HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-24, Page 2s ¶ 1 SIGNAL • OODRBION. ON% VIII)RBDAY, MOYItNR 2d. 1811. ON:10 =mows Seth the method and re :alts when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Fully yet promptly on tbs kidneys, Liver yid Done's, cleanses the sys- tem Pffet-tt::.Py, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and curs habitual constipation. Syrup of Fip is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- duced, plcaaing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its e d only from the most healthy en agreeable substances, its maw y excellent quail ties nom mend it to and have made it the mash popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 750 bottles by e l lending druggiata. Any Tel :: rlr.'G, t -t'ho may not have it on lia,4 r:i1rocure it promptly for rdiv cue who wishes to try it. klannfacturcxI only by the CAUFOR IA FIs STOUP CO., BAN wsaaroison. aovlavlr..� NT. a+Cyr-' 013X.„, S. Z Oso. A. FRaa, AGENT AT Goolwcn. NEGLECTED OPPORTUNITIES - Sow ase a treed nosy Thiess That remits ee he dve.ssd. Stam The thew Yoe* Times Name is every day giving M mss histo of what he tight do if be would ..newt to bsone ball me live apenes asbe Maks he is Usfortus•tely, mw is bora baud end Mange to lra blindness with • tenacity worthy of . better amus. H. deciliter to ens is she forms of scours those Map whisk en awns Providence has pat spas this sank to 000aterut such evil as high tool. emenseelaile aroaase,.1 tbe use - main d Ilk end ether sings whisk ep erne is crake this panes the meet =pea - sive pleas of re•ida yes* is the animus Oemsisea"y • blind sea has been Toad web wit aeegh to jn.p into amber bask " end mates Ilse eyes in spin, ad where this as been dam it has oftener them est rsalted la great bwsit to Use busies race. Benjamin Franklin, for instance, go Me eyes opened wide enough to see some thing in • storm besides sow sod wet feet and m • very short time that something was pet into harness and male to do messenger service. Following is what • pointer soots duos would call the " feet -supe " of Freak - lin same ethers who hove •Invest daily dis- eovered new wanders in electricity, so that today lovers one it as • substitute for the moos ; hews -oar companies employ it to do the work that fell to the lot of the mori- bund horse and the argumentative mule ; hotel proprietors have found in it • fair us- den•ttdy for the lamp of Aladin, who, as the reader may remember, had only to pram the button and the gene did the rest, while Meese. lidissa and Bell have coatnved to Improv it tato the service of the public in suck masher that • small moa at one end of • wire may teU •1•rg. man •t the other sad exactly what he thinks of him without fear nt the Immediate ooaeegnesoss. These •c- eemplishmwnte are wonderful enough with. mat its being necessary to mention other el- ectrical devices, like the telegraph. which realities • mac in New York to send a rime - sage to • Chicago man which the Westerner receives 10 minutes Iter, and, executing the order, Manes the New Yorker to los 11,600 all within a paltry half boar. Ho it was with the discovery of steam. A hundred years ago the only possible use people had for deem was for bathing or for the *owning d home-made puddings To day steam s in to trams. Why, then, with the example of two or three mea with Sore eyes ops beton ea do we sit down with our own tightly closed and say W. will 001 no, for, lo, basad though we be, we know it all • " Are tare any other procest., of nature tending to make lite ewer and cheaper yet to be utilised by them • A log cable' was u.earthed In • Weetern town waw week" ego It ws still • log taloa, but the logs, by certain sal nail process had been cursed to stone. Why oenmot some undeveloped gens study this process, hamss it up, and go shout amoog hu fellow moo drawing wooden structure* into granite edifices for • ,ossidentioa 1s the eengbbrbood of Traitor' Falls then are pot boles innumerable made by Vie action of water and pebbles upon the hard rock. Cannot man get at the *riesoe of this thing and bore tassels to tiepreg able mountain (toneless therewith • Hage Indies .re daily lifted sad destroy- ed by wised• : obstructions are removed from Natures path by to breath of Bones ('asset man deme wase n.e•us of restoring .p the waded seybyes by which obstacles a his path ,ball also be removed t Could sot the wasted breath of Repetiti- ons orators he stored as war large reser voir by their enemies, to be turned upon teem at the enema ppoout is :be campaign, se their everlasting dieco.etan! (ace may well think it ootid ; and as well that .11 these Otago meld be dose 11 man would bat open his eyes. Tile roost impracticable members of the hostas race, the poria, ova *mssnissd this, and many • ase has ember. mid kis feUow.mes to beware of this Memo/ rsae.ic " Awake, arise, an he forever fail'•. • said Miltos. " 1 sew *hall ready be fa perm the ether's high, sahnown dosses Iona, To reach sew spores of pore activity. said Faust, who was apparently somewhat mrtokon A FATAL UEN000P VISIT A 141111))110Af141 TOO HEAVY UK OF • w.,.s0a p.tNw-s es newts Mal libee ora vaspleas o/ maw • CMNltes T.iM- •s rd rNodstl Tragedy as Pk/Lerma Tidings. Pu•.gatas, No.. YI.-The rs.dsab d P lekertag were startled lest Wednesday to hear that William ?alum, • remand of preys►sea's Bey, had hese shat dead by Henry Lisaelotd, a Bernard hake.'• lank rut says el to village, at 3 ass par a.m. ti.. pest Mr Baker has hesm bothered web shakes tbieees sed esveral amend las has bed fowls stoles. $s genial had to ams become that he M tassel ta mon amid d pada aware Mt thief At the above hoar he heard the geese uulthg a raw ad went to the bars to u.eeupee. ('pea readapt the yard be disee. eyed • light in the hea house amid presently • awn proceeded t4sdraa Tak- es( nest, Mr haler tired hie eMtgaa sad the msvodm made acres the ,and fee the read. Was paras op the Mao Langford, Baker's bared me, tired bre rivulets assets .fir be retreating tigers. Atter drug the .ecosd time L regteed Mates that the fellow came back .ad thesis. mad bite. Fearing that 4 would bs abet he trod a +bard sumo whoa ibe yen a the mod, ••d goingr he haul the shat W bees fatal. elveeath hang been is- Coaaty Constable Makes was mot ler, wed recognised the body as that et With.. Palmer, • poor fellow, whose grwMst foals was his appetite for liquor. (!Droner Bates•si wee aMi/ed aged upon arrival o•sed • warrent fee ea inquest. Meas Behr mid Liagfo d were pl.isd loader aeeet end •,'arta wish Iso err oto. e• tote.es, hastily empanelled. J. 11. Farewell, Q.C., is lseht.g after the eine for the crown, whits Madero MsOilkasy, LL K , r pretest as anal, of the pruogeerw Meek sympathy is lslt ter the brads e/ the d•••ssed, se he is well .-ewwewd eke Plate family beim one el the ant yes epeeted an bs Mwas►y. T4 p" e aro Haws mw d et integrity, aif is g supposed thattbe sbosMdon• ag was sanely to scare the thief. m en Miami/ ham b•djsas.ed rid Was - day The prisoners are eat a bail THE GREAT STRIKE OVER. raw s«wm•ent or the Tw.we a Car- srgMY laYas. a.-.NMg, Fa. Preventive, Nev. 110. -The great strike as Carnegie's Sesaed..d steel works hay bees declared .2 Aft. a iv maths' eruggle, whisk, for blouses., Me probably newer won mailed is this es.atry, the .say of eseihre i.edy leaded to -day tove up atm • fight, the sm steadies 101 in favor .i declaring she strike .ff •d e1 against it. The officials addressed the mesmbers, sad is plain wade told teem the strike wee lest. and advised them to sake supe to better their csnditios Hose who cannot get Meir places bask we is a lad fix. s the relief [ foods will he stopped, .04 many hundreds have nothing w lies o.. Many business houses have falls. into W hoods of the Wald saes to strike bee been es. The r town's busmen, is ex ted to ramose sow. For six weeks the 0411 has been running al- most as well as bakers the strike, bus metal to -day the strikers have refused to admit defeat. The .ws of today's action was re- ceived with dismay by to strikers is the two Lawrweeville .ills of the Cense e company. The men were sympathisers of the strikers and west out for no cause of their own. Ta Dequesse noes gave up to fight in thaw weeks, and the Beaver Falk mu decided to go back yesterday. The Iawresoeville w stood out, however. The strike at see time involved steamily 10,000 men. ..ad tin lose in wages will reach, it is said. in ab n aghborbood of l,(*$).000. Then that is •n imams less to to firm, which ems - mauve people put .t double tbe •.wet loot by the ma u wages. To this sea bs added nearly • half .ihhon denims paid to the date troop and the costs to Ike scanty of Allegheny 1.r the treason ad other eases growing wt of the strike. At least 35 deaths were directly or ladi- rectl sassed by the strike. Besides those killed in to bottle of Jul) 6, emend sol. dierecostractsd fever which resulted fatally. Owe moldier was shot •soiolentally by a ma rale, asotbr was killed by the can, ogee striker ce.mitted suicide, nos was drown- ed, ons was killed by the ears, several m- edico men diad from fever, .tad several were killed in the mill, end se was murdered by a won- unlosut. The attempted am aara- Imo of Chairman Frick, of the Carnegie Company, r also •tiribncod to to strike. Taos Paw, roes. Per Nervous Pmwratie. .ed As.mdt here s no mr4ieise that will w pve.gyp and infallibly] restore visa ad str as ccott'e Rmokios. rtreemei. Old lady If 1 bed year lose de yea kasw . hat 1 would ale • e1.o•, N:.. rNd Laly i•d was it. msased. •anises ewes Odieew ee. THE C.P.R. SHORT LINE. etsataesat Reed..... Cos.waing abs New 5.•d •I.og the Niagara .seer. Totmtrrn, No. 21. -If ay further widen« were needed that the se-ea1Md alrtrec road on the Candies aide d the Niagara River is simply • branch of the Canadian Pacific, the feet that to tracks are of to standard gauge ad the grading has b... dose without petting i. Um seder. grimed wires e•oses•ry, if electricity were M be ora, would furnish it. There is every idie•siss that it will be a neem road eat that ass sertiose will pro- bably be made with the Orad Trak for (7kiogo. A eesnestioa bas already ben rr•.gsd aorto of Claws ter freight, and U Trunk oars are u ons us the eon- etrsctlo• of the read. The bridge ever the whirlpool canon i • powerfully brill Mrselurs suitable for • steam railroad, and the mem is true of three art the Ceder ialada it ie amply • Canada' Palis W ort Um fro. Betide to Toronto, and the deem stew palace sten.s whit* the Ni' - gars Navigation Co bass ordered tor sent season's business will oesnect with the .ss. read at Quassia ler uremia SIadsssoes Noss. e. LOUDON, Nov IS As Mr. OMddone wen. era51ng P►ecadilly Thursday everting be .tapPped dirorely] wad•. to beside .t • masa of hsea.s •ttaehsd sea 'omnibus that was ranging around • ern. The driver promptly ia mptly polled the humbask a. their Mr. (Redstone woe walking rapidly, sad r Wer doe to fast that he eoeaped in - tory. The horses or the pale Omsk hint • `Bed • short distance, r.sseered Mew epee the &adder. Re r red ad escaped to the p vemem.t seisismod Wlwap °mels. maib•d, Qemer., Wm. !I. -. While we est els siisM et the raaw.y Mathis ed Rivet De. Leapprwas a)es. mn s .tmey lest eight to emenaireg it 'surra tae Ake. mark hyl. • elms Mar hi the M, karski.g him down and Ms ammo- ' shaft emdlla ell be A S.N•AfaO SUM* Mem Me •samages t• fhb f>rII.i Yams WIR Rua, Nee. M. -As tsesrrsleg Ow,hair of m Olwyl��t a aye the brwty • #.Yj,.M pif ltI.stlks..liq Farr de gat neas Impie hat Me beeoue et t.s d ealltra Vie Pots.•. McM..af•t, dambte d dp1•i. Widen Melle.lbt, obs resided, wNta i. samkbee, b (demos-1YM west Mies lames ll,Yeski4• yeses sites esp!..ed s shirk at t4 Uelmiontos seerss, and obs uses ed tai $sash ansate-elrsse. Ulises with bee weeeber ..d her brother., 4d • Martha' emperiense. Os the sight I. question Mi. M.M.oahi .wind between fl wad 10 :Met, and was sees cast weep. About fl "'.leak is to mers[ag .b* wee awakened by the teeing that same one wee is she roam with bar, sod epsei•g her ere s4 was brrtddrd w ase • m•e's epee peening dews ase besa Tbs y seg lady sedw.wed u ries, bus the beagle. bast bye laws and tried to kin her. If yea make roe sow 1'l kW yea." he saV Only wane.( to Ries sr. Mia Meld akin pad me esssMn to the mai •dato•itiee. She began to yell u the top of her saes. .nd N to mane time etregaled to bee bemeY Inc. he grasp ed be intesdar. 11. was • powerful fellow, and, twiatiag the yeas lady's wrists wail they seamed w be es the peat of die4nm- Dom, he maid maim: "1.11 kill yea of deal keep gsisL' And thea be salol: ••What's tM w ei ✓ reggllag; I only want to Lees yea' Imweaned Ude e Wm the we It.young W ostia. .bad ostia. aes, .ad arias the IMAM of people m•v[ag m the adjoining roams. the burglar st"d is hie mina. tory ends. ami •sed belted. Men McYes- kin means eat of bed ad maned in par- sait. Tbe hraaabty mt dr esies wee ane- ps'owd with. Aimed in bur eight Inc., sad witkop . bees. et.skilog., the plucky girl fathered the burglar. Dom Moire neat the an. Maier. wish Nes McMeekin after hien, three daps M a Mme, yelling like • Cease - she and awakening t4 wade besot Le the yard she might him. but War strength was nye scion's to held the inns until help arrived and be broke away aged dashed set late lbs deesa wooed tae !•asgt.e Thea bsga en of the greetem 'apriawe fee • abert diw.et over ebreoicled r West Elie weals Ter Wender .tamed toward Jalapa beel..ard en P..ri•-e men, the =ally ohm his, baring • denkiog r. loan se • rotantl.wa, akssed Galatea ▪ d hall searfag the wf'a eat a tear three e At Jssk.sa bealesrd iba mos tamed met, ad ler two Meeks to yam lady followed him. Thea bar mbaarli gave oat ad die Mats! .-rasae as a Ione.... Adewtave. This i. tat /dim McMeskisi gess aped - ease with • hamlet. Abouts year Mile ea bee way keine as e ane easing, a thud wished bee peeketheek from her bad ad ma Mies Plenum aimed eat .fret h iw and after abseils( him for about fear Maks. mesad and aid a to bis until alp sari v! The young lad) -she is way tris an - atonally quiet and gentle is ..weer and ap- position, and • auIvore•1 f•vriti among bar oospa.io.s for bar amiable character, but out of her clear eyes the Millimeter= .l • fearless spirit flask. A STATION M1DE0. • Maw MOW Ines ata Take Moe* ss Tnaa*ae/.%.. Dar. Towns, Na. Y1.-Magser•u J. M. Wi•gteld held a preli.inery mvesti- g.tm. tato the charge of wreck - mg Humber Swaim o. Thaskegivn•g Sag,.Sag,.Dt erred arumrt. Joke Qaio.ey .ad =erred Danger6eld el to Royal Grenadiers. The evidence of the dem witaosera called by Canty Crow. +tttooraey I)ww•rt west to show Oat awmben .f the Wire* city regime.t@ were eaaceroed 1a the frame. A w whom ideauty is uncertain nai i.to the stalls. •boot 2 o'clock on to day motioned ad locked himself w He was pursued by •.e.ber of volaato.re who arrouoded the station wad proceeded w do their utmost le effort a 'stream by way of the door, windows sod up through the lore A young lady wits in the stats. at to rim. at the door opened from the bawd. ad the soldiers respectfully allowed bye to pass. Cou.ty Constable Gibson was soon. os the Sloe but was treed very roughly by t4 soldiers, se he save. He charges teary • ith tawny/ a i eyc.•t,aad states t he himself bed to draw • revolver for prat otios Then was • lamp pool of blood el to loon after to soldiers left. Ta afar of to damages Mimed by the Grand Trunk was $12.774. The two volunteers charged were com- mitted for trial,utsy Ming released ea 01014 WI OW lb J ose�usa4 orw, •s.4 D•agergd u A WINE FRAUD. Wow m. ma•e.•*tslir W.reee veered tes.eb..p.n M Cassia Trsotrro, Nev. Yl. -A Mz•agr reg4d•r- bag as • H. C. Carroll, Rata,' ad classing t. be • repraseatativs e1 • Iiquor hoes• u (4.1., has ear oesd•d is playing • man gesso on • asus b - r of atolkeepere hi various Caaadi•a Mies Hie latent exploit was at Stratford. 1111e registered at the tibiae Howl, ad after ordering from • eoepsa le lee -gall' kegs N walled es t4 hetes s with wawa of arias wises. As the prime were ad- vatagwa. ad to samples geed be re - owed large orders. '11e hllewiag mora- ine he get yen of to kegs, sad with to as - mistime of a pomp preempted to ewsfor were the wise, the ea.psaeat pert..1 Which hare SUMO been fwd to mains orf seine Maria( said Illavorhg mem ad • good vanity of water. Carrell Nen passed is t4 bead of wad keg as worm eowpay label He w"seed"d he realising a several orders before t4 freed was ea - peal Re led bels he 55.14 be a embed. O..bee • Onassis of •p'ema ttss. Qaoao, Nev. M. -The Oielal Grist• en.eeaeos the appointment .l tae following Agal.en se members of t4 Chimed .1 gri.lt.n sl the praise,: Rea floater Leahy, Row John Mst.u.b, Rea M. 0. Je1y d• Lsthreise, 1. Doppawr, M.P.. 1. 1lws.sbmpp,. M.LA.; Mateo McDnall, M. L A- ; Joseph Girard, M. L A.; J. De L Tabs, J. A. Mare.., Robert Nem T. Urea..., C. D. Tyke, H. a Peter, Rem M. Death, Dr. W. la me, Rev. M. Trembley, ,A. A. A7 - an, Olen P. Atte. and Ashww llama • re mberwergbs a.imiaey Waco, Tee., 11.,. IL. -Timm tone ith the ee .ur:er el ` /t.val,the fesitherweiipein w riatarday. The jury ldW le NAIL r'rl want' mise* Dora Aeerorr. Nee 11. Chari,, Reek dometee, died loot eight.. her. airms.. TIMNO CARE 091' LAMPS. Ilea •kalgr rill 'hoboes by devlgf►a Lang* sbalsld he ape telt inlet. Keep V. *LI eon .isles% .•d be • .al Never attempt M ill a Use *as r ay par* Met sad. s wbout � t l shield bed oa ka Seo that soy hearse L ups yea My have aressearely brag. if buramg oil gets arum the floor .mother with woollen Markets or rags. Watch year wicks ehosely, and shwas. town Were they Wixom too short W him buying lamps select thous i. which the end of the Looser is co•aiderably elevat- ed above the body of t4 Imp. -- team I1/as UUrmeeed. G&oom.* e•a,-1 ceanot bet ppass IL 11. for it has revived see wn•derfdly. I was completely raw down, had .whims pans r my shoulders, a tired helm, is me hole. low spirits, in fact 1 was to misery. Being eotnlm..dosl to tryB. B. B. 1 did w, a� with the was of wiy es. both. 1 am today Moog and heathy. 1 prise it highly. 2w Mar B. Trans., Trost., (art. A YOUNG MAN'S CHANCE. nowares Men seven .sere Winans 15 eros 11•rgs Tv..em I Their Shosides. A seethe/ who sow mods oat • eon into the business world launches him at • time when the dhaarsts are all m laver of • 'meg man. Bonner sew were never mon will- ing to put largo trusts saw the .buuldereof young seen than they are to -day, ease the Ledo.' llunw Jourusl. •• Young Wend,' s it is calked, uta life of the modern bass - mime world, amid is everywhere measles. la New I' ark the .teo,and fur t4 right kid d yesag oro is all capacittes is far greater Ma the supply, and w hat a true of New York is true of .l1 the large cities. Hear is Mad, however, 1 say the risk* kid of young ora, and by that clawido•tien 1 awn young mei who arra willing to work, and work hard. The day of the young moa who works by tbe clock, eagerly watching tot the hour when the office shall ears, has gorse by, eves if it ever existed. Hssdrsd• of young see aro energetic In • new patios until Its novelty wean .Q, and then become mere maabia.s woos phase tau he tilled u • day'. notice. No mother uoed bare under anxiety for %hemmers of • sos who this •.tamu or win- ter steps out Leto the busies= world, so lag a a bears in mild • few e=esttnl pieta He sees be honest alcove all things, earl •Ili. nothing to m.neince dint %het tan hi • compromise between booestt sal dish os.• B. must he an oar anal out l-laeyrrio t4 homely but forcible siying that a meat a na t. drink whisky ed be in b.r- rem Hs mast, too, deuida between being • society man or • bus.ees men ; he cannot be both. Ile mast make his Ince outside t4 Aloe the male as in it, and not be powwowed with to prevalent idea that his employer 4e.. buvineas to ouestiou his movements ou'atde of olio. hours. Au employer has every right to expect his employes to be respectable at all times, in the egos co oat of it. A (Mnemes Man Mee*. The beat core we hoot of for oosdipstia awl headache is the pleeeast herb drink called iane'. Family Medicine. it ie mid to be Longa grope root, combined with simple herbs, sad se made for ase by pour. iag boning water on to the dried roots and herbs. It u remarkably efficacious in all blood disorders, and is DOW the sovereign remedy with ladies for el.aricg up the com pkxios. I/niggie' sell the p•okaree at 50e. mad p. dhow* • asrewsAs sleds. pas IMebrr. The old gentleman who stuck hls ear trumpet above the genies wall to hear what was truing on. and received ie his ear the gallon of milk which the milkman apposed he us emptying mto the housemaids' pail, was a very arpr•ieed man. But be was not mre surmised then to old grotleitian on the Rochester and Pittsburg Heilroad the otic* r dal'. who anxiously inquired of the o:onductor whether the trate stopped at • little cross roar town os the line. It dad not, sad the obs gentleman seemed very much disturbed in ooseaysenos. " What ern I goiag to do `•- he asked mournfully. ' Did you went to get off there" • sym- pathetic passenger inquired. ' No: bat you wee i've got • box of clothes -pias that I wanted to leave of there for my darter." Why Tau can drop them off the rear platform,' maid some one ; sal as they ap- proached the little town four or five people followed the old man oat oe the rear +- form of the train, when he descends. to the lower step, and as the train sped pad • shanty he leaned forward until the alarmed co.deetor grappled his mn•t talk The box struck to end of • log, and • couple of groes of clothes pias shot into t4 air as though find est of • ga, and scatter ed like shot (ram the muscle of • hell - pointed blunder -boss For . moment the old man was • picture of perplexity, bet when he looked back up the track, and saw his " darter ' and grand children had witeessed the mishap, and were hurrying out with tbe evident inten- tion of picking up the scattered aswohan- die. 4 turned and entered the car, sad glancing with an maned expression at t4 lewkisg rummagers, be said. as be took his wt, " R ell, I'm glad thous phos are do Hewed.- Harper'. Yong Psspla • t 5551teas.d stains. I)sAu Biwa, i was troubled with billow. sees, headache and lost appetite. i could sot test at sight, and was mory weak, but alter using thaw bottles of B. B. B. my ap- petite ie good and 1 sus better than for many years post. I weld not now be with - oat B. B. B., sad am do giving it to sista children. MIL WALTxs loess, 2. 1tMhtlemd, N. 11. A make whit had maid . girl to pur- chase • grammar reeaivod to fsapvdog mote irsai the *4114. girl's mother 1 ` not de - ▪ m that Matta shall isgano is grammar, as i Prefer her to fag•ge is more yeah) deans, and can lian her to speak ad write proper myself. i west through twe grammars sad o'? say se they did ate a geed. i prefer Mattis to image is Germs said drawing ad vekal .west ea tab ptaao " Many people emir deir yean treat trouble some ad revel iy...rem, bells, end erne - Ma, without ever tasting the asarvellose .s.atives of Ayer'. Sarsaparilla. arialally worth Re re yes gotAyer gasm�paril1 awl.. Mae ether. Sisk brads*, sauna b esus el bile or • dbo rimed .' ._uh IN pomp* rw.wv.d b ..fag ITadowd P. 1. 1111144•Wdre 1114111R141111 gam doeda InbsaMa SAM nagmertksn. • Where ace yea gels', J.h..s r 1)..'t Weber st•. 1'. • re11 1.spaM- Ma, I .r. " '• An ye t. ear Pel. 1" . • Now. Pip golf se to dam ate . ter pasugr. 1.. Swagetemp new oseil J adegry IM, 188a, ler El Aslelr* A sad acsoIsni orceorted to mo, aged b yeas, of Unmet Pastrami, lie - 4 two miles moth of Aabuts'. It appears he was walk tag akwg • atem is the bars, which was uo.vted with straw, and whisk slid d, aaww him 1. fall • diets.• el fib hetes the ban floor, l.luktss both Kis above t4 waits ansI bruteug himself gm GRATEFUL --COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST -Hy • +korona* knowledge of the aM.eal taws *hick Keever* the ouerat[oow of dtpsMes and nisi ill lea., coed b) a rank. a of ra•01 the floe omputweil (iso.. r. Rea. lis provided oar breakfast tables w • ▪ .tril devoured 1►venige +Lid may sena ✓ meet heavy doctors' blab. It Is by the Jain owee use of .ocb ori lease of diet that • wuer- tattoo may be p•C.aliy built op soda atm. �"� M resist every troilism to Uuadreded subtle maladies are mooed .leg owd es rs.td to wash wherever hors le weak point. W. Mar oiliestran; • abaft by keeping oureelves welltortlltod with Pon blood .ad • properly essriabed hm as. - CYMt Sfweice (•seas. Rade simply 'rub hulling water or .4R. Sold ashy 1. sackw,by Uraows, labelled thin: JAMS wr,5 • re, -_-.p - i nom - lee., bendy.. a.atand. LAMP GOODS NAIRN'S ASSORTMENT AND PRIORS. OUR RAISINS AND CURRANTS ARZ UNUSUALLY FINE THIS SEASON. C. A. NAIRN. -oIT`J '- COAL AND WOOD Coal, Wood and Kinrrling deli- vered to all parts of town with quick despatch. LlLD Q0AL. flew ea4Lty ebewa.t, .lave ..a ewe so•1 ••n•s••W w hard. Z 51 8bm lump oral for me is grates. assess, tomos, ata ant ga1ity Minta. Hlosbsgk math (tae seal sows bund. Bpe.W stteatios gives to country trade. I have now gen say suhl.esy to opera w ler sawing sad spatting weed. pot ad split weed reedy for wove always l Mod. ay elm you wool. 1►en't AMIM that 1 sae Mae wood. out mid "Ms ea ahem as yea tam by lees weed on the market All my wed le add by the cord of III fest or bol seed tote . se load or las bedams about It. zaraLEITO WOOD. Pia and Matamk. t few le•m r eel tad d elft ear besrrth. Orrick YARD AND Coal. SHIMS is old drill shed, Nelson -et, foot of Hass- ilto.. et, three m'outes walk from Cot i t Hoagie 8regnuare..a timers tart tar e. /44deee4A. mewemithh'. 5..aerf, mill N'.nsivs menial testi... Tam. cAaS. JOHN 8. PLATT, Pros 1 DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOICSBESTCA(AO�a. FRIEND LARiK(T tlnbs IN Jcicxtif amnion Lte mesa erese ,r sea • e 8ignal smee mesa Mee metal Ntryr tr as Job Priem. fei 'tie•, .14.4 are mum - peened the ohne for the p .tad ea.stMa et all raw p.Itlttyl A pureed of tby ana.edw moot my+ eft be meet t• Nowa In ss.h tom M sit year.Irl fooling egyaguam that ear . to paw will Y eer •ie to apnev1 el usr estrus. Tlkl tt•arf51 dao is kept is tits till rlastemiges of qualities mime as hetes ►eaaf► While 'Astley itis seta* In this line we have • vary tarp stock ut fine writing papers suit able fur every era.. of Lutist.e rep. rated in this Iocallt woos piens.% laid anal wove, liastm, quadrille and other papers, nisi or mantled, as may be required. 2Actttto. i%ets&s are not so generally used, they Iib au important place it, uomstertW uorrerpundence. See 'hat we vo got ander the above boob VItt A. iiwd►s If the " p•-ee-ye-go plat oat the order of the day the domed tar account paper would sot kr ee great ; but there are some nes who get eo many dinners that they wonder if the stock will sew raw out. We don't intend it ts, and st parent our stock le ens piste in this dine with four lima Good paper and neat riling. p Both single and double dollen and cents columns. They eras cheaper than bill keds, and tem the proper thing to send after a delinquent onoe a month. They are sure to fetch him 'mend- eametinie. htbr\OVRf Now, it would be hand to pt along without envelopes- and M keep up with the demand far theta we keep a large stock w hand. We have now .boat a hundred thousand in stock, W she prices will range from 1k b 42.0 0 per M. We handle Nam rnereial and legal sizes exclasivele. oes•wnu.sora\ 4 r%a�t +NAI has already been partially caam- e'rated in some of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amosat of work under this head that so enumerate would more thea take up the entire space occupied by dv't, but we do it all si 1'ne SIGNAL. Z rt•rAtAtOOs to an -At Home" or a wedding require considerable tante in eels, tion sometimes, but we make u in easy natter by keeping is stock the very latest and beat samples to be bad. Call and oar. C.‘rtts\ayes We aim to excel in all the differ ant kinds of work we tura os, bat especially in this, and keg in stack plain and fancy papas suitable for all requirmient& tate %met et entertinmeots and wailifilfp promptly turned out, from lit plain but neat to the most elapse with cord and pencil attached. Cardot Oi5 . T•eeksts This head covers a large range work, from a bread or milk ticket to a neat salting card, from Id or- dinary admmiedon ticket to a testy beakless card or • handemme*y printed mc.beesliip ticket osteon Osr kcilitig. for' earning oat fair class of work are evidesced by the fact that the grant balk d 1r Th done by as. is like ono ea clad.. Dod►tlates which our throe fast -ransom )•b presses are able to tons out in • surprisingly abort time. %s.\2 $k\\st belong to the poster d.p.rteret • d0. Ned we Make a specialty d tbees--promptness being our aim in this revert A notice of rale will appear in Tee Sweat free of charge when bilk for some are sae her.. #\\ . 4i Oj W oak in the typognaphical printing her us.s be dans in this establishment is an expeditious and artistic manner and Ova Visits \\ be. lost %sem% re.asoraokoke. We extend our flea amid Natick . nab %basks for paws few continua•.. d He 'AA (iii#Z.