HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-12-15, Page 7JOHN T. ACHESON'. We are showing this week special values is T cli EE�5, NDERCLOTHING and CREY FLANNELS. IN tie Tweed we sell at 50c. a yard, and the special line of Grey Flannel at 25c., w- orth 30c. A hall line of Gloves andosis H - A special line of Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose for Boys at 25 cents. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL 'TRADE. hid ( 1 892. The Fall Season ii now upon u,, and. as • 'natter of .•curse, FALL DOORS are in demand. ; iWe are in re- ceipt of a few Tines, and +shortly will have all Depart - mettle fully supplied. Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and .11ornestic Woolen Yarns, ,Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too ttutwvou, to retention—will be fully up to th !stark. 1 'lo nut pretend to keep the largest -tock, but se regards completeness of assortment. quality and price, will be found ,second to node 1NSI'ECTION KINDLY INVITHD. PER ANT. DISCOUNT POR CASH. STRICTLY ONH PRIOR. �- MU'ZNT'RO, Draper and Haberdasher. X -MAS FRUITS l We have is Mack at resew a tet titre of tae (otbwing suede. Valencia Raisins, London Layers, Black Baskets, Dehesia Clusters. Florida Oranges, Florida Tangerines, Messina Lemons. Blame Figs, Candied Peels. Golden Dates, Filatra Currants, Cocoanuts, Brazils, Peanuts. Almonds, Filberts, Walnuts, We have also the most complete stock of Confectionery to be hA' outside of the cities Try a box of our choice Creams', they ars sure to please you. Select Baltimore Oysters arrive daily. Finnan /biddies, Bloat- ers and Cisco,. and all kinds of seasonable fish in stock ED. CAMPAIGNE'B, I lelepholsp Connection Cor Montrtal-4. and Square. CRISP ANO CASUAL. baatd•. us harm w fwd be rbyste ens. till d0 per oent. of Iowa's knee are w neig..1 Kt* the Wares by ming tea safe and n.oid an•helm int ic F.•sesan's Kane ha' le Two t enmities wade • wager on the .twee that the cornet would come in ooHi• er frith the earth. !Petrov! Pala are • mild purgative, .otmg are xc..m.ch. Liver and Rowel& removing islam ct.toaa 1e A sew hbeen ebrises..1 le Rea - as 1< le bees ►fe, right lvy.g, dssesecfiMk sod it is called eekoMp 114 ksfgseate both the hely and the wok sty Ws reliable tome, MiHrva's Are - theism' Wise. Ise i'l"'"ea s new amuse, " Trish Amor timid Lore "), r.g awahtnlsalcally rw- ear et the Timm Timmer. Rotterdam, alfh,,. rt st"ri• Carbolic Salve is • gest aid te .ssl inedieine is the treatrsoes of sore - em bob vwee, aeon and 0Iseemee of .11 Iat rat riche open which the wedding march IN payed at ties?[. W ea►kt iness s star - Lee has mete into the pasesrsice e1 the Wary 'Ps I Mesita Mociety. 1 *seasick i W I uses reosstly paid lar t sf Mottos with 3,000 mores whish I Is h>J been exwtntslatjrR ler pea?' f h. `Isabel twestty.ees pounds .. 44' ttti .imimrs sae Tari member Mem- rot 0.,• w wort'' qs lays • while are Mee- t) tie ►soave.. the yeasts Imbilk- pe.kirk p 'lee •' a.I1 •f1., oo the.ATM Abs.. tatleaast sasesses aige• weenie. gen IL.? a area well lam at Ram - d."11' wnNh band a mtleiat.re ser �"'g e'mustardine me ismer thee a • stalk el kraal.. 460=ea!trema leer was rweMb dy l•+• it hes bees ll..su:� is relic of the times when Mad Anthn.y Wayne wee in aomsiaad thereabout& In (.Teat Britain it is illegal now tO em ploy girls in *hops 'soder 18 for snore than .event few boars a week, and shopkeepers who disn r obey the law are liable to be tined. The DM.oereta have sot had full control of eke government, that is, the presidency ..d beth beams of oorgr.es, at the same time sirs the thirty -Nth congrew, which mot in 1857. An Hagfish experimenter, K. T. ('haplin, W Cm an aeoa osont of hyp•ixi.g • key. tag and inducing bei in that meaner to tit ea • sitting of eggs email revels of them bed hauled Das A *bark reee.tly washed ashore at Hid- eo, British Columbia. had two didf•ct talk, three perfect eyes and what appeared to bo the rudiment of • tin or dipper haag lag to the ander jaw. - The largest rotors, in t.be world u at Maass Loa in the Sandwich iWeeds. The crater is twenty mile* in diameter, aa.l the atrssm of lava Bowies from it Is fifty mike keg and an prom four miles wide. 1a Beglaad, netwftketi..ling that in their owls dapaademey of Malta the hang salsa recd.,, £30 • year from the British government, M executioner has had •ay sasa status epi the death of t'.Mtratt. Ample who have kiwi it •y that there k M hatter ..dials, for dyepapain than .dyer's S.r.•parifla. It may sot give one stomach of an ,stria►, bet it so iY,uitbaas the all m,Nnry aroma that direelias of ordinary feed he sores easy and nava. Team w said to es loses than 3,000 pre- bitMrie helidep h Rardies. They w.1 - same .H 1. the le °Mari.!e sed built la w Misr by wa�wided hews — Feeble sad et risk,. appease sty boas ue�n.leased by *be w d Ayer% (yM.rtie Pok They de eel "deldliteet, hp .teem/., eelembeise 1 1.1 w M. meat -1, Meer, end heeds w parlors Meir beeli .e poo ppwftoly. JAs to attar Omer pill Ono am ora OelTu ay Ilea Seabrtt ik.Ms er. ea:ii.I.Ct, d lot b. q• . iced. *god's'. l:,,,+tt C. LA?, .;o., IUG{ rase art Martha, died es flat•rdy M et. loam, If. B. Dr. 1'. K !bare,, btarWrd's oldest t..dle.l practltises , i, de- .1 .he, a keg Mr. Nepotism Lefebvre, • well-ksuwe lewdler el Montreal, fell dead is W odes -Ptplex7. H. H. Odell, et ase time the ,•..tersen sprinter of America, has oommitted eueide at tpekaue, Weshaegto. A llra Dermoid,, of Hsmtlton, wee sassed will a cit of coughing which reit 'mad some hours end resulted fatally. A farmer seated Hamilton Tibbs onus - witted suicide et Bambara', Que., by hanging Morel( in hie bedroom. Mr. (leery MacRae, solicitor for the Oras° Trunk Railway Company,Dee d Meetresl's °Jest lawyers, i. dea B the death of M. K. V. Aton M Tns�nArnim idgc Kale, Cheshire, Englaed, $0%. 000 a year is left to 211 Boston cbenties Mr& i3lirabeth Butt, a widow, [ivies os Weed street, Toronto, committed soleid, by beagles herself in the cellar of her hoses with a clot►...tas. James trtIrady, who was Gee o1 the few survive( vsUraes .1 the Crimes in Cards, died ia Ottawa sudden! es Tuesday sig►t. He ws a his seventieth year. Mr. Croy, who was far ,eels yeah haedeast r is tam (".,Dees Owe R ills, Tomato, aid hes latterly Rued • similar porkies u p the 14th Batt., Kietee, Oat., i Jay (l.uld. the ssuhs.milboa•ire, cited is New York Friday, at the ye o1 fifty -d& The immediate mese el his death wan pal - smeary eoesempioa bet the dynamite attempt on his life s year ego and his mavens dread of s repetition of tie attack o.atei- bsteg, to his taking oil ACCIDENT RECORD. Two seen wets killed by aa explores is • arae at \'irgiaia, Nevada. At Cincinnati, Ohio, two boys were killed Monday eight by • motor sur. Charles Bouson was blows from the pim form of a Ueios Pacific train, near Deaver, and killed. Meyer rlreeeburg, IS "vers old, died u a dentist's chair in New 1 ork wkik having • tooth pulled A bricklayer named Jam Caldwell fell fret a scaffold is Hamilton, Oat., .ad had sever* ribs broken. seventy-four liven were loaf by the slak- es of the Japanese warship t hishintarnkaa, which collided with the British steamer Ravenna in the Irked sea. A (lingo and Rock tared tram struck • waggon near Denver. Mrs. Hollandry r o of its occupants, was w.taatly killed and several others were seriously injured. Richard Rieder, an employe of the Orad Trask Railway Company at Stratford, tfnt, wee found dead In his bed. Os she ivl ious n g.►t be appeared to be u his Alm... and Ludic Haskell, sixteen and *Mien years, respectively, were drowned is the lake near .Ardocb, Ont., us Suuday. Tb. younger brother broke through the ie...mel the eider, in attempting t.• save him• air. perished. ,'t Jackson. Mich umT e. ening. the gaeolise stone oa which Mir.. Walter Be'Itng. r was prim', nig supper eipl. Tt. woman'. , I..1nng was Malted. anti is ".shine hrnugh the house in a (richt her burning germe,ts set fin to the cloth:u of her two little . bakhes. The elder child died. and it is unlikely that Mr. Hollinger will rev,. er The .vs• .awed Puraaer. 11 booms tVbite, i' -M., River Jaleph , gee., rite. • --•' Harley need 1 r. Williami rink Pills, 1 Bond that they are undoubtedly the best 1do0•1 purifier and reconstructor of a weakened and debilitated cwnat.itatiou that can be found." lteware of substitutes and imitations. 1:1411111 dealers or by mail, post pad at 50 w h .. Or re hotel' for .f .50 11x. %V llism.' alai. i., , Brockville, (hit. e by Tithes err .re.srd. t 'r..ni suck. •• Won't you let me Inas you, jest once, Minnie •' • • K by, Harry ' That is not • proper thing to ask a reek lady - '" — Mocrssat, Ang 0th 1891. 'ly heal was literally fell of Dandruff end sothisg applied gave risible relief until acing Anti-ilaedrnf, • kw spplic•tiup of which has me thoroughly removed the dan- druff there is not • grain to be found. W H. O'Rnt;A.r, Ry. Mail Clerk. —CITY— COAL AND WOOD Y 6FiD, Coal, Wood and Kint'ling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch, = 1 mama thaws bee made .1 bard coal le tM.MM,t. viz :tea New York. Oet.,1. & WOtfs Railway coy'& Celebrated l.ohawease Valley Peal le foo sues etc: (5aemat. heove, Ewe sed Oral. ieWsnee mu sea Lame Orel for see to u,.te.. moves. (eraser', ,tet SS.LOSSI ITZ OOAL. Dean sortie pons•., eesehenth swath. taw coal al ware ea head. meow mien. tion M ren to country trade. wooD. (`at aril wpll world. M leoh.. sad 1 feet km always is stenk. Itee9 fess. that i sen wellies weed. oat sad raft, as ebesp es yaw ens buy keg weed es the market All my weed le .OM W tie Awed of to feet er half rood tots. ZnIDLMO WOOD. 4 test bas. oe cat sad toper. M heart bran. WI IQE WALES. 1 hay. added ver wtta..p.ippea Anel and weed yard • sew a sna w01 0 ands, AM sued!.es sed mesamns asanwseewl Onvca, YARD Aro (DAL Saline in aid drill shad, Nehmen-at., et d Haw- ' ilbn♦k. TtetN rAnat. 1 JOHN 8. PLATT, (NM rr I 1 I�t Cure For ( .111 ;io der'' ill. ua hied latnlia is awe Skerry Psmrali. it has no equal as a cough -cure. Bronchitis When I was a boy, 1 bad a broncbial freebie of such a persistent sad stub- born character, teat the ducta pro- miaowed ro- micro ced it incurabk, with ordinary remedies, but recuaunended tree to try Aye's Cb.rn- Pectoral. 1 did so, and one bottle corals*. For the last fifteen years, 1 have used ibis preparatu.n with good effect whenever I take a bad cold, and I know of numbers of propie who keep it i• the boiled all the tune, not it safe to be without it. - 1. C. Won, P.M., Forest Hill, W. Va. Cough "For more than twenty -Ave ears, was a sufferer from lung tr.we, at- tended with coughing so revere at times as to catty hemorrhage, thero:ya, frequent! lasting three or four mhourrs. 1 was induced to try Ayers Cherry Pec- toral, and after taking four bottles, ora. thoroughly cured." — Frans Hoffman, Clay Centre, Kan.. La Grippe " Last spring 1 wu taken d..w'u with la grippe. At times I was completely C his, and so difficult was my b that my breast seemed as if confined n an iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it than relief followed. 1 could not relieve that the effect world be so rapid and the mire so compete."— W. H. Williams, Cook City, S. Dale. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Pompano; by Dr. J. i. Ayer St Co.. Loore, Mao. Soil by all Dr.gis+.. Price t. ; is h,ertea, Ss. Prompt to act, Euro to CUM Weems aw...u.Ns Ssei•ys. W.ttteeza Editor—" Ay sews to -day'" F •• Weelll,, hake my six stead, go out and crake someibiag happen." A '(tire ase censers sen amt, Msstsrbr. Dr. Silas Liao. wkik in the Reeky Moak tai.s, discovered • root that when oondesd wish other herbs makes an easy sed metals core for coestip.tion. It is u obs fonm of dry roost and leaves, sod is know. as 1..e's Family Media-i.e. It will cure sick -bead•cbe. For the blood, Iver and kidaeya, and for clearing up the asmpkxioa it doe wonder& sell it M 50c. a p.oiag•--es.sgh fGr v. week&— Raw w Csrrttwt.•. Chicaso Tr(buns. Maud Going to ,tart tr• college seat week' That will be delightful K hat do yds expect to take for the tire year' D.isy- Bev n trucks and care stedy. t C9'Wave Hes streak ea, bat we y net .tseifq ars we have A COMPETENT STAFF halo CAN HANDLE ANY JOB IN OUR LIABR M I MAT■ A hAaOI MID( a OP STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL, OR WOOD. Nit ASS .TILL 5A1t154. TUN RE -DIPPED TINS RE. GIVE U$ A GALL. SAUNDERS & O. WEST STREET - STORE NEW GOODS. Florida Oranges, Malaga tepees, Clarified Cider, dour, Fruits of the Season. Fearman's Hams and Bacon. C. An NAIRN. —ISE LEADING - 1 A. B. CORNELLI XcLean's Block—On the Square--ltcLean's Block, S:[LIiUODfTINURB Tn.-ONDU(R I1,111MAI.8 ATOM USUAL WW PRICE. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to ve him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. :NO CHARGE FOR . A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. T�ZiI�C�-R.E�P�3 TEI. E=ZION= 1'ARrZOR TORONTO BRANCH --Y9 Front -at. Wet MONTRIAi, BRANr'S_ Sl$ gt, J•meg-et. MAMMOTH WORKtt—Hull, Canada UN D EWXEWS J.ItOpT•grInfr (� BON Hare added to heir present hasiains sae of B, J. Ned' a of ty Hearses, also • he toast line d f„ s in the Style sad are now prepared to conduct hineral.e aero furnishings in the mw.ty, This Oisparlass.t rill be strictly •t prices res.00able. in the syj.y et the late D. Gordon ater* to hie suet , bee wbq brei knowledge s1 obs hadnesr, and by prompt s p* eel ~ opes lon years, bee a e part publb l e pGive as a call. atronage Remember w pyo W as yew way shareo tbeof p WHY D. (UFA). BARRY, the (Iot[et;ch furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the bast stook of furniture and undertaker'. supplies? And how is K that he can sell .o cheap t BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. Hie motto is : ' Small Profits end Quick Re- turns." He also make. • specialty of picture framing. (live him it call I.efon. Duret ing elsewhere. Embalming Plaid always on hand. 2359-y Patronise True .Competition. hadaattstreigErartil,y AT kpt Mame praadslss sod W el Omer ap+esu were woe n. saw isafes all area. J. BROPREY & SON. • >ta.p111.aw..t..M