The Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 6MOWN OF QAMAWMI FRUITfi•
$Hesseer ..... Jus. Orme elle •bre .,M
..wee. Illee.ewtu,.
1. assert to the jeaslisa: Where dM ear
t-die.lntteeer,freed weabill have tame
heeh to the tae who the pe.saat iahiii-
,m'.ts d N.....dy ..d Brittany were
gathering the seeds nod perhaps the mire
4 the fruits .hay .tees need prior to at
barking ata theRini
fang h.....e.
to NViruses. F -
came the B.elis►e..n Whirs with Me his
hornet traits, the. the Sootokta.., Irish -
ease Welsher., each br•tagtos seeds et
Wmfrier hest know. ..d loved by mhie
weave bums. and here we tare Or .sates et
the sun-eaooese et many el theca varieties in
the solder ppoorrtt Mae cit our (leserio.. They
warty the by medliag probes
woosassy geselatios of apples
sgnnown an milder and moister perinea d
Europe Whore they Int.• found a stalil.r
clttnate e• Rhee side we 41 know how ntagai-
gceet ham le hear •raems. theme( the
early history u£ apple culture in Quebec we
find in .0 cid deaf elated 1::0 Nat • far-
mer u the county of Lisle, 30 miles below
Quebec, egress to pay ' IE bushels of
apples per .sum, .ad these were not to he
see Mingo, but were to he Colville, or
Reinetta" To the early uolomista Rs
pprroohaldy dee the honor of originating the
Vioneuse. or Snow, and the Puerile Gree.
The former hal brogue known and famous
and war exhibited before the Horticultuiwl
Society of F:nglaad as early ..s 161M. Seel
after this the mama Sew wed Posture d•
Neaps are Riven ie. and 'he mute Fameuse
d.yttsd. The Tonere ..rue had been taloa
to lead from .`.nada and fruited there
00 ear y se I803.
Thome French colonists elm gave r let.
lmwre.ce, Canada Ilaldwi., Ikcane, raw.
ere Suers, and others. These were all of
e eelliug prod•etton and has.- been eery use-
ful up to theprs.ent when forest conditions
preailed. Auw, with our somewhat
changed .haute. with more rapid es apera
tire sod extremes of dryueas and commune,
they are Jevelopu.g defects imminent be.
fore 1 en still elteakt.g of the .odder por-
tions .,f the Iteaunion. het we have ex-
ample.. of long perpet nation of vat-reae..
The Itibeton Pippin. produced from seed
from Norm.a.iI about 16.18, is yet a favor-
ite apples in an
Nova Scotia. d u grows to w
conn rahle extent in Ontario. The One
veneteue repeated about the middle of the
last . eutur)) in c;eratany and is still a fav-
orite with Nova !Mature The Alexander
u said to he a native of Southern Karate.
It was received from Riga by the Horticul-
tural Society of England as early a. 1MIS.
The Haldwm fruited for thefint time ateent
the middle of the net century, ..: igin Mae
sawhorse -tie The Hh.ede Island Greening
was introduced about 1761. The Roxbury
Russets originated at Stnuingtnn Cont.,
and appears to have been hrnnght from
there in 16411- \o we have apples in their
prune which originate,l over two nand a :elf
,•estnriee ago.
The first practical worker in cruse (ertal
tang fruits appears to to Andrew Knight
wh., began &flout 1811. His earliest
work was with grates en.' crab
tippets As instances of more rrern t
rendre Mr. G. B. Peffe, of Wlaconsia
crowed the Inches.. of Oldenburg with
Jonathan, the one hardly is summer apple
the other a more or tees tender winter vari-
ety Pruni this union we have the Milwau-
kee, a hoe winter apple vet large size, fair
quality and a hardy tree. The late Mr.
1'. 1' I tempary one of our t enadian workers
in thia line Ire given ua new and \ enable
varieties ut pears, grapes and apple L
apple one that he has intruder -,I lately
under the name of Trenton is .we of the
most hrautiful fruits 1 have ween• and a tree
.of great pr••nt•e•. So the work goes on but
the field as large and we need more laborer
Their tItrurlure sad Nabtts-Tat. Mspl•se
aem.dfer for Their IMatrartis.,
An year by year larger 'ream of Iuni are
brought under cultivation the venous in-
jurious insects which attack special crops
will become more and more numerous as
the cultiaatIon of their favorite foodpraat
i... eroded. 1l is estimated that there u
no crop grown whi.-h ,s not diminished by
an average of at least ewe tenth. bt the de
ptedetnma of meet enemies, and this lose
in some years runs up to .*ie•fourth or one-
half of the whole crop Of this loss there
is so d..nht ?hat a large proportion can be
saved by the adoption of simple methods
founded on general principles. with which
all salt eerily become acquainted. For the
effective u.r of remedies to destroy mjun-
nue insects a certain amount of knowledge
of their structure and habits as highly
desirable. so that the mint appropriate
remedy may he adopted. and also that it
may ire used at the period when the enemy
ea newt su..eptible .4 injury.
The Ilse* of insects are divided into four
well marked periods. These are- I The
egg; t. The caterpillar or larval stage, dur-
ing which, es a rule, they are most injur-
ious; 3The pupa or quiescent stage, is
which. except In • few orders, they Is
quiet, and are without the p,wer of motion;
awl 4. The perfect insect. Some mnsectm
are 'spinous an three of their stage.; but
the larger cumber in one only, so tint
melees we try to know them in 41 their
forme we may lose the best opportunities
of destroy mg them. it is clear that in this
warfare the over who pn.seama the informa-
tion ha. • great advantage over those who
do not
lamer may be disid•d into two classes
by the nature of their mouth parts. In the
fine or larger divisi.r, biting roots, they
are furnished with matdiblsor biting jaws,
by menu of whish they consume the rob
stance of their food, as with caterpillars,
beetles, .t••. L the .eosad elms, sacking
insect*, they have hewed of teasel thisbeak
tube by means of which they sack up their
hood in • liquid fors from beneath the sur
face, as with the trete bags plant lute and
aka It is •rideet that with the asserts d
the first class all teat is necessary is to
plane some poisonous suhstanee on the feed
TintBIG �L: tti(Z$. G1�TT, THU Y. *OTIMBER 17. 1892.
to in esemies. es the te=analie their
eaaam Ware M i 1~a4.shm 0qe�,,
w6, mere .hlashd M a teesaIy `y a
aortae& map will eel have. is that plass.
the Ohne ere, M bed ea the fttiewhlg
• IJet.etat--Under Nis b,sb same
mesh se the trusibe el
fruit � W polonium alhaliae,er sago
rhauaieme si ehas Se keep eat lawn h►y ds-
tern.g the bark Weeks ham
Nair ems ape. the bark ; 1l" _plsdsg sei�
.sOhhsiaal .sukfvaaese ea trees te plasmaa
the seems 1tiswta as ehhmhisg est -waren.
er the wingless h.r1e amber- worm atetb,
whisk leave the greeted u autumn +ad
sprang and creel up the trunks a( trees to
la their amp.
d some Mg or marks ne»aural odor
Ohm int..... pre by
4 : etre
x odor, se limn or chole is
*4.11T1 SL111DIKs.
Uadr this head comes the praetioi.s of
each t..thods as may be called generally
"head picking.or the seeking out of in
seer is thou different sieges and deserey
Mg them. These methods can be best
explained under the several Resects for
wheclt they ere uestul. The meet tmpbrtant
were remedies, however. comprise 16. ap
plummet nI the various in.e:ticl<Is Or
pc.teonuus enbsMmrs which are .ow see
,gely used for deetroytog insect Full
instructions uos..•erning the .hove will he
gladly given to ad! appli.iuts.lames
Fletcbet • Entomologist,. Central y Espen
incur' Farm, Ottawa.
The Itabe•rk netball Applied for Use i.
Having estabttsked wow satisfaction the
ao•uracy of sits method, we have made
navy este laments towards applying It to
the ewtimanoe of fat in comp.sit.
1 .an one state that these triol 'ears
successful. Th. adoption of the plan 1 I ,
re luires no poisonous ar other preservative;
t!1 lessens the time ntoaeaery her test
tug, once one test per week o each pm.
Iron'. milk is sufficient ; had (3i gives
the percentage of fat se accurate) as the
mathematics( average: nt daily determina-
For the sit days tot a pipette dehsering
:.92 c. c. was seed anal from it successive
measures d milk were, from day to day,
run into the tamed Iteboock bottle. Very
often the milk was thick on the third day
a tin compo+its sample but no effect ea
the result due to curdling could be noticed
Daily teats were made aid the remelts aver-
aged' and compared with thine obtained at
the anal of the week. All the work was
.to in duplicate.
The following table gives the data of rime
.1 .many of these.Ipxiaists. Milks 'bow-
leg great vanatiom dm Int r ntemt were pur
poorly selected .
r,..netes 01.11,0.
u ..b,eryr
PI TWO lawera resn.
geniality t -.ed.
Percentage at In.
1: • x.4
17.0 11
17 s •,
17.0 16
17.6 7.3
17.0 7.3
17.6 1.b
17.0 I..
17.4 11.1
17.4 ar
1:l le
17e io
A, erase a daub tern 4.a
I ostoWi.alo r mpiee
Moods, to Kato. =-res! tat
Aa) ,,,ion. r • •r 4.9
It in isot necessary to diems§ the &burr
figures; they speak for themselves
As a dairy proceed I consider it leaves
little to be desired. It will utadoabtedh
be more extensively iwtrodueed in the nee:
future, as the shall expenditure of time
anal money [tecesasre toproperie manipulate
the test became more widely known among
dairy:nem -.'rank T. Shutt, N.A., Chief
t'hemtst. Dom ktpt. Farms-
rare.tIea iwJsinne,
No worse preface to the story of a human
life can be devised than the fixed conviction
in a child's mind that he is of no e.peciaJ
consequence an the world. The parent who
seek. to inculcate whetstones humility 1,y
drilling this per nerion into young beads
and hearts, harms his offspring beyond hope
of reparation Every boy and girl has a
right to have and to hold, in full conscious•
ne of its value, the title -deed to the father's
and mother's affections. The child should
comprehend, as soon as he can lisp the even-
ing prayer, that the love, the comp.sioa,
the never -sleeping utterer of his earthly
guardians, are n( a like type with that
which warrants him in saying " Our Father
who art in Hsvea."
i greatly favor the hack.eled phrase--al-
beet often spokes' lightly • "His father's (or
hie mother's) heart is bound up lathe child."
If I knew • word that would intensify the
ides of the inseparableness of parental devo-
tion from its object, that would osevey to
our children how our souls said lies are
keit, welded, mad fused into theirs, I world
use it here to make impregnable the
position that each immortal creature eon -
matted to oar keeping must hare .n ogee'
co -heirship in us and an what we have to
give. No man or woasa should have the
faintest shadow of justification for the liner
mur "Myparoots never gave me the
chance in life that was greeted to my
brothers and asters. I was the odd .tate at
home It might to be as impoweibk for
human love to demil upon the fourth se
upon the tint baby.
Some one said greatly of s ell -routed
woman that "she lived all the time right
in the middle of her pasture," This as
!toff•■ purpose for each of na, be the
pasture large or stoat. When we cramp
the boner of one child that another may
have more range, we remove His
1"411 -etc
marks. and prove retrieves unfit to emir tt
into the blamed truth of the esbHme , o.
impartiality of Hu fatherhood.-Harper's Lan
tear ort, 1
I havlietlme$0 Ws it as ilihl
apt te he a Woof. Ills will met a::.w yes
6. Wiens n Heave., se a tied, es u year
ewe foam 'unloose, it he me MRF tt." A
ward ia delays el year faith eOreeris
makes bin geese tbs. may emeareaa
err grew ever W .r•0A This always
Mema very to N ; for what comfort
ass a beadbes
to say te mve.t env emr to
• be
Of . , d sanan semset behave. be r
Mhepltht l$beg bethat bemenet help
it, may mese aham he sae help the miler of
hie ryes •r the base ed kb .tate... L
that cane it is est worth while M segos with
him. But yea meant ow M him :.. Ny
hope at Heaves mad imm.Mlfty Eska me
C'.n you art try te behave as 1
do ! ' Aad whet bas he M eller yes ! 1it
be coals faros epos yea his opinion that
" W• go out like the seatof a candle," ret
could not be by ay� tag bow oemtortable he
found the t,►oagAt. L elatebnoiring yr
d front yea, 66.. offers you a very creel
and hard stows; tux in it any am for bum to
pre:end that et te otherwise.
All life's trial" may be borne if you can
sincerely my : " There is • world where w,
teens aro shed." Even the death of dear
oars dos eat Isar you utterly cretonnes,
if you urn believe that you shed! meet them
agar. to part ao more. ' O herwm.e. whet
is life! A betel esutenee woo cut short b)
fate. We hese a pretty dream of chid
hood, and a little nee tor youth tad love,
perhaps a little time for retrosp.ctsuu and
regret, and then the grave 11 hv, if thee
as only the would an.1 t.. H.. only time
and .o etaroaty, what are we` (features
to whom comma' demppoa tmnent and grief
must finally lender eteteneeunsupportable,
usenet, meantegles, hopeless.
As 1 have said before, throe to whom life
is this misenbt. thing .me to be 'Surd, but
why they should welt to ooevert others to
their doctrines 1 cannot imegitte. Is i that
misery iores company • or that they desire
to forbid to all the world • comfort they share.
t Des's Rare Willi • Lareswe/l.e.
From Th.- Huston
Pear -tigers on the 00011 train oo !funky
00 the Roston at Providence real wen
quietly interested in a pointer Jog. The
arsine would nut violate the ruts which
forbid passengers ata.dl.16 on the pharlorm,
end be was too mod.wt to enter the
ger Car, w tech was crowded, prin'ipeily
with ladies. His master was is a dilemma,
and before he could resolve what to do, the
train started, and so did the dog. The
locomotive whistle screeched and the dog
yelped in alefian.e as the race began. At
times the amniwus animal would he ahe.ri
of the tlmgime, mad them would fall bkh '.
F\Ory .mise,. :o tL, tram hail a head or
two peering oat watching the race, and all
sympatbired with the deg. He armed to
realise that he was an object ti mit erect, w
ne would make an oocaaional burst and
show terrific *peed. Between the Heath
street station and Boyletoe the `stony brook
cols coder tee rtulway, awl the bridge is
not planked. The !minter went peil-mei:
Imtw.e:i the r•arde and down into the
'treaty. But he as suddenly- emerged seal
ga+ned the track, and re.che,i lloylaton just
as the train stopped. Had it been any other
day than Sunday the do, would have beer.
saluted with hearty cheers by the ladiwand
g entlemen whose 'mere be excited. As it
wee, he neve three yelps for bimaett and ed
.neat upset he moans, so glad was he at
meeting him on terra firma.
• fal.ellea ed fuse.
Ihx.u: Sit-, I w•an trcabled with•
nese, headache and lot ..ppetite. 1 coal..
net rest et sight. and sae very weak. bus
after using three bottles of R. B. Ica my rep
petite is good and I am better than fees
many years past. I would not now be with
our Pelt R., and am also giving it to no
children. ?dee. W Bt -Mee,
2. Msitlaed, N. S.
All lie s..atenwi.a M da.
The cleverer* of the waiters who etrnd
at the .mors of the dicing roomed the large
hotels in charge of the hats which are left
entad: by the goer% is very striking. Some
of tbem perform really wonderful feat. ot
memory in the way of identifying the ha:
re each perm, although they retire do ore
see the guest more than once and that for
onlp for the instant when he pewee tolease
his hat behind him as he enters
At a hotel om the Maine coast u a duke,
who i. famous .ovwg the gusts for sever
making a mistake. although sometimes tl,e
goeets have tried to pueele him hy going e:.
groups end I,y hate which he he
never seen. One day one of the boarder•
talked with him about this power and the
waiter said he had ac.,uired at by ineee
"And do you never make mistakes • " the
gentlemen inquired.
Ng, ash : 1 dou't collar to make no
mistakes, _ was the enterer
" And do you give every man his own
"Oh. ah,'. returned the waiter. ., 'taint
mme 0' me 'mares whose the hat am. I
gibs to ehery man the hat he gibes to me."
Boston Courier.
• na.merews reed.
Draw Sla., - My little girl last water
had • very hail cold which enema resulted
in congestion of the lune. After doctoring
with her for three worths without emcees
1 tried Hagyard's Pectoral Belem, and two
bottler of it cured her. She is now strong
and healthy.
Mem See'L 1lrl.metudm P,
2. H.mlItoe. Ont.
H.esrmM. IAnes.
" There le a therm shoot homemade
things that does not belong to purchased
0, no matter hnw bea•nf•I or expensive
may 1.• Yon can Inuy no breed like that
✓ wife lake.. granting that she is a
• qne.e awl net a society buu•rdly.
ma .we. knot so pies like three you used to
w eak nut ref your ne there repbrard. hon
sleep bete ' mete, quilts that have bees pat
together at hon....' l of the scrap, of elotk.-
fag worn by those dear tr. you. There is
a *harm ether • homemade rug that males I
yea wet te lie down .ad roll mm it like you j
trod Mea the ng carpet of your greed
plat, which they will at together with
their fond. With the second clam, how
ever, this •oald be useless, fa they wawld
push their beak* through the ppf.oisenons the
earring o• the ontaide 4 their feed plant an
riff would extract the pears from which ' m
they live from the interior P this lass
therefore, snow sehstases must he used :ge
merle.. a.11 i.gllah Wwwlelp.l Govern -
nest.. e
Any one who knows the te cities of
Benton end It.rnonghamri
. which have &bt
same pnpnlat tam (Boston n 44A,Ofln in ISM
d Birmingham 4,11,4410 in 16.11, will ed-
it that Bermingham enjoys every remelt of
unieipal enterprise. end to at last ae
an extent as Boston. Nary pems
. a c m
which will kill by mere muter with their
belts For beth of the classes of mown
er re:roc entomologists have diaarvered
cheap and available remedies
itetne.(te. for injurious insects are either
Preventive or Active, and mast be applied
m ttecordanee with the rere•t..taaeew of the
orae .ted the habits of the attacking i.
rasvexert arw101110..
There are d two kiwis : I. Agric.dtunal;
t (1s'terrent.
1 Agrw•mkural -These ewetet elatedly in
the alo9ttoe of each .grielltrrs' methods
a High Cullers, eirek will teamutate •
vtgrcnn. sad ...lathy gr..wtb of the roup
awl ,.eek ft os to sisterity se tees u pea
.hos ; Chas Farming, by able\ all weds
are kept shrew sad robbl+i le prevented
Iron sesumulat.i.g Rawlyr I�4eeeebl.�,
me tat a step limits M abash l" pl'aes.lei
would he inclined to state the carr much
more strnegly in favor of Birmingham,
who -h also o.rf•sseelymany
de%riopmeats of loos' activity Ont 7et a
prone hal by the sister eity. it wit -
he iarnotise to oompere the ripen
deters, nee merely as a mat
ter of curiosityJ, but especially the
value end tw(e;n.ue of mnmeepal gnvru-
ment must ab eay. largely dap•wl on ..he
eeon my) with which it rue he idminester
.4 itiftirngham's government ..out.
yrs "!,8111,1010 ; •ai Roston'■ goaeroesoill
*rat. el2,30,000 1. it pns.ihl• to Rive
any r•aemesble explanation of this disrep-
ute}, which may we 1 suggest miegiviage to
the mends of the Awsioan tar layers end
whine goes far t.. nrn•nt for the degree
sire in the aervias ren.terwd hy masdp.l
vermmein 4 whin lb they nom�pl1mais t- The
Heed Hoa. Joseph t iamber(ala, n the
November Phrase
Is superior to all other prspare-
tionocLtming to be blood -purifiers.
First of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the varletT y ri hest in medi-
cinal properties. Also, because
Cures Catarrh ` k,yell"
raised expressly for the Company,
is always fresh and of the very
hest kind. With equal discrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredients are selected and com-
pounded. It is
superior Medicine
because it is always the same in
appearance, flavor, and effect,
and. hosing h:;;hly concentrated
sa'i% small doses are needed. It
is, therefor, the most economical
l000.l-purili:r ul existence. :t
Cures makes food nour-
ishing, work
SCROFSCROFj11 ■ pleasant, sleep
ULA refreshing, and
life enioyahle. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
charnels. AVER'S Sarsaparilla
git : s elasticity to the step, and
Int+:tr!s to the aged and infirm.
renew ed health, strength, and
Preprn-.1 by 111- J C .Ayer a Co.. Lowell_ Ilan
1..4 b. a6 Druinrig• : Pn o s, ; res 4xih.. tr
Chow *then, will ore raft
Idirel terhiase,
An old deed rr.:ord. al in Pettis c uuty
over fifty years sib.. ems the Chicago H.,
•!d, ons. oras * g.....I tlI,..t,at•on o' :tee legal
.erbiage ,.snnre.n :n •Itch lnaln.nten'.. in
early tomes. In .,l.lrt.e'n to forty acres of
:and said for a c..oswkrstios of fifty dollar•
the document cm, eys "e11 and singular,ndvow.nns, ee-
fits, l -ow. In, 4n. v." 1.1 se
14;am*, oowbeus, can,
crass, de l'Ir., .{'. \•e. -ante, ea.Ntle.te, en•n'm-
meetr, fr. ebohd.. feature,., sunlit o n, fix-
tures. gardens, )..wnestalla, lmtrrwetnee,ts,
immmtnl's, Ioutek'ue., meadow., .,..sashes,
Chines, mineral,. ..4nerds,1st^ p.• ,sore
ground., pigeon houses, prey,.. , usrres,
remainders, reversions, rata, tiger wave.
water courses, windmills. together with
every other eecemen right. immunity, pn
verge and advantage of whatsoever same,
nature or descriptio.'
orway Pine
Ebb 1e the *hesefthsPiss
samhimed 1.11 the sad amaisermt
p.pastha el ether herbs ad hada
LUNGmist CfmnAOS legit. N1*L.whisk
pfwseut ply almammedleaSadM IW
Fame are. MKS 4100. /! eliMi b
tee►• w esu see.a,•tw.
Another consignment of English
Tweeds and Worsteds, suitable
for Ladirt' Jackets and Gents'
Suiting*, quality unsurpassed.
Market down away below the
regular prices to clear out and
*.'i make room for Now Fall
Stock. -- --.
Boots and Shoes
in this Ileptertnw•nt i have a
:erne and wrti selected stock, di-
rect from the beat manufacturers,
hence 1 can guarantee the hest
possible value for the least mon-
ey ---quality considered.
in my sadmsement a Anti • Dead riff i . DINNER and TEA SETS
can any something that i never could before, j
Mich is that the preparations in • perfect
remoter of Dandruff .at eel to the first
stages hat eves where the plagcmw has be
COMMchromic and Ire merged itself into a
disease 1 ars of et lenience as • hair
dresser, during whist, awe 1 have eap.ri
mental with every recommended proper
.Bove, not one has jeer 1 might any, erre all
pet tned6er) gives the setisfaetiun that
Anti Deedrut Ase.
It paitieely reatoecu Dandruff it .tops ;
falling of the hair it oriels the hand. It
makes se elegem hair dressing without
leaving a true n/ its see. 1 w it deity
e he
• my boa
dresetn, plane, at Ho.
tat, soil her. yet 1. 6.4 Or fleet resumer ' R' B IIB
LLANDin choice patterns and A 1 qual-
ity, (')wap. Also a lot of Travel
lens' i4tn.plea, and odd lines in
Glassware. attar., which T have ns
neral at a hamiin, and will sell
sway below their actual value.
Full lines in Family Gem -Priem
A full supply of all kindle of
Paints and Oils kept constantly
on hand.
Potent Medieinee a specialty.
who was not plumed with itI. •
Proprietor barber .hap MR.hmerHotel, Q. 1 DU N G A N N ON.
Good Leather >:ibums for lbc.; Better ones for 96,
50c.; Good Plush and Leather Albums for 40c., nog
ly sold for $1,00.
T1I8 I81 HIM 31L1 EVERT 113111 INT 8e
To male room for other X-imaa and Holiday Good,,.
Local Managers Hell Telephone Co.
Booksellers and Stationers.
Horses seed it deans Fill work.
BEATELLL Stare Pia Vanish
UanfDaaeli 61
c/.s es
Prepared in a dee cf... meaner. dal er eight. 11ea11y Ie.f net {myeernes,
Ibr .hick we are ase prepared.
Toa wilt lad Vat
is required. and at Ram
tali make es 5007.
�' we boa
gest d. think you what aa7Wasg aha w
tib dep.etmu.i
• T6b ie where we shine-sarrylag the
oe.+plue lies is the ammo.
No Nog ..code Nbw•d ia the stare.
Our hand were stock u most oemmplehred well be•ge• Our pries sslia s
notion sod we foot petronsg•.
R. P. WIL,- INSON & Co
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Coe.•et, mad Square.
P.S.-The latest and beet S ri
and Summer designs just to hand,
We him.** res iwJ a wry ado* id d
-0011111111211111 00-eeeiee.
Which we glasa■ba 10 well at kt..t
10 Cents per pound Cheaper
Than can be bought fromA trial order win 0pt
rine you of the nen of this &motion -
sell the best OOTFZX obtains