HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-12-15, Page 22
!Ha SIGNAL: GODIRIOH, ONT., TI r I 1 Rt$D A Y, DECEMBiiRR 18, 1 i V2.
Both the method and results when
a;yrupof Fife iw taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gent]_- yet prom pity on the Kidneys,
Liver and Dowels, cleanses the sys-
tem (•flectuclly, dispels colds, head•
acbts and fevt're and tiros habitual
constipation. Syrup of' Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agrees bleeub.lances, ita
many excellentqualities oom mend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remc'iy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in no
bottle. by all hedin'- druggists.
Any rtli;:lledru gist zho may not
Lave it cn han.t w•?'1 procure it
promptly fur any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
1OQ23V LL.L:. ST. 2(' :S TOME. X. Z
Goo. A. Mute. Aeuwr Ay f3ODllaicw.
them to tLe meek t. Thee he will get no
tecr, thea • Miokips farms will get for
five .quell, good hones. Rappme that he
and • 14icbig•u fernier each sell five horses,
each get. $600 for his horse.. The Amen
awn takes his $600 home in hu pocket, while
the l'aoadiaa takes borne only *400."
This was before the McKinley act bad Se
creased the bone tariff, Whither the Cana-
dian or the American pays the duty, the
fact remains that the natural resources of
Canada cannot be developed properly while
they are excluded b1' an artificial w.0 from
her owe. cootloene Asad sic long as the pro-
hibition lama she moor gossipy the bademm-
eace of being the only young country to
civilization from which psoplo emigrate.
Canadian wheat, butter, cheese, sod •.luare
timber her live cattle have just been sche-
duled) find a remunerative sale in Britain
but l'an•dian trop, mal, hay, barley, pota.
toes, horses, .beep, fresh tisk, eggs, beans.
fax, wool, railroad ties. and many other
commodities of a coarse, bulky. or perish-
able nature cannot lee sold to advantage in
so distant • market. For all such the
fatted States is obviously the best and Brit-
ain merely • .ecood-hand narket. Before
the McKiuky act Sir Richard Carte richt,
ooc of the Liberal leaders, prepared the fol-
lowing tabk showing the total exports of
the articles named, with the quantities par
chisel by the United States. whose duties
were even then heavy enough. while the
Bearish n.arket was, of course, wide open
1)118,779 horses the United State.
bought 18,226
of 443,000 sheep the United
States bought.. 363,000
Of 116,000 ,rattle the United
States bought.. 45,000
4)1 :!107,000 worth of poultry the
United States bought .99,000
I if *1.825.000 worth of eggs; the
United States bought . .411
Of $593,000 worth of hides the
United States bought 1413,000
Of 527,000 tons of coil the Untt
..1 States bought. 494,000
(1f 140.000 tons of gypsum the
faired Stites bought .411
()f iron ore the rafted States
bought. All
Of salt the l'oited States bought .111
Of 'tone and tnarble the l?Hued
States bought.. All
4)t $6,875,000 worth of ti.h the
United States bought . :52,717,000
Of $20.485,000 worth of lumber
the United States bought $9.353,000
Of 1,416.000 pound. of wool the
Unites* S .res bought 1,300,000
Of 9,456,000 bushels of barley the
1'nite.t State. bought 111
e ►( $743.000 worth of hay the
United States bought 1670,000
h $439.000 worth of potatoes the
Coifed States bought $328,000
Of $83.000 worth of vegetables
the Cooed States bought $75,000
Of $254,000 worth of miseellane
.,u. agricultural products the
United States bought . $249,000
'rhe let might have been extended to a
variety of other things with similar result.
:Sir Thomas Ferrer, formerly permanent sea••
rotary of the Government Board of Trade i.
England, sums up the whole matter by say
lite " Canada and Ragland are separated
by the Atlantic. Casale and the United
States are distinguished rather than .eparat
ed by a bridged and navigable river, or by
an imaginary line ; trade between Ragland
and ('.nada hmg to overcome natural diff*
culties, trade between ('.nada and the Unit-
niBsd States would he nncheckel but for heti
Brill difficulties.'
tat NATIONAL POW(-* i� . ANat.A.
eh. coo liths of farming and other
..tun* industries is rendered still more un
satisfactory by the protective tariff which
Perh.meat adopted in 11170 Sri John Mac-
donald 1 td the people to suppnts that he
was merely gang to "readjust" the old re
venue tariff, with the object of „oetpelliig
the Uoited Statee to grant reciprocity ; but
es seen as he w Safe in office he bad been
out of once five year* no amount of •
scandal he hso•ms • thoremel ga•g pro
tectiooist. To el•y the (Meatless tariff aver
ages .bout 16 per Dent. es fns and dutiable
imports, while the McKialey tariff averages
91 per omit. British gond* are taxes at pea
cisely the same rotes as Anisettes sed velee
foreign goons ; is fact. British goods suffer
snore us American is th��!� a, he
eases the **aired States
thea.u.piies (l a•da
wtt.b • ones* able quantity el raw materiel
whisk hear* lighter imposts thee essaudee.
turas. Without fasehlgir the dsbamble
Sem betweew protect Ion and fres teal., it
may be •mosrt.d with smalltime* that it is
sne thine to app* prvotwon in a °•eas
Mb. the United Mdwals., wit& moiety
M Migrate aad reassures, sed emit &s tied a
miry different thug to apple it in • essstry
Ilhe 0•nad•, wheel) N pewee.$ Is lets hinge
aloe* the methera el that seetinant;
. blew divided by pitying sad eiheiseJ
lismise.1 s. Nets . leer separate parts,
(task (livid .re 4111.* N as eseaoaste
emus with the Stair immehat 1y is the
swath thea with the ether parts, ad aU tram
the .et id the seas. roma' similar pew.
deet.. { bee beim • smirked duan is
the value kerety a the list tea
er twelve years17:""" wr•gsee a p*r ss.$ r
the beet asetieas ed Oat •riu roe farmers
aro motive • bur. dollar for • bu•Lel of
wheat sad • bushel of barley 66000es far
the wheat stud .36 °eats for the barley. The
mortgage indebtedness is esormues, bat
there are .0 official data There aro aot
many farm mortgages it Quebeu, for eohudy
ares to lend mcaey 011 laud subject to M
eoule.ialttioal Ilse as • first diary. to so
small awl mattered • twine market the oust
of selling had shipping goods u excessive,
hal 11 is difficult for manufacturers to re
dew cart of production by remarries to the
specub.ttou of labor mod machauery. For
if. eke the manufacturer to the Sut.es, the
Canadian stanutaeturer devoted himself to
making some particular article m his par
titular lose, he would soon outrun the
limited deemed had swamp btmsell. A
large amount a capital has been sunk mud
warted to menufmctunog todustnes since
1879. 1. the manuf..:turee tb.t have sur
viv.1 • period of overproduction, cutthroat
competition, pro.tretton end loos hate been
followed by the formation of trusts. which
regulate the output had sweat the consumer
to eke fa11 extent of the tariff. rime. steel,
omit, coal nil, salt, sugar.lam, implement.,
cotton ttuods and other fundamental sum
moditw are dearer in the nunufactur•ingg
previa -es of Ontario then in the United
Scalise From these and other causes the
oast of living is about as high as it is In the
States, house rent exoepted, while the
market pries of most farm prude As is less,
the wages of artisans lower, and notwith-
standing the.xodu., the openings for labor
1) 1 nearly as numerous- Her own high
tariff, the McKialey tari8, mad the coin
*emanons between the finite.* States end
Americas sugar !mediating ,°hurries, con-
spire to prevent the Dominion from enlarge
ing her trade cit this hemisphere. The
Goeeruh,eat in :11.40 offered to eater tato •
prefers -mud :tad. arranYmnent with the
British West Indies, but naturally enough,
the latter preferred reciprocity with the
States. under section 3 of the McKinley
1 4,. 1.1ma&Al.., rIt0IV*ITIO!.
For some time back the *Abed Opposi
fiat have been advocating ., uarestnctsd
reciprocity " free trade in everythiog with
the baited State., and, consequently, •
common tariff against the rest of the world.
They deny, however, in public at least,
that it mune a Zollv.reiu use customs mime;
bat they declare with empt ase that ober
trade relations iia some measure, great or
small, must be got if Pulitical l-uioe is to be
averted. .1 New York ally of thein seams
to be of the same mind, for he bas bola
Iecturine recently to his fellow Caaatli.sa in
the maritime provinces from such texts as
tbi. " 1•nresltricted reciprocity bow it
would bees& Great Brian aad perpetrate
her prseence on the North American cote
fluent. " Take down the tariff barriers,"
said the Tonna) (.lobe the other day, "and
to a short time there will not be se saoaze-
tionis1 within our borderi." The Liberals
Caine near °arvytng the country at the gen-
eral elect ion, but have kat ground since.
They still preach unrestricted reciprocity,
bur many of the rank and file are of opinion
that the train lug .'one past that station.
The leaden are unable to show {bat either
Democrats or KepuWlcaas would entertain
the proje.•t, and are also met ate the three
bold with the objection that they themsel-
ves, if in office, could not mike good the
trillions of customs revenue that would be
lost by the repeal of t be duties on American
gu ds. Tbeu it is said that if a treaty re-
qutri.g the sanction of a two thirds majority
of the United States Senate should Ix ob-
tained, there would be no certainty that
4 omgrees would prolong it beyond the sped
ted term, aid the absence of assured per-
manence would militate against Canada ;
for, as Mr. Blake, a former Liberal leader,
has observed, no manufacturer lookwg to
the c.utineutal market would fix or enlarge
his caplet or business in the country of five
millions at the ask of being cut off at the
end of ten or twelve years from the country
of aety-five. .1n unrestricted reciprocity,
depending ou legislation from, omission to
eeniioa, would be still more obie;t ionable
on that score. .lgaio, ■ con,mtn tariff at
the materiel against outside nations would
beceuitatc • principal crnt.ol by 4'ongress,
t'ne agent of the principal partner; and to
that extent the Canadian l'arliaegent would
be shorn of authority over Canadian affairs.
L.atly,a common tariff would be a long eed,
for obvious reasona an irreno.sble nt.p to-
ward Political I'Mon, since, besides placing
important Canadian interests in the keep
ing of ('oangrese, it co•i'd not fail to sager
the British democracy, whose goods would
be exclu led When he was here on the
eatery business Mr. Chamberlain said
Britain would not block unrestricted reci
procity, but inasmuch as American would
enjoy a preference over British mansfac•
tures in the Chadian market •' all the ad-
vantages of the slender tie that bound (:a.-
ada to Raglan,* would disappear so far as
Englend was concerned. and it was not pro-
bable that the people of England would
coetinoe to sustain the obligations and re-
.poiaibslitir of • relationship all the bene
fits of which hal been withdrawn." This is
the favorite objjeecctteioe of the Tory poeticisms
In Canada 'flee.* real objection to the
scheme is that free American competition
would prove fatal to • number of Canadian
industries wholly tariff -bore, tariff -bred,
and tariff -(ed that support the Tory party.
ber Rieke thinks that • customs u.io.,with
• pooling of the revenues derived from ins -
porta, would he atones practicable in itself
and acceptable to the United States, pro-
vided it, was aad,rstood that Political Usine
should follow.
n ow Tat 'ATlo*AL PMJ1'y ■A. weal VD.
Ryes Tories allow that tie preempt *tate
of things memos lest, that the hemorrhage of
the exodus, the grindt.g •ad growing int
dem of the people, and their eschewers frown
their best market by • higher traig than
was ever before imposed, are evils tee great
to be borne. In private they admit the
substantial accuracy of • entere picture
draw. by Mr. Blake on kidding •dies to
his oneautsrnja Mr. Slake, who is new an
Irish Nationalist member of the British
Moues of 4'o mmoaa, wrote • year aad • half
Tb. Canadian Conservative policy has
faded to aceompliah the predict -Mee of 1t.
Its real tewdewey has been, as foretold
twelve years ago toward disintegration awed
arwax.ttes, instead of consolidation and
the manta.,• d that Reitah oe.saetiou
of which they claim to he the spaoe•1 gear
" It Asa left m with • anal* population. •
uoaaty immiaratsee, sad • Northwest imply he
mill ; with enormous seditious to oar palate
d.btase yearly charge, an estranges& eye
tent .f expenditure, mei as n juin wed top
peri.. tariff , with reoriented markets for
our seeds, whether M bey re at mar, .ad 1
the best et evils fgree ly 1.seni4sd by ..r
special .esditi...► theme* vices with 1 be
bads diverted {rem be mt.t.l Iota Sewed
rod there/ere Ism p*habM Thespba-
with sallied*, missies' eat boteeirte
tab weak Nm Wee .tad mem memeeted
se from the eel hies
to the mlstk� .e. rtiMms..
WIN ahem we mot M he, es le erten
platmiwd that we Meek' Ids, lams le OMIr
stens amity and liberal lute e. des.
Worse; be worse t 11 bas lett us with
lowered Maseards of public virtue, and •
death -like •pater in public optima. ; wit►
retial rel;gwue, ad ptrevrai.1 a.tmusttus
rather inflamed than soothed ; with a sea
ser.teot Parlietaeat, an wtu°retm Reece -
toe, .'vb•achel oontitaeocie•, and oureept-
ed ■.d oorr•pti.e Mamie ; with lesessed
soil i.h&noe and marooned dep.deucs sr
the public chest •.d on Iegul•uve meds, sad
withal by . boastful puke
fa etouaA removed from true utaollases,
loudly pruclauniag unreal coud,tluw Sad
exaggerated sentiments, while actual facia
sod get..ttue uptowns .re suppressed.
" It hat aft us with our heads teed, oar
future compromised. .ai In such • plight
that, whether re stand or it tt, we must
run *woe risks which else we Ay(bt have
either declined use ea vuatered wttb greeter
promise ul awN:ue."
Tire adoption of fres trade with .11 ..-
tions, coupled with direct taxation, ei re-
commended se Canada by Englishmen like
Earl grey. Sir Thomas Farrar, aid Sir
Jobe Lubbock. Direct taxation for Federal
purposes, as every Canadian know,, u im-
uracticable. To levy it in {Quebec or the
penny stricken maritime pro
voices would be to ensure the disruption of
coafederetioe. Besides, the widest of free
trade proeleimed by Canada ease would
not bring her wast she most needs, free ac-
cess to the 1'uite,l States. Iia sheer despair
Sir Charles Tupper, the .gent of the Do-
minion Government io Inadoo, bee been
trying, with the .id of the Imperial Feder-
atioualiata, to get England to revive the
preferential system dueerded fifty years
ago, end tat foreign wheat five or six
shdlit.ge per 'leerier, while admitting ool-
o.ial wheat free. Ilut Dow more than ever
Britain is not in a poaitim to cohesion the
cost of her food or raw materiels, sad the
colonies have nothing else 13 amid. The
overwholmlg defeat of Sir Charles's pro-
posal .t the Imperial Trade Congress last
summer with the chorus of attack hoot
Tories like Lord Salisbury sad Liberals like
Mr. taadatooe, Sir Willman Harcourt, •.d
Mr. Morley, as well .is from oolo.y-kvty
Whigs like Lord grey. has oo.viaced the
majority of intelligent Caladium that the
e.lvaiios of the country ma be worked out
oaly upon the ('ooti.ent to which it bek.ife
A.d they gather from the .ttitute of the
two parties to (%there.. that If they would
share in the adv..eages of American citizen
ship they must first be prepared to accept
.1"TLAND AND ,-t'iArA
Mr. Goldwin Smith, who has rendered in-
valuable service to Cemada in many ways,
and is in atroes sympathy with the Political
Union nerwamcot, has obeerred• that the
positive of Canada resssnhks in some respect.
that of Scotland just before her polhtioel
unification with Ragland. Scotland, like
Canals, haat long been suffering from ezclu
. too from the markets and foreign trade sad
enterprises of her richer neighbor. All wbo
could &Red it were emigrating wrests the
Tweed. Bat, by comparison, hootlood had
a lighter !cad to arae than Canada. She
had no national debt, whores. Eng laud had
• debt of t'20,000,000, reckoned a large nuns
in those times. Her population was 2,000,
000, that of Kurland 6,000,000. Swatted
likewise had the Mlvantagt• of Canada is.
poeticising • regime national spirit which
hal force,* her Parliament to exact from
Queen Anne her assent to an act that oo bur
death the crowo of Scotland .bould so longer
rest un the head of the same person as the
crown of Euglaid. Furtherm re. the at-
traction exerted by the greater body upon
the less could hardly have hero so pow.rfai
as it 14 between the United states and Can
ads, fur, though the English sad Lowland
otch spoke the a.me tongue. there was a
complete absence of those modern u.eas.& of
intercommunication which bin.* like books
of steel and accelerate the fusion of kindred
communities. The union sought by Scotland
when she despatched ,:u,t.mtss,o.eri to Lon
dou was A union of commercial Interests
only. Political I -Dion was extremely un
itther nominee, wou ishe grant that
shore in the commercial pnviliges of the em-
pire. The English had reeolsed, in case
Scotland refused to part with her Parlia-
ment and awnw under the Same crown, 001
only to natotain the coating restriction",
but to prohibit the importation into Rog.
lead of Rootch cattle, *al, and lino. Salt
land yielded to that meson, because, as
Prof. Dicey says, while Scotch enthusiasm
for political indepeodeooe was not insincere,
' the Scotch hunger for trade was as gen-
uine and as strong • sentiment as it was
✓ dssonable." How Scotland throve under
Politest I uioo is • matter of record. As
for Regrind, homebody hat coarsely said,
" If 1 utarry • beggar 1 shall have a lona.
for my portion, ' but seventy years alter the
onion Burke was able 1.. mak the Bristol
merchants " How much have you lest by
the participation of Scotland to all your
°°tamer(.' The external trade of England
has more than doubled since that period,
and 1 believe your internal Iwhich is the
most advantageoost has bred augmented at
least fourfold Such virtue there is in lib-
erality of sentiment that you have grown
richer even Mae pert netslop of poverty."
Hector False, a rade.) French Canadian
writer, prolrbly had the case of ywtlead in
his mind when be prophesied that the
moment Compete applied the screw of high
tariff to the natural 'spore; of Canada,
rased& would begin to think seriossl?r of
Political 1 °lone " Our oapitu'atea, ' he
wrote in 1871, " like that of Meta or Paris
will be ool] • quest Me of tiro.. Sooner or
later we shall be ultimo. to fro to the frostier
soil salt the Americans to restore life to our
industry, activity to our roma(sree, prom
purity boor people." Hu prediction is be
Ins verified. The kitigi * and the office
holden, Liberal as wellare as Tory, agoing
about the coutry inveighing aware the
" traitors " who maintain that the present
state of affairs is unsatisfactory, and orgies
the people to " live on porridge" rather
thea seek aid hadprxrperitmy thro.gk
Political •ioo. The vi oollaes.ee of their
language shows that they perceive the drift
of thin There aro many rousse 10771
ties who abhor the thought of Political
l'nio. ••d whose arose or prejudices are
entitled to respect became of their manifest
ensu rity. A.. rule, however, the belies i•
behalf of British om•setion does not rest
ppoe,ee my depth of eenvietine, Its{, te use •
phrase from (larlyl., ie rather • thing of a-
prtitica aid revsboseie., .vestry Ines the
the teeth outward, wad sasses kage ed the
this of oanwnereial paralysis
A distingeishod Mssriesa r.es.tly asked
w it w that at pshrc fathering, 1.
Ca.•& the asntimo►t of Mya, to Britain
appears to be as robust as .. m. it r sot
lade, as Aneurism. kasha from Nair owe
history, to mses.n ..hake* loyalty by ear -
km Mama s's The A..iut eel..las
bested d their dinettes to Klieg °sage
the Mss --mast Ware the &Mem.
lewewele meso bad mesh tele wilb their
el ablge4leer_ �m1 •a they helix*
mama the .w..*.wta. 1111
tiTU ke skews 4 d.t.d 1...heaiaset
ihs tram. birlasteb braes are lm-
lied• hi Mw eros the isrtl•r .04
ewers pe Uh whteq males stili the
o ani •"Mame mean to bar pees&
The hem of the Tory ase a ivies party
is that the 1l•rs.errste will roped the uvrivel
tar•d mittolulu mal ue MoKiidey tariff awl
sJse a't lu.nir5r, 1Mb .td ssmerals w bee. at
Mat the happy o-.u,lltlou •4,l 1854.66 may
be rooterwl, sail the eagle ,hill tette,' the
rias'• whelp. Au the ether hand, the Um
tlaeotal putty hope. sleet unlace the (Metra
Government is prepared to g-, is for • wwa
plate 05.1,4,•. smear, Iha IAr.m.orals will
*.(wean, the tr..litt..usl •rtitu•le .d the
Uwt..l States tro.ti..g Urania int • wawa
angbl.or with ao,'an l.rati,s, lett in the
stutter of trade k ceisg hoc entirely to hat
owe devto.s rod tt het owe esule.t.wn so loos(
u she dente 4. reunite • part ..1 Maripw
le etreMy N en ripened ..eat.....
It may be well to state, Soutt'. ffmulaoa
acts ire • fad as we11 as • m..dicine, Iud.I lag
up the Muted Datum aced restos ing perfect
health after w•ui.g 1...r. Sir
• A Meillemk..a Vanialtto..
Mimeo News R.„erd.
" Yes, I know you don'tplay billiards as
wells. you did . year •gee
How do you know r
" I heard yes say so at the time."
Fee awetlrmp sad Preens.
GENTIAN SS --My little girl, aged 3, bad
• *ergs• *waling on her heck. I used Hag
yard • Yellow lh1 os it ••d it disappeared
in a short time. It dao meal • foie. I was
troubled with.
Mas C. R. Wes uov r.,
3w Mand., Mas.
taw &arra same a fl..f.
names Horn.
When the devil wants to ria his claws
clear through • mail and climb them es the
other side, he mama him believe that mod-
ems dnnki.g web% heft him.
/Mewl Asse:eatca.
When dyspepsia invades your system mid
ked blood occupies • stronghold in goer
Indy the way out of treaWe u to anwax •
bottle of Burdock Bleed Bitter*, the beet
remedy for dy.pep.le Odd hid blood, and
the only ens that seem be May med. 3er
Sha bed Iter am et.
4'hicagu brier Ocean..
Art Pupil Don't yea think this name
rather overshadows my picture •
Artist Yes ; bat thee is just the bead y
of it, you see.
Primed snood Mesmer.
No ooe now d.,ubts that Burdock flood
Bitten will cure dyspepsia, btb•,u.oe.s, con•
.tipstion, headache or bad blood. The
proof u so thorough and overwhelming that
the doubter have bean silence.* and 11 B. Q
is emend in its place en the best purifiers
tonic and regulator ezta.t.
Bt Hoe HOLT,
311 Prtuceto.,(Lt.
Maid en Mir bleb.
8L P•.1 Globe.
A ritualise uewspaper calls attent:os to
•naming -bottle •dvert,sement, whet* eon
eludes with the word. " When the baby
,, done drinking it must be unscrewed tool
laid in • cool place under a tap. If tba
haby doss sot thrive ou fresh milk it should
be boiled." Poor heti. baby '
Theses be /t.ad.
Tex curative influenced the pine in lung
diseases is everywhere admitted, .red whet,
c'.mbiued with other effective pectoral rem
.dies es i. 1)r. Woods Norway Pim Syrup
the effect is doubly Seeefici•1. No case of
oougb, cold, asthma, broochite or ho.r.e
nem oda resist the healing powers of Ih.
Wood's Norway rine Syrup. 26 aad 5Or.
at druyt(t,t.. 3w
Mad to Be**,..
Rostov Treater Transcript,
Weep (lot iut0 a bad scrape last even
Mg My wife (wind • later in my pocket
free, A roman, How she did rave '
Bagley -From a woman ' Brown, you re
• sorry deg .
Brown The woman in ibis case, how"
ever, w Mrs. B. it wM a letter she gave
tar to mail • week ago.
A .e.5tleb eleai
1Ymdd us. Kenip's Balsam for the throat
and lungs. It is caring more •ases of coughs,
cold., asthma, bronchite, crnnp awl all
thrive an I lune tronblei, than ..my other
medic. or The proprietor has authorized my
druggist to give you a sample bottle free to
convince you of the merit of the greet rem
tidy. large frontline fOc. and $1.
An Itteetrie came.
Pall Mall Budget.
The nese.t kind of cratt on the Manuel Is
an electric canoe. Woodhouse t Rawson
have built men 'hat attained an average
nosed of more then six miles an hour "'Leo
tried. It to mahogany 18 feet long by 3 feet
9 inches beam. with a draught of shaman a
toot. The c•Mt is fitted with a half horse
power motor, veil will eine leo punons
Pessary am (Mertes.
t lasulinass, care and courage are the re
soarer of eivilimUne against cholera.
Keep the body scrupulously clean
Fret bot food- Tele Burdock Blood
Bitten to m•infela regular diges-
tioo and ensure pore Wood which ie
the very hest safeguard against cholera or
my other epidemic $w
Preserved la MirMe.
L•boaebere'. Truth.
There are as one ed them pointa oat to
me, and se 1 eheerfnlly acknowledge nmsy
good Radical p•r•oss in Ia.dnn (1.11 d
their number wen recently accossted•
Tory member of his flock in high glee leis
the ekeotiou of a wealthy distiller. " Thee
4.od " szol•imed the Tory," nor candidate
as en
hlereturned and tchurch is pew
served.'• " KzaatIy," replied kis rector-
" te spirit".'
veer beam tare s tears.
(eevtawin, My little boy was trouhlol
with • very bad onngh, and • lady friend •d
wised see to try Hsgyard'e Pectoral Balsam
I got it at ease aod ea. truly may h did not
give more the titres er four dear until hes
cough was paw 1 eye sever bees without
it .sees, se i fed it the hest for troublesome
Yew J. S. Rcr'us,
3, file. Willi•m.,Ot.
aess,•sssm a'.•re•ry.
From lllb.
' Asti se my hew wife esok.•1 tits all
herrn • What deer she call it • "
' Welk 1 mortal it for bread, hat after it
same oat of the even i .heard. I'd hotter
pet wino. en It •mad .11 N peddles "
Map; epwerdee tat ens r the Maw
W �ATieR
The olaly duty thsl'd will
be is couaactitl:t with lay
goods Will b9 my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in tho most satis-
factory Inanner sod be:t
1 - ..AT,„iii :QRT1„,.
Loom*•AK/AB T
Wb'users W Wp«s4ws ofeaa� wttu•t
Ft eat ria eo, ..d M • ...raw cep u.rtt.w
ash 0,01.5rt:ea o/ welte•.te,.trd �. lir
:,��i triaridost1d M• ur t*les la'.1.. mesap.
bear; hales ..lit.. tk.- ,Qt,
~ t" ,' of N da...t W 1 hale !t M h) I q., l
nee esf hu taaaee Liaise
iar •
ea esu etgrer a ttutk ut t h nett:
arw..ty h g5*e
to *teen* ever) $$y tna�rft
Hendee . ..f subtle atakedres ♦rs tomeie
ar .wast u• re. -•42 W at I•.k whrr...' 1 1 h., e • •
•.'411 p•0101. tis a nuy eltaltae Na.1
was 4T 1.1.45* un,elve• all wti *-1h
t5Nr1sen bl...,,f
owl • peal'°**) ww..l...,t !roues,'
less/ stenos (Hustle.
14.4• stmt/** wi' • bans.. ',ter ,r unit.
du.4 0..15 to Machws,by Ur. urn, Nara. ikn.
1.11..{1 arra a is,. Memtr,ap+1bf ( beta.
Ise.., laswitius. astla.d.
Ready-made Clothing Hatrrr's Malazlne•
thec1'tlty, and everything in
e latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard tunes prices at
The Ton(o Cash S1om
P. O'DEA, Manager.
For 1893.
Partial Prospectus.
Pranoes Hodgson Burnett
• W eo niribuu the err s5rial to .PSear in •
masaatse troth bee pre fees asy yeses. eaWed
•THR 0N111 1 [NNW TNT Mir 0Y
H. C Gunner
w,:1 rnr.iwb a aerie* of it, sketches eatftad
l l' uarsted.
Robert Grant
w. 1 tel•te the further expe.le.,as of Pye,I sed
eoeephiee in " ' SNAP.; RT. Ni T11K KEMEC-
TtONS OP A hiA RRlKi) MAN " Ill sweated
Harold Frederic
will ooetrlbste • political novel/Wpm' power.
retitled TUB (Y)P/'KRHKAD.
By the Author of "Jerry."
!i W s H. iE Ltini r, the a other of -Jerry."
w111 write • rralsetk Wary .1 "ie amass 11.e
Trnnea.re mo0nt•.aeer,. '-TII DUNI:KT
Personal Rena ntsoenass
:io.MK 1:81't7HLr$H[II lalc'f'TKK4 or
4A6i.YI.K TO abwAIti Iltt'INij tied
M Mrs, lowing with • pan et Carla le's life M
different from that broierbt out in the r•►ay.t
literate". et early k reminisce -cry R[COL-
i kCTtO's or WYIIULN AN1) nUMN41L
Hr the ate Manacle um ('/hast-*. Birth
artick. eve full of new matter, AS A RT1fT
1N JAPAN By !twnoNT H(.uy, .ho has lest
rot•rs.p trona • r•uAe•c • of needy two I ran
in the, ca.tn. Ahead..U. innw'rateet M
'M• author. HleiTOftIC Mtsma's seg, we rib
have brae • feature of the maim Om during
1alt, will he continual by some particularly
.r.ki.R prprn, Moo• them peers) of eke
float war a erw5omle•t s, W i it.t* w H I t i-
ael.l, Am'H1oi1.0 Ynwu.,._.ud other.
*Den's Oooupatlons.
A eerie of art (les on the IHrw,rk of toes, is
tear, oalllat .-the chief ways (exclusive w
prsfrss4onal in winch usem earn thrlr t.ce11
The World's Fair in Chicago
.1 series pin to published tater in the year
Rivler Ib. fmprem.oas •name by the 0%Alt iItoo
upon different observers of mote, Moth An.1,
can and fonien : end many M these observers
will be ohm art.M who wilt Illustrate their
own art intro.
Wisoellaneous Articles.
Further oonlr.butkr.a to the P0011 IN
Oi(RATCITiIW. Mss. Rt ex•TYe illustrated
moor oa the Loudon pilau for H(1311K A ID TO
INV AWD t'IiILLIttN,.1.•. 1M.Rei,' inter.
sot also will ler Professor Helene e'm ambort
Melte account of the PZARY HRLlltr 45-
1'KUiTION lillsstrated., a very Inter alma or.
tick by (knave I;rx'K. ea the exhibition of
WI.MAN'n AItT now sawos In Pero and
herb*,s upon artistic .atuore , &0000nts of tra-
vels. eta, Ma
The illustrations
of alio year will resent the work not only '.f
the weltkeown illustrators, but total draw-
I.R. wilt also appear by .Aimal who are beet
known as painters.
• 1 ewes •weer
• 1 {las, a 9silaaer.
• ash.,- mels- ase Ilea •4,ap
The awe. alas trees ..ashes14
bested /a .4.th. • . . . . . . e.M
New I fie New 4'. stkerr0r.
Charles Scribner's Sons,
713 Broadway. New York.
IIIFwCOp �5R9uR tip
*pm hr
� wry
**sins • asses Mveli -
intuit& lam.
d ee rash ..m
'I..Mtd.ee- M� bin s..b M as.a
.viewer etre 711:10
sw avau/.re �ssv4,�y-��•
roti{. Mwiapss/ lb .*prose mail ey 1•asPm
t�,,emr tT11"' •
rT-wi nwew'�f t AdIl..� : ■Wit • 1.0101166.
ILL QQT* A,"1"
Dees cies 31Atlatuxs kit Miff will o•uluw
_._I_._._ the .•rl.a115i
Meow whish has ebarmaeeri.ed�u e t I
$lana. Am, the notable feature, .e les
year there, will be aim sevens 61 1. loxax
bur, e, COleerA•tzt Ytatmuaa Wouhans. and
Wit.tian W,acK. Heart Mara. win be mete
lowed by the mom waWer waters el tic. 1af,
t.clydi.g Many IL WU.A111041. 1U i *iw Nae .
MO Bette. Meese/um U_.&su, femsca,
YA renews. sed eae54 eteeep TM dissolved
dee.rtptlee .5151 wW .mMee.midis M
Jewett Re es mew 4s1.la
aalrecY; be i'sinowes Caton es Inert
P V LT,.T Its.stuw ea Rams .d (i.reaseg ;
IF 1,I1a1AM Ham.txu Daviel
• ad.. Sew
see. by (aMoeel r. A. Doers ea Baser. Messes
sea 'Davie A. Aaiun' ideara.s
isof'4 .be
apse re's (Lmebediee wmatiaeol. Limary
sakes* will lee emtrIbmal ra(a gun
Vein tae Mr., Jaime T. uallivatar
ow.. imam= woe... me
NI KPAK5 JUGA ZINI..,.t*br rear .(aa is
HA k!'!iI8 W ILISL T...............
Mt ler
fs A K1'CK'Si ! Urn N0 PIrA►� t M
Pres a all arkes*ee11 its 011 v.NI
trine, seat.* ash Jtlssem
ike Volumes or the Yats.loe Mae tees
the Number* for Jam and oboe ,d emit
year. Whew so tune 4'.55044.4. emeertpsean
ala mato arab tho Number curreal •' the
trees of receipt of order. Maud Vols.,.0
Harper's 11'.•01.5 for tires year.. beet. V
oast Mote bindmet. will be ratlsy mut nor
ppaaid. a. receipt of $1O per vs15me. slash
t]assa f., Medica. fuoeatsebeh -by mail. pal -
11lemirtaaeee should be made be Pest aloe
to Weary Order w Orel*. W avoid Maar M
Newspapers ere not a mom We .de.. tor
Ment edam.' f4 repress order y Hamer!
Addre., . iIARPRH a IIIOTH[R".
New 1...e.
Harper's meekly.
Ilaytry1'•• tt w ac. aowhlt... a*
st.Mlatt ares am.,ag dis"cated weekly eeries-
sak 1a America. 11 nocuple8 a saw let wao
that at the hurried daily paper had that of the
Ise. timely mow :-I) tua.rea.nr. 1t inelestea bete
Menton sed sews, mod per s'% wick pawl
form sad iawer the real •vents et r .rant
history and the i..a,rinaiive them.'. ul Herres.
Oa •eoo.ne N 11s veer s-n..*,le'r caries er 14.
tratoas of the Werke. Yate, it will be set war
the /wet Raids to Ibe area ttzpo.M(K be' ala
las beet sooveelr, every pablie..est of aW'
seal seeress& will be fully Illustrated i . us
5a/a� lu oo.teibutioa. Walt from tea eke
writeris sad artists 1a this esssIry. /t loll om-
rinrae 10 excel la Wonders, wawa sed .Wrens
t tots, all oilier pabl/esttona et fu class.
Per tear,
KP'KK5 "'KICK I'. .
e( u
free teissescriaffe Rewire, . 01. mad Jlesee..esto W ('sled
The Veinoass of tic W5*LT begin wt,k Ise
ant I4ember fur Januar, et saes year. veva
ou time 1s meatiased. sob•crlr•l.as will beats
with the Numbs current at the time et re
e/p of order.
Hound Volumes of Haarsu's Wa his fw
three years bank. 1.neat oath bugling. o0
seat by 5m i1. o ldod sad, or by
free of .x7er.se Igrevl tla frrl1Rhdowse
exceed tae doer per volume/. for of A My
Cloth r'a.m few mob volume. e.iubM 1.1
b•tdf.a(. will be seat by mail, peke p•Id,u•ro
cMy5tt of $L85 each.
Remleasoes should be made be Past-eIsa
Monq Order or Dealt. to avoid dilate* M
.'1 .rapoper. tart eel be espy tate sdwrre.se
'w ase .441..1 Me express order ee Winne k
Addrees: HARPZR k BROTHlir4,
New York.
Harper's Bazar.
ILT.aue TI9 &TED.
H•Nota'e Biwa s0 • Mersa' for ate boor.
It (pure the 4ulhrst sed latest lofona.11w
shoal Fesban•, sad lie sesierem W.str.tlewi
P1erls deries& ash pat.rn+beel n, I,*(
aro bad1Iraae.ble alike to the home
maker and the proasaM-eel madam Nle el
puler is spared is tasks 1ta martin attractive
sem of the hlghest snide. hr alga steam
•muiag comedies, had t away* M
i.17 add ,.Mea sad 1t. last saps is mama t ss a
huffiest of wit sod hums. is Its weakly sass*
Oyer, ain't,. Ited
lrA which is Of ialereet 15
woman. hr terries tor las sin k
►�yy W•LTsa H.eLOT avid Kirt4 ►.xAU-
C`n,e.11%.t T.u.-:.aa Minter a will f•.rnsb
recto sera.. erotism is ter Rene'.
Farr,' [,x° Put t• Tittle` it LIt.I 5 a"''
Caen ,.e tt'nee.Ltw 0411 lee beg .seer c .11, flirts
tees. 'he work ,AWoobou la u,r Ceduohrm
WIDOW tan vedl be folly *•premiad witless:
hlsatrati.aa. T W Ilwnive'.v.1. Women awl
Ifo•. " .111 pilo•v a e.Wvased .'x4,e4ee.
Pee V. a
tt WIX1 Y , r ss
ARPRR'N ?Tonga PIDPI.i. - r a1
J"501' leer en o!1 ..st.erOora tear Va/ref
Ahura. ('wowed. owed Mee iw.
The Voles.e. of t1,. Ilium beide eat tN
Mt Numbs ter J.sars.1.01. year. 1V145
Flu* M tssetM.M mheslttians win hefts
wMb the Number serest al the time of ',NOP
's Hilo .11 far
�d..Ms�.tre �ened _�, Of _
M st z sem Meth �iaslnm
seat t trees rep
MI° ve etpmem the
speed sae err r.NmM. M ./ fake
Clete ler .mei velsma esMb K
Willem be mat M some. P•M-a'd' w