HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-10, Page 4flu �iyuxt, le . eieuai NVIRY THURSDAY MORNING at at. la.ataaaasstl. are. of Pita..-sCloiselek ow lterta�assat, ateireo Tecate elf euaaesege.sm 1 Owe °Death. la adverse : 11 ranee v.stbs, 11 ten It emend i. seats •the . i Nr year l M will be ... . Ir Adve.eYtig wee and otnee eased Mverti.emenu, les, per tie for firm IwsertMa, and) coats per Use liar each.abseuueat Ittesrtioa. lwe.sured by •ppooeepp�srro.1s.se- ruelness cards of .ix bars and under, 15 per sear. Advrtl.emewa of l.w1. rotted. tktest Situations Vacant. Mambas Warted mile Butner ('howl. Wanted, nut eaceedtse e Ia.s nonpareil, $I per month. Hoaree on cede me Farms on S.le, act to exceed r hoes. 11 for Crst month. Sea per eats seemot month. leerier advt.. in provertlea. Any special ambe, the eidetic of wbic is to promote the pecuniary benefit of any met vtdual or company, to be mandated as M veet1sseem sad Charred a000rdanb. Local not ices In nonpareil type one °eat pee cord• no notices less ties )to. Local notices in ordinary reM}•g 13pe two Cents per word. No notice for Ism aha. Sb. Notices for churches and other religious and be.rvolent 'emit ukase hall rate. Commercial cosine-. advertisements.. A limited number of disptyed advertise meats will be inserted at the VWlowtng rate. Pet inch, ore insertion W 40 four insertions 100 three months, ) 00 '• six mouths 1 cue year S 00 No .dvertis.ment lee' tkna e�wwee ugh.. In length will be calculated on naaeu real.. S per rent. discount allowed for HMIs pments on three moot hs' contract : 10 per oral. so ail months'. and 15 per eeoa on a reams. These conditions w ill be litrtctly ruforced. About "Tae atgmal" aelsiel,. Subscriber who fail to receive Tee SWRAL regularly. either by carrier or b mall. will a favor by soquatntlair us or the fact st as early • date as possible. Leek at Veer Lab. 1. Vont label is a standing receipt of the date to which you aro paid up. See that it is not •IIowed to fall iato arrear. When • chane of address u desired. both the old and the new address ihovld be gives. Itelected manuscripts cannot be returned. ('orrespondence must he writtenfoa one side of paper only. rsNMaer's eerie*, .1. 1'. Le Tousel, of Goderlch, hos been &p pcInted Local Travelling Agent for the town- ships of !lode:'ch, Colborne. Ashfield and Wa- wanoeh. Local postmasters over the district are also empowered to receive subscriptions to Thu Sion An. A II commuu:cation$ must be addressed to D. McOILLICUDDY. Tea 8IOA•a, telephone Call 1a aederlek. One OODZBIOIL TRULiiAAY 110lV. o. SOL •Mine.ousu Maes W.- \e. 1. Those who are opposed to the ninon of Canada' and the l-niterl States, whether governed by hatred of the Republic, selfishness or ignorance, are •'onytnntly quoting the bast progressive of the Mates in comparison with (vnt- arin as en evidence of the folly we online'. be gu:lty of, pn.viding union w.1* accomplished. We cannot but •.Include that the colonial advocates know tern little about the true venni- tion of the Staten they delight so much to quote . otherwise they would refrain trona tr ening on such la 'germs around !fur colonist friends have represent - ..l the Eastern Stites as a Ian.i return- i1.g to a .;tate of nature owittg to the a sindonment of the country by the fanners. but if any etidence were needed of such not being the cads we polnt.rl out in our last issue that from I es() till I see Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire had increaser) in the value of their real and personal pro- perty by not less than (244,000,000 : and it any further rt idents of the falsity of the statements that are merle regarding these Statue is needed we have but to &alai that Maine, 0111' of the poorest State.' in New England realm. - fel her State debt during that period by nearly $$,000.000, in addition to a reduction of $1,000,000 of `(tate taxis leu lent on the people. Now. can any One imagine a ('an &alien prtvinee reducing its debt or lessening texatioll ' On the other hand they are piling up their debts, and etre at their wits' end in soave of the pro - s iutrss of this •• Fair Dominion " how to devire new and approved methods of squeezing " just a 1m lertle more 'nonfat. from the unfortunate people who am poor. not because they are either extravagant or lazy, hot in eon sequence of (wing codinel in a small and unprofitable market. We could travel over nearly Perry State of the l'nion and find the most &attending eviden,'es of giant growth in awn anti wealth but we want ti. take only such States as have been held up a° 'awful example,. Kanaaa has afforded much .Y,nfort to our colonist a,lv..cates• it being in their opinion a land of desolation, hut the facts are that this Moate increased in population front 1$$O to 1890 by no km than 4.28,000, while the valise of her real and personal property in creased by 11130,000,000, or nearly one half the net debt of the 1►omin ion. Rut if there is one name which our deer Yankee -hating friends glacially love to parade it ie i►•kOte What with the diatoms eluting there ennse went an hot winds, drouth, grate -hop .10 'MR MEM AL: OOT)R*'yOlf. ONT. TH!JRBDAY, NOYRMBBR i0, IcW. pent, le., it would not be wrpriaing if the plate wail by this time a howling wilderness ; but again the remade ploy havoc with our opponents, for tMy tell the story that from IMO to 1890, like the other States we have quoted, South Dakota increased in pol..letior by 230,000, or nearly one half the total increase of the Dominion, while the value of her real and permuaal pro party jumped from 411,534,955 to 11131,592,987, or over 1,000 per tease North Dakota likewise showed moot satisfactory program., having added during the same period 145,810 to her populatiol au.l 469,607,964 to the value of her real and personal proper- ty. Neat we, goat friends and readers, go further, and have we not said enough and proved enough for the sat. isfa..•tton of .ny unbia.ed wind 1 We have selected not the best but the very Staten' quoted by our opponent& when- ever they want to give us something black about the States The land in none of these States is RA good as we have in Ontano . nor has neturegiven them so many good gifts as she has showered on ria : neither are their far- mers equal to ours in thrift or good management. Therefore we, can only conclude that their progression, com- pared with our anail'upi ece, ntuat be due to the fact that they form a part of a great people who enjoy great advant- ages over us in the sale of their pro- ducts and the priced of store goads. 'moving the husband►uatl a margin of Profit, while our farmers are tilling the soil at a loam and in many cares fast becoming bondsmen of the mortgage and loan company. We ;ark our readers to ponder over the above figures anal aak themselves whether they are content to grind in fetters any longer for the gratiticatiou and profit of the favored Philistines ! TInehTi to slaw Valet. I. 'When the Caru►diati Perky grower has to pay thirty dollars to get every hundred bushels to the American market the old flag just coati the bar- ky grower thirty dollars. When the Canadian horse breed- er is taxed one horse out of every three to get then into the only market where there's any demand, he is pay- ing a Ilig prise for his British loyalty. 3. When the Canailian farmer has to pay forty dollars on every hundred bushels of beans he sends to the De- troit or Buffalo market he c*nnot help thinking flat colonialism mines high. 4. When the l'attailian fanner has to pay four dollars on every ton of hay he sends to the Stated he is forced to admit that he is mem loyal to a mese- less; sentiment than he is et his wife anal family. •. '.Vhen the Canadian fanner wife has her egg money lopped off tiv vents on every dozen, anti five cents taken off her money returns from the !male ,,f fowls. she must own up tha folly and not cotunlou .erre reigns in this ('aria i% of our. • . When the farmer who has work ext late anal early to raise beets, pots: - toes, turnips anal o' her roots, is coin to sell them at ruinously low primes l0.'flUsc our operation shuts' hitt out from the better -paying Amer- ican market, he is loyal to the " Dear l /hi Motherland at the expense of his family and himself. o ►ten up. old man ' 7 When the farmer gets fully twenty-five per cent less for his stock and crop than he would get under un ion with the Staters, and sings the National Anthem to testify his love for low prices of farm produce, it's time his, friends took care of him. e. When the C enatan fanner buys hia agricultural implements from the Bed Parlor ('out hi miter at fully tweaty- five per .-ant clearer rate than the semi quality of machine is sold to the Am- erican farmer, he deserves to be taxed if Ise does not kick with a hig " K." 9. When the (:anslien farmer's wife has to pay more than two prices for coal oil, three price' for wall paper and two prices for glassware, pictures and notions, it's about time she began to take a hand in setting things right. s e t family goer to keep the Mild Parlor Isaamiectu er in luxus", Ohs Wright osoteholder Paeans aadeollltlIs.4,aad fie loan esnpany and bank magnates In taagni$osooe and splendor, he should have rause enough to come in out of the rein - 13. When the (Jatwfiau farmer allows sentiment to get the holier of common sense and his own family s interest, he deserves to grind fur the Philistines in fetters all tae day kung for such an one evidently levee drudg- ery and a Jebt-laden condition and would rather suffer for the sake of the wonopolists than strive for his own itood- lis • Lalca THYa IITWWR* THE MILD September mad laden Sommer, des% yeti know. Tux K*niaa sraAaa Or M$*v-,is. As THE "• white -trashed comfit," bet it stakes no re- format to Coate mad Leti nIN the be smirched knights FUN a.'H'DCLINO or CANADIAN CATTLE IN the English market hes removed smother link which bused ('aaad& to the deer old mother land. Is ws Aar To simian a Tits Tuuo,nt Telegram, his nibs Count Mltartill will presently strut upon the political stage with higher -heeled hoots than ever before. l'l1* •' U•M( 11.4 0OTHxa LAND" RATH4R bits the Canadian live cattle trade in the neck, and it would be • mighty heady thing to have the American market open lust now. fns T..soNTO Woat.D 111 AUTHORITY lo. the statement that :Lir Jos* Teomesot is to be appointed Chid Justice of the Se proms Court The Cavan Black Reds hare been too many for him, evidently. THS t•.TExuEn STAR I.OWAN'T Arita* TO have recovered from the " conniption lit " which seized it after the recent amaze court. It. respiration is stall intense and the frothing at the mouth is real bad. AN E4.:1.ahu 1•IWYIR1.L4I. NEWNrArp, pubhahed su 1'orsshln, wants to have the English people inoculated with Col.(?) DENIMON's "loyalty.- Evidently the loyal Britisher in Retain don't mouth to any great extent about their loyalty. THE DEATH ur N. G. Bestow Y. PP., wbo was elected last April in the room of the late H. E. Clarke, will esu.e another election in Toronto before the Legislature meets. Already the Tories are pickinv out •' eligible candidates for the v.°ancy. WHAT. THC NATTER WITH GARRETT FRAN .Inas u, the alleged .•oatUe king." when Hod Halbion is scheduling Canadian shock- ers! During the haat election in Huron Gee - Karr gave us all to understand that he had the regulation of the whole business under his thumb. TEE TORONTO TLIJi:aws is or OPINION that Hoa Hormuz Mead -, a will again be- come a prominent figure in Quebec politica. Stranger things have happened, as, for in- stance, the case of Sir JOHN MACDONALD, who after being disgraced mod driven from power. ultimately became the idol of the Tarp party. THs Kvstitnn Niters, o, TORONTO, Rtatb. to remark that there will be • local electrou in this bl.-ominv province of 4 totem within the next 1 welve months, but doesn't tell es the reason why such should be the .sae. Now, Mr News, If Sir Oi veil hes bem whaseering into the batt of your ear, you ought to either my nothing, or tell us all about it. iT. YES( `(T$.ANOE THAT TER WICK ED "('ontinenW " organ, THE SlniAi., should have the big circu 1 ation and large adverts ing patronage of West Huron whilst the " trooly loll " Star, under the able liag- waving editorship of the gentleman from Detroit, is below par in both advertising and subscriptions. There should be an Act of Parliament passed to stop this sort of business. Bard Times 1■ Terms.. Pr.,m the Toronto tdail. The want of work is rife in our city. 1 per mechanics are leaving us in numbers ; and the exodn, will increase as the winter approaches 01 course it is difficult to reach figurers Many leave, ltot as intend- ing settlers in another country, but simply to fiat employment. Of these no I.,..,.d can be realped, but others who leave with " settlers' effects" and with their families are recorded, and it seems probable that nearly ten thousand people have left Tor• onto tor the foiled `fates .Luring the pear twelve months. The fact is there is too little employment in the city for the waste of its mechanic population. ler farm land. which Bente years some mould be sold at 1100 per acre, p.reha.srs ea0Dot now be found at 1160; in .bort, farm ads have fallen in value at least 50 per esti Than to Toronto bow property is prat Lundy unsaleable The redeotioe in value is moat "marked. House property which sold fee 118,000, with • mortgage of sa $19,600, or which sod for 1110,000, with • mortgage of 116,000, or which sold for 1/,000 with • mortram of 111,500, tsnnot sew be mold fer a price solecism. to dis- charge tholesorteage prine(pwl and overtime interest Them are, it is said generally credited, over 7,000 vacant houses to let or to sell in Toeonto,for which it is difficult, almost impossible, to find tenants or par ehmerw Demers of property covered by it dl/ctatl to met their h mortgage rmen0. Samare rtsakmg efforts M • part of their properties le providemni with the oenema of melee Whom, the in- eseWhom, ad hikes to realise by sale of • len they nm great risk of wag the whits by fereekThe e maim of property is ream or km omen50 soder mmrtemtw to • Ire one will dray what is as &cheat"aot, mosey for m'a"' 1 vary cis ee s.eetiectien pre t' o be sad every hem*of trade l@ s- u nder berthas berthhere as which it a ei It Thus it k that ther beau "a seee but Iha doset appear to smooth, if my, relief, at any for the preemet. The Wahl meg hemew, eew, rte "Phase( th t tt h Mier sig eekes Illus d edslthes the wt ` 10. When Canadian parent" seed their sons and daughters leaving home „tl for the *Mee shouhl they sot reason Asia with each other and mak how cornea it that they are bereft of their child - the rest ' meg the mortgage deist piling up in spite of his induatry and einem brume should lie not exereme his common I senso and look for the came of his in- I, La 12 When the Canadian Wow Z.: awls that the labor of humid sed eit O. OAINNEROWS vw010ATION. Ilkalhs/ $swear 1 The maths N tM 'seventies ems sieeds-st ie that M messi- ness* asuimeid M. Omens seta as the stedastl homer of the LA.sJ mese in that porrymtmadered mad mash were, . l siding. hearten Mr. Cimwee's meeeptmaee of the sleek nation ad hie vigorous ... speech is oez asetisa therewith, ass meld jeeps that the triba- latioa he has jest pard through mem aatly, has Bred hint vitt all hue aid spirit and light. May his shadow &ever pow ler . nor his snarly shekm . um his fight - Mg atres(1h ever weaken. St. Thou.ae Jeerwal : The Reformers of West Huron sleet in oo.veution.4Dederick. friday and sa.tioated b C. Cameros as ea.didate fur the ('ommoes_ They depressed by resolving' tbeir pleasure that the moral character of Mr. C.at«.dt had b... by the meat 1.g.J tavestlgatloa luny vindicated ..d eetabl shed, twtwatbatasdi$g the most vinfs.t and persistent edorta of pobtioal opponents to destroy him. Strsttlord theme M. t'. ('atmentas Inas been ea•aimooely re nominated by • largely attended oonv.sNon of Wee Harem Liberal' to contest the riding for the Howse of Com- mons should • vaoaaey occur as the result of the pendnsg protest against Hoa J. C. Patterson. This adios was • well demoresd toetimesial to the ofd war harem, when Lia opponents have tried uesscoeaef.Uy to ruin socially and politically by the vilest tactics. Goderich attar •' With teferencc to the article in the Star of the lfitk July, 189'2, headed, 'Jangle* Baikal Again,' it r due to M. C. Cameros, Q. 1'., to snake the fol- lowing statement : The article in question was founded upon erroneous' information received is good faith by Ibis paper. Upon preparing our deforms to the toes bill found for libel at the reo,ot amine • rigid etaminauo• warn made of all the "videotext which could be given in support of the plea of justification of the libel charged. It was (bund by counsel that It was impossible to plead ustifl- oatton of the arttole. The ev)- denoe In support of the eh -srge agalnst Kr. Cameron that he had seduced Ellen Lomas was found to be wholly unreltabla 1Veregret exceedingly the publication of the ertkls is question and apologize to Mr. Cameron and his family fur the pain which Ute uajsut accrmetkw mum1 (ave amid thew JAMES MITCHKLL" CURkENT OPINION. I.tchi r..11104 Now D5*Atcaxn. 1►ttaw. Free Press Its probable that Use chief organiser of the Tory ley has Male Ottawa to settle the question as to who shall be chief jrrtaes of the supreme court. The highest judicial otiose i. Canada are how placed at the disposer of the party heelers. 1 ...ant E1Am1LG Toronto Telegram, Ind. ('ora : Oet•rio's government has its faults, but its fair, square and above -board gale of ameba limits is a credit to a the ministry awl comfort to the province. thaws can afford to follow Tomato's example in this principle, mod the national government ought to &bunion these side door sales of timber limits in favor of competitive sides • 1111. . P. R. ow 5. Title it/I-N.11LT. felevram . When the Caaada Pacific falls heir to the lotrcolooial railway, that great corporation will indeed be senior part- ner in the ownership of t'mn•tra. The people of Canada will them be free to play .t owning • country which is really the pro- perty of the G. T. Ie. and C. P. R. Of course the Canada Pacific might easily run the country as well M the politician. do. The difference a that in theory the people own the politicians. to practice a rwilwwy boding the balance of power in • hund- red arid fifty out of two hundred and fifteen seats, is neater beth of people and politicta.s • THEY'D 1101 TO Keen', YOU 440w. Hamilton Times : Sps•ker Iallaotyme is reports -I to have said at Caine/ilk that farmer, who weut into dairying and never sold any grain, but fed it to their stock, were sure to prosper. When cheese war low in price, the poorer classes consumed more of it, and the surplus was rapidly used up. Cattle should be fed liberally with grain. " 1f in five years he could not p• for a farof 600 acres. he would quit arming." This statement looks rather ex- travagant. There are very few Canadian farmer. who make enough in five years or in fifty to pay for an Ontario farm of 600 acres and if Mr. Bslla.t rte can tell them how to do it. he ought to be the most popular ria. 1. the dominion. THE raor6e11oNAL PRILI-TAaxlt The ]fail A complaint has baso made against the professional prize taken who carry off all that is worth winning at the annual fall fain. It does not seem right that • man who has had the good Toch to get hold of an agricultural prodigy in the shape of an abnormally large pum in should be allowed to ship it around the province and harvest all the rite money offered for that cats of articles_ But farmers want to see the hest products of the sessot, and the premiums offered are the .nd.oemtsa in- tended to attract exhilvetors. The evil to be guarded against is expressed in the charge that these professional oxhitntonere not always hawse 1.o frequently. ester as of their owe ni g the products d asmte.r man's farm. 1f the high charaeter of the facies ie to M sueaioed an effort moat he made to prevent this. The professional prize taker sept he ruled out. .. 11A1r1•4 r0R ait'oae. ( 'hone' New Era . 1f the (lateirio I;ov er.meet wishes to show that it la Refnrm ie more Man name &lone, it Ise • splendid op liselunity to pees a kw saying that no woes the logialature shall M ted to any altos in the gift of any legislature, on tU after he has ceased to be a raeeniter thereof for at least nor or two years. When this matter wait •!boded to at the Libien) trlaveetioe n (tnderieh, met Friday and appointments blade while the appointee was s saerih.r of the Hesse siewng y non te's.edt there was • beret of applause whish .sowed eawmbtaketably the ssyyi+nsmp•tae d Adel present Hen is • (need chine f.tr the government to show that it is willhlg to amend system norther. wherever serer, them sleight be Med within ti remea►k Lima The re gietrarehip of Nest Middles: has bees unset for smmetalag le the wlgltherbed of threw yeses, end se these is • 'pet Is the pmat� se M who eie.M stet this p•siths, se •1pelNwt has yet Lem made. The page..t ehe.Y istlmeaa that • ditstrtae .60.11. suty 1 M itarrYNdy. I BOOKS ANC) PII.f1VDICALe. Haan,e l mon Ponta. - Ph, 14th yearly volume Of Harpers Vusag 1'..srts begat. • volume .ILII the a u.ltsr Ise "Ito earls r late tt.aetal novel seed topmast !.starts Are anamino.l for the mew year, %ne u laeg a w " Mete " story by Kirk l/aares,asarMs of article. us • Hew to the Us is life," by Wilt:ma, Matthews ; papers ea the " Wm- derful Ws i," by Julies Ralph ii atheism ea the • • it eaasoe of t'omnnroe,' by J. Mao Uosnl4 Oxley ; • .ernes of Patriotic Papers by •ell ktowu wutere; arid art uuusaal variety uf.hort stories aud sketches for bey' and girls, humorous tales, pl.tys for young Offers, prat t u al subjects, oto , etc. har- per • 1'osag people ie aokrtowledged es the lesdistg j i roiie podatil'sl et the world. 1'Hs dtr ,.pMT LA.:ALla rue, No%u Sue, 159.1 - The tawteuts of this hoot are of All hosesio'.lyr Yarned Rad Intone*. character. The Editoroostrilwtae tete ti of two tezeillson4y Illuatraled uapr.. •' The tlt7 of the Sultan," deters/sad h recent visit le (.wssisatiaople ; &leo . tits p•f»r uu '• Wtittir, l,.. Life and h Work," with portrait .s :.l utter cuts. 4.. cr101c1aut u " The t'usur al Whittier by the late Dr. Nolle, rs also given. A exgualtely illustrated article by D Adatphtr Sternberg describes the n and picturesque parses sed Iron Gate' the Lower b*. Amoebae illustrated article records the heroic expatriates of M Marsden, • " King's Dumgbisr' the Lepers of Siberia." A portrait ase sketch of the late Thomas Cosh, losadur the famous tourist agency, by Dr. W of Reeked, is of gr ld interest. A strik lag story," " The History et • Failure," s Bee ant of literary irony, showing hollowness anti teacher) of • secular philosophy, sad tie powerlmmess to the soul in the great sorrows of life, another In,utUsaest of Mr'. Barr'm story, " A t'aseiot with Cessoies..e" .tras!ly written The Pa.-Preehyterisa Costioil and Teaspoon's poetry are dammed editorially Price ll9 a year ; p1 Mr Ili: months ; 90 mete per numbs, Tema* : William Briggs. ti. at'ssi. MAUAzglrt-Sertbeer'. Map zine for November contains tin emceed .1 l Lip of prdimis-ry snbede@ es •• The World's F " this ose being an account of '•Chicago. P'rela the World's Fair," by Frmnklio YacV.aeh, ase of the promtasa citizens of Chicago, who writes about the terprw without any bias, frankly that he "hM no eosee°tion with the Word Fair massg.m.-t." His account of whit Chicago hes •oosmpli.h.d r • wonderful m- ooed of enterprise and sucoe.dul achieve - amt. He shows hew th.1 city has shoed .rod res oa.ibilities which belonged to the United Stam Government Communion; bow she ha. supplied Miss million dollars is stead .f the five that it was expected mho would tarnish ; haw she has arranged • site for the fair which in extent, .ituettoe, phut and adornment ezomeo anything ever b. - fore attempted, and that she has provided buildings e.tually remarkable is sine, yogi sty, eat artistic val... Mr. MacVe.gk then points out bow Chicago wiUsdequaswl meet the gnstioa d tram.purtiag people to and from the fair emends ; hew it will comfortably lodge say sumber of visitors who insy seek the city, and bow amps pre- vinon is being made for an &beadaat and perfectly purr sapply of neater. Mr- Brownell ooscludes his papers os French Art with as essay on Mine tie Paint int.,- illustrated with reproductione eft pictures by Courbet, Cazis and others. The flatlet of the cumber iacl•des the tourth of Octave Thaaet's " Stories of a Western Tows," entitled " Mother Emeri- tus " 'pictures by Frastl ; tM oesehtson o/ Blue Perry's amusing .tory of " Salem Kb- tredge, 1 heologue, sad a love story by Thomas \etaos ('age„ entitled " Yin Dan. gerlie's Roam. " THE LAKE Mo.tz,Xt. - In The Lake M•gaziae for October w presented a ball of fare containing such variety .ad ramie, worth that it cannot 1.4 to prh.se mad in- struct its readers, end confirm the tattering opinions already expressed by the Caudle preps in general, and foretp journal, of the beeline rank as well. lath. first article R. S. White, M. P., discerns "The Ca meta Tolls Qantas " in a lucid style and makes a strong ddemos of the ()a0'dian Govern. meet's "The South Silos the War," by A. Wright, is a strong and suggestive article, contrasting c1•ttol slavery with industrial slavery, sad metalling ty of food for t. Two I of the Commons, J. L Payne ad John A. Ewan, ooaau careful studies of Hon. Wilfred tastier. Frank Veirh, in " V oeng Men and Politics." make. • strong plea to the young to take more interest in political matters Stewart gives a chorusing amount of " �.f Breakf t at Lord Houghton's." David Boyle, D.Sc., treats d Archeology is Ontario," as he alone m do. The article is profusely illustrated. "hares from Nature: Phantasmagoria," ly Rev. W. S Blackstock : " A Horrible Night,• George R. Brooks, are two well written .ketches, while Rev. W 9. McTarWs, B. D., gives an entertaining paper oil "Selo ration•." •• Something Abort Seal..," by Geer, K. Rea, will be of great interest tom. cuts• ' A Strange Kxper�e. E. Dane, and " An unfinished Tale," by A. Mac(:, lemon, w two short stories of real merit Th. poetic is well presented. " (.10W10ot's Death Song." by R. D. Myers, strongly mad weirdly describes the brave but vengeful chief of the Rlackf.et, while "Rath," by Adetien Westney : " A Dom," by A. L McNab ; " Haut ('Isere," by Prof. Rand : Serrate" by W. T. damn.. sed ' • Rorer day.," by Jamar A. Tooker, are all creditable lostribetioo. to I. madam u roe 1st 0. 16 ly t. A u id nt.4 des 't of • Watts, is the eessta10 mai Seel 1 15 t& en ,tmUsst 7 poetry. K xeter Ti..., Will Huron have • house of refuge • The result of the poll@ at the municipal election in January will decide the question. f:odrich is jest now agian- teg the matter and patting in use word for the county and Iwo for the town. have at sar'je s.lobe's• boils mai tied welese, nalhed lees -T �W �EAK MEN frse.nttttMmhrj' 2nt-ss iuFFERINO WOMEN �.aa�,s wl@h.he weal w sew d b •. w PALE Ar SALLOW.�,tt1Nu e� ti8l bookies t• t�h. sa.si.'MW ears te in smaarish se sell be mat W, a M semrpt et pram-mesdsa 1Ns er Th. DR- WILLIAMS IUD. _CO., x x OkiChkin (CUT PLUG.) 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