HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 4TH$ SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, ¥OY*l[BJR 24, 18x. ilk $igul, ie or •os18Y THURSDAY MORNING 4T R ieYlYIiNT. OWse et t'aMtad4 .--! •ad Nle N.rteetrsst. lieide Terms ., aa11ee. eme thee m..th, la advaar... i as Theme wrta, ...w• »• 16 Pjolfi >. mod, file 1N10 1!711 year N On be ►dreetleima Nato mid d other owed adverttesmaats. We. &Lit far enc Isssrt(os, sed t comb per See her eachse=ieot Insertion- Measured W 11=• ens soma errs. of di Ilse and dieser. 03 per Advertimmoste of L.oat. Fouad. stood. =est Yeoman. 4tteattuse Wasted sad mal Cbsaoes Wasted, .mot exoeedlsg t Yoga soupare(t. et per oath. Yawow oath. es este sae Fares es Eels. sot to emesed t liter. N for drat month, a.. per soh ga�w1 masts. Larger &dna 1n properties. �a7 seeds Notice, the °West of whit* is to premeote the peoaatary beast ot say iadl- vldesl or .omess7, to he oo.ddered as ad vertisemeat .ad charged sonerdIartp. Local otiose Is moored Noe ono cent per word. w otiose lees . W 26s. Local sotlosa is erase* readies tree ttwes cease per word. fro saris for lame time it Moho for chrcbes sad other religious and bsevelema resell dice. kali rate. ilatafaereed Qemtewr ldvertmemenes. A Unshed somber oe displayed adonis =it won be inserted at the Innewt.g rates : Per let*. one ia.erttea lap oe " tear tnrrtieua " tine meet*. ....2 ai " mix .uwtM 2 M sae year.... .. _ ............ 3 s. No &dvertWeest was thee two laches em Length will be calculated es above bolo. 5 per fast. demount &Unwed for task pgeasts on tine mestb'oo.tmet : to par sant es six months'. sad 15 per tent. oo • rat's, Theme oandltions will be.triotl7 eaf.rted. ♦Mat "Tall Mgsal" t/sieveay. subscriber who fall to rmosevw Tan Swan al. reeal&rly. either by carrier or by mail. will coater a (aver by acgmstetiag es of the tot at as early • date ea possible. With et Yew label. Your label is • weeding receipt of the date to width you are paid lip. 8es that it le amt &thawed to tall h.1. aroo.r. *ben • ohmage of address is demised. Web the old and the sow address *bold ileo gives. React* maaneoripts coot be retsrs d. Correeposdesee mon be writtaisn one side of paper only. P.btesiers Trate. J. ('. Le Teasel.. of etodericb. has been ap printed Loc& Travelling Anent for the town - .hip of (iodrrteb, Colborne. .1sb8dd.ad Wo- wansh. Local postmasters overt he district are oleo empowered to receive subsertptfons to Tow 1Ipv AI.. AU eommuuioatpfs must be addressed to D. 11100ILLICU UD T, Too t4 /4601110111110 Cell* Omit IKIM11111111311. !UU I11AT NO•. h7. Yet • .ad rhes then nes ebeesslies sal peek 41 rsrinit 1knew, sed the W ell% elesw, "lost .t9eat le lissa p'rYip el kate le �eal !a•4•s. brei 1 kw, and yon Whew. Mae se Meg. are an foots. ..d we illljab rosy be raised my thatsh ll std Were theme wbs ars meet to Mama end mash* thew hide their 1reMaew heal *Ihei have se dames*diMraead and tremae spied thew .oestry sad their ll.&" Rev. lir. Parker is eat alma es hie pro- gressive views for the heinermemt.laine le for from the Termite Fees we Mean that Ker. J. P. (lay, of f resdvi w Avoaw. Coe- gtsllmJ'l Church preached es the tams ebonies, taking for his subject, "tired is politics." Following is • report of his utterance lbrsr, be said, did not take epos Hiss self draft deau.clatiaa of the existing our t Isopts. of His day, yet His whole lib wee • studio rebuke to the seiormluee eapn- tal. We rejoiusd the other day who taloa. the Reformers .ad (osmervatires of gashes joined bids &ad seat from odds ex -Prom ler Mercer. (laplese may dsstre with all the esreestaor possible that the tope osght sot to meddle with the pulitice of to - dor, but the pulpit will .peak sad the pops will weak, sad let the cinereas of (Leede declare that corruption will &O W tolerated beaeatk the flag of this tai, lamb We wast Christ to say " Behold a Candi.• laded in whom is no cite" t a broader asytsg than " behold • Reformer r l aeservativa If the (oo.rvtive. he oontaaeed, will pre- sent . policy which will .a•ble load& to Owen store prespenty, t.bw they sop have my support. If the Roomers wtU pram* e ach • policy, my support shall be gives to them. I se further," b. said ; "if aa - position will make this country • Rett and N obly lass, then Beaumont to the wind.: let ennexatlom coma." Tag 'SLIM M WITS se. There u no institution in Canada that in eu affected by the present unsettled °osdi- tion of affair. in Canada as the churches of the lead. Almost every church hes suffer- ed from the exodus, aid the receipts from membership and other source have in cow sequence been greatly demtnished. Th.. coedit..00 has not been the portion of :be rural districte alone, but has struck into the harts of the city congregations as well, and the question of mccesefufly finan- cing them through the cries which is upon os is one of the most serious problems that too the mso.gtrs. 4loderich has been a helio y loser along this line, and notwithstanding the labor of the local minister. mend special sri ices in some of the churches, the membership ooat*ues to decrease, and the carrytag out of all fin- ancial •rrauges.ests have become more di0li cult as each year poised t.y. 'tach being the caw it it little wonder that we hear from the pulpit strong dentnciatioq of the proem, .tato. of Can•dn, and Wryest ap- peals to high haven tint a speedy change stay result. A che•ge is impeding. step by step time battle is hstag nought amid woo. It Its been • soldiers battle thus far, but ere lo.g the Missile will amve who will lead us oat of the house of bondage, and the lobos less &deepen maturity who will Ned the people ante the land of promise. Thinking uses see the cloud coming, though at present it may not seem bigger than a man's hod. and after that, the deluge that will swop away old political ideas sod corruption in high places, and once more pl&or Canada on the road to pruspenty. From his pulpit u the First Avenue Kap- '1st Church, Toronto, oS Sunday ttor.ieg last Rev. 1'. Clifton Parker spoke as fol lows No to&ntwy or rulers ueohl expect a have the blessing d Geed pale. they sought to be swayed by the righteous principles of God He had bees peened to raids seen of the sead wisely edited religious journals el the Gaited Yates the •tncdures en the political eon -option of O•.ad•, which hod been .•*led out by the Meier trial is Que- bec. Nut many months ago Mr. Heeeir had been dummied in dispece thirtieth evi dense which lett little doubt of his political .'orrupu.en, sol, differ the whole matter had quieted bows amid the p.b11c operaieaos . hecome dormant, his trial came no slowly and *differently and he had been ar"luttted. The very pesop$e that howled bee a few summits age. wen (iemexiog hem now. Hie o(osoes were osade..d and there was • possibility of him oomieg again into poblie life, This thing was Iteetallted The way that •itr Adolphe C.ro.'s s.dietr.ent let.4 hese manipulated was moils to melte one hlnsb for h. es .try sad there wee no doubt that before Nog ewe Sir Hector Iaogcets, the scapegoat ei the goverment, would corse whitewashed sad eatiMtsg suYp ague into public lie. Mee kava r oewn- deeoe is owe •.ether. Theo wee net 504. 4404401 ilsdepsade.t rigetetr'ssem 40 bey nese party to stead bet ousel its owe ids and if bay in the apposite piety make • cheap there was prejudice against it trees the lu,issi.g. Where weed all this this. end' The lard had *omit us bnostifel h•ret b, bet they had bet affected the e-mmMwW life id the esaMry, and there wee se tae is maiweing matters : the matey won emenumer- deity lad mei Meso was trees nay hep 4.l os$ .al. Whet wee the resew! W► had our few yeas et hemim.Mel harvests failed to make thugs ,Mer? aadte oubdly, lash se onesoMe dthew ewes plenty n( swwy i. the bay jiyp��ss��( Idle. Met she ineoey.d mese had micabmil . 14'... la the sem msrdel nide te seed their.gitel eireelatueg AMMO Obi m ono moal rim of t the emit ►.. ,.-w..*r^.me,+,r-.baser, e•es.tr^* �:.+sr-. * 4. if rag torso Con\thele*T1Teti. The Yong Liberal (;omesevativ. Asians - Wm of Taranto has indorsed the inaugural address recently given by President Aar• Irsarxe, sad the isocline politicians and the la-de-dah fellows of the 1. Casmgit-Horttias order, (who part their hair to the middle sed their baa after theme. fashion) don't know who to Clash of it. Mr. Hoeing vented to have the Pren- demt practically cea•ured, oil brought in a flag-waving resolatioa to that effect. He also made a speech wherein he sod ths1 all who oppo.d 114.40 were outside the true fold of Cos•rvatieu, end be appealed to those who beard him by the memory of the late chietteia to bee down to the dictatwo of the machine and unit doing their own think i.g. The impudent attitude of Myr. t Horetlew wee fittingly rebuked by eight or tee of the most prominent young Cea.ervs- ti,es, mad smsgst others by Mr. W. W Stem, who bed been Mr. Aarerao+a:'s op. peanut is the mote* for the presides* of the mevecietion. Mr. A. G. Mo.tu!. crys- talized the s•etimeat of the supporters of Mr. Aar"rase.. by saying he world be afraid to support Mr. Hereof.' motion lie fear of braking the first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me," amidst loud and prolonged cheers. Following is the report of the claaiag meet is the C.."TaL..-[foratx. absurdity Mr. Armstrong, elates to 'peek, we, re- ceived with rounds of ewers. He said he had carefully papered his address, and sine. i• was delivered had read it over. and 1f he had to deliver it again be would not change a angle word. (Chore s He had talked with • great seamy members of Par harnent, and what he had said were aot his views, but the risers of the public that be hot ptherod the last few years His own private views were even a t. (Ap platter, and cheers . W ben he had taken up the exodus, he said, be cited the isolated con of the city of Toronto, that be might Met the government sad party down s eemly sus poss11-e. I laughter and •ppeu.e. i He bad net .00e through province by province of the ornate u he might have done. It ons not his place to propose s remedy : there were men paid to grapple with thine questions. If they were tired of their job let them hand it over to other men. Mr. Armstrong read from the i'anmdien Menu lecturer an editorial article endorsing his criticism of the government He intro - dotted it by ayiag he would read them some thing from the anointed of the party for whom legislation has largely bees made - the nu►auiact.urera, mho raised the electt•rn fund that kept the 4.,.-rs.teet i. power. 'They had all heard of the Red Peeler and knew what it meant. And yet the official organ of the manufacturers referred to the •' mossback forie•" of the Conservative party and the policy of that:ties end do so thing that now characterises the Dominica governmentWere the nr..faotsrer. treitors,too• If ss. stood to them. if they were out of •ympthy with the party leaden and woo ll not raise Eke campaign fund+ it would be • Gerry day for the (Jon- .ervatives. The Hromptos Co.servatr, the Hamilton epectator sad The Toronto World, Mail, ,clews and Star supported his position. Nose of then ppr., it might be, reodved subsidies from time (lov.rs40eat, but 1 he sot ksew if the Cse.ervtio par- ty eo silts of two or three subsidised mews - papers. There wee not a Mage word in the address that we, wrnog. He had so per- sonal feeling, he maid, ass did ant care bow november. voted, but he asked these to vote hnsstly, to fol et for an hour that they were Co.esrvatiees, to rm.ember they were free men. sad that in the realist of thought the.e should be no trots. He diol not think paunitheme oou•Mtieg of staadiig ep- ee platforms � werethe of the int�1h &usry and the dawn el the twmateth, when the watchword everywhere is action. He had faith in Coad&, he said is emiclesi.n, sed us the gneiss el the CseadMs peek to solo this gaedios if they wen .dories to deal with i. ((beers ass appose.) A stalking vote was taken. and the • stewdmst of Mr. Ferg.roa carried by . large ma rarity. Mr. Armstrong we, mew r..ed•d smmedirdy after the vote, sod erivarateesed by his frauds epee the resole TNN meeting we, crowded at the finish, and eland in a .tat. of hap% essiteakost lived • gpwks spjeephase •l the 40 ssevelMt sod the red prier eeerd than the rine Aura wasses Tits Yowls L0' '_AWNIav*me• As- .nehti.. is b.Jesiy fo webs MS psseSM kaisers is Oseadiem eoliths. 0 it we0M only Messer with the twpsrMl deo deed wiled el the Caetauultlermare "VW them world he hep Ar the party with whisk they w a*liased. PERTINENT AND PECULIAR. !obexes *.nista.... lam tis 400 yearn Among the leper lied Ute ladies* there Is met edible so highly esteemed as the oa...00 m• The�frst paced is the Clued *sees was weed July 31. 17110, to Samuel Hopkins fur i ekag pot aid pearl who. H.rcuUt., the ow French explosive. is so powerf0 that ball a posed d it, in • rswst test, diorama a ole.. weiyiki.g thirty tans. The wanes physicians of Philadelphia ars credited with readying very large inenmas for their services. Some average $10,000 a year, otbsr. 100,000. A footed was lately captured in • He.- prt*s tow°, •.d with him • bear Ueda be bad tamed bad taught to grapple with ped- estrians whom M dee•ms to rob. Paris gardeners bey toads, wbicb they as. as hoed destroyer'. Thera is • reeler weakly sale of thews Woo Utile baso is the French capital They cost $1 • dos- ea - At Mlonkts-ie the -Forest, l ork•hir.. Eagles& i• • pisco of lead called "Petti- coat Hole," •ad it is held ea the noditiou of providing • poor wen.aa of the plaur every year with • new petticoat. The 'teepee.. of Austria se reputed te be the best royal boimeke.pr a Kwupe Everything in the Austrian palace is under her own personal care. Sas orders core butlers and laundry maids, and is co.stant le inventing something new in .n.kory. The mast osrioes and unique desk in tic • (.-oiled Seaton, or is the world fie that stat ter, was oomttreeted by Amos lase, of Arne dee, dories the peat engineer. Lois aewrioas clock, wbieh, ley the way, is all feen heads and ever, is attached to • guymer which . boots upward •e ingisw ooligii of het water awry Nirty-eight..moods exactly. CATTLE AND SHEEP Tuna Mail/ •MILL MOP re sire. .wadid•b. peesentay. Te. Ttreiswe Wows am T/Uatr to me- Mbrably Urging begns est• 'rift ro- tenone* to Oestie•sd Udee The Wield is . past paid mesa. at •twit est ly A. W. W weer,, Tun Canute. t os4 •gibkar wee spoken d twe•tlg as • pneale eaedM.t. ler Master Werk.soa et the k.ipte el lair Whirs 41.001 17alwer'e WI" cameo from ie easeaetien with Mar r•*r«awien, rem fems.t deem'% haw e, hat we do hams Met V ars& rim sew The Wl..er ee egrer.lastrr Mrwsses awe 4lsestso. Jolie Dryden, %mustr of sericulture for Ontario, has bees dummies the gaieties of the Anglo-C.s.dis cattle nada Of operas, since the shipment of Comedian cattle to England clow prectioelly with the claw ot n evegatloa on the St. Lawrence, the greater portion of Zhu year's shipments are nada ' The rewire," said the Minister, " have mot bees altogether satisfactory. Com- piegne N ehiepee et the high ratenehergd by Ms seats its aompau+es hare been load• r and Ettore general than for • leg time pad. We haw three lines in the trails-- the t.tlrthe Alban, the Ibakisioe bad the leaver. An arrangement was reached amoeg these lines by which they agreed to charge the mime rates, and 1 am told that they here been known to charge as much as 70 del.. linos a head. Now, the Ai.eriam lines would not charge more than half tilt amount anyway, oo denim the put semen the benefit which the Comedies f&rmr de- rived through the diseriesimatite is his far or, by which (in&dian cattle co be taken alive to any part of the kingdom, slily American cattle must be slwghtered a: the port of entry, was quite abet by the re- dsoed cost of passage by Atn.riaa lues. 1 question whether the American did not de- rive the bigger profit. Within the last few days 1 DMMICC that one of the Canadian lines hs reduced its charge to 3011414.tp, which is likely to result it a general reduction, bet this will not affect the profits of those who have already .044. - With regard to the quality of tattle shipper, Mr. Dryden said that • great die advantage to Canadian sates in England &roes over the habit -d shipper. in buying atte .n bilk, as the fernier was thereby discouraged in raising a first-class animal. When the cargo reached England they were sold singly generally. The sooner there was • determination on tee part of the Canadian farmer to raise a first class article for British markets the better it would be him. Speaking of the sheep trade, Mr. Dryden said that there was not nnw a great lot of mutton raised for export, in the central sec tion of Ontario at all events, mind this he thought a venous mistake it would be re- membered that for the est few yeses 100 Iambs, or 111 re0:ry year)i.ggi, had been sent to F.nglaid to test the market there. Judging from the price received for their which were sold, the net profit on the 100 would be 11132, less than if they were sold at the price offered in Canada. They were sold about May est at the highest market price in *item sad as meet farmers is this country sell the lambs 1• memo. there u moth deemed for rand *Waft in the spring. GOT ilw IAN IN MEXICO TOMINs"'P WUNCII. ermrr e•wsdaria. A MNK OP HAMILTON FOIMd1R WHO bT AWAY WIT/400.000. eesee.sM Mvesn.seM t.stwle• busses Town idle gee to tae westeaa fie W ..d Tadao last 1st. c eta*T-ertU We RMmergbt least via sense. Tuao,r,u, Nev. 21. Donee the -psr4 l.' n.ntb this feeds an ds d the Kok el Heads Imo bees relieved d base.. N0,000 ad 128).0 00 by teese dger ter el the U culprits beteg C. H. .vs4...,�of the welt - karma nursery firm d C. H. Diadem A Cs., of Uurb.Rtoa The Attaragy.Geseral'e u.p.rtmeet was casein uated with ad Detective Joh. iMrNarrs, who was vee those of the come, rasi that Davidson was te Mediea He .torted for t hat reentry, and a spacial d. - paw& to this tt1y onause.d the arrest d the forger at Ciudad loos, ea the Mexi- co Coated Railway. 14.vid... dad • large emery trade std hie fleabags with the head ales of the beak at Hamilton were on tis .xteasive .meet. He enjoyed the atone e.44..o., .ad the papers promoted by him perporung to bear the signets/es .l prominent farmers is the lmelity was sespted without gueMioa Who ice a ddonly departed some webs .,s, however, it was discovered that he bad d setae to the ......t d between M, (*00 &.d 210,000. Shortly eater Davidson'. dwppeaninte hie wife was observed to be pr.p.rieg te joie him, bad a w.• by thin news the authorities °I.tainod the first inkling of bis whereabouts, l)avitlaos Irk.- many other eruii Ovals ha. tag I..ght dui haves seder the erroneous suppa.kras that he weld wet be extradited. Murray will take hie ern to 11.rm de, when he will catch • stoner for Maki* tailing this he will josreoy with him to Liverpool sad themes to reuade. ways= roe•ea aa!iTIt Winnie 40 Mediae Detective Murray will keep kw wether eye epee ler another for- ger wile also depleted the beak of Huai no.'s tewwry, Hoary amass Aitken, for - early a private Weaker el Toa•he40,whese forgers.., tis mss %comperes, reached 470,- 000. No traos lee yet been received el George Pyke, the e5m4.ccoantent of the Toro - to breach at the Imperial Bank, but he is also believed to be i. Mexico with the 1110,- 000 he stele, melodies the package °f M• 300 nkat he e.rloi..d from the omit the Asy prior to hu departure. e Tory atm. es fee !.R Toronto Start Labor) What Ins Preto tion doge for the Dominion ' The grstcoo sideration in • country like Canada is pop - elation, sad when ppooyposaRios has hese se cored beneficial industries will follow. The preoctioaset touters revere this. They a -- gee that the people. should gather all their available feeds and go out into the highways sad byways nIeristt rewards for maawl0c- tenn tis come sod live apse thew, and teat population will follow. Expatiates belies this resnsiag- The eloveraeent hes tried the experiment of bills lag the nese.factarr os the people, het irte.d of • rusk of pope - 'mime comeag at the hada el the .e.ufao- Weer, there has bees no pie le that direc- tion whatever. l,a.ada, with rte wealth of led and for est, *1*�rea t 6tehries bad rich mines, the mod giol•.d moid .ttrentioes w coed* nee offer to settlers, hes, saair•bah pr0eetio tariff which wade heralded as the great pea looter of p.pleties. secured half a millets oddities le ita people is we TOWS ley eater- al Ocoee& Mark thae by natural aeries. Men wet speak of theme things are esipm•tied s (:rib or rssotioaiab r point**. .rd at• tempts an tarts te elm* them isle wire., bet they would be rtrue to showman's, to thew hese rad M their children if they did ✓