The Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 5TIM 8IONAL: GODURICB, ONT., THURSDAY, NUMBER U, UIQ. TOR GANADIAN BANK UF COMMEPC. aa.AitL...«O flfM7. HEAD OFp10k, TOIIOMT* ampiRai. ear f/ry GUI RIR.LION IMILL_R_ - . te.OA1 drip 1 •I,000.000. W. ACHESON & SON *Au IL s. WAutal,'assent. •**seise QODERICH BRANCH. Oreterr. SA11MONS ElMrtaea TaA1mACTED• FAlsi[R, NOTES parouNrzq pawn Neu.. PAUMPL& AT M. Mona t>• CANADA, AMD Tan PRtNCiPAL arta(. Of TIM L WTe *TAM GMAT 01111TAire, FNAROE. Ba wuo*, as SAVIORS SARI DIPARTMEIIT. nPOMTS o e1.O0 AND UPWARDS inoaroLD, AND CURRENT RATES Of IOW ?AT y�a„gp, „MMI11811 Ae5t0 TO MS PMOOIM/. AT TM IMO OP NAT MAO WWI M OA001 WAR. e jtN4O1 AMNMM elven 7e the OONNt1^n of o.' ma rola, Poorer. .ad /erasers' SRI.. Notes. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. NkNCY IIANLS BEST TIIE RECORI)! CLEYELAJD BEAT 11ARBISON! Bill WE BEAT TRE VORLD BANK OF MONTREAL. "CAPITAL. _ _ 112,000,000. REST, E,000,000. Savisvg Dem~ Nt has bf!e,. Opened ix con - with this branch. ',**serest allowed at cu'rext rates. • The E.T.CORSET COMPANY. We have dust entered into stock all sixes in the above gouda Jackson Waist -a I.dy'. Combination Corset and Shoulder Brae, oot.atructod on hygienic principle*. Watchapring Corsets, all sines, a high grade-, and pro- nounced one of the best -fitting Corsets manufactured to -day. THE E. T. DORSET COMPANY OI.tR.ROOKE. QUE. Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Flan- nels, Hosiery and Gloves. Our @election is unequalled elsewhere in lioderich. INBP OTION INVITHD. GEO. DR UMMOND, Manager Goderick Braplcl. MIIHnery! FANCY O R N1 A 1.1501 AND elTO1E OF TUN Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, FEATHERS D RIBBON& LAD 1RS' t'YDER WEAIt AND ('HILDREN'S PINAFORES BUTT= AND EB(li3 TANYli PLEASE CALL AICD SLK W. .CHESO141 81 SON. DOMINION NEWS 1N BRIEF. Y05 BARGAINS RDERED CLOTHING !lade from the Finest Fabrics and offered to our Patrons at PRIORS THAT NO OTHER HOUSE OAN NMN FOR FINE TAILORING. FOREMOST IN WORKMANSHIP CORRECT IN STYLE PERFECT IN FIT MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. MEN'S DRESS SUITS THAT ARE FAULTLESS. MEN'S OVERCOATS THAT ARE STYLISH. We also carry a large and well -assorted stook of VN'S ASD BOYS' READY-MADE OVERCOATS Which we are selling at the lowest possible margin. R.. are also Agent for the oel.brated "RIOBY' WATERPROOF DOAT. Every Coat gturagteed or money refisnded- PRIDHAM, The Tailor. PREJUDICE Often influences people to act contrary to their best interests. Those buyers of Dry Goods, for instance, who pay Cash and go to the long -credit stores, paying credit prices, when the opportunity of saving 10 to 30 per cent. by buying at C+EN"LT=NE CASH PIT.2C=S is within their reach, do so to the detriment of of themselves and their pocket books. Yet they count themselves careftil and prudent, which, no doubt, they are in most matters ; but they allow prejudice to pervert their ;fitment in this in- stance. Do not let this ap fto your cue. Be- fore you buy see our prig. 'We sell everything in our store on the smallest possible advance on cost of production. We hae`e'n4 losses to provide for, therefore we can give every customer IrLTNZ7 CMNrs worth for every dollar. We are constantly adding new BARGAINS. This week we have special lines in B L• N K E T 8, UNDERWEAR, GREY CORSETS and KID GLOVES. ARM STRONG OMR AND ONE PRICK G.o. Aeho eon'' Old Stand PA—Always glad to show goods. All sines famous `1.711 Rubber Coats now in stock. A riot strike of gold is o si.g • esertk lis. at Trams, N. Fisherman at Belleviao are muskies Large easels d Ise herring. A deleptise of farmers hem T.:•0 r odectisg lead m Manitoba. A .cross elevator 1011 be erected M Winsipg having • capstity .t 1.000,000 bushel& Diphtheria baa booms epidemic iR .everst townships of Fro.teenc messy, Ontario. Ross (Lthaiics will hereafter be admit- ted to the L O. O. T. ledger e( Ottawa if they desire to jei.. The Baraboo oompsey wil4 ash the Oa- torie (ioverament for ad in establishing smsltig works at Duronto. The 01st aid Mab Manitoba hars iens bass beam gametes ort of the esrvie. by Major-Oe.er.l Herbert tar MelBaesey. The sto•wer Behead..( the Richelieu t Ontario Navigation ampany is aground is the St. I..wresse, five miles below C.r.- w•u 1. the .addle and ..rr1p elegem at the New York berm thew last week alis-tenthe elthe prise -winners were Cs/Nadas bred heroes The ask of Moatreal, it is now and - silently mated, has scared the ii...ciil every el the Dominion (is►ersnisat is Landon, IL.g. The construction of the amw ,tremor for rhe North Shore Navytioa .smuparey brig remedied with at owew gonad by Capt. &mpsm. r Bev. Ki pt el of in at reports & receipt t 100 erring from the rreia'�fund of tarr.' bread is •id of the Manitoba college. The C. P. R. salt works at Wieder, Oat., W tamed est • splendid weoms, std snanotacturiig operations en • large seal. will be started at ewe. The esbeseer Sarah bas bees seised by the mere= mitheritis at Part Barwell for neglecting to mesh. as e.try regardiag • maeigneend .f opal oil. Northwest breeders propose to ..ad • petition to Ottawa rapt that the pro- ron leather cattle fro hem the United**tatto Canada be act ent rtaiad. D.Irsiser., who w. shooting WAS is Canada, are {irking • est east at Windsor, OM, to a.oertain if they have to pay • limner far ahootiug un their own property. 'kering the l,.. year 341 silbeg veve.le arrived atIgpvidiec, as es.parsd with 261 last year. There was aloe on increase of 04 ocean weenier; ad rR tassels for tae low pro ism& C.P. R Thar Manager (lids says that hie It.. has aisady carried 0.000,000 bomb - eta of graia from Manitoba and the North- west this ..mss ageism 3,5110,(100 bushels Saw year. A. W. flow, M.P., who has completed a tour of the North. Wooers ;i•,atee,aye that • tidal wave of emigration ie asttiag ie from tiler Stats to Manitoba and the 1 ..nadiaa Teniterra Mr. Deals O'Brien, who has the ootract for section 1.1 of the Scri mgr• camel, was ✓ obbed .a over $.1,000 acne Coteau. Q.sb.c, by three highwaymen,who presented re- volver; in trite Deltas Imskio.. R. M. Chisholm, of Oakvl le, that., was charged before • Jostle.. of the Pease with adennisterin c poison to his mother •.d brother. A. no ave appeared to promote he was met at liberty, but was at ores takes Sinn custody maim mid cesveyd to the (rustic asylum at Tore*.. William Primer, et Fres e►a.tl's Ba) Out, resisted captors ides lowed es the of Mr. Renaud Raker. .ear ckering. Yr. Baker discharged the ...- *0ot. of • .heitgsa into hie Lap, std, .1111 attempting escape he wai f ed a hind man named Li. won'. H. tar es Lingwood, who shot tain is the bort mad killed him. THE WIDE WORLD. Oboists eoareese to Morales is windows f. 01 Petersham A @booking stole of moor, has b.es re - =among the female hands in Dellis lim&Dpoz r ragtag . the Puget ris.ad omestry. There are .ag►temi arms M Settle, Wash. The tow yield el .or. i. Ramis the pant mew mage beside, or 11.74 b.@hth to the ream' tt ie reported able • ddy rmsredsed r.. gns=.tsNt• a the realms will probably belst Washiness. inert that the valid.s nitride to e taWd s lesation ed W.shisgtes *.deeded es high authority at Reinm Property es Breadw.y, Sew York, afar Plse tde.et, tree beegh' at the rots el $17,. 1111 per square diet left week. It M .id 3,300 braves .f the Chsy..s. tied Arq.b.. tribes 1hi ladles territory will bees the immesh by Jsue.ey 1. AM the mask et Rev York elate win he Scud Mr the east. N.r..br Vh. moo So `Ir, whim .00 mfrs. div. bps laser. The Mate Soweetead, less deeelem .1 Friday mil there trw. ba - mediately p . rub el m=s is mane their old lair •.d have detailed to sell oat and gait the bws.m& At a Ntestiag of the a.alga.na ed eswtais- times atstHomestead, I'a . Sunday aft rasss theieWlystrike aM a works was declared etThe tattoo strike is Ragland wen y be erred, ea the operatives ham esermated to ouaaider • proper! ler • tam- p eery nineties of wage& Paris anarchists threaten fresh reprises d Frrsesis, the Preachment, is asrreednsd by the British authorities en the sharp 4 Wowing op M. Very'. rrsta•re.t Lieu.. Perry, of the United States s- ties, will make asotaer attempt, .oder the asapwm of the Natiaanl Academyel Noiese., of Philadelphia, to reach the orth Pole. A complete list of the rcpreo.atives i the United States Congress shows that the Democrats ham elected 2e1 members, the R.pablicsae 196. and the Pop.tiw, 7, giv- ing the Demscleta 00 majority. Beaster Jew, one mut the Americas dole - pre to the forthoomiag monetary wafer - ewe, who is re pmt M age. saps that the Ibeoerste are hosed to intrados. • free coinage bill iota Cosgrove. Monster Vest, is as interview, stated ghat the Democrats ward proceed morose- ly is reforming the tariff. Free trade was impossible, bat the tariff wadi be rodeos* sew ooemerestive her' s► es to Irmm OM os•t of hying. Rev. William IMwe was delivereigo 1f► tete o. "Joke Wycliffe" at Millerd, whew Rev. Father Clams, who neoprene* to sou. mate.oeese roads. Bvas. Mille attempted t. pail the prier to vest, and • Mewls eased in which Father Clasen threwMill& The eas- terner were separated, and the prism the retired PERSONAL MENTION. Queen Victoria will go to Floteree d March, and remain there four or 6v. weeks. The yormdt Duke of Marlborough .a said, to inherit the .porting proclivities of his father. Mrs. McLaren, of Westottaater we i. IPl year. 6 amnths old, aid .till in geed health. W. A. (:.eat. secretary to )1r. Vanklor.e, has •been appointed manger of tit Niagara Falls electric railway. The rumor a comsat is Landon that Lord Randolph Churchill bas parchasd the Pall Mall t:aaette. It .a announced in Rome that the Aree- bi.hop of linhlia will be made • cardinal at the approaching consistory. The will of the late Joseph Laster, eater- ed ttered for probate at Hamilton, deposes of pro- perty .cheduled at 0106.916. ('harts Stephenson, the New %eared .culler at presser in Toronto. iesoe. • .hal- kige for the .Merle ..veeri•1 cup. Mies ales L Corks, .f Greene, ('be.a.- go County, N.Y., km pissed her emersion hos •ad entered ea ate practice of the Lw. Boeotian Rothschild, whose conversion to Catholicism is reeenilyT aaieeaed, was baptised in the .cathedral at Beauvais. France. Rdward Blake ma uader.toed to be work- ing daily to reoeeicilu the McCarthy end P•r..11ite faction, sad is hopeful of algi- nate Lerd R.ask.ry, I..periallaretgn Minster, i sd in the crypt of at. PO4'. cathedra/ seve is Lo.doa • mirkia boot el the Lae Rr Jeb. Maoiionald. Rev. A. Campbell bas been elected Med- armor d the Preebyteri.. /used el M•si- MMo sad the North -Wait Territories, sew in semen st W iaoipeg. Prat asadere. Cwtmimlew kr (.Varna at the World'. Fair, who leekm dew. ro- eestty with iaewmsd, ie gradually eso..er- iag .t Atlanta ('ity, N.J. The silver jubilee ef the 'Tory Rev. by Um Murray, el Trenton.ws.siskreW marsh h samerna tris. d the eaa.elle The is ameneeed M Mien Flee a • N. Turk Wk, M Lad Terris, Bkmkwe.g, mesad ess of the Man trio DeRsia„ te.ma Reverser-Oesersl et Oansda. l.- 10x4.., who emisM • severe geld is the part el last wee* was M a high fever w ) earl mire Was Lek e en o to hoadifie, bet his si. 3 her. was -..mune Air alarm. fair William Wbitowsy, himself la favor modeitere W hemr ddead ion. is Newtwsi- k.d ever edge 1000, sen that al pretest shore le penefrgelly se merman is that While Mr. Olad levees ermine Pima eh Thursday be mew the heeds of a tone .a d aenwstyd le eMktg Wend A setha promplaree ad the Moor, who polka the imismin lath their bee. OW pee the aged.siw • Amuse et ereask/ai the pavement w Mani reser. Il.ednim Ismer, re stat* r, to da., firs ups. tem . >wiles..�eo er Whim, or whoa Vie tiled 81 Moves or die. w:. to poniawaes 1ytsuurre halberd earl Meer lie • healthy .w.fy Tahoe* et weak- cit fen., see ft,rap el ftp. MINTUARV MOTEL MISSES T.A.TEB. James Haat, .R..l the wsaMbi4 fab i-sa nen d h54lacb towtrhip, teased, aged 57. Jams 1Mbardeee, •a old shad elide= d ih p es, died as Temeliy RSM& Mea Adamson, widow et Mr. Jam Adamems, .nisaat Clerk .l this fleastu �M A ma. armed D. liir.i.gl.mu, tree seer li•sas•sss. wee Mend Armed in tie sass* M Q idis•1. James ilWeedees d the Om e1 P.ieb•rd- ees i gads 1dnillw ft )[ispw t, Died, t M Gawp Lidbw. s plass. d Midis z weRtt, Med st ben bum w.6 tswW4 ower K lam avid ants., & eel .news_ PtssRs- trim misiMar, died M QampbsR hal w Friday .ight of Ron. Charles Gerlu, the thiamin' Swim. beet ks.ws es. Murata mid 1s4L sal Relenwer, died et lfesaisha-. es Thursday. A mea seised Alred am el iM Lher leader and 114.11,11= 1. wesewitted midge OMge at Deena es Meads, semis; a•d. i..Lit[t =•datei OM W "given 1 9 un11ght Ease and Comfort Wf1'S ton bare ad 01d fashioned ways of wadibg, ft Y erred and bard urea woe= of edwinsimi years to ankimpt lausidry welt. esweb the world - twos& labereavfig Sunlight Soap, • Anybody emus do a Waal with om- p er•esysemse by twfewing the impiedi e.Moms WWI-/OIiLtOHT" share% too hard obis* arse amuehl., bas sena., or shed be.be A dal Wal ssae ddi you. Weeb.. K sw.ttna= Iver w.... Mosel fleeer ehseami eve Terse ee FALL ""° WINTER COODS 8.I1Its ; Robert Tomball, of MoK.11- tojp, met with • very painful wcidw$ oto 8104&y atter.00s. Ho was at tbe statism bin see to ship soave bores and • arid while rename os the rack of • wages he mimed his footing, sad f&Aiap to fie peoead be dislocated his shedder. V(EEKLY FREE PRESS AND FARM AND HOME FOa 18133 11.00 vox $1.80 [NUKED AID IMPROVED A NIGN-CLASS FAMILY PAPER ILIUM 11L'1Mtalt WELL 0ef7Al0 acv. I. =.s Sr.._emdelivered ten Sten k� Wmeine wsoral wAmisp uaraterL Ladles' pyo-Ilimer.ted. A Serial Tale. sad ether lasers.tiag readies matter. SUBSCRIBE NOW ! Ws iwiasp red LA M alexia -la all M mem Wow of UN tree to waw wbswibos. Anon, WWI ti NOM wkear4tle.a Sir 1111 PRIM PRINTING C01 The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Ready-madea Ilpecislty, and els lothingin the latest and best Goods and Groceries can be had at bard -times prices at LONDON. - ONT. Tb Toyota Cash Store P. (VDU, Master. Make No Mistake We have the Inside track, and Can give you Every line ,er sell For less to itors m. Our Con'}* Can buj,11 If you dE Look at at >.t Si l ve rwa>� = � Albumsg. » . Blocks, �'�►`� Toys, Express -Wagons, Rocking -Horses, Cups and Saucers, Cups, Saucers And Plates, &c., &c., You will be The looser. CADDY & TOM McLean', Block.