HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 6i
WOD13RN AORICGLTUkbI. I t=art air; t ,,r t'" �.+
w yid& er w+ whisk were diataid
CMEMi$TNY to THE TRUE IMM OF ! {L!-•�� -
SUCCESSFUL FARMING. ' Mew The ensu Grip was IMp
! dm whisk has bees wih•redllloorrr three
Awe nan uutes w...r 'mobile eretl jwt eb..t s dirstArwr �efMarw sae h.► eve IEIk
dna w gwtia .epw
S. wawa Desert.. Yewta moa I mem the leaves el the sera to a awry a.d-
M, bad hot O.Nr T>,e.eesleaA� woo e A, Rust, The reerrrsase dee *Pig
bum thee mare i. mantel, is midis yeses.
*. it hes hews infrequent i. - yews
AN:aed retitw ands the harvest ewes
. Udall further hese u the grab mega
$ut.w..dt.8of they LLIIrMO desed
ws, the ea
• Misy tkat sold sew be iepada A�d, id
es aaarly ape, ea the predmet of the 40 -store
ht W data =oaths. Oa glad Jags 96
caws • en put m owe herd, to be fed breve
its amps. 't'1g uaill. hu. tem frrtjiobes a
; supply fee experimental dairy week i sad
feeding sxperumete are betas aod..td
with them, as dig r.et rations. --_Pref.
Ro►.ldd Qldwl Iliaperi.wIsi V.
wgnrnttar a may he eueaded M ewe.
Lha oldest of .1l arta mid w 'wage* of
the .aeawa It has always had for im Ma-
- the mammal prwlnutn.n et Plante bad
asisesh ..A the materials elaborated by
Liu. dumas their hie. This bet gates es
• dello tion for the term agriculture that
wag as Ourreot centuries ago aa It Io wow.
rata cumpwttvet, late veers agricul-
ture emend. as far s the tat:.ox move em -
canted, a• . • t tial The ru,-pl•riwtioe of
eae.titic Is. knowiedg. to Om
fs.du.g ..f pasta and amoral. beeps with
the reeea•.1ee ,f Liebig and Vary is the
arty par; of the preo.at , i Siasn
then fro ... r.t.vrsasieg 1 tad of eeirntistet--
u.w of es4 over the ctetlt ed world -Ms
hewn stoat, leg dims vast subject wtthgrwtlfy-
'rig re.ulta
It r to cb.wrstry and animal .ad regi
table phymilogv hat we hook for •he ••
,were a tasuutrable .mottoes that am
.u.t•Ily a alt. the development A
...r 4 •ung tl...tg. w tun- (armor ha. to
•4 -al w't% Irl. 4. r talk r•eeectiou will
'.0.1014. us that at as .114e...it 1., state •a
agr•••ulturwl pr.•bkm Lara do. Lit make
arebelel utwe. •heuuury and phynelegy fun
its sulut.•.e.
•'..rmistry has to du with the ooseprsat..s
..t all matter. !nett and hying. and the
•'bingee whack arch .s c,.astontlt nodergo•
.net. Phe conversion of wail 01w1•a.:o1 and
the a nett. omits .,i the air Into vegetable
taawa.- and the format'. . front them of
unmet tame' .and ,m.loct•, though not as
yet fug' n.Arrntoel. are. nevertheless,
truly chemaul cheap, L.r,'ed at cheep
tally. we see nature as the work shop,
obiete and ,animals ea th. chief agencies,
'nun r• toe .(.rect,n l ..e m••enal worked
'anti) commits .1 a grating number vt eie-
1r.ertarr substance. end Char compounds ;
pL.itta mod auiu.•Ia are coe.ttasally perfora.-
tug with tbs. materiel the enrratioos of ea
•lysu and .yuillut,.
Physiology treats 0t the functions of
hnag thongs •ud their %eriow organs ; 41
seeks to explain with .ht aid of chemistry
all th. pbenomeaa of lite. Living .atter
u .ride up of cells o•pabl. of ■ tt tion and
repro.loctaan. As the rail' of cell drvelup-
meet, aat.nal sail plant tissues are formed
The rhan(es which take plan, in them cell.,
primarily leading to their nutntron, sad
w undanly to their repmduerioa, are true
.•hmstcs! tr•anIor.attons. It becomes
real, ther04o e, that physiology u Lardy
ehematry. tad that the latter science in
ms..v instances furnrahes the fouad•tga
a.d melee/nits of vital or physiological
v oLeeee..
7 hitt we est.bltab th . claim that chemist:,
farms the i.a..i. of semantic nu -welters.
Leaving with this brief outline of the
fundamental aw.portaace • cher."stry in the
►hstna• 40 grieulr urs, .. u. pro "sed to
ee•.tae a, iue•wbat .vex' nn detail the aid
that to is ammo gaptes to the termer. To
perigee e•osurentcally and intellige.tlJ, maid
ere agracultuta in any of its branches re
quire: as at.itUeatioo of the pnoeaples of
el.mnistry. since every farm operation.
whether perfnrnod by nature or mai, in
phi.. as may 1-t. inferred from what has al
ready bean .ad, changes of material which
oat • ..1e only be explained by chemistry
mod r. its in -anter ecnuce, physiology.
t'hemutry affords defiaite knowledge ere
to th. ami. ,ant .1 tb.• several communal
taken 1.t.,. the soil by tield•orope, thus in
d'rateng what must be natured t1 fertility
it to be teeiu:au.erl ant Iner.tave yields o.h
tarot i ew flee future. Stab knowledge u
well.migu o.'..pen.hle at the prweent day
to the gr..., er of gram. mnta, and treat if he
is to rnmpete seeentsfully with has intelli
gent neighbors. (lheatr'ry• ma tell us. in
*large mestere, of the relative fertility of
*mail and point out what elements of plant
1.'0d may is.• lacking It is the s.•aewee that
nnakes the harms sod waste lands fruitful
end is the chief agent in makang -two
Wade. of gran grow where there was but
one before. To suck ranter' and dairy
femurs n 't Tends its aid in showing the re
i�ut.e.nents of animals, the daily waste of
the animal .eptniarn. It ascertains the
composition sad n•Lt.re feeding vanes of
cattle (orris. It s.tetyres animal products,
indica1.ug the.' comparative worth. Chem-
istry stamps the value upon art,fic.al (atilt
wares!•.. (mill etat.taa ries, .r ,he -wile
mini" Still Rite the wax.
was as operate/ in the 'mantis. office
whoa Thomas A. Edam applied to the
etamtger for • posrttosa. sea A. G. Ruck
feller, • .number of the Remistecseptt• tats
the wee in memos et the l.i...a.1. •'H
cane walking veto the office sae newaisig
h,okmg like • r -^table hay eed He wore
• Is' 'kc •her; a o•t• of butternut pasts
.sol ed into the tops of (.outs . stir too
large and guittlese of blacking. •tt'here
the Was!' mom hie quern as he glanced
amend the of c... No one replied at
mice bad ated the question The
numairer .. -tad Lim what he could do for
h ien, sad to future greet proceeded te
strike hint for a jolt. Business was reek
tag and thee Who* was ..wo maw abort, se
amuse sad kind sf a Ugh nisi, slisgue
w... welcome. He was a•.etgeed to . •ek
bad • fusillade of snake west tate comma
of tie office, fee the 'jay' was put es the St
Louts win, the hardest ut the sawn
"At this end of the Lae w•. au .aper otor
who wee chain lightning anti knew til. radi-
an had hardly got seated b.foto St. Lour
tailed The mow -center reepoadsd sad St.
Louis started in en • long report, sad he
pumped it in like a bowie &Are. Fdisns
threw h.a leg over the arm of his cbsir, les -
merely tranderred a wad of spruce gum
from his pocket to his mouth, peeked up a
pen. ua,mtsed it critically and started is,
about two huadred words bobtail. Hs
didn't stay more long, though. St Leah
let out &butler tisk of .peed, and still oat
other, and the •oetrumest .m Kdison's table
hummed like as old-style `inner sswtas.gg
machine. Every mss is the tribes left his
.1.k and gathered around the 'jay' In ..s
what he was 'untag with that eleckne cy-
clone. Well, air, he was right on the word
bad was putting it down in the prettiest
copperplate hand you ever saw, eves clans
mg hie t's, dotting 111. is and punctut0g
with as mach care as • loan editing tele-
graph for 'rat' printers. St. Iambus got
tired bad began to show down. Edi.os
opened the key and said, ';fere, hen:this
Y no primer clan ' n :et • bustle os. you
Well. air, that Luke St. Louts all spa He
bad been •rawhiding' Memphis for a lung
time and we were terribly sore. and t,t
have a Mee le our tithes that could walk all
ors' him made as feel like a sew whose
horse had won the I verb . I sew tie 'suis.
and' not long ago. He dope t wear a
hickory Mout nor put hu parte in bte boots,
but he a very tar from beiag a dude yet."
-St. Louts t:lobe -Ite.oantt
sum Afglkls$•
w..rtt..y of fl..... s.e.na- .
ape .Irwe atsea.4ea.
did The Maga T ose.
'sobas hue la.a. psis* bat ek..Ab w-
stepatie amey. The war budget
tin MN dime that the military *apemen
seam 1871 have ham 18 milliards of frame,
(81.600.000,0001 Of die mei moat lb mil-
liards aid 368,000,008 el femme ham boa
.warmaterial and the
enr4a�tnt�.iJad wilt *he Lobel
rde he Ogee of Lha ahaena-pMt bad new in -
trenched maspea ilfertillaWehambewoo
darnetd& just before to rtttaos-dura.e
war the army foaled h 98,005 oaken, MIX -
372 mesi,
80,•372.ss. amid 89,708 tows& Now it hes
Ia,3e0 officers, 438,515 mea, aid 140,879
heroin This ere the Ent leao of fighting
sees. Add to this the saes of the •.10.a
Sao se territorial army .ad the forme at
the depots the total represents, a resat! two
mil1eas of soldiers. The satire milittaerryy
strength of Frsace iacompeted .14,1215,000.
The direct inflames of this unitary ac-
tivity on Fleece is Mown in the rewired
activity u I:etmany. Under the provision,
of the new mihtery bill the regular army
for the neat Iris years will ocean of 4141,068
mea, as nomppaurreeon with 438,015 in Franc..
The premet'reach regular .racy hes 7117
battalions of infantry, 44S Neutrons of ...e-
h bury, and 550 !a ••ries of artillery. The
e 1.ennaua base 1 Mittelman of infantry.
477 squadrons ' •.reals , 494 Lon atone of
Bell artillery. C basaltotu .4 toot alit
1.'ry, 24 banalities of o .weer., 7 battalions
of railway troop., and sl het tabula a the
a treesporf. The annual recurring expa di•
•ore will be 64,J0U,t100 mark. 1E1b,000,000). 1
11' systema
When its .tem td. , clop. d fully Ger-
many will have 4,400.000 teen se compered
with 4,125.000 in 'France, err s .urp'u. et 1
275,000 men in 4ierm.v)'s fay. -, whack mo S
• effect the numorieed weakness of Ace • alts
bad Italy, its.lhe.. Russia, however, still
maiataise the lead with a war strength of
4,556,0(10 men Wb.r .his ram array of
then, aggregating In these three nation.
• Deer 10.000,000 men, to which meet ',e add
.d the war stn r> th el illy mod nuance, it
is little wr.cJer stat Italy, whit's and Kut.
ea are practically Fankrup1, that France is
ceor,.on•ly in deft, and that taer.0.y haw
& bo..t reached 110 tealog limit.
It eaer.ed las uvea.$.... Gill Ties Dts-
eeseo.•d whet Their r.tersainer vias.
'•1 .w .h (lob- Ingersoll eatert•ia •
crowd of .flet odut preachers rice. and it
was, perhaps, the most, .ppre.tietive audi
este the great &(emetic ever had." mid
Major Charles Edwards, at the Southern.
•1 bas es route from Pt. Loafs to Indiw-
aappoohs Travel was eight, sad I haul the
chair c r all to myself when we reached
Vandals.. Ingersoll, who had been levier
ing at .Dale poet on the 1'eotral, got cm
there. He was pining for society and we
became well .c. u&anted an ►hoot two
minute. He was fairly overflowing with
animal spirits, and the stories he tnld that
night would make the tortoise of a does
professional humorists. A fee stasa.se be-
yosd Vandalia we picked up • coattails -it
of Methodist pre .hers who had been at
tending some kind of bothering of the faith-
ful Ingersoll winked at .c• sad prnoseded
to make himself •greeab1 to the good
In`by-paths of .gnewwas ksre, too, brethren. He wa veritable magnet, asd
••hetnntry 'e of serene The is.- soon the entire party was hangits about
telligent ins 111111tor to lbe important sub- bim esjoling his Bow 01 wit Mm IWgb-
jeetsef i mod fwngieideemustprns ed till they cried who looked •a though
eerie his stet the light of chemratry they had not mead • smile far twisty
And so we : . Mat spats forbid* year•.
Lot us, err ha, that history At Marshall the party left as with easy
...phati uge N flat •grio.lt.n awl s:pre.Ioae of regret. They all told ea who
agncultr end deny have progressed with they were, whore they had been, .tau, but
equal At mora phyit for the futon the Col. Ingersoll was nit equally ennfidesital
eat eats Vie relationship of t►em Family ono pod old brother, whose laugh -
twit will y'lar•tar tad oeaeksd de t o. the mad, ask 4 to the pates
If an Ash our elan. ts Made ed halftime.Ipgiesnll banded hi. 144..M.
good,die?to• nM 1.101 1t .. of par• Hs looked ed til and 1st it drop. it
mount p(aftoo 1' .gneelteral elamis burned his flngrrs. Hee jaw fell, end he
try sactR n( the edurstioa mf eked .though bs had esw a ghost 'AI1
ever ))• bey ler the tame R ill for Marshall " did w eerier, awl
pub er seiu..
at, nn• rte
All the
should lee.
since fro de
pewdsut of iti They et "mug am nit ejaeunt.A • prow brother, as his ebia drop.
oily u..tigNters Mit are elm to tomb". ped flown behind hie paper Dollar. The
of the adulifeeedd practising, farmer. How l'"ill r 1nsm'bees of the Put7 apesrd to
teoeasary it is then that all their work etbir 0307 t1e monf.ron elf their law%
sho.14 be gaided by an in1mate aegwnt awl se to train pulled oN i hear( we mag
ants with time soiesse whish s sot .rely them .)) : 'Well, even and beeebres they
to 1.4.4010. of •g►acullnre, b.1 wpm.. do my that the devil is ant se Meek ea 1e
laws given its operation* -- F. T. Rhea, is punted Pages Bob r • daisy.' i thought
lobes. bes. i)owi.isu Experimental perms Ingersoll 1 mold .'pied* vital la•gbar ah.r
- - -- - - - - - hie visitors had d•parbt"• At. Lend Oh14.-
eiQerl.a 0.114. .s nueell Are..,
en "Al dwatnet• should tmr.b they hustled out- 'Taft' eaa�ript d este
�eefieelly, Iwtt practically. pl&tform, and 114. o14 .aa wko ka d��l
of nor eaperi.est 'tato.e the oar.; whtIrpend hoarsely, '
know1«ige of it. principle.. we've been a!tsllin' V that serial &1S. ,
1 of agriculture u jade Hob Ingersoll r 'Lord have 'mac mar P
1. the eprieg of the year It was 0rr•aged
d.• shoat forty sera of land sande' be set
spat for the particular object of gnawing
(, w1 few cattle, in order to ascertain mod d-
i .'trate itow noway tattle could be fed for
toe whole year upon the product of that
area In imay parts of Canada an imposts
n... las revelled that farmers cannot keep
err feed at • profit large Meal..af rattle ea -
less they have large terms L. meat in-
stances the enti.ato is that an full-growu
tattle. mud es equal number of young
big nark, areas rneay v can he 44 ntl.-
-en.ently oe the folder and massae grams
crop of • far'a of representative air... of my
S. wrest of cleared hod As a mat tee
el feet, the average number of
Mr:'.1 cattle kept per farm is shoat fear
brief "t !. 11 grown animal•, sad en equal
member of g-nwite vnw.g Hoek It •pp
p-nrs to me that tie number* of cattle
misht err' de.hled, with in.reasing prod, to
the f•riono.. eat derided gam tothe fees iIity
.f 'tie fields. A (nether extension and tin
pan mama to nixed farming, •hacl. wall
ea me mom cattle le he fed .it fewer acres,
le . spell& of prat *.rete. to the +ha*
hatacultoral intermit of the lw..'naei.
wpriMssl iaa hews is pogrom her
- six .'sates e1 Lha par.. !'71.. fell
.^e •1 . ' 141 made with meilleetiso snip
' -v ., e.•. like
A (1(um ;Mate. thea.
Two Remick goaded% with the manage
el their spinier M eseetedrdiw•ry extra4
have prioritised • bypnder..e 6yr1agi dl
over the world. This feet arrested the at-
tention of a writer, who at mare bsea..
curious to knew the met el the opr•ties.
11 seems thews ars sixty •four esaatttae
where es isvestios ass claim p ggeriew, or ,
rather where palest toe. may be paid.
Sixteen el these are is Bumps, eight in
Vries. four in Asia, twenty teat's n
America and nine i• Ilceania The total
prim of these sixty-four Wheal swaps of
paper 0.omoate to the saes little mm of ,
MeV. ,, i
eseca'01 Wert. rets t.ey Woo.
Dr labile, one of the whyaroiant who mit- ' •
tended Lail Taseyeo., u.a toM the whale
world through a. 15(14.11 ammipep.r that 1
"emoting demo n•.t injure • mss wits
works .r"1 thinki."* Milne is this statement
Of his ►.sonata., Sar Audrew ('karts, that 44
only hurts a leer wan wk. Anoka, 114..
Fend n.-. s for ,'narks.* Tae wpp..$) evil
of the t• lho ro kali t are serf dee to Meme.,
bet to Witness Heroatiwr time, is as mai
ewer to ss e►y mesial Mee .f tteuMe eared t
1.11....• It .aa 1e noted ills the ora
wee hey and Ail Nil tisk.
la a.nh.. til....
Johuu.e M.sa.•, 1 wish we wee made
now 'stead dont
Manama- \%'ht '
Johnnie -'/'aloe wbco the snow Gale it
never gets hurt.
roe limon err ant,
Children awl adults are e'iuelly acetify'
by the t:.c of Itr. Wood'. Norway file Syr-
up, the new semi wmmestui oough ren.e.iy.
1t stop ccs•_ bs to one tight ao.1 may In re•
hrd on as an e(fectuel remedy for tolls,
ambits.. bronchitis and manilas troubles.
Price 2' end s.0 cents at druggivts. 2w
icor f..aaa.
Mr, Hicks -A 44,00 named Sawn was
here to me you a*.lay.
Hicks -Whet is his tint nese. and where
foie he live' Tncre are "ver. tI,ou.o.
.;wlliEN in the city director).
Ddu. flicks l co don't owe ale of them
do doe ` This man had a ;.ill.
&slaw.) twee/,
:t:tn.taer.,. I ared to he troobleai w rtl,
quinsy. hat .n, an attack every Wosier.
About five) tins ego 1 tried Hagyard's Yel-
low 1441, applying it inside my throat est:,
a feather. It untidy cured me end I hat -
mit 8.43* !ren tr.•uhied. I always LOA it
in the hotter.
2w 4114.1- Ave., Toronto, 44.L
M Ts*Mg True..
Highwaymen Ver more;
Traveller 1 haven't an', money i1.' yet-
. as
onwas take my life if) w want to. I'm twist
of living.
Highwayman iputuna up hie pistol) Nc,
tf,nt.Rr, tt an't worth wl.iie
or your
*ewe &bawl Teem.
It i, the cermet report about town that
Keunp's Balsam for the throat and lungs !.
making movie rem•rkahle cures with perp{.
who ere troubled with coughs, sore threat
asthma, bronchitis and •onsnmptioo. Any
druggist will give yon a trial bottle free of
east. It a Resreatend to relieve and cure.
The Targe beak. are 50c. and e1. lam)
The tills fe.w Ila diesel Yeo.
Mus Manir its ber Whys return. Iron
the office) Oh, there yon are .t last, on
dor, sweet old thug.
Thr Dear, Sweet Old Sweet -No, you
duet, Mamie. l ,.0 hada new 125 Int the
other day, en.) now you've got to wilt &
• Ymsrenes. fold.
Dacia Kit...,- 111) little girl last winter
had • very bad eel.' which .(moat resulted
m coogeerton rel the have After doctoring
with her for three mouths without sncro.
I treed H.gy.rtl s rectors! Balsam, and two
bottles of it cured her. She is now strati
mod healthy.
Ms... Seel. Mrr.ua.a_tsrn,
2w Hamilton, Oat.
ate fispleasties vise aettsArtery.
Employer See here, Or. Henn, that a
the fourth time .n three. month" I have given
yew a day off to attend year eieter•s wed
.ling. Don't rias think you night to And a
new exeunt'
Bookkeeper- glut, sir, i have been telling
the truth. Sastre lives in (Bongo and you
know how it is there, air.
Words N. IP MON Is Dela.
l'. McDonald, Serpent Piyoer. say.: --••I
o•arl Nasal Bala for a bad ease of catarrh,
and it haw Mane e.e mere good Dian all the
reenedo-• i ever tried before. It is worth
its weight in gold." From deahn or by
weal, poet pang, 0t 60. small or 81 lege
bottle. Adderes Fulford ds ('o., Brookville.
•I/ar•t Ma tweeter,
The poor old dancing bear had bees per.
formic fur the children. •ed when be was
through Mire gave the owner a bright new
tee tow: mere
" 1 trope you'll Ret enough," she said. "to
Ley the bear sena DOW fere. T1. old .mew
he has ..s are awed were eon. -
Minimal, Ass. 4th 1(411.
It is a pleasure for me to my good wends
• twine of Anti l*•edrnf, as its rewrite can
not he game. nned In niy own ease den
deed not only made itself known by appear
wee in more then liher0l cluwutitaes from
which 1 could not obtain relief, but its men
Mood prv..nse .real i.ereaann fermatas
mused falling el the hair My harh., w
highly of Anti tkandrdf. 1 need it, end sot
rely tae .very tram of dandruff disappeared
het the failing el the lair lana stepped
Heeiig full faith iw the prepa++ talfm I mot
emu . esseln . it few the ahem. bet further
..1 that as • fine dreaming he the hair se
hung equals it
I. Women* s. ('(mbar,
1900If.lretDses. St.. Mestrml, P.4J.
To Preserve
The richness, color, sod basely of the
hair, the greatest care i..eceoosry,
mach harm being doss by thew of
woAhkw. dnswhge• To be sure of
badge a Snt.dsns article, ask your
druggist or perfumer fur ff 'u ate
Misr. It is absolutely superior t0 any
other preparation of the kind. It
rastorws the original color and fulb..er
to hair which las become thin, faded,
or `ray. It keeprs the ecalpcool, moist,
end free frost dandruff. It heals itching
humors, presents baldness, and imparts
a silken texture and Iast.ng fr agrance.
No talk can be considered complete
without this m.vet popular and elegaet
a all hair-dmseings.
•' My hair began turning gray and
falling tint when 1 was abort r3 years of
Age 1 have lately been using Ayer's
Hair Vigor. and It in causing a new
o17gwth tai hair of the !woad color.--
J. Limn, Joaen Prairie, Texas.
"Over a rear 'go 1 had a severe
fever and when I nrnveree, my hair
began to fa!' out, and what little remain-
ed turned gray. itneed variouit remedies,
Mai w!th.ut aces +<, till at Last I began
Ater's 1•tri r 1'- ,r, and now .y h.•.ir is
grow trtgr� and is restored to its
original ca Mn. Annie Collins,
Ili1,•htan, Mac.
" i have used Ayer.. Heir Vigor for
n.•arfy five years, and my hair is moist,
glossy, and in an excellent state of
preservation. 1 am forty yeah old. and
have ridden the pL.-.ins for twenty -fits
year, -' -Wm. Henry Ott, alias " Mus.
Lang ilial,' Newebs.!. , N'vo.
Hair Vigor
Feey+•ed jj C Ayer a Co., Logo n, Des..
Void Sy Dnp(era • lie.ryo e.•
Yew se hate *meek teen.
Two ti newts of dour stied work a tee
spoonful of salt. 4toe top '.1 tre.h,gv 1
yeast, three cups ..t fresh intik awl ti..
eggs. Mix three fourths of the E•wr Itl.ree
pints) into• hatter with the egg., milk 0.1.1
yeast and beat it well. Into • !ea, , .:ry
tin bucket sprinkle half of the en.ato, .l
iit of doer; over tine pwr the batter
ipei.kle lightly over it the rta.0isder of the
icier bad set it nn the rive. W this .bout
dark, mod .t mise o'clock the batter w.ii
here rix'- up through the flour. Enpre
the contents of the bucket into • tray howl
sad trait and knead it well. Put it tart
.roto • he bucket ...au. it rise i.r • c elnru •s•e
!Imo week into the dough a large. ;able
*panful of sloe batter Moult' into gars:
e o.'aur, flatten with the rolling pis u.
nearly oar inch in .Meknes. Grease a put
and pat therm to ut rise a;•ain : whale Iight
hake ie a quick oven awl serve at once. A
dsbcleaa bread ter breakfast.
orway ' me
:111115the kff.s.k.z. MU* Plea
COUGHS AND 001.049
G .�1 T�wT 1>tso tCHI*L.`�r
Ohnleatemaghe whisk
reit oder rensedles plead glemelly le MY
INN/6M FN7 Offen
~Os nee. AND aa.. hest so a
.Ne N ata .moee•.e e.
Another consignment of English
Tweeds, and Worsts lei, suitable
ft.- Ladies' Jackets and (;rote'
:tuitinga, quality unsurpaaett.l.
Market down away below the
regular prices to clear out anti
and make roam for New Fall
Boots - -and Shoes
in this Department i here a
lar_•.• rt*l well w•1rr•trri stock, di
mot from the lest manufacturers,
hence 1 can ;guarantee the hest
possible value for the least mon
ey...-gnsllty. conaidered.
in t•Iaoi,e patterns and Al qual-
ity, Chep. Akio a lot of Travel-
lers' Samples. and odd litre. in
Glast.wwre, ete., which i harp se-
cured at a hwrg.in, and will .81)
sway below their actual vale.
Full line's in Family (irooaries.
A fun 'Apply of all kinds of
Paints and Oil. kept eneatantly
On hand.
Patent Medicines s specialty.
R. B. HO
Good Leather Albums for 15c.; Better ones for lice, wont
50c.; Good Plush and Leather Albuma3 for 40c., mai
ly (sold for $1.00.
TI118 18 1 (4BUIIB BALL IVERY 1LB1111 p118? 9
To 'mak • roan. for other X toms a Id Holiday tats
Loral Managers Bell Telephone Co.
Booksellers and alabasters,
Renee seed it dormer Fall went.
U p1.adeesa
Ohmrel4ais, tuts. ea.
hemmed la • 60.clase an•aae1. day or N+t, Q. le of gree i.(Oetwre.
tier attach ere ere sew weasel.
rem mutt lad all what le tetg.hae ed st
that make ea Mar -
we deal frisk yon neat i 1hi.g Art
here trot let la :... d.oartt.eat.
No (doe Goode allowed is the some.
Our emend emissary. week least e1M/iste sad mond, ko.gh• Oer prices lean,
tendon mid we your pauwse.,.
Tide is wafer we shte• corn -tag tar
etseamete 14.e In this county.
It stakes little diff er-
Fnee what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Cor. Eest-.t, and S1ipe+.
P.S.-The latest and belt! Spring
and Summer designs fast to hand,
White We guarantee b sell at least
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlars, . A trial order will '
vine you of the truthAllnolei of this assertion
sell the best OOYTEE obtainable.