HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-11-3, Page 1i i glop M Tula ()MUTINY INY •nie THE SIGNAL IS THE BEST $ , :gust sow -4 1 LT (1.. DerAo& • Tun. is Aevait& _.._ Vl►I,. XLIV. No. 23$5. THE I+EADINC I" 1STI9WBP41.1"I11% OP ?;V1i•ON OOVNTZ. LOOK AT TUS SATO YOURTHIS ABEL 1 gen Td*e Toots Naas is Masan yr to stakes a GODERICH, ONTARIn. CANADA. THi1RSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1892. D. M cG ILLICIIDDY, PROP'R pEWADVERT ISEMENTSTHIS WEEK NEWS NUGGETS ....r b"W -F. J. 1•e idl= .... ......... 1 woo pb{N-R. it. 8albwe 8 FROM HURON CO. yi i lyse' --odd► k T.rn 4 L.0,,•. el l• A. Aloha f t _ e.: Yam -John r. Ache.= .,. 11 sew eerWmatet -(hs. li•rlins ...,...... g ion or Bev Wes- Wei. Meehan ..., .. $ gR'llv.. Ant -nuke. li.bterd ... ,... $ brr,ut W..:.4 -Mn. W. des . .......... $ yogi t, r gak-o•rruw A rreadI-,ew........ a serial /screw.- lit Ferree Ober...,." $ s It AP rut hely---John T. Orta $ lee no este Sate- Re= de s $ UUNLOP. yaw t•.• ., ai. Ce, rreH4l.:en,. if IM \ note (' g ham heeu visitiod re - woes at Kingsbridge drying the peat week w w Tr.:np,1 during the poet reek or Sr) lure Weal g..n. IRS some of oar burghers, par .et at the usual hour he mess. :.., r day came of oar r essid.st. was sub festal w nue of the sasey variety who dtd 11,.1 fa .cy tit. bit! of taro set before bun. In eke , .,• .t o; his lecture his .ua iitte of .lo- om." s....tterrvptsd by the guitetuau who ,..v•i Wei from hi 'way Best 1u lbs door is gmcker One than he masts is from the read HOLMESVILL E. Tru,., • 1- owe .ort sotsdoi'. .1 11 Holmes left on Monday lot with a car 1,.,4 of appios for Manitols... Mir %Palliates the risings/it is to $U the pipe, ..f the Methodist church hers ou !ia:,betit next. i. Co.rt.ee and family rode .see b Cita.... the weak as be has secured • ata. - us' there. They wilt be snood here ss they are good citizens. Court Selwood, No. 87. C. U. V.. Mooted .greets for the sedan• tate as follows 11' t'. R , W, Stasi ; V. C. It., J. Trvw.rths; KS , F. Lavas: F.B., T. Lobb; Tree. , S. Sturdy ; Chap. U W. Burns ; KN'., W. H. i Lith ; J. W., C. Williams ; 8.1t. flew Laves : J. R, R Gladden. AMIX RLE Y• t: ani our owe oorr..poaeenL .1.thur liacbsroey has sold his driver to ,;Lam .h.hn$tonr, LAMM. i;. .. Jon. iGw has purchased a (buboes.' b. e. Wdl am .)nhust.wn, Dora. 1{..m-. ,1•o. Hose has purchased • thorough bred[ 1►mrh•ai oow frees Samuel Brows. I)..si.l K.ithesn has returned from his :• �:r out Vest, reportug hewing a takeout r..p. •Ino. K. Macdonald, Lake Spider, paid friends and aro uaiat•.ose, can. 12, • 'wL Jai). Dixon had & broad smile on hie face rhea his wife presented him with • dangh- t.rea the 96th. James Johnstone ie putting a atone found- ation under hie house which will add greedy to the comfort for the Waits. Donald and Mies Dollies Stewart have idem.• to Duluth. W. wish them & plenaat trip mud moon when atria td. Willies Turner ie again in our aidM atter spemiing the summer in Londe. Will look, lisle mid betty and reports spending a p;esiart summer GREY. Prom or ors eettppo.deat. Turnip lifu.g Me onssteenoed. The crop I goo i..nY ta very satisfactory. i ",aa, tacks of wild ions have been masa psoing southward of lair. This is • skin that their food *apply is Seeoming exhaust- ed to the North. A. McNichol, 12th line, has leamad his farm to Wm. (aster, of Morris, for • Gwen of years, the present tenant, R Jackiia'd term hsv:ag expired. Richard Mills, who had the 8lemmen farm near ('rs.esook, ranted ler • another .1 your, has bought a farm en the 6th lies, and will stove tire shortly. .lae. Calder, w., W. Wataos, old Jac - McNeal who were sway on • two Mentha' 'trip to Maoitoka, have returned. gook es they like the onirie provisos the say it s "oboe to be compared with old Heron. .lames Brown and Mian K. Smith were aloud to marriage on. Wednesday of hist seek at the resides. d Mrs Robe. Brown, lth hoe. Miss Smith omen from Perth twenty, ands a meet estimable young lady. The presents to the bride were sssteroos and costly. The Ropy couple have the Mens good washes d • large cede ef ltiwds he their fifer* hmppiaess and Perky. Ito. D. B. McRae per(aewd the cotemeny. We are net seneither are we eke mos of • prophet, but we say here, net- wiihstaedieg the fleets that mew lakes are bilin* arooad was we writ, and by sow mornsa have mowed roe.stl he the Wen- rra State., as well as in the British idea, sod snow other pmts of Ramps that twister will rine set in hers setflvs� dates Oath- ? was lea what weexpeeW. ea liy for fall moth, sad the dps from wkiab we make our iw.aasts, win give or weather somat1iag enwihir for November, km if this s net as wo say we will ample - gist later on. MARINE NOTES. Sekr. carter, awe hams unloaded. will N into wilts quarters. lig F:e.lyw, from (laorglea Ray, ran in here on Tuesday for ehaaer. Behr Wssitor, hem Clashes, ran in 1.• on Tuesday for shelter. Bir United hatpin .Tilled in here on $mf•y frees Sarnia .ad took ca 10 can of alt and 4 ears of ltkr. J. N. Caner arrived hero s Men ' 41 fru largaise with 400 tome Iletth tomisas Cbs..iad Co. d tical for •tie .mass intro Or Toolbeibe. Tool boobs, tke most enema- ed ens of dk•ernu paiefsd atketie... in Meteatly eared L.L. k Nm the plicasN* tinn ef Puan' Norville.. Noe. N oe:e ies le a emshosti o ef power - /Id weelenes, s.d it strike" at sees to the fie'. snelhieg them and afisrdtsg ie one often total relief frees pre. M Wry /11, tsar ekildenint toothache. Dlerwlliss 4agatote ho 10 mid Ili mere betties by all yut 11� .1.h Ost0from sew mad January let, A Newsy Grist Obtained trona 1 the County Mill. !ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR READERS. • W Mill e•emes M twsatl bows served no se out beery beds -Iib and robot tlrp. ped and tesdewd /weir Every Mentes -- Ti a creams of tae feet: flews M mere- telllas..f IM le Woe and seed New• N ess. re... ear Least trse*wetw Grey : Colin Murray is back from British ('ol.mbi• after • stay of 2 years Chinos . A cow owned by E. Moore, got chocked to death the other day by an apple lodging in ars threat. Hallett Mr. Garet[, one of the most highly respected farmers of Mullett. has reined Ilia jam to his eon. Grey . P.. McNamee& has sold the old Taylor farm, one mile aorta of the brielre to Thomas McLachlan, of Grey, for 84,000. Clinton : Jos. Copp 'Donee to the froot with a pea measuring 111114/1 iseh... and weighing 4 lbs. : this takes the Dake so far. $13,422 represent& the total aatoaat n( tool to be collected a Grey township for 1892 by Collectors McDonald and Mc ial. Morris • The total amou.t of tams -to be collected this year in Morris township is 012, 961.74. Collector Mooney will soon coal- mace ommens work. Brussels Thomas Women, of Hermiston hos sold his bla.:k-ssutb shop near the bridge in Brussels, to his present tenant, Niko Jockeys, for $1,000. Morro : N m. Hanna deposed of fifteen one skew in Brussels Iasi Saturday. This was the result of bis hunting expedition dur►sg the month of October. Exeter Mr. R S. Lang has of Win Bowden, reeve. the rest Mr 8. recently purchased of W. H. Verity, piyiug therefor the sum of $2,500. Klwvale : Hugh !toss weirhed 100 iambs bore on Saturday ; they weighed 10,830 pounds, sed were • nice lot. H. isteads taking a ea load to Ragan this week. Morris : John Carrie had the misfortune to fall oat of as apple tree recently while picking fruit marl is the descent street hu chin against a ladder indicting a severe cut. It had to be stitched rip by • doc- tor. Exeter : L. H. Dickson has sold hie black mare "Nellie B" to a Loden gentle- man. The pries realised, $900. was a good one in the present coadttios of the bores market. She vas a booty though. 8ofortb : Mrs. Murphy. of Seaforth, has sold her lane ea the 6th cocoon of Hib- bert to James Doyle, of Seattle, W ashngtoa, for $3.000. The hirm contains 75 acres, sod Mr. Doyle has secured a good invent:vest tor the mosey. E thel : Senora. Milne k Heffernan, of Ethel, and Mcitonal.i, of Walton, herepur- chased the timber of another township, (64,000 acres) in Muskoka. This purchase placed 80.000acres eat the disposal of our enterprisi 8h` f (le Monday afternoon sit F. Franks, an employee in Coleman's foundry. accidentally caught his richt hand in the babe. thereby getuag it badly crushed •ad wounded He wiU require to lay off work for a ooaple of weeks. E xeter : The directors of the Stephen sad .Usbornc branch Agricultural Society held a meeting ea lietur&y IoM, to for the paiment of prise money. Th. 1 showed Ibot the prize mosey to be paid •mese[. M rsething over 1600. 1h .k : List week while engaged in spatia• weed Willie, y son of Rob- ert Ars.stroog, bad the midortnDe to ioAsM as agey melt is his left foot- The injured lasistber was promptly attended to aid is P%nK slug nicely. Oates : This week W. H. Cook picked front en m d froetree the farJobe .Mo- Laugo lea, best line, twelve barrels of marketable apple. This is ahead of may thing we have vet heard of. Cleo. Shipley withered 46 barrels from a little more than Ivo tress. T.skessidh : William Hogarth, who has hest teaching in School 8estisu No. 7 tot the prat year, ben been n-eegagod for 1883 M • eonrMer bl. lacrosse 1. salary, and W hest ghee permission to kris\ • enhstil.M for mix maths while be attends the Mermal 8.hgsl. Mario : A. Taylor Maw of 8. 8. No. 4, will me twain in this easel neat year as he hos engaged M torch m Hallett Man (nn4ued salary. 10w 4 trustees ham moor- ed the sansie of dee C. Halliday for 1Mg. 81s ben . led ohm etrelfi..a ..d will re- stive stive 8310 per annum Gederia1 Township : D. A. Forrester hen w..a1.sad Mr. M.ABWerb ierm, Ha- re. read, Cadench tewaohip. *e1.g dire. for t1. saes d $7,000 •ad ►jt !Wised let i teen. Mr. Forrester owns the adjoining 6rm, foal will new have • Nisei of 210 err d Srst..s..ludr Ssdsnh : Hogk Smith, • farmer Mee forth has lima appointed Deputy - Sherif of 's County, Washington, Mr. Smith bas is Seattle for seen lears n whehe hadi good poeiiios es she (lchi. railway, wish pieties h.. magma to w- eeps that of Deputy Sheriff of the as..try. LeekMew ' Apples are taming asst even beets than was at get wppi.Mlthey meld, sad it is mighty that ties will be al least 100,000 ►fast• '.ported from Lukas. tis fall. Thom - goad el barrels of f.11 fruit have already Jest sad tthe Mau platform is piled to the reef with tilled hared& toafarlb: What might have hems • wary oarless easier nt ..e.rre4 at the tare of Th.ms 1 Rays. As Jae Heys wM1�sg maw it with s wedgies the bridge .1Eipsl cnrapietely. t\. whose [ammeter., with the wagon and team gnfng dews into the river. Mr. Hays was deet slightly Mimed. TI. bargee ten soaped rstwkably well although the hareems had to be cut 1c get them released. Mr. Hays was to have spoken in Sesdoeth that night at the debate but was of course prevented by this &oceloet. t+eaforih . Wm. Meyer, who • has been working to The Expositor ethos tor several mestha, left this week to take a position Is the Boom slice, Stratiund. lir. Meyer as • steady young etas and will to mimed in the Christian Kudeavw Swisty, t1. 'limenyy Men's (.bfs.iaa Asseuiatio. sol Aber sniffler organ natbss with which he was ideau6ed. Exeter Tinos : R. $. Lang will have eiral to the (armee, fur sionles, in the mesh hood of •22.000 e. e.. •, season is plotted, besides $3,600 to p..- eons, and 11.,000 n Isere s. Tose will have been shipped fron. stat:ous hereabout 190 car loads to various points. Thu dose not iaclsde his louutsess in the ueighborbuud d i'arkuil! and sbelbour.s Hallett : Jams Sutherland who has been Irving on the old homestead farm on the town line, lies doweled to remove to Manitoba. lir. Sutherland, has purchase! • farm of 320 acres, within five mils of we town .4 Monies. 1t has on it • fine balk tarn, good boo and other outbuildings, and it is one of the test farms in the Pro- visce. He pays $8,000 for it. Wi.gham : t:eorge Ireland, employ -id at S. (lraeuy's, was using a chisel recently, and his attention being called els where, Ise went to ley down the sharp tool, and in doing is also Inial a nice sized piece of he, little fiver down. He wrapped up the 8ng.r and Sraabout five minutes afterwards picked up the amputated portico from the floor and after cleat/hag it put it back to its proper place. Goderieb Township : The friends of John Churchill. of this township, who re- os.tly sustained a lad break of his arse, wUt be glad to know tan he is resoverieg. At one time it was foxed that it would be seminary to amputate the am in order to esve kis hie, but this was not door, and be is improving as veal az could be expected. Hs has bad a pretty hard tine of it, but has bravely bores his cuff riag.. Wfyhaar : Mrs D. VanalMtoe, of this tees., received the .ad news of the death at Atkins, Slob., of ber mos William, who lett here about liftmen years see. Deesa.ed owned • farm of fifty sores, but worked the greater portion of hu time to the lumber• woods, having charge of six bosses, and the n ews coming .o suddenly it is surmised that he was in .Deere manner killed. He leaves a wife and four small children to mourn his death. Mn. Smith and Mss. Martis, sisters, left town last week to he in atioalatace at the funeral. Senorita : On Monday night last young Herbert Johnston, son of Robert John - . ton, of Mus street north, met with an ac- cident by which he lost three fingers of his right band, the forefinger sad thumb being safe. H. was runnier what is known as a joists in Chaffs planing mill, when his hand got caught in the macchtnery with the above result. Dr. Campbell was cent for and found that the fingers would have to be ion - Failed. The boy was pat soder chloro. form and the operation performed. Ile is we u.deestand, doing as well se could bee. - petted. We understand that the boy bad only taken the place of his elder brother for the day -aa unfortunate day it proved to be for him. LANES. Frees our own correspondent. Throbbing is nearly 6otehed in this sec- tion. L Wallace, of Uncle Sant', .domain, is the guest of Pat W iaoe. gra John Hogan, who hes ) -.el ill for the past few weeks, is again fully ..-.:.,ve#sd. Mar Lillie McLean and Mr. -./.no Vanier were visiting in Kincardie • the put week. Mn Reuben Spsdler, of 1).i'nth, is vis- iting her father and mother. '.h and Mrs. Was. Pyran. W. L .lohnstoo has rented his Jana for a terns of years to Hugh V.osicle of the 7th ..a of Ashfield. Mrs. and Mies McKay, of Paramomat, were the goons of Mrs. Ferried and Mrs. Scott en Thursday the 27th. Mr. and Mm. (gram of the vicinity of MUbeak, were visiting at their daughter's, MK Wm. Tobs.too, of this place. M. Bowler and H. Berns sit on Saturday 9814 for Alpena, Mich., when they have moored employment. We Irak them sw- ssr. F. Scott disposed of hu old mare "Jeanie" by Mktg bar to the back field the ether day •d *bootleg bor. She wee 30 years old and wait the first boas* Mr. Seen owed ie Canada. Th. Patrons of this section have .gain rallied round their banns and held • meet- ing Wednesday Meta We presume them should be &Me to eope with asytbing after as Nag • rest. .-W1T irbse a1r Melo sed Bird.. The " gaslight " Soap Ca, Toronto, efw the Ingewing fievery month , further .ses. laysand.ri girls d 16 uresiding is the Provisos of Ostario, who send the gr.•taot ember d " let, 810: Lid. Oft; 3rd. 411, i1 t 5th le 1411, • headman, book ; and • pretty peters to the who send set Ism then 12 wrappers. gelid wrappers to inter t " Slap (doe, 43 Swat -.t . Toronto, .et then 29th of 051 moth, .d ~kid • Competition " ; .his give full ....s..4. dress. age, rad umber of wrappers. Win. ag s Names will M joiblisitod 1. TM Invest* Mail ea Mut 8.5r) 1. mash meth. ly $n-•- e, Have you ties t1. " U.ivsnal inhaler " 6r the eradiation sad positive sun of (lit r'rh, Romaine. Asthma and other du muss of the respiratory emus • J. W. Weethenld finder$*\, s ads meet for the meaty .f Bora.. (lies Smith'. T&.s.r. sent Dowsi.g's shoe store. Read the 1a- 15.1.8 f r.m the Reneeds 8e.mptea's R..pttal. Law dee. Pg let The tattoo an 11. remedies/ Gags .hes. 1ow oomparativdy mare atsmeretss 1\5 gems are ander this .5. method. Amitasa •smrvb, hen\its end ocasemption are treated on theen the remedy directly i.helatine to tie mai d Ohs disease with roost happy and saes*. ling awry el eaves. REFORMERS MEET IN CONVENTION. West Huron Liberals Discuss Public Questions M. C CAMERON AGAIN NOMINATED a • Kobe. a ata•vt■s '.44n+. sad Sere bore rias. Tot' Ins .. a %amber of Lies. Or Mead. nl lb. Tree. of asl. Addeo.. t. Ise 11 -'retro. is Wearaarl Lear, sea Will Loeep/ a Noesteatt.. ebontd • .arms, Vase.-AMat Tree aprerb. The Reform convention of West Huron met is the temperance hall nu Friday last and was well represented from every polling suhdrvwon. The chair w -a n eupiod by A. H. Maaniug of Clinton, pre indent of the association, and Win. Coats, of C►wtoti acted as secretary. Mr. J. T. ("arrow, solicitor for the association, gave a full explanat'..a .1 the action cf the special committee which had the prrsecution of the petition against Hon. J. C. Patterson to charge. Mr. Junes :Sutherland, M. P. for North Oxford, who was present at the meeting, WWII called upon to address tits gathering, and gave • statement with reference: to the prospects of the Reform party. He also paid • high teamster to the ability of Mr. M. C. l'am.ron, who had been • Liberal standard-bearer in Hates County for the past quarter d a century. It was with the deepest feeling of rerret that the leaden of the Liberal party had learned of the defeat of lir. Cameron in West Hunts at the bye - election. He was lesksd apes as one of the geodes[ fighting Lahore& in Canada, end was respected by bis friends as much as he was feared by his opponents for his known ability, his s000mpromisiog political fight- ing powers and the high position in which be stood u Ube oosaeilo of his party. ( Loud applause. ► Reference was thea made to the able leadership of Hon. Wilfred Laurier of whom every Canadian Liberal woad feel proud. He had daring kis leadership so con- ducted kfmasli se to gain the love and friend- ship of his followers and the respect of even his opponents lir. Laurier was not da - heartened or cast down, even though hie fol b in the Home on olarge. kw! be howpe in Lite sear testae to bring victory to the came which he espoused. 1). A. Forrester. of Clinton, chairman of the committee charged with the conduct of the petition against Mr. Patterson, made • woeinet statement c1cerning the pro- gram of the case he, coot, so far as it had gone.YL CAMERON 4ra&1.4. Mr. M. C. Cameron was loudly called for and took the platform amidst loud and pro - Imaged applause. He was pleased to me that the old sprit still animated his friends in Huron, that spirit which bas been es nee - maul in so many hotly contested eleeti•'.,i on hs behalf in the past. Darkniens ..1 clouds and mist had temporarily oboe, - the Liberal briaon in West Huron, but the clouds were breaking and the light of suc- cess would again be the portio& of 11. seal party in this riding. (Cheers) After the election in February last .&d before he loft for his southern home he breed an .d. dregs to his friends, in which be stated that is the event of • vacancy bang created in Went Heron be would •r.un lead the Lib- eral party if no other candidate was avail- able and the party called for him. To this promise he was st-W ready to adhere. (Loud sol prolonged cheers.) He was still ready to tight to the last soh for whosoever would be selected to carry the Liberal banner. (Renewed ohesri.g.) For himself .n tee w etter of the petition he was willing to abide by the decision of the committee. He thea entered into • detailed &coous1 of how the riding bed been isolen from the Liberals at the last election, and cloned a ifi- oent address amidst loud and prolo&gad ale A�resolution s.d: ping tee Government of Sir Oliver Mowat in Ontario was passed, but before reo.svig the .ndot.ation of the nesting was made the themed • warm dsomMsoo. Mr. (aamerea maid that the general policy of the °mtario Govern- ment was to him estis6otory, but he took du.ided Iwo with Sir Oliver Newel a er- ten ponds. He objasted to the Wart re- medy made by t1. Premier to stili ..pen and free diso.enen upon the Mend the emery by the dsmssal of Mr.Maim My- e rs tam the matms ty.ttnpikip of Niger- ia. i-ia. Fres eper was a knd&mwW �i .pie el the 111��he j, sad and [Leer mal ands of ethers in (ina& believed, that the Maim of [kis costtry was • legitim•to sub - Jose lar dsemeiee by the poops of Cased., whether laymen or n8eisie: That ha ob- jeeted to nsembers of Paiiament bang &p - rotated to pubtio once. by the (lowermost whisk they supported. His third obj.ctien woo flat 0 Oliva Mews[ had shows • bad eres..ple by aseeptiag a title whish was fossils to the gams of the people of this demomratio esantry. The titian of Casa- disa k.igh•bsed W bon retroed by that great tribune of t1. papist, George Broom ; N dw.rd Rlaka weaM have awe el it ; and that greatest of Canadian etatewnes, Alex o der Mashers* had twice doelistd she limner ---if bosses) it was. tApplanse.1 Mr. M.wea would have steed laig the esti- mmtim of his Llbseal friends had he loft the quest ine.h$. tit& to taltItenters and se rsptio&U4 of the throe. Lugo. viw stripe. (Avera) A dissdon ea the poimtr was taken para 1. J. T. Gamow, M. Pp., T. W Wilkie sal C. Sur and b • .aible and bract, though kt.dly'wW- ai n Weird In. The following .orsl.naen were then .r - tied weblike the wildest staMtds - : Moved by Jam* Weems. saestd. .d by Jatupb CIA , teem of Ash'sld, "TIM ani eeo....nes repulses allses. by ham tllme e great plemers sod }stared Ia *1 141.54. Dent - M▪ ien at krraj that t1. .numb e1.T.ster of tear wesLrd•It1...r, M. Q (,lawmen se i�aag ickaSiaad with this main• as the Weal I THE FOOL TAU&oder of the Liberal party, has been by the noes[ legel investigation fully v ndioned and established, .etwithetandisg the [nest virulent and persistent efforts of his politi- cal uppusents to destroy bin by their fans - -- ••d .o.ada1°" charge. °f unmer.lity'" A strong madam mom. of the !` Would-be Loyalist Sheet this convention, in the event t di r'vaosney , °Deeming fi i t any came is the riding rep- resenut,ut in the Hoose of a oms•oea, [sow ! HONEST DISCUSSION NO TREASON do nominate our old triad and repreesot.- tive, M. ('. Cameros, as the l..beral cssda• dam, women him of the unanimous imp- I nit OF "THE WORLD." Moved by Hu``h .irvb, deputy reeve of As1Wd sevoaded b C. " That port of all his old friends, and promising, as we may well believe we may, the support of maty lovers of fur play throughout the rid- inf. nn' hetero his friends, wa.0 cannot Fut have been (boasted at the reoent dastardly treatment which he has rece.ved from • sec Ron of the Tory pert) and press The resolution was carried •midst bud and prolong..: cheers. Mr. Cameron, in respoeding, said he thought it we, I..enaters to make • uoMM- ination, but he adhered to the taxi of his address to the Liberals of West Huron February Ise[ Cloud applause$ --and if, in the event of any vacancy iron. any muse, no other candidate would be forthcoming he would carry out his previous promise. He linen gave a scathing exposure of the tamp d traducing and villitying that had been indulged in against him, .ad showed up the campaign of scandal and corruption by which he had been defeated. Moved by William Young. asoosded by John Morris, that this eoiveution expresses its unshaken oontidence in the leadership of the Hon. Wilfred Diener, whoa11 grit ability is conceded by eves his political op - poison and whoa. public record has been so entirely free from anything of an im- proper nature that not the slightest charge can be substantiated against bite and we oonssder it • privilege to fight under ►be leadership of one so true to Liberal prin- ciples. Moved by Robt. Brown, seconded by 8. K. Miller, that in the opputwu of this convention, the question of 'feeling with the protest in all its phases lo left in the hads of the committee already appointed, to deal with in whatever way they deem beet not alone in the interest of the Liberal p.rty of Huroo,bet also in the interest of the Liberal party .tt the whole Dominion, and that is case the protest be with, this doa- ventionedges $tae to see that th. i..e.• eery fun s to meet solicitors expenses, no., be provided. Mored by Chas. Wilkes, seconded by Frank Hodgins that this oonveotiou expres- ses xptew its gnat pleasure at the presence of 4. esteemed President Mr. A. H. Manning, in its midst and While recognizing his .hie ser- vices in the interest of the Liberal party in this riding, eepecially we trait that 1. may be speedily restored to complete health and strength. On motion, the convention adjourned to meet again at the call of the •:bairman. AN INTERESTING SOCIETY CASE. The MN •Issue. [tie 5. of w fen$eease of the Role D. A. Terve. A novel aid interesting case was diapered of by Chancellor Iloyd at the court house, (;oderich, ..n Tues.lev last. From the mate - snouts made to the court by the two or three ',Roams called. it appears t bat stout tie etre wain. ago 1). A. Purvis became a charter member of Inverness Camp, Sons ot Scot- land, which meete in t:oderich, and took a certificate for $1,000, node payable in cos of Beath to his neicos- lir. Purvis died iu hlareb last, and when the time oame to pay, • ques- tion floss as to which vetoes should get the money. It was renersliy undrr.tnod that deceased meant the money to go, in case of hie death, to Mrs. Salkeld and Miss Jack. On examination of the p.Fets it was, how• ever, seen at once that soma doubt extatat on this [.stint as there were Live unties. The Society was re&.ly to pay the at ount•tsny namment if protected against a second claim The five noises had eerie to au agreement to ..oro the money equally mid give the Society • complete discharge, when motr- tusstely one .f them, Mrs. Salkeld, diel and left no w4l This death led to proceedings to evtaldish the rightful claimants, mud as stated, the case utter up o. Tueeley last, all parties ec.eerbed being desirous of a .ettlenent is • friendly sprit. After heerine the stridence of those who had been the last to •peek 10 deceased on the subject. The (baso•[ decided that the money should go to Mss Jack and the legal heirs of gra Salkeld. The chancellor also .:premed hie opinion that all parties c000ern.d had acted in perfect gond faith and given every pos- sible information on the [utter. The Sons of Sootlend ked desired to pay the manly into court, but their request was mot granted r the snit had to be nadir - taken to determine the ism. The elm. salon said is woo very .*eessfry that par- ties ebst applied for osetilenMs in seek sooktlee er inseams eemp•nise Amid be careful to have the .pplicatioeu [rade out correctly and examine the policies, or certificates whoa received to sus that Mesa were made out es .pedir.b desired. J. T. Gwrrow appeared for Mn Jack and the Salkeld .51MM. P. Holt kr the *anal immobile grim had iatervesed en behalf of the other ones. •ad the Sone of 8o oiled were rep.wentod by D. M. Robertson, of Robertatss & Melanoma, Toronto AUCTION SALES. MI porde, getting their We Mlle printed at t a ems w111 bee* a free settee hinerted Is ebb list .s to tad amts of ddw Anodea sale of hoses ad be.seheld for sitars en S•t.rdy, Nov. 6t►. 181111, .t 1 .'- cloak r. eM the a.oti..o recess. Assailant std(: , edwieb. Joh. Koos, •ootin..s, Monday, Nov. 7 --Will its sold by public monism, the British Ereh•ae hotel and fur .Nero. Bale to begin at 1 o'clock pm. Mrs Wm. Coe, owner. The furniture nerd saes .i11 lest he put op in Moak. to emit iwtewd..g pureta.srs, if net maid in that way will be diapered of separately. T. Myer COW. Hwi.ehen and fevers, to .lase the sys- tem ewsenally. yet gutty, .len assn.' or kMnena s when the Wood ie Morn sr gieg- to permenently oar. Kiddie! .nneNpa- to awakes the ttiA•sys owl liver to • Mahe" .stieity hut k.t tats or weak - =Ise them... rip of Figs Tos11.a Little T.eeese tie wapa per Wake. • leashing Mork of IM -'f Tar '• advise tidal .n kings " 1. a Weed+M- Ogee bN/teitos T1s fee t*b. Wast to arneet flea. ('r..etry are eta Wool Loyal Al 411 floor.. Free unit The World has had • series of sensational articles oonowning the newly established Political Union ('lub of this city, and the growth of anoeaatton sentiment. The tone of its utterance is • sufficient testimony to the reality and importance of the .git•tion. Until lately the loyalists loftily affected to pooh-pooh the whole business, and treat it with silent oontempt es the fad ot • few busybodies and notoriety -seekers. All of a sudden the World has swiing around to the opposite extreme, scents anneutionism everywhere, predicts blood if the discussion of the subject is allowed, and call. on the authorities to put detectives on the track of those suspected of being annexationista. Obviously, if the traitors are anything like so numerous as the World declares, it would require Pinkerton's whole army to take care of them. U the World man himself e traitor, seeking an excuse t) bring • horde of foreign tneroenaries into the oountry for the overthrow ot our institutions' The Ottawa government had better make him • Cabinet Minister at once, befote the thing gees any farther. Foolish as the Weary utterances ars, to do it justice we do not suppose that therein • single member of its ,teff, iron• editor down to the freshest reporter, who is cap..ble in his i&di%ideal capacity 01 naming such a superlative as. of hinuelf as the paper has done editorially in its loyalty vaporing* and threats of violence to all and sundry who dare to discuss Canada's future. The proprietor, with a shrewd eye to the mein chance, is simply willing to trade oft the narrow-mindedness and prejudices of • large Mut fortunately decreasing element, who pride themselves on their old fogy -Ism and who retain the ideas and traditions of the eighteenth century. The ascendancy of each survivals of the nmedi:,•v1 epoch is one d the penalties of living in a colony. No intelligent person in these days -un• lees hired to think otherwise regards go.. ointment as a sacred, tuviolable institution. Devine right is an exploded notion. Gov- eramest exists merely as a public conveni- leek by the consent of the governed. There ie no more sacredness attaching to it than to l bank, an insurance company, • trade union or any other association of men for practical business purposes. Aoy cite ren of any country has a perfect right to arra upon his fellow -citizens changes in the form or scope of the government, a trans- ference of the sovereignty from one govern w ent to another, or the abolition or ail gov• eminent whatever. And any one who de- n ies him that right, or seeks to interfere with him in the exercise dress not know the meaning of the word " liberty," sal s un- fit for citizsaeblp in • tree country. I1 it will rive any eatisfactios to The World, we are perfectly winding to admit that then are any number of Americans jut as supersti- tious, as nseow-rni.d.d and as prone to bow down sad worship the Flar fetich as the most bespotled of Canadian loyalists. It is tree also test • tonnary or .o to Knn gland people wehanged for talking treason when they .:pressed di.satisf ction with the reigning dynasty. 1'.., and thou .ands of poor old women were burned for witchcraft and men strung up at every as- sizes is .beep-.te•ling end similar offences. The ossa of people for whom The World caters is just about on a paras regards com- mon .masa. ealightanment and humanity, with those who perpetrated such acts of meagery in the same of justice. PORT ALBERT. ✓ oom our ewe earrsspendwt Fred Mahal7 is in Godetich .t preesat. He has moored • sit matins in the big mill. A tale of farm stook and implements took place on the premises of David Johnston on Pridity last, TM stook, with the excep- ts= of the horses, realized • fair figure. Will fuel., of the "Craftsman " .sited his home here air Bon.iay Iasi. Ha reports bad weather an Mo lakes ad an soodent to the Ontario through oolllding with the (lraftemea while entering Kincardine har- bor. The following is the welt of the recent =Part exams tell in S S No. 1 ►roes Part II to Sserwtd, Bowie Riohwrd. son, Jess Dumber, May LeCts no., John McMillan, Ibrtie C.aniamgha,.i. Fin. Stevwu- soft, Sadie Hawkins, Bolide. term.[[, Oliver, Ethel heist•'., Mahn [nisi.( and AIbeet Ytevenenn. �clleoit to Teird I'!.s, Eva Miff. Nall. Mnnntenav, James t', ,,p bell, Kvs I)doage, Ilarry Beset, ll..ky McYlllan, Horace Cunningham Ge.. (leeosse, John t irsene, Freak ()deer and Rya Md:maelL Third to Fourth, Elio Richard - see The sasses appear is the ,odor of merit. • 14011110Msdi Weld le Me Mead binds to catarrh, perhaps en awwptiw .d death Why .fit with soh • safe, opeerly remedy •s7'(as•l Rahn at head • Dr. Derbyshire, president ne the Ontario (Vaul- ty Asweriatioa• says Noel Balm haste the world for oilarrh and mold to the bead. in my nue one it edICi.r1 relief from she Met applkatsen. All deal.n ew by nail. pot paid, at lite roll anal 81 lar*o ass battle Address G. T. relined 4 Co.. Brookville, Ost.