HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-10, Page 1WM WWII Mega titliJ•t�ti I •ate THE T SIGNAL g y■s T. &tow--OsILT (his Mahan • Yeas, Ili Aiw•ts.a 1.7a w rnSTt13 NEW9PAPMR O?' HURON O01:1 -NT -V"_ gsetga AT ,_ DAIS YOUR LABEL en • THIS WEIK. Ole One Tows Jutta m Mehta, wY to Air•ira VOL. XLIV, No. 2386. GODERICH, ONTARY), CANADA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER to, 1892. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROPR N W ADVE Nee t•.rm tams& N g ene for *ow wasted --Idles. Kidd ■ pre fur &tale -S. N. Lewis voter t•stits -►'. J. 1'rilb•m.... .. TISEMENT8 THIS WUEKI NEWS NUGGETS eddy • Tamm.... .. . . Pd. • ed -,)lbs eleashse III FROM HURON CO. TOWN COUNCIL. ire then &heaved have SPEAKING OUT , , , lead dem anhe d o forft e IN H E ST I N (t. Tse Menem twee amoebic renews. et Thereeler .reettag of the taw. a...N1 shirt, gentlemen, there is me si.legl Mara- It R - MARRIED. ti Vail \tiTO\ - IIUWRIrW --Al (Artist tour h l•athedr•I. alum! tis, Kagan.° U.' or div rue Rev. X. Al. Mead. re, W. N :. ', tn,toa, beirr4Aar•t-1•w to Kate Y o 1... ihtnt dawcbtrr of (ha late 1)1 DIED A.; ' l.SrwhTtwoehip. nn Wrrlare• ♦,.somberIkh. smtr, Jaas•. Teen,;, 8r„ ec •.: ).are l e • t.' urwl wall tate plena rruui h s late re. I si, e... 4, Ueda -len loweeb:I, on be▪ ar ',tie. II Is. is fp. Peter's It. C. ct.urch M4udatamn e:11 ylaaee amen, rhswcv stns. THE PI EURO -PNEUMONIA SCA.1E. 1'h r M.cs . Slum everybody in Canada at ,, +L.• ,.psoas that there at uo pleuro - ye. a voau In the country it need not he • ostler ) f at rpriee that the motive of Y.ag- 'ar•itom iu scheduling ('ei.adiau cattle ✓ :;,r .utp ,a of much die:moron. l'eriuu•ly noted, the Liverpool •luurnal of Coen - sone of October 27th warmed the hort&N save for rtaaous entirely dilferv.t trom Imo: +hicb es generally a.eagaed t., it. Ah•o 1*.t..tiag rut that the high tariff of the n.twl ,seta has caused great notary to 1.,:nh u.t!tvets, the .)ousel of Conine -roe raw,• •.Ir.t Ibrre are . •bur rho .re- eves to to tresuotbing runt th... lith "aid kis, for they ere rneo:'t.•n ot near e.. Empire, who wage s deadly Wilt war mit the United Kingdom." It adds that arch feeling at being arousal in Kr eyed ■ refrrene.• to the aboard tariff of ('ane°& • sad tn.i- concluders: •• la •t h tit one beach of our import trade we exercie. dat- e eneinatsoe &)meet a.ainst the e bole world • :ar.r of Canada; and we would her l�.it that • masterly stroke eosM l* g}a��j,,ed the Canal as tari,T hmin against withdraw the ret; -d,' u+.. aloe log the free importation of th.:t conn, try's cattle. So far a■ the United Stats is tracereed, we must perforce_ pa waiting url pee. but the &chof (playplayseed. Ian here Moen to be suicidal to her owe beet i.i- t•re:te that it would be an &axet obarit- aide onion to carry the war rite the ttemv's country." Most Canadians will pr f. r not to _hunk t het such arguseents in- Nemmd ;,he Be+rd of Agriculture, uu' that :ley should ho advanced at that time from sa Infhesteai source is, to say the least, a nnkkag co -incidence. rhe Empire : Ia the clamor treat would , raised owing to the anxiety to keep ter dreaded damage from getting amongst boob ,b cattle, we res appreciate the yre*eure that would he no the Imp ria' authorities to amiss; the scheduling order, bat :be fast tint it dos uut take .t..t till .her the 2let host , gives ground for the tope that such • severe blow to the Cana. Me cattle trade may yet b. averted. Forty effort should be made in the meas - tine to adduce such additional testimony e. .tel h• roughly satisfy the authorities to Imam, u Canadians are already satisfied, sat the theme. does not 'list amongst our herds, and we have faith that when that is awe, the order may be repealed without neat going into operation. The Globe: Taking the most favorable new of it, our fernier, stand to ler be•rily if rite scheduling be continued. Tbe de- struet:oe of the stocker " trade will stop a source of income that they as badly span. They here hem selling their uefatted cattle because they were °b.tged to raise ready n ary, although they were perfectly aware of thr lwnelts of fatting them in this coup try. Their necessities are as pr s.teg and inumeolute new as they have ban is years put -they are in fact mere pressing and they ars sot likely able to appreciate the alleged future beeebt of the stoppage od thy. trade. It may be • good thing to there the hewer taught proper aoricnitural melted. ey I:ovrrnmeetsl revelation*, but it is bit- ter 0,41001113g when it owns during the areas of agricultural depression, which ie this dtnontry has been caused by tariff ex actions and less of markets. Hamilton Time. : Of roars, the plain. *Jury, every day Caudtan kroner, who as t let .,f cattle which he expects to aeU ger the Keene market, sad for the fatteni- n g ofwhich he has not s gild .t prov. oder, vtll feel ire to be told that the action of the British Government will knock 812 to 113 off the price of each anilea list what a• Owed ten Tory politicises stere for CAM - Q ua (enviers • Have they aot thumped tet in dozens of ways foryear. past, o.L tag down their roan he the r s.. of mere Myreg, and skinning them fey the make of the Red Parlor Men who eouIribwted elec- tive feeds, and have not the farmer, .bow. taas.vli patient noisier this kind et trre.t- mat is raeber ate be the day for an •xpramine of Tory sympathy with the far- rths ih•pennomnpit, we shall bear sad TA before the iisdpn dimple" a fall e ~at e of the week. harry On flandey OM 30 Jobe Moon- ey 'neat his boons to here • rue is • pane hell In the evening his ase went Idler them and the animala ot.rted on a run Ung the field next the ala A8 of • "Aka •rise chestnut more slipped sad fell sea ween Mr. Mooney get ep to her .he sus jest breathag her het. She bad Seise her meek, the vertebrae Mie( e.e.c si da" ref tie head. The beast did set far der to kink attar she fell It ansa s obi an&•nwid■et .. the add was as *amble regnseffle •t SMB. Tit' " �unligbt" Pimp Co., Teresa), *Mr in41 ung prism vox" till further & t!. Pin sed gM.lander 16, remedies O.&•rle, anis mai the t meow ef Br is 14h. a handsome � •yrs" a w`e 11"1"••t inand • prattle whe seed eat ktm them 11 r'P.•n Mend wrappers he " 1 Auv. 43 Meett-.t, T .M )elan i~r h of mob m lith, sad rner al �'PeNiow " ; also give lul same ad fa"'. apes. sad numle number of W- Msrweant '�w�ill� lee� bli•bed Termer asar'day a el.ik al.& . 11 wee bell ma ■achy evening, powemb■r 4, 1892 _-_ - - NeWey Grit Obtained from All =is_ .reap& the row mod ream- cillor l astadThe Toronto Young Conttnerva- Ute County Mill. Minus of lam refuter mamma read, app five President Heard From. proved and signed. TanISI Meek WATsraaT roe 00T. 18602.----- I ITEMS OF INTEREbT FOR READER& A We.Yly Hysrt et reams, Sews Mrwsd ea minas rveryb.dy - rise .&d ream. My- ped llrteed sad 1.Udeued Prem Ieeey taaee*n - Ilse Creams of the taunt) News M 1!s re- setting. of tis tate.. sad siert sews IS. hem ..r Loral tixebaepe • Hallett; Jar. Snell, of Hallett, won over 11800 as the fall fain the year. Wiugham The work of elating the roof of the sew St. Paul's church, Wiwgbam, is completed. W isgh•m : (:apt. Todd bas Ia der,° his reeignettoc as oemmanding officer of No. 4 ('mammy. 33rd But. Morris . Win. Carter, 911, oon., has neat ed Andrew MtSiehidl'. farm, near ),'raft brook, for fire years. Kzeter : L H. Uioksoa, of Exeter, bee sold his bink stare '• Nellie B." to Mr.Gib- e on, of Loudon, fora hamd.ouie sum. %V ant Andrew Murray,bleoksnuth. was injured while shoeing • horse last week sed hail to quit work for • few days. McKillop : Mrs. Moon and family, of tileKillop, left on Mood y, t kt. 31, fur De- troit, where they will in future reside. Exeter : On 1".da.efay, Oct 26. John Wood, while working os top of an old building, fell and severely injured his hip. Crreabruok . James McIntosh, black- smith, lett that weak for San Francisco, California, when a &koalas awake him. Seef..rth . It is animated that over 40,000 apple tesrrels have been turned out from the two cooperage establishments in Mesforth ha season. McKillop : Jobs O'Sullivan, ex -clerk of Mckillop, had the eri-' Lennie to get hat . boulder in Me 1 by • runaway accident ons day set week. Rueter Richard Pickard, wbo bas been suffering from • erre carbuncle on his neck, o n which a surgical operation was performed, is ieooveriag. Stanley Tbe Mears. Jarrott Brother*, the well.ke.•wo threshers of this township, thrashed on the farm of Wm. Logan, Parr line, over 1,000 bn.hels of yew sod oats in six beers. Morris : The Howick Methal Insurance Co. settled the claim of W. J. Carter,wboae barn was burned some time ago, by 'styles him 8300 00 barn sad 8315 on °outsets, 8615 in all. Exeter Daniel Dyer has paroh•saol Semi Sweet's interest in The dA rot., awl took possession on Moday, Oct 31. Mr Sweet, it is said, will follow hs trade as • meson. �� inrham Miss Hattie Reid, daughter of Adam Reid, of Lower W inwha,n, has been engaged for next year by the trusters f Sobool Section No. 6, 1Holms. school) Turoberry. Morn. Charles )Hider, who lives near St. Thomas, has sold his farm, north half of lot 2. 7th lite, to 1). Kelly, of the sante line. The farm contains 100 acres. The price paid was $4,200. Exeter : Prior to his departure for Brant- ford R. J. Emmett was presented with • beautiful gold ring by a numher of his old associates, including the b.sehall team. as a token of etas. Brae.els Keoently, Willie, son of Ilan McNaughton, game Street, fell out of Me express wages of T. Fletcher in which he was riding and broke both hones of his right ars ear the wrist l;hieelher,t : Frank Won,1 by Fenn fo- to teach is School Beetion Nn.7, Hib- rt,Cfor the ensuing year, at a good salary. Mr. Wood holds a second class certificate and Dosses well recommended. Wisgbam : A. Galbraith, grooer, bee AdisposedticCl r bat struck of snohoisbern a, s D. A- McClure, d Welland who has already taken pommies. His family has arrived is town and he has amsarensd bonne -keep- Kruasa : George Robb and Mise Mar- garet 11I.Crse, both of this town, and H. L Jackass, and Miss R. Creigbto., oleo of that pas were married ant week, the for- mer cm Tsad.y eyeniv and the atter as Wedsssday. While dam. Parsons was driv- iag a atasm thrashing engine en the prem- ier of W. Rowdy, Stephen. es Friday lest be slipped sed his foot was aught ender the wheel brasier it very severely. H. is armed but is badly crippled. l4smdk: The Rev. W. T. Cleff left for the and of the hue set week. He shipped his Roods by truss, but is Meta. his beese sal bum free here to Faros, Michigan W in. (lrewar west eleme for oempany Hn family will leave m &beat • weak. Tkwek : O. Tseday, Nor. 1, (hint Stewart paid Mrs. McK.tsie the sum el $1,- 000, being tie amount of the bmdloiary oertibrate of her ate husband, Donald Mee- Keesia, i• to Sons of Sootiest Mr. Me Kaszie wee a member only • dew weeks g is fact, hie eertiimte had sot base tamed wise hie death gemmed. Teokeremith : Hugh Mobilise died ap- es ppes the 30th alt. after • oempasatively . bort Steam Decamped was a native of the Higbee°. of Soothed and same to this awstry trim • young sees, and like sleet ewe bowed net for himself • hose is the forests d °made. Mr. M.Mflas was 62 years d &r at the Ums of his deeds Some time ass lie was attacked with pets/yew free& widish he sever tboreesgbly .......3. Sehremeently be had s.- bar seas* wbl.b rendered all eiaass el remover, beplrs. r. wa arta. Hedsobs alba levers, to elmsee the sys- tem .i.etereliv, yet gostly, whoa .mAiwe hill..., or wbes the hkied is impure sr sing. Kish, to p.ruiaa.atly mire habitat esmelips- ,lew, he awakes the' Miseys and Ther to bsahby &etlwiy without Irritating er musk - ming thee&, ate. Syrup of Figs. Halmos from Sept........ .. 117,861.76 A OPINION EXPRESSED. Receipts. Taxes .... 116,320.96 Lomas rusoc .esoar %Vater rates Maitland osemetery 1Electric )sigh. Nus-resideet !sada J est km but Uu,bltr.esreute. Pumping station . Public works Watering streets .. . Belief . Water works C.C. and olboe exposer Mlmeo.ill greets . . 144b school .. .. Public •• Bills payable Interest Malaris B alance Referred to Samos committee At'01Tlrtia' !MINI/RT. Gougturn, Nov. 3, 1892. To the Mayor anti thenal&. Town el 9edericb. IISI/TIAN x!t . We herewith leg to bead you a balance sheet a the amounts of John A. Neftel, ate oollector. 'fhe aca,uwts include taxa for Hui years 1890 and 1891, water rstee from July 1, 1889 to Dee. 31, 1891, and electric light rates from Jan. 1, 1890,, to Feb. 29, 1892. We also have prepared • detailed statement of the collector's rolls for the 2 years, showing the amounts of remissions, errors, taxes, de., not °enacted, and taxes placed against ands, sae • statement of the water rates not collected. We hove allowed the collector credit for the sloes of du. ouuts over interest, and on the whole we fled him indebted to the town to the amount of 856.12. 124.00 164.64 6.50 114.11 4244 -600 86,914 54 814,776.29 $ 668.24 374.96 7.50 37.30 6.40 11.93 166 00 500.00 663 27 8,500.00 82.10 220.80 •11,121.55 3,654.74 Sifd Geo. 8HsrrAln, l H. W. BAAuditorsRau-J Mored by Humber, seconded by Nichol- son that the report be referred to finance committee. Carried. Communication from Saunders A Co asking to discontinue use of electric light in their store. Moved by Yates, .ecosded by Natal that •o action be takes as the yearly contract had not yet expired. Carried. Moved by Campion. seconded by Mersey That the street lights be shut off at 11:15 hereafter, Saturday •ad nights before holi- days excepted. tarried. Communication from M. 1'. Cameron ask. Mg to have water supply cut off at the let of December. Referred to water works committee. Coamunistios from W. T. Marney claiming 810 for damage done to his wagon and boar at the dram at Samuel Slams.* corner, on Monday, 24th October. Moved by Pridbamt, suoa.leri by Dunlop. that communication be referral to public works committee Carried. Petition from A. Lawson s•;y.*e4 by 20 others asking to 'have steps deo the Itar- bwr. hill at the foot of 1\ ellen) <t rt •. Moved by Humber, sa000de: •r tlarmy, that petition be referred to ;•..;sic works committee to report to the r . •. c :. Car- ried. The following accounts were referrei to finance committee. McColl Bros., Tomato, $18.20; Joseph Kidd, $75.40: Jamieson Reid, $i.63: Seer- ess it Barns, Loaders, $12.45. Account of Mears. Halls d Manger for auditing special account, $15. Moved by Niahoaos, ..oaeded by Hum- ber, that amount be paid. tarried. throat. or WATInt wnalt4 COM MITTxx. The Mayoc mid comae. Your committee beg leave to recommend that no action be taken with reference to the anplicatiom d J. C. Martin for a rodeo - boo in his water rats. Joetn Serum, Chairman. Moved by Nattel, .acceded by Campine, that report of committer b. adopted. -Car- ried. mgroaT or rouses COWMITTaa. Osern.xtene Your Suesse asmmiMes beg leave to res emeend the payment et the fallowing amounts : T. Vilma. $4.26; Jes. Reid, $100 ; Al.ek Panndlu, $7.M ; McCall Bros., 836.66. The 1100 payment to Jas. Reid to be in fell of all his ebarr+s for ool!ecti.g all arrears of &axe., water rates mad electric light rates up to December 31_ 1891. PUMPHOLT, Cbairte.e. Morel by Pridham, seceded by the de- pwty reeve, that the report b. adopted. .xeowr or rra1.w wrote* a wrllTxm. The Mater and Commit Test /nmmIiMe would roeemmosd- Ia. That s railing be put up opposite the alar is 1.132 en East -at Zed. That a railing he pat up opposite the yellers in lot 174. Kimmins et. 3rd. That the side walk on ?teeth ride of Went at be repaired. 4th. That tie mslter of planting shade trees on the beadle be aft ever esti) next mprieg. Tanta C. Ill•pout, Ciairstss. moved by T/.ompere, slee.edtd by Prid- ham, that newt be •dgNt. Carried. Moved oaf acmedud, that the mateer d lumber for Mrs. 1(eDsnsM, be referred to patine works sestesfilma Geral. Mowed by Melt, mieseasa by Wilma, that spoliation of the maim tee impales to bow be referwa i. eemotre summtese wills power le Usti Cheviot Tbe eeelb.Y them aajmeredl Walton Me. Riley. d T elmod Mu brat 1.1.f Ammo all 0 WIC i .diet. W. femme Th. Dlrasittn halm removed A. Ndpr be sine year. CANDID A Sew 1•aib f . reI11Ma1 starker. ante..° 14rr-. or Year ]lea x.w sista lee ',.it...r a.hd Veal 1... reside - Mow Me "epode,: .s ell teased. 1. setae .eseaed 1. the Mates is "Job la..' W5M Ise t.ebig Nes riseld d.. Prom The Tonwto greats.' Ne., tTory.. The westing of the Young Coeaervatives Last nigght was made remarkable by tbe io- &egwrei address of President Aemoteeeg, in e ..act he gave expression to emphatic views on `I..uleuu of the day, views that will waken the old "machine " riders of the party and cause them to look aghast. Mr. Armstrong said Uentleuu••.-1 wish to &)&risk the mem bers of that aasuciata.w tot the honor they have 000terred upon the in electing me as their prelatical. i deem it • great bouor to be elated president ot are association which ham upwards of 4,000 young, vt,;orrus and active member, is the leading association in this provttme, as making itself felt with so usoe talo sound throughout Ontario, and will yet wield an infitusoce from ocean to ocean. 1 also well recognize that the position amu with it great responsibilities an 1 while I may not be able to dischargethan as I would like to, you will have all that my heart sad brain cm esoomp•es. 1 believe that the future of this country septal. in 04) small way upon 111 young then forming aaeoci•tioes and clubs of this kind, and taking an active interest in the political lineations of the day, for no matter what opinions • thousand or len thousand nersone may bold, they cannot hake them. %elves felt until they have nand -d together in rime way, ..d the moment they do e, they mom have a potent influence upon the ques- tions of the day. History has shown ..)eaten time when half a dozen t -w'. 'tare jointed together to advocate some measure, mad their measure was • juat one, they hare rimer totted to succeed). And I ant sure that you will all agree with me that then are merry, many evils in the politics of this country that require to be remedied, and it at for asaocatioos such as this to rye superior to seinen lent partisanship and grapple with them wherever they be. be- came I bold &bat • young man should be a patriot find --and as • fact is, when left to bimsell and a partisan eft.rw&rda. I therefore, with many of you, hare ad- vocated the establishment of • Conservative Club for the City of Toronto, entirely pot. itical in every respect, wbioh ma be the home of every active Conservative iu the city, of every active Conservative in the Province daring his visit to the ()seen City of the Neat. We have no such club et the present time. Then is a social club here with political ten.leacism. which in fact bas many of the leading Camerratives among its members, but it a nonsense to tall purely a political club for the ('ooeervat party, and I em sore has never been ref. f- aired as mush by the bate and sinew of t ne party. For the want amuck a club, when the leaders can .t all times meet in caucus and fraternise with the rank and Nle and become known to them, act together in harmony and unison, and cement the bond .of political fellowship the city is fast losing site reputation for being the Comers -alive stronghold, and 1 hope that every Conserv- ative in the city will join mode with us to firming such • club. It at unfortunate for this country that neither the young nor the old ea a else, bare anything to ay in the polite= of the country, and this it what accounts for that deathlike apathy which wean to have seized the people so far as political questions .re ooncerned, and which is lamented by so many writers and rabic nee ; and, in my opinion, the cause at not hard to find when we madder that each party at now gorern- ed by the party and for the party. In Dominion politics the policy of this country at formulated and directed by no- minally fourteen men. but practically three or four of the Cabinet dictate everything. and they are as autocratic as the Cast of an the Rouen& We who form the party throsgho.t the length and breadth of the country are simply commanded to vote sad think as they direot, or else get out of it Now. then, 1 think you will at once agree that tile is not being governed by the perry and for the party, except you consider that time M have by tome divine right coe- e tituted tbemsslv.s the party. Kvideutly • astir motion d ib public think so, nr et weu� motion net be permitted ; yet at the name time i aanmet help bet feel that each • pro - media( is derogatory to Ne party, darega tory to the bent interests of Clan beloved Can- ada of aura Well, jou nay, but how .ms we remedy this! We mould remedy it i• Chun wa Agitate for Deastiintional .s.vestioem to be bold at stated intervals, where ranp.eesed- &lives of the people can dinner, poop.. ted formulate • policy for the put Than the part t� purl sad Mr t pa�rt� ; .01 f lbe�r, • s1'a. would n ot ati that be was sacrificing his me - misses to be a follower of hh party, for he would hare that say is its embeds white bis ;Wiesen* sad ogle would siva It would ales reale sed ztimnl•t. • great In tenet is the politica! welfare of our °matry for everys wool.) feel that her -mild have • dine& say in its s/ain. This, I believe would also solve tis pest question of Cott.db.s eeatiment, of Canadian WieanHty, which in so mere talked el .t the pretest them, sad se little peastieed, lent whbh n ab••lwbly ..sseesry to the life el tie eagles test it become the pots - mount queue/es of the beer. I Ikeredre nail apses you see and all, to rally b► •eri.nwpea with this mighty rime before 11 le ten ate. The nne.U.s as to why thousands an Isevtsg this emissary every year and gees to the (lulled guise should sniper* our serines •tteallos. and we Mould try sed Wye the problant for It le gaits evident that W eider are set eats to do se. 1 'um Ishmael l ee reliable .atherity that se $ttM .. nor [THE CONQUEST maile. OF CANADA. teat we are betel& anima° i• job lots every week, anal them is not • voles base raised seminal It Then is • line and cry raised by revenue patriots at after -chaser speeches and by soul-bereting speakers on the stump simian sneezing oar land, but not use word is raised by our politicians, by our patriotic preen or by anyone against the Uuitcd Stats anaexing the brains sad muscle of this country m job tots. Evidently mud comes G bar to Canada. entlemen, l believe this question should, sal cut be grappled with. i hare absolute i aosr6Jenee that the genius ot the (.uaJtan prole uta rue to the ou.amtoa if they are 1 Cglthe opportunity by their political , and oan stems sad stay this stair of again, and it is • queetiue that should em- gage your serious attestant this winter. Before leaving that question I may Just ass 1 have absolute ooafideace that this country is capable of taking tare of twit I believe that the two political clubs re- preeeuttng the younger element., of their respective parties in this city should take • deep and abiding interest in municipal &Bair.. 1t neer! not always he absolutely partisan, but them clubs should ha. e a ay in pomti.- atiag ala° disapproving of any candidate they see fit to. At the present time a dozen candidates rush into the field, each in an eager scramble to bring himself out first ; each us forced to peddle himself from door to door, and tomo often a hogshead of gall and • sponeful of brain.' wins the coveted honor. The oceoaasscequenoe is that frequently • tem kicks himself into a position for which no club nr association or party would dare support him. Such a system is cooducive to keeping ability oat of our civic &Bien with a vengeance. Shall this state of affair, go oo' It is for you to ay. In conclusion, 1 may say that I have spoken boldly, i have spoken fearlessly, upon thane questions, but 1 hare given you my earnest and honest convictions. While met. may have a mortgage upon my reed state, On man or no combination of wen shall have • mortgage upon myself. i shall be the absolute owner in fee simple tbera,f. I therefore aak you to deal with these mansions in an earnest and farness spirit, and keep the welfare of your country at heart, as the future of ourselves, our children and our kindred air reposed in her, &ad may she one day be launched into the political heavens as the brightest couetell• &tion thee ever shone. There are many other questions I should like to dal with, but time forbids it ; yet I hope to tab tbe opportunity of doing so on the boor with the rest of you during the en sting year. A POPULAR CLERGYMAN Andress and rremotatNa ie ■e. art ern. Tarst.&it From Tt • Kiacardiae Reporter. Kerry penal in Kincardine admire,. and respectseR v. M. Turut.uu. who for f iur years has been rector of the Church of thr Jdeseiah. We hare brand h'nl to be noble iu his actions as a roan aml citizen : his breadth of views on eui.ject. generally is limed to universality : he ie a gentleman who has seen much of the world through travel, and he has undoubtedly exerctac.t intelbgent observation 1'h, -c who knew him intimately have Iwrn charmed with his companionship, and we learn from members of his congregation here, that he and hi. estimable wile have eudeare.l thetn,elcw to (4,.:r) peri., c.nt•d.ct.ed with the emigre 'ratios. Ile e,11 shortly leave for (n.derich to take charge of the Finn:opal Church then. That town is fortunate indeed. and Kincardine as a whole, as we do personally, very much regret his intended departure. He will leave for his new fell oF labor to the amine of a few weeks. 0,i Wednesday the wardens of the )'harea of the Messiah were ngaeeted by the oon`reg$tion to 0011 fy the rector and Mrs. Turii!.nII that there bad been purchased for them a very hand some net of dining room furniture from tie: Brit of Watson & Melce'n, +loch was of fared as a sight token of the appreciation of their services dnnug the last four years. The deep regret felt at their departure was also expressed on b..•lwlf of the oongregati.w. I The following reply hu hien rronve.i by the vbmeh warden. and it is 'heti desires that it should be Fublathed : - Tbe Rectory, Kincardine, Oct. 27th, 1892. Merge J. H. Scougall and F. l'. Powell. My \)ICAs W '.sex's', it is very difficult for me t° expreen tan words how deeply Mn. Turnbull and myself appreciate the extreme kindness of the congregation of the Church of the Messiah in presentees ea with so me - 1101 and valuable •tt, of white we hare pee bee. apprised �y you : nor nae WO wf- bciatly thank you !x the very kind words a0oompanyieg it. 1 &m sure your goodness le out of all pro- portion to oar deemning., sad rakes us Ina - manly regret that we are not more worthy of it Foch generosity and goodwill makes non feel more keenly the prospect d separation, for it tamigas--in ao 0oeert ie manner -to yoer regard for our present happiness sad fetter, comfort. la your oemmuaiatien, yon feelingly al- lude to the "pleasant times" spent wide us our sat ere. i esu truly say both far Me. Turnbull and myself that la *hoo- ey*, hirever deme they may have prod so to the anonabsee of mar oongre8atinn, ttty have been equally pleasant, if Indeed not more so, M oonslvs. Although called apes to te, each is. terooaree and mutual frie doh p will sever M fo votteaa by es, ear will oar deep mad prayerful interest in the Cherish of the Meal soh cdagreg&tiow ever emee. Again oor,tally thanking yen all, for year most useful and valuable presentation, widish Mould we veer be eegreteful enough to need an'reminder" d year kladaessDo , ane& fail to recall the as..., and earnestly praying (Rad te blew yes indivMa•Ily •ad es • ooh gem, for Client sake, we remain, dear �e Yours, is Hie I(aas• M. ASO J. Tinto NULL The Lonrheaded Scheme of a Waybaek Mlohlgander. PM HAS FOUND THE SOFT SPOT TM awes; sad Met was t. take rateea.aes M Canada Tse Tery Newspapers weed* M "ant ter lir Olde" .,.a leer)- Teasaen Males. ..l•1 nes lyres AM sae atae.as of SasMr sally wool* Mels a. water The rewords of the petered office in " the Canada of ours " would, if disclosed read many an amusing chapter, for patents here been applied fur by all sorts of teen f.,r every imegina4- invest! o. some good,sotne bad and some middling, bat we doubt if the Canadian Patent °Mee ever received w remarkable an application as nee which was received last month !row Jedikiah tire wile king, a citisen of the Putted States reading at Mudville, in 1Yayback County, Mich., and entitled •• A New, Harmless, Beneficial and Humane Method for the Cumquat of Canada." Uncle .Teddy's method for the delireremoe of this •• Fair Dominion into the hands of the Vankoee at about as fol. dawn• He propose, to invade Canada in army sections &boa: fifty miler apart, and stretch- ing from the raging billows of the Atlantic to the calm and placid waters of the Pacific main. But before one ruthless invader puts his foot on the sacred soil of Canada Jodi. kiali will visit the ('anadaau nesapapel and gob printing otticee of extra loyal stripe, anis° order large paters and ads to match at double financial report rates, for which he wall pay spot .:rah and lug In some wet groceries fru the side, and thereby by this means and other sundry and di% ere devices make known unto the gaud people of that "(aireet gent of Engtan•t'e Jtadetn,.'that On a gt)en day .11 along the line the a del,ng armies will move northwards aai cross the bouudary, each section aucumpimi.+1 by a pay van or treasury waggol: to rash of witch there will be several coral. of "long stuff •' or goal )'steed Stater bills of not len than five dollars in readable and collectable denomioauom. fhr sal. anoe posters and We its the loyalty papers will notify the rood people of this goodly heritage that from Ido in arils of each and every aforesaid wagon in which is conveyed the " rout of all' evil " an such abundance there will he alt gorae.l. laid out and administered financial aid to such as are in need. To wit : -Luc said Jedikiah (.eewiliki s or has generale iu commend will require Inc each div icon per day during the time of occupation 5,000 teems, horse mule or oc teams- first curare first e-rr.d, f •r which P25 per day will be paid and 115 pee say for each drover -and found ; also 1,000 ton. of hay, timothy, doter sr swamp era's, for which 336 per tit will he paid .pot cash ; also 10,000 bushels of cam at 82 per bushel ; 20.000 broilers 'any age) at 115 per pair; 20,000 doe of ego* )age no object) at 50c per doz. ; 5,000 Lags of potatoes ma a per bar loot particular about size of beg) ; 100,000 lie. of mutton bat or pork afresh or salted; for wInch 26c per lb. will be paid on delivery, and for stockers now ecbe.iuled by Eagles° an ex- tra 10c per 1b. will be paid cash down : also 50 cents per Ib. f. r fresh or alt fish and 81 per Ib. for store butter, cheese, hooey or maple syrup goal.ty in demand unlimited. By lbs process M, the said Jo/diktat' i.eewiliklns claims that the loyalty news- paper will advocate • kindly welcome to tl.e friendly and generous visitors, and that the loyalty section of thus gorgeous county y will meet them with bars handle and .4 1111:000811r of wekwme and earnest hopes• etc., their long stay. Jediki&h has arca¢ expectations that even Denison will be in line sad abandon the habit of living on raw ..at, but he feels that nothing short of an armed force will keep flannel mouthed Rally of the Toronto World from the neighborhood of the " bog stuff." The patent will be issued in due Douro, bat meanwhile we ask our loyalist friends to steel their hearts and minds against the tempter. It's ad to think hew the loud mouthed fellows will wilt and reach oat for tie etnB. --- - ta W isgber : A very unuel occurrence treseptred recently, in in the se'smblttag togeatber of children, strand -children and great -grand -children to the number of thirty -.nen at the residene. of Mr Net ierbeld, senior, Wingham town plot, the oeaseien being the celebration of the sixty • mooed aaniverary of the aged couple'. wedding. Besides those present there wen sixty-seven descendents absent is difereat parts of the continent. Sixty-two Tears of worried life is ).ager than tumidly ata to people le their amnestied sphere. They were made the recipients of many '.utr4nt ial and useful pi meets. Both Mr. Nei tee. bend amid his faithful w.f. are still hale at d b.irty, and we hope they may live to cot • brat. their diamond wedding. It is r.. nsoemaary to ay that an my.) x1,1• ecre,, .tg was spent by Mose pr•e...ot. (trey : Res.mgy. Yost, urs of Tbmm.. Ateanban, seat es. Termitic to enmesh • apebliet about life NOME .y..ybt H. will remail i. Nt. Qu•.a city ler • low reeks to onderge the pweseribeil treatment what thee Dir aye will be el/eeeeieet A. ihrseben...,.seat, Breanna. a eeeipded Mr brother to Tena... 11 la sasdsaN, Have you tam the " Universal Inhaler for the eradication and positive can of fbtarrh, Broeohitia. Asthma and other dm seem of the respiratory organs • .1 W. W.ath.rald, •:odeetcb, le sou agent for the oseety of Hume. 1)fk. Smith's Iaaar. sort i)owning'. shoe store. Rant the hal leering From the it.wwde li smp.au'. 11e inlet, la The tallies on Ute presesdiea page dhow bow eemp&r.tirel), morn etouwws the eerie are seder Rha new umeh d. Asthma. estarrh, hr-neebit it and esimump tine are tre•'v.l nn 1 he principal es .ppis lyisg t rinsed dtrertly by Inhaatise te the wt d tie •Rine.... wit 1j,• ennet happy and siert lin, army of vertu.