HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 84 TIM SIGNAL: OODKRICU, 014T., THURSDAY, NOVEMBIIR *44 1.11S. N sate GOODS at • • THE PIhAKMACT. • • W11trAL LINN& INTRA QLALIT%. AT PRiCga1 Tv 1114. sea oar u .eel Ilse tombs, ..dam ..d .tru lametaa Combo. Lake' and Gama' theb Areeltem TOOTH tK('NHEe THOM a TO 10 ('iNT1 !Mar very nest mid basely sow Bass of !tis fame. Clam Tem Nines pmeate early sad sat tie best ween.. TRl- 1: PRO Tt'$$1% FOR YOUR CULL . 01'R MAN BRA KF. L1Y'KR PILLS. OCR P1 I:E t REAM TARTAR HARING P1)WIU1101. °N1.i tD,. IRE 1 R. ( he('RU T *Co ..ad family receipts egre- t null) .rNptteoa.de.' (: F•l e. .le. FIS-% It. 4ue'crwor to Oeo. Rhyme. hOlthitICIL Art. -- ART. R. CROCEl:TT, ARTI.Y. 1A0d66ps. aa.' portion pumice iu er IO/ watt. talon. ern' Th need at s. sad p.•ruedays, irnm east t„ 13 Jcwx•L•. and from i to 5 o'clock r.M. Arcbitectarsi and me.•laa•loa! drya.se. Urswtsg0 for pa'.enta rte. !Tl DIO :-Northam, Arst door from the Square The PteesnNlr. 'Ohioan IT I'S BEST le !m) 3011r furniture at Smith's. You a air it cheap. 1 can resit you new goods. beet make. sial Weer styles erne than you paf.at aoctu.0 tor odd Nerved band stuff. You w,tl in rurpna.vt h -,w me.x,n. but or do. Poi in. starve a weed ull aired heal for 3'.0u. reenter prier tr'.ae. A woven wiry bedeering fee`.'•.d t•- regular prier 1L.',) to 11.00. A spleno .1 10 In 1.101 1T110 (u,- *2.51'. worth • dollar niun. A Beed Lviwoud wash -Mand for • dollar. Hordwe 4 hn ...klieg table ,or e:00. A line nal Ipish •1 de -.ward with mirror fur es l i orthlyeytte',. felt bed-rrotn snit. hem 1110.iC ay. 1S,t:owII. oI.4, etr ea./ up. 1'U:owshan. bolder+, the b. •t for elevate. Walnut Parlor aldtlw. a beset. for 010.00 wonb 413000• lrittur.. tet(. We an totted to compete with 004 a:•'n•, er aytbIr,c 'es In the furniture line t..0 my n'4 well have mew geode •.d late &tyi... es el.l .rn.ad-luu.d au . Call and M'ucr bleeds. BJIiTH:� Fl I ? 1TI l.F: Cribb'• track. 33141-ly CPECIAI. NOTICE:. Ts reduce 'lock ! will sell cussed Lumber. 1eL(lul' . NO AN 11 SIDING fat 717.40 p-: tlgnma.i. SA -H -ANU 11 O►ltfe At esoportion•tcly low Ileums •Ow-- ( Arlo or et• •.n nim alcnt. 1.17 10111111 1141 t. Mow l:. 1: Illtke elite• NINISSISWISSIMIL A.i.ele Rin Bele TOT10E-STOO1IER If TUgR$d VOR tele. these ea 4M en' eighty grads .es Misr, sir NAL elite mem1 am pro imanentE to aient wl as Moo ira Mee S. sew h W. D. •reed. J01 lerea ••• two twe Mimi smill N. as _TORN aIUFFIN. COUNTY ACC, tianeer.tud valiator.loan sed Menthes ..slant. tales •etel.ded to all ports of the conn- te.eesutict1ed. Address JOHN R;ng.bridee. (Arden left at Tea At. promtptly •treaded to. Y-tf TORI KNOX, Ok:1iEKAL ACC - id heater and Laud valuator. b•derleh. Oat. Harms t.w•i considerable experience In the an •1io5eerinpperrte. he is 14 a pettion an discealp. with them/ugh satusseiloo all Dorn mI...ou• entrusted to hire. Orders lett u Msri.o's lintel. or sent by mals t0 his addreee. tiader'ictt P.O.. carefull) attended to. JOHN 1111.1 C. Comte Auctioneer. 15111? f INCESTINIS Ark II ALE - TIME J esedleedgpoill bee ter Ma et W 'mot y�� er se. • •aa•easi•s 7. R D. AM. AsM, a sum rem Iambi el Lice► ese 1...L FDINNSA.w.Deapua am P.O. MtliohaltHliAl' 1 .huts. It `I OD21110H NHOHANICS' It>sr1. WI TL -TT LiiRARY AND =ADIKY- ROOM cot. of !cast street awl Benue l00 Nabs. Open frost 1 to i r.ir.. sad from 7 to 10 ►•.M. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S 1N LIBRARY. I.•oltng iM;iy, Weakly and Ifltu2rat 2 rapers, Y owes• dr., on File. MEMB&Rf1HiP TICKET. ONLY 00.0.. g ramme free um of Library andint- Aapllmtlons for ssemtrineip received by iilartaa, totem'. EL MADMAN. 010. BT1c Eye. President. thserecery. Sederteh 'Meru IISh 101* M/NIy 1NMfMi! ■T 0. WARD. OONVYYAN(:EK. Irl • tet..d eemssiedener for mkt* and re- gg{tying tee�alsass oof bail aelavIL .�n5ati.em, depositions or solemn decam- etre a or ammeroleg any action. mit or pro. 5d!s the High ('oar. of Jostle" the Como, Anted for Ontario. or In any Co., sr dalespe1C,ourmets,,ec��tAtli tewnmottaas carefn1l romed. Reedeere sod P.O. suldress-Memeimer. Our /111-10 NEW CHOPPING HILL Ism prepared to dna Made of grain Ahem ete0 ma Memattingte.. notice. //i11 le matting M nU hegira 1 Bier .be lntess sad beet improved machinery tor dispatch mad edcle.t Pr remenith',, Ns delay In getting yourt�iem hem. with ren Joe. ESD. air 17 Britaasl.M. 11010 & liOdatlom.- - TTRIOS eOTHL OODEIIJau - 1'hY ..rant-knewa .ewers) sed farme» haul hes been take" p.osraokwl of by .nudge brothers and re/lied in every respect makieg 000 0t the neense and g5l.Met home In the - ---- --� triode Nice )uoatlos. lx,sllent .t�*Ml+�. Rate, a •.. m.drt,AttLT.lteoa. .'resits fVLK 1ERFI.MS.'c. tela 01Nt NEW Ofllk0. T"01 Hums TOM -- THIS Coespo s. rut and las hes hen bees 41.111111.1 IIMP Sole FORL OR SAL -TWO U IN. OAST r ss�s_�* teen I of -el la.. Ma. e•r ma be broil io M helm ghat- amid es sew. Wali be esY at •• .mse"ahle at 'I1a tfta11AL.te•a+ Priebe.t -- Timelier Welded. Me Mea ipsbsal Me lar W M Mme. M legated at tllaiway Ma all Ne .rear.' t1m• • seg IM Mr Mper..aateo tartere aro atteadlne 1t. School trustees who de. sire en se -ore raciest teachers, wilt Aad Tv* Sees es. the dM advertising medium, as all ihe modellues real It weekly L'EMALE TNACH*K WANTED FOR I� sr'.M•r dep•rteuea: at Pert Albert .cool bolding • me ol1 or third-oleaa oertAAeate. Werk light ami salary net to ramie :'o*ws hut..Ire.l Milers err annum. •/I1J 01*0d. DAWKINS. se:r'taryn.s.Ko le 1.7 AMma�A• Proomor M �' abs or pen Rost. HOUSE FOR SALT -THAT COM - forcers Bath cottage on Asdeeny-M. 1�t•i� occupied by Mr. J. t'. H: .toe. 1 room sad hall iu hoot part. with kitchen. pantry Med bedroom MT kitchen behind. stone �.r Ano orchard. Appy to M1•s.O H . WAN'. • A.11mr+R 11644 SToctK FARM FOR $AL*i - THY: t` tarn. citta Jae acres Of awl, well w. -tared and well wooded. and ie stinted in Colborne the aside on Lae* Hume. and snout a mete demi. of Uoderich. It will be sold ea Mac/1 or in paruek w suit uorctu4ere. F'or porti• oars amply to UARIIOW k PROUD. F'uo'.. Na:.c,ttan. 0oder!ch. .gent I DO ACKE FARM FOR tvALT. -THS 1 GM homestead of the late Jaltsew Coma day. of the tnw.rt,ip of Last N•awanoab. be. foe Let bolt of roc 22215 CO.0eeet•. 1. on' the t ravel read that le•rla from Ooderleh to Wing - tom. 11 ie situated about Ietl rods from Aut. um. a thriving .,.tame with lone churches and • school rear at hon L P. compantlrely •'ew frame house with erten 1st rte ra fat* mit cellar with other toev.nieoerr. seed .stud bank, earn sand ahem MO large .,tsarina trust tree• are on' the pr.•mtr,ea About 00 acres are feared. The soil fs or tko ! est. norther tsforenartoo trmO MRS. CAeIADAY. Aub'rrn P. U. tf-tto L'OK NALL-K. 4 LOT 31,2ND OON- naaaion. Yost Wasraaoah. 1.0 acres. This s a Irv' Masa term. AM town lot i7s. Gone. rich elm lot :.tt t)oderkh town. oc whtrh there .a n gn.1 brick cottage. Apply to PHILIP HOLT'. 4M(. L1UK SALE AT A IIARUAIN.-THAT LL commodities buid!ag 00 `Isere/.. de.F gels. al present occu)o'nt as • pallet k� W we. timitt a onion.. Terns w7- AOOw•rlj te V. N. et:OT ', !!russets P. O. aro aDilurr .sl$Is. Nellie .1 Amara wad be lift at Ws Mae mot beer that Sabaldy matt. The Ott? far changes ...t be left mot later than Man- dy haat. Camel AMesrainemtmn .00epfed tip to sow Wedmndsr el each week. INntlmf.ley. _ %,f NIOHt)L$ON, WIS.-DENTAL OA. 1wlNp0 4pperile tee saw Pmt OA100. Weseet.. (bs4erieb. YOJs-ty 11dt, IS. RICHARDSSON, L D. S., 1"l aut''eoo denru4. ties a d 1tlall.rd air .dmtntaternt res painless extra•tIWg of teeth. 4peelai attention given to the preeert-•tIoe 41 the tr•itttal tees h. 0111m -Up stars. UraoduprtsliuueH1ew:k. entraace on Welt- dt.. Ooderieh. *141-1r >Rl.dIcaL 11K�. WHITELY t f3Q�tee. i! 0 ce-(dread Open Hoon. Uod r• i . DEL SHANNON & SiiA SON, 11 PltywWMae. .misses, Aneouvben. t0. ,•. i'. i.sxo,.-Kas.deocc. Napier•et peer. tsar. J. It. soaaxns.-Re.(descS ..sibs., opp. Yodel T. heed, l 1 OFI'U$ E DANCET, BARRISTER l 4 1.oiscitor. Cuutey*Ooer. tc.. etc. Ma.ey m 1055 at lowest rale.. Blake's tlhrck liede- rl.. (►at 7.�e1I-rtt AuN. LEWIS, BARRISTER,-PROC- . for ITh Marhaim* Coors f.1rie .Jets --Bauch (blborae boot. 11R3 j4 0. JOHNSTON, BAKRiSTER, 1T1. solicitor • ceonilssfemr. /Lc. Loan; collections sad real Mate taonactiens care. hhy attended se. (leo. -Car. Hamilton and Ili. Andrew'.at..lodgrleh. Oat. tllblyl �twatIi* RilAert GENERAL a*RV LKT WANTIItD.- p lm°anee►,wombs K to 0 arta CCbJimmie u{ ..tet. tf-71 TORN DAVISON, BARRISTER, Solicitor. Convpaoo•r. to.: Money to Mel. Oaks over Post -Olio . Uodertca. $).tt CAMPION, BAKKISTE13, F. l,alfcitar. Naar, Pabtic. e t n. pQ�e�oee-�Over Jordan's Drug Mote, the Nom =Over M lodge Doyle. Ise O. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &e. R. Moe. caner of flqunrs ..d Wee• Ooderioh, over telep5pb ase.. Prt- satt nde to lead at 6 par Oe.L f!'i0• GARROW & PROUDFUUT, BAR- riaeora, Attornszr.w. Q (.. W. Pro tooto.Gads rich. .1.1. w, .. W. Ptoudass< CAMNION, HOLT df HOLMLs, Barrietera, /euetteen 1. (leaner,. to Aodrricb. M. C. Cameron. Q.C. ; P. SW t Dudley Holmes. idNtis MIR LYMIMfM• �'►, J. T NAFTIL, FIRE, Los AND • menses leemo.c. blast ' et Owlet rates. Odic* Cee. N.Rb•st. and lgtiare. God - erieb. rt. JIONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE LTA Lowest of private .ad ether feuds at lowest retei •n pewlentire town and Ouss Itower17. MPoeia► mimed repoymest to sett the burrower. -No eomm rdeu. --0dl or edgy M. O. JOHNSTON Um br4cb. S N-tf 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMERON MIA' t HOLISM) e - rich. 471, MONEY TO LEND. -A LAR0 k lea anew.t Private ramie jtir Mwsanado MgAAR*OOWt PHOUDY(•mtvoleaskrr••. AMOS Q RA DOLIFFE, OENER A L iN - fit• emwass. Real rite.. and Mone? Lemieg Minot t►ar Orat.•lar oompanles ems o..wted. )lousy 10 Lard ow Mtrsytb Lona, &1 tee totem este of Intermit folne. In aa� was to net tie porno. re ()Sear 5100. eM Mor from equate. Wets coot. (iode- ft�. tae+ -t1 fops Daphne. taro :ed missense ted Iterrnved recently Carnegie,. fink. and a haw mewed to Mate la oval ty of •c- edbtentenaelowtor the w&ar)hn5 public. Qo10 • remn.ndat'/NI for 10sst. lite I\ :J ANIl Ie (:1XT MOTTLES. ('RA n.. t'r,.p.w-.o'. 4* Ireton .dmtd.• Ir!,n- tote•. "'s'alrr'r•.wtsa..'a" Yoga lint me. seg Pearl Reim. Paid. Model& PIAZIU TUN IMO. - • IIANISPIIR- _ 0, �m•�M ander wfr Mea isaat eam site ..poem. -001100. 1 URB RENOVATED. - PERSONS M have their fore reoorated ea• have them Nrelnewahlb rotes. so the QALTPORD TANNIIRY-Tu THE • mato. -Having indorsed the maatshasar- Iwa it7 of the Tamer, lorme•rly aarrmnd on' by A. t J. Beek. far eke POMO". of the Kirkpatrick Were Tammy. l Wend to •x teed the trade !savory broach. sed •m 505 ar paned to Mlle the highest peke ter hides of every desert/tam No limit to quart' r. Jti•KPH BECK_ 0401 Ikeaford. "rearba t. gAN AmAORDER RDER OF ROIL _ _ _ - -... _ _ _ Peach filesms. i .: erjOb (lith`' h th attiA. liar Mmk of Pi.aa. (l.k aacl o•elhlleid twew- 'e�g.teiaa..a eskalelied ka� e1�, roma lines e�Cfgwr -r..• +s �slaM(YYarelPilagiaaaa s ; • •, r,-- o-oo 1104,0 f OM& .y� 414•6111 Di& .��► AUCTION BALE VALUABLY PRE1NOLl1 PROPERTY. ('oder and try ,'rtu* et the :cower .1 a le oo•talu..11. • rertaiu mortgage. which +.111 be produced at the time et sale. tiers will be offered for sate by pubis auction by John Kest, anctsooeer, at Martin's 111....1. ,it tae tow. of (ioder1,•.h. ib the musty or Huron. en Saturday. the 17th day of elem./Near. late. No the boar of one o'clock to OW afternoon. the 1o11owin5 valuable freehold property. namely • All and singular 'het ,e+Lin emcee or tract eland wad premises at hers.. lyieg and Acing in the tuwnsbp ,at \7001 Wuwuxosh, hi the ouuot/ d nurse• and Nruvin.e of (Mt•ree. end belaeceisim••e4 et the mea.. hart of lot sewn ism la the stand .eace•el.o of the said town- ehlp. This fares Contuses of nee hundred acres. mar or lean, attested about eleven males tram li.tderiob. and batt way be, ,urea the Nile and I'urag.o nvost. There Ise geed two-story trains 4weetlou lOrft, awl • good frame hoes 11x'6 About d(ty move of this land are cleared *wt nearly free from stump.. and some twenti Are a,-re.e of •iiihlni;. $ntl Gley :.atm- The surrounding reentry is well settled with a mood class of farmer*. for further particulate earl conditions of sale. apply to the auctioneer. or to tt0t.PH. BROW'S k sTf1.Y1. 4.1' e'en inre Solicitor, adalaule Ntfee1. teat, (07451 , Ont. IlistNO to Creditors 0.10E !+O CRSUtTORB 1* a/ Amos Groot. of eA. lura of tatfari!'i.. (. PA' roraty o/ llwrvra. /rrlgvr, HOSIERY. We latae a dry large amieforsMt 01 Wool, Qtehaere a.d Worsted HosimT is W.aliom's, 11.: s and Chi1iirs.'a slew Many ham meek lees Uwe .market values. We bare just re - tetra a lite d plain sad rived Worsted Hoek whish Wok( have been 1st a ie September. This line we refused to accept from the mam a- fo tree airless at • reduction el about lb% They accepted cur oiler rather time hare the goods returned, and our cushomere will get the benefit d this reduction in (thsp Hosiery. Re show again this mason the Bing_ non Homergy Co.'s goods, called the ,Perfect Hose," ssaselees, and made the exact shape of the foot. CuMose- era who bought this hoe from w last year are risking for thew again, so they must hare given good sotisfaey, tion. JAMK$ A. SKID. Jot'dK 1 t, rod•rieb. tsM The 'Mete/emote 4 debar hae made. ea am *I$%w,ent to me. .meter the pi0vedoae .12 '• mea Act r'apeet'tfg AM:.(.1meul• for the b-ardt of C!redit.w•. beteg Chau. Mb 1t.t'-4/ + meeting of the (',ed,torso(tie -...td Debtor will or held at 114} office, the Cm)rt House_ 111 the town .t Uodertch. at 11.10 u ct.lrk in the forenoon, on Monies, the:rta day of Fa- em bee. t'et for the appointment of 11110 00 WV and th., tr:viog of Iitrectos, 5irh refereec• to the di•uoe.l of the rxea r livery peroo..1aimrn5 to be e6l.tk•A to risk ( on the estate i• required to tit -.diel. to me par- tfrulars of claim. proved by Midst lt 1.,11 dee Widow. and s'tch vo,w•hers as the •-age ad inhere( ROBERT albite/Nis. PlteritT• I tOlceb. e. . sheriff of Harm. Kee. 10IS Ar(54 11 th IS 1torar x. EXKLIPt0Kt1' SALK 67 FARM*. ger sale, leu 7. I •ea. L W. It,. Colborne. 10 acre 'fpr \crib halms of 1e0111.1.ad 6, 3. and the tion h .,uartmts. of (ate 5 and A l'oM. 4. W. U('olbor a 10 /WPC.. I'art at the couch bait of Lota. e•.p, J, tt•. Il. O 12100 . 10 a. reg, and per" ea Lot Ya. Mast1rd emier - •.on. l'olb,rn••. C acres. Apply to Hera ('rice acd Aside..., A, yawing, Executers of the ',or K . J. Harris. sr te K. C. Hay•. rintleitor. 1:'rlrrich. 18/1 Trovolleie Guide IMAM) TRUNK K.ULRAT. Trains arrive .ad depart at Godarfab as fel- luw• AtW 1L )fAil meet Qearee0 1.10 p.m. Mali aid RC'S1eM .....sees....... • tart p.m,. met .. •• 7.M..o. Mut 7J16n.m. Mall ore tam* ........ ....... s ee sL to pea MUM 4.0 cad. acnICTED WMNIT noir >R ?We vett or AT DR S. RICHARDSON'8 t.rtrtt. f loans, OPE111 'I:USE Stl2CI IeEST-STIIHT 00D3:.S0S, ONT. itsRor4• in. tie l(mitd mlidoc'ion. aftera theme, tam. revolting Is th- nest entm men tee appreciation of delightful aol •ro.hh.4 pareses. 1.. submit Ila+t 1 have the only end sees eve right fro roe In (leder/eh. the .steel seleatdee dtan.'ery. whish Ie waraated never to mire the Mate 9,i0 dwrimr the extract.e se faith ee a •.11u0 .4 any blue. in nearly gravy oat...4 ren 'it.M pale in the roar sxtnrwsS assts. ALN TI -147 i *v POJDNJ\ Is a loss! •aaosthetic Met sever sl54ms the puniest la the seightem b barman as wafer, end the treat teethed knows on earth to render the tenth oonanneiti., 10 pale. 111leate smite me It Is Ps.NFsety *•.'etas• le 11e wares.. Presser ivloss of in, natural teeth a Laity. ♦1I dente! Orem Ines well and skillfeOy dose. nee punks.• inter.Ws .re Mae. UR. It. RICHARDSOX. 11111141 wANreotrav et emu t• ArkWeI, ts.M and sell 0 .amental Mire ha. Tease ad Trutt•. Kt ',meteors s.0•ewfewy• lar, tad ssp•nao mid w.etlr. tel: rues No soearity m,lsdeed6 ser brain e ekrwmese as regard c CNAH1.Ea H. CUARL ,N. T. OM Perk sass The Prises, Ste pica* *new eI the Crews Prime Rudolph of Austria. reas.tly ereatad • tremendous unseen.. in Ymasa hy horsewhipping ( oust ('hetet, • leader of Tlemees asideerw•y ad • eager in the Amines sew. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. J stews mmmse K t4Ma' Sere. .e: feet{ his prat it. VINE TAiA/KING. - awl Water Meths to great varlet, at the Miami Heuaa, Wset-et. \'w can bare • big ekdoe rid My co .deed style *ad AI at very moderate pities. U M•cC a A* r. om• The holiday mama will soon t. epee as.rtd don't forget to loath your unties ter Mader new is t4pootatt.api Mad for the beat tine 1e picture 2'.,. •g u it. R. bailees. He krowo how to desk with art. wane ihr stormy whole do otos-ow ' its &bout 1L11.1000111e • 1,..cu doter for me of r J Pe ab•esee Mee w.rm overcoat. They are .homer than cellos at cold weather a.d da a great deal summer. laeunders std Coy, ars still .ruing a t.ig bu.t■em la moven 1he7 haws • oainher of Coed b•rttat.n 111. Maim stoves wooed hand. wlecb they .Ul mil chap if "oil want any etumbinc bouillon oe Wiwi metal work gate them a call. , hey can do :1 giant for )on' A fresh .'ock of 00 1- 41110 4 for the kitchen 1401 re. -•i v. 4. 11. ,'. •tt 1 . 1'0". rete. The oonenithe on' arrangements hare found at etegesary to defer .10Wut1 the eunoert under the above auspices until M.'nd•y. Dec. 5th. They have ons of the hest programme prepared taut has been nisi. in •.oderich for conte time. RCv tea .. K lu.ne's milk wagon had a rather rapid trip on 5I..nday evening last. 1'he horse was ateadmg somewhere • u 1.hutch-11t. when is '1(01 frightened at some boys with . wheel/arum. and bolted around tier 'lucre. up last -at. to the ratios std then around by the Loren Road. The re . ul• of th... raped tr•, was a broken shaft .11,1a ..at of badly broken hareem. Flees .1... •.. in the North•0t. Method. 41' Cbarc:, on \Itmdav .\ .easy:, Nov. belt, Nest Sunday evening Rev. Jas. A. -Yoder Mi,r Wa.tewutr, :• totTcad missionary. will 1.1!05. e0e• Ikand A.. fi5.her1na11) preach to Nachurch to Nam An w.dreas ou uusuntury work is why hey your ..stag naach.nee (rows Japan.:rh. to she ha. been la:..raall ..vera( strangers at fabulous= when you can IC:asommesd be fee strembno Nib Teems% banes depot emir km iv la steadied sere wry M dMit' Mr. : j Beninelle Mete. i 1. ` , hes seminal be Adria the mien% ase Ihraik g shemesa AR .w shears to dem msdin.s; theam are ea the .spine el .easier thea • being metsr .herr eater w unser. h eal we sea will be as sommeand M abdr ellen thireer se they beam leen la N. sail lb* these mer i. bees e is ear ria will feel it iesemsbamt wpm .sear lie amid .s 111, •• peon& the NOM es they ha.e dem is tee pal. CoLRlPsn*u, Vaso. -- The Tereuse blab• rays; -Mesal lam. 9I. -A weR- .tteed.d m.eusg sews held in she Sewn ball this evening 1n' heir the question .1 Cumin ental Cana dLwtrd ti Mr. Klgi. Myer., of Tomato, .ad D. M1:illiosddy, d tied . rite. There was • leer tgressandee el 1.di.s la the aedismoa The chair was emc- ee ' by Mr. W. G. Hay and the hast .f r oiAais.d throughout the ta.oYar. pressatatios of %he case by the speakers the Orestes wee lavers * received by audience. sed at the ekes Kew. J.m.0 v►apteus, although sot approving of the y presented. paid • tribute N. tae MO - .1•1 in which the saltiest had mesa plead by the makers. A vote of thanks wee mead M Mr. Tho. Malt. socoodd by Mr. ' cedley •-•a froth gatl.ulen, in epesknsg to tie mottos, stated that they had is - eared new light so the sabj.rt sad had atm revered a number of sew ideas wli•h made them more favorably disposed 0.. ward. ('unttosot•1 Usual than they Im 1 hitherto bean The pieties wee corned. '1'ur. Mata. 4:.n SArrt.\ i I When Ten Stu x 41 wept to y: • fart week the propel for kyles, with 40.000 *'•'bele of gram tor tb. Kik Mill. was gtouu desk at I - mouth of the harbor, wed d.sa*te strenuous efforts remained is that poetics for twenty four hours. She arrived at the mouth of the hubor at S o'clock Wwlnert.y attrr000n, .eel, although the deepest 011.50.1 eotrabee was shown to her, she gr 'waded, as before ✓ oted. A sham/ easterly wind was bbw- iug, which had the effect of kowrrulg the water shoot • foot below the normal depth of 13 feet !' inches. A charge of wield rad eeaeeyuent railing of the water, together with .Mire work no the pert of the officers mad crew of the Myles, misted by the dredge hands, enabled the boat to eater the harbor about 5 r. 0. on Thursday. When the OM damn ed thaws •t the harbor mouth were made keg own the owners of the Sepik. o ho -h was IU commission to brings erre d coal from I.or.io for the North Amoroso (demist Co., instructed (:apt. Green to take no 100 tone less than hoe usual cargo so that no difficulty would be experienced at the mouth of the harbor, as had bma the cam with the Myles. What le weeded to improv a t:odeu ieh harbor is not dredge stooping. bat • .Mar 5110.1105 d the North pier by sever.' hundred feet. data that ie donee we are liable, at Amon nay tope, to hate large boats debarred from mitering the harbor mouth LOCAL BREVITIES. year•. t the at space. of the Women • t the beet of trout a:eo W. y,ocaety0 •heMel in'84Char:!. gnus for $28 00 A:1 mt.:r••ed in n.:..i•.seas• n•••••, a., Inti rel. $.h•a ,t.11eeta.rn. lhxora nptn rt 7.34 lk. M. Ntcholsnp, the Went -st, dentist, tragic raw• Y't+rr. On Fn•b f make. the pr..ervation id the natural teeth Y oMet a specialty. I:s1 •dam...tered from 9 A. e. w`ek, 1 ..S- I ..1. F: Tom, officiv'lj 'Meted for the painless extraction of teeth. I>aue.•nn..,, school .ifteer pur•isg the Mrs. R. R. Smith is this week w Toronto penpals i.: prin..ipa2. coo., +hro.aJb the n..wtng her stock of seasonal& goods. v .riOtt. a ..4eistea, 11* expraw.wt himself we i Cuatepen con)' deppeenmd os gett1u1 the ngbt p.lea.t..l with the progrtoa of the pupil, so Mktg( at the old rrlta)Ae I:laagow house. am the exrebert order maintained. 1.5e W. Thompson u local agent for Heli anal r••tentu.• nue t.t«de t+. the •yt•• a ptaoettee, organs, moon/ such►.... ),r0011,.cu1 of good writing- anal stat ,•opy. ' - atm• 1o2edates and musnai mer telehe. The prim:Mei, A. McKey. 14 do1.l! alYwsdMr' All o*.,f th. least, •o1 n'1 rock :M :obot e et • it work. The assistant, Mew Potts. tam Prim' Now 1• the tome th pnrcbam* wed aiment, and in consequence n.• 1-4 451** The t:oderich branch of the 1)oentaiee o1 aben wog held. head Rifle Assoeisttoe will meet as F. J. T. (+t•h-% s to 14... ('•pt..1- w. them, of N*It*l's othoe om Friiiay rva.iwg. the 25tH dead, .i R o'clock, for mho pawnor of re-ar- tttw,Chooser'.phis. carate+.!aro to its corn • genuine for the .rosin*/ year. AU snessbers rim • e• I rase front Port Heron to Then are requested to be present and as many ,eller Isar gnirker •hit 1 ever did hetet in chefe am bin 10 jrlao. K K. Watao.• Pres. my time, either by sail or ream earth F. J. T. Neftel, ,Sec. Trews. 1 .(etre hewn, from fort Huron to Tbu.der It tee bpm proved to the gnu facttoo of !:ay liyti.t lane•. a distance of 150 miles. 1 ka.dr•d• that teeth °s0 be extracted by the wee sere there were spells that the voxel paasm, "Mg 1,1141 -serve prey segs •wwmng 14 mile% men h•... 'Ye pawed 't be deceived by having the cocaine ir,Pryn,lr-v that wet .--,nun;, up the lake, dei4iut. The ogee as harmlewhilst tee am t uh -ail and steam, aongst them the ••••ras t•57 dadgeT00s. IIss 7•• we03 tee 11• (ewer • City of Mack ism, which centate rfgbt trst.mat yo:t .a* have es 0t ssv elms tie thirteen miles per hour richt aloes." d rnoas, I;raod 1►pers Hoare Aleck, E. Richardson. H► lira Tudor, Event TIMI.. .1. K. ('a.uady, formerly of Tut Shim Al. Staff, bat lir 11 NMI Igo .lend y Anne ml.twr • .ones easel__ Tads Mem mi Casmtll TIM agarMee hew .,nand nese a Os solleses *era* •waif mem* with me ..*otad wine ams the 1st►. •w!awa mese sad se sad asses wmeld le Mr. $. him b have Mese he tka� Rtes =tile wear el assist. .ow chief city talesman for Hel.tama A Co. of Termite, is fast coming to the frost .s • ri5iag orator in the queen city. At tinier meeting of the Young Liberals be led the op- position, and the entire city mei sward him the pslm as the speaker of the eva.inr. The Keening Star'. refitment is as follows : J. R ('an•edey mored the tet moth. hoist of Mr. Hooter's motive to bind the aa.ocia- teoo mot to consider meconin.s for or seism Anmeati0a,F'reeTrade, Rek.•iprocity,Imper- 11.1 Federation, and is fact almost any other feature of politics. He side • ringing speech, the nae of the ...vesting. MaRTisc n► Ihrour'o,tri far Howie r's' - ate. S.oettv*r. A meeting of direetore d the Horticwltapl Society wail held es Thurs- day, Norwmber 17th. The preeidmt is the chair. The sec. trots bid before the board an account for Postage, he., of SI.Ot Moved by .1. H. Williams, esomd•d ay D. M' Giilioaddv. that that amend be pm - wetted to %remoter of the N. W. K.*51W Don. Carried. A 121 d members bed amosrt of members fess showed 97 mew hen and 711200 paid. Uoverameot great, 111.9 07; county grant, MO. Mored by J. H. Wlllussm,.eooaderl by J. T. Mateo., that the P.C. treasurer's salary he *15.00. Carried. The bard then .djo*raed. Ilea WWI. R. Haver(. --Mame Stearn. tee hand•ante sad talented lecturer and writer, has been meeting with great success in the eastern part of the province. Her looters '• 1tehiga from Life " is very highly splen of. As Orangeville. where she lectured • sheet time ng... *hp w warted no by • d•- p.bseinn of ladies who rnngrstnlat d her ne her Awe Whirr She Mks teen engaged by • gentleman who heard her to Or. • mem- ber of her lectures in the principal nitre of the United State,. Vis.. was to ham ap- peared here, bot her en was .Ian .elisod 052.1 to the cleat h of her *gat. the lam Percy Greer Sher expected to deliver ens O1 her lectern here •oessims daring .lata seaaom. Tn a Noen*t Arrowroot' Gerin. Taw rawer" M1errw1nt. Twee madinp, hold eerier the aampices of Karelia Cenral, Ne. 1011, R. T. of T.. wen a..oe.ed tee weeks •Pe the .head..es hales very ..- se rugieg la the mmesme . teat week Mme sea a °hemga made f■ tee PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. R. N. Hays, h•rytater of .eaforth, was la town this week. H. J. D. Cooke, barrister of Blyth, was to tows this week. J. R. Bain returned to Jackson, Mich., Wedme•day 0ornaag last. We are pleased to state that Mr. SIhtt.ou, G. T. R. angst., is recovering from bee resent illness. Mn. W. MOacriaff, who ham bees attend- ing her sister. Mrs. Ferguson, t bar long Illness, renamed to her Mace is New York on Friday bet. Will Roberteo., who has. foe the lad sir snoatha, been bookkeeper ia the odes of Os. Godarioh INgan Co., Ihf t e. Wedoa.d•y of Isat week for Tornsto, when he has se- cured • pend eftaatioo. M•loelm McLeod, formed of (:oderieb, PhnomMc a brother of Capt. lhnleod, was ee- oide.tallyye killed messily, by falling through the hatchway d a cigar ship of which he was masa The iiect occurred nate *3. .121 early last month. MARINE NOTES- -- SU. Myles left on S.tttr'day fete Welbe.- burg to i .4* dans ss for .►sloth Sr. Halls left nn Wada,sdm fee Parry Spend to Iced liber for I1troit BBehr. Ihtario arrived in on Tuesday from Saadaky with 1186 case a coal far Riad A Las Rehr. Heather Helle arrived lairs no Fri- day, (Hobe, from saran r load .upplire far lumber woods near Pine Tree Harker (h Sueday afternoon the steam barge W. R. Halls •mired in port from Port Arthur with sheet 96.000 barbel• of what for Ogilvie A Hotchieen. The Halls get over the bar .1) debt. TOWN COUNCIL. sae ■Ia..es or uses *,s.aa, 10.e0nm. The town e'owwei met in the cranial sham her as Fnd•ll Nov. 10th, ORR Proem' 7'he ssyor resin, .1•paey reeve, es0.ei11e55 Cantela.. held Nat tel. Humber, Wilma, plan .fad Nisbet - see Tho mayor in the .hair. M,.Oten e1 hit nlgrtiv meethg rod, improved sod sire - Tee wows*. of Oe. Hewlett pk Rim 5p mea m 1s.w• 59,1L Josiah William IIR M, Asmast nelhged bus rasa Ct ever as bald by report Wader e test le Mae 11a Me n Tawas " " e. 101 1 t gelid Jamul geld ting .duel se male hy Tadd aromas �i. la0a 3tItQ We m M ran-mtaa-d that 1629.00 tp me forthwith dny*dd Iran Mr lid tel sed his .musico. We haws mamimed the felbwlss .tad raoommeed noir paymeet 715.40; McColl aka. A co., 11idgt bt.reaa t Banco, 1112.46 ; Jamieson' bat& See& Wu. Paevrnowr, _ Chairman' that T1...p.s, mended ky geese .la report adapted- tor - '..../041T Or MIMIC %nail,. The layer sad (.‘: Int./ We beg to malt* the loflowt.g ra..a .ae.datiooa 1st, that the street ..,pees be is ir,tatei to procure the nesse ry lea bar r r.yair Rim Mclisaald's boast 3.d that the matter et the pantie. ref Alex. lee sae sad others, that K Ia hid ever *w y, time being 3rd, that it T. Moray ts d teresd the num of 5250 for damage dais the *heft of hes waggon without gents•, 'ri0.. ('. Nerrtf. Chairmen Moved by Tbompaua, •..tidal by Ina,, lop, that the report be ottani! Moved is amandmmt by ('uatolas,moss- tel by Raid. that the repel be takes claim by claw,. Amendment carned. Mose) by Thempaoo.aeaw.td d by W t4, that clause Lt he adopted. (•anted. !loved by Thon,p*ott, a•000.i.d by 11., lop, not 2rrd dam. be adopted Mimed iu ainendment by I la.telos,ssosn'. edby Keod, .bat It be referred se the pabio works to art for tenders for the pants( doers of the steps tune( accept the lowest to der. Mored by deputy -reeve to am.ndieal es ameed.tmwt, seeend•i by Nicboloo, that the public work* committee ask for trader, and to report to the council Deet meow Amendment to miendment lost. Ammf meat also Inst. ].cine carried. !loved by the reeve, asw.ded by NM* son that clause 3rd be eJepted. C.coed. Moved by the re.we. seceded by &tt that clerk advertise for 50 seeds of staid Carried. Council the. odyearsnd. PRESENTATION ANO ADDRESS S m. C. 0. ashes sad 111. 11111ma repstht•. res. Rev. C. F Mot..., who for t40 pampa, bee se s.ccesefully mannered to the add perish. d Illyth and St. Auguati.e. mei who has boas appointed to tie pitta M.tdoteee, Krug Co , ono made the /g* n et of • well,filled yaw.* a^_' • Insley el diem at the heads of his Myth. parole/mu prior to hu restovel to his new ..pass of labor. Rev Father Melia defies as stip this sadism made sty warm frieed.iis. .ed las removal has caned • led* d deif regret oetade of the members d his res frith ea well as amongst them. The rec. Pentlenun ne r.o.ipt of dm ad dram wee nisch touched and made • tubo reply. Followtsw is the t Dnanat. 1 !tats F ATNS.4 id, tine Rae. AIM DM F.Tags, Its with fooltnp d the beret regret that we, your parish.Mw el Icy bare Lamed that in obedience M Ms ser of your Rube• Too ars abet to lama For four years you have Lborud 5505" w faitbt03Iy anti ohaerfsily doing peer $ui tar's wort. Von bays hese s fried ad I•ri•[ Father. Von Myr bans ear eash and willing to meted is the Your of at uses sad distress, and to inemy of thms.M welcomed you to this perish four years n'0. you ham, by the hateily mieistratlan.f your sacred office, made eeey the joulet7 through the Valley d HMIShadow of Uwe. while by year weeder sympathym.belpd awrytawrythe grid eel their �t You Moo, by year merge and mal, mead' imprwyeeests is the posh, sed tan tae Mea saieested by the desire teds Unwed d was foe year osngregntiea'. basset. Yew plsoa is oar bouts will imbed be dist.h to fill, mid you rfmay rent assssed, des Father. that our prayers shall /Abu MI6 that sew field *1 labor, where w. went 1st your ministrations will be Mimed &benne ly. Wo feel teat we could sot Mayes M alae animist es wahines vi.t you aa tra obi* proof of oar low* regale kr l•• Therefore we ask yes to .shpt this pang u whoa thereof. Sigsed me behalf of the os:gnpum. U. O'C.cisos, P. Pumas. M. RowLA).n. J. yvCommt. lye Ket.sr, P. MILLI. 1070.1. M r hilum Tmtsa. -Tram thm award n- ames of me beers i Omsk yea ler year sew Med .ddw.s sad the ymeeree• prerestalle whisk 5am at this mid memmet at 5,05stem Get yes mesad W Grlirym .t d•apsst 504[001 whish Hato tide ewy to express a. sorb. Year1 /cemee�e u tterance. •tpra5.ire .tf Mem,/��a�� sad affaotioa, pine as sake an ebUstfe• of 'retinae which Lbws sod chanes shill sever kid et hew m) ,nartry le Tea h.a5tifse address yea bore age roar awe* attributed he me virtass and goal web that densest* sad past in tritest, sketch tee perfeet priest i Red that in my twW self the platers too Roily draws. It II tato mar relationship bas been of • saber wall calculated to beget an sedyi.g Irked' .hip and M .nem 704 to pun over is.hul1f 51 isdlkty5 mamma simtaessLN• ie . k yea udf* sae with 2151.1 V• billi isakrsmat kn brlsghg about ties m•Mrhl low .1 th. R dl, wishes; yesProrrieoarimienti sea isomaeo Yes .sold liwo 0 yam M ai e..eed.df res freely 01 aorta ..3y. Yes have risco me yep cm Adams mud ebb bus eyed ms ep and A 1II .pmbid a 1.Revrh .albetherad diAie. 27eyK.*0•Lhows: M eem.m y7wmg Grr e001AiwetI reosW.•n(Tastro ensue. Aesu'd te him that trues. NT,'" sal bee that yes Mn at ea times a y- le d Belt, y Muml.s ai w m. .d. •eeraq Lew hi..iat0eda.t lIJI .•varyi iiia f• tsma, anal pray 031 iM erq 0 emw..d stela w .sr0els d /.Sr? is + y sit . W10M *.bias y sin prwr+ms sb w , r pwmYm to reeemb/r yes. whew memh,5.05 L woo pesMw. let s Ass d t .w�jruW eO�M to O. L *fee