The Signal, 1892-11-3, Page 3THE SIGNAL: OODHBIOH, ()NT., THIJRSIAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1892.
That A1•ER'S Sarsaparilla LURE.
atoms of Scrofulous Dietitians,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
sod Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh should
se convincing that the same course
td treatment WILL CURE YOU. AU
that has been said of the wonder -
tel cures effected by MSS use of
uurifg the past fifty years, truth-
ful!! --dies to -day. It is, in every
,en e, The Superior Medicine.
Its curative properties, strength,
effect, and flavor are always the
same ; and for whatever blood
dim ,,,,•. AYER'S Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When', ou ask for
,lot, t he induced to purchase any
of the worthless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the cheap-
est ingredients, contain no sarsa-
parilla, have no unitorm standard
of appearance, flavor, or effect.
hltwd-purifiers in name only.
and are offered to you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
suti b al•Is forest. tlr.
%fu odors, 'MI Nh so
roe flew Cab
ee,• the, the wiadiest to:uiog,
lel;ht hair for th- little bead's only .durst
HB et** nbl ix* with excitement and joy
The wee ie&1a will u'•tbe wisp of a toy '
I ria going by es straight as you choose,
tt. en he huleel m.. with this astonishing
' . • •fir, 41.1 yew hear 'bout our baby up-
A • h any teetlu •std just two or free
Err epee .re shat n you mat look iron,
0.t 1 opened ore and that use was blae
01..e's only just Her, till we arm hers carne
I noes, don't you see, minter, .be's only
just cense
'I,.'■ most too rimy to Uikle and touch
Kut 1 appreoiwate her very meek,
Her nose is peg -bat it might be pngfr,
It s ..u'll 'segs me mow, I'll go a std hng
Axxta BAatusas Doxxu.t-
toe Edwin •rsdd'. Views on etsste.w.
su Kdwia Arold, who is sow in Mont•
real on his way to England from Japan,
when asked his opiuton if there was any
dsegrr to Canada from cholera this year
said .
Not the slightest. Disarm that ,cue
at once The cholera bacillus can oaly
exist at a temperature of 70 degrees, and
certainly cannot withstand oae Canadian
frost Nor eve it lie dormant during the
winter. 1f the ehoier& breaks out here
sec year it will to by fresh imprtetion.
from an Jofncteed centre, and not from my
germs that oome here ow. Bat tea at.
why you aro so afraid of cholera! It le only
order exceptional cart -imitators that a
mroov, healthy mean can take cholera. Iten't
be •t aid of it. Don't drink water or milk
oiler it hat previous) been boiled, and
keep your stomach well acidulated. Take
(re droope of hydrochloric acid is • hall cup
of hot ten and you Can walk unharmed is
the Rohn of cholera It is a -I one hall as
deadly ss either ron.uniptioa or brosohitr.
!b yon know the action of the cholera bacil-
lus' 1t is try simple. It can only exist
u.i flourish when the bowels are eefeebaed
by .lurrh.ra. As long as the ordinary mucus
mating is o0 the bowel. the bacillus is pow-
erless for harm But when the bowel is de -
soled of this covering, thea the number of
bs rill, can shear off the velvety serhos and
nes permit Nee erose portion of the blood
to not into the hovel. nig is what forme
the charecteri.tie "rice -water" di.eherge
The blood thus becomes thickened, the
ham can .o Muter disohergn its (.o
Mae and the patient dies of collapse I
hare mew the blood as think as tomer is
Se reins of men woo have died of abed -
•doriten 0amtmT.
A. Italian physician aye he
one cut,, for the d issass, mid Wt it ts
bad n.e.t effectively in Ramberg. Dr.
Jenkin. is a)sr. untie it os 'Sita Ombra
lyre .s gor.nsi•. of Wen York.
r nothing bet Om injectto• of • t
solemn of salt hod water eito the Ni
part of ta
water is boated to 810
stare of the human Andy and riveted into
Ms ries in smtall gtaa ''this. A "Motion of
bah is alto used i. hfi "metals- The
tails to stop the iflart1ieps sad' praiser
Wanis Mt heete ie, while salt and water
the tdheastiv
tad miter win spas.
wd 't saht the
SIMI& No needless ern he given hp site
snit►, ss. the absent tem.t•&t vomitiag
melees this redeem.
C.& a'r'eas.•! O.
7lnuasap hag
..seear d with mow
nPelmet the lows
yp1 > �MpI1IAAD'81 VI
1M0 sat mblm iii.. efi • has
Linwood Ont. Jia Ift�e111I
Iw 6•"4400 Wert Moe y 0.. t...w .inn..M
fnlMs in twooseti", with the Oe.fwtmstl.s
W Asamiatles.
0.1•601•10011 elm wsonse .
• Valotabie Glue Mob -Tb. Wort' air
Ms Pool Rear ea ens .1 s•. Koos 11..-
Pil Illogiseltnieesis of Ike aapsrlm..tai
The sewed auual report .1 Prod. Ruben -
ma, dols}' a.mmasionst for the Uamiaiw.,
hem just beam issued. Its a volume of 1110
passe whish are poked full of taf.r•matieu
e• the progress u( dairy farming to Canada
It Ms that meet deserable rd useful cos
remises which is too utt a left out of
olReefal doeumeat., vitt • A complete index
of contents
The report dyls with agricultural pro
blame and pantry. from ('.ape !Ireton to
Va•ee&ver Iaa.d, and furnishes st•uy help-
ful and valuable suggestion." on the mashedn
wherel.y fanning can be made more motif
able aod pleasant is the different di",ncte.
It first treats .Isewtuter datryingo.ore
meal, and gives details of testi-intim for
the alt. -ratite d dteesc (utories 1010
creameries for butter nuking doer( the
waster The two creameries which were
operated by the dairy du• -'ng
the ppa.s�t wooer appear to hat. given every
eainfaeto. to their patrons. It is predm •t
CO that s large number of sew creameries
will in running dune • the ...niter m.•• tto
in the near future as the result of the shite
tion of this undertaking by the Ik.mininn
Heaid.s the report. on experiment•' in
s mitigations and oominercul enterprises,
yarUeulars are given of meetings tad
lecture. which seem to have ...vend the
whole Dotmmiaitm-
MCITInon •xD 1.arTl•at211.
"ISwides the work which has hew re-
ported upon is Ms severe' provinoss, I at-
tended and delivered at forty -aloe
conveatluss or meetings of farmers s std
dairy saes of from two to live eemie-s tech
during hall. They were distribut ed r 41.e
provisos. m the 1 llowiug order : Ontario,
19; Quebec, 8 ; New Brunswick, Y:. ovs
Scotia, 4 ; Prince !Edward Island, I ; ant
tob. 3 ; Northw.d Territories, I ; tish
Columbia, a My aseimtaate oleo at l
sad gave addresses open 242 ooeasio.s, 0,001
of which ars tasmtion.d in their reports hi
this volume. During Itel, to this date
(3011 April) I have attended fourteen meet -
of farmers ted dairymen, eruct of
which have bees or0ventio ns of provincial
nature awlOf these, N were had is
Ontario, 2 in 1 is New Brunswick,
I is Nova Scotia 2 in Prince Edward
Island. The opunber of appl usti«u for my
pressor at oosventio.a of farmers has eut-
growo all passibility of compliance es -y
part with ao-guarter of them-'
It is stated ties the exports of chews
from Canada have grown from 49.2II,$1
lbs. in 1881 10 100,202.140 lbs. is 11191 ;
while the exports of butter have creased
trots 17,619,491 the i0 1881 to 3,768,101 lbs.
i0 1891.
Prof Robertson's hitter of transmittal
contain. his expression of indebtedness to
111. press of Canada in the following paragraphs of
"To the newspapers of Canada r des
much cre.lit for the peblto•.pirited assistance
which they Ware give& in attracting the
attention of tanners to the posmble be.efia
which would score to $heem..ves .&d all
other industrial, oneasee tial and profe-
noesl interests from 11e adoption of the
hest methods of dairy farming. la ear
work the press has lest ns invaluable aid ;
towards our work its attitude las best
friendly to • fault ; and dour work columns
dspprelcistive commendation haveappe.r•
ed or every iota d unfriendly eriticiam er
opposition.To the officers and members of tbe Far
mere and Dairymen's smociations, to the
carers and members of the Pamicas' insti-
tutes, •0d to theateo& of the sturdy, bard.worker, warm-hearted farmer. d Cammda
from the slatss d the Pacific t0 the Atbs-
tic toast, 1 am mew a seam et deep per-
• ses! .fid .Ssi.l obligation for the irony
...rtmies which they here extended, for
the Wady sad hearty oo.operation welch
they have aeoorded, and for the al -too -
pogrom gratitude with which they have
rsesmv.d amid acknowledged she serviss
which we have been able to render.
'Moe thoroughgoing and enoeeratd onto
come of some of the week which 1se been
tuderake&• &prods is • large .sende
upon the faith 0504 efieieney et my
..sivamte whose names are sot alba
brought to public notion to receive the Me
reeog.itiasaod appteci.sion which tM raiM
of their !shoes merit. 1 take this apportion•
it d .oktoowldging the emotion tumKt�
et their work .sad
perusald of aortal/Andre • irdal
perusal their reports.
TES ODmmnts100 SR'S WTDS Smola
The heading* whteh are gives IadfeM.
• ouewhat of the eomprehen.irumsu smfr-
thoroughness into which the dairying ha-
tuer of the oosmtry are being promoted
t���{� the dairy eoumisiem✓b
s ooes,
v1s : 1 e hsdbtg of enilch sows .sad OM
mamas at salves, the butimaing el swim.
the growth of forage crops ; the m.•kfy
▪ It, • d meintes
..100g buuttt.r and ia10 periments b r istaw
Part TI eestahts vrb•Mmd
aset.res end addressee whisk were inMtrwci
at difbre.l of f.wmrre. They
Made :
1. TM Ream-mie ! Pred..ties d %Me.
2. The Posalhiliting of Sallies Osm./iw
Vasa pcodu.Ie .s • Prods is the Eas1Y
i The seesessie feedbag value -• esti
The relation el .meals.,s to pupas
Ilk tan develepemese sir -mediae life.
g • E Ki sunk milk sines M tae sfrsAu
y�ettii,� fee ee0n.Na
A fin .sn%.ess or pompaphe may be
oiled I illumines the style o1 Yw.sibn
blk1 hes Men f llwed i• Sham .db.sin.
vitas et aoi51•sraua
"If . noun has s shemimtal.1l. taie, be
will 4.d them ..der .sad mor0-•reonusere-
tire: sod, if i meld replre may wen se say
bey with ..thesionn end susldssss i. the
e•pabilitiss et W ewe b.deass...4 pee
hien • chases end Maim to sped lin beet
with dva.uige tel6neelf, be would
v. raw hops i. himself •.d for 1b sem-
try. Whore Po. Mod • wee wiz is eatee-
sinstte, you well *Mega dad . rambler. I
never bled a own e..1..lodiu .Mol hie
hemi. ee, who .smpiaiod Moan It Se le
tee be.y tryl.g to remedy the dsfueo oil
its unitMMe, to waste W
Nese or .t,..gtk cnetpdwias. I thi.k 5M
buisr-eakers who are always esomplainies
sod hleon,ne wrtbng lykas e&scid. Of
the .nviro...we..ta of their cove. 5nnssss, M
their future might rely we& impress the
Miry ial.ssrr, ruler be W W S.wt.s
with milk we hooey. flseft taw wash be
..hard so lien. if &bey PSIS NO .fell to
.purl rivet or stew.
"Liss• b sh. prw.lnr nen of .welled bah
Its, the loner ma M se law
s wen I
Moe • WO* rospoutgood sew.
1 hallo • rind deal Imre vapor for aunts d
the sews la my stable tire i hire for some
meac if you will treat a ouw properly she
will give you as eq uivaleut for what she
She is thereloee hottest and will pay
for he, way through life. I will hunt with
• isicrescope is the ~were of some mss ao•
see w hat they have given to the world of
valual ie service and i eerier find it. A
sow weseUmes does get more thou ahs
rives 1 world not spare that cow. Put
Mr on the Wo,:k; get yourmoeey out of her
is that way. 1 -or think to cows in
boarders, kept for the profit of the matt
who keeps the buardia •house Dial yoi
ever think of a matt keeping • boarding
Mose, orals on solo geaeral satisfaction
plan. saying that if Lv does not get enough
from cwt boarder to pay for his keep he
will get it f the others! No : he ex
poets to stake a profit iso each one of them.
The farmer should act in that way towr&s
hb cows. There is advisefrom watch
tag the cows and aeleetang the heat of them.
It le not an very hard to do, aid most cows
.re capable o4 paytug for their board in
full, if they are given a fair . hone. Hut,
if they are brae& up the wring way, the.,
are sure to bre astray -just like boys.'
upon .e..T or rata.
"1 have a great deal of faith in the papa
'Shtim of winter dairying is crermence, to
kneel. ineuu wherewith to banish almost
every e.•ostomic fell of which the farmers
eon,platu. 1 have no faith in this practice,
oe •oy ether practice, 1. ' ring e. enoinic sal-
rattor, except ty the se. • of the farmers
themselves. 1 Mve no tate in their in-
dustry beiyy[t propped up. I have faith in
their bumldiog it sp. together with the
prosperity of this co.atry, and taus wo-h
tug out their own betterment o` aroma
"sometimes people my to rte, 'If every-
body went into this indwtry of winter
dairying, whore would the profit woes
Roel r Well, • great m007 people, who do
not want to do what is right, excuse them.
salves by thinking that they would striae
to eater ley 'the straight gate and walk in
'the narrow way' --bet they are .Enid of
• author • crowd and keeping somebody cut.
You will never Rad any way to real success
but the narrow way. Ths best way is al-
ways the narrow way. I do not ears what
line you are trying to follow op ; sad, he.
canes it is narrow, it will never be crowded
not because of lack of room et the gate
to get in, bat because of lock of Mart and
outrage, sod eontionity of purpose and
effort. '
wut•ras acrrrm.
"If sues • million of dollars from the ex-
portation of butter could be obteised
annually within three years, that world
prove a boon to the eom0try is many
respects. This indsatry doss act displace
any other, said doss set Isms the f.rur's
receipts from any ether souses. On the
other head, it suables him to develop other
branches of kis b.siases with more lid -
vantage and profit. la measure the
farmers, as well as mea i• ether callings,
have lest enamel et she market ; hit nem
sm -
meek se they have gained emend
of the sod of production n by im-
paoved unshod. and Worsened know
' Meige, their lrofite may din be as large
se ever. 1•rofit always oour is betimes
the osst of production and the pens that
may be reared. If she former can h. re
1 dewed, the profits is mere oriole to .try
with the Earner than if the hitter h•pp.a.
b b.. increased by any eoubis•tiem of sir-
eus§.tano.a The prate. free en admire
in pros usually stay in the pockets r tin.
d She crafty ..messiah mea; the 'profit&
them are obtained from the e.•llastios in the
mrd of production am mere generally left
in the penes io. el the"
Then follows aen•pur m condensed
W ilk and the report. of eke on
of the dairy commissioners, all of which are
interesting and valuable reading for far-
mers and their families Copies of the re-
port may be drama by application to the
dairy commissioner .t Ottawa.
My Lod, spto0sr.
W he& leve's alembic tweememtm the ansa
d golf to pore pad the maiden% choice is
gold always •Mall b. m•rrieg.. Est who
by to • stripier, r la.amesat•i.k °b-
alae/as Interpso. lei net the owedded girl
eeseplaie became bte hen not wrought out
for Ler the eoeasmen dediay of woman.
There was serer a mere glorious time u
which to h. living. This girl or teems&
who oomplai.e el her lot is tMss good
years deserves to be see hack to medieval
Moe, r to the so-called golds* days of &p-
elmet Rossi, when women were elayss to
ensbm if set in fact, and wh-.. nen were
lasnsstis gouda. Svery hrs. ..r our free
air teams with hu ym0y, an.. .n inviter
Men to M IMI i• some lbw
The married wawa is ssm•: i m' weal to
her ou&rried sister w itb pty.
; cat+ pito M worth without htrh•ad
se Milliken M Pee*(* m1, is her silent or ex•
pressed clow Son....
s. Whet li•ad
terlor•ity meat o
fl&d s• the.0. i so�ditios, said 1M mat -
o& duly mann Shashi*, 51e pavilions*
*Mel has pWd 1m le the assts harbor
d p.
DMm i�a hal se old toad well whd•nM-
Mal me Mea 111911 Mae h•ppi.ges doss mot
triores esds suereendi.p la life. The
Mgr, and ounite.s u M mew
home lemma of ll. .espy, gond hisaun.le
Ands envy whit Fondled LI maim pase
mod smsebuent snipe 1a lir henett the
bower built l) lever• Med will net leas
was% with all Me peedel adrmmumt. be
e minere sed Mein the 40..pi s d
.Pow dee* wane who age
tenbd with slur le6 rea10 M1ia. 15 is
heelers ftiey have beam .J.aslad be toped
=geed iii • � the vel kw rds
Niel aY .4011 .bald tela, the eapr+ma
gout okas 40eenbeat and wgotek.d.ssm
tbm .Mm haw the owedded maidens
Ca 11s- - asaluee a l reelleer r
ilkods bona WM &Mew-Satper's
Mi of )Mr MINA
♦ Sahib swesepeedemil pry it is pep"
.t a bead • novel .ba el steamers fee
Etmarries ie the .mvlpties ef the
, Manses sod ether pmol Lies
river., es well as en she amok ani lawn
Vi.. .f the ..matry. 4seeedto •
model whisk bee loses WI .xhibi_tiea fm
Dubiia, the nay penises of the as buses
to he immersed ia was.. ars f..r lens par-
allel pipe, warty three bee ia dia.sstr.
e pee width she gears sperrte.etawe el she
blas will cep. Then are fell d end pe.
The st..derre will he worked by a mewl
plt.•hoboes the.- • rested pipe, awl
driven by a .teases.•t1e feel e•.pb►
Ws d o1. ga. •lnu54 . tMpt. .r-
neath. The bonwit ib.sheet beer 40
y,.1 is by t n foss id width, ad N
e aaaMted that • .pod el 11 Emiles ea heir
ems he very esaily sunset
IMM 1111•0••M Meamtltem. •••••
Is spite of be Mines smoothy msiehoo 4
rainy ee..ary, rimmeogatiele he ell lee feriae 1.
• rarity assaaa the taltvm est Jess, whlb
M. R.rupare restless aro dmgot all Thin ionweelay ie
he dee t0 theme ail veep pert b.the, whY5
ie w evrmai ie Jap.. ♦ Japans hews
sat, uemethm.. Webb • .-'idle'
PMR 1T, OT 010 M oarr. SEST.
ii=zt see0ia0. .aesl1,1. ra ,► nye y�
sm. A o � ail Mo►saatei Mhii
ode q all ikewses sit issess os.
tla W. 0.111:/s14.110/050• stye
Would*. Unisons( . are. Cera, 1 1n Vows.
Vow' • of of rill"). six Mt It ..e ' utas..
11111y ,.t a i,ersoe iu 10,000 Itch to I.e
The fur seal sod fes otter trade of Alass,
u while 4300,000 a year.
1..I f of the w. alti. • f 1.:ylu.d .. i.. : e
1.0.10•: ..,. of 1,CW ilrinul,.a...
la every minute sixty-saren people du
Lr ••. ,.ti Kta,.'.. ..,c 1. t,..
I',, 11...o t.., hru..•ue, wails and ruts r:.•
Istakl.outhc.i nail healed by Victoria Ca -
bate Salve. Iin
'hw•o ost.di tai .al tiity nult,un k -t t ero p. -s
tbrosgh the postal .dices of London stun
it is safe to ore Freeman's Wut m Poo den,
as they set o sly) on tLe wmnu and do out
injure the add. lm
1 he ,pard . f the fastest Atleu :c ,foame r
11 wow greater than that of the expre.s
t,•twuu ftalsn railways.
Prompt, potent and permanent 1eaults al-
ways urine from tl,c use of Milburn's Aro-
matic Quinine Wins. lm
Srdou, the capital of the Japenese Eo.•
put, e. mains 4,000,000 irhalmlants cud has
• greater aro than Lando..
9i*k hr.dache caused by excess of bile or
a disordered stomach is promptly removed
ly using Natian•l Pills. lm
On the Royal Movereigo the new English
battle ship, there ar. 800 electric lights,
concerted by 30 miles of wire.
The region about the Dead Sea is one of
tLe bottr.t placer on the globe, and the sea
i. Gaud to lore 1,000,000 tow of water a day
by evapwatio..
The greatest stamp collectors in tbeworld
are Phtllippppec Ferran, son of the late Dach-
a's de Galina, and the Car, whose col-
let two is said to be worth 1600,000.
A Meriden cutlery factory has just finish
rd a wonderful 1")- a perfect po.:ketknife
wish thirty beide', puoaw., .hears, awls,
etc., which weighs but one-eighth of an
A woolen has patented • machine for Disk •
ing watch screws that is provided with a
thread cutter so delicate as to he almost to •
visible. It will cut perfect threads 00 the
finest imam Mir.
The largest volcano in the w irld is at
Maur loos in the Sandwich Islands. The
crater is twenty miles in diameter and the
areas§ of levo flowing from it is fifty mils
long and in places four miles wide.
The salary of the Prince of Wales is 4900,
000 per year ; Duke of Connaught, 4126,000;
Duke of Edinburgh, $125000 ; sod the ihtke
of Cambridge, the Queens coterie, 160,000.
Thero al family costa British taxpayer.
so,000 week.
The wisest overs° in polities is to cote for
the hest m••, and you cannot be mistaken.
14o, in the ems of blood purifiers, you cat.'t
i.e mistskem if you take Ayer'. Sarsaparilla.
became all parties agree that it is the best
--tL. S.perior Medicine. Try it this
The Red Star steamship Rbynle.d, which
anired hero last Saturday, bad a curious
rum of "elevens." She made the voyage
from Antwerp in 11 ,lays, 11 hour. acd 11
minutes. Her average sped was 11 and
•n hoar. On October 11 she sea, ,
311 miles and was 11 hours u,.•.er
Tor the cure of headache, oneitipation,
stomach and liver troubles, and all denote!'
enrols of the digestive and assimilative or
gen., Ayer's Mils are invaluable. Being
.ugarerated,the are pleasant to take, al
ways reliable, ted retain their virtues in
any climate.
Mrs. De Sore -My dor, you should be
thinking of marriage now. 1 was married
at your age.
Miss Lo Cootie -Tres ; bus give m• Moa
Materna tale nes that you were at my see
for fully fire years.
Il Wet. fora treat.
Maas fSr.e.-We have send Hagytd'.
Yellow OJ in our family and know it is •
Bare care for lumbago and frost biter My
wife was ors bad with lumber. that she meld
not straighten herself, and Yellow Oil com-
pletely oared M. It ham baso a fortune to
2 thrust ♦lass. Owes Sound, 0&4
wunareea Wase eve tlleosin• .rte.
Mrs. Peterby ted to he a besot dill singe
but of iris 1r reit* roma to have Come am -
eland, mo to speak time Ds .Smith, .ho im
very cafalees to his .enveratioe, was in-
vited to ter. Mesio being the t epic of Cen-
vonaties, MR Peterby reworked that nos
believed 1w daughter had iaberited her
reworked s I ibae ;=Oho e oi it,••
aws&rwu Ymlrsest esmi Drag.
t 11
t Zs.
olborne Br
F24 LL
We have already in stock a full
assortment of New Fall (1rtods in
We have a fine a'ssrrtr • ;it of N<'ty '►rtes Stuffs in
•the lett itt designs in fancy stripe. a'ul •heel:n, Crepon
Cloth, Melange Twills, Sergvv, Cheviots, E•tteriar••., tlash-
laslfetbes and plain Hen,..•ttlts, W.,.•l Tartans and Plaids.
Abort 200 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth 30c..
1 for S5A., a Lig bargain.
We cam the finest range of plain and fancy Mantl-
ings we leave ever shown, in black and colors.
frjrAII Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut
free of charge.
Our Tweed Stock i. complete. Suits trade to order.
3 per cent. allowed on all Dry Goods purchases of
one dollar and over.
A tinct -class Dress and Mantle Maker in our store,
up stairs.
We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry,
Wool anti Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats,
Oil Cloths, and Linoleum~ ever shown in the County by
one house.
Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di-
rect from the makers in Scotland.
Great Carpel Warehouse)
of the County. J
jlj i
• 1
SteamBoiler Works.
IEBTABL1811Rll 1510.1
tmserrasorfo CArptet i oracles
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright ♦ Tubular
neons the hld-
noya art le
trouble. Dtdd't
Kidney PI/hive
pme relief"
of dI is
fret osw.d by
disordered kid -
Night «wl/
fyg to have a
healthy .fty
arltbvf ew
sg s. good
when t*s
!Unite aro
V- Woe ttw
the scavengers
of the egetevm.
"D.l.y Is
/diegerose. Nog
ts /d0o-
troubles result
10 Sad Stood,
Complaint, and
the :most dan-
ao-gerous of 011,
Dr°£ayy.. "
f-4. above
diseases sonnet
.riot amber•
Dodd's Kidney
Mlle we amid.'
Sea y.8 seams areas by ta.go• heist
Dr. L. Aoa 'amhtl. & Cho. T.wan Waben we it fer r Terbosh UM/ Tab.
1•guletes the Stornnsh.
Liver and Dowels, unlocks
the Steer -talon a,Puriflssths
Weed and removes e11 Im-
purities from a Pimples to
the worst SerrTNloue Hors.
Salt Pans, Smokes Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
1 •iso dealers 1a Upright and Honboalal st11.
• Valve initlns• Autoeatic Cui-OW Cut-OWEngines ■
peotmlty. All Nass d pipe and pipe -fitting
oo.sSa.U7 on ad. Seclusive."W
furnad on
snort oboe. heRspatring promptly encoded to.
10/1-17 P. O. Mx A. (Iodsrlek.Omt.
Works-O0peaf a O. T. R. Batten. 0edricm
I0fiIOU 1
U*,1.0e. carman
... edMMMIV/RIia R
Ititetto°a the aitafws..
wiMRviI.I1 Alf
tly .a`''''
e top.
• • MOW • (tR.
Ilesi Ms Paint oa.ando srtenM I
Buchanan & Son,
• m•mtle•eTI'15
Dealers 1. .11 kind. et
And bwlldes's material .t every dsorlptiea
School Farnitare a Specialty.
to be cleared out. Perfect
and showy shapes.
r 5
The waning, talkie,
*ND ernes yarrow mea smiles
Sf,ecific and Antidote for
I�deepl ma. impoverished Mold. t e
alien d the
ver msaralgpiaaeslcss
d )•nsdie. k �waad snowpy
chalice and St. Vitae' bate.
J. K. W o t. ii O D,
Prins tie stet Mengdepew.
litootik10at.FMtlr twMoh,elt�Merewlpa�w�.• gids fi2
emaam as. T.
lig if.