HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-3, Page 6A Friend '1A'.a15r, t., speak thiuu h llw- d'egt.Nrut the hantefi. al rebuke. has moseyed hoot a regular use d' AyMi Pte. He say.: " 1 was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. 1 tried a number of reniedie , hut cane scented to gree me relief until 1 was godsend to try the old reliable Ayer Pills. t have taken only one box. but 1 feel like a new man. I think they ase the most pleasant and catty to take of anything i seer tied, betn�: *u &rely. .ugaroorted that sten a child w 41 take loeiu. I urge a wit all who as: In Need of o Wordier to try' Aye. • I'iis. - f3o•eth:..y tet Retailer. • H.•e ween • a of Ave and fifteen. 1 u a, t r ,u bled with a kind of salt -rheum. or eruption, chietl cordite. l to the leg., and eepecially to th., bead of the knelt abo. e tete calf. herr, runnuyt sores f.trn- d which would .cab over, but w o d brtalt in'.ttwet.....y on moving the leg 11 ' mother tried every"w..ty she could thunk of• but all was without avail. Al(t..•u,rh a child. 1 read i:i the papers Abet.. the beneficial . :vel persuades, mother to let ate try then(. tteh no seat fifth ret th • .. , +I' , she. procured Ayers P: H s and I begun t., use them, and wolf stroked an improvement. Encouraged by [hi., 1 kept on till i took two bones, ett.••it the sores disappeared and have ne' r troubled me oleate. ---H. t barman. Ste... Estate Agen•. Roanoke, \ a. *offered tier years from stomach row :.dote troubles. cawing very severe pout, to various rare; of the body. None of the reonedir, 1 tried afforded me any noi.•t cool 1 began taking Ayers Pills, anJ .c is curd. -liVm. Goddard, Notary Pubis-, Five Lakes, Miele. pyepn, `t AI ley �. er E Moms Every Dose Effective THE SIGNAL: GODERICfle weir, 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER s. Mt LOSS OF THE ROUMANIA OVER ONE HUNDRED SOULS PERISH rte A RAGING SEA. Toll Tarreelel.re el the Cheasseepbe- Terrude sew►seg et the raareaa� le Their 1 ite .aa Della •tregele steres I the rw..ger. .n seaN. 1....,lies, Oct. 31. A nuwopeper orris ( pusdeat who has reached 1'rwchr telegraphs that the wreak .d the leo +masts occurred at 11 o'clock Thursday night. The steamer struck tit front of a tin) sea coast id milled t;rotrno, which lies Wooten Penis sad Fes d'Arrllo. The aerie d the wreck ``s desolation itself. 1(eyood a few hut• t occ•tpirel by miaersbly poor Iishonnett, there iiii as not a sign of human life fa tbs y'. Tie coast lit, is a tartest stretch of gaud hacked by high chin.., and few worse Plawea fit Inman a.+tatauee to retch could he loo• 1. When the Ituanoania struck the night was .lark. sad the sea was runuiag high. l'he .tean.er hail Leen driven out of her .s.. by • hr so t -n.. end haul lost her hearings an the fug, by which she t as •t.11:',1111•1.1 abet the seism had stnWwhat 'Onto I. Slit' struck on . mase of jaggo1 ,..:Ito ant the ere sore, broke Ler to lice r,. The whole cast from 111...1,e to Ran Merlotti.) it strewn with wrce:age. GREAT STORM ON LAKE ERiS. She.t 4 0 +te R.. Wheu lbs tint news of the wreck reach l'entche • rut of seafaring nie0 started for the 'moo of :ie disaster. I'hey had to make their way over • lone range of sand bolls in the face of a Irliudiug rata sad a 'rind that was hlowtng with terrific fury-. Thr apt+y from the west was blown ass mi the !intim dominates where distress pre - bio i LEFT Se 1 ME itJA :SIDk. Soar Lae.lerde *$ Derermased t. test Their Rest se Th.lr emet. Lesions, Oct. $I --1\e schema of whole sole eviotiwu in Ireland r he ng carrebaa ant Although t'Inet Secretary y given orders reining and eirforcing the ad rule that the police shall not gate aid in eve:tem* lettweeu sutures and wnrtte, yet the landlords tin.l the hours of day ren *Ate aadlerest toe their work. Sanaa of the egad sad decrepit, as soil as the young mad ttrirem.e helpless, may be seen .,gaup on the reads of the sou:horst h b est ppaarrt el Ireland with nothing bat clothing little (Tetter (ban raga to shelter then. became of my feeble conditl'.)n, and froru the Week stomia of thtobet .tt great At. -s.. from ConataUt Bough- t o . fair yr • acrumula:ed macer from my lungs, that my time was close at hand. When nearly worn out for want of S ermaflhN Asthma. FRASER & PORTERS ruga Artistic designs in Sterling Silver " I have t,cxn a t sufferer frt,� and Silver Plate ; the very best, only; ma and severe Colds suitably for Wedding Gifts. even. Winter, and last Fall my fr:�::t+t .Well as myself thought In Fancy China we lead. Carlsbad, Dresden, Elite Limoges, &c., in Um- brella Stands, Rose Bowls, Salad Bowls, and other lines ; also an ele- gan line in German China, much cheaper. The only disp'ay of Banquet and Piano Lamps in town. Lemaire's Opera Glasses in Orient- al, Smoke and White Pearl. Solid Gold Pens, Pencils, Button Hooks, &c. PRASE Bas ( V ago a sof twmliy were fund in the .aJat of a tk.rew ung. aud inability to raise any' f the rata amt wind storm crouching uta grove d trees aid well to the 'skier They lied been mooted tart `.tturda)-, when the hos bead was batdly attic to hahide out 01 ht. ,ler,` and rest, a friend Tefunttttrnd wretched violin, and tits wife and name Icer •lout to give birth to another child. The ed tut to try thy vv'atu l` Iiti trt..ne. link doe wrs burn without oi..hwt attend Bo$ sc 1 am n an cn- aaee on tic following day, with the rain Gentlo. Syrup. • there them h the branches of the ftdent is saved my troop, cow slm.nt .. nutted of leaves, and the wind btovoug a boo team: around. Kit( urtghh.rs learned of the wretched plight of the uulortuuates and gave then. a teen war' h.0. There are three '.Dung Refreshing life Altlwrt thefirst :;leap. dose gate the great relief and a gentle re- freshin.v Slee , such as! had not had (ibis.lren iestdaes the baby, which. .1 s t;tr� 'a yCOS h,x'gatl:L'ttll:ll mei. Is l.are{y' slate Owing to the .olid n au tis At:'1y, and spit enemies. Chief Secrete' Mortey is .holy to loo.<:: rapidly rte.-ay. in I found mese prude ally help:cis to (rett'.e; these .net rages so hag s the l ndlro 1. lY .enol bathile welling lc/perform their crud work. The laws prised let an English l'artieuteet'. peruut the Luellor&s to do as they please. and Morley mast ntw to the law lard it 1. repealed The Ti les are just now salon: itag those laws with the III Most rigor. lretesd, however, is not the oil) part of laud, tool ng lake it struck their rnposn raila h .a .stculatetl "4" about IW,IIIIO •.w it atuog like netttcs. The journey was le in Lundee are at alts moment on a long and tiresome one, but the heave- w nt of the uecessanes of life. Stele are hearted toilers of the sea Iy reached all atrau.l), }Krug taken by charitabk wdittdu It 'Acuities old finally reached t:runo. ala �l associations to minimize the suffer- ing as mush as posaiblr .!'trtwg the coming winter. eut the task seem. to he tow t-•uat tor charity. ntxl tt to .. Arai the poor of Lou- don will see etre of the moon ma to lewoof Christmases. People li for almost airy w axes, sad able bodied MAMA MAW be hail for 1l hours a .lay at 10 shil hags. or about ilea week. brat Damago to e•h.ppine Rapeseed Teem Cb.eetwed. t /stat-A'tD. Oct. 31. -The g.ie Saturday gigot caused considerable damage t•, ship- ping at this port. The shoo, vi S,•Iltawa IA ext sh int at ate tont of Dodgess:aeet. timetat oe t(e rocks of the radioed emt.auktttent. bit men and the captatni wife were on board Apel won rescued. The woman Its* in a critical r adttien. The steel steam ship Mamba weut .(shore at 7.30 this MMorO- ong on the Cleveland and Pittsburg }tail way docks north it the Moon depot. bile is broadside on and rests easily. hitt if the gale continues is liable to setter injury. She is already :macaw. Tke craw retrains aboard The steamer Pontiac made the inside of the breakwater and sank. She u resting easily Lod wall suffer no further injury The big m carrier Ketcbean is oil the bottom in the entrm ies to the breakwater loth a full cargo of ore. The aehonner (Glad Tidings /(rifted e.gatuat the welt pier and struck hard. It u !eared she is badly strained. The old .chooser Cu!. Cook as on the based inside the break water. The yacht Mott B. is sunk in the beakwat.r. A terrific gal. from the northwest haa prevailed since last evening. A •team serer. Wearer leer. Knit. Pa., Oct. 31. - Vemole have he.. brought into this port yesterdaythat were caught in the gale ors Lake ra Satur- day and damaged or disabled. Tugs out- side got a ltue to the bog steam barge Townies durtog last night and towed her a here She was from Escanaba with ore, aid her captain reports that ha got ant of Use Detroit River Friday morning and was loon after aught a the gale sweeping east- ward down the lake. The crew had a terrible experience. fiaturday • Mg ass stove her deck housings, sweeping io.o Use engine room and petting out her fires The Large was nn the point of foundertng when the ct•.e. got a sail on her and boat about on the lake off this port until the tugs got bold of her. Scarcely a nun of the crew it able to do lute. There on the Weak shore they found Capt. Hamilton, who is an nittwer in the !tritu.h (millet army, with sic laears, part of the Roumania'• crow. These men were all perfectly naked. They hail been coatplete- ly eehaustcd by their struggles to reach the shore, and had fallen on the beach, where the muoomrng wares threw water *mad them. Had the) remained in this position they snAtld have di front exposure or been drowned The Por tugtrae seamen lifted the prostrate men awl placed them ma the hacks of seven of their number, who carried them aerials the sand hills to ties Wan. Here the doctor helougiag to the garrison was called W at- teud them. They were placed in beds, restoratives were applied, and slowly they gunned strength. The authorities of Prniche are doing their utmost to establish the identity of the dead before they are buried. The task. how. .ver, is saoompanied with great ditficldty. as in ren many cases there u not • single article of clothing or jewellery by which the dead might be recognised. As soon u the sews of the wreck spread groat crowds of people, many of them frost Owes • .considerable dutan•e inland, gathered song the shore and seized un the wreckage as it tame to the land. Two men saw something floating in the water that they thought would prove • valuable Prize. they rushed into the surf W seize it. .lust as they were about W grasp it they were picked up by a recoding wave and carried out into the deep water, where they were drowned in the sight of hundreds of *lookers. A squadron of cavalry os •• want 1s a r• -that I. Maven"' 1 asked • tittle rhtlt: "A. joy and to her tonne/ore the united Liked the used, with her tut, optsest : .All roferins o'er, M., {leaven, at tam. le len 1 asked . nriden, seek sed tsader yeel . It toast he tote " she etod.rtly replied. I asked the anis wee adored hi. sit "Mis..w 1. all twenty " ganke bb rapt s.d hetet 1 asked the poet with w emit mere : ' vile elder - story " and he a nark hie yrs I asked the (lerisnse. eaintte low reloras - A halo reared her, tow dee msrwnr.d' "haas'• M all Wt leek with bo elal ayes serer 11. hosety. glory. I.r, meet. mess and tele. O.o.yt a,rds.7e in the Ram's Nein. BURIED AT INDIANAPOLIS. health and vee:ght. l am pv:ase. to inform thee--unsolicited-'that 1 ant in excellent he4Itli :tad do cer tainly antro' Ott it to thy rrOKcr'e's German �v-t�l. L..tl. , PiCton. Out arlo." IssIM.enve a.re,e.n at the Burial of las Last ]era. $arri..r ISDIA't•IOUI., lea., Oct. . -Iter. M. L. Haines preached the funeral sermon over the rentatue of ala. Harrison upon the text ••it'Iseeef.rr comfort one another.'. At the voocltsion of the sermon the venerable Dr. Hyde gave utterance to an earnest prayer for the bereaved family and the sorrowing nation. The aerti0es Crete `o an and with the singtnd of the hyenas -Oce .Sweetly Solemn thought" and the benediction fhe procession then re-fornied and pro. corded to Crown Hill femetary, where the itster:neut took plat The oetaatary w trot reacted uttt:l 1.310 o'clock. Here a crowd of .i,000 people had twembod to wit - nem the close of the crremooies, which lure. as erre here, where characterized by the utmost simplicity. The lot selected was upon a hillside which slopesgently toward ane east. The grave been dug tactng the east. It had been hood with firs and chrysanthemum& The means for the pre ten'atiors and protection of the remains were meet substantial. Ii wsa 10 minutes parading the shore fns several miles each of 2 o'clock when the casket. tad bees en side oft wreck to prevent the wholesale closed) in the outer box sad the whole had robbery of the dead and' the cargo that is being washed 'shore. The bodies of several children have been recovered. Slag otT OF its. Lieut. Rooks and a Lawler, making nine saved, arrived at t'eniche this afternoon, and were at once taken to the hospital, where every attention was given them. Capt. Hamilton and the other snrvtvole are also at the hospital Though they are regaining strength they are ell in a serious condition. They stated that for twelve hours they battled with the winds and the waves before they succeeded int reaching land. Capt. Hamilton is of the Indian Staff Corp.. He has been on for lough to England, where he was married three months ago. He was on his return to India, taking his wife with him to boat bay-. Atnoog the Roumtnia's passengers were Capt. J. F. Barry, Capt. B. H ltaodolph •td ('apt. George Hamilton and wile, Lieu:, A B. 8. Cook, and Lieut. C. U Stanford and wife, Lady .loho.on and child, Hey. .1. S. Malkin, Miss Burbridge, Baugh. ter d Canon Burbridge, of Liverpool. and several English bodies who were returning to India with their chiklreo and nurses. Almost all of the officers of the shipp were Scotch. Sixteen of the crew were Lasosrs. Many bodies from the Roumania have floated ashore at Poe des ''aldaa. Bost of them were attired to night clothing, while others were naked. Troops have been sent to guard the coast and check the robberies of the bodies sad cargo by the people wh., have Rocked to the scene of the disaster The Liverpool pilot, who was the Rounan- ia's out, left the steamer off Point Lynes A Sere sew f es.eapstsee and �e darbO. Ik. tides Ione, whsle in the Rocky Mous- Loins. discovered a root that when combined with other herbs makes an stay and certain entre for consupatins. It u a the form d dry roots and esve., and is kaon as Innis Fssn,ly Medicine It will core aick-besd•cbs. Frlr the bloo.l, liver aad kidaeys, sod few clearing np the compkxt.s it does wonders. Druggtst• sell it at bOc. • package -enough for Ave weal* [lets Lambe Iretitese The wotios that Friday is is -.shuck] day is the worst .eseeose that ever ..tared the heroan heed, says the St. Louis (tlobe- ibrocerat. 1a Chiesgo there are half • dcutrn families of Fridays who hare as mord luck as any other people, and a early Atari see history the day was poealiary lucky. OMambas sailed a. Friday, Auger 21. Oa /friday, Orabsr 12, he dasovered lead : er Friday, Jesuitry 4. he started hoar to res Friday, March 11, he reached In ISM he arrived at Hispaniola dos W second voyage ms Friday. November ilk end nu Friday he dieenee the enwtineet. Lay other country's history will show et usesy tacky as nnh►ckyI Fri.fays, arra se ler • mew h.iag anted Friday, "what're is • seise v. been lowernl. The proceedings were watched by the President with streaming eyes, and his sturdy frame was convulsed with the preg Raney of his grief. Or. Hyde read the fun end service of the Praabyteri•n Chareh Or. Haines offered pprraayer and Dr. Hyde prowenneed the Msedtotem. Just before his departure the President gave the press • note W the public, of which the following is a Dopy My Man Choi FRIaaei AND Natanauta -I cannot kart a you without ming that the tender and sympathy which yon have to -day s own for ere and my chil- dren. and much more the touching evidence you have given of the lore for the deer wife and mother, have deeply moved our hearts. We yearn to tarry with you and to rest a ear the hallowed spot where your loving kande have laid our dead, but the little gnndchtldren watch in wondering silence for our return and need oar care, sad twine public business will not lodger wait upon n sorrow. Hay • grocer.* /cod keep and bless you all. Most gratefully yours, BUNJA111% HA1aaot. Ir WADI Gar Two. See --Here is the its trn•ock and there is a Aare. Which do you prefer' He -1 think the t•an•nook would he irons comfortable. Sbs-Thea I will hair the .-hair taken away. excuse isa Cured. Overtime'. I es. ehornrghly eel ed of indigestion by using only :hes. bottles <1 B. B. B.. aril truthfully rec..mmeod it u• all .uffei A fent,. the Saab atala ly. 2 Mos Iarsnerux, Winnipeg, Man. basket* Ane resisted. The ;.'merotu emit rtluto: is as train to the editor writ he beard a terrific crash in the coutpoeinf rums nu the floor above. ' Whafa that?' no evclaime i, sleeting up W ran. That's all right." raid the editor. eooth- iagly : " it's poly the foreman tumbling to Dae of your juke.. Re ids The lisr�ler. t:aoroitrl.or.-D was troubled with dys- pepsia for about friar ye, is and tried sever• a1 remedied bat fr•;•s•l t.en. of 1,111.• nee. I noticed an adrer' 'anent of Burdock Btad Bitten, so I quit the doctor, aa: ati..rted to ate B K R . and siren found that there writ beldame to e,cal n 1. t.■ k die'' trio bot- tles to effort a perfect t-ur•- iu my viA., and I can highly rrcanosetol this excellent rcpt tidy to al'. RE 2 hear J. REID. W its�l.am, (at. A..Ih.r Trea•..rittwe.$MM Katlwst. CRtcauo. Oat. 31.- Henry Croft, M.P. P., for 4'owickan, British Columbia, u is the city prim Chicago capitalists interested in • achene W build • new ta•trdaa trans- oms rental rans- cn.tisental railroad. H. la• already boon remarkably saoc adul, and it is expected that over Irse100,000 will be pledged here to farther the enterprise. Mr Croft said that he came here to confer with Frank Ilatemam and others to arrange for the introduction of final sub- sidy and land grant measures in Paella moat in relation to tisnew road. it u to les known as toe Western and will he 1,01.1 miles lossmiming op thousands of square miles of good grazing. timber, ngricultnrsl seed mining lends. Aeordtng to Mr. Crofts .tatinnent the cosntnictn'n mmpsny will betld the rail way from Victoria to Se) moor Narrow. on Vancouver lalsad, .rd from Hates Inlet on the mainland through the Chalmette, Mari bol ared Peace River oou trles up W the Vellowhewci Paan. The coat s tsuns•ted at $1111,105,1100, in- cl.diag the ferry at the airflows, 1.ue M r eape•twd that the sale of lard will aaroaat to 343,1.22.5(*. to which may he added the cash n.hsidy of the Dynminion tioeernnsat of $i, 3ta1 per mite, or $2,314,00()411 MI, soak as the Intal assets .46, 4811.300 Resides the Provincial Gay enmesh Inas r'srwateed 11t,1Mtnttlln tis, os Med slo.Itt/.,(telt) interest ra.e.ea.. U Uwattl.lNt t (rind., tk• t5ty of Vietorta guAreater tt-t.lrnd. don Tra•.sry stook of g'I.noomo1 •'pain know the 4."^"""... of ' WW"1. and torminels worth f1,(iY1,fImawwe, while .fes hoe 1" .laying to .sglawdR , esd swat other I..n.Rted towns are *row to ski afsee Iwo rotors to Paris she Iso hese ,pe n14rprfaa Meg Frrn,•k with ea Eaglirh resat. a's the fastens, yea kosw, to outtivat. the I;wgitate aeceaL • 1e may he the Mehra, bot 1 Meow that **roomers s has Yale teeth. ani if alae get sewn a sing! Mel fia.dby ass Marra doe - Ike barhe sadly aeewM- ad few rijhat7lBk MILWAUKEE'S BIG FIRE. R & PORTEA. Stationers and Book GOOBB'S CONDITION POIiDBB It M rettmatsd That It Witt Coot Meq lettll.ss .r Tr.uar.. Mtioreo int, ()at. 31. -Tis fire which broke out at 5.40 Friday evening in the premises of the Union Oil Company npast was not got under control lentil 2.40 this were - leg, by which once damage to the este* of $5,800,000 had been ooceatausd. The Are swept everything in its p.$tt W Lake Michi- gan and then began a backward sourest. In its path lay tis lig height sheds nod the yards of the Chicago and Northwesters K.iboed with Mr reandhouse and ite vada - able coolants of rolling stook. The Beet sad of the freight *err, at the oor- ser of Chicago and Jeffers* streets, Asa the first 10 ignite, end the flames arm spread mill over the JJirds, hors- ing freight ars and everything Wore thaw Fifteen keg trains of freight rot stood no the Northwestern tracks when • billow of Are leaped aroma Vol Baran striae teal tooehet the *cath end of the freigbs hones A million dollars worth of railroad property was drowned. The sixth end of chs freight house was filled with nil tanks awl ss the Are mast surely n•a.'h thorn. the wren rapid- ly forced the air into the tanks. dilating the gee an that it esu w•eakrnrol burned tem point of pnssikle eeplessot.. Tt,m they lot it out nAici.etly to sink the tasks be- low the ler el and And for trier linea As • result for this good tasaysmaat Milw.nkae will have its neer) gas supply within. • day er two. C.wa1.•t Attewd Se ilheseirittetei. Mr. Yoeagheehantl (epsakiug of his guest) -Por Warmly e.wnpletael '.1 telo air be. 1sis very raw the marines, dear lgw. Yes,Khestumd--WelL I pot isa't saes. With the saw rasek I ain't ase INA ererwthing is does to • term DR. WOOD'S orway P ne; Syrup.ce= the *Wee eIthe awl a ~ear mows roar DOUGH. A�N�D OOLDS Ai, fi>t011 matt -.saes remoBas*WM* PINY 67411. tJ M HIs MOO MO. age- Pelle -lRi ease w Asa *_5Mare. Horses seed It daring Fdl work. HEALING OIL t'asarvmod for bore (I1+oa1Ms. ems. tea.. etc.. on Merest. BBHTNLLL Store Pit Yarii CLILI FUBNITUOB POLISH PRESORIPTIONS Puisred is a t,hebelate immure, w er Wahl. Queettty le et ant inrpertaase. W. C. G000E, - THE CHEMIST. FALL TRADE ase whish we w low tteepasaL In BUILDERS SUPPLIES_ a m _ thatstake rke .tear Y rNnied, all Pt1aM in FENCING MATERIALS we deo'( that los want salKhiag (kat w have not sat a this desertmest. A. 6. HOLLAND PAINT and OIL Thea le where we eller-sarrrtag the sal esa$ete hos V this county. 'No sloe weft allowed is the lura. Our ass.r•1 hardware stock is mast oemplsta sad well boughs Oet miens retire at testi* sad we your Petressas. •uIQ.CAN ON JUST TO HAND Another consignment of English Tweeds awl Worsteds, suitable for Ladies Jackets and Dante' Auitings, qrtlity oi.inrpsaced. A Now Curti roe ('weleew, Hswwrtue, Oct., •'JI. -The marked abate - most in the deaths from .gabss here dar- ing aying the pest few weeks is doe to the toss of poreolnie, a mew retwid) istwrh.cei by Or. Mheed Waseer. RE PCA., under the dirrctros o/ lbs Iaaenrteiw and Stoecker. awe ethers a rho gsemssi's 13.npltal The rw•ndy was prniooaly torted hi Lead* not .010151.. and war hacked up by the rsenowie edatinss et Hie SJwsrd Maw eii ether wmnwert}Y�i vale Wit all Shea period** rtat ender the ps$W.tatienived �im skim buil tarah0m to ►eases Iia It is abler that ie the Nest wags .r the dames SI ambit ISA paracme eta he wed, iia the eteli ante TTA gee mail. et the pular i it [tills rermodpi• sell M M arm aa� seed here tow Ise alaledlee stet mimeki 01411111• R. P. WILKINSON & Co. ODD LINES and SUMMER GOODS Market clown away below the regular prices to clear out and and retake roost 40 New Fall Bustle. Boots and Shoes In 1111. Depe sunlit I have a large Wrist well tart stock, di rent from the be t Inwnufitcturers, heecr' i can guar tee the best possible value for tate Inuit mon Py- quality ronsi.lereet. DINNER and TEA SETS in choice patterns and Al qual- ity. Cheep. Also a lot of Travel- lers' 13s*uple.% and odd linen in Olaaswarr•, rte., which 1 Lave es -.ureal at a llergtin, and will.ell away lx•low their actual •alai • NOW TASE BOOTS : AND SIIOES FOR INSTANCE. It makes little differ- ence what others say, the leading place in the trade for years and years has been occupied by E. DOWNING, (?sr. jl at --.L sad llquare. P.S.-The intent and best Spring and Summer designs just to hand. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIO. Full liner in Family (:roorrisa' A full supply of all kinds ell Paints and fila kept constantly on handl. ( Patent Mnrticin.s a aipreiAlty\ L Z.NO , 11 GENERA 1. MEECH 1st I', j DUNGANNON. We have just received a very Sleek* lot of NEW TiEA ---sn,lraitrr1w0 OT BLACK, GREEN AND JAPANS W Sigh we guaranis, le sell at least 10 Cents per Pond, Cheaper Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will maga ,ince yon of the truthflilness:of asobtains,sertion 1- sell the best OOIVU REED PRICE & SON.