The Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 64 THS SIGNAL: CODE !'!ell. ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER V. 1 V. ltWA.
Cherry pectoral
Ft ,- r equal for the p,. 'r'r retic
Ansi.p.edv c ..rct'lColds, Coughs,
Crosp, Hoarseness, Loss of
Voice. Preacher's Sore throat,
Asthma, Bronchitis, LaGrippe,
and e,''t.r dei:tog,m.u'. ,'t the
thrc tt and 1,044.. The he•t-
know. hough -:ort: in the world.
it is r.i `ointvncicd by emitter'
physicians, and i. the far.trit
preparation with singer.aettvr-.
preachers and tea: her.. I t soot hr,
the irdamed m.ruhrane, lot•.erts
the phlegm, Mt.rp. cuughinl;, anti
induce. r
Cherry Pectoral
1•,-1 . .*' consump(iort, itt it..early
.t:it;c. :hacks further r t cog: els.' of
tt;: . ..e, and coin in thelat,r
roto:,,. -: •i ease.. the
.tgit :and •rrt''mc't r• r.fre hit:r
%L: e r k i b t!'r re a We to the t it ...: .
needs hut ant..N theses. and 4-•.
net 1 -tee rete u,th digestion or :ivy
of tits ree:•ular targ4tr,ie. Fur'tetiorts.
A- t 4i'.. en,:r rr•'dicirtt. evv-'v
♦ - a'.,L +,1 oi.tid he rrat• eted Will'
. s Cherry I'et- . ,•l
-at a• ..t ueclt, .\ t.:ierru P.ti-
, L+tnlit, t years, i
ox ia•, •tfv t•ei4,rnt it for sl:
. it 1$ a: .: 10 el
ti. 1. ra teN.in44 t,'_ 'Ash int,
an. a ea ,enc•',. Ihi+.k t!'.- Mir ^
•rm w-
Cherry Pectoral
Moose to asfe sur' tQ weft
I tntstwar. •ttbetwsstet•¢lab ... L a NtCi +
-- - 1 Turk, ere alw.rt :deuttual: Maul fittrao
•th4 ciao'
i efogut, to unto tbe• el' its 'outwit
APPLES FOR tNC' ANO j ltpk. Among these oat be 111.11134141 hutui- •
.lIt and male. stI„u in situate, ,;tett iota-
. e tits and a rivultural rrewitsws
that ins) he twit ed upon, with the
least '
ME CAN MAKE A PROFIT 110 OROW1NS UP" at-• utttuew,ep; tie ps„ple ..0
4:41"...4.4f. Karts, i1 tot t.. S.. *4 t•4• are 1 t m
rest, a Kwebei isiOlu Maso.0 alarm"' - •i.rtum. Not ernhalo:Minic a .11 thee'
s"••••4•1••16" the tourthete bracing�. ,.0 COMM Mees. 'Meekest. to'
etc tut the hastier tasks, who. it le ins out
the beat roartL,rod .n the tact No. rah
K asil 1 are et ill here We V} 1
I ental f.•,wrn Instituto w "T1.* Koss 1 nusrbt rt- !•a lend !w wort
bbt... "‘`.11'41111,4 wtawhul iarm i'r.? "t..,' things We could have • Itrttrr Star►et
1 have harr1141 partic.lers ."f Frac** the butted ts!ates were ural wise enough t•'
04.t•iueti t'.r 1 aas4 40, .1Jt t' to tb- sewi.t .mo 4dvi.r- u. the ailminiatntn.n
Liverpm.l market. ds the pro.esut sea their own stL,. fhe frac 1 tit..te• •p
Ik*as,1 ,e ...moot nu .1 stock. tie* psr'ewt:, do not want to hat' ante of our
oven 1'rc a was 1416 td. •t barrel Ar thou' phltwet• 1• P and doe*, l woall -end
!N Th. a,rrat;r tnnaportatwn .hardy+ thine :sere: M4 it. after • while. tk.
art trom tat .sats to 111. t.• p• betel 1 Stats rout thee, a' high,' prows ehieh
bate • chart Ler,. s`uwtag tit* MPH"' will leave us more prom, I would send
position for four yews of the II attadiaa loot (h.rr, and bear no i;r.dge 1'rol
apple*, shows$' how'RL,4 0414. IAlatwia. Rehtrteon.
otw'ipp+.u, leolh New York. Motto -sad Borneo i - --- -
Baldwtn. The chart shows ll:,t rite ChM- t to 1.*t1.r %rater•
dial' l:al.:.. Iota e loos get t ilg t he highaet ., few simple rules should be lore to
pet;,. going That 'neon. that w• vs mord ter guidance. *holier ... a letterer e
td,tar4:•; 1441 PridereJCI of she I:oafion tett u.•w in tkr fin: pLs.'.. Uor, is the own
ch..e• tr1tcb 1 think :+ ..14 .npI-taae . iter of address Meet* ani •tr or letter
ewtir SIA. ,col*.. Ievkr. l'awadisl to an a..^ou.intat,oe. .0 1 )nae ••.0 t.. wham
Vao.ol t+.4dRew.
Thr t .leo13nie .111104""4' W Prut Inert, the lost lace not rill gone Mot 1. ytul
ob.rtemt a ••cw Yt�ur the Ilattrrn a lite .. lortumttw
fee . 41.. y{
Atrial*, .ter...ip e • lite with al esww,fl.: t es
+ Profit +. the n,;lwh ME4-kst" clow to ue for torsi things. i the le of
a 511.44 IP saws Teacher • Tera Lander le
Lend Ilei.
A Mand women, giving icer name as Mrs.
ICluabeth 1 au:, au, i lei by a large s h •
gen Ter, has been attreefing nin.:b attint 1 ,,,
recently at At.. Ain. She Is ar awl
quite o!.1, and chino :o have noif iesd. ex -
oar :he fowl, which attends her as • dog.
leading her shag by the drew. which it
hold* in oto bill. The woman says al,,
Demes from,, near Birmingham when she
envie her home with her son, but on his
death last August she was penwttest and
h omeless. The gander *bows no part nul•r
iatrtligence. except to his care fort he woman
who fought him to do in in lieu of any other
stride, hot occupies inrnself atter the manner
wf has kind while she sits oud hegi at the
Webers, till she is really to go on, when she
re• nits him with • whistle Mad Ire conte• at
.a':•• taking hold of her skirt and marchu.t:
Ivo wl.rmoly a.00g.
He will exchauge greetings with docks of
tether pone, but never leaves h -r to join
arch. while,jte ha. been seen to fly at and
rotate a dog threateniut: his matron. It it
N ecessary. hoverer, for her to ooc aosally
hasten his .olrewhat lacy steps, for 1'•• a of
an wi.•4tit:1ting turn of mind and stops
fro.nently to examine such objects as arouse
his -ttrosity. Tbia fault, the woman says,
r owtng to his youth, for he is only about a
year .4.1 She also says that his education
was h)) Ito mesas difficult as • dogs for the
son, a lemm...timid have been, and that
whenever she is unable through sicknees, hr
•,,notes the greatest concern, and will urge
her to get up by tugging at her drew. but
•r ler refusing still. seems to understand.
anti wad take up int paste el close leet.ic
her, :and will remain there all .lay with 1,i•
krad under his wink; and moist dejectedly
p rp tg out a. ler at mien -ale The geodes
K an amen ills' let.4.• one. and absurdly
pompons, as if he k¢tw hu importance, re-
itieri ; all .ittrupte to handle hitt , wl.ile he
•:: •e-• has mix, rew 10 tares• him to any
I:otet*u.*Mt Agent r' 11.';•rpowl. Write* a
we. is, 4ts., tosatte acv ttrir..•.tu.t Wads* tba
rare to'w 414.1 ,.144.1 menet, kin Ube •reality
Camolon, tow .is,At ,.aperier 4. aa,, ober to
tg,ert.rd ..r- Imsrtaed The pan video
etlr.1 tn, , • o a.441,0,..441,0,..,re 11N• 044, OMR
Nmilliers tip $0441, snot t1a0N0,.
in. SO 'lir 011114e, is, $r i5teet &mor 1. 4.1
tae • ., «4);r ,wt- . la N. t. ,wt- r .48.4,,..4 -
1e011•1, boa tire., its. tot ,•bibs 'to t I;,. .maga,
Irl' 4.... its err doral Law to the wr...s maitre;
salve bore. mat, bating t' -•,dos apple .. has Owen
die OfIlflat,11 .d 11.4,0,10 .1 K4»4t, rash et. g et
pram t t the ,caan4414, ;•..elites arc as.9. t*
dagteon men a •a,t../.444/. Irt000+1 ..nm 0•aa�s*.101
Mao *0000.r s. r.- ani- ,1*4s' .ay r aotaleo"r t. .
{. n ,'.rete ,two :. ; ' ,04 ' 0.04 L. a 4.4
*' -
7einA• ,., 1., "Inter,/ pvI s' et ,ht*'* tot*
r.,.n. (rair tet m wall h► trey, trio ti;
prier, u. toot' hiuh lobo are letup eteeie.4d
11140.414* "+r 41+4.444) rct01101, as4 1.611.0, 41 t
401011 1110/ the rt' 4(1* M,. 1.N* .1ft .:•a:e. 441? '.1
as adores The letpi't• dela wawa Mee Nt.'s,. .1
•uc. ,w .-otitter. •a.• ,. r0n0r,4. but .*u• 9wah,t
has ban •x,,.41051. tad Owe a, ton tteoiif *r tetei
to the demand her eseesbar. trout .4 she .ryuelf`)
eetNn ion
The /.,..Fish ripper, etwe•easip•hn e 0 ensc
as.pin4 lode..., *ed w w, +.t!; ,1i.,me.1 .4 44 t„l
time the(•ansAien *Wei •sea•'rt, ilk. themiddle at ,a4At...,. - .tier !Reel 38.o.,, a ce.Yob
Mut k net • tarn.,' is the .•*t.ioa at at1. Tw
treifhf tea., nil pan. et I kr..m, •a Ur.rp of ,riff ern
atria•• .r. ore thaw** er tea/1.i
i batt tekoa • good deal of your ;:me.
The *ubjtr t as to the puaiilsilitof selling
Cenielian farm products at a profit in tht
4:ogltah nil krt. has not been presented a•
el' ncise.1 to you as it would ha, a been if 1
Wel haul more time for prepare; ton; Int 1
Moe to thank you for your kind tndttlgewte.
Tbt object has been t.. *het your peroep
hese, clear away some mist* that gga•thea
•rotted mere opinion, a hen their mforma-
tios is imperfect, and leaf you to the for-
ormation of • sound Judgment and protitable
prsot.ce. I have tou,•hal upon the•
nuoil'upsets only. Beatles, there is tit,
patriotic and national apect, which (mean*
a g oaf deal to most then. i hat . hope lo,
and faith in the future of my own country,
and I have eonfidenes in the capabilities of
my own booties, of fanning to tender the
farmer" .very 4ears1d. serve.*. 1 aul tou-
fideut that the English market is able tc
le us such pries for our pro.tucta es so
eave s living protit. a leisure for workers,
sad enough of • halanoe to Make 1 anaohane
the most prosperous. contented and happ,
people who follow terming. anywhere on
the earth -
Barley. pate and Peas.
Tree treenail .1 ■ Rrmn►kabl. •4154.
•T.4TEwr.\T "r *4t-. S..EE:.
For eight years I wan troubled with a sore
•n my leg which resulted front having it
broken The doctors kept me in bed ti e
months trying to heal st up, but all to rot
purpose. 1 tried all torte of salve.,
linln,eota, ointments, pills and blood meal
icfnes hat with nn benefit. in 1883 it be
mime so had that i had to rut no ooe chair
asd keep nay foot on another for four
months I could not put my foot on the
ground or the blood would rush out in •
stream and my leg swelled to twice iia
Natural mite I{leve¢ running sores de-
veloped on it which reduced me to • living
skeleton 11 lost 70 160 in tour mo.t1sl.
Friends ad• iced me to go to the Hnspit l
bat I would not, for i knew they would
take my leg off. The doctor then wanted
*0 split it open and scrape the bone, hot 1
woo too weak to stood the opeeretio¢. One
mid lady amid it had turned to black ery-
sipelas and could never be cured. I had
sever hard of Burdock Blood Ritters thea,
but I read of • minister, itev. Mr. Stout,
who had beam cured of • ever* &bosom on
the seek by R
. R. R., after medical aid hail
failed, an, 1 thought 1 would try it. i
washed the kg with the bitten and took
them soot rding to directions. After ming
ow bottle 1 could walk on crutches, after
taking three, i threw away the crawler..
took a scythe and went to work is the field
At the end of the sixth bottle my leg was
entirely healed op; pieces of Moss bone had
'reeked out of it and the cords came batik to
heir natural Moes again That was nine
Imars ago ed it has never Woken out Mace.
sircan walk five miles to -day se fast as any
mss, and all this I owe to R. R. B., which
ertai*ly awed my leg if not my life. 1
okeerfully reemsone5d it to all sufferers.
thee R R. 11- a trial, and it will cure you
seitdid me. •
Yours Truly. VIA. MuNtk,
Solves P. 0.. Out.
Mr F. C. Sasdereon, the dragpiet of fat.
Mary'.. tint. certifies to the more truthful
Neta o< the remarkable statement made by
Mr McNee, and mom that sit oral other
wonderful cures have bees made in hie die
trait M his ■nri,alted rewady far led Morel
dyup.pris, loill4owsneo•a, onestip•tl.n and all
dienwes of the stomach, liver, bowel. and
When a doctor o nooklers It nsensory to
pr•acrl►r eareaterilla, Its simply er4 tt •
beetle of Ayer's, knowing hill well that be
will obtain thereby a war and parer pee
parwtkw them soy ether which the drug
Mom amfermi&` ms's llsrtp.rillltr the
you write for 144. : *0 "1.,,: t . as Auto
Stop, .; "I hoz, ,.. et, 1'h:: •'.iwr"
is 4 Mere M eter 'o .lit•, Item. as nNanitig-
1.1. •• my comu.onpi*cr' *4 ,' t 4 Wow,
14 ...-
loot ., '0111/N111 the *teal a111460/11,tes as cur
rent. It entitle a4, too workmen
who it :o he employee, am it arasntrisyp s
mote -1: lest.4 ad,lreised in 1111 third ptu'enn.
tore that formula, i.e . "Mies •Ili Mtn(._.,_
would lake 1.R, to tome hero at ti ea& mei
•tteud to the twrpeutet trig :seeded, - so
"Mrs. A n m receipt of fir R.'s tote of
the 16th. awl .he repro' she Ai unable to
give hint the ,nfurtnatim desired. 1t le
tnelsrnt to bebot all'. :,;C1I "Friend, etc,
e lth•-ugh adoptedL, waxy well Mooned
people Tile "does, ate.. in s•,,eh • ,•we•
shontd 1l' deed.
More r,istakes, lioweter, err made in
eignetures, acrd hers 1 would also suggest a'
few .i 4 elNets sign your mune
with aa.tis an of any kited_ The reason is
•44, - t* If you sign yoer letter. "''oats
truly. Mise Mary Smuh " foe example, you
wake rite a* • title, the "Mire' basing
no than t whatever to .1., with your. Mase,
which is vont signature- Therefore tti-
.tuetke review '.,u should sigh as, for ex
ample. "'4' •un truly. Mary Smith.-- In
the event ut writing to any brat or
who would in return need to know how to
address you put •'Mi.. ' w ••\ties1n
hra,rkets a little d6staute to the lett 01 the
siguatera. 1a addreaing • gentleman on
business in a purely formal mane*: write
thus, -Charles ,1. Hoorn, Esquire. Dear
sir.- Asd iu tech as.. &limy* sign, "Yours
respectfully. etc., etc." in writing letters
to your friends or acquaintances, snake
what you my not only worth reading, but
as free as possible (nim all •4retetion flay
very little about the affairs of .then, and
be guarded in what you writ* of your own
private concerns : hut apart from this do
not pick and choose worts, nor feel obliged
to consider how each sentence shall be
"rounded." Your lettere will, in case you
are constantly considering your mode a ex-
pression, be ,lull and stupid And not worth
their postage. Write to your fnends as
you would talk to them.
in the last century letter -venting wet •
fine art. and as a result we have the most
In the matter of barley, Great Rrttain
imported in 1991, :4,11*l.396 beahels, ha..
int; • r.Iue of $''I1i.!41ti,9210. 1'wads has
been rending to England tern little bailey.
I luring the past season, • little oa er :3$i,t*bi
bushels of two-rowe,l barley were shipped.
and the price paid to the fanner" here has
leen from ft to 15 cents higher than for ai*
rowed iarley. It hsa not met with the
same favor to Irngland ea, perhaps, wine of
us expected, for this reason, that the Eng-
li.h market to everyttaag to a discriminat-
ing market Farmers nee.( to have the
ditlercnt qualities. grilled properly, cleaned
properly anti kepi separate, so that every-
thing will towel on iia own merits and
quality. The Ruaai•n s;,,verumcnt has
been moving vigorously to establish a eye
tetra of grain inspesoion at its ports, tor ltus-
win wheat has hem dumped into England
indiscriminately• a•d cnss,nentIt 1o; ought
the lowest prices. The prime in England
for harley have been ruling at 36 and to
shillings per quarter. That means • price
of tet). route for our weight of Ott lbs. to the
bushel. The freight anti charges from To•
auto to Great Britain vary from 25 to 274
Dents per bushel. 1f wet had • quantity of
barley as goal as the namples which
were sent, it could have bean mold in Eng -
hod at let shillings a quarter. The expense
of getting it there would cot be over 27
cents • bushel ; that makes it possible for
the Canadian fanner to realize 63 cents per
healed of 49 pounds. If you want to gain
the English market, you must suit it, and it
will give you fur play.
Orta have been imported into Ilrsst Brit-
ain in 14491 to the value of $26.641,4372. The
Liverpool price has hese from 50 to 55
cents, and the Toronto prior about 34
coats, have • ban margin of profitable ex-
f 'ear were imported into Great Britain in
1991 to the value of $4,197,144. Daring the
year June 10th, 1191, Canada soot
to Englandpans to the value of $1,4e5,348.
They have bon selling i. Livel at
about 901 cents, and in Toronto at .hoot e0
mom. Other varieties, like the Promise
Bl.. and Marruwht will .11 at a hither
prim Lar bertha -Prof. Robertson.
Stith. vs. 1'1.11ied 41st.. I..rk.t*,
Our best policy is to .salt and mak• the
moot of our .opportunities, sad to minimize
and remove eh. obstacles seri difficulties
which we find an our way. I have address-
ed meetings of farmers is Vermont and New
York, and have loud them .o more mai
testable and fully more disheartened than
the farmers of Ontario. Mout moa are
.only diacuarwgwl-farmers parttcni•rly en
Their environment M rather limited ; the
n ature of their work prevent. them hem
oajoyiageneral and freAuent contact with
men of rubor militate They are reedy to
believe in a melimanly Woof their wrenggaa
Rine tate time when the usrpoat natio Ere
dumatented with Edell, by hie crafty pe.
austaties of its sneud restriction.,
the wily temptations of "i rofeasinnal per
...ages' have bass the lane of the credal
tion agrwultnrieta Be of good cheer
we/ae a the troth, the whole truth and
. outing hut the troth, sad ye shall nv7
come and vtagntak every nppr�ai and 4.
pr.esion that &Mieta your 10.4em It i,
hardly fair to assns.0 sad then to sawn,
that "the hest of our people" are (porkies
our land, or are hang forowl unl of it, by
my purely hero! snactemate of this oenntr•y
sr any outer country. Mocs.neata of pope
Intirns no the. continent and el..wkar,, r1te
pend npnn the operation of other social and
eso0onde cansea. if that he not enhow
ms5aes it rant the 1..e o r gain of population
r the eo tigaoes coentri.s, ow tie borders
t1 Oise& .ad the United Matas, from the
charming and perfect picture of the time.
Horace Walpole, lady Mary Wortley Mon-
tagu, Madame d'Arbl•y are only three
among a hundred famons letter writers of
that ,lay, wheu to send a letter some dis-
tance coat some shifting', and therefore all
"the news," as well a. the social and do.
*nestle events, was .'hrontcled. Nowadays
people seem to hate no time for real corni
ponden*e, which should be In every house-
hold anti family one of the most interesting
elements. A postal card or a brief note
seems to audit* for the most unportent tic
cession, and the iseresae.l postal facilities
make this sort of "despatch" hustnees
easier And hen it may hr said that you
should never write a letter to a friend or a •
stranger on a postal cant. When you not.fy I� l T i P y Pine
ugust NALG92aL
' Thi; i, the (inert per -
What is tuella on y t'n;' utile
by jip;. .�u•L he is
It For? no wilt- '13 t11,27: tit. big-
ger. olio. r,
etl toys. Life ii to iute. cur: bolt
point " What ii it for" we con-
tinually crt fr the cradle to the
grate. •a t4) nth tai., bath iutrodue-
tory sertuwt •.v : turn and tt*k:
i; AC,;c l hl.,twi,R t:'41 ?" An ('3411y
auiwered a. a•:• '.: 1t i; hit Dys-
pepsia. It i, a special remedy for
the �toni+eh and Laver. Nothing
more than thus; but ttti• brintful.
1Xv Relieve August Flower curet
l)y,pepsta We know it will. We
have evasion tor knowing it. Twenty
years ag,> it started in a small country
towu To -day it Ila:t an honored
plar't ..1 every city and country store.
1' tine s rine of the Lar;' it manta •
(14.turitlg pl int4 in the Crountr) and
,clic everywhere. Why isthis, ' Tit:
reason is as r"stple as a child'*
thought. It is honest. doe; one
thing, and doe: it r grht a ong-it
tyres Dy' n . - '
S. C. OF. Sole lin:' rr,V1otwtbr.rc.'. 1
lireese KM... IMAM OMNI.
A London pape=r sari of Michro l Devitt •
-in private tit. the e* -Finita Mori.••;
with ht, bushy eyebrows sad dark pieroiug
eyes, sad his -iii*. thoughtful. boattftd
t ce. is 90te of tits Laudon, eimp and
most losable 14 4*.. Via he* at home to
nettle* i0 etre of the pre: eat lnmtl t i*s 4
isv'wsd. a' t.*u't Let*ys t'otts,te '
eek. peedanke a eery towel dei i- apc
• cops y d Bart• 'Moil aliment **tt+1 y . 1: it
a Bata!', oniestor of Moat, plainly hut et
fortalt t fotrn:shed. and to eerr•,uuded be
teeth kei g Quads, on witodi tier friend, r
of the Lend 1.01141:P 1� Ka r, Irtnd0.1
pete'aflabor than money ;f:roIthe bit.r
commodity be has en'y what he estrus I,v
his lottery work. He i.+ eery fend of
floe ors. so.! devotee h14 Ir - .nee hour to
tht.r cl.Itita'i',o. 'l'br employn.t*t must
rrc:ind him of the tisye whin, as "1'on.'et
822.'• he reclaimed the infirmary garden
of Portland i'r,son. At orate tic,. and
gentle, loyal to other and true to lumsell,
Michael ()mitt has an 11110104,... hold nn the
minds end hearers of his fellow country
Mt wife and NH hail dandruff and lot. of
it, accompanied* klntost continual richi■g1p
of the scalp. Ant: ttont:ruff entirely tuned
tis front both sesoyantes and we think it
the beat preparation known to clean cit
Dondrutf, tone the hair and Let u a dreaming
without giving an unnatural appearance.
Conductor C P. R between Moitreal d
Newport, \•t.
Artistic designs in Sterling Silver
and Silver Plate ; the very best, only;
suitable for Wedding Gifts.
in Fancy China. we lead. Carlsbad,
Dresden, Elite Limoges, &c., in Um-
brella Stands, Rose Bowls, Salad
Bowls, and other iines ; also an ele-
gan line in German China, much
The only display of Banquet and
Piano Lamps in town.
Lemaire's Opera Glasses in Orient-
al, Smoke and White Pearl.
Solid Gold Pens, Pencils, Button.
Hooks. &c.
Stationers and Bo: k,el;er.
the iceman that your mother wi 1 nee.( an te
extra quantity of tee on the morrow, or the
coal -dealer that the eefar needs refilling.
you may use a postal card. for chia is a con•
••enienor to the iceman and cool dealer : but
avoid postal tarda f,r auythi'rg lot the
very simplest and Iea.t private of mer
sages. Harper'• \ oun, People.
1.0100r 5531 Wager 1a Leedom.
The tredt unionist operatives of London
belonging to such guilds of artisans as the
Amalgamated Soctsty of Engineer'', the
Carpenters and Jolson, the Bricklayers,
are the arutocr*cy of Wear, better riff, on
the whole, than the other workmen of
Europe: as well off ae the best of thow
working in the United State* or Canada,
inferior in their social position among the
workmen of the world only to those of the
Australian colonies. The problems which
we cannot solve in London concern the es -
skilled Lborero asd the women workers,
for even skilled or half -skilled women
aro ground dowel by oomp.tition to wr•tek-
*id wage. Then are skilled needle -
women employed on "fancy' apron making
paid Ye. 64 for twelve down, able to maks
four doom u a day by good work. The
match -box 'taken rsodve ltd. for 144
loxes, they finding the tow and paste a.d
OW fuel for the drying ' is needed i' damp
weather. They work hard for twelve to
fourteen bosh daily. and their earnings
average fin to 7e. a week. Sackwnking,
tobacco -sorting, paperbag-asking, book
totdt544, reg-.orting, are on the avenge no
' batter paid, and niter ate in Loads., 4.
thene and similar employments and u ma-
tettios.ry faetona, seat sewers of were.
earning but from 104 to Ia. a day, although
they have to display some .kill-Iiarper'e
.lute Waod.rtnt St mooe5.
The human stomach puweses meet was -
awful pow.'. of •daptatou to einem-
Maness. Whoa Lieut. Nigh sad his eight
teem me• wan o4 from the Bounty
by tite mutineers in an open bort, they
ssbi.ud for forty -our days o5 • daily
allowanoe of on• -twenty-fifth of • pound of
Biscuit par aria and quarter of • pint of
water. irr. Tanner In 1*440 fasted for
forty d•ys, enbestisg, it is maid, rm water
.lone, bad Bocci sod other to ti 'nen
have eines excelled this. Kaffir*, North
Aau.rku. i.di•n, sad the "fat boy" la
"Pickwick" may well he quoted se fearful
texamples of v'watety ; bat even their pa
trrn..mio teal. are .acceded by the h11
grown F..gnitwsai, who will daily eat
t.rsmty pooled. of fisak Matt all if he has the
**awe ; while on the authority of Admiral
fla,itehef<, • Y.est of Siberia hair hero
known to consume is twenty fon, Miura
"tare hind quarter of • large ow, twenty
peMSris of fat, and • quantity of meltedtis for hi. drink r
Par 5.wbrrng la No Mweeta.
This gurgling saunas powdered by the pro"
sere of gee i5 the iseessl*eu, sad use' rhea
he routed y taken • b mmosofnl a pars
gly aria. ether sea moan
Iw t:; !.:nm -heating v;4;of, alb* Pine
owed with the soothieg and eapettoraa;
--ote.ties of oris prr•,ral kerbs aha bares.
•. r: iter. • A.theea Bronchitis, Sore Tarot:'.
011„ DISEASFS. Obstioat.cousgghwinch
t Other lemedpe7 yield p emytly to this
.:.'.not may *Trey.
redcg i.00. AND 000. /MR o0'P1LI.
.. • •' . ..•o*a.
Another consignment of English
Tweeds and Worsteds, suitable
for Ladies' Jackets and tient•'
Suiting., quality unsurpassed.
Market down away below the
regular prices to clear out and
and mak. room for New Fall
Boots and Shoes
In this Department I have a
large and weilat'Iectetl stock, di-
rect 1mm the beat manufacturers,
hence L can guarantee the hest
possible value for the least mon
. -quality considered.
in choiee patterns and Al qual-
ity, (1.4.p. Also a lot of Travel -
lees' $anipl.e, and girl lines in
Glassware, etc., which i hare se
tuftal at a, and will sell
away below their steal value.
Full lines in Family Groceries.
A full supply of all kinds of
Paint. and Oils kept constantly
on hand.
Patent Maii.-ine, a speriwlty.
R. IL ROrgst.LAND,
Heroes need it duri*g Mitt week.
I'Murpnamed far - •r, )heuider.
•I" . 4 0 11.4 era.
l'rwpart44 in tar,; .:a.• ;r,'nntr.4.4 0r u„r4.'. tl.utel, ie of drat ,/nporta:,,,
for which or are now prepared.
you will sad all that b required. sad at p0e.
that make m easy,
we deal tbf•kou want •aytaing telt y+4
have not gat is tide department
TM' is where we slitoe--estryfag the mat
osmpimte Use te this comity.
No sloe goods allowed se the store.
Our g.•eesl hardware stock is most compete and well bongk' Our prices whit at
nestles sad we your 4etrenege.
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Cer. i'l..t-tet. amd Square.
P,8. -The latest and beet Spring
and Summer designs just to hand.
We have inel resolved • very diem lot of
N'- - --s.
Which we guarantee to .dl at 15536 1
10 Cents p@ Pound Chea 1
OVil1.d �
Than can be bought from pedlars. A trial order will a:e-
vince you of the truthfulness of this assertion.
sell the best ()on= obtainable.