HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-10, Page 5TIIE SIGNAL: OODERION, ONT., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1892. C CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO won/. PAID UP MX rives ooai RSI - 416.4114110.004► E. Ii: WALKER. Gamma. tAANAOtR. s1,0oo,000. OODERICH BRANCH. A (SAL SAMNA hIMNtM TMiSAOTIO. 'Act iIVIw MOTU D,II OV„TtO, DMAIT$ IMOD PAYAOL& AT AL, POINTS IN CANADA, ANO TM PRINCIPAL OITIaS 101 TN* UNITS= ETATSR GMAT ORrTA1/L Fw.ct, 6tIIMNOw ea 4111111111111041 SAME DEPAMTMEMT. or POINTS Or 411.00 AND UPWARD$ RarrivaO, AND CLAMMY RATES Of let IOMIT au °gab. INT'tIIIIST Ai.SO TO TMS PtiMol pl AT rata two oe star ANO f sow Is- a*od Y. Spook' Attowtltw OMNI We ills $SM••tle, of ^errr-ereler w•t+•r. gad ‚‚s' Salm 011•11mo R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. OOMINION NEW$ IN DRISF, lawyers se Kington complain til dulls.., s It is tltoogbt P rliaamett will meat J..ary tlt large mat beds a' mad to exist in Nest Terra toweakip, county ef Oxford. The lumber nulls oa the (heathers are aq busy, and will era mill stopped by tea. During October 1.673 immigreata arrived is Manitoba. Tide snakes the total se far tku year 34.9att Vilma caricads of tattle tree the resole of Right Hoa Sir Mtavely Hip, Q.O., 11.P., arrived in Toronto. Four brothers is Ktnptas Jaw, Jakwa 3somme sad W W .m !invaders, weigh is the aggregate 1,000 pomade. u 'h.rla Tepper is at the *mien that a see fast has ef riles --e to Cl m& w fl sees be as aoeemplkthed tart. Then is seer talk by the Berta, Ont., Street Railway Coespeay of @hanging the piosa•t system to that of 6h. Ireiley. The .AIlna line sts•cw.r Sarmatian, whisk Wt Montreal rias aground is a fog .t V. reach, demo. 13 sailer from Montreal Isms. Munn. who lire on John street. Hamilton, tni.d to tomtit sUiodeby taking rat poison. but it in likely be will roomer. Dr Mc4.sehrsa, Dominion veterinary aIrgsoa, has reported to Mr. Jahn Carlin that than is se paenro-pneamotia is 1'Maeda. The apples and small fruit exhibit of the Province of (palm for the Colombian Ex- hibition is sew completed, and it will be torw.rded to (,licage next week. Prot. Robertme, the Doesoisa Dairy Grammmer, is surnag o f cheese and batter from the Re Ildge bury stations to the British Mt The Aagliah Beard et Agrieslte re bee o rdered all cacti. leaded •t Dundee tram Meade of the steamers Harass .d Moak- twelve hundred in umber, to be slaughtered. (here wsaa masked falling of last menti to the export of Cas•dlaa tattle to Great Britain. The total shiprwte am now 11, - MS tattle and 15,231 sheep below the same date last year. At . golden wedding ed.batioe held in • taiptos, Oat, the lady and mstbmsa Mr had been the bridesmaid sad groo- man, respectively, fifty years before were esuong the gram The iashio* Coed will be clamed frees remit 1st to April 13th next. Between Ern and 8,000 employes* of factorise de- riving their pswer from the anal win be thrown out of work for that Milk of time 1n the Dasa of Quick r. Church at the Brantford Asim., is which • Woodstock loom seed the widow of • Brantford farm- er for alienation of her husband's affect -ma, a verdict of 14.300 damages foe Matadi w. returned. The President of the Britian Bond of Agriculture h...00a..t rte. ... -a.- et tee clew fe.Ndiag the imperialism of live Camara .tattle {o I:rent Britain has Mea rimed. The aanoaacen,eat has ceased agitation am eg °mediae skipper& THE WIDE WORLD. Robert Berns' cottage •t Ayr is to be re- warmed at the World's Fair. It s estimated the about &S,000 deaths from cholera have maned to (hung Ken. Chia► Thursday, November 114, has been ppreoo• Mimed as thanksgiving day is the United Stat.. No one will be allowed to atte.d the ex - seater' of Neill at Landon exosptthe ahetili end prison odlnci•Is. The cholera continues unabated in Buda Pesch. Twenty-one um caw and viae deaths were reported - Sas hundred and thirty-six deaths from Moder& were registered in (44kia during the mouth of October. A nurse girl at %relabel, a Norfolk. England, has been coavicted of feeding pins to • 7-nto.the' old child As American woman, showing every symptom or leprosy, has ;.ten admitted to tellaniciip•l hospital in Philadelphia. At (.b.Msrtown, Mar. load, three men and five boys have hest sentenced to death for the .order last April 4 1k. Jaw H. Hill. It will take le months to euanfaeture the necessary Blas. for the discs of the Ysekee telescope for the University of 11Chicago. d there are over 10.0u0 idle work- men in Chicago, who went there exreetisg to get employment on the World • Fair buildings. The unemployed Hebrew workingsee of Lemke have decided that they will marsh barefooted through the city streets on three different days. Ah the coating @emaa'of the British Parli- ament Joseph Chamberlain will introduce • .p providing that Marrs shall not work more than 46 hours • week. Owing to the eo•tins.ace of disturbs/ices, sad the (request attacks Spon non-union workers, it is believed that the troop' will h ave to return to Homestead, Pa It is said that Mr. 1.ladsto.e's new Home Rab bill will odaos the number of Iiia ▪ u bars entitled to cote in We.tsrr.ater os Imperial questions from 1(I3 to :8. Smack liberals are very itediwutat at the precipitate action of llr. Gardner, preUdent of the Board o Agr►callnre, in achedg Csa.42 and ordain the slaughter d (Lia• than cattle. There was • ire in Brooklyn, N. Y.. en Saturday e.eans that for a long time de- fied the efforts of the fin brtgeda'and woe not extinguished until it bed destroyed 000,000 worth of property. The great lucaakire cot ton strike began an Saturday. As both odes are detensiosd, and as the operators have • large reserve bud, the struggle is expected to be a bag and bitter one. 36,000 men sou idle. DO YOU pow BOW ruga roo ETEIIyIJGII • STRICflJCASII. INDiP$q.E STORE ? We want you to know it It will be to our mutual advantage. The more you know about value the greater will be your appreciation of the saving effected by CASH BUYING at genuine Cash Prices. Ours is the only real Cash Store in Goderich. We have nothing to do with credit. We do not throw out two or three lines as a " bait," but we sell everything so as to effect a saving of from 10 to 30 per cent. It need not cost you any- thing to prove this, as it will give us pleasure to show you our goods atjany time. ARMSTRONG & 00., IA- We have the beet range wear in Goderich. Oen Acheeoit's Old Stead. of Top Shirts and W. ACHESON & SON. White pure Wool Blankets, We haveust opened a special purchase at $1.75, $2.25 and V2.75 per pair, and they are selling fast. r-- ey. F!! . n Our 17c., 19c. and 25c. special quality pleases all who have examined them. Fancy Flan- nels for Shirtings, etc., 28 inches wide, finest qualities, 36c. ; a large selection. Cravenette Cloths For Ladies' Waterproof Capes, SPECIAL, 2 yds. wide, our price, 75c., regular price, $1.00 ; Beat quality, 96c., regular price, $1.26, in Greys, Blues and Blacks. INEPBOTION INVITBD. W. ACHESON it SON. 5 per cent. discount on cash purchases. It is st tea teat ships aro being built on the Clyde for the Russian t:orerameat which are filled with iron cages, in which to transport political prisoners to Siberia by way of the Lona ever sad the Areal mem. Jamas Lee, sentsse.d to 10 years et Auburn prison for attempting to kill an officer, broke jail and made good his escape. Herseeceeded in re.noving frau the cell roof • stone Ragging weighing 1,400 pounds, laid is cetttent. Archbishop Vaughan will .xornpsothe pilgrimage of British Catholics to ! This pilgrimage,which is headed by the I)uko of Norfolkis in point of wealth and numbers the greatest that has left Great Britain in three centuries. The report of the purchase of the mile bested thoroughbred stallion (Ormond. h (I W. B. icl)cnorigl, 0 San Frame:moo, ortufirined. The price was 1130,000, the bargee meant ever paid for • bens. Ormoade is now is Math America. PERSONAI MENTION. Hoa T. M. Daly foe been n-deeted by .ora.atina The late Dr. Hugh Nerd, d Listowel„ left .o estate relied at 81,383. The body of Paul Peei, the artist, has been cremated at Psrie, Femmes. Mr. Boole, Conservative, has been elseM ed u hlatene, Quo., by 1_'majority Mr. John Ruskin's name is neattwed in oonaection with the isc.at laureateship. Mr. (abdomen haa declined to attend the t.mugural baagmot of Lent Mayer Knill ef Mr. KtlearDeudeey bee left Ottawa for British Columbia to &mum• the Lieutcaant- liovernorship- Ndward Booth IS very feeble and will Moe Lakewood, N.J., for New York City to consult the family physi.-saa Shelley, the inventor to New 1 ark, who professes to have invented a bicycle which uavig.We by water, has two brothers is Berlin. Oat Mr. Normand, the 1 :N.eerestive date who eras elected for Three Rivers, Que., .t the general election by 3, hats been returned by 41 tea jerrt y. The [.rand Trunk Railway Company ins appointed Mr Jo.epb Wallace general agent •t ilamilton. Mr. M. C. l►ickw. district patient ;er ';rent, amid Mr. .1. Eris district Trete' t agent Premier AL),ott and Mr. Form since b. have been is Lamina have met Mr. (c stotie and Mr. Ripon, Secretary of tpato for the Colonies, sad discussed with them questions relating to Canada. `Its 1'h•ri.. Tupper, is • recent interview, sud that under no circumstances woulil he accept the Canadian Premiership. H* thought that Sir John Thompson won 'IF titled to it by sonority and abt'lity. OBITUARY NOTES - Mr N. Gordon Bigelow, M. P. P., for Toronto, is dead. Thomas Walters died very sudde.y is ind...r, aged 8Y. Mrs. Wood Gould oomn.itted amide et Woodstock by talking Paris gem Stewart Francis, • weU.knowu hor t:err of Retched'., died very suddenly. Mr. John Ked.,, of Maplehuest, Thor - o1.1. died Saturday in Kia OOth year. Mr. T. W. Hooker, a prominent and m- arred pioneer of Welland, is demi, aged Jaw Muss, the Hamilton ma who took rat poi.. ea Thursday/, died the next morning. Diego 'termites*, a Lard more than 1110 yore oil, died at Tames, Arno.., on Mooday night Mr. C Biggar. • wall -tow calm,., ne drowd himself at -dMount Plaudit. 0.4., on Thursday night. Sdie *anise, the aotre., sister of W. J. liemsh., died suddenly of heart fathers ton New York Monday eight. The .bath Of Robert Grant, professor of m,rene1.y is the University of I;Meow, mt She age .4 76 la announced. Mrs. 13. Rockwood of Nus Clam, W. dropped dead in Belleville, where she was visiting her maim, Meg .1 W Herne The Genera newspapers, with er•reab an exception, denounce T'rtnoe Rsmeaarl If bitter terror br ks oppnsiti.n to the Army bill !Mrs. H. iMeese. of Wi.atp.g, %law,, stepped en • rusty mil • week Blood pomading re.ulted, and the wnmba died. Mrs. Store, amid 26, wife e • builder and .nwtreeter ma Bathurst street, Teresto, eseenst.tad Med* at Mi deo by taking oar - belie acid. Haigh Jahn Mosdemel1 has stated thee although he W set yet resigned his seat le Psrlaasset, it is W intentien he ds . ha. fore the weetin ef the Houma Mrs. Sart101 years .if yrL the eldest wane. I.4laa., was bar isi le death as Berm] ea Wa-1-_ ±,y. its mop posed p- p.ed a apart from a pips .he was m thing est !rete her diehfy, Mn. Hartley the tells d . ihenst M (war -c.. (Ilat - Leimi. ermmd t• llgmiekdl es Ye I'''' ' bow :..- ' h>' r`. uf'd Ms hire. Tilos Palmer, the wife of . farmer u Norwich. Oat, and the mother of four children, committed suicide int Wednesday evening by hanging herself. Continued it - ass' .ad ouaseque.t suffering am mid to be responsible ler the deed. ACCIDENT RECORD. A bergs stepped on a broken trolley wire 1. Marred and was instantly kilted. Three men were fall mailed .. implosion on a tag boat .t Brooklyn, N. Y. Central Oftee Detective J. J. Carey was ehot.sd killed in New York by an ex -con- vict. Twenty-five persona were trampled to death in • panic at • church is Vinegar& Austria. Hera. Beach, freight conductor on the C. P. R. was killed at Packenham Thum. day night By the wreck of . railway train err, Think, Yorkshire, Idngla.1, tea portions were killed and in.ay injured. Th. steamer GUohei, of Cleveland, A le believed has been toot is Lake Michigan The crew consisted of eighteen men. Robert Leonides, an Nast Zona fanner white hunting, was Miami seriously Mjai by the accidental discharge of his gm. Robert Langdale, the Est 7.orr• .on who was accidentally shot while hunting the other day, died on Saturday morning. Frederick He. sat Joh. Stephens, both young see., wore ItMed by a train while driving across a railway .ear Teams% N.J. A 13 -year-old boy massed Styenhof, while attempting to beard a ballast train on the electric road at Chi via Saturday eight. was nut over •.d killed. John E. Leidy, aged 8 ears, w. killed by _• trolley ear in Brooklyn, and Willie (,tiff, another yos.g boy, was so severely injured that be may die. Twenty persons living a 1'roft.y, • Til- ing. of Poland, have been poisoned by sat- log the flesh of a cow that hal suffered with cattle plague. Ten have died A young woman maned M•lnney- was crashed to death to Clarks felt fartory, Dundas, no naturday, through hawing kw dress caught to a rapidly retoh.ag 4.4*. John I.chiner, of i.wrenc, •urg. Ind, won bitten by a cat nn Tuesday, and drank Mo quarts of whisky to ward off hydro. phobia. He .lied in .n hour without hav- ing uttered • word. The jar, which inquired into Site et leged suicide of Lieut. Sehwatk., the et - plover, at Portland, the., reached the .s..luswe that he secidentelly took '. mawtu.s of morphia*. A uemested Ne. Walks vasty Mlles. Wtierrrc, Man., Oct. 31. --A demented am .caped from Primes Albert co.vest the other day and traveled all the way 1. Dark Lake, a distance of Dearly 00 miles, se feet. She was fogad en Saturday is .. eshausted.aditioa A Chi.ees ltne..N remote, songs, Mans., GA. 23. --The ('hues aow have • temple in Boehm. situated is Mount Hope ('emetry. It is the wily *as i4 the Batted States. It wee dedicated yesterday. Cera• c Visna : tams 1 Discovered .t last- a remedythat is re, sad ad punka na Putm's sure, Painless Corn &A iator never fails, never amen pins, nor eves the diglt.t d.ecnfost. Hoy Put- nam's (`ora Rxtractor and Iowans of the may cheap, dangerous. .od Rech -..ting sehmitntes io the market. See that it is nada by Poises t Co., Kinston. LEEltUIIN. Irema our awe earreepmedest. Ni. Maggie McDonald, of the Fort City. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Foley for the peat fortnight. Halloween stowed great dullness in the rising youth about hen to keep up the well Imams custom of moving and transferring ISMS, plows etc The heavy rein we sup pose checked operations and only• slight . attempt wmade in trying to listhe farm rote of Hope Far., but previous visite •m- sdly had reminded the owner to lock it. They lifted at the hinges bat ootid not un leak the huge dads whirs the laird Hired la s ..my • .setter. A Iuietette of fair .ddene bed • social gmberisg at me of the firsaho.ees le the sharsoo., making • large spilt. whisk. in the ins stag, was tested is Il ruseth by several k.eheler [.boot prime • da it. A1) pretest ked a jelly tiro. RIPLEY. From ear ewe wervtapeeds.e The shisg will seen be . Mktg el the past ter thi year. J. 11. Wiliam's. V. S., suadr,ed est the 4th essese ins, Ebhed Tisnmese is bask Orem hicks- Making as V as era Ad's dowse * + i RL 111. Owns std *Mgt. el Asked . paid ear ye s a Ask es arida y. That Is • geed w ilmtdlw is ea sew ; vital d. the dhmmed brass&*., 10r...!, of this pleat bat BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, $12,000,000. REST, - 6,000,000. A SavitgD artment has beex *fried ix cots- Ysctiox with lhis raxch. Ixlerest allowed al cu rrexl rales. GEO. DRUMMOND, Alassagw, Gals 'ic4 Braxch. MIItInerLr! A I. A ROE AND W ELL-BELE(TEU STOCK Or THK Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, F.\Nt_'Y FEATHERS AND RIBBONS. LAUIM' UNDERWEAR AND CHILDREN's PINAFORES. PLEASE CALL AND mat: M711 -bat BUTTgR AN» KUOr TAKEN MISSES YATES. now of Ill) th, .undyed at the cemmerei•I. Anus .Smith's friends will be glad to learn that he will soon here a railway of his own. It. reggae is now settled down ran and cosy in his new hotel, whirl is • greet im- provement to the village. Report' from Purple (:rove claim the pet fox was caught ; ah, ole poor thing, many • well amen Mot it mi•,ed. Tom Varian, jr.t sad Dem. FIndstoo seem to be very fond at K. McL cod's tailor shop as they often visit it on Sunday. The first party a the season came off in ole square bones last week ; although the n ight was dark there was s splendid time. The middy roads do not prevent the fanners from hauling out their grain. Oar srain market is • good roe judging from the istasos .mo fanners come to it. BRUCEFIELD AND LONDON ROAD. Prom our own corregoadst. A gentle fall of snow mane Mt Friday but is rapidly die.ppeariug. A bee w.. raised by the ooagremwoe of Union Church to improve surroundings of church in shape of doggie, • ditch. To .how apple iado.t -y over 3700 barrels of apples have been already shipped from here sad Imad ods have OW t• go. Uuborne Thomas Warty, of Ushers*, who tell down cake three week@ ago, ad - fors intensely from the offset* and his re- covery is doubtful Rxeter : T. W. Ach..on bee on exhibi- tion at the "Central" a curiosity in the shape of s pg with two heads. The pig is p.rhot, even to the throat, and had tt not =tot, tpon by the metier, there was nothing to have prevented Reliv- ing. Exeter Peter W. Bowden, of Ridge - tows, formerly of Kxeter, was on Wednes- day, Oct. Rb, united in marriage to Mt. Maude Porte, of Loom, third daughter of Wis. Porte, postmaster et that place, bythe Rev. R. H. Shaw, of the Church of Egg - land. Wmg6basn: The many fried" here et John Beattie, ex-000ductor on the L H. ! B. R., will learn with deep regret of his death, which took place in London on Friday, Oct 98, aged 67 years. The deca.ed was popu- lar with all people who knew him, ..d hs widow has the _sympathy of his numerous friends. Seaforth John Hannah Wt week closed his crean.eries .t elesforth, I.andesburo and Goderich for this semen. The creamery et Kirktoe is still running. We are glad to bear that Mr. Hanoah has had • very satis- factory seas.'. People are now ooitmo.ciar to appreciate the creameries as they And that they.. get more for their cream than they .n get tor their butter .ad are all the trouble of making. That's re Way Se Vett. O;. 1)c Smith -How de you like your sew horse, Mi. Ttissy ? Fair Equestrit..e-He dm not tide as may as I expected. He tugs at the bit and •rte as it he wanted to run away with me. G. D. Smith -1 don't bions him ; had his chimes I'd do it, too. if 0 nTr NONillgerAT O.s l plt0Aopi v WI A POOR KIND OF .001MOiET Why bay our sewing machines from atraugers at 1abulatr priors, when you conn [[eet the best manufactured from 1:eo. W, 1 borisoi for 014 .00' Dr. M. Nicholas. the West -n.. dentist, makes the proeervatien of the retural teeth • specalty. Gas edmtn"tered from 9 .. w. for the paints. extraction of teeth. Geo W. Thompson is local .gest for Fell pines, ps•nsttes, armee, sewing machines, yc*0. violins, Autos and .ureal mer- chandise. All of the heat, aid at rock bot- tom prior. Now r the time to purchase. It has been proved to the s.tisf•.:ti,n of kindred. that teeth ern be extracted by the prams, using aati-isrve pita. 't rIlebe deceived by having the mamas treatment. The one Is harmless whibt the other is very dedgerous. U you want the right treatment you an have it at my den- tal reams. Opera House block, K. ORAT1tFUL-COMFORTI140. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "Br • thorough knowledge of the mammal laws which govern the operation• d ion and maritime, d by a mental the I.s ssepartte• el well ()roe., 11(}, gr<ps Weakliest provided our t•bl. wlth • sistimady devoured Severags wkiek mu3 ave . mar PeatrY doctors' bug, it 1m by the Judi - ahem use of ouch articles of diet the • ema- .tatoteess msay be patently built of until strong Aamdnda 04 subtle e• maladies apo• Rme around us ready teener* wherever there b a weak point We may 'scam man • anal keeping modem well fortified with than blood by Gpeoperty nourished tram.. -- made simply with bailing water or milk. 0.1d only in saekets.by (Sewers. labelled th.: JA11111 SIMS O Co, .emm+pMY. Mem. less. tieMe.. Smrrtm.d. CAKE BASKETS PICLLE CRUETS NAPKIN IIINGS YOB WEDDING 'PRESENTS It is on a par with buying lou t ..(r a hMshy soap for little money. Poor soaps are the bunghole ' through which time and labor are wasted, and by which the clothes and hands aur raised SONLICHT taw Aeemt... K Wawa* sad Rolm, sad by Its lasting pro- perfba, ism wonderful elsewsksig powers .rid p.d.ct perky. H Maws Tom A Lieber. nod brings Ommf8 4 A •se1n1/.w.n so .1l who tt.1 • • • • • • o • man .aNwrlS t9 T111t' T11v w tae .me 1 T rf le ••••••• wM'ns/. tor. mwaMrt 111111151 n•». toes-. IOWA ISIMISIMPO HALF PRICE We can afford to halve the Price rather than carry them over. YOUR OP?ORTIIHITT CADDY & TOM KM BLOCK.