The Signal, 1892-11-10, Page 7THE SIGNAL: Gt)D!ltTOH, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1892. JOHN T. ACHESON. + + + + + + + We are showing this vest special values in TEEDS, UNDERCLOTEITG and GREY FLANNELS. Bee the Tweed we t 500. atsell ayard, and the special 96cline of ., worth 80c. + + + + + + + A full line of Gloves and HosieIv A special line of Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose for Boys at 25 cents. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE 1892. The Fall Beason is now upon us, and, u a malts, of course, FALL 0001)8 are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitiin$s will be • marked feature, while all the other lines --too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest Mock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. INBPHOTION KINDLY INVITHD. 5 PIR OHNT. DISOOIINT FOR CASH. STRICTLY ONB PRIOR X.4vNRo, • 306g Deaver sad Haberdasher. viL CAN USE ANY WRITING INK. Pia 1! a, ! p J 3 €€ 9 3. 2 32 IriO !s 3%1Z; l : el 3y {'� s ft I i IC 1jilt! x igs lis illi 9I�9s ' I S j ! 7 1114111 r 1 • 0 .�l o g o4 J 0 2 0 An Elegant Cook Book GIVEN AWAY WIT' 'WEST FOUND es* SPA BAKINC SPecial values in TEAS and SUGARS Fresh Baltimore Oysters, Daily. At CHOICEST LINES OF CONFECTIONERY and FRUITS. ED. OAM.PA.IV NZrB, UrTelsphos. Caaneetion. Agency fbr " MONSOON." Car. Montreal -at and Square. of+wFu IDCAa Spain His Remnant —(horse -1 w *Akio( bat for u• to elope; do yes think year father would forgive .' tare be would. O —How ono you be sant! l:tbel—I felttle .stoma as that seon.nd—I asked hint—New York Hr - 111d. Oarid is a saw thee. although he sakes - sway , Mn" Col. Ham is leaking polls/pool sposehee Georgia. No eggs, boys. m It isn't the "flighty" poet who hi wt*sa- AMs for all tie fugitive v...sa. Then are .ea who tise themselves al- most to death Ir a easy pith. It is as odd bee that the duty 4 easel mitioaarise is to ge to the had. 1f au young masa wee le find eat what the wa1 waves •re ODOM let him ge b 1116116 • big mac grooms most whoa 1. gees Ash basses there a mare d W to off "Wall, I'll be klehed r' es the football and whea he heard they the .allege. had W ool • soused belle is nee a Mash math be- ams, .rase ie is w bust e. Tear tars win some cess." cold the ise- possoisse hgyeses man es he eetei hie oat "Anything SOW ea beer "Yes." "What r its "Oar baby. Itch Oat lammed M walk." The Tree .1 Kaew Pass$—What who breathes will ke the mearwa Pedagogue -H—. Jepos sae. yes ...e..dr.t..d t ame mus ASH you have . �m�..d.r.t..a- fag with thea • Yrs (Jun -fen .r 8e..—"W.it. Winis, dN yea .Ivies your loess. tailor" "(farm; I mimed Chisego, did yes vee the Yes 4 AEA A .bead!" "Oa. yet, sade.4, awl shooks heads with hr." "They Ise sae yes are the Ladies .rs- br .t the salve football tam. What =IT de yen ii1 r "I pate. the bus "ICS • fussy thing. Jew. that we sem mak d oar par meiotic= belied their laths." "We deal have b. The pear are thwart fie" Appeerasses Het Deeopett. rm Mims Charlie proposed to ine the pe bio did holt A iU,l" PrusserWell. so waster. The welt ere .w permitied to woes s the Isle .f Mee Aid wall probably oh..gs the seine .r the plass if they eta masts • maierity. "Will year daughter hh. Latta this yew r Mother—No, there is w danger 4 it ; we had her veia•M 1 idose the left home How to Keep Red Conant Jam.—Put it m the top shelf of tb..spke•rd, leek the door and hide the key where little Jenny =tenet itd it. it's hard to say what the polities or the m.e in t1. moos .re. Nounes the moos is wet .ad someum.s it's dry. Tho apt., it is periodically f.11 M hart dies. sill Y pom se reasther The emery helium white seise Dm ohm bassists t.fl cis wnaYe i iimbar, They sbio• 7••t emits "Will you have another cup or nese 1" Na landlady asked the boarder. He shook his Wad. The spirit is willing." 1. said, "but the coffee is weak." Midnight Colloquy in the Parlor--Y..ag Javan — Travel improves,os* so, Min Flypp. Nis Flvpp--Indee! Why dm't you travel, Mr. Javcos. Under Cultivation—"that is Mies Sharp singing. Her father is having her video cultivated." "You oaa easily tell that." "Mew !" "It's harrowing." "8miggias appears to grow move stopid every day." Yee Somebody told Wm Nat • liths knowledge is • dange e.s Aisg, sed 1. is trying to forgot 41 1. t apas Mad—Mies Flynt is to he married in rest style Tuesday sight Ag.s.--Wb. It the lucky man ! •'I oma't juin recall his stns. bet it is the cin .1. Wit going to mar "Wen," aid t1. goodnatured msaa, as he set in t1. restaurant, "that is • mots ac. eu..odeii.g waiter. He probably thinks I m set beam sod r waiting for M to got as appetite." A Facetious Boarder. —"Title bettor," said the boarder to the l•sdledy, 10 . ns et ear couatry." 'How is that r .h. salted. "Because our country is Ib. sato." "Wen r "•.d in emite there is This must b. • floe Arms for flout, said • pedestrian' to • ern whe was 6Lh- eegs.. •I tbiak so, b.," ..id the •miss. '%w I have been Asthma hew lir ea ksur sed oa.'1 get ose to leave Not • God variety.—Duksw-1 bus Aid railroads ought to hire aeeres*misl egiseera (iawell--Whet ea earth are astronomical engineer. , Duka.. --?b.., who telescope their trains. "Parker's fire i.eureacs policy oovered the coal is his eller, sed the other da Oat for• irks, he put i. • claim ler s� the oral he'd horsed.' "What did the sp e niy do r "11.4Parker arrested fee anon. "Why doyen shave yourself!" inked t1. barber. "Bus. .," said the tired suss tomw. "it keno ins from loading ep es hair wain ; k emblem me to eld at talked to death ; sad I est the rely m•. who ever did shave me who didn't .spent 1 tip when t1. Wag was fi.ie1.d." Hotel Keeper (t. • friend)—What d• yes think! A fellow come here the day lett week and ordered • bottle of visa After be bad taken • glass of it he said I —..u - factored it myasU. Fried—How ridicu- has ! Such • sour tests es year wise hat got tan t be produced by artificial ees.ie t(hi)nk Yost M°. --Haug it •11, my womb is a. hoer .low =gds ! I'. "doe to e ll it if It keeps em heist this way. Sargon tie Parent Oh, f trouble t de that Ned. It was year grsudfather'n watch, you know, sad N is ratty nature/ that H sheath have hard work to keep up with you the way you Ilya Torg Mr. Stellate sank bath is his Asir r the dower -Ad .,m.rvatry and in- haled a gstle breath. "0, Mita f1... view," 1. ..r.i.r.d, what ie that faint, mysterious preempt that ..oat west, the ever' drr kir. Inaykate," replied gp�ru�tttta� 'that le the single/ .dr beesidrw beens NM omega" CRISP AND CASUAL. ll is sale to me Freesaa s Worm Poorders, T bo sot ..jurete• as the a t only w t1. worms tied Ada bit The Empire of Jape oomprion 13,000 woes, tows* sad villages, i. wbtd 00,000,000 people lit.. Bich heds*1. oaused by .noels of bile r • drrurderd stomach is promptly removed by .sits Natiem•1 Pilo. lm Neither more that (s persons in every 100 in Loudon are Itn.g w oosfot t, while rath- er more thea 30 in eery 100 an lhi.g io poverty. Women require one hoar of sleep more • day than me.. Fewer of the latter teach the age of 60 tine the Isms, but after- ward the sterner sea bas the beet of it. A tae-ppoouunud comm ball was recently due up at Lakea►de, Ind. It has bees tdeau Sed as • relic of the uses whew Mad An- thony Wayne was in oommsed Nereaboute • curious oireumstaaoe u oo•.ectios with the r.oent epidenuc of cholera at Hamburg was the departure of all the bode from tbe city only • few days prior to t1. outbreak. Recast experience has proved that if • delicate pine of Moe be pl=od between aa iron plate aid • disk of gunpowder, •ad the latter be detonated, the lace will be clearly stamped on the iron. The Harvard faculty has annossoed that dari.a t1. fall and winter rectorial courses will 6. give. to medical practitioners is bsotrblogi.al dsg.osr of Asiatic cholera Imported germs will 1,e used. Oely one 910,000 bill aad only three 16,- 000 bills are wow cutetanding.inailyI there were 900,000,000 worth of110,000 notes and 990,000,000 wortk. 416,000 notes The others have been redeemed. A magnet at Willet'. Point, Long !ahead, w cowidered the largest sad etrougst is the world. It is made of two lb -inch Dahl• ,p.. wowed mooed with eipbt miles of malts charged 'nth eiecu city. " • chemical seems and medical tnsmph, ' so speaks Y eminent pbaicien in refr.00. to Ayr'. Cherry Pectoral ; sad the eulogy was wow too Areag. No other msdi.ise is so sale and eSea.Mss in all dis- owns of the throat sod (ossa Five Presidents of the United States were eluted without the assistance of the Skate of hew York. These wen (Jorge W ssh- iagte. (flus time) in 1789 ; James Madison, is 1816 ; Jams Nathanson, in 1866 ; U. 8. (heat, ie. 1860 ; R. B. Hayes, in 1876. " Nothlsg succeeds like sweces," and so- tbiag will more quickly insure scorn then true merit. For fifty `errs, Ayer. N•r- s•pariia has .•intnined its popularity as the esprir blood purifier. It stands epos its awn mrita and oevr fail to give satis- faction I. the limited spate between Worth -et. and the Battery, whore there are many 1.rgs wholesale houses, it is stated that 15,- 000 women are employed es typewriters. A single typewriting m ehise company finds me.., through its various ofbos, for 10, .amen a year. The Kalman' of Astr.kes, • roving peo- ple ntunhering about 150,000 soul, have at last been freed from serfdom. When the other Resits sorts were freed in 1861 it was coauthored dangerous to er:teed this privilse to these people. lest their wildness would Mad to its abase. The originator or the theory that the earth is round was probably Males of Nikr- ts about 640 B. C. He root ouly taught that the earth was giobahr in form, but or the ive sores, some of the principle circles of the sphere, the capacity of the moon and the true course of tthoo lunar eclipses. he Cold Wave HM struck u•, but we are not avoid, as we have A COMPETENT STAFF AND Clip HAIM 1BI JOB Ill OH LINE. wa NAPS • LAaea NOCE Or STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR W000. III Ana STILL SAZINo Tea RE -DIPPED TINWARE. GIVE U8 A CALL SAUNDERS & CO. WICST STREET. Fall Millinery � MISS CAMERON, Who has recently visited the leading markets in the East, hale now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. And respectfully invites an Carly inspection of the same. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton-st. A. B. CORNELL 1 J'STD£RT T� roe' McLeafa's Block --On the Square--McLeaan's Block, STILL CONTINUES TJ4OONDUOT N\SRAM ATIHI8 l;SL'AL WW PRICk8, Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The beat stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to'vs him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZNO CHARGE FOR A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S .MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. WHY Doe. (IFO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and • undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE TEZE�'I30N= 15AIZI.,012ZI Tou,NTo BRANCH -29 Front-st. West. MONT=LL Bluets --818 8t James -at huntress. Wooz --Hull, Goads. NDERTAKERS J_ eROPH3EY dt BON Have added to their present business o.e of B. J. Na.h's Latest Style of Qty Hearses, also the 8ntst line of funeral furnishings in the county, and are now prepared to conduct funeral at primes reasonable. This department will be strictly attended to by his esu William, who, is the eusploy of Opp late n Gordon for the punt two yearo, has . kaewldge of the basin..', and by prompt att....0.wi Aspen to share pert of patronises B..seusher the place— Weet+t, es your way te the tis Otve Y • • -"" He finds that it pays in the long run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Rs tarns." He also makes • specialty of picture framing. Give him s call before purchas- ing urchasing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357 y Patronise True .Competition. 11." Das ter sonsP•cvsc Rewi et ti swiss with fan awe per ma breseo prl.dstes sad la 14. et evert wbe .OBR a ,tee - O e saes �O+s renCa and N O.l..blle s54P1 tU sessatearea >we�tIrearseerett. soma