The Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 8THE SIGNAL: QODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVHMBBR IL 1$$L N Ew 00006 err • • TEE PHARMACY. • • *PRCL4I. LIN LO, XXTRA YLALrr1. AT PRICiti! TO ORLI. Sr ear 11 mot Ilse ('emb& LaMarid Hoots Ilremling combs. Iodbr sod GteW Hoe brushes. 'TOOTH HRUPH441 rttOM a TO i tENTR rimer very seat sed lovely sew lime ef t"0 teas. Chore your Xmas perms early and Sat the bast rawer. rpRY 01 H '741 TI'SSI14 FOR YOUR • cWLI/. 4111: MANDRAKE LIVER PILLS. OL'R Pt' !•!(CREAM TARTAR BAILING Pt/WORD. ONLY Mc. PER In. 1,R1-131. ItlkTION' and family ...Mots cirr- i .'efptanrr- 1 fully compounded. l:l:U. ,i. F!. AR. $ucce•eer to Geo. /thyme, 0(11IMtI(H. x x It. CROCKETT, ROOM. A>K x ty Broad• ape, varix and petered .Il and water colors y'aintbat iu CLAStaE' Os Thi •chit. Sad intur1a . front t ♦.w to IT •'•leek. and from : IDS ,:clock r. r.- Arelit. • lural aro! mechanical drew:no. 1•. " • !i awe fur in.:. nu. tic. PTI DID -North -aro . Smit door from the equate Th. POOLIM4ea Column. IT PA Y % BE$$T l hue }sur furniture at Pm.il..e. You want it ebestp. 1 can eel! you err.. good!. beat male. and latest styles leas 11100 you pay at AMA Loa for u:d sewed baud *tot You will 1•o nnl•rgsea how ere cap. but we 4n. Vor r.1 eta:.• .. a good 'ult -tied bel for (..W. regular pork. IMOD. A woven ..Ire be.i-.pring for r; FI . regular prior $1.iO to $1.00. A splendid Id It., mattress for 8:.5*. worth a dollar snore. .t mood . herdwoc4 wash •land for a dollar. 'lamina's% breakfast ub:e for trifU. A due tisk 11111111 ads -hoard with mirror for [BOJ. won..1i0U. A foil bed-rooru suite from 1110.'.0op. Pillows. tLk Ser pair ur. l illuw Scram hates. • he hest for ff cont.. Walnut Parlor st.•rr•. it beauty for n10.18 worth $'O W. Pm:me tell. We are bound to compute with ala, -un•. ur any seine rte in the furniture IW ) t.0 may s* well hate new goods and le tyle•. asokt omen -hand slue. Call and Minima trends. SIMITI( r F'UttNiTI1IE t 1 O N. festa . Nish. melt) �•PECIAL NOTICE. To mince stock I will roll dr. -seed Lumber. rL44O1:INO AND Bii.ING a t telt* per tho tett!. SASI( AND le ORa rt propo:t.°nat.-Iy low furore. 111 -Ly pian•. 1:. YON - Caen or .t. smell stent. J. s p11 BMW. . t: BtM/aeiai. TO £PU*Tnssws. Rados d most`be delft at tltia O)Mcs Sat Wer casts i leuelay noon. The Oepy hr t111a+egea MOO t be kit sot liter title Mon day soon. Haemal Ad.'/aliMtseote e.xepted lap to soot WedM1%ay of each weak. T000lhor Waa te& tfo Il.lef noise! fir Want MON le Memel at Gederi h aa0 at the pe eat awis a arse somber el mespsetlee 1•aabre err+ .&*..4t.g 14. IMMO armies@ who da - Me to secure 'Meisel washers. win Sad Ten $waia the hest advection. aedl.m, es WA the aod0Hw. read 0 weekly FEMALE TEACHER WANTED FOR senior depsr.peSst of tort Albert ..hoot, boldlag a fiecool or third-class certificate. Werk cleat Sad salary sol .o rares0 three us MON. NAA IX11, asermarnlf.a 11..p1. deliate pee *maw •y MhAMlI OIONWIROM Taennt ( 1ENRRALBEltvANT WAITED. - l toed W. to co•Ltp00nt perm. As ply .wmediately to MRS. YrUI,.LWCitl7DY. .7 West et. Prop.rtl far Heilo err Oar Root. HOSIERY. W e have ,s m0liy Ike estertniest Wool, llaaili 1S clad Wonted Hosiery to ottra y Men e . a Inas then market velum. We have .lust re- ceived • hoe of plain and ribbed Wonite•d !lose, whit* should hews been trot us in lisptember. 'This line we refused to accept from the manu- facturer% anions at s reduction of about 15 They aooepted our offer rather than have the goods returnee soil our cttatomers will get the benefit of this reduction in cheep Hosiery. We .how again this reason the King *ton Hosiery Co.'s goods, called tae "Pt•. feet Hoar,- seamiest, and mate the enact shape of the foot. Cuatotn era who '.ought this lite from uo fast yewr are asking for then again, so they must have given gond musks - lion. JAMEN A. 'MUD. Jordans (neer. Oodertcb. Nov. 11111s,11m L1AItAtTut`k$`7 1:)0 ACltira OF I .tura lard. rile sane• rebored. us wki.h is e dmotew / bos. hitrn orceare. plenty of wet. e_. i e1e0d t•'• APO, w AItMWIRO1O MOD.. Yawata( ,..d limp Works. twee. rob. Ont. 47-1: 1101 SF. FOR t SV.I: --TUT COM- Iortable lith cottage a. .tglgk-seyar. lately 0,,•apted b) Yr J 1' Iltaup• 1 MOOS* no ball iu heat partwith kitchen. pat try art bedr000, .t kitchen behind. tM•l stale oiler . nor orchard. Apses to MIS HY(LUP• so Anglesey •r. 041[ TOCK FARM FOR fSAT„t - TH 11/4.farm comprise- AO owes ot lm'. well waned and well wooded, and te Mowed is t',..b..rer Ivan.t.ip au lake Huron sad about a mile north Ot Uuderieh. It win he sold rn tg k ue in parcel. to sets •wnr:l*w0 rue twrlIeu1*r. apply to (JARROW St PROUD P'tIOT. thilietturr. Gudericb. Abet 1 Ito ACHE FARM FOR ZiALK -THE ul•t home•tesd of th.- late Jame* Case- • ft:. of the lowestip of hast Wswanosh, be. i,tg Iasi half of kat 11..vnoreeia3 1. on the Kravel road thief lead* Iron O,defcFs to Wing - ham. 11 isMasted Mout ell rode teen. .ASD own. a thriving cidem* with fuer churn,. and a wheel mar at baud A comparatively e. -v. Intoe home wtth ►even Iiirooms rod cellar with other eon vetoeroes, cwt good Baal bars .std about ISO Imps Mariam out tree. are ea the .teases. About Mac. ern .re --fern! The soil is et the Mee. rnrther inform sine from MDR. CAMSADAY. Antero P. U. t(-* FOR s%LE. -N. # LOT 31. 2ND CON- cee....3.. bas Wawauoak, 4u0.ere• The 1* a ort ease. fa: tu. Also tows loo 1: v, Door. rick. atm tot Y,S1'. ljoderkb [awe. on which there d local hrfnit aottagal April 'te PHILIP HILL 1. 10-11. LwR SALE AT A BARGAIN.- AT CC oomtw.dw•.s leu :.ling on Kina.t.. Briii- tt.lk, at present recopied .. • p.4ntel:..e by Way. Seto_ Is on isle. Tenn* em1) . ,t ppl to F. ti. ocurt'. Browns P. (1. u1 t ff • Dental/Av. 11 KIOHOLiuN, L.Dt8,-DEN TAL IYA-t ry a Oo &. this new �� s. Weeritt.. 1111. L R:CHARDSON, L. D. S.. 1J sermon dents. tie sad v Mimeo air administered for paiuleo extracting of teeth. !tomtit Attention ((tree !ti t1,r prv.erratian of the net ,rel teeth. OAee-l:p stairs. Orand(per, louse lt:o••kentrasee to. Wro- th... Ooder,. n. $101-1, JOLIN GRIFFIN, C')CNTY' ACC- ,) fiesta'. laud valustc. lean a.d ine.rancr agent. Osten *ltcr.ie4 in alt parts of the noun- t y, Correapwldcncennlicited. AddrssJOHN i •:KIMYIN. Kintstridge. Orden left at Tru $I•AAI Ofper promptly a:tended to. _10.1* t►HN KNOX. GENERAL ACC- •Jrltmr*r mot Land Valuator, Godoriet., Vol. Havre,( hod rronddersbie experience is the a•3..t)Oneer.nictr.4e. he is In a position to 11* heresy with thorough satisfaction all corn mond..+. Nitrst.d to him. Orden tett at I Mario's Hotel. or seat by nail to his address. Oedema P. U.. carefully attended to. JV1111 [VOX. C.•ur• •.- Auotsaear. MOH( Mlooitimitoof looettoto. !`t ODEIUCH MICB.AINIUB' IA811' Vi TCTK LiBtART AND RXADINu- It(X4W, cot. of Nast street and Square (ap mars. Opec from Ito 6 P.r,. Sad from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'8 1N LIBRARY. Lea.iiwg Dairy, Weeklw and Illustrnte(f Papers, Mugrrows, (eta'_, on Pile. ILZMBEItniii P TICKET. O1 L Y *1.so. westing fres us. of Library and iteadlne- rot niabssnkip received by lAbrart� .la room. IDD. swum AN. OEs. t1TIVRN. proatng1. *acre uy. Yslerllk geared Gels MA M.d1oa1. I `Re. WHITELY & BUNTER. lJ Otfloe--[dread Opera Hoses. Ooderi'b. DR8. BRANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. Rurtones. Ac000rber•. :c. ie. 1.nit er•os.-iteaedenoe, Napier -,.r near, t:rul. .1. 17 Sti•••.•v.-ltemderce North at. opp. Modei na h.,o1. 1 011178 E. DANCRT, BAkklsTEK. Lbiu-ltor, ('oor0a.0sr. i... ego. Rama to loan st lowest tote*. Hfaktfa mrak.1ip0e- ricR. &.t. �1 LL" N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PLOW - EA. tor tr. Maritime Courts of 'J.otrw Once -South Colborne 1..otel. '.113 i O. .iOHN'TI.)N, BAiCKISTER. ♦rl , 'elicitor, rytnroias'ter. tc. Lo.a& oollsutiws and real estate transections care- fully attaluded tu. •!nice -Cor. Hamilton and St. Andre. . ':Odrncb, Oat. .22*. lyl JOHN DAV IKON, BARRISTER, d tl•ti01.,. t'.areyanrer. Its ' Yuney to laid. Ofboe over Pust4haa5, tlod.rich. Matt c A M N I O N, B A R RISTER, at Solicitor, votary Public, rte. Gree -Over Jordan's Lrug $cora, the !vans fet'maey Swatted by Judge Doyle. tS111 C. HAY8, SOLICITOR, lot. R. Oros. corner of Harare sad West Saes( Godech. over telegraph riot. Pel - rate !!fr( elts to lend ut 6 per esu[. Y40• (11 & I'ROUDVOOT,bAK- l� rkgersAttorne)J.a,, 804101Iors. Sc.. (lode rich. 3..1. 1. Ostrow. ( C.. W. Prondfoot. CAMER)N, HOLT & HOLMSs, Burrtetote, Solicitor. i. Cheerer; tr. Uoderich. M. C, Cameros. Q.C. ; P. hat : Defile, Holmes. • = ajpsoial TRlfl10Nal. . ____/ SMO 1/4/11V11/100/. JO. WARD, OONV'ANI.ER, IC J. 4ee, .rt eommirle51r for takloog, and re striving recoenlaaoces of bail, .fadavl1. o 5irmatioea, depo.ltico• or m1ma deniers - Mese In or concerning Sol act ion• soot or P511 - • 44.g la the High Court of 3.11tMr, the Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in any County ! we Derision Court. All trras.etio55 caned', stmt ress -Downtime. Ont. t ly c[ectdad. Raaidenc aaidt P.O. EW CHOPPING MILL. l ae, prepared to do•11 Mlles of grain b Manias on shortest Mika m414 .nias st all CCno oors 1 have NM stet sad bear improved machinery torsod eol.orV Prices .s r.onablo, Roomertodlpatio"Yourchophome with yes.308. KIDD. •O 17 Relema(s•ai. Hotel tVlt)N HOTEL. OODEKICH TIM well-kne•vs riser.d and hens: hotel hoe bees tah01 pesa,sm10u of by .leaks R,ot he. Wad refitted la every neper+ snakier one of the nearest and quietest !roue• 1. the trade. Nice brotlss. ittgilent 5a01.f. Ratan 5.odetate. I(A('LT'ys SHOP., Propro- 1.r11. 1441 N' Lf1 J. T. XAPTE. TEL. FIRS. LIAND •hsarasoa alma: at bereft rates C.OI. N•irtke t. Sad moire. tied - erlok. ft - ‘1 t- !!pleb !!Oyler* 1,•rRs Risk i .t 1T,P :-- ••kogoNt .i.►(am N hate .had hem raa.rsted cera hirer the[. 4..e at reassesNe recta. at the 004..ee .e Milo (/)RR as HMtermieu.. owner Rayfield keret. b. *; it `a ALTF1)RD TANNERY -TO THE reidi'-Ravi.er.:atNedthe aaoc:aetur- ne rapacity of 14. t.Wtl.nr Teaser, formerly .erred es by A. it J. fleck. by the pwrvh$ae of the Kirkpatrick Stone Taanert. 1 inked tale. tend the trade fa every brooch. and &1 cow 7w0,Weod Its seer the 4(14.1 prior for h:t:t. •if every 4ssee(pdia. No limit to gnaall•). Js,810'l1 Itl:CI<. R4111 Soh:ord. Proprietor. Animals for Bolo =.,rlcE-srocK KK ,TEKR; FOH duke I have ns hand eighty good mode steers for sale. ri.um tare, yews i sal pre rtred to 5.11 st reaw..rble priers in large or orfs lout on rot ow r fern leo miles two try Rattail. M: 3. Ma Si. (ere 10. •450Orld. J[IIIN 1 (II(IFFIN. F:li'E'TER•' Vol{ SALE - TIIE J und•-rsigrtes has for eats at his reei- de••ce on let No. r. coocare4un E. 1►. Aida, field. a number or ram Iatu'r u: mere Leaes- tcr'et, .4 1:UHiIIT Stitt AN. Deegan - num e. u. • L'Ok SAL .-TWO 1S IN. CAST L pulleys -It i3.. face. 1 11-tb in. bore. or ma he herrto di larger abaft. notal as new. Will be «.Id at a oarr•abte •ware. Apltll al Ten Sen\aJ. mean Printing niche. North -rt., 0441. for late THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. ExfoutlirPi'_ {� XECt•IOW+ HALE- fK EXECi•- • a trr. of *be tole Thongs* U'l,'ttnrhlia will i lar i .r salt by public am•t toe. at t'aiu's hole. in the, Haim of Lucfuuw. on Satut4t5y. Nov. 1(4.atYoclock r.w.pert dlo' No,,. the IMO cu•:., N'. I. A,hdeid, containing 1101 mores tome et tem. [toil $ Rood clay. 1 acre* c.ear«s. Well few, ed. &Nord frame kotisaend lues. Two aeucd wet... Situated abnnt cps ,nilas trom Loiekaow. P'0. terms and coven tome of yule apply to the executors or to P. A. MA1d.A.)M *(%. yiulirtier for Corset's* Tayk.r. Inward Carron and John Union. )(tteenera. Prier 1'orr. tt, Aaetioneer• 87.11Dated Nov, M/3, to EXECUTORS' BALE t)F EARNNS. Mor safe. Lot 7. ()ns. L W. IL, Colborne. 100 acres The Sc rt h halves of Loo Sand u, ('o.. I, and t he iron Is !surfers of lots 3 and 6, ('en. 1, W . U.. Coli orae. 130 scree. Part ot the South half of loot 0 ('nn. 3 W. D. ('otborne. 10 a• rel. ATM parr of Lot :I. Maitlaad Cowes, son. ('ul lawoe. 1: auras. Apply to Ree. Prior and Asdrew A. Y Executers of the :ate R'. J. Harris, or to R.4', Hays. 1.M.t•ttor. Gederich. act MIND IIHaIrss to Creditors N O110E TO CREDITORS. • Th. Erdal. .V;r7,o tr herr,a...1..•. oar i. Credi'ors of rhe EJlale o1 "7irho'as Morrieb. lair rd he township of t'nlb rnr. i. lac Cana- ry of Huron. who died on or shout the 4114 Aar of .u. ,.r. A. D. Part, al the tomalley of ('oltxstr.-. ere h•-r,l.y r,.i•iee•mt r,. *end on Or before 1h.• MO oar of \nsen•rer. A. D. 1711. to Cameron. Holt i ibolmr.. ad►rltor.feria& Jerkin.. mid Ito-hnnt Je..rlt ednite,utr*tor•. foil particulars of Their claims And take notice that attar Use said IAb day or No.tuber the administrators will uroeeed to administer the ems,. 4114 effects of the old d.rr•*ed haring regard only to rialms of *Koch rote Mod ha..' Ion rer-r&vad. ('.tM1I7 )N. HILT l HOL*IF:K. t solicitor* for Administrators. Ooderi.:..het. 17th. A. t► %tot. ttJlbt Tr i•mUlnt ORM*. • BRAND TRCIfE RAILIOAY. Trans menet fad ewe s' Oodwrtch to fol- low*' Afaer6 Wil and Karma 150 am. Mail t.e4 E[ps ..,.....,....,.... ,M00 p.m. Nixed ....M/3..m. Mired ..,.,. . ,...,7.10 p.m. I WNde •roan 90 WNW Naha 4e NM Styr pate 0' II TAILORING. i. . .Tee ~MI • T �a t4ra ea «• aur Cif es used vis ate W.Wk=r rata[.10Sr. The swag le um fsaM► h' �e si In alaMla a ams ipas ser Fee sola tidy at f>•'Reb Sclera. �itifwrw/� Meisel Cv.Wa kNMt. wilier, Were r =ocarina sleek w admen V the Ilia;items as4 Mefscs 1 Gema f t f M! r Massamee5(54 w4 l5 sad relate No dna kir.0it let •wMalt ea retythlwS y ht sew M [fie other Nle ef the !Mew no Democrat.. wi perces and Ss are right .4 the ofotIN hes the�baloy� lits 5S sr r. J. 141. tel prise tel Illy tel metei6 the know hoer and Nemeses advection. is est lass far tea ; news tear high. ter yet Malt get e.ea are. ueril front a pa wit4011 • but whoa LIZ s prise or the were comsat •int of the Mtud:o of R. ft Sallow. you teel bile throwing op your haia/S au ere teateh n eat, clobrich. Nov. 1. It[t Yr. J. J..4 very. f>mam �lg The wse►u.g madam whte4 I purchased from you some mo.14$ aw le tine pe: tent moliefaatf.ra. 1 d•' .tett moor• to 5e my heads to the but water * mad it doe.. (4rst clam mark with vel 1113, labor. NHS. HARVEY fIOWE& L (Nderlob, Nov 1st. Wt. J. J. Avery. Imam Sts. I r.d diet the w..4u..g .Schee• is Jest al you represea It 10 b', and *1411 .y that ler toibw 4Ueotbas wesbm( cu be doe eery gale llc/i� .&udiseturtlr. PY Cosi-Mr. The Koval Templar, have sr - roosted an excellent program of musical and literary selections, etc., for the oo.ct•rt to Lemma by them on No..29th. See posters tee., for fur: her particulars. Ne Ft.. ... sr stw.. -The listen tion• eminent )lbs pat its foot down upon .wied- ling, end will 1s the future snake no more psi , to •: i. •J: urt.1 ,,,ciet es who permit Wawa mid their kin w infest their esb,bi- 1bn Kr .calls ou show day. HN t%'.• 4.•lt-lrr►.i'. Tomato- last P. I;larin, of ;Iepbeo, w5* charged at the crfmtuaf court held before Hie Homo ., udge 11ot1e with having received a quantity of stolen f'•.r4. He ova soqumtted on the charge preferred. h:. l.mpwo V. C. c.r11 dnetof the defence. sow. ' Ng Mi opoollosoi Mt es !lead•= Mb Kis.,.. pea what Sky waste! per Ma fsppsr, •e a ap1W piMe sMWeliau. 1000 wee the esi embed ter, MOM was eh. ibrimuss Omsk 82 do We. Thesisg.ea. eery rge gktherieg met to appniMM Nie easels of the yoseg people. AIWr gar- takeof of the repot provided as • them well tarried est. The =1:6117.111. er•1.at40, tae her, the girls, the young mw mid the odd lees tea, all .5lrileoted thew qtr. M mata theses/dog one th«ougkly enjoyable .d wary oat voted the whole a seem* Proofs& of metal over $3b. It is Le be loped Rol the tine r` •upp.rs,4 oiemitteealarprirms� mesas of 'toppers, k•asrn. artaalisr is fast peed•g away ad that the people will sees w that the right way N supply Aerates with the aessessry kande is N piece es the plate the cash. is Fr'etpsetMu to mouse, keowisg that the Lord *est► s 4haarf.1 giver. THE ('A1A414' 111111* not lflill.-- We are to receipt u1 the 46th ..orad 4..w of the t hedien Almuiac, published by The Capp, (lark Co . Toronto. By special per- mimies of the la. Seamy. • list of bar .inters tied solicitors w Osierlo has bete prepared and t.00rpaste•t with the Almanac. la .,,u'tectiot with this at • tort •t p'*e•Jaang 0 (011 5 to CL.J .'rortnee Of tombs,. The Clergy lint :.51 been e.•5• !tired, aid now includes •;' u-nomtnattom t. the Daimlers Th...t101an►osl (0444- rrialton baa Lean extesufsI to ajuebec and 11 inoipe4 and • tide table givtag the tortes of Hater at Quelle* for lel'. k.e h.•. prepared. The replier departments have been carefully rimiest and corrected to the latest poss•tde date. and •leo ol the changes oocune. stave Kota. to Press is gives os the last page of the book. Vet sale at the bask - o' ores. Once 20c. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. St \I' tS 4•••.reel Ieer[k.>, m Mteelv... Mr. lease T. 11;1:., of Toronto, who so successfully conducted • series of tem peeanuc revival awnings here ea several oc cries. in eke past is expected to be in ••odertch fete som.Lv next. and hold two tnoettn,*, sac ha the afterao.:u 0 4 :15 acid .sue a tee eventa4 at 8 o'clock. .fiver col- lections will be taken at thaw irwetti4a. .411 are invited. (rate th T to. Angel. 4* 1'Or•Te:ar1.r•. -Keep • lo.,k out for coioterfe.1 Americus lire -dollar 'tote., which miry tied then way Into Canada bvtoce long. They are of the 19f10 moo sod a1uumheval t �24,455 T. They have the ri4*ette u) Inc4*'n and err a t mart bad Imitat,oa. The paper mod ,•ngrart*4 of the froat are Lead. 1 fee silk threads are tmitrted oy creases In t1.e f..per. 'rhe reverse sides very goof K. rt:. VI Vtru There has been 0c e*bihittots At Fraser d Porter's • due %rater oo'or p*:nt.n•: Ly fir. t'rockett. mottled •' •4 LK,..•• •.tnne1 •n.1 1.4 41.1 r4 I't e I ate* 1. .1.1:'u tr • 5 t'w o:es'*-'. .•.r lel ./la:urile, Cie commuters pie'uie'• H meroe to the , .aa. a^.rl : r.• istitere4 ' o'.. ..n ex hi:Alton !{c. 11:,,:Mutt wrl --fru 71411 , Irene t •: tete stet alt.i 1Yi.:., •.. Uttar - ,1ONEY T10 LEND. -A LARGE J. aweuot 0f private mad der !sods at lowest rota on protective tows awl fovea pr'•per'ty. *pedal terms of malevolent to oft Has borrower. --NaroamWoos. -CUD 0 wyite M.O. JOHNSTON tiederw8. In 11-11 �i()0,000 TO LOAN. APPLY (0 ; ``�2'' CA]I1410$ Meer t IIOLME8e elle. , MONEY TO LEND. -A I. A R 11 F ; eli�p�ramwatO Pereira{ Ppusnldit for leraamemt so (BARROW & PROD DFOOT ApPb EaRADCLIFFE. GENERAL IN-' memo*. Neal !canal. Wad Massy t log AI/Mt. Only firet-e4.a compao401 pyptouted. Money to Lead os Weigh : Inns. 51 tl•e lew.at rots ref 4oterest going, 1■ aa� wall soft lt. eerrover. 4)1to►-- b>tse. enS leer perm ttasarr. Weer retreat, Gods, t1� loft-, f Ui'LK FERFI-MIEJs D SIM O1t0tte. 44.p4se. (.'.ra$t(*n ('isk. MHZ HURON HOTEL. - THIO ('le•opttn. 1. welt -Meows sad pap.'.. b0 Ms Mae radioed. .Wlareed and improved neaitlp sod N sow arrow% to 5a5e In Suet ty ref .. - s.l.moyU.o tier the travelling petite. sero• . semeneisMes ger 115aalu•4 ,.eta. W Y iN Ll !'RAM, Prep imer. t►. Nsare o.derieh h*lu. 1,114.5. --_ - - Mora Hon ori. Peart Rave P ose4 gnoswm. - I ANI) M CENT ROTT1.111 CtAxA Hutt ' Cmelta /111:::41..1"1 gyw,l it= d wank -041,, ek d Pool. Oak and t ellalNDrell •.wwd I Tee 1tMa•L tree urw•e 'n I emom amid Odor 4 cwt. POroa. Cigar lae.eeaee asA .sale CA LOWE. feta.. Knits Ihps•. 0n.. Leah,. R. .1 A1'1 1F, ser R f _ _i• ('eaptt•w Dart; R1t HARi401s. faecal moos PRPW Wall .elle..,.,.' ............7JGam. Malone iguWr ..................... r.10 me. 4141.4 ............................kat TEETH MEM WITHOUT PMN Of TOO t'an or de, the 1)u. Y in emetics edema. A der.:n; . Ftu. 7.Eo5.lay la.: Ur.. 1' 40 'Mostly, of Admire. w.0 ....i-: 7 of *5 atesek , ! v.rtlg.r whit•, aece5.ho.K *4, stairs from the twit: of her •1.,ushtn'• i llgs Mc- Gil:nal.ly • house o0 a at -.t., and fell to the bottom. sustaining moons totems . A ('r.a:ltetis c.• , ;.pest. THE wito&N YAW Ott 4411mOth Polio R~- NPR A ape •.......,.»."" r, fee'"~'• ............... .... 9116%$ R WI ................ 4 �1 ish W 'ala Etan mum&10 to• 11 ............::I:: =w let �aew bsab sate ! M es Joke Campbell. of `kalortk, spent Sus - day with hu mitt. Katt. Buchanan returned WOW 'atardat last 1r au Manitoba. 4740. Merle, of Guelph. spent Treader of best week in town. P. A. Mal000roo, barrister of Luokeew, *pot Thursday of test week to town. Senora% Sun Mw Have. of (.odeticb, is the guest td her brother. K. '4. Hays. Wm. llrMillas. who ►pant the east three yeah out Ns., arrived home this seek. The Ke.. Jai.. T Lamar. o1 Bothell*, Iowa, mos 1n town during the putt week. A. Iie11 .Men returned from Tomato on S.turd•v and .411 .pend a few weeks in town Nis. Straiton k.s gone to speed the 11'0.. ter with relatives is Charlotte. Sew fork �I•Ir. Harr- Parsons. of the Hark of Conenerea, 't r.1f •e•1, was at the howl, residence for fin 'Aegis -mg. }ren torero*. n( 410.eelw, • *0(0.01 4: ,dmrtt+ boy, vow to town on Thankegxr- i 4: Day rent ._'tog old ...,t,tabntraor,. .1. If ('oll.orne w iab nut brother W. A, left ou Lt e.Ine.ley for fate!•, hs.'insgg re- ceival the sad intent:mice of their mother, .lath. Jolla K. Haw. of .laciism, Mich , arrived in town on Tuesday roll.I hither by the ill, 1300 of his wither, which has since resulted ut her death. Misses Am51brooke and Fisher, who hoer leen attending N'h101-y Ladies' College for p. 'brae time pet, wore to town this week speeding • hoe days Mr. McMahon. of Notarial, formerly of the i.odencb staff of the flank of Comintern 1. putting in his holtdays meters hit old (-ten•(s in th.5 mesas. U) K. )leans, who hes for some time put been travellior in the eastern provinces at the interest. 01 the l •.rdericb Organ t o.. returned home lest week. Stratford Herd,! Mir .eegmiller, aunt of Mra. K K. Lang, felt last week for a pr406Eel stay in Hutting.. Nebraska. ac emnpanied by little Niers Louise Zang. a', ere cut 1n the back of the bead and Seco Leann of the lr,•k anti limbs were received. Ceder skilt41 mad Meal aid, her many friends will he pease 1 to learn that her cham:eo for rt -revering ..re fair, although at first 4,•-.n wr.e eotertatnsl that eto would IPA survive the jejune. ant` shock to the sy non. :4orarriv. .T SKAe'e.oTH. The (:oter,eh Utah paid a visit to v.fortb Tutt TMnedry and returned with • share 1.1 the lrurrla. The match was gotten op by Tum 7(tephess, of the guess's and there were is .1l 32 competitors. E. It. Wats,n, ref 4;odench, • member of tel t:o,tancb dab, scored high enough to win the baud - sown pipe donated by Mr. Stephens, sad ted Dames, of Kra.,els• and secured half the top cash prize. Watson and theme's, who Neat m the sweepstakes had the gust Prize divided between them, where they should each hare received half of the first and second prize. Tice. ALA' .raCOSI TO Teti. Ftw5T. The following, from the Stratford Herald, refers to a former 4:oderich boy, whose relatives reside to the neighboring towodip of Cal - torso. Since finishing the wort at teeth to the Herald Dare hos gore to the Ottawa district to At up • 150 bid. roller mill: Mr. Lightfoot, of the city. has made outrider. able improvement in las business by patter, in • complete outfit of the latest improved wood awing and spurting ma..hinery, for which he deserves credit, 0 beong the first machinery of the kind in the city. The machine work Sad overseeing was performed by David (1. Rochanau, millwright, of Col- hneve, sear (iod•rich. 4.&10.80 Aw.v. -We clip the fallowing from the Lucknow Sentinel of Mat week Another ,10e of I.uc,onw's ole) and esteemed busies. roto paa.ri away on Tutrdey last, Kith slt, by the death of Mr. John Walton•. Demist', who was io the 311th tear, mane sr here from Ooderich some IE years aro, and DR. S. &ICHARD80IT► ap to su.4 hs dae arriaf cala eaoorfsl 8 jewellery husinea. He had been t. ds 5(57.4. risotto. lieut. health with lung troshle for serest MITT TOO( elan% MEST-STREET years post. ant although an that medical Q}Oy:.8=11.. Qxj. skill could enggeet was applied they Mead not shake nor t fatal diamee. He was a II.Ronl* ,. enloenit0A atisfsrrio. after • memhn of the Inde4.e04eot (/rdor of Fnrwt- Ihorooptt reef. monolog In the mow estaaasata eft Sad the irethro of that body eootnoted tot sp>re-tatkst. N delighttnl ..d tnu..iemd the funeral and walked in pr..... iso to the Faeroes. to .•hent tow 1 have the only .y NmeUr At tel Urn?* eke aet•vivea wars melost.a right eu see Is'is4erich, the lassosy esiesti4c dbourery..bk-h la warr.ute4 seem emlIncterd by the Her. Mr. Nankayr and by of teeth A wFa r Sell klud• g washy ole !arca wife sad a little see to moan ht. lose TNI L►nly t" Norse* or M,THonr.T la a►aeal a.•eethetie Ovid .stet *lyreb the t'p('•m * Aa. Fres +clod. txe Garr h. Fur imam la she slightest Is harrow es water, and tel cwt ~I heel known a r•rth to note" Som. years past it has Moon the o5atotn of tko 10044 sen ,r..itfre to voile MONO, tie indite' Ad yoeioty cd berth et Merin 515555 ma 11 s ('esNIrH1 M.rvekaw. 15 1e.. els. Prsesev.'les of tar •.stere' teeth. AJ) Motet erratum. well and milky$! 4.M. 111 • 9.1Ma10 uteoess aro name. 08. IL RiOHARIMON. w rre.le the Imo p•ln during the. eetraetaI Mr Fred .:reedy en behalf of the Gra ea e or w o a e rerf rima..54 very *41 4. (patty In the NNW erlrelwe mesa Ar0Tl- ICI4NTIC PO1BN.& Wet dist rhumb In hold • Harr.[ Howe sapper Mid marmot 0. Th•ak.giving Day. This O51 entailed • groat amount et !Sher, se no sporta eels, speerd to ranks the 'Marton - me.ta first star is every (artie.&r This ok im met but hetes.. N0 Sad of • maples woe prowwd. We Mate the people o1 tier mesh laving not only a beautiful and church. Let so the moose of mks tory saner. The chard r JO by b vasiesred with brick, built ser • gored fosadattoe ; gothic la style, state, etc., hard wood Sad ot( lamb. Thi. a e monad, the platform sod altar pelted aid a comfortable orchestra (a choir. The whole work 4ag does to tiro eatedectiu•. Mr. nucleases. al 1' rich, was the sastractow. The cast el durvh,feraisbus, etc., is jlatg, MD, abaorib.41 before the dedleattices sad ;- proceeds d the dale -emery •eeyiset a41.a:y- .d to over 000. The char u: Uttsgh. Methodist church rendered bon tttsl leu at all the aervto... (•,,,, Irmo oar owe aertayw54.t. The apple packers acv thtoegk t• victual% it was a d*•grembk iebtaas.. the Sit. The nosey (needs of Mrs. W. RIO. 13th con.. Welt \Yaws*trh, .ill be glad Wog of her recovery from bee law sero "40555. Thee, w51 WO chstv:b air, ire or Soh? .vhod .. a .••cloy, et %too, owing 1i church opaline at Make's. The roads me is . terrible seal a especially r this the Daae whore tel gear hog wee date late W the MIL The should let the jobs earlier is the same DUNOANNON. Mt I.ft lues tet LOCAL BREVITIES. 1Vhy buy yourle*U4 medium roan strangers at bibelots,"pn , when yon ass ((n the beat nanulactured from 440, 1,1'. Tbou000 for 1/2P•. 00 Dr. NI. Nicholson. the Nest .t. dentist, maks* the preaervato of the .aterel teeth • epectaiky. •:as adtaini.ter*dld frau 9 A. w. for the painless extraction of teeth. i,.o. W. Tbompenn is local •gent for Kell pumas, ptaasttes, sorrow seeking macht.Ws, bicycles, violins, dates and Immoral mor• -handle•. All of the blot, will at rock bot tom price. New is the time to purchase. ft ba* been proved to the a•tefactios of hundreds that teeth can be extracted by the painless proaae. using sari -*errs pitw Don't be deceived by hexing the cocaine treatment. The oar is ha,..gaa whist the other is very dadgerous. if Toe mutt the right tre•tawt you can have it at my lien• 1a1 rooms. (;raid Opera Hamate hick, E. Richardson. MARINE NOTES. Strl Jones arrived on Monday /rose De- troit. o-trot. Schr. Koff..' felt o Friday last for (:olden Valley for !umbar for V. Smeeth. Ker. City d Window Wrsived on Saturday from the Deck Islands with the fishermen and loft on Monday int Detroit. The following veems have Enos tato Ink Winter quarters, Str. .Ione.. Tugs --Clark, chime, Nee Kale. Se. Vote.. Arcadia, Newbold, `mss I:All, Polak Sebes. Todma.. Carter, P4afore mid {kedge 4o. 9. As we go to press the Str. Muss, loaded with grata h r Ogilvie t Habilitates. in at- tempting to snug the harbor, went aground at the end of eke pian, but as yet the top have bean tical& M release her. C* r eta D NNEATtnc.-Jihe sew Method - rt church at Bloke's aped tenet, 918 OM - armies of Adlf.dd, wee dedicated N the worship of God lest Sabbath. flereasaa were preached in the forenoon and crustae he the Rev J. R Howell, Y.A., (ied.r(111, Sad ie the aturenoo by the Ker. 1. NM., of Laekaow. The oosrr.ptios wee very terms .d the collection amounted to ever fifty dollars. The beautiful Sad impressive dedmatory Darya. was ee.d.etsd by the Rev. Mr. Howell, after the meriting serum the trustees of sheaved formally present- ed it to the Coef.rame. On Meech& 15.5154 a tea moody wee held ekes the ehurek was amain peeked. A sumptuous tea res served by tits lath. of 18. coal,ie guest is the teaip51 54.5 hall .err the dsreh Alter te., addresses was delivered h the Revel. Mills. Anderson and Mr. Kanner. pantsncespyiy 11= After them adtrea.ea Mr Hewett seder - took the task of entireties* from the tonegm- ptins is ee4ertptinee the emeaet erenseary te •rowepl1sst • the payeseet fur the eMr'eb. in • plsasaat, o►t4lsotery and suo.seefsl mammy he Old hs work, the pea respendty till ret 4.515 woe rete, r$vasr.phe Prepared sae seem, Test fltg..1. visrru*.'. -Ake. `hoot., of Senor, hi. wile, (see bliss Alice M*Y•th, felt :. OS Mendell after key* Iles. 4te- 4)57.545. Titisiuluiiis•. Soweto 0. so. nest H •v. R. Far.arr*e will .D v.) a< the tweet boor in Erskine church tbaakygivtng serums, slam a kywliaal Sae will be taken up. K.txrv[tu g... Nater Elle di Pert who received spew bodily traumatism agarose ars pleased to b5 •bio to scutes it emerge/ en l :othiag preventing. turf, bop Moos w •ii nrht. 1 octet w R[. 1st.•.. ('0m11 of tpkala rotors' 41.1 foe West Wawa..sth tRD here as last week. Judge U'yk add teriaieg *Moor is the •terata• of .1 Tom. Two Conservatives were pat a tutl'. ot.t.ltr•rt A•. Tor k. -tel. M. Roberti .. weasels of Wast 4%"ss.ntsh Macau leserance Company, has biro for mot past sod u at prewar on a sour Salle • arewmesb made by the compaly for . to defray expenses and to meet ether tweedT.. H.tk.s.ivIsa DAT.-Tbaskrgivag was kept berm r • holiday. The pea L. business places were clewed up mad ►m:t suspended, when our atoms crawled :n.- Selves m their own reaptetlre whiter and gratific•tlo s. Aa .1. Mr. !Osiris who lr. for Dore beets carrytog on. the banter photographing in this village dares o weak • left for I:ndench wham, veto 11%1. stau.l, he a.d his family [stead w - he haste' secured a gond positaa. \trsotn.. -On Thanksgiving Uay.11r"' Smarts, Smith, Murray and ."Welts sate.( ick, enjoyed themselves in honied sporting In the swamp on the seooatt third oosaaseioo in Wet Wavrais.k undarstwwl they had a gond time. Loot *p.. -On Wednesday measly,. • leaf week Mr. Kerrin delivered a wry e Creating lettere us the B4/atav+l dad There was a fair al.dird ad snoring the state of the roads, (which cost 10 lornr•Marytlon.tawr and wet wools a't •t! Mot for travelling). Subject. "1k M " sm Here) VALI. M WSW.. -Oa the seesaw of Theak.gieisp Day. we were treated to heavy fall olamow.whieb by the way, lb time of wntinc has disappeared. sod weather is somewhat more f*vonbt la 6siahieug sp tel .hippies of apple ad securing tel turnip mrop. Cos.A,.[y.rP.'T.--Miss Vieata Houghs+ who wee attacked with io6Mmsst'•• sus time r.csstly is Rrsdsally b.cva u dt ow valesoesL .... it will be u.s.t5 slimy rd*Uvee, frissda arse i web Ir elel./. 1). Smiley Wee, W bees seriously afflicted with as allsidiss hs threat, to known that be is risterenst C3Mr 14r'seeatl t8 r(ertiMss & ecfees(1es with 010111k.k• s stew eb[sd m bIM lkabhMb W see iafarrsd tele$ !Stet a s.e40' .t thea. *1* euteeadsd �•pj°t aW M /rim dm4*k*5. for was 1. tee rick . a wcs des to whYh �erem� ne[R __awns • oou.e44 0f W tet W sw.aoMli cwt a tel M hell, m Saturday, the 19th (s parsssrmm d' adjournment. A11 tel g4e.gbers presets A ergs nomhar d .:c0s lets were pasta end ordered to M paid. soil after ethlt Isssiofpisl .sates were duly eo.Madsl� tie wood! •d jousted to 5151 m the pities, os the aatetery date, 15th Pee. Tnau.n*tt[D moa- D.neg Isst Yr. C. Oir.ia, ex -came• W. R•• sass•('.i s 1.4.gr m .nest the does! .1141 setae Df.tt1. .144. tewaalfP .k (»cirri rte w the nsMelpl *the Md •ears, he MR hems w MlSS4 f tY•``� p�ystb� psstlee'ea w .L. bee*iv5m.at Mrs. 0. vi.itle tdittM sod tricots hese shut • 1~r K sa b looked q.fu hell, Mt .udk d 1ils. d est keep 955.454 •wy ftem Ilia yds/• sdtMa is gilled rete•• wish el•sdtsde .Snell t.015. to rMasee I aistem MMOs•I1T1 yehleivt M e,errtor/ bll4e 4 er wow the 44ots! tel essript ,,.r well M a fee p �ba*545541Wt ►ealt►y .iUerisy tsitasaS toilet conn, use Syrup• Asiese the reams t• � 1 YeeretHiseo W5M RANM llrrli.{ 010.0