HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 7THB SIGNAL - GODERICH..f 1 JOHN T. ACHLSON. are showing this week special values ia EDS, QxnEnctoTEINo- an CREY FLANNELS. to Tweed we sell at 80c. aiard, and the special of Grey Flannel at M., worth 30c. + + + + + + + fall line of Gloves and Hosiery pedal line of Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose for Boys at 25 cents. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL "TRADE 1892. The Fall 8easoo is now epos us. and, as a matter of course, FALL 000D8 are in dermad. We are in re- eeipl of a tew lines, and shortly will leave all Depart- snentee felly supplied. /tine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, .Mantle Cloth an d Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the otht r lines --too nuweroteto mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, duality and price, will be found second to tone. SPSOTION KINDLY INVITHD. 5 PBR CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. ersicrLY ONS PRICK. Draper and Habetdasbsr. CAN USE ANY WRITING INN. • • • V O 0 0 ei • 1 i U� 0 0 An Elegant Cook Book GIVEN AWAY secs seas, WHIM or SPA POWDER.1 saki values in TEAS and SUGARS F!' Baltimore Qysters, pall 5, CHOICKST LINKS or CONFECTIONERY and FRUITS. ED. 08MP8IGNE'S, OFTelephens Conneet.nn. Agenoy fbr mm MONSOON." (ase Montreal hot creel Stowe. SOW NEW loans "Rem sr, hew iaekisg, tat. brews 1 I thought yea had reed the ptoo P "Yeah, s 1 did, Zest 'ellen b1 week tight -me't he epaiklis)- - when tight, you knew." Ryles* -What de y.0 do to oars the bines'" ht.m'm'.- Paint everything red. Mod ms Mb. to ems thea elv.o la prim, hue sena• doe's : they prefer milk er Tb. hoses ti... .,roe a we.No•'s ked is the beset i i... memo other weenie weirs. "All Now 11111.0 their ape ed dowse." ' Yes, encs the tallest of es get .bot at tions." "Lifer hal of paradoxes.' "yes r Yes, it r the last liver who hes the slug- gieb liver." "Hew do yes knew Jim is going em a .•esti,.!" ' B.s•sse he aways gem leaded before he ger et" "1 her year .booting part had •n .s.i dobe. leu miser 1 es: BiBy Smith sloe • leek." What does it W a wan to dna to drive •w• tree r He simply m.ehssess see load kr •.ut11er. It is herd Ler • lean with • bad liv+r te believe that aaybody in kis neighborhood has the right load of religion. Pcm__.ger- Will you wake me i. PWa delpbi•, porter porter --Not •Bowed to wake maylody there, sir. Dam. Watson ---Doan' y: tisk it crone ter keep dat deg chained y all de time d Femur 9reithore-Oh, 1 let him' loose at night ! What maker your .sae as red, Mr y ? Reilly--hglows with pride, ode, at .at patting 1.0.11 ie Abse pwpb'e benisons. •• to ante s poesy memo .sees nae that i.dd .n iwmeNoaee, If there new sot tsswN leek `w era M re. Air ter Namaister.- The mss who lets his wife split all the wood Nosy m'sa well. bat he sboeld.'t be allowed to ds all the milking at • prayer. Customer (who has lost his tooth, to L.dlord who had served Wm with • very tough ete•kH- l,.,adlerd, you are • e.tiseer. Hm -L this tieing time you've ever been in loo. d•rliigt She Ithosgbihmly) -Yes, bet it's se .lee that I hop_ it won't le the lest! W - DId.'t yes order • Mates el the Vias da Mile ! Stagger --Yee, but beth arms were gore, ..d I meat it straight bask. 'What- year chid objection to Wag sir's operas"Why, they tern dons tM kgkto so you mit see •.yoking but the 67e Wag tee .led be ae.ee. bet Mi es MU be Prgyp r it wrest w•MM "Oemedes' Ow --n-rets ueos-lis a Mr. Suburb. -Myhes • big deg that we are al gad at What de y.0 ad- vise Lawyer -Get • bigger ors. Fie doll.,.. please. The Indigence Mather -Yee sy the young scamp took you in his arms ! What did you env to his ! 'I\e Arthur Dangle. ter - I said. "Hold m. ! . Staite Jumble is • very skiver imam. ter : in feet. he ma take anybody e[ Mise Spicer . 1 weeld so enjoy having kiln 00100 s ladle you are bore. •'I loser Bingley is trying to No.bm ss s- tent el his so.; Mao Mdose any work yet!' Sps.kgsick -- h, yes, he draws on his father regularly. pwote lsyad sleek it s weal t Wb•t's the omission "itis" dd000tab told him be showed sips .t hone -fag." Pee .oma. she Net riot.' as Me ee.... •sa welling se neap re stere bee Dia Iva Ula as her Modem diem 1e re.p.ed mewl the wow R. Gedese-1 hear that Jsw'Mr Gilt hes sed that kis liabilities are heavy. Serene* Ito are his meets - ho drda't leave as ytbiog het two sake. Boggs Hells therm, Jogs, whet are you gang to do with that keg et powder? Jegp -I •m putt le try M Mew myself away from' s ports piaster that is ea spy hack. "No. Mr. Thionborerbei," said Mile oder, kind* bot firmly. "1 ma net marry yea, but 1'l1 be s.—" "Meeks, Mile )Olen," interrupted the retested sus, " het I have two grandmothers. Thee', sae s•fiekstory Wog shoat bat. tine os politic livery mut may Iavust W teensy with w ..ares.e that should he lees he will ressive the same retuned as Ib m'sm who wina tlposp take-Mletrees---De you nil this spm p take? Way, A's es herd as cam be. fl.w 000k—Yes, mai; that's tae wy • sponse is Amine ire wet. Beak it is Seer tea. ann. Dsyeed Aa Rcdomptlsa-Brigge--1 hoar Mat young Tr.. s was teemed eat d Dwight as • baptism ease. Grigg. What was the trouble Tbs y hal eat Mail he wee the swami et • reit The Proud Father. -"Ma, ha, bar reseed 14. Repop, se he Mold his baby i• the Z"What are yea leuj i.g ata" whirl . Iro.;p.p hrs11t alk, N. bey d may it 1s old o.ty Ilk, ssN Ile. Napsp. Mr Gotham --Talkies about ..t-. sensamesm the worst of an i. the a sa who daps yes a the hash and says : Who will we cleat this Mese .ld bey ' Mr. B..k=b (111 RasM.f-Herribie ! horrible ! He uis li ay "whom" Mrs. Hallo.ite -sky der the baker's mns harry away h that .keel eMuret t >ha hardly glees him'lnN thee M deliver the Merl. Be Fhtdm U.adenaiden- Igo mem Yee w year, —" juY1Slsnxx 24, 1892. THE FACT 'Iat.AYER'S Sarsaparilla cubs eirsins of Scrofulous Messes. Eruptl.es, Roily, Etwenta, Liver and Kidney Diseases. Dyspepsia. Rheumatism, and Catarrh should be convincing that tete same course of treatment oral. ants Tov. All that has been said of the wonder- ful cures effected by the use of AYER'S Sarsaparilla during the past fifty years, truth- fully applies to -day. It is, in every sense. The Superior Medicine. Its curative properties, strength, effect, and flavor are always the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AYER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask for AYER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which are mostly mixtures of the cheap- est ingredients, contain no sarsa- parilla, have no uniform standard of appearance, flavor, or effect, are blood -purifiers in name only, and are tiered to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take AVCR'S Sarsaparilla =ray w st�ce Mans. ewes eters, will we yes NAMES WITH UTTLE MEANING. hoe The Bulletin et Pk•rmer.y. Milk of lime has me silk. Oil of vitro* is not as oil. Qui.,ksiIvei is pure sereury. Soda water contains so soda. Sulphuric ether contains so sulphur. Wormwood is unexpanded Mower bods. Copperas is ea hue Wt and contains so *DPW- limberise k. usually mads eros kydrsstis cenaden.is. 4 ;amen silver contuse .o silver and black Mad comities no lead. Sugar of lead has nothing to do withempr,- sot has cream of tartar anything to do with cream. Salto of lemon hes nothing to do with a boon, ,sic . a salt of tie extremely poises - ems oxalic •cid. Oxygen meas the "acid generator," but Mydr.gss is really the eseeat& lastest, and seamy ands contain ao oxygen. JuMM►- Yee bele. hese pawed s sea a T� y� bra oa'tne yen say e scalls T- boner; tire* basso. la ww�bus does pro but what do roe de is the relnm'rr T' "I nine for the winter. vow 11cmur.' Mrs. H.ween---besets, when that sew Wspbeee i. a mpksld te New Test. 1 wet to oak tbe.ogk n )sot kw tea j weaytr't Is rrrrltllur Mae s y by ' De ye. oriel M haebreol met 7 T_ C°'4- Wave .-_ Has stria ea beit we sail nut amid, ss we hose A COMPETENT STAFF CIA HIIDLE III JOB I1 011R CBIS, ws cues • Vows rude es STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. WS Alt WALL Vieille Tutt RE -DIPPED TINWARE. DIVE UB A CALL SAUNDERS & 00. WEST STREET. Fall Millinery 1 MISTS GAMMON, Who bas recently visited the leading starkete in the Bast, has now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. And respectfully invites an early inspection of the same. KISS CAMERON, Hamilton -at. ttti►tm A. B. CORNELL 1 VND£RT ^ T=za LaAnnim— ;roe'XcLeafn's Block—On the Square--McLeatn's Block, STILL'cox'r U= TACOWDUOT DUsaRALs •TUUIa USUAL LOW P1til:IL'. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. N0 CHARGE FOR HEARSES. 111111141, A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. T=I.+ra..T?e�N TAT �30N'M �'ARLO� ToRuxro BRANCH -2g Front -et West YoNras&L BRANCH -318 81. James -et. MAMMOTH WORKS -Holl, Canada mora UND ERTAKERS J_ 8.R.0?Jlitill'! at SON Rave added to their present business one 411 B. 3. Nash's Latest style 01 Olt? Be er ee, also the finest line of funeral furnishings in the county, and are now prepsentl to conduct hoorah, at primal rasaonabla This departatent will be strictly attended to by his Mos William, who, in the employ of the late D. Gordon for the put ton year., W a ktswlsdgs of the baonees, and by prompt attention hops to share part of -- pedal) her the place- Wtmt et., on year way to the pooh Asa Give no a ,all. J. BROPBBY & SON. WHY Does GEO. BARRY. the (ioderioh furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And bow is it that he cab sell so cheap 1 BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the ren. His motto is : long nm. Profits and Quick Re- tttroa" He also makes a specialty of picture framing. (live him a call before purchas- ing e1.ewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2367-y Patronise True Dal cart .Competition. Diarsepi=gbair5. s It 1ennevem orb AMTeam- 119 tier Yr.. ensu renis .rieotvw..d la seas t� dssarv+s i . es`sees• Itwsroet st e..+i roses whys verso_ _ NM.atwtr ..s �eafm' them•. cumbit— SIM is ' ` siIse& lessesse. e..sl..