HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-10, Page 88 THE SIGNAL: GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 1892. OPEN LETre t TU OUR C1J J Oil. /OM TIAL 1911111•10 IN MOM T1111 PHARMACY. • SOIJI'ITATION UI TSUI PM11111011111.TIMM We ars Maiamsd to leve MOM is haikowe QM up to the preserve t eve soglsmsn have err v�raear is de • rrailvtev YaMW 4baa�rrawms 4 rr, petdOtsla ear �mrdm �t� have the mast erniat se.aMwjgWYW part of tbo country. t pant we have eanyed a feed s et the lewd caw lea trade. ads yrs pewaia�• ef Ib. or •u �semr� trade oe s.wset of thoro.as equipped wits the various sew Mr medico reed =tally b oitl sad Americas physwlemm. 71i• More Yes alwys gees a purs.utage w defter* is the pest. &ktMaeh • sir than mete When a so- count oust helots to keep dews prices sad b .. 0 Itt, • our customers their rmsdietee et •: pueblo • charge as pusible„ but now wears tow tun 00 perwatage at all to doctor,. and therefore will give you the ad- vantage. and will disposer ) our prescriptions for Vireo per cent. law ' for oash " than our regular charges before. and 15 per enol• less thea the usual charge. of the other Mars which give a pettestse.. This as tae met eoleotlfle phot of our business...d the ash that .11 ,err training le dsMnaad to y/ qualify w tor. mid w: mean to mer The Pharmacy the best and leading non n Godrrieh. We vel!' ocn,u, ue to ms we o...• almMS• rhea •' inst is" ere the long' and tile.,' put in whet to ordered. store r men at all bourn duel... ti.e day. boo night ottend.nue. is sever without • autnpeteet ha -1 in charge. Ask your P*I)Sl clan fur the ereroptIoe 'violin be calla or act him to leave It at The Pharmacy and 1t will be Filer. with accuracy and dells Bred proton.). (: KO. A. F E A R, u eceseur to Geo. /thy use. OOD(RICH. Art. R. CEOCEETT. Asstee. lm.asi•o.. scant* and portrait fainting in oil .td water ook.r. t'1.Arsi:' Ila Thursday's. Fridays and Saturdays, from O t at. to It clot k. arae hon. ! w a t t to. k t• at • !hectarel mad mechanical dose ng. ▪ wince for pa' ent•, etc. STUDIO -Nertb-•,..Orae door front the equate '1'Ye Peoole's Column- IT olumn.IT PAYS ititsT To hey your furniture at Smith'.. You want 1t cheep. 1 can sell you nes goods. beet makes and latest stylar less than you pay se au. rose for old ceased band *oat You will be surprised how v -e tam hut we do. for Is- stam e • mrd futi 1!cad bed for $'LOO. regular price 1]3.(1.2 A 'Rosen wire Lad-.•pring fur V Oe regular pri $7 50 to II.O. A splendid p ;n mattress fur 104..t1. worth • dollar more. A u•...1 hardwuod wain et.uai for a dollar. Hot .void breakfast table for!tOO. A Bile sl Bash sidiebou.' with mirror for 11111 OU. worth 1112.00. A fell bed-ruon, suite from 110.(0 nee. Illicit Ot.:.t: per ratr or Pillow .ham hold. re. the bout for 30 cents. . -Aleut Parlor two • n brau•y for !FOXY! worth $50 Figur. is tell. We are Imolai to compete with suC.:otne. or to }thing sloe to the furniture line. You nu; .5 well hese new goods and late stile.. as old • vend -hand stuff. ('all and bring year Mend*. SMITH'S VURNiTI"Itp: 1•'TOJ1K("rebb'. Klerk. 11111- Iy SPECIAL NOTICE. A To reduce Stock l will sell deemed L.trber. FI.00I•ING AND 8ID1NU •1 0119.0e per tho,leand. SASH ANDD elite at t-oponionattly low tlgcres 1 ole - lash or it.lvtui. alcr. t. o.-ly Jt KPH KIDI . 1; Itrttaniia-St. Pbooe 1-. rtaatioas Vassal. (�IkLWA/IT'D-A GOOD OENtB- fatlAAmKdyt.1N`e GOOD GEPNSRAL SARTANT WAN- . Apple to KRA JOS. VDU 1� cru I)LUIIBSR'B APPRENTICE WAN. WL-Aevert. tat eillareat bap, with err ill° tiMelo"( _sad (e rmblem tate r us & madam t Oa. wattle. ItLu GENERAL /SERVANT WANTED - tp erwpstes W le to YRS l/ctikli rill , JT ttst�l tt-Jp lrspeliF I r Salo SS Par IlleaL VOA HALE -A FORTY-FIVE ACRE L bra. s.ats, t Belle from Uoderi.Y. as the Northers gravel read. Lad sad how�aa�. Orchard very large sad Yost b.snla� oiolce halt. Terms easy. Appel to L Y.LSWit/. Sedielter, Oodcrtek. ig-I4 HOOSE FOR SALE -THAT COM - reelable little martens w Asensio et. letelr uvcapar rel .b. J. C. Hyslop. 1 tunss sad hall la hast part with kitchen. pastry sad bsdroaa }n theins beblud. Mos. �a�tyl�as srmbaM. Apply to 1118N 3.11 , w Aggt.raya * 11 QTOCIC FARM FOR SALE. - THE I. fame comprises Mama of land. well watered se l well wooded. and '• mooted In ('clbe•se township the. Lake Huron, sad about • mile not of Uo•'rriob. 1+ will 1.e sold et. block or in parcels ot out pureha.ers rut Mulare apply to °ARRIWW k PROUD. solicitor. Uaieleh. Ktril Lir OUSE FOR .•.',LE. -THAT VERY 2111 desirable, hour and lot on Trafalgar -at - 60 pressen' ow toad to 1. G. Piabor. There are Ides room.. road volt and hard war -r. and a stood harden. This Meuse 1s quite new wad is furlltslted with Fret\ Modern ouevealence• Terms can be had by aleph .84 to L G. FISH ER. Algona Mick. this Fa l ACHY. FARM FOR SALE -THE old homestead of the isle Jame. Cams day. of the tewist•Ip o: Past Woo&nose. be. our net half of lot 2S. coxceetou 1. on the grayed rood that loads from Gatericb to Wit:g- lom. 11 is emoted about er reed.. from Ant - urn. • t►rn•tog slings w tub four cit irches seal a rehool noir at bond. A comp.rat.t ay reit +nine hon..- with seven Isrm'rooms and millet otth other con eni . anti good hank baro and •bout >Op large bearing fru,t trees are uu the prouder. About t0ore, are cleared. The .oil of t the beet. Further intorra•tion from %IHS, C? 'NADA V. Auburn P.U. tf-S0 I/�OR BALK -N. } LOT 111.1ND CON. t' twersa. Eau W a�IN scree. This is • !betaines farm. Ales lot Kt °we- ricL, aisolot ftCI. God town. on wlucb there is a good :.rick cottage. %pp!y -•et Pi11LIIt HOLT. Ibrf. TOK SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT I` commodious building on Ktu ..t., Rrus- Min at pleat tit o.,eupied as • painter by Wei. Smite. is or. rte. Terms rear. AAW7 to F. 8. *'4 r1-. Bruit/WI, P. V. Ilia Dentistry. I'l1IQHOLBON, LI). S. - DINT A L iris reams epp0dte the new ioot (!flee. West.t.. Ooderics. 39K-ly [IR. E. RIC1i.1RllSt!N, L. D. 1r outcome deetist. U. and vitalised air administered for painters extracting of tenth. Sped,' art: nrioo giver, to the preservation of the natural teeth. :nfltr-1 p realm. Woad Opera House Block. eutrence on Wsst- St.. !iodc:ncb. !141-I1" MedIoal. Dia`. W i/ l rE i.1• s H U NTE R. ils O-Or..d Opera Manan. t o • Dill. SHANNON & SHANNON. Prana. 8nrgrous, Aocoockere lee. 1.. I. *NNW, -Residers,. Nagle. su Uaol. t?nas%osdden -Rece Nortb-•t, opp. Model ei huol. 'MILL 1tiode- O)TVSE UANI'EY, B4R*lbTBR, / Y, shatter, Convey s ow'r. kc., to loan at lowest rate. 1:It.Lei � rich. Ont.-";�tlIdettey Or L' N. LEN /:-;, BA IIRISTER, PROC- I4. tor in Maritime Courta of °Rents(, OMes-8outh Colborne hotel. Or* 1i. O. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, AUOLiOIIeeMI1R. roI!cieer, clmtniesioner. Ate. Leone. collections and real state traneacttons (Ara - fails attended to. 11dioe--Cor. Hamilton and it MIN GRIFYI N, COI NT1' ACC- et. Andrew's-,t..(iaSaTic h.Ont. ithietyl Pf Me per. lam! valuator. Ian and insurance sin nt, :+ale• attended in all parte*? the town- iOH\ DAVISON, BARRISTER, tee. Correspondence solicited. AddressJOHN •J Solicitor, Conveyancer. kc • ]lone) to 01t1FPI N. Kingsbridge. Orders left at THn. lend. 001ce over Pact -Odom. Uoderich. esti Sloe Al. (Ore prop, pt lel attended to. 3!-tf JOHN KICOX, GENERAL AUC- • inneer end land Valuator. Grderich. A:. Ile* ing hod considerable experience In the aurtloneertagtrade. he is in a position to dlach•rge with thorough satisfaction all mom miseltn• entrusted to him. Orders left at Martin'. Hotel. or swot by nail to his address's 'Wench 1'. 0.. carefully attended to. JOHN r 'Wench KNOX. Counts Auctioneer. 110171! >Itesllaalsor IaoMtute. 1ODERIQH MECHANICS' INSTI- _S TOTE LIBRARY AND READiNU- ROOM car. of Nast street and Square *up suis. Open from I to A P.n.. and frown 7 to 19 r.r. ABOUT 9000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY L...idi.l /Ably, Weekly and Illnefrate4 Papers, Mmexiftes, ek., on Filr. MEMRERSHII'T1c rr.ONLi `tae Kr•ntiog free use of Library and Reading - Room. Applications fen membership received by Llbranan. I n room. ED. MH AUMAN. ORO. ITiVKN, Uuderich M.reb Ida b40& Societal ). -- Spool& )(otiose. 1 0. WAKD, CONVEYANCER, tJ . d - .. sed o.rnmiainoncr fns taking and re- vealing recognisant.** of bail, •Iledavfta w • 'Rnsations, deposition. or solemn declare bons i., or concerning any action. snit or pro- eee.lir.n to tie Hlgh Collet of Justice. the Cour, of Appeal for Ontario, or in any county or Division ('our. All transaction carefuhl and promptly executed. Residence cod P.O. address, - Dons•anes. Ont. real. - tf 1\r EW CHOPPING MiLL. t am prepared to do w11 kinds of grain chop pine on .Lorene risotto*. MW IA rtaaing at •l1 nura 1 have the horn and bot In./ nvvd ■ to -hitters tor dlelegp.tch ededelenc I'H@s reasonable. No de In greetlse your chop hone with rm. JIM KiDD. Mg 51 Ihissmelase. •Stat Aoseseasedlatles. I-NiOP HOTEL, OODERiOH - This well-ka.ws ■massad avid farmers' hot. I hs been taken paltrassilen of by Bulla Arothenand refitted laervaryt making one of the retest and. ewe I.1he tad. Nis Iurstlee. t au_ Mlnft. Rate. moderate. SAULTP RHOS.. Props$. fora elf C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, J. Solicitor, Notary Public. e t Odic. -Oyer Junier,'s brtyg ',ton. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 13313 11• C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, act !Moe, corner of Square and Wr•.t street, Go(1.•rich. over telegraph. odic,. Pri- vet. Funds to lead at 6 pe. cent. 3ane- 1't ARRO11 ,t PROUDFOOT, BAR - rimers, Atwrnc s, Solicitors. &c.• Godo rich. J �T. !Farrow, QA'.. .. N'. Proudfoot. CAMERJN, HOLT s HOLMES, B•r-iuers. Solleitm. in Chancery, kr. Oorlertch. M. C. Genres, Q.C.: P. Holt Dudley Holmes. L•Oaa11 ata 1111111111UPSISSIN LI J. T. NAT!'3L, FIRE, LIFE AND C • •OCtdfmt Insurance agent : at lowst sena Odea -C.,. North -et. had Square: God snob. .1. �1 ONE1- TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of private sad ether foods at basso rater on productive town and farm prop'' lel . eperiafrermset repsyiseet to grit the borrower.- -No a0menimemi-Call or write id. O. JOHy18TOY thellatfaL b 01 tf 1t'i0Q,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON Host t sci4.MI44.(We- nch. lid �amount,f ONEY TO LEND -A L A R G 1 1 amount d Private le is ventured V lower rates s rIM o A pplt to°ARROW&PROUD . 1 i•,Ot-NTY FUNDS TO WAN l _ On the security of Cultivated Forms. Inter i est. Nt per cast.. payable usually. An. pr- une of the principal mar be oale at any time the harrower wnhes. Alt expense paid by the Cbnnt No p•nron except the Connie Auditors allowed to see mertg•ges er t o know to whom money is loaned. Apply to \\ M. IiO(.M I B. Oodrrtch. Asa. elk. tat ('o. Treasurer. 37 if pp RADCLiFFE, GENERAL IN • ..ranee. Real KteAte and Moony Leasing Arend. 4).ly Or'l-alas companies represented. Maley to Lead on •tralgb leases at the beset rate of Interest going la aas way to suit tk, eorrower. ()Moe- - Sot - god dee hem Bemire. Wast threat (Omitreek.Ket - THE HURON HOTEL, - TH1S T)ODD'R KiDNEY PiLLS w.11-kmews and popular hot has been 1.1 related. enlarged and improved messily awe is sow @snood to none is goal tl at •c eammodatlon for the tr.velllwg mobile. Oood eeusedatlea fat sesle•t Ay •sneer et CRAM, Prmlpbyt. the Oman O.d.rteb. Ptork, 10 rent* each. C' CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME C r. Is Dods eh No let -mets third Mandelera the hall over Twee Bros.,.e[slts Wawa/iceIMaoeowwwr. le Wawa/ice and .Ink llp CAI.st(, Lade H J. ♦ . TtsCAL. RR NakDdo7.. eelt.iy. sitter J. 1t' t t ee s's Ps.sceite to w D eanpty Coady Refile In Look mit for a r sow Sleek of Perfumes Nettle, and Belk -es be,pueed In c day er twee. lsYY plotless. QALTIORD TANNERY -TO THE 11," poise. at t v M 1t se trtpk t.. Bask Yr tlti l=ee d! lead thelrode 1. ev acct!. letlt t� - seoposi to agar theme ir� of ttw even brortp- N M4St ?era*fir Wanted. The Medd rNt+sl fur West Serena la teemed at Oed.'teh sad as Me present time a large somber of pre postiv. amebae, are attesdlwg it. tts►sol bats who de- ar. te secure edet.nt tomb rs, will dad Tens amp at the asst aliverti.wt msdilnm, esall be modalities reed it weakly. WANTED. FOR U. 8. 8. NO. 11, Aakdsid. a female teacher tar the ,ear ltd; holding • woad .r 104dellsm wrtilkat.. Ap p/iloa*M.. received y Mb the b Nerem lidlt TEACHER WANTED BY 8. H. NO. thiN 40 certiaewlte Ap icaations wwIU or 4, Address Iteekved me teth.oQuaid. awe ..c -1r ....lUWsp dreP ANIana1S slur Stain. • iEICESTERS PIK THS J undersismed has for at lin tpp, - C sone os' lot No 3. otic. maim 7. R. D. Aldo deld. • number of rant Iambs of pare 5elc.e ter breed. I101tKltT FINN/ I..tN, Dungan- non P. O. ArfMIM _ !ale' FbR BALE. -TWO lg 118: CAST bepW band tes-n b. face. 1 11-14 is bore. or oast larger .haft. Gard as nee. Wtii b...:d at a rem uwble figure. Apply at �a� n d& Steam Pnt:og House, North 5.. Nat --- - .. Executors' Notion. tRIC-UTORW' SALE Ol FABMo. J Por Sale. Lot -. Cert. 4. W. M. CWbotttae, IW The Si. rt l L .I. p e. n! LoSaito 4 Con. 3, a4and the Sou h quer ere of Lott .5 mn.d 4. W. D.. Colborne. ISO scree. Pall of the Scarth half of Lot 0. two. 3, W. 1). Colborne. 10 sores, and pan of Lot 11. Maitland Cusco* sloe. Colborne. 1: acne. Apply to Ree. Price and Andrew A. 1-owtn. Executor, of the late N J. Harvie, er to R. t'. Heys. tid:eiter. Oodarich. 2114 DNSoiutioa of DI>I*Ir. OLI'TION OF PARTNER• S \MIO. is hereby ;given the, the pannrr*Yip heretofore subsistin:e her wren the late \waren :leek and Joseph Rock and ••anrinu.d by the executors of the to Id Anirew Holt and the =ale Joseph Ibcl ..• fennel* at Sanford has toffs day be., misoived- All debts owing to the said partnership are to be to the undersigned Joseph Heck who will continne the Munson, and all claim. against the said partnership aro to be present. ed to him for pal Meet - lilted at ent.fistedat ttaltford this Lt deet of October. A. D. Ilw1. CHARLOTTE A RK(•i . Wi ecce. N/ p Yseen tri1 NI. 0. JOHNS -DIN. JOaE:PH HECK. Cosi' Of Eiswision. TTUISIE8' COUET REVISiON .OF yr VOTERS' LINTS Notice 1. hereby given that • court will be held pursuant to the rnitwit, Voter: list Acs. Pon. by His Honor. the tud;oe of the Pointy of Huron. u: the Town He11r)oderich. os' the fifteenth day of * ovemher, 1901, at 12 o'clock noon, to 1, ar and determine the several min plaints of errors and omi.sIon. In the ant rr list of the munlcipal.ry of the Town of (lode rich for Ial. All parsons hay.r,t Iwni.ete et the court are reunited to n:tend at the .rid time and place. 1A -M. '1f1('HRI.L Cleric of the Merl � ]Zuni,±p.11ty rat' t be Town of Gnderich. Inas at God:rich *Me 31st day of October. (5-:t Notloe to Creditors. IS,rOVOIC TO CREDITORS. Thr Ailwrr o'k Nh &Y. Newish. d.•r.ear.1 Crediton td the Fatale of Nicholas Morrish. late of the fownshii. of Colborne, in the C'.un- tr of Huron. v.ho died en or about the IY:n der Of A:WnA. A. D. I**. at the township of Colborn . ere hereby retreated to *end on or before the 19th der of November. A. D. Ilei. to('antrran. Halt k Ilolmes, Sotirttorstor Jae Jenkins and Rirhnrd Je.A1 edminietrators, full enormities of their claim.. And take notice that .i',.r the said 19th day of Nov. tuber the admin(strstors will proceed to administer the (State s.,d effects of the toad deceased having r.N•rd only to claims of whirl) notice eh•il have been renewed. CAl1Klt'►N, HOLT & HOLMES. Solicitor, for Administrates. Goderich list. I:t►. A. Q Itile. 0631 T'MtlsUltlts Oulds. GRAND TRUNK I:AILWAY. Trains arrive and depart a: Ooderbb as fol - toe • - a ltia . 8. 1 an I Express 1..:0 p.m. a❑ and Eiprem .,...,. 10.m m. OtpArR. .. 7.00 era. Kepner..................... tie Miter ........... ............. ........rataen. TEEN EITMCTEO IITNOUT PAIN Ile Tea t'wt o0 AI DR. E. MCHARDSON'8 Ue:\Tal. rI!LIMA. OPERA NOUS( ROC( .Eft -STREET GODESICE, ONT. It affords env unlimited eatidactios. after a thorough test• rreultln1( la the meat ardor.► tie apprrrt.tion M d•lgr1.. (r1 amid saterrYed patrons, to mobilo' that 1 have the owls .end 7xdaalre tight to use in tio.lerich, the Imtwat eefenlltle d:*,overt, which Is warrantee nese to create the Nat p tin during the esteoetton N teeth or nn.npa of any kl.d, 1. Hearty every ease, and very little pale In the meat ext mese mar,. A.1'; TZ-NJii2VH1 POR NA. le a local assenh.•tie ells, nese'. &Peers the p&Ilvnt In the .1' harnesses le•t, la haaes se water. W the hest sant od known 05 earth to reader the teeth see •en.ltltc to pain. petioles .son rite .t Is h•NNell wars.Ias. to N. Itiertis. Presera•Na 14 the natural teeth apeei&1k AMI dental operations well and at !!!truly 4050. in My Mtlente neer tees are mase. DR. 1. RICHARDSON. WO tt T►I1 8110A1. 170111 sew until Jusrry let, 1894, few *1.00. YA&L Dov Gomm et eaterorduiery low pnoee. We ere abow•u the best vale* is all Hoes of Fall Goods that has ever been shown in We mention here only • few of our low primes. Diss Goods frau 5c. per yd. up to 111.98. A special litre of Ladies All Wool Hygeten Vesta at 75c. ; (7••hmere Hose and Gloves from iso per pair sp ; Grey Flannels from Sc. per yd. Bee oar great line of all Wool Grey Flannel at 13o. per yd. ; nothing like it in town. Blankete all wool 45c. per Ib. in all sines and weights ; Bed Comforters large rise 85c. ; Men'. Winter Shirt. teed Draw- ers from 20c. upall wool from 40c. : 3 pair Heavy Wool Socks for 25c. Grey Cotton from 3}c. per yd. up. We haveopened this' week a talo of yen' wide Grey Cotton at 4c. per yd. We fear no t•otnpetitiow, our priors ere the lowest. Hie nq'v handle ,elieble Goods which we .how with pleasure wh !tier you purchase or not. JAMES A. REID. J.rd•a'. Blocs. Uoderiob. Sept. lith. Islet » TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of thengee must be left at this Office not later than Saturday note. The Copy for change. moat Ile left not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each wink. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. .i (•Akers as.ayp Or. raffia• .01e.. ASV 'ufk Adm prem! et. Tl.e people on the other side [tate select Cleveland to sus tb.m for the meet lour y bet F. J. Pndham fills the bill in Goderich the mea who want stood measures. Kserythiag that is neat and new •ad (anti able In the photographic Ilor 0511 always obte,ur.l at R 11. fallow.. No eityTst tdboe pass-. his la facility for t urnfog out good w Seund,s k try are still bringing dower pri s for beast It.... of good.. They have a spec Oar DMO. of Dema.n white -dare sad the useful erode o: granite iron -ware at Mesa down. PINK TAILORING. Fee and Win oleo.. 1s'sthree*t variety at the tee* Hon West-st. Sou cgs have a big choice and re as good sty le heed Bt at very moderate prices. H. 4ormar. Mar I..o.rxt.Tarratu'Ca lle.ITIS,.-Ay;uspe temperance meeting will be held In the T potence Hall, North -at., on Sunday aft noon next, at 4 o'clock. A fiw er rst-cla.p or from Luckaow has been secured for t 00.`-LLo0. Nevi. i Arra*.. t 'Tn.. -Recently 11 Aerie i)sncey, .laughter of Capt. Deuce who u rtl a professional hue hull atte tb.• late Mfrs. Hays, wife of President Ha d the Preston National flank, Detroit, presorted with • hindenme ggoo medal with a diamond inset by Mr Ha and children in token of their •pprectati of her devoted services to attending t wife obi tougher during her tryug illness. TL•( (:ny Rr pe•:orm.•J in the I:nn.: Ulera How ci going last b.:fu. e a fairly lit auditor, The &acing and sulking born very guo.l, wh.i- the horiroatal pet formality and " 1'hutose 1, u. tee. we mu h appreciated. The cone:u•1.ng ssmtbe heroes,- Ase the oes,- performe.l by the fo (;nY Bros . brought, much applause from ti an.t;ence. Everything is refined, and m not..Lle (ceruse is the total al.aerxol.t.oR jokes and plums.. d to on be or- ork. c- alst mo way c4 ter etn- ner- 1. Is 3. add Y*. was ye on he era Le worm bar le r ur te 11.41 y e• b.r t, 18 w t. d w c Pert M "arty y as- s A K uo, r• Wit*. aha..Captorlap Babb has roe:eased iastructions friss Alger `Nnith A l'o , of Black River. Mrrt.,propri tors of the "circle Y." and " H. tamox which has recently drifted on to Otte ca to iuosecute any person cutting, anitroyi or removing soy of said timber. The la age net wreckage is a severe one and Cap Ilab;, ie IrAint1 to inforce it. Mr. )Itlls one :4 the members of the time, recent' made a visit to l:od.rich to Rive personal in m structioto ('apt. Babb to collect and di pose of all their timber .long the shore an b, tarry out to the strictest letter tier i• against wreckage.. At.t As,,rt MIK 5RAu. i T. -A very successful lecture was given by Thomas M Gillicuddy to • large sod spprectative meed =ace in the Tecutnseth.street Ba Church lass t worming. His subject was -T Small Boy," and j.dging front the A and frequent applauae,in which the i .ible mall boy, who was well to the For, joined, Mr. McGillicuddy gave his hearers talk worth listening to. Mr. Mc:illicodd =revsthe art of holding the attention ot his be•rethroughout, either evoking aur Ihter by bright stories and amus*ng illustrations or becoming serous, p sing home the great lessee Le set out to teach. Toronto World, Oct 27th. UeATH nee Rn HARD Ctrut -The many friends of Richard R. Clarke, editor and manager of the official Orange =van of Tor sato, will regret to tarn of his middies death which occurred at as early boar yesterday earning. Mr. Clarke had net for • Iosg while enjoyed good health, .ted was subject to • threat affection. On Saturday be was occupied at the :tontine' office till noon. Then he returned home and complained of feeling unwell. He had difficulty of breath ing and complained oece.ionally of a chnk. ing sensation. lie retired to rest early, tat thew, onfas orable symptoms ineremeng • doctor was coot for. Rehire he arrived Mr. Clarke was dead, the paroxysm coming quite .nddesly. IMeemed who wee in the gime d as lite, wbrother of ex -Mayor arke, M. P1'.. had (,'hark H. Cleric, alto of the Sentinel staff. Mr. Clarke, was well-known to many snidest. of Goderlok as he frequently visited relatives is this town. A (latent' MR Cream emcee. Apple pm-biag is all the go thrnngh the townships just wow, lied everywhere the pekes are as busy es sailers in the orchards finishing up the crop for the seacw. The weather has not bees very favorable for that sort of work and the lase fall of snow bac inter fend with the parking, and it is art m00% as • bargain if the whole of the apples will h, packed before the rnngl. weather set. in. To • casual observer there is something wrong in the system adored hryoar apple mos is leaving the (raft in loss nen 45. ground hol4rw it is peeked, for the quality mast certainly he detewirr•teul by too eche et poen lie the .terpwta Ammo other oystwm will have to he adopted N we aim► So keep rp ear prestige in the Feg1ieh rarity, ter i►e-raM hat be d Huth frau M.,J.d V the slevesly It --w a In sow, rest arrive is bad meanies M where it is meld. The bseinr is sob in Ms it tang at a eMr .setaeee at what it may be We, bet if the w arrival are N be moulds s elder wise Wirier, the beds will be klieg by DM adopurg mesas M handle u se s amid b. la some orchards them are yet kedrds of barrels repacked and are being bsrw0Yd ep wet and in no gimps te elm as gad butt. We would ..asst the& eseey tteebssd d any sine should have a peak* haw a eve sort to it, ad all the fruit's it is limbed pleoed there in reedisem toe the who would then be able to work it es weather. A tomb Deadlag d some sett would net be expewrve red it wesM he to the ulterior of both the grawsr and the skipper. Orteidy • crop that bee sew 5.. 00518 se profitable should be worth while b•ndllzg properly. Per.pvrsat or If:Aux. -This Parhytery held its regular meeting at Keeler ow Tare 41.y the 8th feet., with the Moderator, Rev J. H. Simplon, in the.bair. Auditors wen appointed to a: -mics the Treasurer'!" books tot ill* year sad the ...ttp44 Kers. J. A. Hamilton, 111. A. and W. Y. Martin. B. D. were eppoiatted to address the W onset Ponies Mia.iosnry Seesety of the Presbytery at their .earl anoetic! is January. rhe clerk sported that be '*4 .- *0 (O:. nmueltlat'oo from the Nsitlaed I'rsb.t -r, regarding the proposed units of ' ..burr with It. ,ganoun and Port Albert alms it was resolved to raappuu.t the com- mittee with the addition of 14.,, .1. Ander amt .rd .1. H. Si:mpeor and .l dl correspond with the Maitland Presbytery The ween mit tee appointed to arrange an ••tcbange of pulpits fur the purpose of the debvery of mtsiuo•ry sermons rep+rted the following iuterchant(e /)r Macdonald and Mr. Fletcher, Mr. Maagrave and Mr. Martin, Mr. : lee os and Mr. alt; Leath, Ur. J Hend.rsa and Mr. Stewart, Mr. Simpson end Mr. Anderson, Mr. farriers aid Mr. Mclboald, Mr. Robert Hamletso. add air. Hamilton. It was agreed W adopt this ri- nort aril t. hat r the exchange take place out later than else end of the year. The clerk .feted that the sum of 311700 was asked front this Presbytery for Home Manama slid 961,0 for the Augmentation F.+sd, whim it was agreed to commend these "chaos to the increased liberality of the people. Mr. Simpson reported that he had declared the pulpits of Ray field ..d Bethany vwwot and Om the congreytloss bare had ooslionors supply since. Moderation to . call to KW - held was held its abeyance pending the ata- 1rmplated re -arrangement „1 toe tient. The tre*•urer's report, w'hlen was adopted, showed • balance an hand of 8102. A wit able ml.uts was adOpted by the Presbytery regarding the death of one of its members, iter. (:mores Needham, of kgmowdville, who died on Nov 4th, 18432 The Presby tory appointer: lir. Musgrove to de Asir lismo.dville pulpit racatal and to act as moderator d .mai one. The Presbytery agree•d to hold its teat place of Inset• t-,, .it I:olerich on the third Tuesday of January, at which time sad place the Prs- torasl Society of the Woman', Feeage issieuary Society will hold 'heir amnia/ meet lag. LOCAL BREVITIES. Harry Illness spent !-;a/.day to town. R S. Hays, barrister, of 'eafortt, wee in town this' week. Miss Annie Horniest aft oo Wednesday last for Tomato. Mies Jennie Cooke left ort Friday Iasi for 'ter borne m Saginaw. S hr. K°Ifatre arrived in oat Smedley with 190 toes of coal from Cleveland for P. Mc - Ewes. M. 4,. I timeros, formes -Iv of 4;:Aeridr, (ndocted the Crown business at the Victoria ea • re court bold at Linissy this 1eeek• Divine serrloe will he hell is Knox church today" •4Thankagivisg D)ry►-at 11 A. M. Next Is,rd'i 1►a the secrameet of the Lord's supper will be observed. The preparatory service will be held on Friday evening of this week at 7.45 when the Roy. Alex. Stewart.R. A., of Clinton will preach. Piano for Fri* That large, .ad handsome piano, which hea adoraeo the parlor of the Rritiah Exchange rill be offered for sale on Friday at 3 r•. e. The instrument 1111 of the celebrated Heinen . New York f manufac- tured, is in excellent 000ditim and perfect in tune and action. it having (net origin ally 9475 and will be a hergaio to whoever has the privilege of purchasing it, as it hoe been pronounce(! by 000)05tent authorities to he the beet piano in town. WEDDING BELLS- 1be Yspelals et nl,He owells sad , P. wwl.g/..s The following from the Hamilton Spec- tator refers to the marriage of a son of our townpman, Mr. John Washington • At sit o'clock, Wednesday evening Mt, them was a very dainty wedding celebrated et Christ Church cathedral, and c large number of the friends of the young people assembled to witness it. The bride was Nim Katie Vic- toria Howells, third daughter of the late Mortise B. Howells, M. I i., of this city, sad the groan was S. F. Washington, the well - knows young berriuer. The bride was at- tended by her sister, Mise Nellie Howells and lire best man was 1:. V. ilellhowp, The service was performed by Rev. F: M. Bland. The pretty bride wu petite end charting in a handsome travelling suit of green broadcloth with • bat to match, and in her hand she carried se ivory prayer book in limn of the conventional bouquet. The beidenitaid was a symphony in brown and yellow. The young couple received the oem- gratulatiose of their (needs wed left shortly .Ito the ceremony am . tour to New fork. THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. N Lvee• a, If 41.vplase mat Mwseevs., Mad Wen. Fell reotrss of the Presidential •!coder ars not in, but, as figures 10 the present show, Clevelwrl is the successful man. He seems to have won New York, Indiana, Illinois, Connecticut and other doubtful mates. McKLleyiem is dead. DUNGANNON, /Why Paragraphs Prepared ave .,ages of The Pier os own eerreepowd..t. PritenAntn. Gen. Smith baa, we are informed. purchased time ruadenc• a C. Brown in this silage. Mr. R. has Seated in Manitoba. pow M•alrroat. Mn. ('. Rrows, with her family, left here .. Meeday en route for Manitoba to Inca her hnsland, who has Ieoatet there. Coots The .thoent choir of the Meth° diet ehnreh here is mentioned to seri t in the np•wisg of Rla4.i new March, wheat is to take plan s lissday next CorMtrsnxa The mwaleipal ems .0 of Went %manse\ will test 1. the tows hall no Saturday Or 12th All con THE WEKSLY AMMER iteroRT, Ss*_4.L Ihsee. w. :: «a •`'a !leve `t! •t ette•,e, ........................... .... tale A • .... int tell M ttt►yae • t• MSS A111.te tat !is! '3MI anti 4 ..••• ate tele d SMrr. ....7..............::....••:.•.. osA 11.1••••• ••••••• 4 M Ill its.• ter. .•. ti ":::: esus we7' «,. .wired will veers themselves soeuedingpy. Inecsanaa Diest ohs. -Tam direness si the West W•wenw► Fire ilaseueace Coe pane hold their meal uposithly meet* kers to Tuesday the let, and report that tk. Compaq is at&U prmgree.irg, TOAas J. T. °arrew, M. pp., her raster, of Godenoa, has the thinks of your humble oorte poadeet ter a copy a Koper d Farmer's Iretitate for 1891, which brimfull of useful knowledge on the various depertaes= in farming etc. etc. Run:neap Hors. latepbe. Sven, (btutbe d George Stothers, ,1 this t l who has for some tare past beer out in M*•itobs viewing the country end els et.gageu at lkss trade as Moue mama, Truk layer, et..., returned home the latter par, OI -set week. HALlowtta.-Tae young people .f yr vitl•ge had violisity, so tars we have her able to learn behaved thes.el.es la a era. ser tar ahead of that of previous ye., Thr growth of edu.tmtioe has • temderoy to de *way w Ith the foolish and injurious reek, that were iednlg.d 10 foratcrly. Dn-Ittat - On readieg the general county u ses especially Auburn ,tem, is the Int weeks true of the !!intoe, Era, at Iwlwed the deals awl Iseermeet of Mr* lames Govirr i nee Janet Ault Jaokeori, of Hallett The late Mm t.ovier was m nater .4 ler. John Wilson, of Hallett. We extent' our sympathy to the bere.vd buub.ad, .Itt1d ren and tares circle of nlatires Tainerutao..-!Fears. T. Ileg:r5 u.i • !butene, who have been engaged to tar plac..td neighbourhood threshing Inc..the mouth of August Let. have about hntnked this ,.stun', threshing. The) repa.rt hang had a ecce,,(.! time, • id no mishap or accidents of any note daring the seem., Which speaks well for their propel attestant sad ou,fnlneee, to business. The !arisen with w hum, they worked are well pleased A ('L.e,e(.i.t_--Os Friday erewmialm work, as Thaw Alae, r., vile is in the em- ploy of H. Dud. Ashftdd, was retort* hone, in lrsveUtng ou the road thrash dhe swamp on staved and third moa., a short distance Beat of 11 . P. 1;nervones, West •e rewash, the hoses were frightened by pre object sed ran arra) . Mr A. was threes off the wagon and received some slight is jures which will keep him from wok et some time. We hope be will .00h be hat ter. Saw Stoats. - On Frisky alien:IWO se bad quite a snow storm, the second (ail 4 snow this ceases, being • much haver fell than the brat lied in ooeeoturre which Mother Earth was is this ted surrouadJslg vicinity robed is her t.eantif& white mantle during Saturday However an Sunday as the greater part n( "1k heauti(r1 " disappeared, she reamed ha former dark and green !wbihmst. We would not presume to say for how Inas, r the Winter seams as rapidly approaching. Tit CURATE to Caves -We have baa favored with a vine of raspberries heels Do it ilium • numher of well developed hi ries of • fair rue tor • wecood trop Tls same was pulled from among several tisei found growing on the premiss of W P Gutman, West Waweao.h. This is not, u we have Leen made aware, the Daly taster" d raspberry freaks, as there have been mat found growt•g um the adjoining lot sora e Mr. lireeson's, beloegi51' to Jas. U. Sear. So mach for the climate d oar great juror iaoe, Osteric. Lerrree. -On Wedaeeday menu= of bat week, a lecture was delivered is the Er oop.lian church here, ..beet -Why se I • Protestant !" by Mr. herein, wbo u len lecture made several affective points. is support of answers, to the foregoing q.w tion. The lecturer cossaneeed at the on gin of the Christian ere, ao.l, as it ewe followed the various pass ad clone that took place doers to thepsasut tree The teeters was appreciated ye tbose pros est, sad we presume will beret a desire to read and form • more extensive avast mese of the subject. As the weather est unfavorable the attendance was not w large asit weteld base boon is more (aver bye acetas, Lttttr �itat\w In this line we have • very large stock of fine writing papers suit able for every class d bu.ineet represented in this locality, Cott prising laid and wove, lines, quadrille and other papers, rsled or unruled, an may be required. A `11 %% ,43.'C ower to an "At Home" or a wedding require considerable taste in selec- tion sometimes, but we make it an many matter by keeping i. .tock the very latest and hest sample to be had. Call and res. lera\t belong to the poster department also, and we make • specialty of them -promptness being our ars in this rvepect A notice of mid will appear in Two Btmum. free of charge when bills for same are get here. #\\ `Kt.lndw of Work in the typographic -lel printing lint cam be dome in this matahliahmsl in an expeditions and article manner and Our '? seat u.:A\\ be Sow" rex% rtawoaab\e . We extend our thanks for past far tin and solicit • continuance of the sheat•. T WV. tae (1141#1•, Uonsatrn, (►a''