HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-12, Page 3THE SIGNAL: OOfl NRICH, ONT., THUBSDAT, JANUARY 12 NM. 8 TIMM II[ HAS MUON TO SOtMMM sr R IS TRUN, flee es Me Other Ulnad U. tAyega Mow letwessee -mew I. I tenses• tib Ogles a.d Other &sesslaris.s .w Mims ver lien -The oaeaMe Asennieturel TMA IRs afar kae had reeaose M cam pila iiles_limes became d the m eoides meds him through the power of or. M. e age know. boner . ber than has been eempoled to sell is en apes xesebet e.gedeled he seggly lad dh•latd. wills he has keels 1M+ed al the Ms tan he bey in • market made for him the ec.MaatM. of r•peie.e sere. It privileges are not imensidr•W, when ws ooesioi&*r what is new being den. /r hi. to seem him is obtaining bilker epuip clot- for Me lib work, seers eggeeially &Mak remit years. The seeress esti Mir- Mtlsm of she mast valuable .haramer that ✓ e brought within his reach should prove el task sorties M him 1f right,ly red. U he ismeg in pascal ag ltcr. he my Marc of garters' i•beit tetes, whieb q• M his wary deer, end which ffie net seat him anything, 11. -116 .kiel he spay mer therm Obrolionli of the most nests] character ; soid When he hawses to • valuable disosaree i. which M M epoially interested, it is his privilege__te pt all that the teakor eat tehim through the medium el question .ted mower. Our tauten would have greatly veined those privileges in the days that are gees, could they have obtain. ed them. Let s take heed kat we neglect them, to ear ownt le b • (armor saga to any special line' Some association owns a to that particular des is ready to take him by the recd to help him on. L he is interested in dairy erg, he may attend meetings when impor tart subjects are discuwd on whet branch, and when the ben sod moot effective .odea of doing the work is every depart- ment are at one titan er soother taken up sad dleoassed. The report& aimed by these associative are also easily accessible te him, and boss preserve in permanent ter. IWch �ufonttstioo that would osksrwise be lost. H. may attend m eet& M difiereat polls where practical krflermntisn is given ea dairyug and at s serum of ther ewhen Avid wlease incom- mode ncom node him to do this. 1. he • fruit grower! Here, again, orgau- sa les Doors to twee rescue. He may attend the meetings el thew orgaaixatn..s, when the beet las been glowed elating to his favorite line is poured at Me I.I.dand . o.unally without say cbarp ; and the re- pperrt�e st skis eseocietion also, which roo5.sn igfonatisn attestiatr .f very much miss, ave pissed at his service. Theo there ase the reports of the (ental Farmers' l.Mtitets, whmb are not to be de. speed, skim gb we men acknowledge that ks several of the Mateo aross the line mock more valuable informatics is given in refer• mono to the work of fanners' tatitutes than hes yet appeared in *be annual report from ears. Of amos city. it will he so, unity ssg...ptsa is adopted of embodying in pec• mswt fowl some d the valoabe addressee given at the general institutes held at vari- er please dung the year. The 'abject is certainly of sufficient importaace to engsg� the attention of the executive of the (;..- Mal Farmers Institute. We have the work that is lmttrg dam by the various expwment stations, and view- ed in iew•din the light either of its extent, or d its inaportmos and helpfulness, ws most .e knowledge that it is • greet work. The farmers are being pot in the way of getting the moat rslusbk kinds of all prodoert Mast are grows is the country, and preen• sally withoatj say cwt The work that ' Is stations are thus •ooempliiing vela i have • very imprtaat besevtiaris W treser's prosperity. mace it is We hails superior varieties wbieb M selleenns aver have hese ails M 1 Malay was when the homer. .euM -Mdonee • 11Mi• isDOWpest and ism, gid. wn, agrimilkessa w' 10 ., never to return. b awl he eblmi.d o per Oaterio Agriwllelwl CWMgo. gni is pod forte, at • very low pmt. WVe wade. Mead that • diligent atladest can go through that institution with no greater oat*, Mune probable 560 to 570 • year, and that he hes et the sane time the months of Jtt4! August and September at kis disposal ;mad M the farmds boy them are certaidy the most valuable n.o•ths in the year.'I'hers M ndbieg that will oampre with this a sheerness at esy of the other Inger ilew basal institutions is the oo.atry.-43aa. adieu Live Stook and Farm Journal •pe.Ms1 Dairy Tattle.. Presides* MBAs el the Weide Agrisml- tanl 0.Rels make.. the IdMwiag•elname- meat : Webure eaddd te apes a special dairy school is seaset1es with this Mimi - hake of the 1st eet February � p nest;n y i dairying, by illustrating the hest fatal el maselagiterlag better sad Meese as the bg erythe vd private odsdair*5. % ia. y the .cions nathmds the lay .t milk, by .xbibitieg it IM breeds d dairy sows, *.w10g meek mews are fed and .esag.d, by 1e�eg thdeaothers wbsoryssed my midi to Isere ....thing about batter Imi &..meshing tato ooitact with saes cad ssstbeds that may be sew sad Wpfel--by these .seal w• hope to impart mend iota isi&a.ery them/mat infuse h ris life this Mpro isthe o.. linty lie oohed will opuses the 1t d Fear sorry ad sloes ea the 31st of March, I81111k bed •mar,. of 62 i etaree will be gives es I ihilP1ehessr of Dairying -Thirty leetares es 1 breeds d dairy cattle; seledies, breeding, aNMg, .sd earls of dairy news, with War teaMsas by rehnses to ear dairy heed el Amide., Relstei.., J 0a....up, Mrd Pelle, and • amber of grades. eea- peoit1ea .4 .ilk; ferments is milk; Maar end ohms, gad mwk.1sg of dairy pe - Ser r el Agriculture -rem leslsees sasgrleuIIure. of Vetrimary Yeieme--?ver boners, es vvsse � ddh misses, bo Pirdemer ef Biology -Fear betel., two en Cz eed two es bets*. Fvsissmur of ameimry-/mar lee4t.. me O..asneaiw.amid general principle. el sheenneryId n.M•1 K ss.r--gh Meas is Mlbstsmilliallis esini.al syst.aemd ng. expm4.ing w.r C.aplls.ens •e d IBsr, yea k esa.pll.ea* the either day, "Ab, tsli▪ d 1.e r Male 11,i.w4la spookiest M' sqssmr..tee made, 1 said ye were nee me big • fed se she mid she hoped vet" 7sa• and 'Maj Wer, she Wad alai! IMILm..M/q. IOW Wows Sow a One. h aNN/Ilbee ea es tM 84wbaM awe. "niers is • dad eaM lbws Bei Ilimenised a 'Weise • 11., weans Herbert Brasil 1•M ime Fial. end Me isM taw Freepost el her 10t111 utuMeseasee sells No. But, in pout d Asea, Mow never wine sash a Myge number d gee milting verge, hath Jest sad handing le vas as the British sesewbans erredee today. As our .elle i.s shrive sad issrease .r with them ser chief eons u sssaosree Ilse --o meet Obs deemed 1sr .hippie/ .saea.rily bsceae grimier,.4 thewmmwill slw• s exist eve hematites ssero. u which .allies ships may he far more profitably e.tployed than me.mre. N roamed aneually gives work M. very huge fleet el shipper., outside the ' regular liners, in carrying the freesia eau senses of sheep to the Forepe.. eearkw ; the wheat trade el California employe every new mem themesde e1 dies el for ship Fthe wed experts el Aeetwb., tie Malls s el India sed the slowly exp•ed- iaduetetee el the Beath Asminean sea. beards, w all trades whisk still poi •sere work to awed then to steam The sailing skip will mover apte carry p.eeengwe, but ' s (res as oral at as ,..?ago of l I • toe remelts • osdiiies of the essployment of the stsn-sr, es kag as the clipper ship likely to ge en Sourer' biag in those trade' whew prompt despatch M am • matter of the very Mw i loost." W- ky lip/deel s Core. 1t has been asserted to • malice' journal that atter Irina Albert, ooaeort of (ioeen Victoria, died of typhoid fever at Windsor Conk is 1861, the discovery was mate that there was an o l direotly ander ash the room which he occupied. Whether or not this circuautanoe was the cruse of the Prince Consort's ketal illness, it illustrated the fact that only thirty years •.ggoo the world had not learsed the mast d.ment•ry lessons of eissalinese in INe. It is net many years indeed since spidew- Ise ceased to be regarded as " v Wtatioes of Providence," and practically nothing was dons to prevent their recurrence. The simple truth is that this " Provi- dsnos" visite the unclean with p mtlsnc. much offeror thea it dem the scrupulously cleanly. What • vast camber of fatal illnesses, seen at this day, when the virtue of clean- liness is mere widely recognised thee ever before, a due to the toleration of filth ! The.ssads and thousands of dwellers o pen lame sr in mull villages m the men - try pais dasgsrees neisasms about their pnlabse--verb as neglected vaults ander the wiadews of their sle.pisg rooms, oil tars unventilated and containing decaying v.gebbes and fruit, sink drains emptying ekes by doorways, stables too near the houses, or wells within lltenag diseases of The people who telecom these noisome* .tel toe often have to pay the penalty in i• ti�p sad other fevers, dipbtb.rand 111th diseases of various kinds Is many country districts which should be sheen perfectly healthy fevers are sbockiagt p - valent, and generally they en iraa reto Automatic naieasose of this kind. -Youth's Cempeniee. Aseed.(e et staples.. When Napoleon was First Conal of Franca Sonnies.., one day just before the Mestere sairip4g* came into the Cabinet at the TNirim ated found • large map un. wlisi jiam the serp.t, and Napokoa j*, •gvpan. about fiat w▪ ens /iswthfa red tng and black steepen tom. Ilene leen very soon maw tb.t the rd French and the black the Ans▪ tansi firms. He watched the pem�eam of the pin campaign in alone, but wit& 11' depsat interest. t Havl.igngg ooadw 01111041114110net01111041114110is .' moo= termination, Napalm* leaked tapp s4 bis secrstery and said, Do yea t&ialt that I shall beat Midas r "Why, bo. ea I tell r' replied Hour- . knee. "T.0 ! you simpleton ; look her. ! Melee M at Alexandria, and will remain then earl Genoa 'arreaders. His magataos, beepitak, artillery,and reserves are at Alssaadri.. Passig the Alps here," said k r gtisk' g • pin tato the Gat St. Berm ard "1 fall apo. kis rear, cot of bit n eomm.amicsticss with Austria, cad meet him in the valley beer." So sbe Mock • red pin in the plan 01 Msrs_nga Bourrleaso looked span the moving d the pias ea men pastime, and was creditless so is that Napoleon rolled op the map, ex- elaimi.g playfully, "0 t you sisny .ad goose. weeks later Boarrisnaa foetid himself writMg up the battle of Marengo at Napo- Meu's &statism as the very spot .hen he W Owed the pia, and recalled the cinema - Mame with wonder at his foresight that bordered es wwwuese. gray time m• se sail Modern research has shown that the • mea..cstaine in solation nearly every et. sns.t the* exists apps the earth, sad that ihem eismsersexam in the water in pro- portions . tbUi of their oempeggds. Thus gold sod silver reiand most of the other heavy ■ gtgM are found to exist then. Seems - stalk found shoat 14 grsiss of gold M the tog d ems -wain, r s dollar's worth In less thee two toes. As the wean ooven s11 the lower valleys of the earth it reoeives all the draMage from the whole of the exposed laid. This drainage is the rain water that hfalls. epee this ex .ar- lass, has Sowed down it• sea s�'pss, er W seek into parous kemd imi de mended underground. L either ream the wake Irma di..slve and with it sop Walk .atter that it .•rrTrW� i t the quail** eppreprished Wagdogmatterknt5 wid te its kdahUk ML tad s mess% of exp men M the .elves . Reis wham it falls tapes the earth is Relined wear nearly (iee small ineparielesbdsg what h whhem e. the air), let ever water whoa it rowdies the mem esataiss seeaenesable gmoutl.s of involved .hers' sad vegetable matter. These well seetribatisas re ever peering In mad ever ...sa.l•un• This .eatigtal addition d dlm.lvd missed saw witbwt w OWIT‘speraggaishmirestiss evaporates. bu. hose rim es ever gime el r the .tbla -eaaeiktd of land sad water. Ater OMNI . Alibied* 11 a llemedems trees •thea sells a •ewes •e...c. Mehr ass • gee soars vaithan lived • wada isembii•, wavey is w. 1 "Old Akata" d who wee We Imo Mari, drowns. sad M.atl.es. .mss ar p is es Owe kited plot.. whit eal.sil teal kite • supper. Ote. yi 5. was k...ked de.. by • p•..b� eel mid ranted t. • hecpieal in • yd lag -e.54t ins. Whet examinol by the doctors, •a ..1, dirty pees, of wee toned Lyng ant his heart, ea which , a • few engraaasiasal, mas-spilt word., he willed ha • eroeong' to another . mea, like bn.s.lf heir -witted and s*s mid like him/ eif the attbapp ousting fur all Oke cowards u the neighborhood to wormers*. L his lifetime the two had never hem lumens to speak to ante another, which mak.s the hardest all the more pathetic, sines it shims that "014 Chris" was psis fully awake to hu own stilettoo, ad had angled cu► as the heir to hie only passes - am, his "creseiag," the person who met rwmbld him to every tbiog. --Letedete Aawer& ret redrew With the 4lvlag, lari ase/. wits lass sad 1 .rt rose ewern emirs weary lane, whin tse.l diel w ser need et sere . res eamob at fere. ••abhor howl al tie 1M1, ase and data with W the .yeusg - Whet inner truth 41.11 .e n, a gained, Arae, M simply .lying Then lips tee clary of tie pater 5 ill tae Mr maim ower, 4d ayes ter waft our taunts to .m Shall se daAam darer r: lbs bases that wood tat lir • meal Wks meow wore tbtct to .umber Ogg steep bill ppaat,h► win natter Moms* AM., .mer pttlo..d .pother. owe.t Riesd, p.reb.ses,bmb you sod 1 Era bee h�wtt tsrgiv.r;. MOW asks me /cram tone brow Sr pines ed5 Ors Ilene Trigs steaks nl..ve Our li wends merrwa vee• pstl.es, Ps obis kesast edge Sky Art s saed.at winos Tit cry to b. genal .ba Death .heifer eb.nm our clamor, Aa.t may to disown lila beta, Thrash swisorye watt, glamor D ort wise it wee toy that and me. Ere lova y pM b•g1.1ag, T. tore the tondo, lasso boos Be pstl.st via lb. Nefna. 'tool C4sw. Tall Flag roles for Claims.. The .penal train bearing the ten hag legs dinta.d for the flag polies ter the Washing. ten World's Fur building at Chicago will he ren is three sections of fourteen tan each. Loh el the lege equals the leagth of seen flat eon, though they are 1.454 i■ suet a seamier that the weight is carried by two d the van With tee exception of the two longest the lop are pieced two to - flon oa the ars, but it wee impossible to "rtwo largest i. thee ma.aer, owing to their eoermes weight. The two end are of the section will support the load on a raised blocking working en a pivot. The other an will be empty, and the logs will extend over them above the cap floors. This ar rangemant IS owing to the cups 1n the rad. When tie train u on • carve the first and last oars of the section will, of course, net be in the same straight lime, and if the lqp were supported by all the ars it would he impowbk to round the curve without breaking either the logs r the an. Te overcome this difficulty the movable blocks on the two end an are brought into play, and while the empty ears curve round e bend in tie track the pivots are also termed, permitting the logs to always retain the same relative position with weeOrpp��oot to each other. On curves til tetidk of the load .i11 be entire y clear of the cars at the center of the section and will lie parallel to s tangent drawn at the oater edge of the curve. When the curve is passed the pivots again throw the logs hack to their congilal position. Spokane Ths T.loseops .r the Eaters. When, in 1825, the Dorpat refractor d miss •ad • half isches sperature was cow Mr.Med, it was ooesidered a masterpiece, and it was considered the limit had been reached. Ouiand, however, had made better glees passible, and Franabdr betty workmssrhip. As • consequence, then were ooestrscted in 1846 two object `laser d 15 inches aperture. But this limo was again surpassed when we succeeded in pro- curing diens for an eighteen and three-quar- ter lack glees, which was figured sad seat to Chicago. Them followed the 56 -inch lenses of the Washington and McCormick olservatornes, the 30 -icor of the PeIk•wa and, finally, the great 36 -inch leas of the Lick observatory. It must he reesensbred that the posed has been dispmtcd inch by iacb, and that .its each emceeing advance the limit of successful glass melt- ing wee thought to have been .tt•imed. Eves the possibility et obtaining diem larg- er them 36 MMus, acid it appeared to him that the chances of obtaining 40 -inch disco le the present stets of the art were remote. W yet then are sow is my saanafee- MM��yy two remarkably fine dims d 40 iarsss diameter reedy for figuring. Whe Hua shall gee the limit to this plass et Ohs are, ess11i'sis0 the grem possibilities d teinAtb ' Ianpeew__i and •dvms el Oil dos view ef .hat . lees ass mitred .pliebsda vhef-Nerth Americas I traagw RolIntos la Se.opwts.ia. A high prelate in Armenia has addressed a letter to a friend 1. Timm, is which he gives es asesent of • strange sen is Let - ern Memepseawa, sidled the Yedoidiea The members d this sect are the direst 4. ▪ 4..4 the old Glakkene or Poeeisms. They are wither Me1aa..dan r (lris- Gass, bat have • streete religion very..h like that ef the Peewees. The Yoha..e- dW say el them, hemmer, that witkupots be 10..aego.. Su. estssle ai sea seiseiarne to the Yede dies M Me - ] them t Ideas. and recently the I.-1 pedal Gemniiegiostre arrived at Moeaal, the Nineveh el the Bible gid called _ iSs Yedidiss to adept the tree iWtb, bet they Andy nls..t The ChrletLe• a Memel stew theeght their .&viee bad mese, and sent • missionary ef their own le eenver4 these The Turkish Demedeeieeer, hew - eye'. via re mum at obi that he arrested - several Chrkalee notables .sd pit the. h A 'leer] t.g..t... owettivaaes. pie He thee preeseded le v ivst w Y `viler with the pap of reed eddia k (10,4.4. d. P6•66v d the "mi._ Frani and emerald skew wire Wad sad treed. O.itagira, bee invoat.d a paloue aL The prams .emei•dm his IOW r m4H antr4va.eo M *high M giwg0 tkk ave• d the He' • Turkish Oswedaniessr S•bi•sephon•. The la.traannt M ismaded the 1 to '".eaves" ay res is tales so1.dl $e t b••mast. d e4 ave. in .e.ee ares .t arum.' and he' he •.y riga M g 4 I • atflier• m M�. Chrletiese ism prams bemuse they .444.0. 1• erajaatiea .M►1 Hsgbees Il••amet.r •d M ees.wt the e. Foran w 55e •w and memo to M• mid d dere human Mr, a- -klith t a� is se donne the smog d the bs.- .mets.be Hellen Us prMein d amid a. ret.. tb. Mttdige. arela O M lis sem •eI,.sr rf it M mild that Fiats le sew guile • aga- tes.,Tam y mid mem prier it b1lik.p, sad .a dm is min he Amide s. tlm• ]leen y Orval Psteekl Ser • gllig a ggk w% . M Okla be made a mesa .. - los as be Akan jest bei he Fagged Out ! ! 4Vt HAT titled, worn - out reeling, el Mali so many w.,mer, owmpbu+ after • day's washing, is cepa away with 1.7 those who use Ma grebe Saving • ;���5 OP 0 Wilk], mai. • the Dlrt drop o •: Without Hard Rubbing Without Boiling Without Washing Poo/clove Try the easiy,,Mew and eeoneakel wa)'-the Sunlight) way of waaltice and mon x111 not be die appointed. SUNLIGHT SOAP having un emsal feet Purity, you may nes is vi ith racket and d.t.g..t Inc erery hooseboid purp..e. • • • • • LIVIR DSOs., (.saws wcata$ PT. eli.ittm0 T MAW etmaslmasA0 ToSSMTO !going .areae. Dying Wife- " Promise me, darling that you west have ate crenated." DMcousol.M Husband "Of entree i do, d,snot, I at why r Dying Prife-•• You know Mow 1 Irate to .ea aches .read the bears. ' Owl Mal Mimi. Scott's Ema1ieg deer not debilitate the etotnaeb as other sough medicines do ; hat on the contrary, it improves digesting and .treagthens the stomach. Its effects are immediate and pronounced. 2w Aged OapeA1. Thom Life. Young Hshaed-What' Yon are 25ytara old to -day' Why, you told as s year ago, deet before the wedding, that you were only 20. Young Wife (wearily ,-I have aged rapid- ly since I married. Very swell Pleased. Sim,- I am very much pleased with the effects of Negysrd's pectoral Balsam. Our family has been greatly troubled with severe colds, pain in tee chest. etc., and have bees promptly relieved by this valuable medicine which we willingly re- commesd. CLASA A. licKessis, lT (Clarendon Station, N. B. A Seen s AsrUuadare. Snippy (in the club) -Wonderful hew feat automatic devices are being invented, isn't it! Fweddy- Ye as. Snippy -I bob :they -re got a self-ww- in6 floaak now. It mut save tie poor fahnahs a sweat deal d twouble. Oeinlval. All Others. In curing coughs, colds, hoarsen( m, asthma, bronchitis, .ore throat, an.' .11 thrones of the throat and lungs, thi is one remedy that is unequaled by any . tier. We refer to Ih. R'ood's Norway fine Syrup which has affected n.any remarkable cures this season. 2w A Tereseae Task. Claregce - " Done anything Lady, (:holly r' Cholly-" Yes ; bought • dimity for 180.3 last week and •w waiting for New Year's to come to begin it Awfully tiresome work wilting, awfully �t lea bow you stand the .twain, weally !" A tk.dbl. ane Would use Remp's Meson for the threat and lump, It is airing mere cases of coughs, colds, .stbma, bro.chitis, croup and .11 throat sed lass troubles, than my other medicine.The roprietor hes authorised ay druggin to give you a sample bottle free to canvases you of the merit of this great rem .dy. Ione betties 60e. gad 31. [loom b • Sed Som, Friend -that typewritte. letter I re- ceived fromen wag •bortably printed - jest fell of boder.. Hasiise. w(esdlj--I know. ' Why doe% you archery the fellow r " it's • girl" •' Weli disebrp the girl." " Never ! 1'm is love with her." "Thea marry her." " She wee't have tam" A Cc M Ce.tapnMDs ata Mes`whe. Dr. Sipa 1rns, while in the Bosky U1aa- tahs, diseaveeed • root that whin semblastl with ether kerbs wakes an rang sail Ween care for eaasMiy-"- It M a the form of dry root. sad L•see. sad is beams as ir'. Family Ledicise. It will ears MalAsallashe. Per the Med, beer and kidneys, and ter demise R the e.mplexi s it dale wends. Me..oka a�M .e0 it at M .. • pareage -gresgh eve (,dew arsred M 1.15.5,. Fee. lest. Mies HH.*t..-1 theughl MAW vas Ira.psry. •gedmbeee Um bees gni y yaw me Bb.MMb-Y.•.s, se was, yeas haw ; Mt he has wevissLMisd lb wep-MYa se a laratMi.6~tats----kedeed 1 had hew dM be de gib. Womb . Berne iiy Tire. renessma resmao. !lyse p ostial plat.: tut► Mmsdsi Mad amiselts BitsrDa •1 Usedleodi•! sed Melees gems bbade.a{ eel by r• mine .pest...Mism sembf-oil with les dRmmwve nod gariles.g owes. ird Deeded' Bleed WOW -ins .M dimer@ hoes the cm Sero aamrd, Moi as b ----.ams.--- . as. y mall tisk Wen es Sinn sad raft stied d isseam tksaamsi d ket5. i 111 olborne Bros. BARGAINS n DRESS GOODS : 1 pieces Tweed, 50c., for 40o. New Goode. 10 " Colored Henrietta., 50c., for 36s. 13 Robed Dresses .t about Half Pries. The above are doweled BARGAINS and seasonable. MANTLE GOODS : Seslettes, $5.00 and $8.50- Extra Value. New Stock. BLACK and COLORED MANTLE CLOTHS Prone 60e. to 33. S0. All Mantle Goods bought from us cut and fitter[ fres of charge FLANNELETTES: A lot of 500 yards, 7}c., Sc. and 8#c. -Extra Value. We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry, Wool and Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats, Oil Cloths, and Linoleums ever shown in the County by one house. Over 150 Seta of Lace Curtains to select from, di- rect from the makers in Scotland. gar first-class Dress and Mantle Milker up -stairs. 57 discount for Cash. COLBORNE BROS., OODERICH. Great Carpet Warehouse of the County. } A rl.eaterlalC.r ..W. One of the piscatorial curiosities of the North Pacific Coast, especially plentiful along the shores of British Columbia, is the fah known to the Indian, whites and half. breeds as the "candle fish." To the scien- tists be is the culachon aThaleichthy paci- bcuss), and is highly esteemed for two roman : The fish itself is about 14 inches loot, resembles the smelt in geocr•l appear- ance, and is aught in large quantities by west coast fishermen during the months of February, March and April. It is the fat- test of all known fishes, for which reason large numbers of them are dried and smoked to be used as • warming food during the long rigorous winters so common in that re- gion. Large *ambers of them are •1.o run through crude presses, which extracts the oil ; this is preserved in skin tags and used much in the wine manner as whale's blabber is used by the Eskimos. This "medic fish" gets its common name from the fact that whets dried it burns with • bright white fLme **til entirely consumed. it is much and by the "oo•stels' both of Columbia ad Alaska, either with or without • wick pared through its bode. A Maass M Sts. Butcher-" I need • boy about your rise, mud will give you 53 • week." Applle•et-" Will 1 have • Mame to Yea I west you to he hen at 4 o'clock every morning." Irlitite10111 i Regulates the Stomach. Liver and Bowels, unlocks the Secrations.Purlfls•th• Blood and removes all Im- purities from a Pimple to thaw° • ' Sorofulou Sore. BLOOD _. CURES DYSPEPSIA. BILIOUSNESS. ONSTIPATION. HEADACHE SALT RHEUM. 30R0PULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINESS. DROPSY TI SKIM DIS BITTERS PATENTS ! Mtn MIK MS lith vaned $ ESe.long � "k 1ti.D116�` i'o "t MOD/L mei .d to .Meld S�� WOO N kt71! ernes t1 • A Mr•W a •p.e cseel*t. r+e.at OODERTCH 1 Steam Boiler Works. (ESTABLISH= 11110.1 A. S. CH RYSTAL Suerrasor to ( krystal ee Markt Manufacturers of all kinds of Station- ary Marine, Upright k Tubular .30dteSirMi.ZS Salt Pans, Smoke Stocks, Sheet Iron Works, etc., etc. Alco deakrs 1• Cprlgbt a*d Horlsoata 81tdea halve intones. A.te.•tb Cwt (M Surdas a pec(alty, All ogle of pl e and pipe-lttbts owuoa head. iitremel fu attended ea t �17 F. s 0.derlch. tit Werke-Oppceit• s. T. R. Statin, OadrMob PLANING MILL MAIMED 1166. Buchanan & Son, suWUVACTcruas SASH, DOOR and BLIND, Dealers 4. W kind. of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES And bender's mateefal .f every degerlpt4u School Funiture a 8pecialtj. NEW ARRIVAL --.1- . 13:171LICER GOODS LATEST STYLES. ft.s moss M i .leered set. Porten Mid show shapes. H. DUNLOP, ha Woo '., Thaler. WIC0LIC O D'S SYTEM RENOVATOR AND Msec error aamtros Specific and Antidote for I.,eee, meek Mrd lasswwW Weds dr, }apria,seA lee d ....r;"�'_��,� cry dMm•ma, in? dense, fsm.a Met eligibles emit rmeral isb.ikr• MONITORY. 100(1111, ONTARIO J. M. MoLSOD, Presuisoir. 5 ionseawes.r• tmeewr 1<WawAe06 elm he W es se eel= law sad ated SMA . tee. R (TDDY MEETI URON s w "NAT au and •1•164 e1 toe 1' &Pala 1.v, trhv w Teo. rY cuvNc penmen 11.. IMth t. Oke srtiag Oke ovs.es Nr +era eats est R lams til a end tlw cvu vent�w' Llellsrcbs, nt 1•, Ii 'ie .mim er tis Lose pas lrlsg ttwlwthe th,seNrr M .1 Iks.m.ts rvmr s rhe read tress messed W. for .s ocenasset Ideas, of I ieieb, it r ive *vier, Ices Cycle, or for ole en rated R. O. r. mattes tees lc' Missed tam Italia fold. l.wY, WEN is 'Mos - sedy, 1aw4' Megula, Ass versa ern, Inst., Sabi ' -Sema M.N. Sews, n ltase.y, 1 en ogas; rhea ic•-Memrai Mi• alYgtsiievds. 4T mese re op*, ,r : *Jae 1 Nae n seek its my mewl :NaP. .ler usanw, tete tAlales v sled. lleved7 t w ...aitia .410 OW U art .ted live. m spial that el scuba 4 5.NM.Mtie eta tardy ler he releaser is, seru5A5r0M Mem : Acrd Beggert geed se Meg erinid Rail east 5*tS -:41:11112isionegaheadalelteib, ,meM hal f • r a ►Mass de lab Nem 4 a ✓ s saddusly .died W• e tete m Ike Gomm 'fir NIRLD. widi 411a TIN ter h.ee .ori ds*s . A •d es MAN be el ralY)erdl. t / R A.dw•1 es Yrs IM w ria► -•agar ' I ked wive .IM tut film 67; l d b 55