HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-12, Page 6$ A DOFFERIN 00. MIRACLE NRNEtlT DUKE'S GREAT PERIL AND WONDERFUL ESCAPE. How ■ia Lira was &aero Arras at+ CoN Perna um, ams D.tv.Att.n HortUrei AT Taa.i Du.TUUt--AA txTsYebn �c NAa*Anta raves TO A Poen Raniersw DI THE Boa's Mortise A' uwrath WIT• • Delta D.tller age. Orangeville. T .Ifiwad Ittteis oral i. a ttmii d Mille, gd s�iyale Iia tie ye of ekloaky was rose forever, and es that dun, are the the of nota lous sad era dad thin every aide ei• we hear tr remarked the days of i.....ck. area part of the superstitions and romantic peat. We not going to eider lute • dtsctuuon on manta of either statement. Much of chivalry that we read of had • great deal the wild and vrotesque about it, while little that was attributed to muacu agencies WAS the work of men of talent genua. wiser and greeted than their von don, who had explore.] end oompreheo the tre•rura of Mother Nature wi whose bosom a said to be packed • panacea for every i11 of fallen flesh. A newupep. ehirf mission is le. faithfully and attract ly record interesting current events and rn make such comments tad suggestions as deems advisable, and it is this role The i. desiring to till ill this article. The net boriug township of Mono furnishes an stance of a marvellous cure, which m enlightened times would undoubtedly bean credited to supernatural influences. which hu even in thts stern and praeti era created a genuine sensation. 1n a r Immo we gave the particulan vt the redo tion to puysical streu4th and activity limo. Hewitt, of Mono Mille, through use of l)r. Williams' Pink Pills for I People, which are now boueeliel i words the vontihent. Many who read the art on Mr. Hewitt might be disposed to dou but the lent credulous were silenced eonvin.ed by the striking evidence of patient himself, evidence whiob was cor orated by several reliably persona who an intimate knowledge of the fact. fist banner township of Mono suppli equally striking and conclusive testimon of lir. Williams' Pink Pills as an effect remedy where the physician's ak:11 knowledge have been utterly balled. M may he disposed to be sceptical, mad 1aucy that much that is said in praise these pills is mere hyperbole, but it is h to confront the logic of facto, and in this spect an enduring monument is feat be built in support of the meritA and claims this greatest medical prep•ratton of the fury. Wm. Dukey.lot 1, concession 6, M is our of the Mailmen and respected pi seers ot this section. A fee weeks ago heard that his little 12 year o!d buy been snatched from the very jaws of der by Dr. Willies.. fink Pills, and we dot mined to fully investigate the reported cu Mr. Dake resides about six miles f Orangeville, and is ore of the most pre e our farmers of the banner tow nabip. 11 h be representative of The fust called at h Met and comfortable home. Mr. fluke wa t a neighboring threakine, bur the repert vow courteously received by Mrs Ihik Ve c.quired as to the condition of Ernes he little boy who was reported to La 'seen cured, and were somewhat nonplussed wheditold that Ile was at school. From ou nfurmatiou as to his state of health las spring, we dial not expect to find him ab to leave the hnn.e, and were not prepare or the news that be was ouec more able ix with the gabbliug schoolboy throng. E:neat the little boy that was so rick las 'wet and spring `. was our next interroga ivr. ile is, inered, replied Mrs. 1)uk to tell you the truth, we had at on me to hope that he would ever &grtu e to leave his bad, To ttrbat do you attribute the, boy's re very ' the reporter asked. ()h, to tothine but Dr. Williams' i'iu 'ills, was the ready and emphatic respon f Mrs. Duke, who is a very intelliget may. and who then gave the inter-iewe he following interesting and well•ntigh i redible narrative: Last Winter Ernes the grippe, and he never seemed to full eouver from the effects of it. In February t, some time after he had the grippe, ss so unwell thmt we took him to Ifo Bonner, of Mono Mills, who esantined him d raid that what was troubling him w decaying tooth which required to be ex reacted. He pulled the tooth and said ke the boy home and he would be al ht shortly. Instead of getting better owever, Ernest got far worse, and w confined eutirely to his bed. lie fails strength and appetite, and was becomin ore nervous every day. Sometimes h ould get twitching and nervous tits, an e so hard that he would frighten you e shaking was so strung that the whol shook with him. 11 a beams alarmed seat for • second doctor who preecnbed the bey, and who gave it as his opinion t bis recovery was impossible. At this me Ernest had lost the power of both legs d arms and they had to be tie.) down to the sufferer by lessening the nervous talion. The second physician called in deeded the Loy some time, but the Ares getting so bat, every day becorgink store helpless, that a third was sent for to ult. This last one said that there was chance for poor Ernest, and that all the utile sleeted to be in the nerves. 1 need 1 tell you how grieved we felt over the Prod of looming our boy, and would hmye tact anything to save his life. We hal reading in the Post about the wooderful rem male by Ile. Williams' Pink 1'tlls,mnd on thought of trying them as we were d they would do no herrn if they did not any good. Nearly every week we real wt miracles wrought the pills, and day 1 determines to ask the doctor if I ght try them. Well, said he, the boy 't get better, and the pith are not likely hasten his end. Yon can do as you like. ortly after we bought • box of the pills. n wee in May last. Little Ernest had been taking them two weeks when we a wonderful change. We quit the s megrims akngether, and kept using pills only. The boy improved m rapidly t in a short time he was able so be out of t )me am hardly believe a story like , but every word of it r true. 1 tall these is a wenderfel eha•ra in nor lay, we ought to be thankful to the fink M. Kneen is vrowiee stent and etrosg, this u his lint day at s.bnol. The aloe said he would he dead Wore the feet o rnate a lhibttea., het ray hells fellow was well them that h. was Mile t be around, eves went with his father to the.rhibi- We have been Maytag the pills fr.m. Steven., nese of the 1RaagaviU. drew . and Emma is still mag these m) not en Whew m at but It smell mash out of aha way to esti at the rad then yen will find Rreese, who he •hle to seMk lee bimealf. at u in Detre was enemhdime her img ranulae She Webs of the Ikotas L Ltagf lid. sob lends se is ire. to it Post rh m - lees have and cal scent etc rasa .1 the .00 tele bt, and the rob. had The ee nal and en to of ard re - coo of coo Olio, o• we had th er re. coni r- en u er e. t, Y • 11 m w and ti •1>t co 0had las w an a ta 6 ]woo in w . hale Th bed and for the 1.i •o emee • wm Dose no tro n o tr been ou oft tol do abo oar mi clan to Sh Th not noticed doctor the the bed this Tee sad Pit std ter T •sol Lim Hr. W- A ..t Mesal stili Ju lade eat vc t le d to le • e. be se it r a- t y he • as to Y g d • Mr. Dale's, .stars! the beam h wee the Mager hoer, sad the repesesr sawed thee ■crest would tura me, sad •m hi- • WW1 to the @shoal He was idrmd, Meares. that the boy had tales Ms Web with him in the newness mid wesM owed the User bear as play. Mr. Leashed ae.emps.i.d Oa repartee to the reed .d ea the wy the weber said that Dr. Williams' Ptak Pah meld not b. tow widely kaisers I ha: s been taredutg all aloe, at Hr. Duke's said he, asd 1 tell you little Error was to • bad stats Teat Spring No was suer thought he world got better, and it seems w *traria that he war cured by such a simple remedy. Why, three doctors prenou.oed has enol hopeler, Yd yet he is et school tuday ' Ne is • bright little boy, and the Piok Pills saved his Ile. The reporter was full ot thought as he haeteeed to the school o tetervtmw the hale fellow who they be said to have heard the santnoms of death, and to have been saved front an early grave by E. Wiliam's won- derful Ptak Pills which the teacher had fully described as a simple rowdy. Whea ws reached the school several cbtldtee were playing in the yard, and in answer w our callforkroest Duke • bright little boy started out from the romping throng. We asked bun if he was the boy who had bees sc sick, and he answered with • mild a.d clear yes. Are you wellet ! 1), yea, 1'ui ae well u Byer again. What cured you • Pink ]tills ! was the ready and unilieg re- sponse. The little fellow did really seem to be iso dr full enjoyment of heatth, and m, one who did not know the facts would think that he had so recently been in such a feeble and precartow ,00ditioe ae to 1.e despaired of by three local phystctans of standing and experience. We shook hands with the boy sled started for Orangeville fully convine.d that there was • good deal in the stories we hut been reading of mir- acles wrought through the use of Dr. %Vil limns !'auk Pills. The reporter else interviewed several of Mr. Duke's neighbors, and found tkent all of sae opinion. This was that Lis s'•o would now be sleeping in the silo[.[ church• yard had it iso: been for the timely use if Pink Pills. He also learner: that inane other, were urine the Pith with gratifyme results, while many more bad made pp thetr maids since the nurvelose Davin Of young Duke -s life to try the vieat remedy for len ear ailments with which they were troubled. We had Anticipated that our mission would bo disappointing in some respects, never c v patting to have the strange story which we had heard of Ernest Duke's recovery so ful ly substantiated, but here we were return- ing to Orangeville with everything that was flying rumor before cecclusivoly established upon investigation. ti HAT TILL U6r..•_I�Ta �sl. On arri'tgg at t )rangeville we determined to interview the local drtaggista as to the popularity of the remedy that is working such wonders and causing such genuine sen- sations in many parts of the coaa•ry. Thema, Stevenson was the tint drugeiu ia- tmry ewed. Do you sell many of Dr. Wil - lams Pink Pills. we asked Mr. Stevenson. I should think we did, was hu prompt re- ply. There is no remedy in my store for which there is such a demand, and w bile the number we sell is very large, the sale is certainly increasing. How do you ecc wo: for this large sale we asked. I believe it due e.tirely to the merits of the prepara- tion. Those who nae Dr. Williams' I'iak Tills report the best results. The remedy to certainly a wonderful one. !\'hen Mr. A Turner was questioned he said the sale of l r. Williams' Ptak lilts wee a surprise to himself. In his exper. isoc e as a druggist no remedy had made each a reputation or produced such wo ekr ful results. Scarcely a day paired that he dad not Leat of parties who were benefited by the use of I'iuk Pula. J. R. lhxlds was equally entbumustic. 1f you call Ifo•. Williams Pink fills a patent medictoe, said he, they are the moat popular and best selling patent medicine to my store to -day. The sale is undoubted• ly on the increase, and I can say that scores who have bought from me are loud in their praises of what Ile. Williams link Pills have done to: them. They are certainly a great remedy, and my experience is that they affect all that is shiuted for them. Dr. Willmar' Pink Pills are • perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial p•ralysu, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, .ervons prostration and the tired feeling there -frost, the after effects of la grippe, diseases de. pendiog on humor. m the blood, inch as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink fills give • healthy glow to pale and sallow com- plexions, and •re specific for the troubles pecul ar lei the female system, and in the Daae i f men they effect • radical cure is all cases miming from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature ?hire pills are manufactured by the Ifo. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., Mcheuectady, N. ll and are sold only in boxes bearing the firms trade mark and wrapper, at Shat.. • box, or six boxes for 12.50. Hear in mind that Ifo. Williams' Pink pill, are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who oilers substitutes in this form 1. trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are aro cautioned against .11 other so called blood builders and nerve tonics, no matter what name may be given them. They an all imitations whom makers hope to reap • pecuniary advantage from thewooderf.l re potation achieved to Dr. Williams' Pink Palls. Ask your deader for 1)r. William,' Pink Pills for pale people, •sol refuse all imitations and substitutes. 1k. Williams' Pink rills may be bad of all druggiata or direct by mail from Ur. Williams' Medioin. Company from either address The price at which these pills are sold make • course of treatment compar- atively inexpensive as compered with other remedies or medial treatment. no antes. Wink. (gloomily Armories bait no great poets, now. Minks -\n. These Slims hair-esttees are pl•yiag hob with literature. weep sees IOW. Sirs, i always keep • bottle of Hag• yard's Yellow oil for ants, sprains and bruises. The folks at the how use it for almost everything. i knew it to he • good medieism, it r as excellent mollifier for cracked .w chapped hands. 2w messes aratstmss now, .1 seas, Mrs. Reform (jeyes.ly) " Now that yes have been elected to the city .esmeil, i .ap- a@ we'll have dement drinking water at Mr. Reform- . Y.e-., 1 e ta•ilord behave las artesian well sow." A fuse par -tsyswemasa. In ta.estigatrng the ranee of this pr.. relent complaint it is found to rest prim, fleetly in wrong actino .f the stomach sed impurity of aha biped. Them m ieitia, memo ars molly removed by the r.gal•tisg, purifying tousle mad dipsum altos* el berres& Rand Mites., be... she semme. of B 11 R in eons/ denpueda 1. my M,,s,' no matter hew bag steradhes er hew armee. may he. 1111111. OIONNIWO 11111111ed flaw (semens es sn.ri.. era elms.rlrsesd mad .w...A Sarcastic Bagprman-Ob ! Moak you, Mad sir, for this Depose,. h was so good ua yea to rclamv, a pore sus wi' a hs'pss.y. Itst:very fast lea poesy I've took to -day, (Horror ! std little Banks out wish ►i. best girl, taw W hes • bicyclist goes at top speed he calls it • .pus. !telcosl hers are so twriers te the eras who "breaks out is snag.' Talk shoat your trandorm•uo.s : We have seen a slur, scan turd round. Light fingered people are frequently felted trifling with the keys of an upright mono. "Mamma, did the hen burst a dew •" *eked little Je nay when km saw • broken w ug. The map who erects • larp buildist( en • very smell lot does so because he us short - sited. Wheal & woman gives her husband • ped talking to he realizes what is menet by presents of mead. It M now thought that what was roped - ed • few days ago as ibel•'. corset was e.ly the price of coal, Rosalie --Is your fiance gesterons ! (;rags -Well, I should say s). He's jest atom• gaged his house to buy me • ries. Miss McDonough-- Phy did yes lave met lest piece! Miss Me(;eogrs-Ot soda's ahand tthe &issui ceokin'! Amy -Why, Mabel. yeti bs.en's any mis- tletoe ittletoe hung up. Mal -O, Fred sever seems to need arty. It may take silt/ eaght rsesm.zmanesy Lo constitute a beautiful woman ; but elle spew about the waist makes • happy nun. 51ies Rory liolddust- Would you think 1 was more than YO• l'peos Doss ism - steely) --1 think you are man thea all the world --to mc. Ninety, flue- .Sty, Blanks, have you read 'Romeo and Juliet!' Ninety-six I've read Horned, and 1 inteesl taking sp Juliet moa. Making Sure.- She --Then you'll take me tor • drive on Thur,dayHe-]'es ; but suppose 11 rains ! Sbe-Come the day be- fore, thea A lie gets over the ground rapidly, and if ever out. slackens its speed soma fellow is at hand to oil its bearings std give it a fresh start. The roan who can play cards, with his wife as • partner, and never scowl during an entire evening, may as well order hr halo at once. "Suppose Columbus hadn't discovered America, Willie, would you have liked that !" "You bet: It would o' eat jography down owe half" "1 catch amid every time 1 spend s aught in one of those infernal sleeping cars," said Smith. "A Poltroonery trouble," observed Brows. Sneer, swear. baser, There is ,.o ear to help it, yea se, roc pstp" hot landed once snore to the home of the htav, and 1ree. .. "De you play cards!" "No." "Billiards!" "No." "I)o you bowl f' •'No." "Go to the theatre !" "Never." "rhes 1 am sure you can lend me $ :" Eleanor -Don't you think Miss Noyes Yes with great feeling T Tom (dryly)- es ; she does seem to feel about for the notes a good deal. Slim Ancient -Here is a watery plant we prim very highly. Fligbtey-Yes, yea; beautiful, charming. I suppose you raised it from the seed. Hr. Staylate-Is that clock right! Mrs De Pink (wearily} -I think it mast lead cleaning. It's been two or three hours going that last hour. Tanks ---What led you to seeped Leat night that I had been drip king t Mrs. 1'. -I can't imagine, unlet possibly it wee the fact that you were drunk. A farmer in 6t. Albino, Vt., used five casks of cider in • fruitless effort to sacs his house and barn from fin. Now he's ea out -cider so to speak. The Sorest Way to Bring One. -A man addressed a passionate leve letter to • lady adding postenpt : P1e.n to send a speedy answer; somebody else is my eye." A shoemaker of Barry has roeatly put ■p the following over his door : "Any re- spectable man, women or child ear have • fit in this store." Mi-gs-Why do you supposes it is am - sideral bad look to open an umbrella in the house! Milton -i suppose then As danger of disclosing the owner's Hume Johnny Bellow. -It's awful as • bo to -- be born an orphan. Willie Fellows -Yes ; he can't never get • lay-off from school es account of his mother i.' sack. "Bee, Bridget, I an write my Wile 1. the dost t" Servant (admiringly -"Ole mom, that's more than I era do. Thar,'s aothin' like sddiatioa, after all, i. there, was ? " Mrs. Westaed-Th.s you didn't believe that Adam and Eve really lived Ir Para - dim T Mr. Hurray Hill- -011, yea, they mast have lived in P•r•di..-they didi t ham to keep servants. His Weighty Views. -"I am amt drsid to say what 1 think," ersete teed Hil.ad, "I • lways express my views." "They are toe bear to go by snail, I suppose,' replied Lorimer. "John," •rid Mr.. Mortis, as she sated bawl( at the hotel breakfast table, "did you all • waiter r •'Yies," mid Norte., looking ep from hi. papr, "I called him Wed he had a tray fall." Cigar Dealer (about Jena•ry 3) -Trod. i. . lower thea meal with ne just sew. 1.lsos- k.sper--Ro it se with mil le. •Tways an lar aha That few days of the year: bat it will soon pick ap eget. "Mrs U'gg's erhildrun leek m ..gt.et.d, per forage is she away r "No: elm N stp.sdisg bar time writing alesm ha•auf.l actin[.., 'How to Mak. Hems Aurae/live for the Children.'•• Reetanrent Keeper tin referee.. M ..w very unattractive laoki g .hs.e.F-floees wase of this (rootage de Met Diner -Na, thank& Them mime le be mere debris thee femme about it "Ikey is • mighty geed t.mtp.eanes w- ean -M i. •fr.is► t trai.ma ," sac. Joiek Ma "No tatter Zrw m.eh do ern day ghe leaded d. Ritee w'at d..e de work gitm Mf ..a tee....' Pte, : t .1 ATSWIT est Cure For /1J1 disorders of the Throat and Lungs is Apes Merry PesiMaL It has no equal as a cough -etre. Bronchitis " When 1 war a boy, !had a bronchial trouble of such a persistent and stub- born character, that the doctor pro- nounced it i.curable with hiilboary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayers Cherry Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle cured me. For the hie* tifteeu years, 1 have used this preparation with good (Arcot whenever 1 take a had cold, and I know of numbers of people who keep it in the house all the lune, not coo•idere+nngg it sale to be without it." - J. C. \Woodson, P.M., Forest Hill, W. VA. Cough "For more than twenty-five years," was a sufferer from lung troubb, at- tended with coughing so severe at tiles as10 Caine heraerrbage, the paroxveene frequently Lasting three or four hours. 1 was inJuccd to try Ayers Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, art thoroughly cured."-- Franz Hoffman, Clay Centr, Kans. La Grippe Last sr tnlg 1 wa. taken down with la grippe. At times 1 wa' completely prostrated, and so difficult was my breathing that my breast, seemed- as ii confined in an iron cage. 1 procured a bottle of Ayers Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had 1 began taking it than relief followed. I could not believe that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete.' - W. 1. 1Willieme, Cook City, '4. h..k. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.. I usell, ata.•. Seta by all Drogues. Price !t , ea '.::ie., Sy. Pre mot to Net, sure to sero A C ssaosm/.N.e essees. f.tterdon Torte -"How ars )er goo.' ter spews de winter, le+1 y Wary Magpie- "Plasia oat matt sem mer'. lel," Iles Rale FM OM. [sober -1-ou are very told. i)t; you know what u the cause of it ." Mr. Fewlock. -1 deal know, bust I sue poet 1bat my hair falling oat lad srutethu.g to do with it." £ISeseDer t.teagprared, ih.ar Sirs, Ahem, three tnuoth, ago 1 was nearly 1.l with headaches. 1 started teki.v B. B. 1. , t 4 took two bottles end my headaches have disappear -eel alimorther now. I think at • grand n.edicire. 2w Lrrn. t Runes, Loadjeslwto, Ort. Me molt res i as tsstm,, ' Bridgep�--- I don't expect be•ien to stem Mali re!rgious. Mint .iroo.k. - Why not ! • Bridges -Because all that prcpbty, i:.. - per, jade sad pearl will leek just like one of our swell uptown barrooms. orway ' me Syrup. LRia 1s ibfps ,kses. mhh. amease herl *10 asd lrroF M POI S ANaD�OOLDR AST t1ItWliCHLIti..14/ruller jaw s Wa Ago SOO. /atm noose r se sea ea,.w.m. COAL AND WOOD reaiza. Coal, Wood and Kinelins deii- vered to all parts et with quick despatch. $12,000 BTOog - `r X -MAS :FOODS TO SELEOt FROM, DOW tswm 0.gti , Derema sad Aweless le -slaws. WWI Only he aamdats, NOTHING NOBBIER, NEM OR HANDSOMER YDiN IN ANY WTY ROTAildUHMIINT. Handsome Leather - Bound Poeta, Bibles and Prayer Elegant Leather Travelling Oases for Ladies and Gentle- men, Party Fan, in all shades, Solid Gold Pena and Pencils, Sterling Silver Pen Handles, Le Zaire's Opera Glasser, Smoked and Oriental Pearl. Bronze and Silver Ink Stands, &c., &c., Indestructible Iron Toys, Mechanical Toys, Games for old and young, Toy Boots, X -mss Cards and Booklets, F>Stock of Books, suitable for Libraries and School Prises. Special discount. ERASER 86 PORTER, Booksellers and Stationers, SAW ■assns., aW Tesgbese Co. REQUISITES OF THE SEASON Cold Cream with Vaseline, Neshiwc bettor for chap. and Irritattoms. Vaseline Oamphor Ice, 10 cents, Davignon's Witch-hasel Cream, Our Acme CoughDrops,Drops, BWk .Chy 3 sBa.mk ag,e. The .ad reliable leash .sea Our Cherub's Honey Cough Cure, Rxeattant for roach, meld,, ervep. eta.. 1a eb ldrwa Ilc. All The Leading Patent Medicines. Prescription work • specialty. W. 0. GOODE - Chemist. FALL TRADE for which we aro saw wowed. In BUILDERS' SUPPLIES you will flail all that is required W at pries that make us stay. In FENCING MATERIALS PAINT and OIL we deal 'hist you wart asythi.g that w: have rat got 1e u department. This to where More- curets' tbm meat No stop goods allowed is the stere. os- s lee ,at is county. tootle. general bw� stock a stoat `omelette and well bomb, Our prices sottish et yourpatronage. R. P. WILKINSON & Co. NOW TAKE BOOTS : AND : SIIOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, Cor. East -et sod Square, PH—The latest and best designs to Winter wear just to hand NPTET9 THE PUBLIC. 8L1LD 004.L. 1 handle the beet grade et bard goal la the market, via : the New Tort, Ontario k western Railway Copy. Celebrated Imekawans• Talley Coal M four Mase, via : Cbe !nut. Move. Itis mud prate, 107T 004.L. Rent nhawnee iwump OW far are la grates. Moves, furnarms, Ms. 37. QT8 004.1. Beet quality ern rine Itlesabergt smut trio oral al were on Isa•t neeai•1 altos lies given to ee..try trade, WOOD. (`tit and met wend. N Inehb sad ! hat term always looter*. Dort hem. that 1 h.elltwg weed, ere said nein, whose se yee cam boy Slag wend es ibm marmot All my wed le geld by the aged se is Not or 101? cord Nis. s feet leas, ae met and .plea M lashes loss. VIM MALI'. I hove added to sty welMradpp•d mai sad wed yard • new l tam weigh .rah. All werlehs.tad ms..ae,. guaranteed OmcI, YARD ADD COAL Snarls in old drill .bed, N.l.sa..<, foot of Haas. i1tea-.t mars Cur JOHN S. PLATT, Prof„ We hays just received a Tory asks let d NEW EAS! Illeingsgumwmggemoos BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS whits Ire par•atsa to sell b boast 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than can be bought from tb11� A trial order' will con- vince on of the trn of this assertion. We sell the best COFFEE obtainable. REES PRICFJ & SON,