HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-12-15, Page 3THE BItiI'iAL : GODARDQH, ON't., THURSDAY, DE(7EMBIIt l& Int.
tier• .tt...ewS N1y. flak 914....
Solara. Theo i ap.ssesse s.ewsa
sad fbemeatwee Ttre•era.
1les bees ei.71 ' Stetam
ies and [sly te he .Lata 111 • t�asilai
lbeinealit New York srueh. 11 .my beat
• !rima' hat.% r it .ay b M sa.e pe-
e pls., as ler inseam tbit kap haw
&taw. bet it wall always he el i.ttaa. ►al-
fa every Mho oily is. the Uats.
Inn n • met, welsh •hnehaely eon ef
deaf, sad the pum :tea held by its wear►•.[,
op r ser set rteaumest or stay away
jos it es adivtdsal easy directs Bat
tab• lsthim•Me rt in New York ham set •
eseetswtly firm harm for a sNmbr be
laird to •sly away from any lap hake
the ,em el the tinny will think were
ase rvned. No matter how tired, no
setter how uninteresting tuncties..wy be
they ge to every pleas that r coasted
fa•krosa►ls, eater* beteg bassi, wear Nem
wow out and get very little is return
it,r nano 1. became the lett waw aditus
No wiltly enough to spend hIs esilloss
aid bovine seniebutj_y w suggest the nght
asp W hta, o i. tui t Say tremble buy
es way into tea tsarwt circle And he
tea de the, all the osier if he should not
have soy advises in the shape of pettieu•ta,
ler unmarried ala with fat purses are
eagerly .ought sad their pedigrees var.iehed
to yours women whose to antrol their
+..,k book.
rut so rentAD "P01'11 Nt'llbm[D.'
Ibe New York mesh is • pushing. driv
ug, vulgar, ill brei one. The wows of
•he w called "Four Hundred put them
»Ives o. exhibition Iu public play.., are
..rerww.eto.g, and, while it must be mid
•a.t they are a ylub, it must .len be added
het they are • buts 180 brie. Laces .ad
11.81•,0.1• wen rampant .t the hers• tow
et l g0a0. 01 alk and chiffon wen common
In F:uklaseI the most ef.gaat of women
• .uld have been Mttsflrd (a have appeared
.n perfectly 1tta.g cloth tower, sod, if they
.ere needed. some twagedicent furs; bet
•h-1 would have known that 1.. lam sad
!reels do not haraoair with the .4.11 of
ase stab:,. At afternoon affairs the die
,Ronde would best• hese coasted In bed
Mem to wear in the daytime in thaw proper
Iowan' are wow 'task hen there the os
sets, and • wry w.0 knows woman ap
p•.red at tea with • Menet made of point
lair and he.in% her danmmd necklace
draped over N ! I .tes't think for vulgar
ty say sew pee. or any sew people could
heyo.d this. The idea 4 as amnion
•Hair aced to he the briwgtsg together the
people wive were utenstama, the offering to
•Sem sate dight ntre.h,meat, .od the hair
o.1; a little c, at swag themselves; bast wow
means inviting one • lathe visiting
...1, peeing; the misfortunate. wh., come
• they were •ardiwa. said not ewe dills
e g a.oa, them the ei1 of human kind-
..l1Ca1 ASL AN[IN'A% 1.A810..
It is set to New York's credit that thew
things are, rl
bet it is true„ And. csosdy
moth. Oben the air is fell of •ceadal•,and
ole wound think seme women would wast
'o keep out a eight, they are what estate
to be tum how, u.rre anal every where. 11
you were in Pavia last summer and are In
?few York sow, you ksew who the New
Verk women are dressing like -the demi
mesdames. Preach Weise do not weer um
Om street elaborate dresses that American
women select to weak to and to • ear at
public they k.ep their elegant cos-
tumes for the beaoftt of their own family
sed their friends ; but the New York wtesn
•ashes tato • Mg dressmaker's, buys a frock
.oat woahl he .old to Mie. dinette or Mlk.
llearhe, bet certainly not to %la.lawe la
Duchess, dr Haat Toa. The lady in Parr
pee t0 church. or t0 emit, or t0 wane other
daytime show is a ample staff gown ; that
a, nine tithes out of tan, • black, and it is
oily in Paris the ladies who persistently
-4nre around the Ilke who are naaastb
'e•tly garbed in the daytime. Two years
ago the fashionable New York woman cams
heck •.ring • gold chain strung with
purls a•intervals tied on this she had sus
pwoded other a mo.oc • small gold purse
w • pair et lorgnette.. She flattered herself
that eke haat the lost thew fashion : et she
and -rhe one set by Mme. Ni.ate. Nun
este could sot get ma her fi.s that kl'gh
and look of the .oma wheal rival she
ear, and so, taking pommels el the .es. -
le sod lorgnette, she mad. herself Ink M
impudent as pomade. Heariag ie mute way
et another that a great lady •lw•y. carried
• with her • tiny parse filled with ..all eoias
'e be gives to the poor. Nis.tte carries
a geld pole overflowing with gel ..is.,
which she presents to her peer. Nee is se
teataave es the parrot, is which .be de-
lugbu, h.t .he eau sower pin that heaati-
fd amesea.thm.m of sayody .6.'..nitat-
.ee that ,.sees ea aha fee../ the lady.
sees bar. U is fine n �thebe bee p me
esseeleti..--the Ariess wemsn tonnes
her. It sen& rasher harsh to say that. se
1 am as A.ri..s wo.•..ymtl, kat„ par•
hep., if I pat it • little di5.restly. •d my
the New York hinitionatioi imitate bar. I
w ould he tearer the truth.
Yee Tack women an very hod at *rite
-Lima what they aril the had Armin d
the Booth cad. Walt ; by this tk.. prove
'heir absolute igworese..1 the sleet d mr-
r....ndtnp. They might as well expect 4a
Italian peasant girl 10 wear a Iless.t meatal
ailor made gown asp thiel Nat • S.wlb-
"re prl, hre.tki.g la .oft airs, havkas •
✓ ers. swnebiny wannephe s, will wet Teta
puke, blew, soft trifle and 1&Nbs, it that
• Western girl, inhabits • oad..iter, p
ear. will mot yearn for warm brews.. rte
dreams or eosins red..
What ate, call .tyli b woes, wbel
Nay eall well dressed wemm, •re pima-
; 90 plentiful Omit eel tin d them.
rsnraw.rnewsts1 m TOIN oMa
il..tiee who are .dyrtle.d, .be w
`britt. aae,,,1 ten atm tura seat M rve
odd, vapid fuss; enol te 1..! lib. the poi..
taw a the tenantry lair, ..rtam1� .ati.fis1
with Ihem.elvea. TAM fm t bathdy, be-
' S beauty is Whim( MOW' eb..m,
ad eharm u. a mines is g.anb.ity. 1
e serer • amass .ia book the ether
4y. • honk written be 1100, the • very
I•eg lyse after we were dise.vered, .ad is
telll1.agg of hnaaty insisted tb•1 woman
tawl4 have g.l.lan hear, hews gym, end a
One of a white that 111118.4111 like by.
Tt•..y roar.., .very of m�w�
1e*fsrtly formed. Ir
heli• oohingthat And yet, the .51 wrier en
t^.ee, that all 04 thee will be as astleng,
video • women pone.•.•• "Mares," ead Ni.
how 1.. etp:.n. it 'Thaw. ss.rding
e0 the ernes of t ,e weed, lst .9
flee u ., the nh..rv-.14 a ep lekw,
I" re and prom., mood ter eater, be ymt
.,dive for the mowen.eut said carriage of 1h.
• rode parson, . of the pea, ti..1.r wMasbr.
slab are,. wok iw. dray, wItb s..ellasr.,
sIM meson am da £nary, is ..i • m•ns.r
al Mat ue, sin w. , ••••• net .hall We rule and
nMbod, and wooer. sal peones. t et be
tb•r. w this 1n5 la . rer nese-hd1tai.
wamensdarm, , r a.4 .Pasha Atli.
whams the M tamp NM be Might by
betake tree .vena i gonslios. M le ash M be
nm Is all OM bilks tale 1 ewf tat tab WO
1 ta.e seine of/aw tube am es us -
sad WI* laat r b a wrllns. M
rin. Doh she tibe klikkby
sells.. fhb law, NA htdh .11 Me pus
wklek we sok bolo tom i.t,plmwse v
wke kw her. tai M her t=ms
M► parehassa, he ame
sassedlas re the efsa� d .4 ..1015 nay
sweat phew
ta. a.stahelta.w i
, w►e
iwif�{iM ss f whoa oho b Mom i whom oho e Mt
! !� wish ad mbly. waw .1lss ; r sto
m wtta gmose ; if ie dM doves it to with
�r it i. ; if the
Velma her guide. Oh
mane the
mess teach hr, 1s •hart, whatever elm
der is • •s.rwd."
1t Voge S Need /awls M.sr.ell r lea-
ther Negtats5es mol..
The great eras to have poultry remit
the market u perk* order, fete, ripe ma
wad a.d that it .say prima' se kaodee.. ,
as •ppearsase as poaaible. Kemp from toed
from21 to St hours bit.re kitbag. Kill by
bleeding in the mouth or epesiag the veins
u the seek The Mirk abould of course be
bu•g by the het natal properly deed
Ptak immediately, before the blood stop'
1owls4, taking .•re cot w tear the akin
The wing and w1 fe.tbre should not be
removed ustal the bard ie acts/illy dead
Fee ..Nino the water *heal,' he . near
the toiling point as possible without arta
ally boiling Pack the lege dry het ore
'Galena cad hold the fowl by the heed and
R the head is immersed it turas the
"sloe of the comb and pre* the eyes a
makes appear.ass The fowls .hould be
helm about 10 seconds .w lifted up cad
down three times, which w better The
feathers should he removed immediately,
very cleanly and without tweaking the
aka, then "plump" by dipping 10 .e000ds
m water at nearly the belling point and
tees Immediately into t.oW water
"After "plumpteg,' the fowls, 11 mot put
u 1019 water, should be hong is a cool plate
natal the animal heat to entirely out and
shoal be packed cold but mot Erose.. Dry
packed chickens and terkey• always sell
best, the quality beteg e„ ps•1. 1 Mykols
and turkeys tb.t are poor will look plump
eke dscalded
The packages for shipment should be
meat, el au and light Use eitber barrels
or horn holding Mooed 200 ibs. Rowe are
beat and should be lined with clean paper.
Never nee straw in parking sow wrap the
binds in paper. Peek an °lovely as possible.
lacks upward, legs out straight and em
that the hoses aro ea full deist when the
lavers me nailed mothers ave be no possi-
bility at the osswts ,kittt'ag The fowls
mast he perfe.*ly dry and odd before pack
Docks sad geese should always be
rmlded. Hold them is the water loafer
than for fowls, . the leaNere are r tisk
that more time is ng.ired to penetrate sad
loosen them. It is • pod plea after scab
Itrg to wrap them in • blanket provided
they are net left bag enough to partly cook
Ib' bat Another method ie to steam
them to l..m th. feathers 1t as poor
policy to dry pick leu before killing, .
this mew the skin to be very mach in
Sewed and greatly injures the .le The
feet should sot he skinned error the body
The process d -plumps(' .sol
hill tea te the same asforturkey and
chickens. Tore is taw kaai of stuff harder
t•. sell thou poor elovwly dressed docks and
The Planetary Pelta... Are hoe Altegatfr
IM a.a..iIbi.
The ,30.1 pit a not .oeihaustibk. The
bottom may not be in sight, nor its future
cleaning up he of any immediate ronarn,
bet tate eventuality u none the les. • pre-
determined fad. It may or may net be of
aqy •pprrctable comae when its 1.t cos-
trison to basso service it dumped in •
cool ben.. in the unforseen prnoea. of its
manufacture -end storage it h. evidenced •
crenate design, in which the provision of
fuel for moa• use was sot kmit.d to au et-
bawttve article. The formates of feel
wee sot arrested when enthr.cite and bttu-
miaous uo•1 became • mineral fact, nor was
the proems of (eremitism' uoppe,l when
whoa s known se the creative week hail it.
Saturday sight. This may auslity, bot it
dam sol slam the fact of • limit to future
eml supplies.
The world's ..asst output et nal has, it
r estimated, readied • total of 415,t80,000
1eea, and the mantras cmtnbstUng to that
wrmoms total were . fellows, together
with the n.eewts they produced in IIf90
Great Britain and Ire 195,000,000 taus;
Awertas, United Butes (osti.at•d for 1891i,
141,000,000 toe.; Getramay 10,000,000 tone;
Erwin, 41.000,000 Ms•; Dedgll.a, 20,000,-
000 teas; Austria, 9,000,000 teas; Raker
(`19t19i, 5,000,000 teas; others 9,000,000 teas.
Denali the hist twenty- years there has
btu • marked Hareem is the contempt...
a seal. which was. ss dssbt, no..m-
ttoste with teenaged industrial s•tielty.
Tis.. enapriag Beropsen cavalries slow.
Mr avenge wash mites for the pried .4
1111.90 win upward el 111,000.0)0 tome
greater eau duriag the leeriswn decade.
and that ram of Memos bade kir to he
maintained. se that the wwrM'e vow.p
ties of nal would esm reach 550,000,000
tea• per .as.., if is had ma .ftl..dy dose
liras investigation nude by • royal ease.
aistimer se to the meertainable warm of
mal is O.e•1 Britain is w..soertakeed
that set mere era 14 ,773,000,000 Mora
were s ndishls M depth. Set ertssdisg
4,000 leer from the /krheta nano
whish. at t1e prams rate lakerma .1
pepml.'1rs end of sal oswsamption, would
b. praetieslly e[rs.pd is lea thea 350
The kw of limit t the; r i. •l1 other
mineral praises. is, of warm, wit Get et
septa. it ie simply • diaereses he tes-
saga ledeseri•1 activity, to wkleti seer
present °audition, the nes of mid is and*
pmmMe for steam and power purposes, is
ort only multiplying the denies& of ma-
.spptutos, bet has • wideain, area of eine,
te whteh the neap of the two hami-pheems
le the *sly limit
W. wsot add • poen.' d seal to ea -
pre'. deposits .r build on m daitinm to the
planetary odkv. bet its pueblo to memo-
ink e • prettiest is the use of which eivilrm-
tiss bas bees Ign...wtly w.M.fsl, - Ate e
Item/ nownevr'. •.MSM.• wow
As w yang mw Lord Ramrhary wt wt
with a Merseassitans of sashimi • .ark is
the Weary al ha ..entry. cad ►ilherte
est rytlieg that r hoe attempted iso bees
somata lay tows Be he• wee the
Derby, he has mamba the Hama harass
is the (rotted IC,np•lons. a has Wow •
lski.et Mennste'r, h• nes jest bees awed
e•Ilaegh% of the (;afar, amt if he sweetie
the r.•ysl emus p•.1.•'t a4 he will ev.mtselle
Iambi/vs forth lot.. o'nnw Minster of the
**pita Oa toe r•• oboes ha telesis ors
b •.t In whale will t . er eetl.htleo tlaoat ie
••p. -i, ' p- •.s and ea berlir,
asmiM 4. L eve t. to .r favorite el Priem
y.arsh.--Eii..tn Re.erd,
&om1111on rants 11f *IF.
i • Sea at Trssro. Oak, 11n lawn
um katal te death'
1*. _ M.ekr s�I...+ was iewewyd by
A real soksts hem has Medi 1* ()•••-
dims kis of eke If.gprs river.
OW dividend• aao55Msg b 91,16y41110
aro payable la Messeal tits weak.
Owe *500 seaters haws raw late Mem
Ws and tie Northing.* this year
A .s•. ef ,sal has been discovered at
Trii.ros, SO miles from Winnipeg
Diseased as pared over the dl..ppear
as.. of J. H. tli.muns, a aral5 merchant
fielders ifmith has.e:oeptef the honorary
promisor of the t'onb.ssl•) Usio. Aa.'.
Burglar. stole 4000 wortb of goods taros
the tailor shop of Thos. Craig, Ttagemon
Wedasiday sight.
Forty two persona left Kaagstoe Thum
day for the Lilted States where they will
resde p.rsutr.ntly.
Tire 14hrisg Ne. Arbitrattoo tnbew•I
will hold tie Seat meeting in leads on the
Med of February neat.
The Reit Tsiepboue company eats ter •
monopoly of the Wlurte. an Loudon, oils, -
eg Pen a year for ten yore.
N Hames S Co , whet: ole cheer mid
pp{aoduce dealer, of NI•,ntie.l, rare failed
Llalahtlea $1 I5,(..) t. '44 (1410.
Elio en th.•nsnd have:, ,.f apples Lar•
.r -ii ,hipped from 1',N t klfu this fall for
Kie;land and the United State..
Mr. N nt Ik Iris, uta a.uniltutl, has
I,. ought the two.)ear-ell filly Coquette, l.,
It.sasgtwi Hello of Nest era, for
"Thr Kix As a.cwtiuuof Weetern
n..s organized us London with Mr. John
Mangum, ,11'., of 1tratfor.1, as president
11. t;srvin, !principal of the Wood
stork ;midi.- schools. has been appointed in
rpe•tor of l'eterhon, schools at a salary ..f
llumu,tau, tamigration returw.how theta
IAV* settlers arrived In the Northwest is
No%ember. This makes the total for eleven
months 116,11 1.
itulvrrt .•isen, alias "Ito. -k, convicted a
the murder .•1 • man n*m.d Steadman, was
hanged at I/u,.•header, N.R. He m.inta,ued
• brave demeanor to the end, and his last
store, addressed to the hangman, were,
-let her go."
A very influential company will be pre
dent when the t'anadiau portrait of Sir
t•I.detone will be presented to the National
Liberal elub, ou December 12. lord Rous
beery will preside ..d Mr. Blake will hand
ower the gift.
James Muldoon, formerly $ resident of
Toronto, who was coar-icted of smuggling
1 'hiuese into the United Mates. hasust
,-.tmplcted a term of ten months in Erie
1'oun'.y penitentiary, cad has paid the fins
of "IA imposed.
Mr. N W. tlgrl•ie, of V.wtreal, reran veil
twelve barges last Friday, eont•iuing 192.•
tee bushels of M•uitoba wheat, being the
last to come ivy- water this oasis. This
makee a total of 1 ,'(54,u11/ bushels received
by Mr Ogilvie front the present crop. beinng*.
Lite largest portion of any crop ever deceived
Ivy • Nagle 6rts.
Cholera has reappeared in Prose, sad n
awing nisch alarm.
(':aminal Gibbons favors the .•prntng ,d
the World's Fair .m Sunday.
The Panama canal scandal continues to
eileuerh puhl1C attention in France
An observatory is being bait on the 'top
.1 Mont Ulan, at an altitude of 4so
Capt. `chm,sakey, of Rmlttntore, Md.,
elairlis to lure invented an electric sleigh
which well go fifteen mike an hour.
There has been a geseral remm.ptiow of
the tin plate industry in Wales, resultingis
tamest, orders from the United State..
The monetary scheme of Mr. de Rothe•
Add, the Rritish delre. has been reject.
ed by the ournmittee�to wader it wee re-
Herbert t:laduone tat �1rw Howe
Rule scheme attributed 1. W tether is •
forgery which i• se war ye,Mrrsetae kis
i Nese.
Smallpox is e.teodiwg des v,ige• tkrough-
out Kagland, •s4 is some t h• dodo..
an working night sad day inoculating
the people.
Paul Jordan, who died in the "oent7J in-
firmary at Findlay, Ohio.,ei hrnley,
u claim-
ed to have bees illeaitimal,_ eon Napo-
leon the Great.
The Leaden local Goverti,n»nt Heed are
prep.riag a sew and amnio,; smoke at
regclations to 'mord lengland Noise the
recurrenee of choler* sett spring.
A sensation has hew oreated in the Keg•
fish literary world by the discovery in PAS.
burgh of • systole' of wholesale forgery of
autograph literary and histarie documents..
Tie Christopher Columbus, an immense
whalek•ek peesenger steamer which will
rem hetww Chicago and the Word's Fair
groamis w.lessched M Wan Superior,a, eSnturday.
M. i)eLeesep., rice -chained& of the
hosed of directors of the Panama Canal
comps•y, and two members of the eo.pawy,
refused to gin widows before .the iwveetl•
gnus, ormaittoe.
The London 'Economia and the %gist
disapprove of the de Retbseiil weenie,
end recur to their prrdietios that the Bess -
.els Moastary Usnlrwee will not adapt
anything prsetfml
t 8idsry Smith, wise easy messed i. T. -
ewe 1brw swear has tum lakes to
Omar, Nett, pleaded guilty es Saturday
to the Sharp at l.rsery, .51 was .stene.d
to rue year is the pssitemtiary.
The order steamer 1p..e, frets Breams
for New York, rewmrsed t: era
Saturday in tow of the master Lbs Marra
The Spree's abaft wee briskets ea NWve.he
23, when 1.000 muse frets aeat►•nptee
Secretary Tbomp as, ef the Duluth
ehamh.r of ennl,arn k. prepared • letter
ter the nailing for • eosvwtien to esseid ,
air musarwoiw et • ship owl taragh
Asterism territory from the great Islam t.
the Redoes river, '.d Nes to the s.a.
11*0 inmate of dierepstahle homes .alled
on the mayor id P,tt.h.r•a. Pa., mid wast-
ed to Item whet they were to ds Is view
of the raid epee tom.. they were in •
dentate nowliti.s. The mayor espremd
rip•My, het coal est tell them what to
Th. United Realm. of Amities . •
newly formed lab .1. ergyekesido•, wish
presses to rsereit its ensalie s from tan.
organised Imlay .y ales earl will OM is
Legislative oleos with the Knights of Labor,
the .*castes• Fedor.. ins •..l the Faresenf
Allies's The emeMaS nem amass from
Leal ke.•Iwgte. headed • doput•lies
that welted epee Stir (3.artm Tepper to
ergs the s4' setae -s od Milford New Wear
Loverpw..1. the Ie,.ei*al Finial is Ores*
Brie.,,, sew tit* prapw.ud (oa.din. Ilse etf
last (1 aS.a libel 10 enamors Par Clarke
f e, earl M w..Id 'onion the mailer te
,.w. 1► m ewe (iM.rn.hal
Without Not Steam and arra
Without Washing Powders
Without Hard Rubbing
w. tl wear 8c re Nada
.,,.NTI'.a• .M. eaT51 Ne N dal ei
Whieb has hero awarded
7 (lord ll.dah for Parttp
awl Excellence.
it 'id- !anent talo in the world.
leu can ere Sunlight ' for all pur-
poses, and in either bard or salt water.
Dont use washing row.'er. as with
tbrr soap.. "S;:alight' is take-t'•erw'ithout
wed:[,. P4. 5VAi.l.. IIT :arc's : 1., Luerrsi
Shah h.aanaa•AD TOSO STO
To the t:.w.,try .r Gled.tone's Item* `.le
11111 1. Accepted ur It.deened.
Lesko t, Dec. ,i. --It is stated Michael
Davits desires to resign his present neat to
Parliament, and to run again without
priestly asnutanue, bet under the chargee
of undue clerical influence be wiU sot
he permitted to accept 1st (haltwrn Hun
Modificationswill be made in the Hoene
Rale measure of 1888 as follows
Clause 4, restricting the power et the
Irish Leguiltture, is enlarged by further
defining the limitation of the powers 0 the
Legislature to interfere with the endow
,seat Gt religion or to impose disability or
confer privilege on a000unt of religiose be-
Further gsarantess relating to dem ent-
miaowl education are provided. Next the
constututtos of the legslat.ive body will be
modified by raising the number of members
of the first order of the Upper House.wee,
. is the first bill, shall hold office for 10
The much deputed clause 27, removing
the Irish peers from the House of Leeds and
the Irish members from the House of Com
moos, disappears in the new hill, the repre
rotation of Ireland in the Imperial Parlut
meat remaining the same . at prescut.
To meet the threatened active refusal o:
restanee of the Ubteritew to the
Irish Parlament by the not -payment of
taxes. enb-section 4 of clause IA is to be et
wailed so as to insure the employment of
the police and military- forces to enforce the
papotent of all taxes Leviable by the Irish
Another alteration relates to dispute,
arising between the Irish Legislature and
the Imperial Parliament.
If Mr. Gladstone passes the hill in the
Mous d Commune, 11 is certain to he re
jectej by the House of Lords. Tito Il
involve a fresh appeal to the country
Even if the peers aro at owe subs, Ore
to ane will o' the people and •flow the
• ,'Saco• tow-, tl.e niterali•.', in
the ropo.ise.stati.as an tike imperial Partin
. ee111 castiiecut thenen will require
•tr.,ih.•r gnleral election, whale the. Initiation
of tie ties I -.a'1 ad:uiusuat)ou will draw
heavily apo Mr. liladstose's energies.
K.11ed at llemlltoe,
11 tyn.T•,., Dec. 1. -Henry 1;. Trickey,
the reporter who wrote the Boum Globe's
famous ",115 !oaures" in the Borden murder
case was .r.ci.ent:elly kilied hese Sat un14y
while attempt lug to h.o•rd • (i. T. I. train
fur Guelph. He had been stopping in
H3:vltnn noir the assumed name of
Henry Melrsr, being desirnu, of .voi4ulg a
stln.lnon• to give evidence is conuettl.e
with the trial of the Wades waw
H nerve. Dec. 1. -Th • first English
WW1 from China and Japan via 1'aucemvr
arrived at the pnstotiice here last night and
will be deepaeched by the .teenier Labrada'
Swanky to its destination.
The first mail from England for China stud
Jarmo is expected herr ley steamer due Rat-
.raay and will he d.patcne.l Monday to
make oo..oclioa wttk the U. P. R. steamer
Meng Vaaroo.var Ula 1t her the east.
Note ems ibis NSW, Tome
A euti.tieisa says that Mr out of every
sit won use tob.oso sad Sas out of every
fever bay it.
s'o>a lc -
Me saes :.acetals " 11.00
Ya N asrsRs WILL a'wITAla
Rey. Dr. T•lassre'e kerma delivered 1 he Poe
may a evlelmlt.
Wabe.me'1 Wateeertylpi
a wh..l�ataIl!- illasrwtea
A l f1•I., i w4 ether leasesetiar modiste
P.4".• A.• nob, • trate Is .4....e ter the
eke NNILT TRIM r51•. end TARN AIN
MONS h all N MOM
11.11..+ .f u.» fess le moor •abserloo st
$51'Sl• oomsto. (0 eeera 5.p'5.54 41.
•^et t. smog, eatnse/Mtomo,
2 pieces Tweed, bkc., tor 4&. Non► (iowL
10 •' Colored Henrietta, 50e., for 914
13 Robed Dresses as about Half Price
The above ase &sided BARGAINS and seasonable.
Seslette., $ .00 and $14.50 Extra Value. New tits. k
From silk. to $3. MJ.
All Mantle (fse& bought from ms cut :inked fitted free of charge.
:\ lot of i00 varus, i le., Ke. anal Ale.- Extra Vatue
We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry.
Wool and Union Carpets, Art Square, Rugs and Mats,
Oil Cloths, and Linoleuuls ever shown in the County by
one house.
Ottr 250 Seta of Lace Curtain. to select from, 'li-
mpet from the Makers in Scotland.
C4 A first elks. Dream and Mantle Maker upetaint.
.'Y' discount for (\011.
Great Carpet Warehouse)
of the County.
mom the %id-
neys are /n
trouble Dodd's
Kidney Ma give
pe -
efdisease is
ret sawed by
diessikrsd kial-
"dtigktas well
try to have a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, es good
health when the
hidnega are
ettayyest thiel* ane
the scavengers
of the system
"Delay /s
i�tware. Neg-
troubles reawit
i n fad flood,
Corn Int and
the most daft -
'cross ofall,
'rights rayhhts .•eery
Diabetes and
'Tit e above
diseases cannot
erlst where
Dodd's Kidney
am Piils aeast
Sold by r desire crew br mailon mods
al prim go amts, pea hoer .is for harp.
Dr, L. A. Seek a Co. Toro•.' Wells lar
book Wiwi Kids, Task.
Regulates the Stomasch.
Liver and8owels, unlocks
the Seeretfons,Purifjssths
Blood and removes .I1 Im-
purities from a Pimple to
the worst Scrofulous Sore.
Steam Boiler Works.
tsdTABL18Hlu) 1110.)
Obtel.M, arta al business 1a tieplates
ak•. st
Ottand dto u NODRRI TNR rant.
Oar N .ppeeft• 'hell.a. Attest Of-
SSete w' see obbltaat. F'atF.ts l■ �ege time
s etsei• from N aisismNty)N.
ectad hal, on I)RA WIAoO. We ads
talo•e9 tesppat.fw_tt�atb Rifrt dreeeALR tel OR-
e ren Mr.. te the Pmtas..tr, the
A Orden Div,. ed to .slel.l. N�
0. & t Odle*. 1M arrester, Masa
terms reemmore to mewl enema 1s yeses
see stater tweet r earn. s•
r' A brae a Oa..
0,5.141. Prost 011s04/.,sbtegba,i3.0
Suer, tutor to f. hryslal t Black,'
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright .k Tubular
Salt Pant, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Also dealers 1n Upright mad Hort/noel glide
l -al re Engines. Automatic Catf>Q Knwine• •
pecialty. All sizes or pipe and ripe -thaw
ameemedly on hand. iteilma•e. (urnt.hed on
shoat sol. Repairing promptly attended to.
2MS-ly P. O. Hoz 37, Doderlch, ant.
Worhe-Optwdp O. T. R. Sistine. Ooderich
Buchanan & Son,
U°•len Is all klssds of
And builder's materiel of every desertptpo
School Furniture a Specialty.
R.masese me he showed ..t. ihrt.;dt
ale .heavy .epos.
be Wo.t-.t. Tones,
AmOrwta 7511110 11[0111rm.
Specific- and Anridofe for
Impure, weak and impoverished brood. dye-
=, , pslpitateen of the
liver ornplaint, neuralgia, loss of
msuary, hrnne((,,itu, onneumption, pall
sleaes, jaandieo, kids y nod urinary
dinemena, Rt. Titus' .h...., female irru,.
Warithr and renewal d.tdlity.
J. 111. MoLEOD,
Proprietor and M..atetan r.
Mctso.. a 1vnran Ruwevavow ma M bed
from ail
lh. dr.. • woes a.aad sad
.,eH. 1 to as d p