The Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 4THF S1CNAL : GODERICH, ONT. THURSDAY, NOV 01MIR 17, 1811?. She Aqui, ro P YRRY THURSDAY MORNING ohm "t z. ohne of Pe alt -4 Mertkasraw. emierldt, Ontario. ppeee Terms .Wy . aartM. =ismmtth mimeos $ 1111 atz �ee I M It riddlhe li le •seed, tprimgetsoar will be . . . adv.reedna tae mit��s1 vel otter tae. for neat lasartloa and 1 coats per line Der each sakso.s.0M eet 1.10ioa. .sesred Wm teagpa.rr0isoI .ask. Btrlaeee card. .f six lines and under. N per year. Advertisements of Lost. Fousd, Strayed. Stu.tio.s Yeoman. Situations Warted and Husiuor. Chance. Wanted. not eaoeeding 1 lines noupireil, SI per month. Mouses un Sale an , Yarm. 0s. `_ale. out to mooed x lima, S1 for drat month. 50c. per sub• ee.ueet month. Larger advts. is proportion. Aay special notice, tits edged of which u to promote the pecuniary beaedt of toy ,udl- 'ideal or .orspmoy, to br considered ea ad ge• earment and charred •orordta.ly. Loral notions In nonpareil type one cont per word. no .dices less than Vic. Local morns In ordinary reading type two meets per word. No notice for les than Sao. Notts for churches a.d other religious and bsaevolest Iastitatioes half rata tC.assaereW s'.areees •d.errlsewear.. A Itm:t.d number of displayed advertise meats will be inserted •t the golIowteg este : Per loch, one rewrites. P1 to fear Insertions. - 100 " three moetka 1 *ID " six moths 100 No advertisement lees this twe choline in 4mgth w111 he calculated on above bade S per tent. discount allowed for scab paymeste on three months'costraot : le per cent. as di soothe. and 15 per cwt ee a year's, Toes osedltfms will be strictly enforced. Abut **The Mead'- sellers y. Suhscriber who tall to receive Tus 8.=11a1. 'orderly. either by carrier or by matt will rester • favor by acquainting rte of the tact at Y early • date Y possible. Leek at Tear label. Your label is a standing( receipt of the We to which you are paid up. See that it is not .Wowed to f.11 into arrear. When a change of addrews is desired. both the old and the new address sbotld be given. Rejected m•nescripts cannot be remised. Correspondence mint be writtenlon mead* et paper only. Pebrlster's .*lee. J. ('. Le Tonael, of Ooderieh. the been rap both! pointed Travelling Admit for 'he town- ships of dodericb. Colborne. Asbaeld sad WA - Legal postmasters over the district are also ppeeeered to receive .ulrcnptlooe io rug Cw. r _ All communlutbes must be addressed to D. ltclilLLICI-DIA. THR Kroh♦c, Petapbone CW dN. liaierich. Oa �_. awn MODssiC.. TftuMAT NOV.11. >w O st*MSNB TSO TWO atlas.■a. * liar animist advocates; when pries" to the wall. as they always are, when- ever they attempt to argue against Continental t'nion on the lines of "VI -hat would be the effect on the farmers, ineehauics and business men of our country if the United States and l;arla da became one nation ' " 111.01 ia- bly ‘sill on the people not to surrentkr ('ahada to the. Yankees, and when it is pointed out that we would not sacriticr on,. feature of our independence, but would have our present provincial rights enlarged, they raise every iut- &givable obtection to Unison and try to frighten grown-up men anti women just as the stories about ghosts and un- earthly spirits used to keep little boys and girls indoors after dark a genera- tion or two ago. 'Chi' Iawleasnras of the American people Is not infrequently brought in- to play by men who ought to know that life and property ore .lust as safe in the Stated as in our land, for the American citizen resprete his Iswe be- cause hr knows they have hewn enact- ed for the general goad and that he shared in their emotion Then the divorce lows of the States arta brought forth to prove the iniquity of the ..rat eriran people and oar •than superior morality, whereas. if our loyalists would tell the truth they would have te uIntit that the divorce law of I ran ado. Is only available to the rich, and the jurisdiction confined to our senile senators who take such .e lively inter est in the filthy stories which usually attend such canes that they totter and toddle into the Senate chandler in greater numbers whenever anything specially prurient and •hernia is t, he narrated then when national business of real importance is t.t lir transect- ed. But our Colonist friends never tell the people the truth when on this auhject. otherwimr they would be oblig ed to say that each and every `(tate makes its own divorce laws, and may Vas far our ts refuse livor es absolute- ly as in the came of eout.h Carolina Then our Amenias hating friends bring forth the wail that the elective judiciary in the States is awful and n-ri Med to bring the courts rapidity inti. diarep.te. Now, every well in formed man and particularly every in- telligent lawyer knows that each State can adopt a hatever system of filling the indicia) Nuala it likes, t )ntario as • Skate could continue the nomination system or adopt the efartive method but let it not ire forgotten that in all tbs. 1Tatteti 'taws courts the judges are like our mine appointia4 for life, and the decisions d the Ananias. judges rank ea high taint tray ars vary frequently yooted and have great weight in not alone Canadian bat is the English ooert1. Pursuing this subject a little farther is it not a fact that partyism enters largely into all our jwiiciel appoint- ments and the .eeneet feature of all is that denominationalists often enters into the calculation at the Govern- ment when a judge is tobesppointed:so tour goal friend. need not point to any superiority in our system of appoint- ing judges user that followed by the Americans, for in round practior and honesty the American system has the ad vantege. Then our good loyalists prate about the corruption of the governing bodies in the States compared with our parr ity. Horth Tis Kelt, the New York boodle?, was fo:1oweel by .Yruerican justice and law to Spain, brought back and died in prison. Ltmeeves resign ed his seat, as did Tow McGinisvt, while Knitter teas expelled from the house -nothing else. ('Alto•( is still there and enjoying himself as though never a dollar of corruption money went through his fingers. (Ampere this with the well attested fact that whenever en American public man has been proven guilty of corruption in ottiee lie hal to flee or was severely punished, and such a thing as restora- tion estostion to public confidence was never known in the annals of United States politica. Sir .lows Axwurr, who was up to his eyes in the old Pacific :dean dal, was punished by firth making hits• a Senator of the Dominion and mend ber of the Government, this was followed by elevating him to the Pre- miership, and then as a crowning alit, just to show how far British apprecia- tion of successful and full-sized corrup- tion could go, he was made a knight. So much for the respective ways of this colony and the United States in dealing with tntnngressors against the Jews of rommon 1 este. Every newspaper preaching British connec- tion and denouncing 17nion is govern- ed in so doing by purely commercial motives. Some desire government favors and party patronage, while oth- ers fear that they would lase advertis- ing business if they advocated the cause of the common people, But the waters are only tieing (lammed for a time. for it is not possible that sophis try or frenzied appeals to a rapidly wearing out iientiment can for any great length of time obtain the victory over coniniou sense ami the material good of the masses of our twuntr'v. TO.iIlA wawN NN/NM TNRas. There was .i tido when if any one referred to the drop in land values in Canada, and the general depression that prevailed in Ontario. he would be stet by the question How about Toronto"! isn't that city keeping pace with the best cities on the other side in the ivart•h of progress r• Ynd that interrogator statement usually put a stop to further discus- sion, for during the years between 188() and 1890 the progress of Toronto was phenoinenal. The population of the city hal grown from 70,010 to 170.000 : its manufactories lied in - %Teased and multiplied , its building openitlons employed thousands of men; and it looked as if there could he no limit to ita onward growth. But a change was impending. The Unless of Toronto was muse=d not by natural increse, nor by immigration front other countries, hut by to con- tinuous drawing of the vital fortes of the privinciel towns of Ontario, and there came a time when the drain could not he continued. The small towns and villages had Phan heard white between the fattening of Tor- onto and the regular contributions to the °endue and the day arrived when the bloo=d -letting to Toronto hal to be discontinued Armies have been overthrown by the " cutting off of supplies " : the re- fusal or inability to vote money grants ha often upset governments , and the failure on the part of the town- ships, villages and towns to sustain Toronto in the vampire act has canned • ruinous state of things in that hig town. The retie: stains of the boom ham hit the red estate and hailding dr tenet, and like the row of bricks where the knocking down of one puts all the line in a tumble; the unciae. of Toronto ham leen struck from end ti=t end. This is no Owlet eery, but a emit - .1,1e fact, as n proud of the Mall, Globe, Kmpir. or World will bear out, and it gees to show that °snail• has nearly readied the point whe=w a sevara.cs of the conditiorut which leave brought it to ita present sed plight ate e ld by h.ti, and the adoption of new npprtrtanitiee for advancement, through Centinsntal Union, with ver preppwivmi n.igbborn, should prima HINLOOK OfTY. Ydl. err mos esessenenderts Maws Rama, t...a� .� waw► Mies • sallies M Wiggle Rem paid Meads is the er�7 a viit_dartag Thaaksgivtsg swans. is High &boo/ Man Belle Ke1kerfard as agar wader the parental roof lifter apadtag the lest few yams is Chicago. Jamas Rer u pr t u t.bsrgh with • oar load of es appMawe YwdW e wish him • sats trip and .woosn is kis mew e.Nrprine, Neil Campbell ham laid up his thre.itnt outfit foe another seems. Mr t oipbei we believe, hms pat in • goad esaeo.'s work. Arthur 11acner..y Ma • awaold is his poaseasou which grew on his farm. ite dimensions are Bi robes by 23 riches •ad wergM 27 poaada We would like to hear from some of Haroa's model farwtsrs of they ens beat this. The people of the city had to sympathise with Joseph Scott, Lass, oo Sumdey arae tag last. Whether he hod • ranting spell or confusion of thoughts be was unable to drive Dexter home, cad had to be helped as far .s the stook farm by two of the city ladies. GOOERICH TOWNSHIP. armee) oedema \e. s. TrWer 1.0.41141. A meeting of the ratepayers of No. 6 school section, tlodericb towaship, was coiled to Meanies= so.1e trouble betwes the pupils on their way home and during the noon hour. At the hour of 7 r. u. on the 9th of November the ratepayers male mad female, and also the children implicated, comn..nced pouring into the school room satil .early every available asst was filled. The trustee mod teacher with pmlpitetimg hearts sad f.tth crimson tilt excitement took lea platter= to act as judges is the cams ea they were brought up. John Sowerby was called to the chair and die charged the duties with great ability. AU the charges were contradicted by the other parties. The evidence on the two sides be- ing equal. no action could be taken by the trustee further thea to advise the parents in the section to or operate with the teacher in inculcating in the children ki•lly fel tags towards each other, mod • respect for the temcner who has charge et e. Oa motion of Joseph Metlaskdim y, that the teacher be exonerated from all blame a forest of heads weet sp. Against the teacher. two hands only were (wised -showing con elusively that she is held is high estimation by • large minority of the section. la Puttee to Miss Ella McMath it most be said that she stands very high is the pro- fession, is of a kindly disposition mod rules her school after the manner of • firm and judicious parent, free from all prejudice or partiality, and we hope the trustee will keep her long amongst us as her example is school ted out of school must work good in the section. The Mew or the ammo -white* r Te the Miter of Tem Stu't.t_ Sra, --To loamy of your readers the sub- ject 1 wish to bring under discussion will h ave but little inters.( : to • large propor- tion, however, it will be of vital import Are " Threshing*" detrimental to health. and if so, wherein I.e the remedyTo the first of the iluestw.e there tan be no doubt a, to the answer. They most decidedly are : cad to any thinking person the reason u not far to seek. The inhalation of the minute particle of dost ever present at the time of thresh mg most act as an irritant to the lungs and oftentimes according to the yeir ea regards smut on the gran, the dust isso thick as to prevent one seeing those in the mow with him- For a person to ma- tinee to work at a high rate of speed ander such conditions, with the lungs re- quiring the fullest play, must tend to weak • en those organs. Cewu"n from work n impossible, as in the " mow " it would at once stop the (machine, and is the "straw _, the carriers would choke and have the same effect . there is nothing for it bat to work oo till the mow is ' out " or you • ;,lay out,- id est, the overtaxed sys- tem breaks down ted refuses to Ion ger keep the uae.Iual struggle. This Nino fancy picture drawn from the di.satu fiat mind of • .ever -do -well farm hand, but plain every day fact& Only the otherday i had oocauon to call at . farm house about supper t ams as the " hands " came in from the t`.reshisg, and though 1 knew the whole of them, yet I idled to recognize any one. they were 50 he,grimed with black dost. 1 learned in aevers.lion, too:that several had " played out ' that day ince 1 know was lai.l up for• day or so afteri,aod all had bad enough, in fact, some went home without their supper, their stomachs being already too full, "of dnst•- Think of a mon not overly arose having to Noe tea or twelte e ach days as is often the ccs• will his health suffer • 1 fear it will. Wherein lie the remedy • *:run must be threshed. Science has done much, and who shall say what it may not accomplish in the sear future' Itut science motes slowly, feeling her way, •ed In the roe /time I unhesitatingly state that hundreds of our young men are tieing hur tied to an untimely `rave by the effects of these threshing& 13 ho snows what already week lungs have been entirely ruined or what •seals of consumption sown in the strong and healthy to spring up sail bear fruit at the tint favorable opportunity, and that opportunity may often arise that very evening going home from the tbeshiag every condition is favorable. In many histamine the evil could be greatly lessened by the e mployment of atone help at such time, thereby reducing the amount of labor eo- tailed on the individual, and 1 ventu.e to think that of would be well for the machine a all oaths to stop for ten or fifteen minutes in the middle of the fore and afternoomi. The fartner,too,for whom the work in being done should see that the labor was more evenly divided than is the ewe at rreseet, the best tts.e beim selected for the mow and the weaker ones being sent to the d raw. it is to the interest d the thresh ere to get good men m the thew, but at the Mame time more consideration *head be gives to those is the sena thea is done, as geser.11 speaking there u whom the hard work falls. yours, As Omen. sit. nee torme...e.e Ar rstraroble.. Pitawmu.t, (1st., rob. ?hb, 1808. Geo - tli nsMa, it gives tme pleasure to let you tame 1 ha?. derived great benefit from the e ns of het -valise. I have bee a get suf@rer fron a.treigia in the hoe, sad kat two yes woe quite •.artyr to the malady. So sees es 1 observed die NMrvglim wirer tfsed 1 obtained • bottle from OUT arse. gists, Mems J. Gray A Oa, F'rrkdals, amid the effect w uarvslieus : pais mated and 1 cam empty .octad deep at night, and aim refreshed. 1 cosset ,peach too highly . f it asst Marbly retiminiend it ALaaa.nt. (Meir. T4ems1.: rapt Measly W. R Rieke@., wile and s ea and Kim Kota ('«wad loft f4u..i for Dame (o0aede. Mr. Dianna may p.metie law its that city. 'lima beadsn is ukase largely straw to M rs. Deltawet pMM psi M b0.. „...r.,71Mr. DMbea assn =As Moet Baud. R. taste itis A SOLDIER SHOT L EAI) DV A POLICEMAN WHOM HE HAD AF SAULTED. William Thaw. oi "t • lar..tr, mama Oho ♦lasts- Polemics.. tem Nen rb• 0..0e wt. Ilii 11.• =mousse - A O.105.0er dory *a)• tn. redeems. wee JesUa-d. Totro]To, Nov. Irl. A terrible tragedy was =meted is Widmer -street at .bunt o'clock rhaakyeg{ntug eseutng, (Ulla. Tickler, • member ..1 •Y"' School of la - bevy. hits' shot mod almost Iwtaatly kill- ed by P.C. Campbell. The shouttag mourned in frost of No. '!f Cameo!! had arrested are • charge of drunkometer • tau noted William Wheeler, smother (..mbar of • 17' School, but who was in pl•ia clothes. Ticker/sr was to Wheeler's te.puy. t'•mpbell rtartel with his primmer toward the patrol los whoel hie prisoner rented, and a crowd of •'4"' School .nee collected &rotted. Is the .cri...age the policeman was thrown to the ground and assultel by the man Is the mete ':1ckner was shot and killed. The .very of the tragedy ted what led up to It. u base told by .ye-wit.e..e. lk. Lepeky said •'1 was gated up the west aide of V. timer s4wt et 9 o'clock when 1 saw 1'. C. Campbell with • drunken RUM ruder arrest. A foetid of the primer US military clothes was with them. The promoter refused to go with the p lt.rma. to the patrol Iwo earl the friend the mon afterwards .bait interfered. The policemen drew his bats 0i, and with that tea other nult- taryr men who hapoeued to Ire In the street rushed up and closed round the "thee". 'though I was .:nee at hand 1 ..veld nut tell whether the policeman was knocked down or thrown down in the wells The beton was takes away from him and the whole crowd began beating the prostrated nun with boded wam rad rith their lista 1 interfered on the part of the policemen, but some of the men rushed at tore savagely that 1 was` lad to get out of the way. At last the officer struggle.' to is keens, and just .1 that atotent Tickeer ran up to him and =ruck him s brutal blow with his List, fur u the fine The poltrrm ao fell over un his back and :asst thea the revolver went at Tick- nor staggered and fell. gasping. "I'm shot ! I'm shot' 1 m shot " The ofHeer rase from the gruun.' with great difficulty, wed wee so domed that he dad cut blow the whi.tle till reminded by re that he ought to do me, P.0 Phillips ran up and arrested the drunken man eho had caused the trouble, mud whose isam. se Williarn Wheeler, •'( school Ticknor .it.I at le 40 o'clock, shoat Ott maniocs after being shot.- Policeman hotPolicema=n Campbells in moody await- ing the result of the ceroeere ugswt. Titktwr was about ! years ,of age and d the beet dispn.ttiuo. He w haw is St Mary s fray, Kent fount)] England. This is his second trip to Canada.he having bees both at Montreal and here before eeterrag •'l School. He had been at the Fort 14 months- and .t the expiration of leu time at •-t -' School Intended going back to Rag- land mad qualifying for & Hussar regiment. Hthe e a fat her In Eoglaad, betas Ts k.er nel sr mentioned his mother it is coujectar- ed that she le dread. Tickoer has borne the best of reputation, was • strict, Ladeetno.•, sol, r ma,. sod was relied on by his superior o(h.ers. Policeman Campbell has hems on the poles furor once BS; and has always borne the reputation of being • Milady, careful =Beer. On Saturday afternoon t'orcaer Johnston held an I.gueet into the rause of Tickaers death The jury ernpeno.11ed was eta lie ip from the leading merchant* of the city. W. FL Smelt, the wholesale dry goals mu, being foreman. The evideore of about 3) witneaser wail heard andth.- deepest interest was taken by the Mpsetaton present The coroner .ielirered as impartial sit ttemeat of the I.tats end the jury, after three minutes deliberation, returned thu verdict . "We, the jury, duly swore, tea hereby find that Archibald Campbell, ea tha I01.11 day of November Inst., at the city cf Toronto., did shoot and thereby kill William Tickuer, and that he ja=ihed to so doing in self -d.• reason ----_ _ ---- MR. EDWARD BLAKE. Hie aeappearns.. 1■ Montane -Ills 11d5- 'aer,ae.-,lp.erm at Liverpool. L , .oats, No.. 11. - The return to Great Britain of Mr. Edward Blake has be.. the ' omit for a general newspaper ,li,cuastsu of the t •radian members line of action since he left those shores. The Star says Mr. Blake'. cravat oath more marks the final and lasting severance of his .•owuecti.o with Canasta • affairs aid polities. There is not In history soother uestaree of su=b alt-s&cn6ee as Mr. Blake has gone through. Nothing but • riora g enas of Jut) the impelled this eminent mai M give up a great part of has life to the ernes of Irish Home Role. At a dinner at the Liverpool Reform Club yesterday, 11r Blake said clot while Cana- dian. were deeply attached to their pelitwal differeecee they agreed upon some tb1.g. One .f cheep was the advisability of adopting • rneaeun of Hoar Rol. for Ireland. .4 combined local Home Rale frill w neve being mrep.rel He trusted that Mr. Justin Mc�arthy•md his friends would have assigned to them • voice in the de liberations of the party. The Irish people looked forward to a gdorioas h tent of the Liberal party. Commenting tea this speech, the Liverpool Courier sraye Mrs. Blake has not est recede. ed his prdltical creed, and that it in not, therefore. to he wemdered at that ha hes int thrnwu any mew► light ea the No.. Rale question. As • result of hie traaa At lent t.- elpgra.n•e, Mr Blake attaches too mach imprter.e. to methods which have mss hearing whatever ea political peopled ties nervi except to lewd pimple thirsty. All that » an he sand of Mr Make'. •pecbes te the,. putting aside their anilines ignor ones en some pointe, they are more .alae• Stood to provoke despair than confidence is the t Iaddat,,.,e eamp Mr Blake, it he cam phonal hid practically painted oat inpw- W Federattan se tieing for the time a alfa-' tam std th- Home Rule problem This view of the situation Honer Rulers thick tidw•.lone TA. C. r. R. Pass aa.saesw, Wilk, trm:, Nov 14. While hers Prai- dent renHerre esmhwied the rapeds of t. Marat•mn to establish u Miami,• service ef fast steaaser& 'Thera have bees references to the O. P. R .standing its Pmettir .rules elm the di=scuss d a iiae el ssemmsere t. A.stralie" (►died • ..part... "Yea." same free Premistat Vast Herne '•ted sash • ..r.4ee wi11 he ruawgwrwted slier the Athistie .tw•a•ev. have boss .rmMishat. 11 trio l.. • 0.part= sad in dspethdsat Mew has the sass.*e attr ma =s.em alas. J411111 sad• 1bMih DUNLOP. ramsata owls 0057•11.s....511051. Mies Nmsrish Dam, el Klew.ln gibe, • wt ed PIM tree hen IYl =wk. Our teeelssr, flim Corso. poet fbaak, girder day wieh frigate in I.swhww. Joie: M. WI&b... het hero rrtday of ism wash on a visit to relatives at Eisler J•,,.•. aad W. F. Young, iiner here, were called to t:ud.rie0 township to rues.' the tussal ..1 their bubo', .lata V..nog who diad en bo from ow the ..t hue at the ad- vence4 age of 87 years, `t•e.lecd•y of last week *J r b.rr.1 ..f alts:•t tun held s »same last week to v.a* .'r the •I * h.sttalu r r the posit itmof temher herefor13hi. Mew I'ot,a, N ow "f thing...sem-cbo-d, being the ehno e out of 1L. rl..n. that applied fur the e che oda. LANi:b- Te,.la'.' 1• r *set esre k Varrfa, d..po*ed of • horsy at • figure ta, lir Kate.,.) Mich 11.. .1 Ferries i. , i•ittwg het daug.aer Mn. '1 0»:.t r., u, t%w,dat,rck this awl. Apple packers sr peeling up the !so toe in this seotioa, and most people rte 1 u'y of their root.. U. Far'risb, our worthy matm.:tllor, male glad by the eddilloa of • daeghtee to hu family, bloody. (tet. 31st Jobe S Maod,rn•W. of Huroo tp., count. president I'. of I. for Ilrsa Co , •.ldre.sesl the ammeter too hen Wednesday kat. Mr. e nd Mrs. Macdonald are vnti.g at Mr. Scott'. t)ur trustees have eegmgel the Devisee of .leo. H. Cameros as teacher for teat year. tie &aught bete last year with great succus. Since then he has taken • tint class neral ..,le sod ,• nor in attesid•nx at the Stowe Normal k) ,.d. kveryyb.dy will he glad to . re him dared MOOR trod wY LEEBUHN. P rom our awn e.treep .d.sn. Mrs. H. Campbell, of Khios, guts her children, .re vluteng relative hen. John Horton attended the Presbytery meeting in Easter, Tuesday of last weak. Mr. cad Mrs. H Chisholm and tastily were tolled to oderieh township last week by the death of Jaime 1'ormg, r., father of )Ira Chisholm, .. the 9th coo , at the rape age of 87 years. The dews of Theakegtving morn neo the earth clad in • snowy mantle. and the weath er bright, still. trim and radatat, as are all lobo are striving quietly *s a I'hrtaten way to gain • brieht, white mantle in the world beyond, which is mot perishable before the rays of Sot 'Hymn Nimes. Till a definite arrange• seat be mY4o by the Huron Presbytery for a pastor hen, the Rev. Nr. Sleek. of Hamilton, will minister to the wants of as. chunk hew and the ('cion. (1n thaakagiv mg day the reverend gentleman held .er.ios • t both plaosa, preaching an impressive ser- mon from Thea 5 chap. and 18 verse, and on Friday admioiahnd baptism. This weak he will speed in Hamilton with his family. the tewtperwmoe gospel n►eetiag in the hall of the I. 1). *.. T , No. 13, acoriav erasing saw • fair atuida.th, who hummed to as &ble address os Tl.. Evils of totem rename " by the Rev. II, l::.ck of Hamll too, who @hewed that the Innper•ior [acne in our land is making • fair way to pr, hibitlon. Temperance workers example could be followed without regret with a steady faith in • higher power and could rain others to abstain from drink. He con- demned moderate dnnkteg. The chairman, S. R. Williams, L. I)., said at the close of the meeting that for the coming meeting. Solidity at 3 r. a. is the afternoon, Mr. Wen. )Icels.ky, teacher of Porter * Hill would addresa it, as he Md previosely prn.ti.ed comic bs1 ►ad hen detained by the weather10, and hoped to sae • goad turnout OBITUARY NOTES Roc R. P Gram, .sato, died at Pleas, N. S., Sunday. Ms. herd, relict of the Mt* (•el. Rad. died et Row.taeville, aged 1114. A Paris cable says the report of the dad* of Theodore Child u coafirt.ed. J•... Prisetmaa. a Hasailtoe butcher. died very soddenly Thursday eveaisg. The feeling te grow ug to Kagia•d thea the nate Duke of Marlborough committed eeeide. The Hake of Marlborough w foaoddeed m kr bed at Blenheim He was forty sighs years of age. Dr. George Roes, v.es•dees of th. s,sdi@al faculty of Mehill College, died no Meatlrsel Tuesday night. Sylvester Hadley, senior member of ties eatemmve lumber hem of S Hadley h !lasts, Chatham, died soddenly John iatherlaed ex reeve, d.nd u old ru=dest of Delaware township, Middlesex comity, is dead at. the advanced ago of 1111 yea Richard Yates, seventy-six years tel age, and • a. • u is easy circureta.ce, committed w ield.. limn, by shooting himself .n the head emir • nvolver. Harbert N Meade, general atamager of Roster's ulegr•in company for tbs. North Americas minimise died on Saturday i• New York of typhoid fever and pneumonia, Arthur Paul Davis, who practised med.- .•me ie Termite for mice time and who, with he wife. wan esuvicted of an abortion performed o. J•.e (libeo., ted was sew towed to impnsonneat for life, died is K.eg ten. His matinee had hale nom mated to twisty )ear' i.prl.mmeesf, mid geed aMadset •neared ►i. • farther saunas... of p.osk*.e.t, Be w released w 1591. The Louden Zoological garage now roe tales E,100 saim•l. Chronic Coughs Persons afilleted with these or any throat or lung troubles should resort to that boat ExcaNant Raf.Bly, Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda No other preparation effects such cures. "wig uwgatsr ae s Iti'l:14114 "Feb. I T .0 NASAL BALM mus( tbl.NS/af t 41111 I l a Cars. Relax, f U ity Rf imaribppitd b �•civ C°1L sod heMg binqbeim t1�kunb, less ee IN laaas. ILMIL le ~ism as shim segisseed este itilait results is Gainerh. byl SPY ldby an emmemt� dsash. �tA M pail, era oma and qweer* O MOSS $ OR araelidas.fhL CATARRH OldChwn (CUT PLUG.) OLD GIIUPI (PLUG.) No other brand of Tobacco hes ever en. joyed such an Immense sale and popularity In the same period as this brand of Cut Plug and Plug Tobacco. Oldest Circ raise -re mea. /01. toren int Canada. MONTRR4L. lis Form toe. 2tor.lO ' THF' RECOGNISED STANDARD BRANDS . Jl1 t it o, Kicker, Cable. f olver».oli t. lie superior 111 t•tery res- pect to any otLrr brands In the lnttrket. 1ways reli- able. as ha'. been fully dem- unstrateti lac tl nlilliorw• that are mold annually anal the increasing demand l 'r theta, notwithstanding an increased couipetition of os- er One Hundred ani Twen- ty --live Factories. This fact speaks volumes. We are not cheap Cigar ulanufacturem .DI4VJS&SO MONTREAL. lArgest ONTREAL- l.argest and Highest Great. Cigar NIatnufact nrers in Canada. 74 ti Write Us -p01- Club Terms POR 1953 AND VALUABLE MUNI lam. ITWILL PAY YO Ma Resit Lid sf Priaimas ever eflsrsd by SCOW • dim neer. OIALY mom Margs3 N •. flassad o d-eMe M 1• fll � • 1.r W* LT GI/MMI item pith -- end w t Ow Maw aitTolis nail Bar A • QI.UP AND N.OVs1 A MA/MOM raiO. ariab$. Mart -Ws Teat O.I,Torol+ta !.9. swift 5* a tallier inwarol isi ea a IIMe. wieder, is M• sesssd .,, v 1 M Sank k whs.tea leaks slippsi MN (basest istra 1Re es ishan( sof Webs. blew Ma bis Imes vas dna aid his apse bi. h wg iareas . flfxass UM' he wY M 1.0111.1 • . ,j vv�.� ase s Ali (dual, memo wimw-sO: