HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-12-15, Page 4TNN SIGNAL : OODENICA, ONT., THiTRSDAY, DZ+CIYalle 15, 1803.
ibhc ofiigaxl,
WI W. libemeseemmerli.
Mks .t Nawiestlea a sad se, N.rtb-etaeet.
Uderlok, osier*.
Twos or Nab.erfpeese t
Ob. Nemeth. is advance
Themgaostha tan • • "" " • se
Oma year. 1
t! reran is &Med, lbs PAM f1er 7.r
will be .... _ . .....
*d,reIMsa taus
mod other usual advertr.smsuts. I.
pes 1 as for seat la.ertion. and Scents per Sae
los each .n boli using insertion. Measured by
a nonpareil .cele.
Deduces r ard. of sit macs and under. $) per
Aevertisoine.i. of Lo.$, round. Strayed.
Situations Vacua. 4itoatlons Wanted and
musinees Chances W.uued. not exeee:dlag s
Its.4 r..nperril st per month.
Humes on Sale aa: Farms on bale hot to
•hissed $ Ii.e., el for Ilr,•t month. 11c. per ms
.Spasm month. larger rd.t.. in proms twa.
Any special aetee, the object of whlco is to
promote the pecuniary honed, of any utM-
vldual or company, to be unddervd an ad
reel teemrnf .od clear* d aaordlarly.
Leal notices* moapalell type os.e seat per
word. no notes lees than lac.
Local ..tion, in ordinary needled type two
cents per word. No mob, for lees than M.
Notices for rhurrbee and other religions avid
haaevolent'outiaw WWI half rate.
fomimerelal 4'atrar1 - advert ...emends.
A limited number of displayed adverli.e
.esats ell' be inserted at *be lie:lowing rated :
Per Inch. use insertica M N
four inserbnu
thr.r mouths.
•• .ix months
•.... i to
2 Os
one year i ef
No ad.rrti.taiMt Iasis than two imam In
length will be calculated nn above basis. 4
per met. discount &Rowed for oath pay meats
os three moat ba'oostrect : Se per rat. m six
smooths , mot Meer rent. on a year's. These
conditions w ll be strictly enforced.
osteal ••Tbe Mooed Deism,
Sniecriber who fail to r•eceice Tan Smear
rerrulsrly, either by carrier or by mall. will
confer a favor by acq.&tntlug tis of the fact at
as early a date as postage.
Leek at fear sabot.
Year label 1. •.tandiat receipt of the date
to which yno are paid up. See that it is mot
allowed to fall into arrear.
When • ebanse of address is desired. beak
the old and the sew 'Mime shoeld be given.
Rejected manuscripts cannot be returned.
Cerrnpondrnee must be writteatoo one side
of paper only.
►.MI.8eV• feeler,
.1. 1'. L. Tpurl. of Godrrieh. has been •p
panted Local Travelling Aleut for the town-
ships of tiodrncl•, ('olbarae, As!.eeld and Wa-
Loral poet 'meters over the district are also
empowered to receive anteerlptioas to Tut
4ws at.
All con: mnokat ions some be addressed to
Tax 8rNa4
[eiathe ee Call 311, Odntoh. Out.
GODS/WM. T1dUtelDAT elle. IS. Mt
sew Mit.
During the t.oxt few weeks .mer
friends should and to reucwal subscriptions
for the comtnt( year It is a comparatively
easy that Inc every Kuhseriber to set himself
or beteelf square "n the list for the ensuing
tern, and when ybut is done they are not
haunted by • !Abel in urner ..s each week
pampa by.
Fnr .t•.. AL 'luring the ,-omtog year
wall 1,e much aided by our twiny
subscriber. making prompt remittance of
,uhscriptions. The solitary subscription is
a small item. but the aggregate totals up
thousands of dollars, and tf every subscriber
would make up his mind to commence the
new year by getting straight with his sub
artistica account the sphere of woefulness of
this iourual could he largely e. tended
Daring the peat few weeks hundreds of
dollars worth of &ix•ounts for subscriptions
and job work have been sent out from the
...mating roam of Tn► +itawA�, hind mer hope
to receive a ready rnspottse./
If you don't get an account dont get of-
fended. but mail your indebtedness to ue at
once, and you will get due credit for it.
Look at your label and we that it gets
moved one notch in front of its present de
You send the subscription and well da
the rest
Hon. .1. l'. PArrewuiq now finds the
seat for West Huron ter more oomfortable
than it bas been for th. past nine months.
Mr. BUTLER is ..till on hos weary
tramp. begging people not to remember his
record ae a muni ilial administrator hat to
cote for him on .ids lemma
That "(7abinet of Antiques ne the
bald headed poet from Pie o'.Bo.es sass
designated the Ottawa Government, has
now more benewond thee welnet in ite make
Non that it hes hepn decided to open
the practice of the legal profession in Ontario
to women, who will be the tint female legal
pea -intoner to "bang out her shingle" In
it ie hardly in avecirdanee with the
thaws of things to allude to CLARK a W 41.-
1 Are. --who received a comptrollership be
cease of ht. patios in the Orange order s
as • greets n.tnid. -- .1 th. administro
11. Mara. that kin pttwisliter Megartd
w him the knowledge .f the eempsaea•
prem el • powder, twe erose sail • half d
whisk will swami him dosing the Noy alio'
fast. t'.1. Daimon oegbt be w fo a Meek
of this powder to help wtaia ►ts Msttapat-
riuta to waiving the old w whoa Mbar
awns of support gum oat.
Tit /'Amts Atha! saaran't11a.
This week wegive the closing portion
of the able . orre p...ii ee ea " (ewf• hod
the United States" whisk meetly appeared
is The New York Sea from the pea of )rm-
wAau ?Aaaita, nnquestrowb:y the &bigot
mad best ported political aswspsper writer
is Canada. We mads so apologyr for pub•
phobia' his preeenlattoa of the case, asowe'
to the eow•nily feeble( whtoh elute u• the
daily paras, nose of the metropolitan papers
dare place the. article before it. readers.
Mr. FARRAR places the question before the
public u a fair and lowest moose, and
does riot foul to snake clear every pout which
he touches. The failure of Canada to make
substantial programa , the unsatisfactory on
sic ; the haaetu) effect. of paternalism : the
blight of the exodus the crane forE.rop.an
tinsel titles to the exclusion of true Casa
diad sentiment . the heaping up of is n-
tioual debt ; the failure of the attempt to
make the country progress by the espsudi
tore .of borrowal mousy while the double
row of tariff femme remained up between
(Salida and her best market : the true policy
of Canada and her manifest destiny are all
set forth to • graphic word picture which
every Canadian should rod and take to
And Mr. F.aaea is out alum: In hu pre -
mutation of the Canadian question. A par
ticularly interesting communtc.tion, to the
people of this ee.:tion. as presented by .1. J.
Wei..HT, the popular and well-known owner
of the Point Farm. Mr. WIL:H1 has a1 -
ways been . sta.iech Try, Mut is satisfied
that Pana l& is now at the " parting o1 the
ways,' tnd so, like thousands of others of
both parties he has decided to sever the
party link and henceforth throw his a-
flame oo the side that leads to(*oatineot l
L'nioo. His calm and dupasatooate opinion
on this question gives evidence 01 deep
thought. thorough investigation, and a
strong desire that the present condition of
.'ands &bead be redly imprered.
Nev. .weaveMe by l'eMI _ es.
To fee bimateipst 11rders n/ fa. Town
Littlest A\mlig'TtietN, The Municipal
Elections are ageia •ppro.chtag, .ad at the
ralnest of many estimine 1 have consented to
be a wodidate for Mayr.
In 1887 and 1888 you did me the honor of
electing me your Mayor. 1 wan also chair
man of the Water Works 1'0mm,ttee, bar-
ing the manacemeut of the construction of
the \Vater \Cork• and Electric Light Sys
team, and I tbiuk I may fairly claim that
we dol the w. rk well end to your susf.c
tion. That it was doom ecotomically a
proved by the fact that after completing
the whole work pleased, besides •ddtse
over • mile more males than the plass
voted ou -alkd for, we had • surplus of
$6,000.00 of the 4Vaterworks and Electric
LiaLt debenture motley on hand, after pro-
viding for all outstanding claims.
These and other matters fully occupied
cony time as your Mayor at that time, w
that 1 had iso opportunity to beteg forward
measures which i then believed, and still
believe Goold be taken to help our town.
Amongst other tholes 1 believe sincere
and proper efforts would procure a Beater
hotel and sanitarium, utrivrog the miner.'
waters, which, 1 am informed, are of .alar.
i also think we should make more energetic
elforta t., get new manufacturing tastitintone
started, tor which we have good facilities
and natural al. outages.
Steps of • practical and systematic, and
not of a mere isolated nature, should be
take* to bring the ad0anteges of our beasti-
ful and healthful town to the notice of Yum
mer tourist, and society Conventions and
excursionists. and our parks and avenues
should be gradually improved and adorned
so as to attract there classes.
.'nother matter urgently needed is the
preparation of a well devised plan and
scheme of drainage, so that all drams to le
put down shall be towards the completion
of • thorough and sari tary system of drain-
age of • p•tmanent character, so as to still
further enhance the healthfulnen of our
1 an. •tangly of opinion that a stop
should at once be made to the large and
)early increase which has recently been
going on in our town debt, which now
. mouete to the very large aunt of 4111,
000,eud which has been enormously increased
during the oast three years without the
comsat of the electors, orad in direct viola-
tion of the law.
When i aft -office in January, 1889, there
wee • oonsid.rable surplus ma hand, oo.wt-
iaug' of
Bdas 0 of Ordinary Revenue of
over 14,000 00
Water Works Surplus, after
providing outatandrng debt•
Over .. . 6,000 00
Making • total merles of over $10,000 00
then on bond.
Between Jan.. 1888 and Jaw, 1444, be-
sides eonsuminr this surplus, there was in.
carred • Heating debt of 419,000 and an
additional dohectare debt of 410,000, in
all, 129,000, which, heimg added to the
above surplus, nate is all tie large mm of
more than $32,000 expended in the last
3 years in Senses of the revetment the town
In the other hand, there has loope a coo
Storable decrease in our popalatios during
the same time, become news of our pe.pie
have had to remove elsewhere to get em
ploy mem e
in visa of them facts it a, iia my
o dgp ant, high time to Ball • halt a *8
omtrolable stpeaditara
The enforcement by nor polios of the laws
for the regulation of antral order i. • emits
attire, as mayor of toe town, 1 should aim
eonoader it my duly to attend to. I did s
',rhea 1 was mayor, amd .hall do so mods, Y
The present rneyor has now menpied
the nfIke Inc the ieneelerable
fiver yeas, and I •awns •
Duringthe Ptwwt icy
earalty eau
ram Mr rn,ga sees In have developed
remarkable rlwiseisg peltrts liven his op
pones* admit the fact, bat claim that he
moves so rapidly now simaly from *he het
that YaA"tta los. him "m the ran.'
The (%lobo.'s eorrespondenta are atilt
wrestling with the gamtia of the " state 01
the country." Up .round Paisley the otber
day they same within an see of droows ing c
that tie we wee asmetling of • oestisaat is
favor of Rowtlesatal Immo 1f they sre not!
osr•(ol they may aMmlly Aad •.t that ate
• se.tirmset eine. Be careful, boys ;
•-a-r-•-1-t1 1 ce
A mom named Met. J er'prma Ned
Inst Petered upon a fro -day. hat in the ia-
tereet ef sasses am( an admiseino 1M at the
dew of the half in while the Iost4y V dam.
hang. is new in leder, as is the eaMam-
emrter, in fart, in West towns. 1 therefore
Purpose lying a candidate, nand met
Flafully ask yen votes ne
and is4Me,
'4hn.I4 you do tpe the h.w.r of
me I sincerely proms* to devote my aes$
rhinos M ,nog about .tmasuree for the
ptteasotkn of the primrose of our tome
and the eenesmie•1 wiea*g Inert mf its.11kiea,
WIsbiag vm • 1 • Rappy New Year, 1 am
Yawn hitifall),
UMIAK 111fA1*LR.
PM, meson eareespeaame.
ittinr tttsaw •r roe 1i.aaaa uavacs.
-A airlmm•e tees eatertwmeat is as-
nrdisa with is 8. Y..1 the Culbors. Ger-
man sank, will be 11old 0o t'krirtmae sea
la addition tlotae stripping of the tree •
Daises Hry ter.program will be famished.
area M 7 r.o.
'roam ear owe •m egimadeat,
An ad)o.r4Md emebing d tie ratepayers
of S. S. No. 1, Port Albert ma us Friday
*yenta' last. After the mediae ail the
mluaw of the previous whim', the legal
°wows of J. T. (farrow, Q C , was preset
ad to the gathering. It was decided that
at further action be taken until Ohm 11011001
aL.otioo tome about whoa it is tae 1.ia.tws
to lura out the present trustees.
from our owe cur►eepo.deoi.
Our postwatr, J Shaw, visited the
Forest ( tty last Saturday.
itetepay.rs of towmhip of Colborne might
perhaps at the coming Roam anis meetaug
have a diecuestuu wt ether the tax ea dugs
be repeald or nut. Jpeaki.g loan Ashfield
fernier lately be told oras ; that to boa towu
ship there wee no tax an eesia&e, lied we ua
deodand in (:adortb towsmblpevey farmer
is allowed to keep nae dog free of tax. A
dog to • tensor i. . Pry useful sad often
saves him much tinge and tremble, and e
talk ou Oita question might be had from the
coming candidates for municipal brows.
Leven • cruse dog a of pw,anl whereat Wien
their might be a weekly venter to Me the
farmer's family tilt* • view to redone Its
number of the goutier ars, the souse will
be duly chaned up to • post which duty
will be done It about the farmer's orders by
is one who expect. Mr. -- .
From our own corr.epundeut.
Mae lana Ma:1 caul pod • visit W friends
io Hemlock City last week.
Mhz Wilkins Kenptm paid her friersds
is Hayfield a not roes -illy.
Mrs. Kempton Sr. ha. beam ill for the
past few weeks but we are glad to .tate is
improving nicely.
Mre. Humes and daughter have returned
to their home in Wa000stn after psyug
their brothers Sam •ad Henry a visit some
two weeks ago.
Miuutixt.. 1. the bonds of mstrtmoay et
reeedtuce of the bride's father on Nov. 30th,
Mr. James Bradley to Miss Mary Masan
all of Amberley-
Rev. Mr ('gull. of Preston. gave • very
interesting lecture in Ashfield Prrebyte-dao
church in behalf of the Bible Society, os.
Wednesday Dec. 8th, also in the church
here on the evening of Dec 8th.
Every ban, shed, and *table in Hemlock
city is an exciting spot at present on account
of the great sparrow haat which will b.0oa-
tiaued the Christmas ere. On tate eve •
grand oyster suer will be
Alter which the !Podia/ talent .1 the place
will address the audtesoe. All ere wet•
Prom our owe correspondent.
The poor house question :s the general
MIs. A. '1sung is not any better in
The teachers of L'ntoa ".8. No. 1 Mead
Moine their ¬al examination next week.
Rev. E. A. Frier was at Scalortb preach
ing missionary sermons for. Rev. Mr. Gal-
William Morrow treated the men who
pocked apples for him to an oyster supper.
They report a good time.
Mr. *:alley a employed by Mr. Grum-
melt to east him to his cutlery business
d )ou waist • good knife Mr. Grummets can
supply you. Ask tare Auburn people.
The November examinations of the senior
lepartment of Nile Public School is as fol-
lows V class, Isaac Hetherington. 284:
*leorge Currey, 278; Faire:Meneuo, 261
Sarah McKnight, 263. 1%' clam,, Munni.,
Currey, 547 ; Edith Elliott, 541: Archie
Morris, 525 ; Willie Kok. 522. 111 clime,
Mabel Betide, 401 : Lints Matthews, 368:
Berth* Hyatt, 361 ; Lena Seaderson. 348.
Rey. W. F. ('ptrphell, .(r Klytb, will
preach anniveteel, sermons next Sunday
In the morning he will preach to children,
in the after's..n he will give an address to
the children and young people, in the even•
fag he will preach to Christian worker..
On the 4Vedneslay following the usual pub
lic entertainment by the scholars will be
held, else addresses by Rev. Mr. Header
son, of Auburn. A mrd time is .tpnc,ed
Admission 15e. l7
From our own rorreepmdeet
The LOA:. T. .o. 213, go 10 Port .Albert
on Thursday evening the 22nd, where they
e ill 1n entertained by the nater lodge of
that place to a social supper at which both
expect to have a little tone
Miss E. W•teoe, former!y teacher of Dun
lop school, will teach No. S school for 1893,
Mies Potter the retiring teacher gees to
Toronto for • higher coarse of study, .he
has taught No. 5 for the past two years bad
• half.
(Inc councillor, denies Taylor. who has
6Jt in the c coital board for the past five
years, will this corning year enter the lists
for the deputy reeveabtp of Colborne, •d
we underuaid guy h. opposed
M by Alex
Young, pr., for the honor. r. Young, too,
has also been • fellow council man M Mr.
Taylor for some tsars in the Municipal
('atrinet of ('elbows*.
1' TIDINGS During the peat
week your scribe received • letter of much
interest from Rev. A. E. Nally, K. A., coo
nected with the church here es pastor for
some masts during the year 1891 as well
as the Union in Godtneh township. Sloes
t hat t gree he has liven ordained to the charge
of 'Sunderland Presbyterian church, near
Toronto. Finding life .t ba manes irksome,
he midi" • pleasant trip to Port Alpert •
few month. ago and foetid • meteor for his
cares Roth himself and bride, on their
borne oeemiag, were welcomed at the manse
by • large torsion of their congregation se
well as others of sitter char-hee of Sander •
Mid •ddisg to the number A program of
mar and other arnoarmrnt. passed •
peasant evening to all. each of the fair lex
deg bowie • piece of lake se well known
bridal oneesions The pastor speaks well
hie revs charge, sad we hope will gather
many shoetree for his Master's �•rfer
nee he bas 'minuted hie am dada• ie h..
had a weddt'mg Well, we sappnee Iso
't have my Lll • the New enemy
kesauee after\'
le hap year and the Mena
ori awe can say no better thee
Ohm ss. the lEe p of lake Herm.
Queen Vte sem has teamed to Weak and
e...e, m they ear mad ie
reed of Mr she am& • e� this tot that
Mame of her giving
a M� e4. M de
Math of be Dukes/ Meese..
rime ra•aawesew emparsd mer ftooleeb t>!
Ties wast.
Irmo oar ewe eenagedesl
11.1. AT OTTAWA. - - Wole Mara elf the
whom we Mara u ill M Ottawa This is
ewe ail oar at.rprwsg sad mesh esteemed
young moo.
It t. -- We regret to have M state Mot
Mrs. S. tiaa.tersoa is t.dap•sd. We,
along With her u•taen1r tris.ds, tope that
she will soma be on the ...y to reaovey.
Cnmaatrrwn. Tisa Sweat of tee With of
Nov. was rued. to ethos that the euesty
reM et West W ew&suelt fur 1842 was 3 4.10
mulls, which is inedeadusg cod shu.ld W
2 410 will..
Dtaratmts Mu. Mturn nu. Time
directss us tbm West Wawwusb Mutual
Fire las.raa.e Cumpa.y hell its ■wothly
meeting ue Tuesday in the mail plans .ad
I eport pralines.
Katwaatiu. 11 will 1.e Ocarina w the
massy relatives, friend. sud $oo uesutaoese
of Sire John K11wtt, who hes t.e.0 seriously
ind.sps.d, to know that she a gradual!)
becoming min 'absurd .
SIWTbman t her epnrtsmen et t11e vtl
lags and vtotwty .re boring • glad tinge to
securing quite a number of the Payuard
family which seem to be very •vmenrw
this season in the forest.
tYearnaa. TM weather at present is
somewhat mild sad sleighing, which hail
totally disappeared, has to same extent re-
turned which with OMNI two or three inches
more of .mow would be tip- top.
Lary roa Homs. A. 8. iCchlis, of To-
ronto, who lose teem et an extended visit to
his taus*, G. W. K hien anal other relatives
it this natality, left for home on Setunlsy
lust beteg highly pissed with his vat.
Ax 01.4 Curs. -We were recently .loos.
$ carious coon, beteg a copper groat, which
weighed 2 mn.oe, all was dated 1797. It
is now in the puaawioo of W. McArthur, of
D.ageseoo, and would do Inc a paper
weight if aseasson tailored.
R.YIVAL *)n Sabbath ereaug revival
Servieee Wre commeneol in the Methodist
church here, aud era to los cemented Inc
some time during week nights. Rev. K
Peasant is to assist the pastor, Rev. U.
Rogers, ia the aveaatime.
IT t'•i PAW. - A church indebtedness of
recovery of Thomas McKay, Nairobi*,
over $300 has just bees paid. The pasts
Rev. Mr. Rogers, osavamd the circait welt
the above me.tto.sd result. 71s people
gave freely and all are well plead.
V tsno.o - Gee. Howell, V. , of Um
Mo..,., Iowa, sod formerly of the township
of Colborne, who bas bio o.• visit to rela-
tives, friends and frmerassociat.s,kft here
Inc borne on the b.tisnittg of the week. m Afli OABS-
We are pleased to sae him look so well. •
IMTraasa,. The remains d th. late Jas.
Md)osald were interred is Dunisa.oa
cemetery m IVedeeslay, 7th inst. Owing
to the weather bring very uselesrent on
that day the fumed was not largely at
traded. Rev. D. Rogers ouaducted the
obsequies io an imprea•i. a mann.
CuarnrMA. Tate The teacher* of the
Sabbath school in eoenection with Erskine
church bore purpose holding the annual
Christina's tree in the balmiest of the
church on Thursday evening, 22nd. An at
tractive program is bring prepared cosiest
tag re muga:, dietogees. recitations, oto. .A
good time is aaticipeted ; all are medially
invited to attend. Adma•ion Lope. Pro
coeds to be applied to Sabbath school pair-,
Lrd•rus t. The lecture referred to is our
last budget dame off os. Friday. The
lecturer gale • practical discourse, inter
*permed with attractive and pleaarog
anecdotes. The attendance was fair con
sideragg that other meetings were held in
the village the same evening. The next
lecture will be given is the same plaice by
tla pastor, Rev. D. RnA.ts, es tee 9th daj
of January. 1083, ait11wt-"T1alm•ge, His
Lofh, sad labor*. ' \
1't alar• 31gra a'.u.--A\meeting of the
electors of the county of Huron will be held
at the Agricultural Hall, on Saturday,
Ike 17, 1892, at 230 r..., for the purpose
of diacureng the advisability of erecting a
house of industry is the county. A vote is
to be taken at the next municipal election
and a full and free discusaaon of the ques-
uertion in highl • desirable. The meeting well
be addle by .1. T. *.arrow, 31 PF'., IM.
Holmes, county treasurer and others.
F:verybody is invited
Nast Corey As was anticipated a court
of the 1. O. F. was orpatrd here os.
Thursday ',ening .d last week by Inspector
orf Courts Whale, of Toronto, w Ito, hr the
way, is a tally gentleman. aid • host of
good humor and fun himself. The court
commenced with twenty :.eveis members,
all of whom will, we presume, he • credit
to the older. After the proceedings of
organisation were brought to • close the
atomisers of the mart were very cordially
invited to an excellent oystr sapper which
was prepared in first-cMas style by mine
hest Joseph Mallo ugh, to whose hotel they
bad retired from the meeting. After each
and all had partaken of the sapper twhieh
was geserowly gives by C. ('. Whale to
the members of the new court as • slight
token of his esteem Inc them), the following
toasts were reepecefully responded to in a
loyal and aptr.rpriate manner t•y the follow-
ing gentlemen 'Our Queen bad Country,"
by Messrs. T. E. ('ase, M.D., arbd .1. M.
Roberts . " Oar Commercial sad Municipal
FMtitntione," by Messrs. 3. Raven. deputy
reeve, West Wewnsoak, Hugh (irvin,
deputy reeve AabMM, and it 3.
Crawford, one of our papu-
lar as.rciaata ; " Oar Ed icatioee 1
lnetitatiorn.. by Mmes. C. Dame, T.
Allen and H. Thornpne., public school
Leaders, who did justice to the toast is
appropriate and affective reap -.sae ; " ( her
Yater Moieties," by Mme*. M. Sanderson,
T. Donin sad G. Horne, each of wh.,m
responded is gond stye ; " leine Host "
was responded to by J. Mblloagb. Harare
Horton, of Gedrieh, mow, eatertain.d
the onmpaoy by singeing • snag nhieh wig
well received, it beteg well etas(. The
toast to inspector (' ('. Wlrle roe o.dd to
by himself is • happy mad amosise messier.
Thet aRair was brought to • elm"
by I wishing to meet soon again W.
wish tumour to the sew order
hem oar ewe nenoepoadml.
Apples stat
are still coming to the ion.
g about four car hada.
W... McQ.erw a recovering the w of
his valor Ria many friaads will rejoice to
hear it.
Th. s path. of tis .4 Nis ni.gb
his Mtw/d w ill. srry is the kers
Predated dam 4b imaelm sad netrow.us
juin sf ( 3N.rula Oge, essehisad with *1,.
seediel.•1 virtues of pests known be Intl
meat b.e4sial te the beams syste . seem
p00417.. the kiineya, oloomaiag the alybs'e1p ..d hnwwm1,,ediesteel
°1 h , 04 w0M�gd1..1611r'tmi
1enerMt dell. I se
We five you best Josephine regular 81.36 vitality ter 31.10 t1
Alessadre a good fitting glove woolly sold Inc 41 1.r No. A job 6.
to colors 750. quality fee 49c. Cashmere lam) from 124. lases,
to beet toady at 33c. The tical 'J6.. ga•hty for 1Ss.
N'e hare goal hats( b ('lamp Corset 46e. The .skk.•4pd R m
('. regular 41 Corset 79c. F.admertene 300. every pair w.naaeed
usually sold Inc 11 Inc 79e. Fea.►erhoae 301 regular 41.26, q..lt„
no bettor Comet made, oar prion 41.06.
A good .11 cool •sambas stockiest tar 17a Aa mega heavy ns
bed, good value at 260. Inc 20c. Fier, plata and ribbed Cashmere he
2k. Regains 50s. quaky plain and ribbed Inc 30e. Aa ratty 1&s...
Moshe .re worth 60c. for 46e.
.0 groat variety is Cotten, Lawn, Lima and Silk. *mai rev,.
for Xmas trod., mothers Neer Inc • (hrietness rememkeoam title .
Japanese Silk Embroidered H•adkarohief, apprapei•te sad wanes
sive. We have tb.m in variety.
latent'. Wool Gaps made to sell at 260. for 7s. tleldrees W..
.laokeit. 26c. , 29c. mad Mo., about WI pi.. Voo.isatme made to mil
a,e6 . for 30c. Fee Wool Cornet Covers .old is regular my si
81.00 Inc 26c. Fancy Wool ('uIPs cheap at i0s. Inc 5e. Fee ,solo'
for 10o. la Weal Hood. we have great satiety at .penal priors
A hags of Laney plaids wholesaled at 6K fee 6e. Spew Les ,,
fancy mixtures mad phobia at 7c. Be. 9s. 10e. 121.., some of then
away below r.g01.r wholeedm prisma Aa aft W.el Bleak Metre fw
16o. Ab •H -wad Cheviot wesih 30c. ter hem. All (Osiers is het
Frew.► all nasi Merges asap at 26o. for lea Heavy amid. wide
Serge. and Plaids at 93e. worth 30r. (lay Uimgama' 66e. quality 1..
A 441011 •11 -wed worth 60c. fur 440 A obc, yealsty Inc 411..
fine henry weight for yds. reduced fres 750. An extra Me Few*
meaufsotsre, worth 11.00 tor 79e. A 46 mob 84k Warp Re.neta
worth 13.36 Inc 11.06. A special pore Silk Mack Survwk worth N 1!
for 89e.
01200 quality isr $7.418; *1000 quality fen 44.4* : 4.40
Inc 46.48 ; 06.00 quality for 40.98. These are extraordinary tslms .
Mame you may not have spi.N.
Heavy Bead. (;loth math 41.60 tor 96c. Heavy lieges/4 u
Navy asci Bieck worth 41.60 for 41.19. Fancy Heavy Weight PIW.
ter Children's weer 69c.
An all wool Flannel worth 20c. for 160. A span's! Severed .a
5ireaken worth 25c. foe 17a 4 27 inch worth 30r. ler 22c Lau.
Fine St. Hyacinthe for 26c. special value m Navy anal Fled Masse
Fancy Strips 7s. ymany foe Sc. !'becks and PIatn H, at Went,
10o., Goode 71. Heavy Wright for shires' 11.. K.tr& FiM►sbr •
worth 15e. for 111..
Ashley's hest 194. quality werrasted fest. A variety el'att. ,
oar price 84e.
We here sotoia) va1a.a u l ottosades, 4.r.y sad White came.
Colored and White Pontoon, Thirtinp, Tickers, Towelling', A<
Solid, .11 wool for 36c. A good heavy line at 42c. .Spreul k.•
Canadian ter 49e. usually .old for 66-. Extra heavy Irish Noes. k
59.. worth 86c
We call 'pedal at tee Lion to this department. We have the mtg.•
Stock in the county from the cheapest to the beet. We sea give yes •
solid all wool Shirt or Drawers for 3/s. which amid be good valet •
60e. A doe •• Scotch Ribbed " made to tell at 75a for 49r ler
ported Scotch Wool *:anomie usually ead for 41.26 for 8Mc.
TOP MILTS A great range of Colon. stakes sad pries" from • good hes-
&O. shirts for 46e. up to the regular 41.60 q.abty for 41.124. A pule
lilting white shirt (laundered) worth 75a for 66.. Night Shirts01.a
quality for 89c. Overalls from 30e. par pair up. Neckwear, Cellar
Cul, Brame, ken. at money +aviag prise.
SQA iso*i All axes is Stock of our famous 41.74 Mea'. Rubber Costs. Tit,
AND is • solid English .made coat, usually Moiled at fresh 10.50 l0 Sieh
0QIILAIte WS have • ries quality Cashmere U.et with Mag cepa Inc 17.4& n
wake prim 110.00. The beat made in negli.h Tweed Robber caw
emu sham. Iwarranted) fee 49.91, rwe11y .041 Inc 411.60. A Is'i
Rubber Circular for 11.30. *8800 Oartart Inc 41.60.
WOOL TAMPS (food Factory Yarn 46o. quality Mr 311t. per pound. 1ledsi 111
rata/ 4e. per .tele, meal 7s. quality. geek Tammy i14.. per 2" -
dole. a.ski.
Suess- We sell all lima of Haberdashery, Battoaa, lining. °1110 aiFF'•
sort tis, at special pries. A red aal.etion of Woes Reiter regder
geode 3c 3c per deo All Silk Ribl1eue 10.. quality 50. per raed- 1Mb1
Ribbon 2s. per yard. lims.ol. Veils 70. e, h, ail &ilk for 16e 1'iss
Won) Naafi Veilisg 15.. pvr yard.
IllLAIRRPs A goo.! Santee regular a 1.00 spread tsar 79c. An eters quits,
HIED Red sad White, .heap at 82.50 Inc 11.44. illaakets all priers VeJ
MILL= w eanaot he equalled.
We have enumerated the above lines to give yno
some idea of how well we can serve you. We do se we
advertise. The money spent in it would be worse toss
wasted if we did not. The cash system enables us
closer and sell closer than where credit prevails. we
guarantee our goods, and for reference give yon the thou
sands we have served since opening. In the lines we
handle, we have, during the pest three months, turned ons
more gloms than any two concerns in Aoderich combined.
This speaks for itself. We will ahrap be glad to ah"
you how mach it is in your interest to buy from us.