The Signal, 1892-12-15, Page 51 Aunt 1 7717. SIGNAL: Crmri ir11. 0NT. TTIMISPAY, DECEMBHR 15, 1R92. 5 BANK OF MONTREAL. _ - - $ 12,000,000. T►IE CANADIAN BANK UF COiV lit 1_K;✓Ew LITAR4I0s4s0 INT. y HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. ggrRr ear IP) Oa MILL10411 DOW111111 , -T. Its. L WALKER, Go.aftALNAea,,, 1141.43110. 81,000.0o0411Lo. GODERICH BRANCH. A MIIlPAt BANKING Otlelonom TNAISStoTtp, FARttaftW *arra DiSnous.'rw. DRAFTS iSsuwD PATANLI AT AL. POals IN CANADA, AND Th( PR'NC4PAL OTOS M TIM UINTI O STATES (MCAT BRITAIN. FRANC., Iteltrtuo*, Ae IIAVINfllS LANA DEPARTMERT. a.POa1TS OF S&OO A140 UPWARDS RECEIVED. AND CURRENT RATER OF INTERN •�, owtD. IST ADOCD TO TNM PRINOIPAL AT THE ENO OF MAV ARI. P, 'SRR M ■AOM TOA&. Spu. I Att.nne* gists I• t%e Oetlwoir-� of -,,.•y,_r-,or c..�o►, sod Earners' bate• Netts. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NANCY IIANKS BKAT TBE RECOIID! CLEYELAJIJ BEAT HARRISON! BSI WE BEAT TRE WORLD FOR BARGAINS ORDERED CLOTHING t blade from the Finest Fabrics and offered to our Patrons at PRIOSS TEAT NO OTHER HOUSE OAN NAM FOR FIM TAILORING. FOREMOST IN WORKMANSHIP CORRECT IN STYLE PERFECT IN FIT MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. MEN'S DRESS SUITS THAT ARE FAULTLESS. MEN'S OVEROOATS THAT ARE STYLISH. We also carry a large and well -assorted stork of MN'S AND BOY'S 1tEADY OV?RCOATS Which we are selling at the lowest possible margin. Vale are also Agent for the celebrated "RIGBY" WATBRPROOP COAT. Svory Coat guaranteed or money refunded PRIDHAM, The Tailor. DOMINION NEWS IN BRIEF. Dien are is tore -k. Out.. 4e factorial, empl.ryrZ x.142 heeds. Th,. Ca/sadism budding at the We* id. Tao .n t'nteag., a roofed tu. Ter new ferment bander twine factory at Rrnationi has been completed. Hamilton's aeersinneut this year is $242. fee tee .•Iva,•, of that of last year. Tea Ontario Fruit lov.wers' 1'orveUteos *,L' lie held in Peterlrxo. neat year. The new court bouae at Woodstock. which -»i $I(m,,1us,, eau opened last week. A horse stepped .* • broken trolley win .n Hamilton sad was instantly kitleel. A million .1.41ars haus. been e■pesded in few farm buildingte ,u Alanitola this year. The wtie nf d;Sorge ielleo, .,1 I loen`ioed, presented hint with triplet. on Tweeds, «ening. The thsterio Jtak.y club will make the •id of the efnaea's Plate of 11417 • thous- and dollen. Tweet)} toss of turkeys •ted ge*. %on . htpp..d fres Kemptrille, Ont . for Kam- m° n'arkets last week. %iugtgling ie being sueeeefully gad ons "'lewdly carried a between Kn 'gates, Gat., D i l tape Vincent, N.Y. Th. winter better making osteon at Well- a'e Owners, Ramie., is tarmag out .host V*1 pounds per .lay. During the season d IMYP, 2,440,618 bushel, of grain from United Steles peete sere ••anshippsd et Kiupt n. The Ih*vnnion surplus use the ..Trent fee's year show se iaweme ever the lame period last roar .f $1,41t,184. At Winnipeg* peeing Regli.i.•. paid* '• • pawnbroker for. as rid es sled es deeming it foetid 111106 is tie.b*gy.l. It a proposed to --444.1 • Seated of AiTieulture and Mining le Nisptes. Ont.. M wheels project thirty thousand dame* required. Money order en..rnt,ass have Ms son- d•de.i by the Canadian Oeveressest with Ilsre,oda gad Aritiale Geiser, to tall, same Jh..a,y 1. Wi deedy, December 97, has b... gsad •• .eetinati.w day is the fear esestfteeeer a 27rnted by the New ...bees of the Al. +rstiow. The crisis in the formal t•dst■117 r ImaA ie likely M esen a ktrp ntd •E°na are being tttade. to 11 ie w ditty.* .f Th. plank. of the * . s. ed el louvre, ressstl lust. 4 by its 93t..i- PR*.rd of Trade„ L teseieles the sen- ses et the Femaffhw Depertreast. At • meeting .f the btft.aba. add the Un- ion. Law Rerl,ty it was deiced = weti.. R' Oliver r Mow* that metes shouldlamed 4. to pal,tbl, as asNdwe at 1M 011- lir.MID kw. Jaw W eel II , = Mem ' •u • asp 1'I�l1r.w�w..q ..waesp in say het le bolos is. We es tIN � •ns. se.xwt 1 n inches Alga. The controlling interest In the loads& Street Railway ' ompsuy has bets void out to the syndicate which has bought cost the street railway franchises in Montreal, To route, Cleveland gad other cities. The 4,00( 1*s wbakback which is being built to ply between Vawwuver and China will he commanded by tJ•pt. H. 14. Wil- liam, as old Pacific mast mamas ani ex - pilot costriseioaer of Ran Frew/sat A settaa10m kgs hese mused in Chatham by the arrest of Angus Pessefetber, et - ledger keeper of the `Jtasdard Rink at that Owe, charged with having stolen the r, 00 which disappeared from the bank on Oct. b. While workless wen repairing; the old postol6oe store .t Fort Ere they found • .sifons, in.akst, cartridge- bee, belt, and haversack, evidently tie property of one of the Fenian' who cads the read a Ca.adias territory in IMI. Owe hundred and Piety bssiseas .ed pro lesninaal men in Wisdom, Oat., were each asked for an opinion respecting the meet dadrebie posittos for Canada. The al- tar gave the following result !adapted - son, 74; political *aim with the United 'Rates, 10 ; Imperial federatie..; elutes fee, 21. The body of a yeas( Women leased feast* Reader.* was found on etaterday morning en the north side of Iturhsgton hay, a diort distance from her borne. She h ad left her hoes, daring the might, ns& tied oily in • single garment. had wander ed a the water's dg.. Lia said that the girl wee mentally anaossl. • sendttias be which a broken ntarriga engagement had materially ceetribetd. TMg mot WORLD. Nalieloses weighing over a posed sash bl1 at treahs., Imes. Let 'haaay dsr- rtg the eyeless. 11■ebeb of silver WSW to Cassa& have been eloped, awing to the deans in Mae price of silver. A Wizard raged few I6 Mena * Hata tell Oklahoma, and m•rb eefferieg has hese tweeed assess the settlers. At IJ.a. Otto, Jernee Themp.es shirt mod taw hie nephew. Albert TMvmpons, der- bsg a quarrel diet • load of hay. The Ind Mayer of Leedom bas beim e ased te lone • .,,Sial anigrwup. seam& Ise to relieve Metro's is the Metro pnMs. At • sale pa t ,r Midst. phia, s let= writem by W i= to Mdisl,. lm 1793 was for $I The sesa..r that 1 wbisai. d t 4. •ew Two leg •hem 9 hour .ed Se elm whoa Nle psabbi& teat whim the 1les.tr y Dinolhowneo sew d11111* Illramels M .lj..se ss IIr Ws 1A, elm .m`g� 41f 1M deforms sow to atterniamse ear A linom hl s *momoihed �d edeselfdreemsfyel lrli r��i Inv j tAti 1;J Qw .a -! "The scarcest Goods in Goderich," remarked • W) waltz le or am. the ether dry Is • aloe 'Saone■ i• Cloth for Ladies' and Children's Ulsters and Jackets at a Reasonable Price. Her uoaoladlaa remark aloe purcb.elea was t4I could select half a dozen more to please me from these I see here." See& Mom eters et Clotho the seam -very IaiRe. lad at pion which have Myer dli.,- voluted these who wee. DRESS FABRICS 1. tb,re b.mw•ll'sl sew soft onion tor the gators segos. (Puree/dos in ts•hr*rea sad "mob sante. at Mc.. leu. sad chez, are nporb. irsklat. Reverence- t CM.. of D■afreilso, an.okeo.d.died maasf aterore tied t4o•ohere of tie 1.l*host Erste of Tellies/1d rano) Uaor* la the old world. We have elo/wive dale fur their te.vds is uoderk.b, sad our stock was sever before au vaned with aovelites for Christ - Rea ONE HUNDRED IBD EIGHTI DOZEN HANDKERCHIEFS ! Recolved nos week. Milt, (Num, Linea .ad lawn --Inn haled. rooked, &sloped. Lmbrvtder- ed, Drama sad Hr•ertltched,'bewla.; • Wwisdwing .as If new ideas wnlnk we aloee w1U show 1. 14eder1.b this mama. INSPECTION INVITED. W. 1 .CEESON & SON. E'IVE PER GENT- DIEICOV lsf'1'. * 0* mouser N 14 yaws Ola earl tae ether is only Is. 11 is be Herd that they are tee youngest parents in the United States. The freight wbics pared through the Sault Ste. Marie canal this year reached 11,211,000 tone, so increase el 2,223,000 toga over last year. Gran increased 61 per rent, goer 47 per wt. and iron ore Me per coot. Holmes, the signalman whoa. neglect of duty, consequent upon overwork, cawed 15e meat teraible railway accident near Think on November 2. has pleaded grtlty to the charge of mansleaghter, and was let off ea • remanded sentence. "A bill t.. protect Ameriva working- men" is the title of a .nature introduced in the House by kegrer■tauve Chapman, of Michigan. According to its prom.iese so alien who is • non-resident of the United States shall work •t any *echanacal trade w in any manual labor within the border* e4 the United States. At Seattle, Washington, to Tuesday eight, a young man named Clarke Rogers Moulton shot and killed Mrs. Mary F. liwren', who wat separated from her hus- band, because she psrstateatly refused to marry him. He then put a ballet into his ewe *Ma. Ur. Storey was tie daughter d Rev. Cameo Jollities, forseerly of 11ramp- ma, Oot.. bat now living L A HERE IT 18 AGAIN. Title TIS•* ft eau Two Casad/u. 1TM Mew Out eke Gas. New yt.aa. Dec. 12. -A party of h0.... Seasciinevian travellers from Canada, who looked like well todo farriers, put up at the Hoene Made 11o4441, No. 244 4.reerw,. h street. Monday night, and on Tuesday • ereoan two of them, Henry Burg and Peter lead, were towed dead in one bed ,n s small inside root,, on the third floor, erof• - locat.d by the Ras, which was pouring from t the open bet unlighted burner. The met) arrived at the hotel before supper time on Monday, gad after registering from ('attach i west away, returning late at niggh wimp - that the worse for liquor. Their comrades, whom ammo appear nu the register as C. Surdas, Marks .tads, l sea and A. K. Audersose, Slept in other' rooms sad swag downstairs at almost A o Shook is the nnoruing sad went out, but returned at 1 clot► fors few missies, when they tool their leave of H. Beckley, the propria. tor. They did not esquire for their 'reeled.. Only eseOf the *Tree was able to speak ikrb►usaid knocked repeatedly ,u the after000s at the door occupied by hung and Land, bet receiving un .Hewer, report- ed the matter to the office, and the door was broken open. Dr. Stevenson of the Chamber street Hospital was called in, and be acid that the nos bad been dead for several hours. The dead ran were about 35 years old and b,re a strong facial resem blames to each other. They were large, well developed sad fair. CANADIAN EMIGRANTS. Most *. of • Llai t. Wort .■ the Laude et lee De�1■t.s. Low Doe, Dae 12. -Great interest Is being taken proceedings the United Liegdom u the proc■edin s of the Fanner.' Conferee**, particularly is the dam es persistently made that protection is the only thing that yea relieve the fettling Maims Ikon their present uneatitf■cter) fasaaa The crisis i• the le ga■ing • greet iserls.a u4be d eaquines hoists reeeiyd frees people el the farming elms who as* tltinkieg- a( em*r■t- irg. Special elects ars Bing muds tlroagh. out the comity te divert es more of this promised migration as ppdbls he the dire.lion of C♦seia, sad the norm of the Demanen say that the presposte res not been so good ilea 1893, in whmh year 100,, 000 people left the Vatted Yitgb. fee Canada and carried with the. *Recta valued at 13,000,000. Bir Charles Tapper has presumed to sub- mit ►mit to the Ottawa government=y praotionl erh*mr ler the *.a of far. workers .led serves* who) have drifted fro. the country into the cities. Bet (lewd• only aaeoeregee emignutte ahem mod willing le weeks the Lode d Canada. INSTANT ARREST 411E tse.wre .e *h. Connell of eke fteesels Camel Company 0.+..od. hers, D.O.. 1fi The lad.eeNee 4d Ella waw ministry was read is Cba.b.a G recalled the west that emend tae rest political crisis and .Armed the isasties et iia Oakum to aid the (ataa►er of Dermas* 4, .very imams in ite power to threw Iiglt nem the Mamma Oaeml •air. Neestfke leek it eesUanad, the Oabi.et .Selz atl8m. the prem. e a 1 .a*wfwtpe of the dts.astive. la 7�illstts e nd jallaW pewora Libre Fere*e.sqipsa Aasesoeie, MIsr- ter of Jetties. baa .rdafel the i,a..diate ansa of the r.e.anb el the mom* et the Palm a/ a44 lb. wile elle strid with The me.bws elf elm miss tii.assm mer leileeel 1. ewe el tam llama of dwells. .d lira o «Nshomes.a=d M. 1411,,.: The (l..h.r et Dep_*L 4, a who .f 41111 le sslo a NOM ilii �. Orrrs� WON iirmlissa w %.Sawa U7110• Go 10rm • e100wlr:415 10 a.taalb- este tae person' *no msoappr•oprras tam sompaey's !bade. THE FAM SEX WIN. ter eNiv.. Nowa* Cam tk. Tote Mise Made 0,.or Lawy.rs. Tosoti,o, Dec. IR --The doors st as lrw Society of Ontario have bees spewed to women, and thew gentle creator* may sew e nter en the 'tidy d Lw is aosardases with the Act of the laat. .'dos of the Leg* haute. which empowers the Beacham to d w bw w■ea to ester upas the shady el and to (teddy themselves for the probed= .f • solicitor. As the tsaa1isg of cearoestlos 9t b.sab- en wore present Ons was called to the °hair and the other 23 pro.eded to die. mass the resolution to reeusnider the vete of last tee., *eluding women from the society. Whew the vote was taken and .suatod Use result was 12 for the admia.ios and 11 ag,!•ile.t. The matter was referred to a °o..ittee to draft a code .t nags, and it will again some before convention when the report of this oe..ittes ie ready. It i. ■.drstood that AttorneyGeaerwl *swat Will pnsast and cam • rote in favor of the ladies. A areal for Muakokis. Tewwro, Dee. 12. -At the new legisla- te** huddings the fist deptatioo entered the halt and waited on Hon. C. F. Frasier, Minister of Public Works. The gat*ewes were from Huntsville, Muskoka, and their names were Dr. J. W. Hart, A. J. Watson, Thomas Goldie, F. W. Clear- water, A. P. May and R W. Godol- phin. They told Mr. Fraser that they wast- ed a three-quarter mile long canal built between the fake of Bays and Peninsula' Lake. The Saul would oast but $40,1010, world save portaging bests, and would obviate the reemeity of floating timber and pate logs 37 miles by a moat circuitousroete. route. The deputation assured the Miui,ter that the Province would be repaid for the construction of the canal by the increased dor paid by lambei men on damaged pulp- wood and timber, which it wu,l.4 pay to take through the canal, while the .•epeneeof rafting thm around thy be.difudt would kill soy profit which might scree. The Minister, of course, promised to cosrider the repneentatious of toe .depw•atia.. A11 m. Roark Lest, Lossbov, Dec. 12. -The British Dibbarg. Capt. Davies, was wrecked Lowgee.d, star llarwirb, last night. Her rocket signals wen responded to by a Nor- wich 11.10at. Wheu the life-n%ere react., d the stew of the wreck they found the vessel split in two and partly embedded to the Saud. They were unable to board her u ntil high tide at dayhrcal, when they found a seaman drowned below leek. Tke other to. n, Xrs of the crew were missing and ate :supposed to fluet poriehed, as frag- taste of boats were t..unel lunging to the davits. It is report.s1 that a schouuer was wrecked on the wild• in the vicinity of the wreck of the Dibl,erb and fist her crew is missing. *ee1My Maes per Not* gad Gaeta. The " Sunlight" Soap Co., Toronto, ober the following prizes every mon.h till further notice, to bops and girls under 16, resiling in the Province of Ontario, who send the grimiest numher of " Sunlight " wra pen ►.t. $10 ; 2n1, $b ; 3rd, i3 ; 4t It, $1 ; sir to 14th, a handsome book ; and a pretty picture to those who .end not ler then 12 wrappers. Seed wrappers to "!sunlight" Seip (l a, 43 Scott -.t., Toronto, not later thou 29th of each math, sail marked • Oempetition " ; also give full name, pd - dram, age, and number of wrappers \Vin- eers nannes will he published in The Tomato Mail nn fins Saturday in each moth. ly 1a w.sntry of (iteral Robert K. lee two Nained glass windows, ms.le in Munich, hare been est into At. Paul'■ Kni.h,pal (.rah in Richmond. Het gene then, on tie was • bram tablet is to be placed in the forst of • .Meld, having on it a crusader's moo, the Confederate flan, th • lee coat of 1M.., sad ea irasripllee. CA PITA L, REST, - - - 6,000,000. A Saving Deftartment has been ozend in con- vection awvection with This branch. interest allowed al current rates. H. LOCK WOOD, Mara ffer Goderich Branch. Mllllner� A LAMB AND WiLLARLOCTID STOCK OF TNi N E Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, FANCY FEATHERS AND RIBBONS. LAI/IBS UNDERWEAR ANL/ CHiLDREN'S PINAFORES+. PLYJdi CALI. AND Ade ti1102ni BUTTER AND KB(t$ 'fAKAN MISSES YATES. Ol4Chni (CUT PLUG.) OLD CHUM (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco has ever ea. joyed such as inummises .ale and popularity is the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest C-_ Twilsrci watt iat• ao.., be Canada. MONVTRRAL. ('at ?h1(,0p j 16t ro 20c. x RECOGNISED STANDARD BRANDS Mungo, Kicker, Cable. Universally acknowledged to be superior in every res- pect to any other brands in the market. Always reli- able, as has been fully dem- onstrated by the million... that are sold annually and the increasing demand for theta, notwithstanding an increased competition of o, - er One Hundred an 1 Twen- ty-five Factories. This fact speakr, volulnes. We are not cheap Cigar manufacturers. S. DA IVIS & SONS MONTREAL. Largest and Highest Grade Cigar Manufacturers in Canada. 74-11 Sekh and lrtsh Songs! ekiesoLIATS CONCERT The Grand Of era House, DECEMBER 19th, 1891,, URnaw NA TOR RIITLaa's ►• ?Ron AOP 14. Irieh.a* or geothermal should .i. this Verily, it will b. • might with the Irish and Seetea Pete. No .orb miagin4 or program' to Oadarl.h Wove. Tickets, --- 25 and 95 Osaka Pressed* for tie deed& .r our tows pow CgBISTMAS GIFTS -FOR- i Mother Father Son A Daughter Uncle • Cousins -AT-- CADDY & TOM'S JEWELRY. SILVERWARE AND FANCY GOODS STORE. McLean's Block. .1111,` w--.. „19.0