HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1893-1-5, Page 6$ 1.111-11:\AL• GOTIERIC1FI. OWT., 'MURK) Y, JANUARY I. MS. Til INTEREST WOMEN, CHARACTERISTIC STORIES AMO VAIe LIABLE HOUSEHOLD HINT!. war peepr. Wise Coate spirt• Y.$M uses, ootid •turd New Yer\-glares 1HNlr L be-Yer Memo et earned WUb Mer -Mogi Oat el Old n►aaket.. New York te mut • p:•a•ant alledtsg plass far thea Ifho c,atenq,iat,• matrimony. At (mast that is the vire .1 • peesrttustee wetter as ase.• ui the New Yur► papers. who ay smeramg MAW d•s,-.ntrM1mg Mtnt1{• " V% fork hu often hoes tolled u city/ tit paupers and stlltohalrva This A not !rue; but •' a ...miry glume• n may seem snob It • My conveys to • sraager the rmpre., ..eat its tidt•ntagre are fur the rich, meld that the 1^' r tan have little atindectleu la it. To mut' onr r,104-10Led with*, its facts and MMilwswer arc awtt• w•trurtuuu: ..d ants preseason,. 11 1a is.entisUy • Malt bureau copilot! It aF pears to wf. 'l) you haat moosj m.kr ih►l your hear: do what you I.kr. ih, nut limit yusr ex.eaug.utes t;et nowned 4,1 you ammo : batt • uwu• you• family To the wealthy cvyikn.g is gist's anti !metres.rout, ifyouare .alvei ., terry not hen , +Aa)►e the dust :role i Jur feet ' Above Mk •f you ort a ti: helve, ninon such. "A home, in any true maim, is ant t., Ms sot h..rt b . ma•t without moans He mast hu , live iu • dart, cramped apart strset. or go out ui wwu, Cblldreu are virtually tuteolieted. Letelk,ris ...nl land ladies mid queens of t'.e kltcheu are op - pored to them Tb.: poor little creatures •n• not ,forgiven for hosing ban, though they are not teapots .11.!.. fou their birth The ordinary mode of living hem, wince. Is l0 apartments, ie mot adapted to children, who require Imo. a.r, more eon, mere .yY ekes afmrtlo tit• tauelly aouor'I.• They de tot flourish there. They lalagntsh, sici:w, lie. and cry yield mike ine'terahle spirit of the town. "Ever) argument drawn trout feet, terry leelusg .. own from selhasiaes is against .aarrtage :n Sle nhattaa. She smiles se soot' log' un holtel,.rs std ltopru 'Orbrd- liingly on husbands. No one can fart to app.aud Item who, wit., • NV lei :ntouo, yet tuktm a wile, prompted by purest love, and defies the fate. Hos h,.pr is r.t11aut kis faitl is a uemchl.s.; his overage etothd• that d all the Palomino e.11T7 011(1+ U1(1( 1f you are van' toms of year girl friend tears aft order at the doing's for mites to he Wit to her each Suadsy aturuiug during the ye•t, Or, if this a bey..wi the tonne of the por•e•stru.g•, order the latest luag•rint to he left et her door for a year ; or send her • ••term ticket to some amusement which you know she covets. Co your gifts be tudividus4 Let it be something wbleh 'per:e to any ; "Tu you from unto" Tinnk over your girl fearful's tastes sod mare y our sakruou If .hr he fond of pretty trifles set her a jeweled -bat• mu, a go. 1 bow for n. -r i•..Ir, with • pearl drop tie •c ion,; in Its depths. a met of "jewel- ed- nor uses. link lot t 0110, auuibtuing your wail- sod hers, soil p:n, for her .tress sleet•:.. jeweled boa. a as with 11n1• hint• ; • breere pan It III an 14,41 Ise. eek an it, or a cu.mmg gold "lifter- to hold up her .Tress skirt. I;Iroe like pretty red dippers sod stock - .ng• rim to match Gins like odd foot- s ils, todandy willow chore. speed, legged desks, apiu 1 e -legged tables, gold babes tongs, stover stamp looses and tuaonure sets, of course, sou hind-glraetw, tan. as nlany as you choose to give. • Get the pr.swnt 1n time to have it "marked. ' The pretty ca wrier you have oust. ted must have the deer girl; t.itia.1 Issued on It la liquid gold in your own handarxung. The .old 11111..ouveuir'woe mesa have her touougram engraved i6 the bowl. Her Irp deet .linos, t.•ee )oar ini- tials and hen em .me corner of the butter. flit aeirson )nog ((ice her moot hive • bar. othy ur "Jennie' or "!laud" upon the Wt. ►.lade It a .0 give her a purse. be sure to put a lucky penny in its inside la.rket. marked With. y..ur name tool shuuid • know he your anueor, pair a talisman Word d hnendrtup upoa.lt• bide. I:tc• her a girlie, as unique as pneslhls ; a peculiar bracelet, • pin queerly different from .nog one has seen. Give your girl friend the prettiest, sweet.•et thing you u.a fie.* But be sure tl.a: it le in a• cord w Iib her tastes HCA 0004 MOURNED WITH [11[11. Tb' .,fort to preserve the home d aingt 4error to have retched Its be14n1. t. • emu• recently heard of, wnere • wealthy ye11n'1 8m1140. all tilrellllst and I.nprs• mloni.ta 1t goes without saving, has hal tea foreseeing of her "wit roan conformed W the wan•.ue stages of a be.eavement, sl- ams' the New York Tames. In the lost d pths of nor gnef, b:a:1 far rug' alms* beck' the Ineterlese polish of the 11 for of her room, wa,eh had been •bonirc.i ; • couch coverall with dull block cloth and pled with black satin pdiows set the pace for the real of the furniture, which was equally 'ocher. Curuons of soft Meek cmple fell over sheer white meshes ones .t the wmdnws, •nod a bedspread and pd - low cover of hemstitched 'toots, with broad Mack borders, his ak exaggerated res• ing hea'Ik,.rehief, keel up the funeral rug sestivta rsew. A. the time wore oD, how- ever, more sad Imre white crept in, till • white door, white rugs, a white 'eons eoeeb, with shute mallrlsosr., enecee4ed 1M euabroalsng gloom of the prevlous iia Maga. Thu white h.. (r.tisally •ltw.d with aad ire gray and violet until now wham 'retches of rosy pink give selected endows of . return to glowing Illi. DADA OVT 01 OI.D a1.AVlt t'r11. Some ooe bar seggvated the making of keine* rue eat .f old woolen ole• blan e et • them. brains* they are shrunken and yel4uw ere M longer useful as b.•nkeu. There are awe method' suggested. sloe se to first .fye i n. is Mine *oft, dark absois, saw d.rk tworris that tem there ed to 111..5 tiro- or • g'. else for the Image cover, .end deco... • •r . either In toe; strips or on •sordera .e ,.m 111. esda, with • Irttl.o n . n.L•ry dun• with erewe a, A eery simper .1 .:n '1114..1 M sada of 1•Wrlaan4 • wales 4. ,oar• - 4 dress, and these could roe-, he mars • I With the aid e' .a maerted netho r, .n- Wool'red in pretty roofs n '.a.. 1•t. .• love, they would mate II.e rn • vert ,h.; el. The ether onnuod involve% a Ittl.s were week. It et t. "'mar girl•mu cif a„•.,. • , sl Woolen g.•4.fa -owe or I is ... Immo. .4 ban r 4• pili .W 4a4e .1,1n... K. r s rests Mine 4n lw►l.. 111er1.1 •,d'.. .«.0 them weal. paper •n..30 Irt•.. Or • *fee Thew 'Ire. m .ruble 4Nr,r e .0 dsrun along the esiz t':'►• tit .e,• rad 1 is Q ,ee a Wore u, a :14 adult.•. the 'oi' i.le 111114•11.444 ..• is ' , • Rensnn_t..n L •,1 ••d tan, , work t.. .,n •--.,, J'.• v. ,r. sir. pr. �. • • Ws. d4.41 ann., elf. IOWA .him • WOMEN AS POETIiI. AsAmbitso Ilse; aaw M -Three cWritesWrTUN. Little TiWill o.... M N Ufa evening IIIc K.iward w O. d•beerd an address is the hail of News h am College, Cambridge w, "The Poetry el it ..mea," taking as be particular test the pot m• of Cbr►sU*a Rossetti- "No osset ti - i , messed attic will pretend that we has man Iaided aaytl..*$ to the sent of es maim mak attalament In thorns maim of sol. The mesas Is, appnrrutly, that the artistic *attire is not strongly developed in her filo be, esters), una4tna11041 1141 trst'n,l, .u..�nttuw ; bet rho has net the art,atu. impulse The 00nerine late poste of the world have torn fre$I ...nista Ili Sh.krspearr, l:erwrt►M, tooth., 1' , and Kiat• we see the artist ►bots all Mee, above the man of Intellect or stoves. la s mach luwcr mak M putt• we tied the vision. oe the tthi.al bias, prepundrl..tlagi in the greatest mer the art a paramount. "Kut eMUM, If ire mein autr..aces seem to to .denied them...sosnd into toe homes of poetry by °trot down. Gyn. al stray owes leu much to them thug we shay tarn:, forgiven their limited euctese in otb. r directions. The lyric, which 1e • epuutaueuu. jet of noose, an ejaculation forced (runt the heart by ea ...toms of tochug. de,aa6us a leart than shy other ferns 41 poetry 1t u per haps the poly species of poetry which can be mingles"o. us 1.164 mad vet a holly art les The bonder ballads have no arts .n4 yet ale •Iq.Hate ; and the h,.turf' ..f poetry u adorned by corona female Rains ewhich will always preserve their freshame, and which yet were entirely moment .4 alt. $ueh mre Saul) Brants in Euglaod and Marceline iMbo*Assort rde. Vort In France. We Jo ant know whether, with extended opportunities, women will continuo to show themeelve• iueensibl: to or escapable of the highest literary •rt Hitherto they oar thinly more been one or tis other Any one whose privilege it leas been to enjoy the :rlamishap of r.;ca-afe' women of letters knots' how much mere they are al ways occupied with literature ea a proles mon than se an art ; haw little they are able to conceive the doing of work for nts utio sake, not for its result ; how .op essttics- tim, inderinma, and psnten ist they are,h and huw little they are troubled with the scruples and the lemonade of the artist. It la their lyric gift. their cry trim the heights or the depths of feeling, that ham won them Renames • plasm upon ruames upon which no De Qolacey nor Guy de Maupaseaat oan eject them. I have daubed poetic art of woman mainly that I may give myself the luxury M of attributing it to Musa Christina Rossetti. To screen myself from the charge des• trvag.nce t will say at once that 1 think the mate 111terest of the position d this writer In the history of poetry a the falo Ilt that she iadubeably polo .am% this quality wheeh is dented to many men of genius aad to almost ►11 women. Mrs. Browning wast force in literature-• per.nl.age demanding us rersal c.uognitiou for her utellectu►I power, her majestic imagination, and her independence of other literary influences; hut she au not an artist. That title applied to •;eorgr Sand George K11ut wou.d be equally a me- menet. What Lord Teo.ys u was, what Flaubert was, It Is surely plain that these great women could sot be. Mut precisely this, in a restricted measure, It set. -ms to me that Mw Rossetti ti is : and that taolatio6 of ben, as apparents the solitary woman poet of the Anglo-Saxon race who cultivates poetry as one of the tine arta, gives the study of her verse an especial interest." n 4; St. ame..sette. eere.4n 4ete• em gal. r.st. Jules Simon thinks that France would accept the proposed to d.•arm with entree. mama if it were teach by another power.rat -The Queen has seen gra'iousiy pied, un the rec•.mmeuJat,on et the secretary for Scotland. to approve the appointment of Mr Robert White. late Rand sergeant the Queen'stlwm aCamenHtehlandere l:teventy• oath f'.•uti, to be Her M..jesty's'1'rumpeterSmirked."iSmirked."• Being High Sheriff of an Kne81h county, as many lords and rich mru are, 11 am joke. The .fudge of Ih. Winchester Awzes dis- covered when opening trim', that the High Sheriff, Sir Henry Tn•nhoree, had stisented himself •'wabout perm mein sited, and gots, without emote., esplanatiob, or justi- fication," for • six months' trip to .lfric► Whereupon the Judge hoed him five huaa• tired wiliness.Albans hos celel.r.tv.1 the fiftieth mmni- veappearancery of her appearance on the stave. The card of int nation an tbus : "A Pnc• casino dr. Nome ,i Or arti.tirques de Mari- etta Moore,Moore,'1'ioe.eur et 4 elation 'Ziemer priest Nnnslenr et Madame --- de leer faire k plaits', de venir power chez mux la -"tree flu .4..:dl Premier Ik'cemlwe. Mnrutue e. Coms.ier." Albm oa was IS when she ms) petrel on the stager ss Clytnenu 1'.. 1 1eme • '•Kapp..," at 110 hears a month. She left in the plentltude of her powers, at the age of :It A young notary of Rskhmunt, fell 1n Inc. with • lady's maid and arranged to many her His parents opposed the marriage, and the y'u... couple determined to doe to. pitting eel her. Tile man fired • billet from . revolver Into nes sweetheart's body tied ...en tui fwd the weapon ea himself. Both *ere betty wounded but wittier fatal'J, awl after spending three mowtb• In tM• same•ae hremoval they case wet nee/milt and H were 4e m,.y married. The story find be- Conte e- dnknownoe knwn tad Y6 eermona Crowd ausad. e,i t4x wedding. e Weill-TIcalllee Is Rt ee. 11 .11 fighting u not d.crra•ing in Spats. A Syn o,u.., .erehsnt ono id herr the leer .f hu *Aim *lewith more reaepnation than the oo •smth. d Iles 1.vorl.e .Port, sad as ilw•r,*. Reoehliems .10.1.4 prism' ht. "e.w- r4*l.la . tail. 0' 111411,.'lent 1 .e oar r.pubbe. A 1 n. -a arab 114.1•4.e•,. w, 11 prom Oda prom rer.1 ,-a.,, 44111 rM»-t;o'.y forlr••441 geode" denser d. ►rr Is. dotwm, M mow sneer* Isis MeJ Misr sad ean• e.vra fur • delle •se • Mewed..., a . bow 1.•rk eta. .w; • • +.galena Wirt •heir .earl SUM'S*. . wM A 111011/. eery de, •II 's! no. .4 e, , elle r '1 w •., rr•.4 .y •te'IV mew .41"•••• Paller err row :'1 a •• n..t their Paso 1 ase flares r.• ..- a 0• 41. nit •f, .hNn ll.Ir .111y . ,Ib'•.eeb . . ai I 1. .Ise- hru•ri..m i..' oresores:t• ro ee r' • hens* 4.... .• f• ldt. 14.4r. in k 1..44 , edea; • hr. • 1 WM e- •• n «.1 111 ,0 it la *MEF AND WIT Tv. "Row foolish you looked, Jobe, WIND yea popped the questtoa to me." "Yea, dem dear , and I oust bete M»aill foolish ..s 1 looked " A divorw lawyer likes a doltaenti• her dose brown The trouble a that. when • mos nee& b serve moat he coal find it. When the mall boy starts early for the pautry 11 isn't u avoid the jam. Talk is cheap. This is partly due to the fact that se much of at Deets to he Its - counted It is never Deoemaryr W tell the mosey boder to take a little more interest in his hti•14•'Y Japan says he suppose °log-d•aeing had .ts onglu tsl the greet stamp act we Lear eo much about. "le )l of amok . good ammo !" "She mass he. !Every other girl In tis choir seems to ohaltke ber. " A !elan s eatutir•l to make • reputation, for himoolt, but woman, blew tier, rusts t.' make mise for everybody in the neighbor hood. !Limn for Ohm dolt. Clara -What .1.. you think of 4y now mud! Maude -- Lovely. Rut where do you pat your ether hand • A piano 'user who would idiot that. aa) other ptaeo-atter ever did a good job would be • cariosity worth taking a gem look at. Boston l;irl -Has oar mestere (alcar.: pimetrated to the far west! Chicago Girl - You wt ought to see use of our bag soaables. Facetious Goat lateral, to eater cram car ea wet day) -!s the Nuab's ark quite tell • Paseencer--All but the donkey ; step to air' "i dost thick that Charley (eves M any more." "Why r. •'1 see by the paper trot violets are $4 a hunch aad 4'. keeps ons sending ate chryamsthemnine- A Slitter of Doubt. - -"Is that man there • sculptor or a surgeon : "1 don't know. t\'hy •" "1 heard him my he had hese do- ing • football player 10 plaster '. He Utes) y in love, but proud as Leafed --lh, you love me! she --No. He- Well. 1 faut•I'J you Jed, you know, and 1 wasted to tern you I'm already engaged. "YOU? , hurl look w colon/mid; said a venter to her bootees the other day. "they reels) aceta to tog your games to a1L duets tidy 14144 chat w comfort together." Stich Men are t:eneroae --Primus -- Thome. Thorne. told the mass muetaw1j that he was a sett -mane man. necun.l:a--Very noble ce him, to take tee whole blame on trmm1. was..tit! "There te one thing rare, said the edi- tor, rho was reading the new reports%* long armee ; "you are in no danger of te- ens truh,ed by a .nonage is your SD couuta... "Yee. my daughter will be • btmfgnew obeli she 1s (married." " thugbt• foraisaw rah • title, bag ase!" "No; bet her i• tended husband is a member of the est. 0h/n Ione. " Stella-- Did you know that Mr. Tipple, runs a laundry ! Fannie -How did you ds.: that trot' !Stella -I heard To.n soy that 144. Tippler had three sheets a the wind lam. 11ikht. Fogg aye that there a only owe objet tion, so far as he is c,ucerned, to rnhwg trottwg horse. The buret. s hack is alway coming up %hes the rider IS gulog down ant) going (leen wneu the rider is ammo up Carletna Gates -Are you really s bar- up? anup! Tramp --Hari! un! Why, boas, sults of clothes tut • ' at a cant opium I wouldn't have enough to bay toe urm.l1O.- of a vest "Iron'n you think people's lives me asset ed by their surrouudaugs P' she said. "0 course 1 do," he ae.•.eted. "Kver7 00e in • elide yuu hear of a meso who dos 1. manse his town Is rust of gas " Herute Treatment --Mrs Watts -Who Ili it gnat you are •uoailag bee! Mrs. Potts -A smoking Juliet fan my habans . 1. that doesn't airs- lam of smoking aro..o the kens, 1 dost know w1n.t wuL An(lppsea View - -"If you would be euocas.° ,' sail old Padget to his son, "you must be Nip with the dopa." ••Teat's all right," replied the ynu'.g man, "bot the Bret thong the dew. ,•els u to get testae. " "The greet prompt= toot I have to deli with," said the Isep•-r of the Im.wcile asy- lum, "u to nod some oocsp.uow for the psople end. -r my change." "Why apt en tbeu. to sevout/.g ...liege yells Y' asked the visitor Toe Wtar- Tle Ckeg of the Dtecuaron. -M. Peak - I'. tare you too., ...deo, that 1 have as M•(1 *at 1 1 vettia. • my o.Hnroes es yo. Immo. Mr. Pecs. -.1st, my dear, year .protons eon% need veatrtsltiag rney're all woa't, any how. .t New Imes .-o 'Tney are Rost to be atone.. • Why, 1 ..Ida't know they were eslr.1le'1. "lei ill, • n.1 see, tame are en many eetaf. some bred-. now..lays :hat tees (mange* -nee t•1a,.101 get 4111101114041, . • • us.tr►.w1 :ass ke qls n ani .er - t!rwnY1 w' 011 ia�.me troy 1'144 - t•, • ..1 . •el•t.rir hat I. • 1, e r .e 01.44* Varela --434.11 trp,-r ora f 1 .ere I.1, • 144144.4.• , • n m Itis 11.11 .I.m•_•r nl the I ea nen.,.., your •• • A Friend Meshes to speak through the Register of the bewefktal results he has opted from a regular arc of Apses Pmt He says : " 1 was feeling sick and tit eel awl ▪ stonuch witted all out d older. l tried a number of :eeeedi.•s, but none �e(4 to give live rebel until 1 was ieMsua to try the old reliable As eros Plus. 1 hart taken cooly ono hos. but 1 feel lilt. a new Irun. I dunk they are the most pleasent and easy to tako of anything I ever used, bdp� le finely asgar-t'oated th:. t evens �jj wallahs ties. 1 urgoo upset all wise its In Need of a laxative to try Ayer's Pills." - iduothbay (Me.) A'giNsr. •' Betworn the ages of five and fifteen, 1 was troubled with a kind of salt-rf.rum, or eruption, chiefly confined to dm toes, anal especially to the bend of die Lowe above the call Here, running; aaats formed which would . ab over, Iwo would breakfonmet.nglh., kg. stir mtxhee bead everytbhitg also could thi::'It of. but all was widows avail Although :t child, 1 c.o.'? :•r the: P4IPATI about the 1•enr!it•ial • . .'., or '.rods 1' a.,. :•..•rsua.lcd my uuothx U/ sat riff try ti,. u. \t nh so great bads is .• .. procured dyer's PIIs and 1 began to us: then:, and soon nc.:eed an imgsrevelnent. Encouraged b) tif,s, 1 ked' on till 1 look two boxes, e. tall the wins disappeared a'•rf 1•avw, rtroubled nue 1 040. - 14. ( h room; Real E*tate Agent. Roanoke. 1 suffarrd for years front stomach eJ kidney troubles, causing very severe pains In varuses parts of the hod,. Noes tithe remedies I tried afforded me any relief until 1 began taking Ayer's Pills, and was cond.- -Wm. Goddard. Notary Pubic, Five Laltes, Mich. p ndSerd tryr. 1 el Yam Everywhere. Every Dose Effective lite 1. Ire,. lilt of II.* n:.,-: t•. oil iur ' Llepe'•n..D,. 1a Inti 1444 weaver wil •.... r1e411pt (root .• `-P',e{..Iry.h a .-.tear l►.. p to ens Sm..d. 11111,--I •lata), s,.p • 1.x111, ,1 11 .r 1'11 Veils% ..1 for •-uoq in &O.. .- • se The f..Ik, At 41.e h.mw.' a.. H 1 len• se ,•• CI) thing lite.* It h (gait g •• ' eine. Itto au . S0,, !e l mrdf•as. 1 ked ••r c4sp1•,i Lor J 2 toe s.ari-reste. :1. polo.* H, inn v .,•, 11411 4.•rs.•1 4.e..' 1,. and • a g14Nuk40w• 1.%NH r1.•. 4•ti- .4,•, ,..•laid bite. ----144. Lent. litolod1..sellas'. Itiasvevals A•l w.le.•- • Is cetibg i'. ui, l►., n• ,:•, 1.• , • .41i v. •, 1X14.0111.4., aa4e 11.r . , •. • nem•..dthe threat .1.; .,: , e ne f. il•rely tln.t is r4.qu.- , • • . th •. •Ce1,Ir- 1•• tlr. 4.t'... , . w/.leis hostii,clt,l DR, WOOD'S orway 'ine Syrup. esmkis'd Via with the and __ . - al of edger limbs ttdbaia A ~roar maw POR 00(10118 AND COLDS LUNG DiSIASILS. Oleal.u•s wain mew etks rem.arr yield pse saki W • rioting tlr7.,fep• mow wed. YO MO. per rimae Ma. N K •MeMea. -0I e7 Y - COAL AND WOOL Y8F2L_ Coal, Wood and Kinr'lirlg cel- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, ram 00AL. 1 lwndlr IM hew retie of keret oral I •he matin, •lo : die Heir Yore, Iowan. a w re els Mal'ws, C.., a OeMnru/ee low ha wanes t idle 1'e.1 le '.'.r .ht... ..m . Chester. etre. nor aid Um'.. ;0: T COAL. Ho. 11..... I.wmp now tar mss to. . owl • le ...t. Lina•,.. etc. L...WAXPl'1r 00Li.. .t .w •' s• nu,,a 111..•l.naph •moll• n1 011w••• or. Wool, 9'-.l h •11rs. .1• to le' u•la1r, tech, d mom •.e•1 •else inti N b.hes leas 1/or, .e ,ml sl w.•.'1. smote . • 5', f.... '4.t te- r a•, .,.d w..41. , sen 15 • I". • . el,►.,. . e 1.,.a 4, ..e a. t4 ea the "enol. 01 1e ..IM . y. 4w a anrs 4 1 1.. r ...A nam. . , ..., d M'•Il M lath., .>V4t ' ran w•) ser) 4171•4r.p•A fuel . • n a nes. a 'ase wn,rh .e.h. ' •et Sloe 444111r, • gw.rwt•,e•4 WO. Axe COAL 44411 VDU in 01,1 N. 1..w,os., brit of 11a.ni /•^^ CRel. I saw. $. PLAT? Prop. $12,000 STOCg XMASGOO!:: TO SELECT FROM, Deet Irma Ibis\, Gerwtaa awl American ife•Ve tants. sold s.), 10 ou seeees, NOTHING NOBBIER, NEWER OR HANDSOMER *Ste IN •NY CITY ICtIT•4LIEHMKNT. Handsome Leather - Bound Poets, Bibles and Prayer Boo ts, Elegant Leather Travelling Cases for Ladies and Gentle- men, Party Fans, in all shades, Solid Gold Pens and Pencils, Sterling Silver Pen Handles, Le Maire's Opera Glasses, Smoked and Oriental Pearl. Bronze and Silver Ink Stands, &c., &c., Indestructible Iron Toys, Mechanical Toys, Gaines for • old ani young, Toy I ( of 1, X .n ► i ., t713 a'I 1 B» lets, Fu11 Stock of Books, suitable for Libraries and School Prises. special discount. FRA3E;f 8t POLITER, Booksellers and Stationers. Vial M..erva M•l Tr epi.se sew FOR JOYOUS CHRISTMASTIDE 1 '4 Ito• •a mor''• 5,0"9'5'• a sail A WINED PBRFOIB BUGANTLY POT OP. t•.. Ma •• the no -.t I' ,,4.1(1144 toe:, •1 .'1 • . ,• Beautiful Cut -Glass Bottles, •Pluso Dres'ing Cases ($1-$6 Bisque- -hand painted Plush Shaving Cates. ?lush Cases, etc . etc , Iuih Manicurea, etc. Taylor's, Ricksecker'a,Seely'sOak Dressing Cases, the sat- in bulk. eat thing. PLEASE •SKE OURS BEFORE CHOOSES() YOUR XMA$ ar11'ii. W. C. Q00DE. FALL TRADE fee whu•h we are t0W prepared. In BUILDERS' 8LIPPLIES ylker lark. 14 0147. qu ou ewe is reired and as paw n FENCING MATERIALS • PAINT ..fid OIL Slave l thirst Yea weird ..$L5. it•l w: /e la looniest. Thu is where Mmsy e-caytee His awl osw.,plrte U• • N to genii). aka re R.ed. albwe.d is she atom o (sur Ilewerel to el war- mark le most melees •A were bought Our pubes sellsill M testks rod we roar eatrwa.1.. R P. WILKINSON & Co. N GSW TBAKE BOUTS : A1 : S11UES FOR INSTANCE. It makes tittle differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trails or years and yea, s has been occupied by E. ['OWNING, Coe. Noss -et, aid Square. P.S-The Iate.t and best designs for Winter wear just to hand. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. We beet► just ,eesitred • Tory auto• lot et NEW TEAS! BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS Whits we guarantee Is sell et bast 10 Cents per Pound Cheaper Than can be bought fti'om pedlars. A trial order will esa- viice you of the truthftilnesa of this assertion. We sell the best COFFEE obtainable. _V! '! Q UT? T rvm.