HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-3, Page 2'!'SS SIGNAL : G{ODBRIOH, OIC''!: 'tis ITRSDA Y, N i IYEMBH Both'the method and results when yrupof Figs is union; it is pleasant and refiesheng to the taste, and *.:ti gently yet promptly eat ttheKidneys, Liver gad lloweli,'lessees the aye. tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and mute habitual constipation. Syrup of Fip is the only remedy of its kind ever pro - duped, pleasing to the teats and so- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of T'igs is for sale in Theo bottles by all 1caling druggists Any reliable druggist r.*.o may not have it on libi:d will procure it promptly for any ono who wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SUMP CO.,sex P*A7toiaoO. CULL. ttov1aVIL*-► JCT. raw TOM& ' (iso. A. F&As, Aa *r AT OODaaWCH. A IONDOS MIRACLE. An Important Statement by a Well-known Citizen. 111r. M. udo J. rew.. of SS Alms street. selm Nem sesastr.obe perle.ee to eMea Le- verer Rep r•rnteteve Teetered y Usgsm 111agnsni aseatte.rags Missed, sbs w e at last rspItem Agway -A ary fa 11 et Mope , Otiose s r 5Oerwre Landes Advertiser. At 33 Alma street, '&Inch Leedom, lives Yr. E. J. Powell, • gentleman who has re- sided i. London and vicinity for about six esteemyears, and who enjoys the esteem of • large n circle of friends heand elsewhere through. out the Province. Those who know him as are doubtless •ware that he bbeen a suff- erer since his youth from rheumatism in its worst form. His aoqualmaoces to she ray, who remember the long sage of the illness he stood a year ago last winter, and who dame to look upou him as almost acoe- fir.ned Invalid, have been surprised of betlata terce to ser the remarkable change for the better that has taken pl.. The haggard tam ead almost crippled form of a year ago have given way t3 an appearance of robustness, vigor end agility that certainly seem the re- sult of miraculous agency. Hearing of the • reporter called on Mr.s Powell in order to acertain by what nape means thia traosfotmation had been wrought. The scribe first a.ke.I if the re- ports concerning his wonderful restoration to health were true. "1 am thankful to say they are," sail Mr. Powell. '- My ease is pretty well known around here. To what do you owe your recovery eau asked. "1 owe at to the a+e of . certain remedy," he replied : "but I would prefer saving no thing at preemie1 here suffered Dearly all malady my life with • 1 had begun to think in,•nrable, and the fact that 1 am per- maneotly relieved appears incredible. In common parlance, It seems to good to last. I want to he sure that 1 am permanently cured before anything is mule public, so that when 1 do give a testimonial It will have some weight. Von may call again later add 1 will let you know. ' About two months later the reporter knocked at Mr. Powell's boor, and was ad- mitted by that gentleman himself. The latter sant he was now absolutely convinced o; the permanency of his cure, but being a nun who .lid not etre for publicity, he had hesitated long before pe could make up his to allow his name to be used. I'oming from es one of his conocientinusoeand probity of character, his words beano* fail to have the weight they deserve. " The primary cause of my rheumatism, " •aid Mr, Powell, " 1 attribute to • severe thrashing administered to me by a school- teacher when I was 13 or 14 years of age. I received injuries then which subeeituently brought .ase years of 'offering. The Ant time i really felt any rheumatic trouble was one day when carrying an armful of wood up • eight of stairs an Victoria College, 1'o• Bourg, which institution 1 was attending ea a student. This was in 11372. A twinge of pain caught me, but passed away in an inatant. I .lid not know what it was. Again, when playing football, 1 experieeced a like sensatma and that marked the oom- niencement. After that 1 was attacked at varive / periods, though it was not until 1876 that I began to grow alarmed. 1 was liven. then ,n Toronto, keeping hooks (m- int/ brother who was i. the wholesale tit. !minnow and as I resided on North fern hroke street and had to walk to Wellingten ',teem',teeevery day, 1 found that my rheu- matism was getting pretty had. 1 did not emelt • docent, but took different latent medicines advertised to erre complaints of as et any nature. 1 wnot beefitad, how m ever. The rheuethm passed away nely return in the (all and sag 1. 1878 1 engaged i. mercantile Mse.ees in Hetet .was ,-.witty. From chat oat 1 wat indoor work, Mit the pain returned at intervals I suffered from sci►tion u the left leg ; it as times wvery acute .t es In taking stook nee day 1 became en severe that 1 wan elite to move amend. This eau the first acute symptom that is, where the of- fsets remained for any length of time. 1 sal/end the moot isNamss pain (n, day.. per 18.'1). Thee was shoat the r For a number of years afterwards I continuedosntinuto grow worse anti worse In MISS I west tate the teal estate business in Tweets and havi.a • good deal of walking to de. I ettpresu isae the pain etl•eteetl that geometer it wee all d• awl et all times, Eminently sit .0 had that 4 wId have to stead es the threat, rebel .lie mashies of my left lag wed IN it swim until the pn aea was over. At neat, I meld walk let thews er four Meeks and wood Ihen have to halt. 1 vemeltwl inside el bons aa.: was ad, sed titteat he inesed hie ewlw le Idea ear .it tit. iR- VA* piD wait. steadily tea 'emend writhe, getting ening raid, the detslan'l ler Mil Pills M some try elm -trice y. 1 took the uoetmei.t Waistne' rink Mau 4t I have alread; • time& two M terse clarinet • day oa the thing .,.tuulslsing. sad they eavarhky eta. Stullenl Illibialle the Landes' trainees Al heed. 4.4 fret front an electna hath v tin bast emiefediene. 1 et,ew two to mor i• lie NIL* 0 $.utkerItnd, i• '. iwgttilL Mut k dead the nM the eliRhteat read At feat toss volume/1 dseemMehi d usalevs 1�.-ut t.e • Is'"..." t-tvt.wto. um ad4S.4. him iael my health brume se led that I is- , et>rr.Mll a weceeeerV th� Md. fiO°`I'1't elle ....sag atter Ito vino all ceded w yak the real wreath busmen, seri I re Mores .•f testae tiwtlt retgrl AM • h+,Ut•nl eutm t.,uaseat, ed: "Willi niter upon rowel life, itieseiug tial llyt eb. have been benefited by the ass of Piel 1 k'..ee you. Peieee t. reit" go,1t1i11U. ehallikr .•f .tr aid .xx:upatw.t u,w6c hem • r Palls. 1 hese e.d.l rhoueawte of been. as ••• bear a1 etl-u.'t. So 1 exchanged seemgre• ! have a•i keattalien in rvouotutywli g theme Alteratives and isprmaissrM SIS the prty for the oil Dr Woodruff fruit M '• pe. to. t bl.lo.l builder and uor.e nutorw order of the day a M...dri he . 14..igo meat the city 1 worked it mei year, be , cutinx such dao•wa se rou„w..,dn, swore el the ,meal aro a aver In be sego A yaw:* limed it viae too l•buriommfor Iy owaplds , ' 41*. partial parelyst., teammates( .r.t•.. S of wets is tee gr..aads w bang cuaverted which was last rendering my lits • bunk, Vitus' .truce, mer ett. b ads ase, me ver. ' tete u er atneaea! )eke wife weal ellen& ; 1 reluctantly left the farm and mite tet •. ••striation nod the tired I...hug 11. Mem 1 the hoses itself u beteg esia.g.d, .nal eh. Landes three years aro last M•,yy. 1 do th 4fter-effects of la grope, d,.. im 4 ; bechol.r's sonar sear Me tell is ries en- mmm bu*ldleg here, but my tealedy pr. p ..h.ij en humors in the oleo.' with s $ei tad rewvsted, os M. ,«.demes, itis vowed me hum actively ergagtult u b... esiufut*. cltrouicivrepels. vie 1' ask P. ', seMersd, et Price lieurgh et W.le• oa W pees, give a healthy few iu pole red meow C. ' lehlle ins the mot twat " A year apo lot *tater the first see' pieties, an are a epw•.t/iu t..r • M novel -a see fell on December 1; 1 went out to see• pe. uliar to Ike f•ut+IS epti. u.. ,.. ' in ti The lbeprees [gegen,. Ines sold b/ owns,. the wow, end before 1 got through I wa. cam ot men they effect • imbed cure u e her mum favorite nodose* at !tarries, the 1 was armed W ILL • puu mai had lo'gu halo .moor aratug from n.estrl wet ry, o% ear war Villa esugwie. The Ie,ldt • utegsileseut the house. For fourteen weskit I ..ver left or excesses of way •tense." use, ns the style of Lour AIA'., r..iru a - it. The only way In which 1 co01d be a!r. Hodge .. the had clerk, membered. el b • epleedid park, and it was valued nieved woo by being wheriel stewed is ea what Mr. Mitchell had said. The es et $140,000, but sold ter a little more. It easy chair. What 1 suffered daring that of Ptak Pile was extr.urdetary *ad tl was bu.ght us awnmissio. b • Paris Arm petted no ono but myself ora ever realize. general verdict was that it was • wooded. of bankers, it s believed for the tired 1 wee atteod.d by the best phveimat in the medicine. These rill. are manufactured l• Duke Weenie. city of Leedom. Possibly btu tttsatns-I ear the Dr. Williams Medina. Caapany,Beecl I$ •.e e at without temporary AM* : at My roto •'ills, Ont.. and Schenectady. h Y , ala • i ' Prince F.rdiasad of rsiftsia .ppsat.. ss 1 grails, Ily renewed maul 1 wr .• le to be sold poly in bozos hearing ole trade tsaeh( he tmtortsaMM u Idsveils to theatres es my feet once more. I deeded to try Ml wrapper, .t 50 ornate a hex. or dg ham 1em Ahlast is Pads baba twits gpsmsss otnstry life •gats, sad west eek to my for $2.50. Rear 1n .mien 1•6.61ups1 1*. *11. *► i Sae Sege a the diro./er of Opera, Y. farm last year, but 1 still tonne 1 1.4 it as Pink Ihlls are never suld io leak. or by kb. 1 IIIIIIMemtw, ardent aseillainnim, acrd load. bad as ever. I was living in dread of harms Jogai or huudre d, mud any de ler who diet row d the IidMal pr`. W dddber www to go through minion ordeal. rhea I read substitutes In ala form u 1471 to deism 1 the ethsr, sod obis mesa* se (Jade ted is the papers about this Marshall sairwmis in you. and should bo •voidiel. Dr Willisare Priem D ,mile el Y • premolar Hamilton. 1 had thee as moon tuna it Pink Pills may he het of al' druggists 4u1• bis threw sabred hi betr=area, Pink Pills as I had in other palest now direct. by mail from Dr. Williams Yodiftw i em hem se sseat.clines--sad tical weren't very geese. I did Company front either addreee. The pries it I disaw see not bother with them nor did 1 think ail is which thew !ills are sold mike • course e1 ' Berm elisions press, at time Rieesita matter ague until Wt ,September. I •.w treatment comparatively i.exps.dvs. as Cort have% .misread le psis, est to Yr. Marshall et Ile Western Fair met he )nipared with oteer remedies or tsedieal tern tear tern danger of having the advised ins to try 1)r. William's Punk elle. tra•unent. "Marmillaue" plied u hie presume, the I told him I dui out think the re sal foreign Mets ear Steal latereet. canted to sure rheumatism, and that al- A H. church is u elder t. Chomp l had mrtaialy woke proof tn., he, P' own was beat 114.. my ooeiplaiat was 441- mum cyclists to visit it, has previdod • 'root to his, air. V,•ohall •sial ho oosld sate shelter for bicycles Others have set sot say whether it would cure rbsente ism apart a ••syo&M*.' pew. oe mot. bot the pal, earo good t.. the Mood The Frame Rowing Club, were, crew anyway, sad St 11 •.1 41 WOSld do me w dandy beat the mew of the London Rowing harm to try halt • dons hoses I neglsebed (Ash oath. Seim', has et •heat tie hew ruoeslarn tj. wteaid him his advice tt would he .,sto try • midi- drei vise, I thought, Mango( my friends, who 1twoO dk 'o•dasra had probably read of reetarkablo cans Ttw $d ftp Ow year, oe.dll01- • coompli•bed by Fisk Pills, kept urging me «I_ e] las H� �7 �d14b. . to give them • trii•l. Varmsr was well: Mt•teori 1/s. Hil- At lost I yielded and bsnht ria boxes taw, msMisr Mr• ihal• bs�g as • sort of forlorn hope 1 took fo.r bozos seem& All promises; pr'oteswss•k sat tad rewired no homeet that i ooald reoog- eM plo/'d alas, but white taking the firth 1 n•.' •od We hats ..w that the famous Winos that for • period of three or four days 1 felt set iced hem • !,-tea gen i• Qu.ss no psis. This was a novelty to me, as for Vietesi'e /*bilow year, to .00sre•t* bow lar three or four years 1 had not known what it • 1601 eoold be serried. twm.i.nd i thea air was to have • moment's freedom from oaf- '• �dt o 1114 the f urea,* =at Poi l rwwollwd toot - it tering ad whether in tor out of it. 1 sup-lig► po0sd it was a temporary rel•c•tioe due is Rem li0hkimmht, before Maristhe natural cause. However, it gore m• some tee• alht congress u Manville', mid that hope to finish the sixth bot Tb0a 1 know lend, atter all, be would not demand I was getting better -mach heater. owhi!id.s pr.pery that pain which had been consent beams inter. in ....1 hip of milted and less severe, ley irhends and the ream and ia/fewmsMs of labor should family told me I was beginning to lock like h0,26•1010000- Ma. other maw My teas, whine bed bogus to w r thew 7ea1$•r lbs town d Pisr- wear it drawn expramion, memos with lsgar 111•005 • 900m1ist Tow• Conseil. people who aro suffering. oommeneed to pI•dg'ed s0 srsate labile wurka►o s and show a better Dolor. My system was beteg make an soot• d tamoyatiou. tar Ne •dvn- toned up. Inspire] with increased hope I tale of the Peer. Tie result i. that the purchased six more boxes from Mr. Mit. "imam' ggaott W h•••°•. oto • chef!, the druggist, and continued to take t.rriWe oom.lit*ea and ham me. tuned out them, and with each box I realized more fire plow to •new bwtin.il, whose first act and mw. that it eau a cure. f used up was to raise 350,000 francs 10 mast the de. thirteen boxes in all, and when the thirteen tic"- MO finished I had had not • symptom of Tb. `3.culut muntclpality d S1. Dsau pan for three months- was wi• th the dxotenary of r+poblio ble against " At that time Mr- Mitchell spoke to me the Church strongest he '.otest and about it in the store. 1 told him what a the mayor potbely haptiad nine babies. blessed change had been wrought for me sayi.g that the parent,. "wuhang 1.. the through the use of Pink fills He asked��111�t tad for the future to free bolt tee If would object to giving a te.timooirl dress from the guardianship of the Ciurek, to the firm - Dr. William's Medicine (hem- hays renounced the religious ceremony." pang, of Brockville. 1 end 1 was not amen The godparents signed the register and who cared for notoriety of any character, promised to bring up the children "nn the and did not relish the idea of having myof ve of labor and liberty aid the sentiment name published bniada.t over the hind. of fraternity seminary to make them good That a one of the reasons why 1 hate been citizens and fervent republicans."' go long in making this public. But 1 am so cholera in Europe has l,e.n su inconveoi• profoundly grateful for m • rescue from • t that the tourist comes home to England life of pain to one of heal-lit and strength ,. ith this wog . that I feel 1 would he neglecting a duty I "I's* laden eieoa.ed .t helper denims. owe to ,utfering humanity if 1 allowed In . •Nan.r lar from et. these scruples to interfere rot longer with To repented fumigation an avowal of what lir. Williams' l'ink Pills Ice. hod ',.ditt) t. submit ; have 'lone tor me. i ..isco0tinued taking�'nd of sur. ho And W ,vel homes! trek • Pink P.11s on the let April last. 1 star ed I've ten sailed duh moon; again in June and have used six boxes, not Teem' tie.'+ • tram • because I have had toy recurrence of my old complaint, but bemuse I want to tho- roughly drive it out of my system. 1 think the pills as good as • tonic.' " low,' concluded Mr. Powell, "you have my experience. 1 know what 1 was I know what 1 am. 1 know that from boy- hood 1 have been a victim of malignant rheumatism, which has been • torture the last few years. I know that I have tried every remedy and been *rested by the beat medical skill, hut in vain : and i know Ilan Peak fills have suoceelel where everything elite has failed and that they have brought me beck health an.l happiness. Therefore l ought to be thankful, and I am thankful." And Mr. Powell's Intense earnestness of manner could admit of no doubt as to his gratitude and sincerity. The reporter shook hands sod took his leave. •'You may ask Rev. Mr. McIntyre, of the Askin Street Methodist Church, or Rev. G. A. Aadrews, R. A., pastor ot the Lambeth circuit, whether 1 was • sick mat or not," were his parting words. It1I'. Ya Y't\TYix.. Tr_+T1*I0(Y. The reporter dropped in oo Rev. C. E. McIntyre at the parsonage, 82 Askin street. " I know Mr Powell well. ' said the rever- sed evereseed gentleman when questioned. "He eau to esteemed p•riehioner of mine when he lived ea Asko Mees. He allowerde moved into the country, bat he hes eines returned and is attending the Aoki. Street Church •gate " Ib you remember Mr. Powe11's illness• year ago last winter' " " lees ; 1 (eminently Irlk,d o0 hint. He had • very bad attack of rheumatism which dud him cep for • Semi time He had to be wheeled around) the house in • chair.' • ,. You notice that he has reopened ' ' ., 1'es ; heapps• to be • well reed now. 1 heard be Aad ! secured by ik.. Williams' Pink Pill.- " 'i oo know Mr I'owel l to he • thorough ly Miserable geetlerrrn and that if he says these Pi1ls cured him, he believes that to lie the truth " 1 do. Mr. Powell ie. in my opinion a meet noiettientioue pence, tied any state merit he would hake would be perfectly relaWe." woe? 05. OIIt,HmJ.+aTOL i)r 11'Iliia.nrn' 1'iik i'i11s are the bed eslliaR and most pnpawar medicine is the store,' said Mr R. A. Mitchell. the well ksowie druggist, epee whom the Met called. " Ito youk.ow of Mr. Payroll's case'" asked the reverIw Von, asd 4 cnseider it • met remark .1.' nee. 1 rww..mhar that Mr. Powell was a great sufferer from rheumatism. Re erre eestiasally baying Inedieine d rause wart, het sweated to get nn erne. Teen he ems. reamed be try Ptak Pills. I saw he was be - Rinsing to lima leis • dillewst nom, an 1 asked him rue day then It Ae told one feened the Iesakeye Only dues. Many persons believe that monkeys have • vocal language sufficiently Iievelope.l for their needs, sad use investigator, Professor I :artier, recently 'started for Africa in order to live among the monkeys there, and if pessade learn to speak the .monkey tongue. (Evidence that monkeys, as well as other animals, can communicate with one another ocoseioaslly appears in unexpected plums. The St. Louis Globe -Democrat gives an a: - count of a curious experiment with moo keys es related by Dick Cowper, .n old showman. "i once went op the Amason and Orinoco rivers on an anima..aptuneg expedition for the late P. T. Barnum,- he said. "i got quite a collection of anakea, Innis, and monkeys i hit o. a novel plan for the capture of the last, and it worked like • charm. "A monkey M a greater imitator thea s Chamomile He will do anything he sees done, vel that M what gets w many of his kind into the cage. I ngged up an electric, battery, and attached it to an epperstus that would allow • more of ate s:mmans to pt hold of it. I thea took a party ..1 as titan, and went bete the forest, where there were troops .f moaky. We put the app• rates down, attached the wire, sad reuse. d the battery to • oo.rd.r•b a distance. The natives tiles toob4oldof the apparatus, dsaoed and yelled, then relined. The mon keys made • dash for it. Hall a dozen caught bold, and I turned es the culrent. They helms to siriek and squirm, but the others thought their perfnrata.ce a part of the programme end fairly fell over each other to get hold of the machine 1 could have struck the whole troop if they could have got hold. We then made a descent on them with Beeks, and soon had • some of them corralled." Tie Greet& es rhe Beard. 11 • youth Megan to slave at the age of 17 years sad dmeaned to do so until be was .0 he would, •eemntng Omit his hair nueintasd the average ram of growth. Aare removed • length of nine yards Bat had the hair bees allowed to grow the m- esh world have been different to whoa might he inferred. me growth from the rusts would have e•atu.ed, het on reasb- ittg • length of between eightw said tweet fors the hair world have be- esem �. head ttle, ham mobs .rd brooks The greatest length et lord meal in elm Miami* sallow monde two feat. la hat dUs•tes, swing te the mein Mats d tbe skis, the hair grow. moth mere rapidly and pre finely then is reed de& temperate el4msata 1. the eat lowing beards frees therm he Ever era it tmngth w tet einessrl. VIM Pah grass_ For Nervous pus1eaths and Aero. andi is no medicine that will vi s and infallibly resters rigor sad as Neett's Itesoloton. • ming testitis to scone to revelation, Majmty is reported to have tartly resorted: 'Quite tree, hat do yea 'speed we, ties, to otimpsam •sitter Mstbsal gyms for France . The Doke • ed Due▪ iem d Teak, with PilMees Viswi• 43 d Teck, are sow going sheet again duties ius Partuarsting Md neakiag vidte In Engles& se was their west revises to the death of the Ihtke el Cbirescs said Avesdsis Prisons, Wistaria 14ry, as it is the Qmw'a wish that ahs shall ie sidled, is very well. eon The esMhralios of the silver wedding of the King and Qom= of Greece will not les a brilliant .liir, as it se the partiwtar wish d their Majesties that it 'ball be quiet and weemant tinea Among the few visitors .t Albans as October ((--lbs day d the asai- veus•ry-will be the Cearwvlteh .ad the (few. Prison d De.m.rk. The politic will inks Hide part in the festivities- Little estivitiestittle Alfesno of Sp▪ ain is not a pretty child, Int bas a very winniag ezpromirm, asd is said to show a remarkable resem- blance to hie ..as.tor, Charles IV. He has new passed out .f the berm of hie autos s.d s being edn.ated by tutors and pro- fessors. but, .t kis special desire, kis favor- ite nurse, Raymund., M always is atter dance upon him Everybody in Laudon is ta/king about Mrs. L ngtry s wonderful diamonds. Ex- perts declare that the diamonds warn by the charming actrem as the Queen of Masses oosld not lave been of lees valor than 110,000. Some of the tow evening pleas join made (r • London actress are lovely, yet simpli- city itself. A white eatin skirt has a small round bodice apparent) made of broad sash ribbon, in which reee shades des through amber into brown and pale to darker green. The melt is wonderfully wound shout the figure, tad the wide white lace that falls around the neck funs • drapery as sleeves An- other white satin has the hem and two seams of the skirt embroidered in saver. and the simple F:onpire bodice might have en glade with • elver -edge.) kerchief, one corner being thrown back like • revers IS front. The big sleeves are ot white sari■ tucked up with leafless pink roses :.nd 'es row a mottled in the renew that finished howped belt of reedit green grevelvet m the Mme. i'atti heaps her part of 11 -ales very Heel p opra or pantomime being gives for the bs.cfit of her many house visitors, the neighboring. gentry also receiving invite - twos. It is something deserving the name of a treat to her and see Patti and Nicohni at their hest in their own hones. They have all the neoeesary stage fittings, scenery and pprrooppeerties as hand, eves down to the can- dlestick and candle de rigueur in "Ls Somnaminls," which open they recently proseuted in their home theatre. Queen Victoria is going to gave the Prin ogee Marie, of Edinburgh, se -oral dresses, manufactured in Scotland by • firm that alone produces ,Anse tartans which Her Majesty is so (odd. One of the gowns is to bed the Balmoral tartan, which was de - sifted by the Prince Consort, and as only worn by the royal family. Them its are to form • part of the Prisons M Ines - emu. •: The new Duchess of Sutherland, was married oo her meeenteenth birthd• is as highly favored iri the matter td looks as her half -ester Lady Revoke Lord Reeebery has deelded that examina- tion in shorthand writing Mall be one of the tests that candidates for the diplomatic ser- vice and the Forugh(Mlee will hay- ;o pass as ••e The German Emptor is said to have paned before • camera 140 times sine* he ascended the throne, and hardly • weak passes that does not bring • summons to the royal photographer to appear as tie pal•oa .•e There M .)ways great $ppr.ci*tion d basest in the vertu.* world ; but the pre- sent whiehvertu.* has been mule to John Osborn, the famous jockey, at Newmarket, is with. out parallel. A check for $18,1100 to • jockey who has ridden nom insane teed soy mai living 4s a remarkable tribete te the veteran's pnpd•rity add integrity. .•e Titre ere iwmbere of gond tit�. i is the fifth veletas of Moltke s Mem.dra, whish hos Inst appeared. it is trial, for beelines, that as the [lag's birthdays ene'ossivey .pp.� *bare seed t0 he beth among nidi glows mod the general stair as to hew ✓ imy words Moltke would w is proposing this *east of fee day. Senear harked a niece word speech, others put their money se t words Moltke. Whit was to say. o the health of 4i4 Majesty, Rmperor . ad King:" cr. "To Hie Imperial Majesty's health ^ (a 1eM ,n oyster brea&t.st was staked on tee 1can fists ,net swing mesa than wee •.acrda atwt, haus, he hsps wile toe owl, ".:enilemeeu," the het was leas 4".' ear •+wn*.'rtod hioneN by Mips hg. "Here aging, he Moltke ; bete 11111111141 nese Iii • wipe'4:=;" *MI �Q1f1T THEIMR `S BEST, $TROME$T, 'EST. _strias as Akre. am.etl - Uwe. .eephetsa, r alp lute.► IL W. a1LLITT. Toronto. One, LAMP GOODS szi NAIRN'S ASSORTMENT AND PRICES. OUR RAISINS . AND CURRANTS ARE UNUSUALLY FINE THIS REASON. C. A. NAIRN. -QITY- COAL AMD WOOD YARD. Coal, Wood and Kinrilin` deli- . erect• to all parts of town with Quick despatch, a♦N) • Ii y clamant. stove as.1 emo coal cosmoogy ea head. T Rest Shawnee lump coal for ore la grates, moves furnaces, etc. ILAC LEK TI COAL. It. it duality . enainc IV, sbusth sum h- a nw o0*1 .ow DA heed. 8mo,a! attenflea . ten toroustrl trade. WOOD. I have now i or my machinery in opera. on for sawiait.*t 'plittlae wend, eat and split s-oed reed) for store always lo ark. any elm yea want. lro.'t toren ,beat 1 am oiling wuod, cut mad spilt. as I eap as you can bur goer wood ea *be market, All my 'es .. and by the cord of 138 feet or half ec: d lots . 80 load or )mg bu.tass about it. ZINDLINO WOOD. Pine and hemlock. 1 feet bag• or cut sad split any length. Orrice, YARD AND CAM. `IHRIM in old drill ;hal, \elson-,t., foot of Ham- itton-et., three m'nutes walk from Court House quare. Orders left at my residence, \a 1 Noises -et.. near emit .• ns. w111 restive prompt twatir- mutate ram. J HN 8. PLATT, Prop. Yr44 1rf FREE TRADE The only duty there will be in connection with my goods will be my duty to sell and the duty of the pub- lic to buy in the most satis- factory manner and best market. Beady -made Clothing a bpecialty, and everything in the latest and best Dry Goods and Groceries can be had at hard -times pnces at The Toni -o Cash Sle P. ODEA, Naitager• he Signal •NM Mille -sial at tee. ion to la I..4. 1a.. h Ma, a luoh art Memo. le reef Ism ;he vitiate far the primp; .04 raper aa. wucn 01 all elbows if tt***tale S per4Ntl eI this au.wuwm- maga ism •.00.:• e.wlel►iag )oa ,e,.y 4 be 1m steam a•f, ra,1 in much .ase we soli ' it iMr pneseitige, heheg c..utideet twig ,netWens to please will meet s Ith theeavowal id our patron. t In this lice we have a very large "took 4 fine writing papers suit able for every clams of humors, represented in this locality, atom prising laid and wove, linens, quadrille and other papers, ruler) or uuruled, as may be required. 11 vett iit/ttks This useful sine is kept in the full range of qualities same as letter herada W bile la kta6►s are not so generally used, they 111 au important place in commercial correspondence. Bee what we're got under the above beads. If the " par -as-you-go " plan wee the order of the day the deemed for account paper would not be so great ; but there are some aim who get so many dunnen that they wonder if the stock will ever run out. We doh', intend it *q and at present our stock is cam plea to this line with four tial Goal paper and neat ruling. ihiskcmtrts $utlt single and double dollars .txl cents columna They come cheaper than bill heads, and are the proper thing to send after • delinquent once a mouth. They are sure to fetch him 'round-- sometime. ih*t\O"ts Now, it would be hard to get along without envelopes, and to kir p up with the demarul for them we keep a large stock as hand. Wo have now about • hundred thousand in stock, tad the price% will range from 75c. 1c $2.00 per M. We handle cot mercial and legal sine" exclusively. Cor mert3a\ IIir o.mn11 has already been partially emwe- erated in sonic of the heads above. There is, however, a vast amount of work under this head that to enumerate would more than take up the entire space occupied by this adv't, but we do it all at Tut Strout. I Z Ik tatt,ohs to an "At Home" ora wedding require considerable taste in +eke tion sometimes, hut we make it en easy matter by keeping is stock the very latest and hest tampkas to be hail. Call and tee. Cyrtukars We aim to excel in all the differ- ent kinds of work we turn out, but especially in this, and keep in stock plain and fancy papers suitable for .11 requirements. 4 rotrorws of entertainments and meeting promptly turned out, from the plain but neat to the most elegant with ooed 'lied pencil attache(. Cards cm& 7%.e .Its This head covets a large range of work, from a bred er milk ticket to a newt calling card, treat an or- dinary admission ticket to a tasty business card or a handsomely printed membership ticket - esters Our facilities for turning out this class of work are evidenced by the fact that the great balk of it done by ua. This line alio in" elution Dodgers which our three tact-runn*ngJOb prelims are able to turn out in a surprisingly short time. 'AMA iiNtk‘s belong the er t also, and we make a specialty d them --promptness being our •ill in this respect A notice d esti will appear in Tao Hfuw4L free at charge when bills for Mine are got here. Gras of W arils; in the typographical printing liar can be done in thee mtbbli hrosmt in ea expeditious and .rustic manner and Otte 4 trete s us:A be, 5o%1.94 etry rva.souuabtt. We extend oar thanks for pert Av- ers and soliedt • continuance of the same. T }(Tit. INA 011 14.1., thmsaWOr, (N'