented it to Memos Beattie. Afir the death of Beattie it hit to Rev. F. W. Barker of Beckwith, who preowned it to the Priam C...ert is 1/161. Demme tar that tae Salk el the thicken ie in favor of ite .WI beteg (hoses Penia'. relies d her Ws h ohs is re.•rk•biy cern isel. ow .I, herr seers. ars .1 the Napkin kited. She trmphys • sestasit.n at bathe to save • dtee--her'. ..:peas.. Bs busty and gree reader ber gaits beib dens d erip ea- trat Wild All her Wle ere east N Mr father, who pate them with mac or how eempWM. SIM is given es alimw.es, le. Hca a ped lee adeees emeae, ..d with 1150 1h. ie earetei to psi ler elem cubs sat "buy .n • earth" It she hams dishes the far " s.s.serh," she matt draw ea the mat mwih'..1Mwtee= se pay thea " I .ties osier flit she .ted of ear fare and CI: she ISwith tars is lar 'rp• menet deretend hew 1 the up l .. eteN r ray dMwa.s. . quickly. H. says that h sassy gess •d that I hev..e1h. leg to show ter It, sad Math be satesarage my eats iv pa., se he eine lel I am afsea -septi N pawn ear tri -a -bras t• gel a M. psathe Ilis awake de mt.Lg merry .mi ad mit iwisg b k.ewe. " I ape tea d.mthear 4 este day for girls N cad Marta I saw..d it L par s, but the lseewemsa Meted tae total ower from head M sed Ohm the aid ' the did .set wisi gas base M .sato .d take the bread toe. tie .sate .f roe poen ..d sats.' I tail bar I so she s.dieet girl I Mew, ba she dM sat Mae...." •• Miss mediae," elide yeses Hrl»me, ".. .sans rr_ d I .11 Lkerb !she • br*e.l Bui.. bus.. 1. *5... we '.45 seem bath a debar M beadle. It be ewer dem darer • Eve be ease M be bet beaver. Re pays ail MI Wb hr drawee sad muds, with stets • Sege grumbling sew sad ass, bat rover welnstaAly ghee e. ,seamy to ape He =aos hese es expeeelw see sep. ed I was wild bs add M mad lay. the amass N see. Ysadellen ell la ass id hesalty M + ms est salty sp lade es they p HI tat M. shows* e4eelsesee web seem d the wt.11Ryho Memo who Memo el am" mit • 7ameeb teeehee. " One sf then need ea M M q bill rite tree mats A bra ereaawi es deans.• Mai. theyearbill Iso day d=F bra.' the ethE, ' send lb he gigh Hele Cures Others Will care Yo.. 1. a true mammon at the .cum el AYER'S S.reep.riy whew takes for di..s.es originating he impure blood ; but, while this ascent.n in true of AYER'S Sarsaparilla, as thousand. can &neat, it cannot be truth- fully applied soothe: pceparatiane, which unprincipled dealers will rueoaun nd, and try to impose upon you, as " just as good a. Ayer's. - Take Apes Sarsa- parilla and *sea only, if you need a blood -purifier and would be bc..Ated dy. This medicine, for .early Y Years, has enjoyed a reputation, and made a retard for cures, that has never been equalled by other prepara- tions. AYER'S Sarsaparilla eradicates the taint of hereditary scrofula and other blood diseases from the system, and it los, do a rvedly, the confidence of the people. AYER'S Sarsaparilla " 1 cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief 1 have obtained from the we of AYER'S Sarsaparilla. I was afflicted with kidney troubles for about six months, suffering greatly with pains in the small of my back. In addition to tbie, my body was covered with pimply eruption'.. The remedies prescribed failed to help me. 1 then began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and, w a short time. the pains ceased and the pimples disappeared. I advise every young man or woman, in case of sickness resulting from impure blood, no matter how long standing the case may be, to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla.' - H. L. Jar - mann, 33W than, st., New York City. 7 TCoWave Has .track; as, bat we • e .tut amid, as we lave A COMPETENT STAFF AND 041 HADIIB 11! JOB I1 0011 LIAR. O R HAYS A LARGE etot•K 0) STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. KT Ann STILL WAKING THK RE -DIPPED TINWARE. GIVE:us A CALL Will Cure You SAUNDERS & CO. A WId.wet et Trash. Teem the Iluttkle Commercial. Many an eloquent apeecb has bean ruined by a asre.stic epilogue. " Le you doubt my evidence, my lord ` " exclaimed a witness to • judge who had .eased to act tome doubt upon his exact veracity. " Why, I have Leen wedded to truth from my childhood." " Yes, but the golesuoa is, bow loog have you bees • widower!" w the dry retort. 1..'s Tema i . Prom brake's Ma.Wdae. They were talking of the vanity of wo- men, std one of the few ladies present un- dertook a defence. " Of coarse," the raid, " I admit that wrens ere vain and men aro trot. Why," she adders, with a glance around, ' the necktie of the handsomest man is the room is even now up the back of his Dollar." And then she smiled -fat earsry mac present had put his hand up'me- thal kis neck. . FASHION NOTES. Slightly draped skirts are appearing. Yediek.s are just .w =skimp groat nes of Empire rushee sad rosettes elle& Me mid silk sal vdvee Massa. Aeneas W veiling§ • spears mai, bev- ies • they enema of .elves thee It bere sad there, i very leash liked, sad le decidedly ►sonless The leaden, for Persian eolerfag Dads s.�tess{ea in the useful sad elheeive 5415 s i saes. ribbone es well as is Modwroagkt ad wives basis. Wide .eller. asill4elle of rich hoe, pesao- .ely Iris ermine L we.. silk, hen pilot de Owe, . white ilk Spanish g� .d white are wens with tarry of the hedmmw toad evening anthem of the girl wise did wears the Mit slbt was sloe .summa. • Was four -he -head heel M•..yy batik lath, in w1M.b b b Meth Me fa..Yat pL twee le her .Might. baa whisk es her nether would be se ed n very Mad. Osaiier•bf trhthieg is sem is skirts, ad te all that is end far sect deserNhai. a Muni M she " 1/130" shyi. b .etieabl-, OW L Awn L lbs beds, massek law en, Me., lethal beteg a. - beteg beak the feeds el that peried. The'• Oshime . " (ape d daft er vale* b vibe papules this wiser. It hes a sits of lolls ghee leaN. the hada whisk ./erds mina warmth sat pr.eshe . seed its bread asst mod bays seek ref giro N • may die I. babasloa up a Wok i gees, t.s amuck sellar mai booed roans el shaded vents are end by Mss both deseen&Mas. !e bebb. le reap, se she stats w,voa hoe Wo- ke iaieleg el *la try. limit AL WEST STREET. ARRIVED THIS WEEK. ABSObUTBLY PURE IIID F6BSH. The Largest, assortment of Candies,Chocolates, Bon Bons, Nuts, Raisins, etc., IN TOWN. Florida and Valencia Oranges. 1 03126.13. A- NAIRN. A. B. CORNELL ZTINTRERT,_ R McLealn's Block --Oa the Square—McLean's Block, STIIdd00NTIIIUS3 TOVONDUOT TUNNOLAI/ ATgIf78 USUAL LOW PRIOR . Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. =N0 CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. . SURE LIGHTER. T£Z+EGR.AQ11 TIONE ExampFAR C ToP.osTo Rumen -29 Front -at West YosTW.L Bluucs-818 St Jayne, -at MAMMOTH Won:a-Hull, Canada UN DERTAKERS WHY Does 000. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer sod undertaker, keep the beat stock of furniture and andertskare supplies f And how is is that he can sell so cheap t BECAUSE S 8P.OP3 8Y dz BOLT Haw added be heir remit business ass of B. J. Aei's Latest Sty% at ceier Bear.ss, she •M finest lir of Emma' fsraithings in the onuaty, sad ode ass pt,al•.arsd to .madams faanais at prime r.s.onabie. This d.perlmast will be siristly eitead- i to by hie pea WUhis., what la the employ d the lett D. Geodes ler the pest boa yew% bee a ka erlsige et the baeiasn, sad by preempt aMentien hapax titian panic e iZ rob& patronage R..eskbsr the plass-washes, am year sop to the post ellen oh'a ne a °all. J. BRO� is SON. • He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto V : Small Probt. and Quick Re- turns." He also stakes • , peci.lty of picture framing. Give him a cell before perches - lag ebewbere. Embalming - !laid always on hand. 2357-y ?MI One £ompetit on. :eel! I t.1h tiamr tad tsa wlsreaplm emd ts of top eon= wee %%MSC M •• Lir w - LA UDDY MEET( QRON ('1 g Work 'tut Year E WARDEN • Nemo. _T seas seed lea ,peal. at u'e at le.. Tar w vera ry oovxcl ;mow to .1 I. Mb, 1 Ur lemma the awes '4 proper ohs r taw. 'est 1i'awaaeeh Isul. of a ,ird oho council .ret star. 31 hat Js . fist se wades for tin lapse of saws lavl.g mei Sr. 0 .owe kr the en ebswikd to al W stem eyed . the 6a read from Y sace esu w. tor the want At Airman 1ssesuol 0�Osirieh, h. SEM, .4 dts. rupee* •sloes, .sanded Ilea Cess, of or for W carry anted R. G. CAI r. neuter was .l. of Messed refs aura Iktlurel /dd, Cod. Ito' Tars res 1865 time - there. seiiy, llpsrhng, Meftesy soot :fo near.. sea. Bsmm, re, lies.etreise, sown« Oman the, Bilk.. ye -Maraspliced Kati, I Oliver, Bowe, 1 ea llsseey. Ko en, A=tet 1,Q Mee, Dena MM l 0irvi., IT OPINION. ,aces IT OR. Or *John 1 I thus is seek 1 in mil remedy 11. P. MINT ag. tin : Plebssor R is es Anal vii Maio (Meese I W .odilia .iso Oid 0.e rat tad Nems se area that ' of sax..s d 5. p.biu. 11.1 at tenth, for br wither Y e i apusaTsol/. Ness : Menai Ihoesa MOM thiel ss keys t.d.sisleast breath am Rile themed dells meth, to t1 s u i• of I R M hes bei Iso sash the kb Ohm iel al an and th we 4 hum the epee os may • law sr dims ..illi..? "I es the Owser .raslea• MS ease*1b ,wim o r boo seedy Wei It ME' es deo• be w easiM.bb d <L Mho. MINN NM w oleo '.e.. -M- • In itsteer *rap Ines vas .ill r * fes Pramrtike.a Thi. M