HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-12, Page 2TAB $IGZAL s GODXRIQH. OI'!., TBRRSDAY, JANUARY ,1$ 1893.
ne..th for me.11,41 and 11es4its wheat
vrt:pof Fipt is taken; it plat
aid refreshing to that trate. and acts
et T.-dn ;civ onthtKidneys,
Liver .and ! .' :-1, ck. antes the Rya -
tem efft'vl,:.tl3', t}ispris colds, head-
aches and II. Yeas :.ltd -cures habitual
Syrup of ?bp is the
onlyer pro-
pl of the nd r
taste d ac-
sceptable to the stonmach,afrlltt f I
its actl.)n and trait- bi:m&tial in its
cf wets, prepar: doulw from tilt most
healthy c :.dagrecabier;:1.'ritlnces, its
7panyes,'itc t ttgtl :iiti: a t'):nnlend it
to all and lt:: a ri:lt!_ it the most
popular 1: t'1t' t t Lzhesre.
1"y rupCf Djt t in 730
Anyfly,.."ti ' ;fil y it.4:maa not
any � . `.
ht:ve it tart hand 'r<.. rocure It
{promptly fur any oda V o wishes
Wiry it. lian.Ufattur 1 L'•v by the
,_OUL'�VIZiaZ.ILI'.... W
Ono. A. FRAIL Allan AT GOD1l1tM'$.
',smithy leads to spectacle wearers.
Veleta are 860 a thousand at whoiesiie.
'the I .erman navy sow possesses eighty .ix
Mrs. Cleveland spent „er 1 hrutmas :n
Buffalo with her mother.
The Roman kitchens were marble paved
&id furnished with pictures and statues.
Burdock !'ills cure sick headache by r e•
gelattug the stomach, liver and bowels. 1n1
Women are employed at railway switches
and crossings iu ittaty because they d. not
Rt.• intoxicated.
There is no better remedy for worms of
say kind in children or adults theu Ar.
Low's Worm Syrup.
Francis Willard u to spend some time in
Ragland with Lady Henry .omerset atria
Winter talking of temperance.
In Roston they are getting to call after-
fternoon teas "smoke talks, because the host-
ess sanely baa incense burring.
[Skin diastases are [moat annoying because
so noticeable. Dr. Low's Sulphur soap
keels and cleanses the skin. I m
The silver dollar u now actually worth
about b3 Dents, so that the ('olumben half
dollar t which sells for $1). s really worth 32
Milbuin'e Beef, Iron and Wine u pre-
pared from fresh beef, soluble Iron end pure
Merry wine, combined with choice aro-
wuce lin
Artificial legs mid anus were in Use to
Egypt es early as B. C. 700. They were
made by the pnesta,who were the physicta*I
of that early time.
They refoot stockings to Ragland at •
small expense. It must be a great oaring,
for the upper part of hosiery Is not much
given to wearing out.
Philadelphia is entitled to be knows rpm
the city of sisterly love. A000r:hag to a
recent police census the city boasts of '13,-'
000 more women thaw men
An advertisement for s schoolteacher to
an Indiwa paper reads as toUows : " He
must be a rum sound in body and 'stollen,
not amid to use the rod. `Vagei $10 per
month and hoard around.'.
Provide yourself with • bottle of Ayer's
['berry Peetoral, and so have the means at
hand tor contending successfully with e
sudden cold. As an emergency medicine,
it has no equal, and leading physicians
everywhere recommend it -
lc the first sixteen days in December
money orders aggregating about 81,600,000
were rent trom the United States to Rupe
by the mail, all of it Is understood to be
sent by former immigrants to their kindred
in the Old World.
The continual succession of boils, pimples,
and ereptioas from which many suffer, indi-
cates an impure state of the blood. The
mat effective remedyis Ayer's S•rueparills
It expels the poison armless[ through the
uatu»i channels, and leaves the skin clean
sad clear.
Mt te nesevI that Timms do Loewy* She
Toad Alt Its Resew. Abet the rarer
{-swat 7isa,ial 0.'le1e. t1.. some ear
the 11,wlary of rwtu►s Work.
�meet te
et Err _
I1411448o414.1t Jar ft -•i• modem EMT
�.ar et Laws Dow bpm the
wegooy w/th Cer1tshts Yeiss, e
Mr, washed with her weaver hem
slOyaielsea ta the Palmer
& lir all akserbi.g thew el sibk. hearers.
She lather el the girl is a that wg
♦ Termer. paper reeio the feet
Haar is • relative ef the Pel. rad that eba
Patna. Jan 9. T►e order uuent VM hems uvea
at w oppress disorder ,u Mt is are te relatives se Louder 1115 Maher
nut based Lpuu any appreb•hosous of •
Rtya. ist outt.rsak. but upon the s:t.nlpte
of the et: rru,e Nut .►fiata t. mous.. •e maut-
recli •o The 1:...: coluent does not . telt
sten the So. valet IlMl1lueut with .er.511
spl,»hvl.stu0, snit t. corrddMt of its sight,
to m•.utstu oiler The tool, of faits Re
!Josef nr ese•ssea the !or mwelds th.ra.Nr
within 1. cal:a:wed to the days o' t4. CAM -
rouse amlof t. Chs more . angolswe laid
.rs it. p04 . la- ag,tatloa* ere umber aWttsf11
starveillao,,•. and the M.ulstry '•['the Ia.
tenor ,e L.•nt ::,i..r:nad a. • otst.hh •.: s*
5tuv.ibenl, 11e nut .111 how 4.551,1., to the
direct..., .,f disordcrl) drns,.n,tralte The
replouag, to that est urulet', a fair mom
thoroug1h..:thnash .,an oiereeies mat
sive, than 1.nd51 1h.• late empire.
police ..,u:u parsl,.'e +e rztrvr.
dee o.ttatiou at my toomeht hi`putties
then lauds up:m tie teethe:'., at it is
thoue,lit beat 4, want for same open set of
tswls.suea helot• taking such a dectette
. ours
T1.. 13414=.15 apodal rot,ttatiee to grow 01
ulagw.: tad. There :► no duet& th tt Charles
h Leseepa his told the V,oretathent every -
Meg ne &cowls It :, said that 0.1 ea hs
ampl.te.t his +tatemeat M. Frauque-
' the magistrate. he espy sed Inn sea
s ,iecpiy relined. He Rohl h., nad hit for
years he ass beartag a hu..i• a et swpt:ten
who it eight to attach to •.t her. The ample
desire of 5'. feller and of tt5otv1 had Seen
te bring the l'anan.a ['.nal .•nterptlse to a
successful ,onclustoal, but bbackrntiier; het toes to Perform tt. /huts.
4.ken theai t•y the th,oate..nd the The sews that
Compsn' had Leen .uospeil.d to buy the Jame. t:. Itlune had enc. more psoied mho
support sod end eh,rh. .0 the interest of the valley of the shadow of den , and that
the good tams .-! France and for the ►,euefit Wren there who had time meet sangume In
Mates W • iteUrrelle reporter yesterday
,hter to
Mat tar officer aria to au way
,he girl, ani that te bis kno•Irdge ku
daugktot had uo celeuves hot" in Loren
He ..•td "The Item 10 the 1 oruilo paper
r question proves beyosd any doubt to
tar tread, that my child has been takes
Wray under false promotes. ' The °Mario
len eight said A sttattgs tact tar cru..f-
ttou the cam is Toronto with M e e
togirl during the
eight e hen be could have roue •t»ttlbt
through to Windsor, arn.tieg at his dr.tina
Moo .t ea early hour In the morning. Au -
Other *tramp tact is that [roes was taken
to a hotel, when she had • aerie. table
sinter mused Ida living at tib Rho street,
Toronto, whu would have be. -n gisi to see
her. Only 5 short tone ago 1.45475 i' eeired
from the peter 111 question a tens 04 cloth
ine, etc flees t a belle) that there is
more baited the atfer than has bee nude
publh.. Clued of faits Newten was area
w -day by your correspondent, mad puts a
dtdereut .omplexes° en the affair He
lhlnk. the detel1se .uque.ltoa 5155 5 part)
to no coseptracy .0 the child's removal frorn
Belle. t:lc He boo k•arned ,.a g..ud author-
uthorsty that the mother of the girl, he. ins es
taWubea herself a • ...oat lues, is sextons
to have ler decider tate with her.
Th. Heart of Mie . r.wt (141.55 54 Re -
orf tMwa•uds u: Freuch inses.ors,' uuglit to
have been siren freely and as s matter of
public duty
Mat._. Font,our h,aowed the example of
(harks de i. -seep- ,:n mak log a frank and
. omplete statement . f !'anatn. I'•n.I af-
fairs Acta -drug to roe Mate to -day lbs that death u early • matter of a few
arrant ni M !Rondo' 0.0 dee to an a% ...nil days or even Moura It is sacert•u
ry 11. Fontaine to the effect that Btondin (d that there were three dutin.1 relapses
had a. ted N a go -t etwern in lite corrupttsu d.nng the night. At 1 am., when he was
anticipiuou mJr hold no hopes of his
recovery, be aa,ek w bin Washing he
and by mean/ f press
etouatfr at large yesIerda morning. His
physlciaus have admitted that Mr. Blake's
condition I, N rs•lons 1. can he and
of Minister Rebut. Bloadtu. The ,1stin
says, has contemned to having cashed four
check. on Batbut'. .c.alua1, amounting to
I,1>t)U.Oat0 franc... Thu confession of Moo -
lin 1s contirme.i by the statemeit of Poe -
tame. '-here is a strong feeling in favor of
thorough tnveattgatioo of the Ministry of
l'ublr• Works, apart from the Panama
MM. Baibut, Blandin, Fonesase, 1:ottn
and Charles de Lempa were clammed
umnitaneouele by Magtattat. Frsnquerille
to -day to regard to the Panama scandal
frauds. The oontrontattoo of the men led
to vehemeet altercations, the noise of which
weld be beard outside the court root.
Magistrate Frsnguevllte afterwatds held s
conk:ream with the Proeuresr 4 .neral. If
tt shall be decided to prosecute Ex -Minister
Beibut. the Go. tremens will leave it to
the Chamber to decide whether he shall be
prosecuted before the Senate or before the
The members of the Right in the Cham-
ber of Deputies hays decided not to vote
for M. Fiuquet as president of the Cosaber.
Stet AMs: • Itof.ou•e.
fazoo*, Jan. 9. -William Rathbone,
wbo te set down in the P•rhamentery com-
panion as • "decided Liberal' in politics,
and who was elected by the l:ladsto.ens to
represent the North of Atfon dirisiou of
Carnervonshire in the House of Common*,
has joined the Liberal Independents Mr.
Rathbone was elected on the theory that he
would give • general support to Mr.
t:led/tome, cud It u believed ' •• de-
fection is due to his determinatios
not to support the Home Rule Bill that
it is expected will be presented at the eom-
twg eemioo of Parlament
He is in favor, however, of complete
churab equality, and perhaps it may be his
desire to scan as won as nossibe the dm
establishment of the State Church to Wales,
in whisk hr conatlteence to located, that
has led bin to joie the loderedeata, who
consider themselves free to parade fey
policy they deem necessary. His defectien
bee mused much adverse imminent among
the supporter of Mr. Gia4&teee.
first seized Wilk heart failure, bur ph
clans really tboognt the aid had come, he
by the aid of ottmnlant•, chafing and the
weal •cce.ones, he r*1$d- He woe after,
bewe.wr, relapsed is • stupor. Suddenly
at S &cloak this morning he opened hie
eyes, whirl were N claar es they ewer
were, and, seeing his Oysters' at kis alio
Doctor, have
aims" The taws of his I em woos wore re-
markedly War amid draft for a nru alined
u .tassels live nlimwtes later he mask
tato a stupor spike. mad 90 minutes later he
had ags hs aWars
to relate,•odaeloal
third tame three bows her.
IIIc. La .wiere SOON kir
shame is the le.doe Wig News
Assad l'bfel Jaw's Coleridge. of
lead, was ea height test with, m sof em
gema,-ira birtiohy. whir* was net Waal
MP -
M. s sleet I It saes • the t.. re
wilt a:MaWt W la,ferrtetr• \T i,q + I0.
purser goes to era him and .555 -What Jr
et [.bah ,'1 a.t•h aid such tu.ry '.1.
t.'111eiss ell al watt arum 1,. • 1 ..t tee hear tyv�
ert.•t you thio*, toe." Aad ti a soarers.
.title hie only duty there will
squally amp. there.
be in connection with Ly
\ an*e1.lerstat.t,sig c ./eta •o to the ren• gooiis or i11 be my duty to
.Je 505 wb,c11 t•..• tmestinittw tat tngmlrt see
hero. ••1 w err into thy. :Ape.idittet tat tl.. sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
specialty, and everything in
"Darkest Logi..tot turd. 1t ,. u,.0 5tioed
Mat ir.actal ilootu ...II Ars .'•'1uplail.y et
°aerated. la form:°,; •4.0i.qu.ry vomit.lttt+
then' [.ever wet tb.:,:e„-Ste.l doubt abYt
the Worst use of th, u.us.y t all those w-
teroslelt to tie Kln me ere of the upoidon
tial the wet lar I ocii dote 4ttb the mosey
that was p:,salble. What Lord th"1ow e
cu5auuttee watt,.i to deco. el' s whether
the benefit dertvr.i Ly the pooc from the the latefit and best
apw1dtmg of the whiney 1s .utti,l' :.t W ..nee
4555) to 54.is,• the w.vith. to ghee Goods and Groceries can be
agent tie sum „t • 14,001 to hie *pout by had at hard times prices at
the :solvates A: le) W (wiping the tardy
ewe of lbarkeat i.uglnad.
se so/ewee Tram tattle tae Driver awe
tgteeea • brasier.
Mogornea " Js.. 9.-A ternbte fM. icy
teak place [term Satariy. A street railway
car osatat5=mg a large number of passages
war cow Ws u from 84.. Heard, a suburb
of Yo.tn•I shortly after 6 o'clock. Whoa
is resehed the 81. Haan rstlw*y eeeamog
the Lamm scram Iron Montreal bops is
Dahlia's esoaployed.
D4sue, Jan 9. -Menem. I)sblo. ..d
O'Br=ee bad a long interview Saturday with
John Morley, Chief Sec -revery for Ireland,
the object being to urge upon Mr. Morley
the purchase of tracts of grazing land is
Connaught as • solutes of the difficult
question flet is preeentissss itself of saris
for the unemployed in Drilla.
They urge that these tracts of Ietd eboold
be *scared by the (io•r*ment, dt,=ded late
small farms sad then menta te tomato at
fair rater. They el•ismed [bot this meet.*
would prevent laborers Socking t. Dabbs,
and would result u great basalt to the
working classes
Sagan B. Anthony is already making het
orderly inflame* felt is the management of
th. New York Industrial School, and from
her reforms in its discipline and control is
proving herself to be the risltt men in Ute
r Ap her
eotfair o*didM . for brokers hon-
ors Ise made as application sod been ad-
mitted to a .sat in the Real Rotate Er -
thesis in New York City. Mn. 8. M.
sekay is the sewed worsen who has eb-
WMiood such a distitetion.
Mn. Noble, of the SS.eretary of the In-
terior, hes a way of writing pollard oar& to
herself me day as rentaindeso of special
duties to which .he reals to give attentaoe
oe the amt. She employs for this purpose
abbreviated anemorsada t.blligibke noly te
the writer
it may sot be gewarelly *went that
Qom. Victoria o.oe bad pectic sspirstloes
end carried them se far as to writs a *elk
ea( vents Atlia gad this to a p.bilab.r an -
der • ages de please, 5.d ba the pimwrs
wed *own to tome hshlar folk d MwiwR
it promptly " rao*.ad with t►saka"
geese Ysrs•.ite d Italy o wn.darful
collection of kegs, dada, Mak 1,000 years
before Christ, tad gathered tam isygtias
ad itrem.. sews will be era to the
rimae, RxbIbitise the fret time ub.1
they h.,• veer left hely. Amosepanytag
thio exhibit of law there will be a ooihs-
tis el the work of Ita11.wawa up b
data. •,
b.al.tyAlt ie Washingten am akes
o.mharnbls m
over tho pr�.w d R. -
de With Marshall,' the wades Army,
wL. It . abscissas add highly 04..6.d Reg-
lish girt Theft► .et 16 ion old, she her
we. r. 1a her
g ene
fad. hers Mswore
sme.R the *wee
tile.ms et il1sse5 sad awNgrlead,
the later ea.atry had litre elrisg tit r
t reses.
sato was down at the time, bet the
ear borese were going at such a paw that
the driver could not stop in time and they
dashed through the gate oleo the railway
track. The eaves of the ex 'tract
the street ear with terrible -forth The
driver a eke street oar. Joseph Mathias,
was struck by the engin and hurled said
'be lar. One of the psnsengsn crated In-
t.ippe, was aloe badly hart, bat the red
el the passengers managed to escape.
The car was totally demolished. Mathieu
had he spins injured ass was otherwise
badly hart. He was removed to the hos-
pitMl, where he did ea hear afterwards -
The 14atdri0.r Insisted ay Me tem"
Frees the Ckfesso Tetbu...
" Travel ea this road party often ! " in-
quired the paess.gsr with the long, slender,
padded ams
Yes," replied Lb. sleepy -looking passen-
ger oat the .sine seat
' Come to awn 'mod every day, I
" L bustards of gaud kips, Idke as she ! "
" Ns I work for another muss'
" Dry goods badeess!"
"Ns Wet
N! "o. nnnairke
Saloom t
fa° new .oveb, by dst:bguhshed
authors, are awon to Ili pabl,de.J re ) r*ll.x
tow is ht Frau. ".s t oppee, ass 501 Le . 0-
tlticd "ancilla. 11.5 other le by t Iceor:ea
SarJuu, a ho ail'"era very 4..nd of itis re-
soLuuuuary .10,4145 11 will br cai,e.t "The
Tern.r. sot, of course, dealt with the pas
door it..l j4.ltt ice of 1144.
.M address has beau prusentel to D°.
4:.,,,rh.e to aiuoll :. t,.4$) .igtatures are at-
tached..howtag the ..rgant.utso0 .4 a t'a:
tut tart' and the d1..oyalty .d messy bleb
"tactale alio h•.e auJrn allegiance to tete
pre rut Spw»4 Km; rad ,.•en ouiward
expressions of taithtuluoaa 4. 4u 141645 Ma-
je.t) 1.041 the 5tseen mother The algia.
turas of the untruthful. though many, do
bot speak of a hoed ..f reliable adherent. to
vale who 4004 ...tarp the throne. Dos
Carlos het caused enough blood to be seed
In 511 rause.
The . utoposr ot "fee Rove,' M. Alfred
Brnuesu. has publtahed the music he liar
written for an opera bread on %°la's story,
•'L'Attaque du Moulin." Tilts a the tint
05555400 when guy work of the great real-
ist has done duty for the lyric drama
The libretto istbe work of M. fa,uts t:.11et,
and the opera arta be rendered at the Parts
Opera ('antique. M. Zola may gain his
long-eorrted chair to the Academy.
It was Sir Willem • Harcourt w he tient
bestowed upon Mr, Wedmore Ute title a
"I /read Old Mat."
The Toi'out�- .Cash S1oit
P. O'Jl1A. YMyr•
For 1893.
Mrs. Robert LOOM titer -eases is about to
publish something again Mrs. Suaveness,
her friends think. has only lees renwkabe
cirri as a writer than her present hue -
Before her marriage to him she was
• welcome roetributor to some of the Med-
ia( American m.geslfea
The Kaprem of Austria Paw' residing at
her palace u Corfu. oo which. Item Snot to
last, quite 12,500,0011 has been expended,
has ordered bee etesseyacht, the litre
min, to be prepped Ix r cruise t. Ma-
dert., the Curdy l.L5.da, sad the Wert