HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 7THE SIGNAL: ClODRRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1892 1 Furs, Furs, Furs, For LADIES and CHILDREN. + + + + + + + CAPES, STORM -COLLARS, MUFFS In BEAVER, SABLE, NUTRIA, NATURAL and BLACK OPOSSUM, BALTIC SEAL and OO ET. + + + + + + + Lae2' and Genflinen's For Coals BOLD PROM SAMPLE at 7 err =rOW i. iC@l3_ JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE. 1892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fnl!y supplied Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, .Mantle Cloth, and Tweed Suiting.4 will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completenees of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. INSPBOTION KINDLY INVITED. 5 PBR CUNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. STRICTLY ONB PRIOR. niil/fi V 3.V endow Deeps and Haberdasher. N▪ I CH VC on W W s 2 CD W S. to - S C W I!Id 8 rzi o4 U2' J U 0 An Elegant Cook Book C3IVEN AWAY w1T11 'VIER" MUSD nor SPA BAKINO) ! Special Values in TEES and SUGARS Fresh Baltimore Oysters, Dail .T CHOICEST LINEA OF CONFECTIONERY and FRUITS. ED. 0.6.31:PAIONE 2, ErTalephone commotion. (;or Montreal +t and Skpiara Agenoy fbr et MONSOON." AUTUMN HUMO11. It aesen't take mask of • hater ter keg kis trousers. M•agled reat•i•s-that part of year .lira Nag .ewe. back Irvin the steam Iiiadry. Mu • moa thistle he 01111 read • women like • book till he no. to teal her p. "A tittle of this will go agnat weigh," mid the mat who was pr. ariag • load d goal. If you want to got ahead is the world, dote% he abed Ia the moruiag Waking .bout it. Japan says • boy doesn't really appre- ciate the des of youth till just dim he W u n .led his first cigar. J edgy --$mutter, did you over try • gas teeter in your beam. Fimutter -Yes, and generally found it guilty, too. "Why du you sponse Mrs. Flyer Wein such bud clothes . ' Ko the won•% bear her husband growl about the bilk., I *sp- it folks will hod with other people's mooey ••d get bebiad the wicket of • cell door u. ousseyoeuw that's tk.tr lookout. Modhar--Lo you know why yoar W maid Mr. Blowhard • liar, Tommy ! Tommy-- Yea'm; Imes • smaller urn than P&- Firm n.Fiat day out on the; steamier -A. -- W here is D. this manias! B - -In his stateroom. A. -How is h. ! B. -Barely bolding his own. Then are mist with smarm so .mall that, if tiers is anything in transmigra- tion, they probably appear se mi- crobes. I'•p•'s moans is very but spends • good deal Kdwio- t'i too bad, i.'t it ! He seems to forget that his mosey really belongs to us. "Why r it that Mr. Hardy proved such • Bat failure in society r "That's easy enough to answer. He talked sense when oat at soon (.actions." Unoert•in. --Fogg--Hello, old moa, 1 her that yon are to marry Mea Diatom Trotter -Bo did 1. I'm going up now to sok her if the report is tray. A short time ago little 2 -year-old Elsie was eating pancakes led syrup for break - feat. After catiug the cakes she cud : "Mamma, please give me • spoon. My fork Wks." "Troth is stranger than Betio.," he hap- pened to remark. "Yes," hie wife replied very gently, ••It edmietlmes seems so to me when you are explaining what kept you out so law." Mrs. B•ckbay-Didn't I hr high word. between you •sd year brother ant now, hear Harold ! Harold -Yea, mother : t really you wouldn't wast me to no. low language, world you ! Bertha freaks bit doll and it is sent oat to be repaired A few days later Bertha goes to the store after it. but A cameo( be found. "Her name i. Marguerite," she *x- ylem*, to facilitate the march. They had been discussing the pronuncia- tion a "oleomargarine, •nsfnall, agreed to leave it to the waiter, t he hedged. "•Sart." said h., "I have to proaounee it butter or lose my job." A. (somewhat illitaeste)-I read mo o- tbiag is • paper about idiot& Are they buena beings ! B. -Certainly, they are human bangs like yoar•elf. Magma -Arthur, didn't I toll you to jako them powders every two loan! Little Arthur -Yea, but you Dever told u se whoa yon wasted me to take them to. May -Can you look me in the face and toll min you weren't intexioat.d last night ! Freak -Yee, darling ; but I couldn't bok you in the face and not be intoxicated DOW. Lost Interest- Dapper - Uo you take much interest ie• •palmistry! Knaapper-P• mystery ! No, for 1 interviewed her pa last night and bis views are no longer • mystery. Eve -Addy, my dear, I'm going shopping this morning. Can you let me have • hun- dred dollars! Adam -Great heavens, Eve! Von must believe the report that I'm mads of dust ! They cold ...w11 1 manned tier ■y .edeat row sound rads away. tetesIbay beefew %Sad Illy ally p..e.irew .tory Aso. M.... (t•• the professor, wham .ars v.e been lacerated for as howl Don't you think the dear child abould have her voice cultivated! Ths Professor Igrimly) Yes, if she must snag. Ae Ah. darting, area when time shall Mt no moreour love - Sb.- It is almost time sew, I geese. "Kb!" "i said it was nearly that time nor Time never get. to M more than 1.1. you know.' Patient Isn't two dollar, reshot high for patng • tootle ! i)entin -1 think not Fifty mete for extr•etiiag •ad sue dollar fifty Beata tor gee. Patient One fifty for gas. So that's why you talk too morn little Tommy W kykies W been won thug with • piece of hardtack. "Mamma, said he, after a Weave. "What is it T' 'If p.U-parrots get all the crackers they ask for, 1 don't weeder they Isere to swear.' Hew Them Gine Leve One Aniline. ' Maud Now, when I am waked to site I smear say. "Oh, I east!" but I elw•ys sit right dm at Uie piano- - Mamie --Aad lei the audience flail IL eat for themselves! Culture bye edea. .••H•.e yips Bro..s- Iaje works!" "No, lain. They're tee ,eult. People Bowe here don't under in stead the " Have you Praise" 'Prayed, mime Ok, yea: we've tried that. hat N'. w ase 1:.eduetat I koidtng gp • greenback).- Des enybedy less • to. dollar ball ! Mr. Faber • - .Wemasher did. '• Are you sore? " ll, I didn't precisely lege the tea -dollar bill, bus 1 ha.e beet miming one for a leas time new." The Villa. Ksyu..d--Oarsam -There's • carried era paying marked •twties w Ms Bleobsper. Mrs. A..... (shacked but leisurely interested) Yes deal say set When fee 0a.eam --Mr. BMdaetpr. la Caron Strength. --First rival (gad ly) Well, old mins, I eappoos I mast sen ppeel!��late She ban deeUas/ ma. =late pasermfsll) Why, eke aloe refined ms last aught. 1t mart 1. hems, Lek-- let's a. teed leak him. "Cisme up to mg hewn te mevr.w tight," INS H.past, "Tin gg�nugg w es l.Maw sty golden w 'fJoY.. wedding' Why, was, yen's emly heat sminid thy.. yaws "Sham it, but it maw like fifty, too every. thief m.0 sight." Sweet Gni-Have you anyparlor shales Mat went break bee. ssad 4 up all .f • saint whim yea least swig{ it ! Dinaim --Ter, Mien Sweet (Nrl--well, 1 wish reed .red • mime arsund and seg if he akin tab sea tato buying semen Mr $. (esappiehly)--Dewe he gresMug that boy always. Nandi let easere take he wersa, wont you ! Mr. R. (Lying aside the .hiagl.► I11 de astlhg .f ski sort. 1 ain't intend that say wenn. shall have web • husb•.d es Tvo gat, if i sea prevent it. Brows Yeti show • geed deal .f . M.wmm ever your esnkag . pipe. Why, len v.ee.d Mimes be fro, hams% you! Rehherte TeaT t le la) first trip without my wets. 110- 1 Wet here kerma that. I met ger wits yesterdny, end 1 weer ease bee le. as t tgtasl es Know. Per tweaking shoos, ell Mem at the sides of the .oleo. For ohtlbi•rao, amply tincture of iodine with • mmol . hair brush. - taterra•s Uahe.as tonere Ls Krype. Prepared chalk sad powered orris root makes • nice tooth powder. Ws.h the hair in hot water tad borax sad lot it get thoroughly dry. For eyes that itch, try bathing them in a weak .olutwn of weak mit water. ■esard's unarms M nesismastees. The plainest loud, like potatoes, vege- tables tad e.r.•ls is the nest (awning. Another mouth wash is warm water u which • little Igo/rine hes bees dropped When through ironing wash the inns thoroughly sod keep chem in • dry place. ■WN • Natesea/ Is lee MA Br u•Itiaat the tooth with the Boost pul- verised willow charcoal will make tb s white. --flood Housekeeping. Sores VIe*rta's tt�.Its. At Osborne, in • room of her pretty mous- try boots, whore tjoeso Victoria had bees staying for • few weeks, • wonderful party of dolle ie jest now assembled. Beck fumy creatures they are, with wooden heads and hair combed down Bat over their sus, and then caught up sod twisted in • prim little hoot at the hack. They are Dutch dolls, and whoa tnm queen was • little qui .b« used to play with them slid make their clothes. That was long before the days of elegant wax, or china, or composition dolls. For a long time these dolls had been stored away .nmewhare iu Buckingbami Palace, but the other day Kir Henry Ponsonby found them quite accidentally, and now they have come to great bettor and glory, and are being photographed and admired and fond- led. One of their attractions is that they are dressed in the national oostumee of as many different countries se there are dolls in this royal company. A Loped rms. " How do you manage to take your medi- cine without making • fear, Johnnie ! It is awful tasting stuff." " 1 know that," said Johnnie, " but 1 iu pascakos."-Harper's Yount People. Mark to wraith ted ar..agsk. William J. Witter, Franklin, Man , writes :-My slater had very poor Imolai for six or seven years, end looked as though she wee goinngg to the grave. 1 got some of your Di. Williams' I'iak Pills for her, and they completely restored her to health. I regard them as • wonderful medicine. ;bun all substitutes, and :aware of imi.Ations. May be 1 froni dealers or by mall, post pa 1, at 50 cents a box or six boxes or sir horn for V.50, hyaddressing the Dr. Fro Williams Mad. Co., ckville, Ont. 1 Hash Colored. Prevarication, even when indulged in from patriotic motives A not only improper bat &rigorous. The hostess was helping her guests to lob - oar salad, says Crypt, and by way of mak nag talk she area.. - tc say I suppose, Mr, O'Ftunigan, teat y = an not, accustomed to this dish in your wee- ny,.. Ides. O'Fianig•u's Hibernian pride was toadied. " Lobsters is it, ma'am!" said he. "Faith, ma'am, and the shone of (hreland is red wid " The CLWave Has struck us, but we are not afraid, as we have A COMPETENT STAFF AND OAN HANDLE ANY JOB IN OH LINK all HAYS A LARDS STOCK Or STOVES FOR HEATING AND COOKING FOR COAL OR WOOD. WS ARS STILL NAILING THS RE -DIPPED TINWARE. GIVE US A CALL SAUNDERS & CO. WEST STREET. Fall Millinery MISS CAMERON, Who has recently visited the leading markets, in the Fast, has now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter T rade. And respectfully invites an early inspection of the same. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton -at. A. B. COF?NELL ---TE111 LLDnRd ERT A KER i rad`' McLean's Block --On the Square—McLean's Block, drill CONTINUNI1 ?3 CONDUCT FUNERALS ALS ATeins+ I''LAL LOW PRICKe. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to gglIare him it call and save money. Prompt attendance. ZNO CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. ONE PARZ.fO�v TORONTO BRiiNt:B-24 Front-st West. tONT1S,AL BRANCH :31$ fit. .Tame. -0f.. YA]I)Nyr11 WORK$ Hull Canada. UNDERTAKERS J_ BROPHlErlr SON Haire .dried to their present business one of B. J. Nash'w Latest Style of any Hew, also the tonna line of f*,wsr.l furnishings in the ivniety, and are now prepwrwd to txredact funeu'wls at pIioes reasonable. This rbrpmrteseet will be +trictly attended to by hie eon William, who, in the tuospley of the late D. Gulden for the past ben yearn, has a ktiewl.dge el the hwsilaew, .ad by prompt attention bopes to .hare part et pubis gatassisse. Rasauher the place---- Weetet, on yosr wry to the palet eases. Ole us a call. J. BROPHEY & SON. WHY Goes 0E0. IIA1t1tY, the Golerich furniture cietaler and undertaker, keep the !est stock of furniture sniI undertaker's supplies And how is it that he sae sell no chump BECAUSE He tin.is that it pays in the long run. His motto is : Small Profit. and Quick Rea tarns." He sibs .takes a specialty of picture, framing. Give him a call before purchas- ig elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 3357-y Patronise True .Competition. Tees Out P Leann 7 mi . d•• tis awl pep 'stooleie sod is it ttssq asmien who 4,..1 'll'a tip 1Batrwein. (he�M >M4t tlNtlbsdk