HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-17, Page 22
Roth the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently ret plc toptlyou the Kidneys,
' Liver and Bowels, cleanses the syr•
tem effect:::.1I , dispels colds, head-
aches and fevira and cures habitual
constipaticn. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro-
duced, pleaaing to the taste and ao-
ceptable to tbo stomach, prompt in
itt action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the west
healthy and epee substances, its
many excdlent qualities com mend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of F -i ;9 i.; far file in 750
bottles IT alt le:le iso druggists.
Any r-1i:dled.a.;-^1.-OS v. h.; may not
have it cn hai.d will procure it
promptly for any occ who wiahes
to try it. Manufactured only by the
l o1Sv1 i. ,res. :::.tv zona. X. It
G.o. A. For, AGAR av tiODRRICI7.
Another Great Triumph For A
Canadian Remedy.
An Aee.eme of she itairefase and Restora-
tion .1 rhetsntler f ydw-aelltess, Ned.
naiades and Remits tar .rata -al. re.
revery Prem Thd rNI.bI.t.adleN. A
Reettartable i.rvettvs.
From The Syracuse Standard.
Uuruog the past few month. there have
appeared in the onus.- of the Standard
the particulars of • number of cures wt re-
markable as to justify the term miraculous.
These cases were investigated and vouched
for by the Albany Journal, the Detroit
News, Albany Express and other papers
whose reputation is s guarantee tout the
facts were as just stated. That the term
miraculous was justified will be admitted
when it is remembered that in each of the
cares referred to the sufferer bad been pro-
nounced incurable by leading physicians,
and at least one tot the casts was treated by
men whose reputation bas placed them
among the leaders of the of the world's
medical scIentiatn, but without avail, and
the patient was sent. to his home with the
verdict that there was no hope for him, and
that only death could intervene to relieve
his sufferings. When some months later
the restoration to health and strength of the
former sufferer was announce.) it is little
wonder that the case ,treated a protound
eem•atton throughout the country. Re-
cently the following letter, which indicated
an equally remarkable cure, came under the
notion of The Standard.
Stn +v n.t.x, N. \ June 25, 1892.
ti ' Five weeks ago father, (Phil-
ander Hyde,i was very low and not ex-
pected to live but a short time. He was in
sash agony that we had to give him mor-
phine to relieve the terrible pun from
which he was suffering. The doctors had
given him up. They said there was no help
for him. end my dear father loosed for
death as being the only certain relief from
his sufferings. One day he saw in the Al-
bany Journal an account of bow a man by
the name of Quint living in I:alway, Sara-
toga county, and wbo was afflicted like
father with locomotor ataxia, had been very
greatly benefited and hop.d tor penrtaaent
euro from the use of Dr. Williun'• Pink
Pills for Pak People. On learning that
these pills could be had of the Ih. William*'
Medicine Company Brockville Ont.. and
'chenectaidv, and that they were sot ex-
pensive, my husband sent $2.50 for nix
boxes of them And what a blessing they
have bees ' Father has taken but four
boxes of the Pink *'ills. He is no lougcr
. onfined to his lied, but is able to get up
withcilfirmistance and with the aid only of
cant' to walk about the house and all
around out of doors. He has • good hearty
appetite, his food agrees with him, the pain
in the back from which he suffered so lane
and so terribly has left him. He has no
more creeping chills aid he appears and
says be Lek like a new man. The doctors
had proeoaneed the disease to he creeping
pan yl .is and said he could not be cured.
How glad we are that we heard abont these
wonderful Tisk Pills, and how thankful we
are for what they have done for father. in
deed they have done wonders,s, even a
miracle for him. Re.pectfully Fours,
Mae. 11'n.i.rts Jowx•yot,.
The above letter indicated a care eo re
markable ea to be worthy of the ballast in
..litigation, and The Standard determined
to place the facts, if correctly stated, before
the public for the bandit of other auferer.,
or if unfounded, to Int the public know it.
With this end in view a reporter was sent
to `edev-ille with itsdrttetlons to give the
facta of the Dass as be found them. With
these instructions he west to Solsville and
on Tuesday, And. 2, 1892, called npna Phil-
andr Hyde sad learned from him and from
hr rekitlys sod neighbors and friends the
whole .tory of his eiik.esm and his terrible
suffering. of his having been gives up by the
doctors. mod of his ewe sad rapid ersysb-
srrsos by the use of Dr. William.' Flak Pills
for Pale People. it may be of interest to
the reader to knew that Silvol. i. • post -
Aloe village in Madison e.aaty, N. Y.,
about 30 mils from Utica ea the Has of the
New York, Ontario a Wawa Railroad
It is the station at whit& to gat .f to go to
Medians Lake. the cb.rmiag and a$la.etive
objective point of • great meat' *ale end
"'curies parlass. O. reeding Ae1.ei le the
reporter enquired of the m•t1.s anent, who
in ales agent there of the National Reprise
if he tame • main he mate el
Pklh.4 Hyde, sed where hetheal, and
hum H b. ke• man by the .rest .f Wil.
Williamabuse t, .ad Hydtl wise
miry w*b1 Whew, liven wish me la *bat
white Mats over there an the side hill
that's him sitting ea the puns. "
Whoa add that yoer r.pernde
wee to taterview Mr. Hyde •.d b
abort hes askew end alleged care, lei
Jehesoe mid. "That's all rit►ht ; you
right over to the hones and see Mr. H
sad my wile. I win erre over pretty sera
and we win be rely too haupy to tell yes
all about it."
•' Will you walk u'•' said Mrs. Johnson
" Thom children (who are playing about the
ppItaau�aal ars my twins, .ed thisis my father
PbiMnder Hyde.„
Mr. Hyde walked into the sitting room
sod tiskiag • seat said he would wmlli.gl
toll the story of hs inhume and cure, aad
had so objection to ate beiug published,
es It might the imams o., °helping to re-
lieve others whose sufferings were the same
er similar to what bis had been
His story was rs follows.
"My assts .is Philander Hyde. I am
. early 70 years old will be 70 is September
1 was burn In Brookfield, Madisoa county,
where all my life was spent until recently,
when, bemoaning helpless, my au.-in-lew was
kind enough to take me foto his home, and
from him and my dsugbter I have bed the
kindest care. Wyllie occupation h.a been
that of a farmer. 1 wee alway. pro.psroas
and well and strong and rugged until two
years ago last winter, when I sad the grip
When the grip left me i had • sensation of
numbness in my legs, which gradually grew
to be stiff a the totem and very patoful. I
felt the stiffness in my feet tint, and the
pun and stiffness extended to my knees and
to my hip joints, and to the bowels end
stomach and prevented digestion. To rosye
the bowels I was compelled to take groat
quenuties of castor oto.
" Wile 1 was in this 000dition, cold feel
tmgs would begin In my feet and streak up
sty leve to niy backbone. These spell*.
which occurred daily. wou'J lest from two
to four hours, and were excruciatingly pain
cul. 1 could not sleep, 1 had no appetite
1 be came helpless, and life was such • bur
den that I prayed for death. Why, my
dear sir, the pain 1 suffered was more to be
dreaded then • thousand deaths.
" While in this condition i was created by
11r. green, of Poolville, and 1M. Nioholsou,
of Solaville, and Dr. Weed, of Utica. They
did tree no good. 1 soon became perfectly
helpless and lost all power of motion even
in m bed."
" On the 24th of February last,- said
Mrs. Johanna, "we had him brwirht to our
home. He had to be carried all the way in
• bed. He was so helpless and such a nut•
trees the doctors gave him up. They said
he had locomotor ataxia and that be could
not be cured. They stopped giving him
medicine and said they could only relieve
the pun, and for the purpose he took •
pint of whisky • day for three months and
u rreat quantities.
• '1* was while father was in this dreadful
condition that we saw in the Albany Journal
the story of the miraculous cure of • Mr.
ljuaat in Galway. Saratoga comity, by the
use of nes. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People. We had not much faith. but we
felt that it was our duty to try them, and
so we sent to the ler. Williams' Medicine
Company, and got six boxes of the pills.
We read the directions carefully, and re
salved to comply with theist as fully as pos-
sible We stopped giving him morphine or
any other medicine, cut off all stimulants,
and cave him the Pink Pills and treatment
according to directions in which each box
is wrapped. The effect was wonderful and
almost immediate. In ten days after father
began taking the pills he could get out of
bed and walked without assistance, and has
000tisued to improve until now he walks
about the house and streets by the aid of a
cane only.-
" Yes," said Mr. Hyde, and the pain
has gone out of my back anti the numbness
out of my lege. 1 have no more chills, my
digestion is good, and I have an excellent
appetite, mud then after a pause, " But,
all me, i am an old man ; 1 hive seen my
best days and can not hope to recover my
old vigor as • younger man might, but 1 am
so thankful to have the use of my limbs and
to be relieved of those drr•dful pants."
Mr. Hyde has continued to take tic• pills
regularly sine: be began their use, and wan
on his tetah box at the time he told his
Beside; Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, other
people in 'olaville confirm the .cements of
the sickness of Mr. Hyde and of his most
remarkable recovery, and • uumber of
others for various ailments, are using the
Pink Pills. The mother of Abel Curtis is
tying them with satisfactory erect, for
rheumatism. and Mrs. Lippitt, wife of ex
Senator Lippett, is using the Pills with
much benefit for nervous debility.
A further investigation revealed the fact
that Dr. Williams' Pink fills are oot •
patent medicine in the seise in which that
term is usually understood, but • scientific
preparation rucce.sfuliy used in general
practice for many year, before being offered
to the public generally. They contain in a
condensed form all the elements necessary to
give new life and richness to the Mood and
restore shattered ner v -ea. They are an un
failing specific for such diocesans. locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, Si. Vitae dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, and after effects of la grippe, pal
pitation of the heart, pale and sallow com-
plexions, and the tired feeling resulting
from nervous prostration ; all diseases de-
pending upon vitiated humors in the blood,
such as scrofula, chronic ery.,ipelas, etc.
They are also • specific for troubles peculiar
ro females, such as suppressions, irregular -
itis. and all form. of weakness. They
build up the blood and restore the Plow of
health to pale and sallow cheeks. in case
of men they effect • radical cure m u1 cases
arising from mental worry, overwork or ex.
moms of whatever nature.
These Pills are manufactured by the itr.
Willia.r' Medicine Company; Brockville
One, , and Schenectady, N. V., and .re sold
only in hoses bearing the firm's trade mark
and wrapper, at fi0cta • box, Of six boxes
for 12.50. Rear is mind that 1)r. Williams
*'ink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the
dwell or hundred, and any dealer who omen
substitutes in this form is trying to defraud
iron and should be avoided. Dr. Williams
ink Pills may be had of all drurriau or
direct by mail from Ile. Willtass' Medicine
Company from either address. The price at
which these pills are sold sake • nouns of
treatment comparwtiv.l)) We townies es nom
oared with other rr•medno or medical treat
Who Trogete WLeh me fetes •ninnies
fled .tract.
Mr. Modish tatter • sboppi.g tear) Oh,
1 have )poet Mesa the loveliest `•rgaip:
Mr. Modish (eller • bard day ea t
Why didn't you strike something that out
strike bank •
Mn. Modish Wait till yea get the hill-
• Mare ass Onaseimmion awn Seeadnea..
Dr. Ripe LAMS, while in the Reeky Moas-
taies,11.eve ed a rem that whim enshiasd
with ether barbs wakes an easy and cerain
owe for seestipatia. it is h the form a(
dry rests mei leaves, ted is brows es Lae%
Family Mialieris. it will ems siok-headache.
For tie blond, liver tumid kidneys, amid for
eleaelre up toteeeumad r4s it dem .nigra
11.4 �6p0ss. • pmishage eeregh
iw wink. (leer
• lualanae ewes tlfatesmprr.
Om, Nov. IL-lt le per abate
14 rose dmie Dr. Themes *Lilt Crease, the
sisee.r d worn. roger ensu..,. of death
is L' 4'.. Mae., tool up has r.rdemoe m
1hrs sty. lie hang oat his AMasle is
Dundas street. H. did nu4 May Mag mad
lett wader • very dark cloud. He was about
30 years el age wham here, and •t that tow
Ise • rather h ,sdeottt. f.Uuw.
H. was hypucntscal 'south to etteuipt w
get two the good graces of the rel lune
osmms.ity..ad for a short time taught •
wises to a leading auad y wheel maul hie
reputettoo Leconte too eaeavory.
Peder the cirusmn
a•ose 'bedew wheat he
breams notorious le Lontlea, are fresh nuke
recollection of away, mad in the light of tis
sub.eque.t criminal career there is little
doubt that Dr. Cream was guilty of a crones
W Luudoe, Oat., s•rular to that lot w hmci
he wdI tang .eat Tuesday, unless again re-
prieved, in haadus, Borg.
The fact that iuuelediately after the trent
rdy he cleared out like & thief IS the night
would team to justify the strong suspicun
then entertained against him. It was fur
titer confirmed by the report of his ensues
to Chicago soon atter.
The clrcuuutano,T of the local abarr were
e s follows .
0. the ta.unuig of Saturday, May 2,
1172, the dead body of • young woos.
Named Kitty limner, about 44 years of age,
wes discovered ie an outhouse in the rear
of George Hisooz'. block, in witch Cream's
Mice was located, .ad could be readied by
• 'bieway. The woman had in her bawd •
bottle e.ntauung • stall quantity of cb so -
form. The cork was out of the bottle and
was lying by her side, as was a small hand-
At ale inquest the evidence 'bowed flirt
the unfortunate bad reoeived the drug Irani
De. Cream and that violence u its .douses -
tering wee rendered pubsble by •brattiest•
on the worn..'. face. Dr. Cream denied
that he bad given the drug to her but an-
utb.r witness averred that Cream had told
her to es)) nothing about Kitty Earner's
visite to hem.
The jury towed a verdict of murder
against ap.rsou or persons u•keowa The
jury furthermore ezpreesel the opo tion that
one Mr. Johnson of Listowel, whose .ante
came oat frequently on evidence, was the
cases of the girl's trouble.
A .cheese for Federating the toile-Ge..rs-
IeI Bodies of the Respire.
Loelo'i, Nov., It. --Thee special commit-
tee appointed by the.00encil of the Imperial
federations to oomider definite pro-
posals for the eo
derauon of the self-govern-
ing bodies of the British empire has pre-
sented an exhaustive and very important
report. The eommittee■uggssu the forma-
tion of an Imperial council to give a waited
voide to the empire in tame of peace, sad to
enable the dete.d of the empire in time
of war to be undertaken by its united
torose mad resources. The council should
consist, it argues, of members appointed
by each of the various self-governing
colonies : aIo of the British prime minister,
the secretaries of elate for foreign affairs,
for war, for the colonies, and for India ;• of
the first lord of the admiralty, and
chancellor of the exchequer. The
of raising funds at the outset should be left
to the choice of the self governing states,
but a uniform principle might afterwards
be found and substituted. The oommmttee
proposes that au Imperial conference be
summooed to oowsider the question, the
conference, if it is deemeda to be
preceded by a royal commission. com-
mittee closes ill report with a strong ap-
peal to the ministry to take actin. to this
A rimed Who Osllberately Cate 61. Wife
late Nle stsrwl.g Neese,
Beaus, Nov. 12. -A trial in which most
popular interest is displayed beton to -day
at Koafoggratx A merchaut of the place
named .lieeph Sara was arranged to an-
swer a charge of setting fire to bis bass
at nmght and then throwing his wife into
the burning building. It appears that Sura
fell in love with his wife's sister. • girl
of eighteen. He desired to marry her,
and determined to get rid of his wife that
he might be free to do so. He thought
that by setting his hour on fire, after re-
moving the most c aluabk articles from
it, and having hie wife burn to death
would be an easy and safe way to get rid of
ber. Unfortunately for bim.elf his plans
miscarried, inasmuch as before all hope of
escaping from the bunting building was cut
off Mrs. Sun awoke and rushed out. Sara,
however, was not to be baffled in this way.
He seized his wife, and carrying her to the
house deliberately throw Ler into the fire.
Neighbours who saw the act went to ber
rescue and took her mit, hut not until she
was frightfully burned. Mrs. Sun is only
21 years old, amid was • pretty womaa.
s se Farmers of Greet Britain fainw s tiera
WSW or Pret.etiee
LONDON. Nov., 13. The farmers of Great
Britain make fresh eomplainta daily of the
hard tames. They are belly pinched by the
adverse condition of trade, and nosy of
them are beginning to turn to the fair
traders for aid. The protection sentiment
has grown steadily among them recently
from small beginnings. and at Retford yes-
terday the farmers of the North Nottingham"
district Dammed resolutions against fres
trade 'Ther rennlations state that the
present boos! •rrangem.eta of the Govern
meet and the system of free imports are ri-
jurioas to the egri.ultaral utterer& The
meeting also decided to organise asso.iatioas
of farmer., land-owners,and agrw.11tunl
laborers to urge up_on Ythe eiovemasent the
necessity of • chaa. a ia it eomsereial
policy. The agitauo. aloe` thw limes is
spreading, and the men bellied it sea hoping
for Tory sympathy and support
.*nese .. til. Way Will b. Ad staled
twee areas lerttat.,
OTTAWA, Nov. 14. -.-Tie question of the
scheduling of Chadha r•ttls oft the Yom
Met.. may now be os..ideed as definitely
settled. White the order for 'cheetahs
was gives the Minister of Agricelture, at
the heesaee of the cattle shippers, melted
throng\ Bir Merles Tapper that the order
be nuelifed ss that ilipmesu might be
made from Canada rep to the 41st to enable
ooatraet• already .made foe the expert el
stockers to he fulfilled.
A. awn* to this request was r sewed
from the High Comair. y setnrds to
the effect that the trite ovol4 not by en
tended, hat that the Hoard of Agriasltare
had agreed that rattle ea rests whit\
might reanmuably he imparted to arrive try
the tom, but not rwsni.g in until after that
dab, will he remessahly dealt with. This
.r.�.�-uy� memo the& all cattle anw on the
were wiY M clamed to had, het .a more.
.hs wad.. Turas 4.eters 1., res' IiN thp
a..N..t a ..e..iM...
Haal.ta, Nev. IL- -Tee nasssittes
easmou.d Ia Chime by the mediae
Gerulaayy''•s exhibits to the World a h'alr by
way of Hamlwlii has Ind the Anseeiated
Pries sorrespoedest sere to aarertau the
extent to which this fear wee pietiiwL
Privy C.weelllor Wermat, 'Wiper la
German Comenessieuer to the World'■ Fed
soul It was tree that wet of the Getman
exhibits were scut by w..y of Hamburg
He said that it was the ,lust direct and
ooavesoeui way, and &het there was se
gauger wh
Prof. Kett said it is eel. of the question
tbst livid.' or mwrchandlse panslsg throo•h
Haml urg .howled carry choler.. ;t.ru.s. eft
Low Dever Less knows that new 1;ooJ, car
sled Mull getiiia Limnos may be refereed
by Inmanbsisp or by the ewkd clothing
awe of obolira patients, but Dever by
goods p.ckeel m a wood's case er by Iron
..r 1144414e.
"We Iteew these facts before. mid are
cent case hes simply coo1rmed our opisioe
that ouly through ...utast with *elected
peewees or their cloths coeld cholera be
It Chicago will take the proper stets to
keep people from infected districts away
from the fair ebe need fear no 'evasion of that
dimmest speck • cholera though the Germs*
exhibits ware tarried through Hamburrgg.
Mr Joliaeou, the Amerieao Cosiest at
Hamburg. told the Associated Prose corrss-
pondsat that sot a Nagle package was al.
lowed u Iwre him for Arent* without
thorough dlsis(ecti.a
repalar Oppo.It1it to til measure 1e
w tae t.e5.asa.
BsaLlrl, Nov. 14 - At coocurreat meet
bats of the Centrism in Bavaria, Baden and
tt urtemberg a well-m.igh neanin.ous monu-
ment against the army bdt wee expressed.
This attitude of the C.ntnata bas shattered
the coetidenw of the MinisterialiNs tot the
Reichstag .o the acceptance of the measure.
Not a single organ of the Centre party
aow ad vocals aaysi ung but .o. omprom ring
bestiality to it.
The popular oppoeittou to the measure is
ales growag. The d aclowro of the fact
that Prussia is tioancially embarrassed,
takes with the proposed of Dr. Miguel,
Promos Minister of Finance. to levy • tax
on capital. has contributed to a revalues
against. the Government financial policy.
The ball hes been paved by the Baader
rack without alteration, except for a
few verbal cheeses is the pruambla
Cbeacellor Vo• Caprivi will introduce it is
the Reichstag on the 44th luetul. and if
it is defeated be will resign.
The Emperor is not an enthusiastic
adherent of the project.
The members of the R.rcket% mad Land
tag, who are gathering hen, concur u re-
porting that their constiteenu dislike the
prospect of ourreased %axauos for arose
purposes, though they are willing to agree
to the two years' service preemies. la
view of the Cbanceller's shaky pastime ;he
political groups am already discussing
the question of who will be his successive.
Could Voo I ulenberg, President of the
Prussian Council of Miai.ten, and Prime.
Hobenlobe Stat bier .mf Alsace-Lorraine,
who :s now visiting Berlin on leave of
absence, ars the chief favontes.
-tare.. Opens the arty Dleerwe.ra... of
res. Lett.sey Thrift
Baur, Nov. 14. Many of the german
papers la w.konsing Mr. velaad's sloe -
ties to the Presidency mem to the.k that
his edveut will involve the early disappear -
&nee of the McKinley tariff Better in-
formed journals discuss the election fres
another eu•dpom.t, paying dee respect to
elle grand sight of a free people peacefully
declaring their *overeats will
The Vos.ische battens calls Amines the
mmgbuest nation in the world beca..e lin
hits so reason to either ask for or fear any-
thing from any otter nation.
Ali the papers agree in hoping that the
McKinley tariff will be modified. Some of
them point out that the tariff has done les
harm to Germany's exports than was ez•
Ten Preach Commaader t• Dehem.y
isellee.. lee M•s..ere.
PAWS, Nov. 14 A despatch from Da-
homey auaounoe. that ties. Dodds has
caused to be shot the white eres found in
the army of King Iisbanziu. Three of
them are Germans- W icksl, Punch tied
Schuh... (Inc is e Belgian and another an
Englishman. They are supported to have
bees deserters from Bdyar and German
Congo County, and the Cameroon.. The
executions have produced a certain amount
of excitement, ter the Oart.w newspapers.
bad said that such • stop would is con-
trary to the rights o1 mamma.
A Dot That may Cameo Iteeasesgiao.
flee of the tatter'. CaMaet
PANDA, Nov. 1.4--A despatch from Lisboa
try* that the Lisboa harbor works contro-
versy, [rowing out of the action of the
Portuguess (.overnmest in wiring the plant
belonging to M. Herse.t, • French contrac-
tor, has ted to differences in the Portuguese
Ghent. The seizure bas receetly been the
subject of correapotde.os betwese the
French and Portierue.a Uoverementa
It is thought that the dtg.re.es in the
Cabinet will result in it reconstruction on
• eoewrvative baste before the opening of
the Cortes, Ministers Betlsamd, Amaral sad
Forted& resigning their portfoliea
as't read to. Masao chew.
Panes, No.. 14. -The search ter 'las
daughter stolen by Mrs. Deacon still con-
tieos. The people are resident that the
childs in Paris •sad every train leaving
Paris is watched to see if the child is oe
board. The palate attestant' r axed with
intense tolerant on the struggle between
the husband and wife, std the seas
drift of sympathy seems 1e be wood 11r.
Mee. 11.....'. appeal from the de. -iris
of the Trlhasal .f the Seise, dismissing het
petition for divorce and awarding to Mr.
nsacoe the custody of the child t hat bit
wife has spirited away, will be hoard on
Wedn.ed•y sett, the Nth sot 1a the
meantime the lawyers for Mr. Deacon are
ssakieg to oblate from the eosin an order
commanding Mra Deacon to pa • sem of
mosey u • penalty for ascii and every day
that sh• retains from the father the daugh-
ter she has abducted
The appeal tie Mr. Deo.e s sats for di-
vorce will he hard at Aix ea Thereat,.
Dee It
(0Mete.e Ie. ttmeetteet wealth.
[Avows, Nov. It -Mr. Gladstone is m
excellent health, showing .o ape el
w.arnees seder the premiere of Cabinet
work. He mo& bus way out of the
leg to speed l.adsy at Rrightea. Nest
week the lest Celeste (•eu.ell will be held.
Ter ro..elsded, 1dr elladet„ee will be Al
to Hawarden, when M will stay wet
/tiriat.Ia He has hall formed p1... he
visit the worth .,f Europe i. J...eary, bet
•ahi.g has yet been settled.
Coal, Wood and Kinc'Iing deli-
vered to all parts of town
with quiet despatch,
dean totality ehe.tent,'tete and egg
eseetuw on head.
BOITDint Shawnee 00AL. lamp real for ase
crates stoves, fermiem., ire.
)HataTadena��Bloesbu►gk malt-
ing cost sow oa head. Special attention
x: rea to ru.atry trade.
I have now got my ttt•c\iaery is opsse.
ea for sawing and splinted wood. Cut
sad split wood ready for stove always in
stook. any etre you want. Don't forwel
that i am ssllt.g wood. cut .sad spilt. ae
. heap as you can ower long wood Da las
market- All fey wood is sold by the
cord of 1i feet or hen .-.gird Ms; .o load
or lair Madame about it.
NDe and hemlock, 4 feet long. or cut and
watt aay length.
t)rPICi, YARD AND COAL SNat1. in ofd
drill abed, Nelson -at , foot of Ham-
ilton-st., three m;nutes walk from
Court Howse &tlustre.
Orders len at my residence. No, 9 ('ism-tt.
near emit\'s tannery. wi11 reo.lve pompe
1 tentless. TR:wa (4S.
g.t berme
the F le tri • is Mess or •rse O
t r :enti44g Aintiiian
orient .f .ealdet Paper le IoM
�re�sVsar a r
rni•nittcir. tat
The only duty there will
be in connection with my
goods will be my duty to
sell and the duty of the pub-
lic to buy in the most satis-
factory manner and best
Ready-made Clothing a
lipecialty, and everything in
the latest and best Dry
Goods and Groceries can be
had at hard -times pnces at
Tbe Tomb Cash Slay
P. O'DIA, ¥.sager.
The Signal
gimme mere sales unmake 1e les
Joh Priauas Iwiksass, whim ars wor-
paa'd ea the eine. for the prompt
sad preps exsestiw of all alarm of
prtutag A minimal of We s.e.sy
mo.t may suggest something you may
Lem n .s
steed ef, and oh uses we sob.
girt lour ttea1deu
that our q$imtrs pts..e, tr most wUk
lbw apptuval 01 our patron.
*Ott %%est$.,
This useful aims is kept in the full
nusge of qualities eaWe es letter
heads. NVhile
*,noir ittcadts
In this line we have a very large
stook of fine writing papers suit
able for every olass of business
represented in this locality, cyano
plying laid and wove, likens,
quadrille and other papers, ruled
or unruled, as tory be required.
-Memo. i-keQt\n
are not .o generally used, they till
an important place in commercial
aorresprnadence. See what we've
got under the above bead..
BA% '%‘e.ad►x
If the " pay -a. -you -go " plan was
the order of the day the demand
for account paper would not he
so great ; but there are some tura
wbo get 50 oany cleaners that
they wonder if the stock will ever
run out. We don't intend it to,
and at present our stock is coo
plete in this line with four Lias.
Good paper and neat ruling.
t tt.tert‘etAx
Both single and double dollars
and cents columns. They come
cheaper than bill beads, and are
the proper toting to send after •
delinquent once a month. They
are sure to fetch him 'round-
Now, it would be hard to pet
along without envelopes, and to
keep up with the demand for
them we keep a large stock oto
band. We have now about a
hundred thousand in stock, and
the prices will range fr,m 75c. tc
$2.00 per M. We handle coo
weir's] and kgell sixes exclusively.
Cotl.vro,erttu\ ` rt% ter h
has already been partially enum-
erated in some of the heads above.
There is, however, • vast amount
of work under this head that to
enumerate would more than take
up the entire space occupied by
this adv't, but we do it all at Tee
web tQt.ons
to an "At Home" or • wedding
require conaaderable taste in seise -
tion sometime, but we make K
an easy matter by keeping is
stock the very latest and best
samples to he had. Gil and sea
We aim to excel in all the alder-
ent kinds of work we turn oat,
but especially in this, and keep
in stock plain and fancy papers
suitable for all requirements.
of entertainments and meeting
promptly turned out, from the
plain but neat to the most elegant
with cool and pencil attached.
C%YeJ.% orad T•.ekets
This bead covers a large range 01
work, from a bread or milk ticket
to a neat calhng card, from an or-
dinary admission ticket to a may
business cacti or a handsomely
printed membership ticket.
• b inters
Our facilities for turning out this
clava of work are evidenced by the
fact that the great bulk of it is
done by us. This lime also is
which our three fast -running lob
prawns are able to turn out in •
surprisingly short time.
?Mkt Vint -
belong to the poster department
also, and we make a specialty of
the -_promptness being our am
in this respect. A notice of mils
will appear in Tees HIOSAc fm of
charge when bills for wine ate got
#\\ AICtrad►s oS W stook
in the typographical printing line
can be done in this establishment
in an expeditious and artistic
manner sad
Our V ruins ate.\\ be, joatnd
rex ressovwb\t.
We extend our thanks for past try -
ore and solicit s eontin0sne.' of the
ei11.. WL %1(111#Z.