HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 7r SION-AdEr;--43ODER1Ci1, ONT., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1892. jOF1t. ACHESON. + + + + �•.»showing this week special values in 5, UNDERCLOTHING ad CREY FLANNELS. Tweed we sell at 600. a yard, and the special line of Grey Flannel at 25c , � worth 30c. ,th„Liiiii + + + + + + + hill lin of Gloves and Hosiery special line of Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose for Boys at 25 cents. JNO. T. ACHESON. ALL TRADE I 892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We Are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. ane hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitingx will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. f3PSCTION KINDLY INVITED. PDR CENT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. RICTLY ONE PRICE. .tom Ik Dreyer and Haberdasher. kn Elegant Cook Book GIVEN AWAY wiTil SWUM POUND OP SPA Alamed O 1;ecw Values in TEAS lad SUGARS Fresh Baltimore Oysters, Daily. CHOICEST LINEN OF CONFECTIONERY and FRUITS. ED. O AI NE'B, Coy. Montreal -at. and tagvare. 1Prehphone (7efmsa60a, Agency fbr " MONSOON." JUST NOR Offs Ssm.thisg that mks Mair thio wards - 60 sent tip te the waiter. Yung man make a mete of Mae lienee widow are amt perm Daryl Do yes think the ..dienes aot4.i that ..sg I sang se badly. • '.bel Which! Natural. "What did ho wife do wham e hs totted the boar en his .-oat'" '•Mhe embed him down." Yam always burial the h.t.a.t where be tea get ea it readily when he waste N WAIL Jc .• n says there is a.tbktg el.vau.g about i.,.-i.ty--it ww't take . man up when he'. down. Always credit a wise man with whit he does out say, and charge the foil'a r ord. op to burn. The mail who owns a railroad never gets halt aa snuck joy out of it as the one whe travels my a free pass. The battle -bap have bail their outing, sad the cold wave Nap will bare their tura n ext "Can you see how Douce can afford to order • 640 suit !" ••Y.& He don't expect to pay fur it."Robbins aw-mg You look like amotkerbud s. $t, Jun.. a.othsr trsager- am. This isn't Jooea. An Irish friend orate that the .hill pismire is Mier ag • pretty girl is whim .he weal let you Two bide.. --"Is he really going se marry !tial Pow' H. must be very deco ia love!" "Yes ---or in debt When a mother says her boy i. "fall .f We," the neighbors know it means that he will Hake trouble for them. All sorts of vexations attend the ponce =anaemia match. Even the lamp u I.- questly put eat over st. There's thio to be said of fall faahmos. that a nam never goal down with the sena grace that a woman dose. When sand gets in a mealime it orally stops it from ranging. 11 is not so, how- ever, with the political machine. Oholly--I think this aerator's b.a.tiy stupid. Ile says, "think twigs befoah you speak- Qoreace- I'w.po.t. o.a Sloe -Hew do you like my hot! He -11 makes .your face very Snag. She ---It made papa's face very bag when ke paid for it. 'They say ahs is very tinder -hearted.'. "Trader -hearted ! Why, that woman would rather died ennui thea try to kill lime." It would probably be hard to convince • Watson roaster that his crowing doesn't have • good deal to do with making the .ms rias Lady --When is my teak! Baggsge- aaa-I couldn't Gad any trunk, mum, but IN. got the handle with the check mi. Brigs --How do you fake my new coat I get it at the might parlor." ts -Fiat Eska. it's atms of the beat •its I ever IOW. She -Yes would be surprised if I were te tell you that I v past 2S, wouldn't you! lis --I would he surprised at your tilling sac It was in the School of Naga. -Profs. ssr-What you have just drawn there Woke more like • cow than a hone. Pupil-lt i. • row, sir !" Edith Wh) did ea dismiss Mr. Good. heart ! Blanc , he got so urea rather it at home and hold my head thea take ms to the theatre. "Thu is an 1.dea1 baud," remarked the gambler under his breath an be dealt him- self tour aces mad the other fellow a quar- tet of otouarcha. A Chicago Proposal. --Wabash McHenry -]urs. Lakeside -Lobelia--will you be mine' Mira Lakeside -How much alimo.y do you pay There's plenty of room at the top, but you Moulds.% tell an ambitious artist as Inst ae he is en the point of ..siding his picture to the exhibition. .'Why did you break your engagement with Mies Hipt.,n !" "It had to be the ea- t or me and I'm too food of good wing to go into tankruptcy. The ballroom ceiling cracked during • demos . • pi : rate house at Newport ''Gracious '" said one of the girls, "that meat be the "Bring ane a ooh," said the round- er. "I want something to make ma steep. Yea, sir,- said the intelligent waiter. ''Beverage. air, or Louden litera- ture ." "Could jou lead rare an It !" "My boy,' replied Charley ('ashgo, "ever since my school days when 1 studied algebra has stood me for as unknown quan- tity." Miss Pad -Oh, Mr. [ode, I'm just from the manicure's sad you don't know how Moe my bands fel Dude -No ; bat give them to in and 111 Nod eat • Better than Law. - Mr. Suburb --M n eighbor has • big dog that we are all afraid of. What do you advise?" Lawyer-A:ot • bigger mss. Five dollars, plasm A Painful State of Affair,. M•thilde - I'm sure 1 wish I knew what Mr. Snippys intentiosa are. Flora- Inteo- tloa.! tt'hy, Snippy sever had such • thing is hii life. ..Whet make ad Chief Hos-of-a_tien so b•Ppy tonight r" "He robbed a travelog open troupe last night and scooped • trunk,,(ull of wigs Be clams they're scalps. llsserreit .,tits Nam&-Acere--Nmitk r about your clip* trh.d, iw't he ! Itor- rowitt-Y es d him ! W. almost impossiblo to barrow • mat from him. Professor -You ..em Vim he very dull Whets Alameda the Oreil bores r age he had already oongseresd the Stu- dent -Well, yen sae, be had A for • teacher. A Dangerous Counterfeit. -"This is Vat meat &Meadona semntsrfsit I ever caniel.4. • ease," remarked the actor, as be felt the bath-..d-seavas bridge giving way ender his foe►. ;baud -$a asked me to marry ham, but mid he hadosly a broken heart tooth" me. Marie Did yes accept hiss wider these amdltios, • 11au11 t es, kis bank aesewmt was intact. Frankness N.waldd.--Dr. did My dear (elbow, this supposed siassm .f yours is all immensities. Mr. Oriel-- An right4, Bator: 1 supplies, these you'll be ecstestsd with aa im•gtsery fast Ayer'sPills Are better known and more gener- ally used than any other cathartic. S -coated, purely vegetable, and free from mercury or any other injurious drug, this is the ideal family medicine. Though prompt and energetic in their action, the nits of the pills is attended with only the best results. Their effect is to strengthen and regulate the organic functions, being especially beneficial in the various derange- ments of the stoma.. s, liver, and bowels. Ayer's Pills are recommended by all the le..ding physicians, and druggists, as the most prompt and effective remet;y for biliousness, nausea. costive- ness, indigestion, sluggishness of the liver, iaundice, drowsiness, pain in the side, and sick headache; also, to relieve colds, fevers, ne:!- ralgia, and rheumatism. Thcv are taken with great benefit chills and the diseases peculiar to the South. For travelers, whethc r by land or sea, Ayer's Pilis are the best, and should net cr he omitted in the outfit. 'fo precert e their medicinal integrity in s.II climates, they are put up in bottles as well as boxes. " 1 have used Ayer's Pills in tier family for several years, ane. shwa► found them to be a mild and ex:-4- lent xpat.- lent purgative, having :t goon, effect on the liver. it is the lest pill used."—Frank Spi?im:s., Sts:- phur, Ky. Pr. -pared by Dr.C. Ayer t C !-.�.' .. `-:..v: Sold by as Dr .*.. ♦erc're Every Dose Effeo;: i.2 Se Wm etas sum. Risketts—Who ars you .■sadag at, mgr! Skidds lank repented sisr■atmtory par- osysmsi- -At oboe ! at .huo!—Judge. Per Meng sr slid. Children and adults are squally heosfited by the um of Dr. Wood's Norway Piss Syr- up, the now mad s.eomsfdDough y. mo 11 stops murk in ..s sight aad�may be re- lied ow as as effectual remedy for ooli, asthma, breechit.is and similar troubles. Price 26 and 50 Dents at dr.ggi.ta. 2w whiten t. A5stsatsr. Hill Nye is The November castor,. I wrote two scathing editorials for this paper, which had a good deal to do with 1 ringing en the war, it was said. Whom I see now what that war cost in blood and bitterness •m•1 rain regret, of course I am sorry about it : but then I was young and impulsive, and had never brought en • war, ` I world know better now. ., The C9JLW° Has ateruek us, pet we are not afraid, as we have A COMPETENT STAFF AND CAN HANNA IST JOB IN OUR LIMB. WI NAYS • 'LARDS STOCK Or STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. Ws Aar STILL VAMPS MI RE -DIPPED TINWARE. GIVE UN A CALL SAUNDERS & CO. WEST STREET. Fall Mi!iinery! MISS CAMERON, Who has recently visited the leading markets in the Eaat, has now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Miiiinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. And respectfully invites an early inspection of the same. MUSS CAMERON, Hamilton -at. ltillm A. B. CORNELL B. T.TN�ERT R roe McLean's Block --On the Square--McLean's Block, STILL-OONTINUA$ TJICONDUCT PUN&RAIS ATOMS USUAL LOW PRICKe. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ;ANO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. - A. U..t,Heb 1/111111. -Ass -Wm Sus u nsaved at high msem! Mabel - No ; abs sever bad may style ft shiher. Amy- -M what hour did tire .seam.ety take *eel Mahal -Twelve e'desk. "1 don't w what good dudm w em earth, styksw' mid the *eery .alter, se me d ahemve.ishe.l ',in the seem "Great Ikea r smeWrie . the hone repor- ter. Dear uses hese is Yve. • Ianhr—This r the ham perm we horn, hit 1 wwbi't alt him wtaheut yes k.sw W .w huh t hell .e.w Y Ye feel dser't rat bif► Mum Tae ---PR solo Was N via mem lobe canbs bmefag . mem le lb beim SURE LIGHTER. ZgMar .'r4-1=HON= Toaox4' l ANcH-29 FrontrAl Wean. 11IONTUAL BRANCH -111$ St 1 Ates -et NAlrxarm WORKS—Holl, Canada. UN DEI1AKERS J. 1E111.07 et SON Have added to their most business one of B. J. 's Lstsst S le OF Baty Hearses, also fro Gamut line et funeral furnish in the county, sad are now prepared to coronet funerals at pion r o m eJ 1 This deportment will be .trietly attended to by hie sea William, Vac, being 15 the employ of the late D. Gordon for the past lots pious, lase a da,_-e.gt Icerewledge el the business, and by prompt attention hopes to share part .t lit. palate patronage Remember the plans—Went—et, ea your way to tee pati Aft. Ohre ns a oall.l J. BROPHT+3Y & SON. WHY Does (;EO. BARIUM, the (3oieri.h furniture dialer sad undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and under'taker's supplies? And how is it that he can sell so cheep 1 BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Ro- tuma." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. (live him a call before purchas- ing elsewhere. Embalming Plaid always on hand. 2357 y Patronise True •Competition. 11m Cut Psrtrtc RAILway 0We bs ce h e emealsd t the give pi •.a• .a tervtwith raasd R - it Y m fee priming. w Is the faeereet .f Ms ,.nee. it dopa the .where of .vim teswg■ wtr wsrlwse�Pmioes�m epet�tause�a /fir wwAl.g um OM mits= ewwish a� Mama j 1. 'rte Wsw7'.atlsO..i w alts, -mise-. *Mere*