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issuelses sew-Oa•r Ors Deals
a Tau. m Alevasefa
line telae Yews Naas is Moms
R u Aevasen
VOL. XLV. No. 2395.
OF PRESTON. the distinguished mei engag''tet"es" Mee w'^ w'^'&ted to net s pre-
w.�arei_,...r r• •l. �.el....�a. J.._b.
1'he Oovtltwnor-Olonertal of Cats-
fada Winne Ooderlch.
. Arr*vod b, tai. senior My Late ION Team
w leapeekeere twee etd.ra•ewed
Canadhin Wieser Weather-Twsee O°$
se Mende en _... M-- s Usellsd fo e
academe firs Cm Meow and ate rennet'
and Thad ire easels said hw..te:es.
reached Gederisb at 10 o'•
clock Saeurday evening the
Governor -General's special ear, Victoria,
wet attached to it. Oa beard wee His Ex -
saliency, the Right Trusty .red Ws1I-D.
love,' the Eight Honorable Ser Frederick
Arthur Stanley, Baton Stanley of Prestos,
in the coonty of L.neaver, m the Peerage
of the United Kingdom, Knight Grand
Cress of Our Most Honorahle Order of the
Bath, tfoverttord1eoeral of Cae.da and
Vies -Adored of the seine.
The train had hardly mime to • stan&
still when His Worship Jubo Butler, Mayor
of lieder:di meal Chief Emecutite of the
same, ('barman of the Waterworks .ad
Electric Light Committee and member •1 -
officio of all Committees pertaining to Ds -
patch of Menicip.l Business in end fur the
said town cf Goderich, swung himself boldly
on to the platform of the Victoria, rad do
mended ad•..nre with the representative of
Her Mod Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria
m an4 for that portion of the British
Colonies yclept the i)ominion of C•sada.
Had there keen . tas.tiag of the ammo -
awes it would have been dimas's to determise
which wo.M appear to best advantage
in the uterview, the .cion of arietoersey,
with tie bluest -blood of "Ven de Ven"
cos:siag throegb his veins, or the sturdy
representative id Wieners (0aedian demo-
cory who less than • week before had be. ■
ahem to the higho.t position :n the gift of
the ratepayers of Goderich by that authority
which alone possesses the ia.hetable right
-Vox Popish. But no interview was had
except with the .4 D. L., with whom ar-
tmgessests were mule for Monday's mop-
The next visitors to the Governor's party
were His Honor Judge Doyle, deputy -reeve
Holt, and others. They were . sub-
bcommittee appointed by the reoeptioa eoss-
mittcii to enquire if Hie Excellency would
receive the label in w.lki.q costume or
that court etiquette at the reception would
be adhered to. Tho °overset cotander.tely
waived all ceremony .o farm the mope Om of
the ladies wee concerned, and declared ie
favor .4 an informal gattberia( throughout.
The rector sod church wardens of St.
Georgs's Church were .Mo is waiteag apo.
g,. I icelleney with the view of intima'•%
that should Hi. Esedlescy and staff be dem
Teed u weed divine service on the morrow
imitable provisoes would be made is regard
to aeromtodation, eta
Wages on Sunday mooing Mayor But-
ler was astir, and seated is Swots' big
sleigh, which had bees .ebleso d -for the
nocasi.m, was on his Ivey to oo&v y the
tOversew -G.sers'to church.
1lsrieg the afternons • number of the
committee, moist* of 1r. Hotness, Judge
Doye, A. 8 William", H. Lockwood and
others formed the aqueintsects of Hon Maj-
or Walsh and escorted him .round town.
In the erasing the (lovernor-Geserul and
Major Welsh decided to walk to St -George s
church for divi.e service, .ad did se
despite the heavy storm, but they did not
reach their objective point without meeting
with the misadventure of cosine down
Hemiltoo instead of North -e. D8eovering
their error, they made .squiry end some
gad `3•mantea piloted them to the church
and out of the storm.
Monday morning the mayor, mnesburs of
the soused and otters of the smsnmittee
west to the chitins to escort the Goeer.or
to the Courthouse, where the remove'
was to be bold in the courtroom, which
had keen artistically titivated for the m-
ammon with evergreens and festooned bunt-
ing, • large gathering of the residents were
. ssemMnd. • goodly number being ladies.
Punctually at 10 30 a. r. the vies -regal
party arrived the first conveyance being o0
serried by His ExoetM.ey xoomp.nid by
Major Wish, J. T. °arrow, M. PP., sod
Mayor Butler. Two other v.bieles eomvey-
d the members of the tows coaxed.
Tbe'ppeermeoe of the (`3ov.rsor-Uaseral
wee the awned for the Musing of "God Save
the Qoeea, ' the high notes bep.g p.r-
Moberly well takes by High Moroi
After that Mayer Better drew eat the
•tawss which was to be reed to His !x•
seamy, het at the stage it was dissevered
by his worship that hie pines sea had bees
mislaid and he was oou.tnined to tubo the
ems of councillor Heresy's sp.eeardes. Fol -
low's' is
Vide aatllte'i :
Te 1. i the Webs Resemble err
Arthur et.aley. 9. (. it, /harm
Dever -
tier Goma ar tube email- ei Game
Th. tuba/AWN, ret the Tows of (3..4a1 fledertieh
are highly gratified se thelessap.oaytod e -
portunity afforded by pear R e pre -
Mat visit of welo armee to our tens at emee
in year newels, • high' diralasds ted,
umentea odes!r of heat and ilhu4isns#ses�'
ad at the mese time the r grenoshtf. M
Canada 04 her Mast Orseies Mrijsmty the
Queen. and of assisting year is,telwmy el
oar onetime.' Inyaity and davulfom te her
mown *eel our off etio..d lore ler MHer
Royal Parent, whom we }rep/ God e(
.pare to rale ever rhos woof
wbioh w ore �res6 se Mass ores es Inds-
niise&* a partlma
Came& hes bum sinisterly feetmmsts is
have freta trate to time boo. shoes* to r.•
pres•st Her Majesty in the high ••d e•er•
ous office at pe t se well dmiwtered
by your Ifses110.y, Coming as they as
du, and as your Readies, did, from
the larger ceuass s of the latices it mets
well be anticipated that tbecruder methods
sad ruder man•ere of the Namratoa would
deter the representative of Royalty from
mare than a discharge of strict official duty,
and yet we home always fouled, ea we end
now to your Excellency's visitt,, at this in-
olemeo1 wean of the year, and amid ear
roma/lags ant discomfort impossible to
u.tely protide against, that we receive
from those is your Excellency's office •
large sled is tsar oexpa:ted .hare of
geadiles coasider•teeo end • mp.tby is
workIag est la ibis am world the mail
new tied oases poiplexiag pruL'eou, wit
which from tome to time we are oualrostd.
le working oat these problems and swab -
liaising settled goverment is this sew lead,
it is inevitable tbat fraction should arise se
oonlicteag interests develop, specially is •
eouarry so lar�p• and various s anada, but
we are pen•eod that deep m the hearts of
the vast majority d Camdims rests aa.b,d •
ing'entity, ,fence,s amid respect for the
Briteab crown said for British metitstioas as
repreesststivs of the high :de et modern
p,lineal de.elopmeet, sed se long se the
Home tierernmest continues to wad us, as
ie the person of your Emel1...y, wise, sym-
pathetic and oostitutiooal immersers, sad
te treat as as is the past with any liminess
and eoa•ideretioo, there seal be no fear for
the asaestenaace of that British ooaaection
se dear to s .JL
We inset reepeetfully hope that your Ex-
eelleacy's visit tbnugh this writers part of
ear Province and especially your visit to
our tows may prove interesting and plea -
mat to yea, and we only regret Lb/it ile
brevity will prevent us from mohair more
sem arm provision for your proper eater.
tamest in our gust. Should year Exosl-
Macy again honor s and especially ma the
1umater ,moon, when Goderiei is seen at
iM lost, we wows he Daly too delighted to
put forth • more worthy effort to do your
Excellency adequate honor and our town
wadi. As it is, year Excellency must
largely. we fear for the peanut, take the
will for the deed, foe indeed the will is nes
lacking. Ws vain, en eooclusion thank
your Excellency for the distinguished honor
of your pressor visit and hope that yea may
be long spared and permitted to earn you,
and oar Sovereign in yew present, er some
ether otiosity high sod &obis .fife under
His Emeliescy, the Governor-General,
thanked all present for the kind welcome M
Ind experienced at their hands as the repre-
sentative of the Sewerage. He apolog zed
for leu Married visit, and for coming at such
• um* of the year. Oa two 000ssiooi he
bud postponed • visit to this 'settee of lh
hire, and he was bound to take advantage
of the prompt ocoaon to visit Goderich.
Two years ago hie visit had boa postponed
owlag to etrcumetauoes unavoidable, sad
last year the impaired state of health of Use
toss Pressler had hindered hum from carry.
lot out dm project. He wet triad the' he
had the opportunity afforded nim of artiste
Goderich, for though the weather was cold
he felt assured that the hearts were warm.
(Applause-) When the Governor-General
eons here he comes tots the representa-
tive el any party, but ea the reproeeatemove
of the Queen, wad stands aloof trot politica
Lord Dugeria, in his happy way, had said
that the °overate -tessera' was alwemyson the
side of the majority. (Laughter.) After an
analogy draws from lhckens' oberactet
" ickwick,"h. exceiMocysatdthat hujfather
and brother had each held the posttto0 of
Secretary for the Colours is the Imperial
Perlaens.t, said, mid he, • little south of
your city the family awns has been perpet-
uated is the township of Staaley in this
musty of Hardt. (Applsus.) Continuing
he said LiMA the resources of this ooustry
were illimitable sed the great future before
It wet now mooring much of public •t -
tenon 1f any (nevem existed b tweeze the
people sad the Goveroment that could be
remedied by ooetituuooal adios it would
be his duty to reettedy it, s well as his pri-
viloes. Lord Dufferia. on use 000asion
had likened himself to an euries•r whose
duty it was not only to oil the maohiaery
sad make the heariap work more sadly,
but, and, -he he did eat see the term in
an offensive or parties° spirit,-" to remove
1Stt." (Load .ghter frees the Tories
in which Mthe Grits heartily joined.) 8o, if
any difficulties existed that Gould be re-
medied by coustitatie&M1 sons he would be
only too happy to lend his assistance to-
wards bringing about • harmonious
arrasgemeat. His earte, however did
sot apply to matters of trade and nom
metros. 'Dome were questions that were
in the hale of the people themeless, and
which were dealt with by the majority is
Partisat.st, which were elected by popular
vote. (Heir, bear.) He was pls.aat to
sole is the address the pint of loyalty that
pervaded it, and especially that portion of ii
that retard that. "deep in the hearts el the
wt majority of C•aadaas rate an eimielieg
loyalty, atvw'ies aid reaped for the British
Crowe and for British istiteuna.." Uttar -
mese d greet weights this Pass of the
gsrdie as had bedelivered at the Toronto
Heord of 'hade boogies lest weak by t
Premier, the Fissse-Minis•r, the lsrdorha
.f rhe Opposites Atari .tkes, the keys. e
In every anise.,, band einswerveag Ioyaly
to Britain ((neer.) Res. Mr. Milks, ales,
spakity at Ridpetowe M a Tees( Liberal
gmit�r�ag. t*M thews to he careful to avoid •
bdesf rhes the deereloa el boner trade re-
lations as opprsed to alternate. its *Pate
wan in fha public interest. 8tH he, " L
would est gfve up the 100 years .l trool-
teamles' Goroote•-t whlsh Meads ha..n-
joyed. for bettor Crede reldMes with the
ossuary te the 8e.tb. " (Apr) 'her
Trek was a ssseesity is the Old Oseetrv,
booms *isms was a gest smnefa.tari&s
statin. He bad a gesessed it when there .red
Wold este by it whom he tett Home. Be*
them were end dowse m every eraut re.
•d tbs.sditien M trade is Ragland to
Jas Ons est • gessoes kw alt eomser-
.iaj ilk Oro bsdred fees a�n
Nese wee • seem, a of sYoshs .f earth-
aad ►ateesmi the seemed sod third
sorsa resod pi & epee the marks
(Lend lower►ter.) Only through tomtits -
Menai means ou.ld any change relarv. to
tIm f.tare of Canada be •ocoa,plished.
(Hear, bear.) The addrese which had been
rsatd to him referred to the brevity of
visit. Well, from prom' imposers/wen
sad the heavy same blockade that emoted,
there was reason 10 believe that the impres-
sive, " l)oe't thank Cod too soon,' and he
gaol the phrase reverently - might tut• out
Se be applicable to the oce sioa, and that
the brevity of hu stay might be found to
exist only in the address. ( Laughter.) To
the ladies present be apologized tor Doming
to Goderich •ben. Lady Stanley, who usu-
ally e000mpanied him, v •-td have been pre-
sent iwl it not been that exigencies of
the holiday moon, and the incoming of •
Large family from various parts of the world
to the boos gathering debarred her from
travelling at this juncture. Nothing would
pkese bio better than to make a
seemed visit to Goderich, and .t • time
of the year when Goderich, be was in-
formed. presented • remarkably beautiful
appearance, hut he was not in a pontion to
look far into the future. He again thanked
them for their kindness, and stated that he
would carry away with him element mem
oris of his visit to Goderich and the recep-
tion tendered biro. He dosed his remarks
amidst load spplauee.
The Mayor then announced that a formal
ietreducuo. to Hie Kxcellsacy could be had
by any who cleated to be introduoed.
A large number of those present, particul-
arly the ladies, availed themsel. es of the
opportunity afforded, precedence being had
by Mrs. Doyle, wife of His Honor Judge
Doyle. followed by the Sin and Mims Chil-
ton, wih and us..ier of Mr. R. S. Chilton,
Amerman Comm at this poet
After the 0erernony of introductine was
over, cheers for the Qoeea amid the Gower-
n ar.f"eeeral were called .for, and remoulded
to, and the recept ion was at an end.
Conveyance was then taken by His Excel -
Macy and the members of the town anneal,
and the Cental school was visite d, when
brief addresses were given by the Governor-
General is three of the rootns, and a holi-
day was tendered to the scholars. The Col •
Mgiat* Iwtitate was next on the program,
and here again His Excellency de ivered •
brief address and stipulated with 111.1,..
1s for • holiday. The visit to the Colls.ti-
•te institute was brought to a close by the
lusty singingef " tied Save the Qaee• " led
trusteeby Jordan, who beat time with the
ase and gene of • professional anisette's -
The Harbor Mill, the Organ F.ctory sod
the North American Chemical works were
afterwards inspected by his Excellency, who
took a deep interest in the maaufacturie
preemies of each of the iestrtuuons.
At the organ factory the Governor -Geo.
seal had whet he himself celled the "privil-
ege" of meeting with Ilio Skimming*, who
kindly prese.ted-his'with • souvenir copy
of nee of her latest • d beet musical com-
positions. She also promoted cies lir tidy
Stanley. The meeting appeased to be much
enjoyed by the Governor, and time A. D. C.
was also an iaterstet spectator.
After Isvisg the Chemical Works, His
Exoelleacy boarded the Victoria amidst en-
thastastic cheer from those present, and
Mit for the West by the ahersoon train.
• Teem Lady Now etre.ptes the lmpsstao
Miss Elia L Knowles, Attorney General -
elect of Montana, was bon twenty-eight
yore •so in Norwood, N. H. She is •
graduate of Bates' College at Lewinton, Me.
and hs taken the degree of Master of Arts
from that institution. Her legal studies
were prosecuted in the law office of Rnrn-
h•m & Brown in %tecbeeter, N. H , and
later on in Helena, Mon. There wee con-
siderable prejudice against allowing her to
So the plucky young woman out to work
to inflows the l egulat.re-it was the Ter
ritorisl Legielet.re of 1888-'89 -to peas bill
admitting women to practice law. West-
ern chivalry could not withstand bar, and
the bill was passed. in December, 1890,
she was admitted to the bar, and now she
has a peonies of which many men would be
to my nothing of her prospects pol-
Mess Knowles is described as being very
woman) in appeases. She is the only
woman la *
lawyer in the Seto, but even into
her profession she carries the gentler virtues.
She has all a women's ken sensibilities and
feeder sympathis, and a1! the roughness of
Western life with which she has tome in
onntaot has sot impaired them qualities.
Is appearance she in more like a demure
yos•g matron than a sten Portia- She is
of medium height, neither thin nor stout,
has • face which, while strong and firs., is
also pretty. She believes in her right to
pr•etioe law and to he paid far her les
services, and she believed in her right to
Attorney General of Moate if Me er •"
rot enough rotes The Peepislt party liked
tame her spirit, .mil whim it me to make up a
ticket lad July it gave her rhe nomination.
81e enadoeted • spirited snmpaign and all
She credit of her clattery haMsge to herself.
Oywaan--(Tswte : William Briggs,
psMaher. Priem 60 eta In clubs of live,
50 ate) This ereerUdve yroag people's
peer of the Methodist Church has in twe
years reached the very large eiteelatIoe of
32,000 • week. It is • bright, beautifully
illustrated, eig1hp ge paper, devoted es -
to religins, literature, travel,
Mimes, social progress .sd the modern
y.uag peoples movements it is speei•lly
elar.et.ri Sid by it/reboil (lsnsdian.a of
••sdm'ot and loyalty mimeos and eon.try.
h should be is the heeds d every yeses
The hhablishs eel the Merles hiends,
wtioh were dir.evered es less as 1661, bad
so idea a ire or Me teem Their astonish -
mese knew es been& wham they salt it 'W-
eed teed, most of them opposing it to
les aeesa kid ./ an seismal wbieb the tonere
had Iirs.M with them sled whisk some be
fd s weed. 1'• this day they dilniguse•
N. by • team whim\ vivifies' Weil
A FARMER ON FARMING.lis 11.d r IIi.y y
with the farmer that mad net get down on
hie knees with the children when they were
young and same them. He would fed
reneger and would hied the children to him.
It was because this parental sympathy wee
often asgioc$.d teat some young mea spent
tber eveaiugs is the grocery. He would
A VERY PRACTICAL DISCOURSE. say advisedly that there was no memo of
Munn the presence at home of the boys
and making home agreeable like cultivating
.uss.If thoroughly. They got too much
&real and not enough tob
mescal cultivale
'Te man was not half a man unless he was
cultivated all rowed. The farmer should be
au intelligent man. Let him train his bays
to wince a political history of their country,
and let them and himself seedy that history
and make themselves acquainted with the
institutions of the country is which they
leve, and when the young men went out
from home they would take pride in their
attainments, amt look back with affection
to the home where they received that 10•
st.ructioo. They would be able to hike
their proper place among their fellow -teen
when they went out in the world. (Ap-
An Able Address by the Mem-
ber lbr South Huron.
The Tires Thing to De Is to Make elm Iwo
Amear1 l v. - Order and ader•asls. Me.1d
de wad le lased - Stull and a/edy
Www Dox. 1.1 Sear •r*tess - TN
Farmer %Merle M as ,welly ant W.
-moss Presealatlsa .1 lie Case.
South Huron, was received with
applaus . This was an age of com-
peutiea. By means of railways, telegraph
and ete.nuhip lines, the natroneof the earth
were, s it were, brought nearer together.
We bed to compete with chap labor. All
these things had brought down the produce
of the farmers to the low leveL Wbo
these things - oho into consideration,
it was of tate utmost tonport•aw that every
farmer should bean sorersoot in his pro -
femme. The first thing to de was to ask*
the home •ttract've. Then was no spot on
earth that should be made more comfortable
to dwell among than the farts. The farmer
should here a place for erverytbui( and
everything in its place. Order ehoald
characterise his doing. He spoke advised-
ly when be and :hat it wet the duty of the
farmer to make his children, companions
rather then stow them that he was their
superior in every respect. The brat thug •
firmer sboeld do after ha got • 000fortable
house and • nine wife was to provide him-
edt with • library of erricelteral works.
Think of the study that it took o Irving the
English racer. um American trotter, the
Shire horse of England, the Clydesdale of
Scotland, sad the Percberon of Frame to
tseir'pre.ent form. It required the great -
het amount of skill and study, and the
farmer ought to draw the atteation of his
B oos to amok thuge if they were going to be-
come farmers. Bet in tees ossn._tion be
desired to m7 that it was for from him to
my that every bey 1rw.gbt op a the farm
should be • termer. Then were some boys
endowed with talent for steer professions
and pur.uite, and it would be • pity if they
should continue on the farm -not bemuse
the keenest intelisct was sat required on the
farm -but became diSerena Wets were
required to make • thoroughly snooeudcl
=teeter of the gospel, • successful lawyer,
or • e000eeetul doctor. Attd what wale
some young mew leve the farm was bemuse
the home wet not whet it should W. When-
ever he wet to • home when the boys
were not eooa to ospreys their time
and menus gifts, said those boys wow
not receiving the treatment to sake them
ethuaastto fanners or bind them to the
farm. How many of the farmers were
oosstitutio.•l grumbiers! They that had
left the old country to escape from the iron
heel of tvnnny, and bad now no one to ex-
orable that tyranny on, frequently exerrisod
it on their eons and daughters. He ball
that farmers should take their sons and
daughter@ into theircootidence. Take them
to w the anem•le, and tell them abet
them and why they bought them. L.'t
them sot be always grumbling and .a
that farms were hewers of wood ...J
drawers of water. Do nos point to the
lemma of the lawyer or the doctor and tell
them of the very tine times they had. it
wet said •ppe•r•nos were sometimes de-
ceptive. Liule did they know of the sleep-
less nirbts that the profeeaiosel man had.
In the profession of Law then were few Mc-
Carthy', Blake', or Mowatt, but they hada
whole bet of lawyers eking oat a miser-
able existence. (Applause) Tray were
not shown that the farmer was the meet in-
depoudent men in the oommunity. If •
young man had rase • deep liking for any
profession let him not be hindered. It was
often the promptings of nature that trged
the boy to study some profession. It ws
said that the tormer's was • life of labor.
Well, it was • life of labor, but he stets a
living example of what could be dose in
forty years of hewing his own way. He
0405 tow in his seventieth year, sad was
still able to perform • goal day's work.
(A plass. 1 How many boys were tempted
to lave the farm on a000wnt of tie improp-
er oabduct of their father ! He bead shat
rosy farmer should be • gentlemen. He
wanted to ase every young man brought up
on the farm capable of taking the public
platform. Get them to take as interest is
agricultural societies„ brigs them to fann-
ers' institutes, sad let them study keeal�
. 11 the good literature they could gee
farmer would not seoesed if it was sly e
the striNphof kis arm and phymeal labor
that he risked. Hs mist be a Maoists* m•&,
must sate what the markets of the
world •sem likely to require, .sd must con -
oder whet improve.s'ste he es sake to
pet tits beset produce of every kind on the
market every meson. This was something
wa must do is Canada if we wee, to retain
our proud position in the Regt.h market,
especially with respect t .11..... Concern-
ing the fattesisg of cattle for the liegl.h
market, the larger the number of ex 'vet
animals that meld be planed the better the
prise received by every dealer in the onus -
try. Thosm.ds of ddIn were los in Caw -
ads treses, Iarsi.rs did sot feed properly.
(Her, hear.) He said advisedly test t
artier had to examine into these things,
and it wet the sewing of • quarter nest here
and • half coat there that marked the difiw-
esoe betimes profit and less. it was is
snob esssfl items tear the farmse ee.M de
• enlist deal in eh .usei&g production and
improvtsg the quality of their gsods.
When any eeaatry rlsie the assn of esedis ig
• god artiels to the R.glii se11eet, it wee
hard to deetepy that emacs. H. was wed be
my • wed to the 1.ra...' wives. Tee oho*
the .eildr.s had sot • sloe plass Is the
Immo to play is. The Hama room* wars
kept fel Aunt Jose er Uae1e Jet.
ter) --whenever they visited thews
John Curry, of Toronto, visited tows hat
J. Swart', et W i•gh•m, was in town this
(leo. Morris, of Guelph, was in town lot
Percy Sheppard was visiting is Toronto
the past weak.
Stanley Hays, barrister of 8saforth, was
in town the week.
Miss Ewa Smith spat the New Years
holidays in Charm.
H. B. Murray, of S. Chide, Mich. is v.-
itag m tows this week.
His Honor, Judge Toms, riverbed Isom
Isdisn•pulis lot week.
Capt. A. Chambers sad family, of Port
Huron, are visiting .t the British Exchange
this week.
Ches. A. Williams, who spent the holi-
days is taws with his parent* roomed last
week to Toronto to resume hu duties.
Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins have ramie' hem
a ples...t visit to their children is Michi-
gan. They speak well of the vestment
they received.
Albert Reid, of Batchelor's drag store,
Brsctford, spelt his holidays in town, the
guest of hi. parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
Ned. Albert looks well.
Allan Sager and Charlie Gsrrow have
returned to foro0to to resume their studies,
the former to resume his studies for B. O.
at Trinity and the latter to Toronto Uae-
Martin Cosseil, of Douglas Station, Man.,
who bee bass H. S000td's torenma in that
section for now time past, srrtved home cm
Saturday last, and is the guest of his pareati
at Saltierd.
J. G. Avery, Mal agent of the Singer
Sewing Maobine Co., wet In Stratford last
week, •treading the wnu•l banquet given
by the company to the Managers and snow
of the Stratford district.
Js. Thomson, of Boweemo.t, Dak., is at
present visiting h. brother, Geo. W. Thom •
son. Mr. Thomson was for many yea's
town clerk of our town bot removed some
twelve years .gu to hu prosiest home, where
kis many friends will be plowed to know
that he is prospering.
TIM Author or " MUM Lord Faaaifolrey .
Preparing • New Play.
Mrs. Francs Hodgson Burnett has been
is New t ork for the past few days, stopp-
ing at the Albemarle. Mrs. Berneta's
special errand in coming to New York was
to Owe M iwtervtew with the So ibtar'e re-
gardiag the ?sblic•tioo of a new sand, and
also to esjoy the bossfit of the new plays
which have bees produced this week ia New
' We have tees travelling eo quietly,"
said Mrs. Bnroatt's travelling oownpanion
yesterday " tbe& it is • wonder how people
found s est o0 soon. The tint morning we
were here Dellen began onattng as early as
8 o'clock with autograph albums mid photo-
trapis as wbioh Mrs. Burnett wet to writeher .a.es.
U ever then was • woman avers to pub
1e•ity it is Mrs. Burnett, The Aver night
her " Little lord F•ante oy " was pro -
dared it was only by dist of much per-
meation that she oould be induced to appear
is the froot o1 her box in response to the
ala�ia�� d the eschews.The esoeess of " Little Lord Fanntleroy "
and " Kditha's Burglar " has determined
Mrs. Burnett epos another theatrical at-
tempt, whtch elm friends .led m•.•ger•
have as h.sitation is deelarisi to be the
superior of anything yet dose. Is is a as.
must of the dr.matisatis of her works
that Mrs. Buradt take. • deep i.te.eet in
matters theatrical.
Arming the many philaatbropieooheeses1.
which the beloved author of FsatMroy"
istereste mensal?, there is eons se dear to
bier hearts the Newsboy'. Hese is Inde&
where she bet endowed • smelt is memory
of her dear eon, the origiW of ' Little
Lord Feenteroy,' who died ealy • year
FIs meaner fore. Barlett le very lovely.
She is gads soft -spokes and sympathetic.
Bar metes are intensely douoeetrr, and it is
sly 1• the field of story and play writing
Moe mho is willing to came before the pantie
• t all
be bel W.sbiagtn• home Mrs. Raraett .
s Hdia.d wife and motto Herbseha.d,
Dr. Iherlest, is • distiagsishrd oculist And
no see enteri.g the Burnett home as 0 moot
weld dream that the getue hostess meld be
theorem•e with whose tame the children
Os/ gown folk of both onatiusses are I.ss-
Osstrary to her esters for several years
Laa1t MtaB.r..tt 04,11 pend the winter is
sad will ester to sea .11001
11111101101111160411 sad ieetreeMete wet nab MN molal pylons a the Capita.
Owen at hone Re hod me ublealle le
Aenekag as lnsg as it won at the home wain dullest W. L ieerenri, of C1 0Mrti bon
ob. prsetal ey.. gnat he wo.M not M the ,..wrest for the seeds& ef a sow
hie obildrs to go to 1011• tac , Mons to 8. 8 agar.
A Real Old -1 /otsed Cana
dlan WHOM
(Madel MerslaisIM ■eeldeab Ned Laor-
ary le OM Themselves Out -Sino Masao
of Mew ea Me siNwalka -The Tows
anew new Trefoil to les P011 r•ap.rlis
Tie "welded t&MhMaus' Desesa it'ta►.
Se Mars nes LarYlog SO.•l hi It.
11 beautiful mow," is with o in great
prdu•ion. It is everywhere on the
osteide, and it dads its way iaeido, too, is
some planes Sins the week before
Cbristmes old-time exodus weather
has been the portion of this section
but "'twee the night before Christos" that
the wild western blitz rd began to get In its
Ire work upon us. Christmas Day was
what . known to the initiated as " • mit-
er," and mashy thought that after it was
through the backbone of winter was broken
and nothing remained to hinder the anss•1
January thaw from setting in with assumes
and despatch.
To all who were i.clioed so to think the
weather since that time has come like •
revelation. First, then was a spell of ex-
cellent winter weather, almost inclined to
mildnees ; then it suddenly hardened up
and, after • number of spermatic efforts to
got up • snow storm, It finally struck • regu-
1•r winter gut on Setsrday evening, just
about the tinge the Governor-General ar-
rived is town.
Sines that time oar readers know how it
WWI been in th. section Sunday it stormed
bavtly, nothing travel to and from outside
points very dihcalt Su.day night, the blez-
sard inersa.e d in volume, and on Monday
morning the arteries et trade were pretty
well blocked, and the enterprising bones -
bolder was Seop.Ibd to " dig himself out."
Railroad tr iftc was considerably impeded
between Goderich and Stratford, and
schedule time was not looked for during the
early part of time week. In fact, the ezpori-
e)e of the might mail Monday was moth
that instead of reaching town tt 9-60o'clock
it did not ernes until 6 o'clock the follow-
ing morning.
"Our own correspondent " at all points
n orth of Goderich hs been snowed up also,
and the. week • number of valued outside
contributors will lie missed from the smiling
pages of the people's paper is this section.
The lake Shore stage and that from Bea -
miller has not been heard of arum Saturday%
and at kit account postmaster Campbell
was getting ready • ' Leet, Strayed or
Stolen " advertisement to duoover tis
whereabouts of the veteran stage driver
from Look now -the well known Jion Mmila
At the time of writing the weather ha•
settled but the rade into the townships are
heavy for travel, sed little or no traffic is is-
dulgd in.
As Old Tyre Whiter.
We are having • real old-fashioned Win-
ter. We've had almost three weeks of it
straight and the promise is for • continu-
ance. The New York Herald, which is •
weather prophet, says :
The Winter of 1893 in both the New sad
the Old World promisee to sok* almost s
remarkable • record for its icy rigors as the
Summer of 1892 made for its world-wide
and abnormally intense " hist waves."
Our latest Atlantic cost blizzard, moose -
ponied by the heaviest snowfall since that
of " the groat blizzard " of March, 1888,
was a tit sequel to 1st month's boreal
weather. The Government weather -crop
bulletin mimed on the 3rd ret. states that
" December has been colder than usual over
the entire oeuntry, eloept along the
Florida and Gulf costs," while in New
York city its mean temperature was 31 de.
gross, or 4.8 deOrees loiter than the average
of the past 20 years. The bitter frosts and
sew blizzards reported this week front
varies parts of Europe, including northern
ialy, indicate that the phenomenal " laid
wave " that swept over America at the elves
of 1st month is traveling armed the whole
sorthern heisisphere.
The Herald rave on the 19th and 23rd
ult. reasons for inferring that, paradoxical
as it may at first appear, the extraordinary
heat of Wt Sommer and the late severe cold
spell are both traceable to noels enema of
heat -r di•tios from the sun d.ri•n him
provost period of inoreeseiii etivity. If we
e.ppas that hie expansive re now falling
vertically to tha southern hem , Maw
e xceptionally powerful, it seems'- vide.t
that • kegs w of air must ascend skid be
drives thanes mores* the equator into or
hesisphers mid Haa11 dewed upon Anter.•
and Bump, the largo anti-cy..
lobes or .s waves,
Why buy your wmg soarhisss from
strangers at fabn prioes, when you earn
ggust the best red from G. W.
lises•sa far 12
Dr. M. Nichetm, the WssaeL detest,
makes the pressrr..ti . of the mural tooth
• spsialty. Gs administered from 0 a. W.
for the paislsm extraction of teeth.
It Ws been proved to the satisfaction .t
hundreds that teeth 0.n he extracted by the
pafslsss proems, sang anti nerve pews
Dos's be dsosir.d by baring the Rosie.
treatment. The est is harmless whilst the
ether is very asterism. If yea want the
right treaties* yew ma have it at my
dotal rola, Orad Opera House bl.•b,
S. Recherches.
One Way to Pri m.I- iesseines.
item Judge..
" 1 wiltea • vary happy Row Tem,"
add Dr. Pellet to Choker.
Thee dss1 .ed is year lad q.s"'e
bill till the Bat d Ftleesey. 1.eter.re-
ow Cashew.
t Work
•eat Y
Soli app.
'60011 8144
Alleol oil
rl' COUNt'1
zoom Lu
Jot ileh,
IA* ukrii lug
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hat J•. t;
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Deities was e
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roars Ikhf u
ado, Cask,
Tram rsa 1894
Mice - ilerrj
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re. (la�e ry'
Hoes MAU
O tte, -Meters.;
aim dire*
• OOITowe
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1 are is seek
• .
. mor age CDT,
Professor i
is on aerial v
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