HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 5TSE SIGNAL: GOD*RIM& ONT., THURSDAY, NOV10111.1111 17, 1Ml. TME CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE LIYANtJSNet aSST. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. lila ,..r. Ip slur NILLUON .oa.uR$ . 0' a E. WAI.KtRI, a IMINIAL MANAQiIR. 1111601110.0111% 81,000,000. GOOERICH BRANCH. GisattAt. 5ANIt1NO 111.1111•1111111 TMNAACTW. FAMMI Nr NOTES O.srowNTED MOTS s9stSSD PAVAN./ AT AL_ POINTS M CANADA, AND THE PRINCIPAL WOES IN TIN iJWNW) *TATSs, GMAT UNTAIN, FItANO*. ISERMUOA. as S*Vlres .AMI[ .tpARTMtsT. wows Of 51.00 ANO UPWARDS RECEIVED, AND CURRENT RATES OF INTER -ST JwED INT.NTtSST AOD[D 10 TMS POINOIPAL AT TING MOO OP MAY AND •111 IN LAOS' Y4O. Spaniel AftM9bst gloom IS IMI ODMNNtNt of ^cxnnv.relat Paper, and Fainters' Sales Nota*. R. 8. WILLIAMS Manager. ¥ANCY HANIS BEAT .r RECOB.D! CLEYELAIflI IIEAT 11ARRISO!! B11! WE BEAT TRE WORLD BARGAINS iN ORDERED CLOTHING Bade from the Fin9Bt Fabrics and offered to our Patrons at PRICES THAT NO OTHER HOUSE CAN NAME FOR FINE TAILORING. OREMOST IN WORKMANSHIP ORRECT IN STYLE ERFECT IN FIT MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS THAT WILL WEAR. MEN'S DRESS SUITS THAT ARE FAULTLESS. MEN'S OVERCOATS THAT ARE STYLISH. We also carry a large and well -assorted stock of NETS AND ROYS' 1180I' -NADP; OVERCIIATS Which we arm selling at the lowest possible margin. We are also Agent for the celebrated "RIGBY WATERPROOF COAT Every Coat guaranteed or money refltnded. PRIDHAM, The Tailor: PREJUDICE Often influences people to act contrary to their best interests. Those buyers of Dry Goods, for instance, who pay Cash and go to the long -credit stores, paying credit prices, when the opportunity of saving 10 to 30 per cent. by buying at GE N'E cASH PRICES is within their reach, do so to the detriment of of themselves and their pocket books. Yet they count themselves careful and prudent, which, no, doubt, they are in most matters ; but they allow prejudice to pervert their judgement in this in- stance. Do not let this apply to your case. Be- fore you buy see our prices. We sell everything in our store on the smallest possible advance on cost of production. We have no losses to provide for, therefore we can give every customer ANTS worth for every dollar. We are constantly adding new BARGAINS. This week we have special lines in B L• Nil? S, UNDERWEAR, GREY FUNNELS, OORSETS and IID GLOVES. 4911•11STILONG 8 00., CARR AND ONE PRICE. Geo. Aeheron'R Old Stand ti-- Always glad to show goods. All eases Ramous $1.76 Rubber Oasts now in stook. W. ACHESON & rin:sueAcTtra ! r The E.T.CORSET COMPA!,V. SON BANK OF MONTREAL MANUPAOTUREO sY THE E. T. CORSET COMPANY SHEROROOKE. QUE- We lavtl just entered into ruck all aiaes ill the above reels. Jackson Waist a Doily. Combination Corset and Shoulder Hui e, constructed on hygienic principles. Watebspring Cortes, all sizes. a high grade, and pro- nounced one of die beet fitting Ooraeta manufactured to -day Dress Goods, Mantle Cloths, Flan- nels, Hosiery and Gloves. Our refection is unequalled elsewhere in Dederick. INSPEOTION INVITED. W. ACHEBON 8& SON. DOMINION NEWS IN BRIEF. The thtawa Citizen has acme to • settle- ment ett{►stent with the Typographical l'.oR. Ina railway wreck near Ottumwa, ia., a oar caught ire and four passeagen were burnt to death. The steamship Canadian, from Ii.Jum ire, which arrived at Glasgow, lost all head of cattle cm the voyage. 1t is expected that from lain,UUt) to$400, 141(/ will go into the (:Morgue Ray district for apples this mammon. The steamer City of Lincoln, from Mont- real for Liverpool. lost 117 tattle and several hogs owing to rough weather. A large European produce firmr. areas" out w establish a big p irk packing badabppeer duce shipping establishment. is hoadon, Ont. I*. 1)illaboagh, "t Hamilton, charged with attempting to defraud the heirs of the late Mr. Sharp out of P21»). was contour ted for trial. The North British Agriculturists, F•liu- burgh, says that in Britain no pleuro has been found in Canadian wattle, and that the disallow does not exist in Csaada. The naval train, with sailors for the British warships on the Pacific Coast,arrived at Vancouver at midnight m Monday. saran days aid six hours from Halifax. The representatives of a large product establishment in London, Mag., are in Lon. don, Ont., 000.id.rtng the advantage which tial city .Rees for the opening of a branch business. President Van Horne, of the ('. P. R. , con arms the statement that a fast Atlantic line will be established by that company, and stated that • line to Australis is also con- templated. The steamer Deacons. from Montreal, ar- rived at Liverpool. She reported bavtsg }o had a terribly voyaee. She at 170 head of cattle. I 'opiate Thompson and the mate were badly injured. The Propeller Acadia, with wheat from Fort William for Mammal, ran on the shoal at the head of Garden island ns ll•berd.y, bet was got of after a.sist•aee had been went from Kingston. The jury at the 'Nome se to the death of William Tickner, wbo was shot in a row in Toronto on •thanksgiving Right by Pollee Constable Campbell, returned a verdict of "jnatifrble h mtctde. ' In answer to a request to ria • boat to Hamilton; th. Richelieu and Oaten. Navi- gation Comppw►ov replied that it oould not do on without building • new boat, and this it was not prepared to do. At the school teacher' oomromtios in To- mato the president was authorised to ap- Rpoint a ..onmittee to report to the advise. lit). of introducing agriculture into tie public school curriculums. Owing to the competition of the Florida phosphate mime and tb a email demand, the result of agricultural dcpre.sion in &trope, very tittle phosphate la being taken oat a the mines inOttawa county. (ht Fn.lay afternoon the United states special agent at Boston seined atonsignment ''R6' fermi St Mary's, N. 1l., because with rrw. anu 'f ransport.atitm, • resolution was. palled upon t'ongrees to consider the irsMlity of proi.ibiting immigration for three years. Ih. Nauman, aided by the Norwegian Goveroment, will shortly start witb ten or twelve men and provisions for five years, oa an Arctic voyage to discover the elusive North Pok. The French forces have captured Cam, • short distance frau Abomey, the capital of Ihtbou,e The capture of this town is practicallyend of the .•anq:aigri against King Sir ('harks Tupper's negotiations in Paris for the conclusion of a .ommrr.•al treaty between France and Canada are nuking favorable progress. France makes minimum tariff Ww- -ufons to 4 •nada. The steamship Empress of .lapses sailed from %Am...everon satunlav for the thirst. She had :K: first. six ..'..areal saloon pnaseu. ger and 3.11 Chinese. Also took 4111 bags mail and 4,:004 tons cargo, principally dour. What looked like an iron pot was fossil in the front of the l'arineux Mining (:oma past's offices in Paris. It was taken to the ponce-at*non and while being examined it expk.le•i, killing four men, wounding many others, sad reducing the police station to Mina. The overdue Xatunial line steamer Fag - lip" is reported by the Teutonic as seen to mid...seau..iisabled and rolling in the w without steam up ou November 4 Her engines had broken down on 4 ktober _'9 bad her men lia.l born trying to repair them ever Thr lamer rs of 1:rat Kntain are cuss i.iannng bitterly of the lard tunes. The I,rote.- i.rti sentiment has grown steadily amongst 'him r.aently, and at {{cooed on vt a .i t. ,lie f.srtnery of the North Nottiag- : ani distrtr: pass! reaoluttous against fns • nide PERSONAL MENTION. M. de Lamps, the Treat Frena: engineer, is x7 yams old. The Prince of Wales .., : 1 y,•Ar...n1 "n s1 cdse.dy last. Lieut. Col. (:ibss.. of the 1:tt1, Lett, Hamilton, is ill and confined totted Major sem Hugbe., MA'.. lis., lassoed a system of ventilation Coe railwa, lir. I' R Lingfnrd :and %iv.- crane., 10 Jtiauett were earned at blenb.,.o Thur. - day. Sir Oliver Mowat krtured in t,r.i.•eu'. :Avenue Methodist ('baric, London, 1 huts, day evening. %Vmllian) Mulock, M. was rr.ele.Yed vine-chaseeibor at a meeting of the l-ai.et. sity Senete The Queen Regent of Spain and the (Neon of Portugal will attend a bull tight in Madnd. Rev. George Lloyd. pastor of queen s a.e- nue Methodist church in London ;i ling at death's door The Bishop of Huns, has appointed Ker. Mr. Fairlie, of Raeford, to seemed Rural Dean Craig at Clinton Mr. W. H. Howland, of Toronto. prenid- the eggs were three h..deed pairs of socks ed et the World's 4 oe 'endo of Christ 'ass at Work. i. Tremont tem , Boston. whisk had not been entered. Pu The election test againstreturn d the recuHoo. Edgar 1)ewdney,the new Lieutenant- proMr. Arthur Boyle. memlier for Maack, wGovernoroternor of British Columba, was wel- as called for trial at Cayuga on Saturday. The mamma mud at yammerer by the Mayor aid petitioner having stated he had no evidence I Tu. Dominos Minister of Public Works to offotr. the ossa was di.miessd has returned from New fork, when he The Soo line is to he extended from Val- „fie a thorough nupectim of the quer. ley Pity. N.D., to the Canadian border, „nom, system. where it will be met by a C'.1'. R eatensio Su ateadset .1 H. lIcIHree has been from !fogies. This will form the shortest st : witM 5ant misimmer of lbs route to the Pacific cert from St. Pahl. - o pp rtbwut Roasted Police, to seemed the lata Lieut -Col. Herehmer. • Hoe. Idwssd Blake, speaking at Liver pool, axprerrrd aur opinion that the Clovers - men w t should oolt Mr. McCarthy is frame - mg the Irish Hese Rule bill. THE WIDE WORLD. The World's Fair( ironies hes derided to keep the rxhibitioe open cm Sunday. An explosion of natural F•.& is Chicago the other night destroyed 92b,(00 worth d wiedow glass. The New York Kce■i.g Port gives Cleve- land lewherd 3,1110, Harriss I12. aid Weaver AD vote. in the Electoral Oellege. According to advice@ from (hili a war u isassmnent between' the Argeuttme Repub be and Pers em ens side and ('hili on the other. The 'Evicted Tomato' Commi.sics r bsiag attacked from every mile. and there is warmly tarry doubt that it will rad do . fiery The New York Presbytery has kugus . amend trial d Prd. Brite, el the Uilre Theelogied 8sttsiaary, es the Marge d may Oa Marsh 4, IMO, 'L'. emote i. thy 0.8. Sen is homes* variant, sad the D.moesUs repast t. Garters .rough .f them to mews —I it kr bees decii«I se she owe .f Neill, the welts•n poisoner, that the law meet take its este.. R. will he hanged en Nev. Ib Mr Fowler, Presient d th. English Local Government bar& ben the oesatrmiles of lend'• and rush to priest& work for the mempl ysd. Artber W Woolliness. a Pren.bmem, will login • M -Ly bet is Vii ince Deremalim roam the Women. Rearm Uhf.errlhy Ideie.l DLL Au • swung d the Now Tsai( bind d The Hadtela candidate, Yr. - tai been elected is %inti to the North- west west legialaton. This breaks the deadlock, giving the Hanitain party • majority el two. Miss Dura Becher, d Millan, Pa., who died the ether day, had a presentiment ulr weeks ago that her denim was at hued, ad gave 1.1l instructions regarding the defaikt al her fsu.e 1. who should be p•11-bent.ve. ste- 1. the coerce of as iatervt.w Kramer Wiens, of New York, said that the else. ties el Mr. elevelssd is full of deep .14.11- sesm te (aa.ds No believed ao opportunity would he afforded of aeg.ti•tiag • recipro- city the Deesii(ies en the basis utile ehe United Metes is ` d eiAtit aequivalent m sivalent for free trolls ACCIDENT RECORD. Joke Mravira. was !owed t. desab at omen... y, ThJi/r ssssd y fi0kaglllway, living mar eierJ- aid from 1■ laid an llseard.. lam As aid tn•. ses.d William Lyase was ram over and killed es the C. P. R merit in Lea T. M. Daly.ltinteber el the Interior. while atagging e/ • leis at Idap* Ore*. Maw, brei Owe d hU'skim Oollas, 11 's. bow iam twsisti+ w. wiNow Yibriv CAPITAL, • • $ 12,000,000. REST, E,000,000. A Saving Department has been olened ix con- vection with thus branch. Interest allowed at cuvrent rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Na*aaer Goderich Branch. MilUnery! A LANDIS A\l) WELL SXLKITSD :;TOCK Or THE Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, FANCY FEATHERS; AND RIBBONS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR AND t'HILUREN`( PINAFOREK. PLi ASK CAI.I. ASU PIKE HCTTSR AND M:G(.-. 1'-100:\ MISSES TAATES. Woa.tay ought and way instantly ki18d. The buntv of a mac about .2 years of age was found in the canal 1•.in at Magnin Falls, K l He had • ticket in hu pocket for Petrolka. Harold Hallman, aged 9, while playing with ot►ur boys in Berlin, ran• companion and destroyed oar of hau (Hall- man.) H ll - man .) eyes. At Caaajobarie, N. Y., train No. i WW1 bound on the West Shore railway, striae roar min and killed two instantly. The others will die. While • tag boat was taking peeeeegers ashore from as Austrian Lloyd steamer M Jat&, it apaised, and twelve of its Gess- pasta were drowned. The six teen -year-old see of Hums Leman. a farmer residing near Odessa, pit., while out halting, was shot and killed by the ae- °ideatal discharge of his gsa. In a tit of drunken frenzy oa Thursday night in New York, John Magner knocked kis wife down and 4:11.4 her :,y jumping on her bead with his hob nailed boots. Samuel 1)urnan, a brother of laddie Der- ma, the Soulier, u opposed to have hese drowsed to Toronto 14.) os Wedsssisy through the upsetting of his sail beat While two men were fearing is Paris tie button as one of the foils dropped of and the foil passed through the face of see at the men, pseetr•ati g the brain, and killed him instantly. Witham Ticknor. mid Si. a member of oH,T WORRY 0 ABOUT The Washing TR t"mpany, Canadian Regiment or Infantry, was shot and killed on Widmer street, To- rmto, by a coastabia, whom he tried In keep from arre.u•g a comrade. Then waa a terrific explosion of dyna- mite Haar the amain wheel pit ail the 4'ataraet Construction Cosmg•sy's tunnel. Niagara Falb, .w Saturday maestne. 4 Inc awn was kille.l aiid several other were se. rely Injured. Heitsall : J. siNIer wM has found steady employment daring bibs pmt two years in Unionville, Mich., et as a flying vont Monday last. He (sets as if the border country across the line agrees with him. Ithetas : 1). R. Keaaedy has received from Isaac Skinner, of Manitoba, a mew "seed toss" that are simply mounter and show the wonderful fertility of the plump prairie chickens ac compained them GRATEFUL —COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. , "By a thorough knowledge d the Datum! Imes which severs the opointless of digestion and nutrition. and by • careful al iarat1on of the fine oroperties. d welloves ed Cocoa, Mr. Epps bas provided err breakfast 1.1400 with a ds i •lel isvoared aversue It is b my •ra r rung svy dootou bills, 11 is by the Jttd:- cious use of such artickv of diet that • consul- tation may be gradually built up nazi! strong enough to resist every trod'soy to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around es ready to attack wherever theta is a weak point. We may escape man • fatal abaft by keeping ourselves well foraged with pure irdblood a properly nourished fame. -- Made simply wifer th trilling water or milk. sold only In ascketa,by Ureters. labelled thea J•igin Arra It to., N. . p.ayr ITiiss• bane tandem. Snittand. — BUY 4k TABLE 011,10S KNIVES =SOAP= NOW! it will save you much trouble It will bring you comfort and ease It will save your clothes and hands It does not require washing powders it will wash in either hard or SMR water It cannot injure the most delicate skin or fabric Its p•.irity and excellence have given it the larrest sale in the world i9oYs Thal old set of jours? TE,Suillight Soap illaffilles coming off? ThouIll so. Want another ? FALL AND Cofla!llly. WINTER lelye got bit Coons We sell as IoW as We wrens PT. srnrOR LSY►a ease., LEMBO ILA WaRaamm trenowro The only duty there will, " Call. goods will be m to be in connection with my sell and the duty of the pub- Thai's t 1o.lic to buy in the most satis-"u' factory manner and best, market. Beady -made Clothing a ispe ialty, and everything i>Q the Latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times prices at The TQn Cash SIor P. ODEA, Manager. CALL. (CADDY & TOM KM'S et,oai,