HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GOT)ERiOH, ONT.. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1892 5 THE CANADIAN BARN K UF COMMERCE AINANINISI NW. MAD OFF101. TORONTO. M/RAI. (fir 11111 BUI riLL10N eott*RB - S•.000.000. ISM IL IL WALKtR, GI1ICEAL MARAo,I*. 111.000,000. GODERICH BRANCH. g a1MAN. DAMN0 BulafieiIE TsussaoVID. FARNtNE' MOTU Dienoimita DRAFTS IMI= PATAELS AT AL. POSfTn IN CANADA. AND THE PRINCIPAL CIT*S IN Tet Unman STATS•, CNINAT Ball AIN, Fewest BERMUDA. As sAvsa s BANK N(PARTMUT. wooers OF $1.00 AND UPWARDS'SCt1VE°. AND CURRENT RATES OF INTL MIST 4,pwED I.-1 T *5550 TO TIM PSINOIPAL AT Tom END of NAY AND into IN SOON WWI. apemd•1 Atlsest1S5 gives te Mee O.Ns•NtNt umf earn/'ivel*, Doper. end F a; room' Sales Notes. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. PERSONAL MENTION. Curtis Hicks, the mailed Ica of Renee, Iii*., is dead wb I1M reinstated. .d u W use pig,Dr. Lsl.'hapslla, Conservative, was eloot- d by aoolawtioe in Hoohelup, Qua Hos Edward Blake will be beaqutted b the Kelso Club of Liverpool as No. member 10. Ilya Nutty A Owen, ei Iti ea,N. Y., 101 real old Her health is good and faculties :ell preserved Mrs- Harn.s a mill alive, but her ph rows thought an Baaday she could horalj bre more than a day lower. The (''soden portrait of Mr Vlach acme In the National fibs ul Cklb will proba- bly be preesnsd at • reception next Jatu- ary Ito. F. M. Baldwin, nephew of the Bishop el Hume, has been chose swoons to Rs. land Mean Wade as rector of Old St Paste church, Woodstock. William Clambers, ambers, •and 106, of Daws Odle, • veteran of aterloo, weal to derma to visit the tumid, and was given • norptioa by some of the leading cituera. A lamely signed sba gsiaiti.w s bass 6,rw•rdea to Mr. Rdward Make, Eros he.tre•l, arkisg him to address • puYic meeting in that city bodes to England. London Troth aye Temper destroyed a cam .d bis letters sod um.waeripb • few ryas ago in • et of alarm, eased by him reeding Froude's "Reaiwkem -.. d Those. .rrlyla" R. J. thumbie, who hes ban masses of at Haut of Montreal at Plena for l6 years, no banqueted at the Royal hotel ties ton � . his departure s take charge (lithe isg- k. Thursday was the thirty-ninth sastv.r- Irl of the somas marked the Ire Harrison. aRaaddmadames eir t the Whits How owing to Mrs. Harrm- r.n a tllnaa .token Smith, of Ilramptsm, has been no. as the Mow•tite candidate for Peel the cooties eke -ties to fill the vans* 'used by Mr. Kenneth l'hisholm's accept - rice of tb. registrarship 1'riecipal (.rant, ad 's Uaivwnt , , nrsto1. has barrow nod that the Us= �pp1ested 1 I',iring apples wanted at the Evap- r..tor 30 canto' per cwt. will be [.sash. James Driver W the ead of ,..i. No limit to quantity. the first eager on his right head taken off swims toe Ilse Leman 5Elttauio. oI 1 l.sa Lad instituting a -osier of sciatic* *choler - ships for students who have intimated a•ap& city In scieres or is applications, and that the nomination to ore of these .cbolanhip, which are of the cowl value of 1131, ster- na'. had been pieced at the disposal of the Senate of Qasess a Elmvlm te be etsee.eed. Coaxw.u., Oat., Oat. 13. -James Slavin, murderer .f Special Cestable John R. Davy, was yesterday .ente.od by Judge Amos to be hanged on Dec. 16, 11612. Jesse Slavic, vim usually passed by the mare a McMaho., is • native of Cornwall, his parents re.idieg seer the elation John Slavin, father of the prisoner, i. • peasio.r et the Brin.h 1:overnment, having been through the ('rime•. and Chinese wars. He is • highly reepeoe.d resident of the town, .ad finis very keenly the terrible position in which his mos's rashness has plao.d him. The primmer is • y was about 24 yens of age, el sodium ht and fair oowplexion. His younger days were epees in Cornwall. where he horsed the trade of barns -waking soder Thomas McMahon, in the .hop owed by Mr. Davey, whom he is charged with Ulm( .m Sept 6. H. aha worked at hare.., -mak - leg in Lasseter. Bl•vin left for the watt io the fall of 1886, obtaining work as the Canadian Pacific Railway works .ear Sad. bury. He was . mambo of the Cornwall Junior leases Club, and was oo..idered a quiet. easy -gam fellow and • favorite with The crime for which he wiU give up his lide oecurrsd es had 6. From a quiet yoga( toss lib, w s as. .e. • dnnkss rough, cab was a because he always carried • revolver. Oa the day seated M was "behtiO' dwelt- end orae h im pistol freely, and o. Commtable Davey attempting to arrest him he .bot that ell es dam... lbws i. UtsJ. sympathy for this 'raisins/ M..It.b.'e arena Crew Philemon, Oat 17. --Wheat shipments as growing to enormous pr pertiesa An idea of the wheat traffic now through the city over the C. P. R for the Nast will be gives whoa it is stated that yesterday 1,200 cars were asked from this city by outlying station« in the west. It world mess that an effort is beteg made to .end the whole crop to Vert William before tearlp�on close& If it keeps up until U.c. 1 and the bow are rousing till then 6,000,000 bushels will be moved east in the ant six weeks. Fine weather has enabled all a breaking to be pushed forward, and as the .locators at different pointe b.00me filled there is con- stant deemed for shipment. It would s- quire thrice abs carrying capacity of the 1'. P. R. to satisfy the present demands of wheat shippers, bat the railway company is making a big effort to meet the emerge n cies, 450 can having been sant to stations en Wednesday sad yesterday. TOWN dr H AY LI N K, in a machine in the flax mill hen. He will be laid ofd wtrk for some time owing to this '_'t GoDIUUcn. accident. 0o YOU KNOJ HOW coca coo CAN SAVE RY BUYLIG IN A TR!CTLY CASII � 088 ?1IICE SINE? We want you to know it. It will be to our mutual advantage. The more you know about value the greater will be your appreciation of the saving effected by CASH BUYMG at genuine Cash Prices. Ours is the only real Cash Store in Goderich. We have nothing to do with credit. We do not throw out two or three lines u a "bait,* but we sell everything {s�oi as to effect a saving of from 10 to 30 per cent. It need not cost you any- thing to prove this, as it will give us pleasure to show you our goods at any time. ARMSTRONG 8g 00., Cleo. Acheson's Old Stam& x$. ---ale have the best range of Top Shirts and Under- wear in Goderich. TWO WEEKS TILL DEATH MILL WILL PROSASLY BE HANGED ON NOV 8. ?dew That Ile Yam flees .'eset.te. Mabee movie* Absent tae Cr... ..aa Are Car - rent In ga.►e.-011ilat nen- ranee Are NMI to M... retard Aroeg tae Demi Ulrl'. U.. -ten 1-..xu..,', (lot. 24. Thomas Nall who wen, S.tunlay ouovicted of the warder d Matilda Clover, will probably be executed Nov. K The Star stats that the police have booed among the offws of theirk who were murdered by Timms Neil ('ream, letters from many well known persona, in- ct:diug one wemlror of Parliament and w- ent bolding prominent positives The Nese of the World declares tbat at u in a puutios to ens that Neill, the doomed woman posomer, an an Worrier in ou jail, afeeeed Slat be poisoned Matilda (lover, Emw Shrivel' and Aline Marsh, bat declared that be had not poisoned Ellen Unsworth, and end that up to the last moment be had a feeling that he would be actuated. :'ince he was sentenced Neill bas been as im►rrtve and as pawl as before. When he was taken to Wandsworth Jail uo Friday night he said : "Thank heaven, it is all over. The judge was dead against me, but perhaps that was his duty." On Saturday Nall asked to be anowd before the day est for his execution to Rea Laura Sabbatmt, to whom he was esppd to be married. LIL O mnit,tle Inc yl'ernsa', Qt net•, Oct, 23. —Now that the ..INN of death has been prosousod upon Nide . stortneate fellow -citizen C.wm, alias Thomas Neill," Quebecers who were anti to .,y all they knew of his anteoede.M br fear of being ealld as vitalism w talkd%g As ia*tess's of his early liosatiouenetq, stories are told of women kept by bus hslee when he was lea than 20 years of ago r of the ansoosesdd Bort of one to ehsal kis. Two of the servant girls in Bamseedl Hotel bra to whom hagave medius Lel winter were suddenly takes ill .451 emus end vomiting. but eubegae.dy reoovued. His brothers and another -in-law did maw most cirenmstaaes a year er two under lou care. H. save soma gam to one of her d•ugbtas, who, sl mil a t1 herself, gave it to her mother who at once became all She took a dislike to Noll and begged to base another doctor tent for, but on his arrival .t the h ouse Neill told him a lose story .bent her saes and what he was doing for bee and the doctor left efts searing the lady that Neill was doing all that was possible for bar said telling her to take his medicine. She did so and death sons .odd her sailor- info - Tina .'*ilea Loxes., Oct. 94.--O. the night of April 11 last, two girls saved Ali.. Maes end Roos Shriven, aged respsetively 21 sad 18 years, received • teas is their apartments at No. 113 Stanford street, Lambeth. The sena remained with the girls until 2 o'clock the next morning. Shortly after N left tbe house the two girls were found in agony on the floor by the Lindland of the premt.e•, • Mrs. Vogt. The girls belonged to the unfortunate Masa, Rad as officer was aottfi- d and they were removed to St. Thos•.' Hospital The Marsh girl did on the way to the hospital and the ShriveU girl died three hours after eke was admitted. It was thought at first that the girls bad been osed by timed salmon, of which they Cprtaken, boat it was sendy learned that they had been poisuw wits mtrycbnise. Oa examining the rooms occu- pied by the girls • letter was found, dated April 10, accepting an invitation to 1.k. tee .0h them the nut night. The letter was agreed 1:eorge Clifton, but 0 afterward transpired that the writer was known to g irls as Frd. No tram of the author of the letter Mould be found, and for • time the saaheocrmy was referred teas the "Lambeth iVthe matter of the death of th. two garb came I.efore the coroner for u Mee that official received • letter, whish was proved te have bees in the handwriting of • ware named Sobastt•ni, whom Neill was at awe tine engaged to -wry. la this latter the writer mad she was is • position to give valuable information, which would show that the two girls had boon poisoned by • young was named Harper. TSE TL.L-T.ILI LirrR Tho Ismer war placed in the hands of the police, and from inquiries that were insti- tuted they discovered diet abort the WINO time the oerooer had received the Mier Dr. Harper of Barnstaple bad also received • letter allege.( to Fare been sent by Nal{, ie which he demanded the sum of 51,300 end intimating that unless the team was paid the writer wouldve information sheering that Dr. Harper's eon had ,poieosed the Marsh and Shrivel girls. ti sag Harper wan at that time a ettidrot at St. Thomas Hoseitel and lodged le the mea hos.. as Neil in Lambeth. On $ charge of attempted blackmail _pre- ferred avast him by Dr. Hos. Neil wee arrested, and thea followed the es- ruTol ' of the mystery. It wee horsed aha he had written letters to Dr. Broad- bent, • well -knows Lowden preatitieser ; to the Hon- W. R. D. Smith, cos of the late Right Hoa W. H. Smith, sad to Covets. Rumen who, daring the trial of bar suit for • jus Bial separatism from her husband, Karl Russell, in I)eoember, 1161, had received • letter alleged to have beim written by Neill, a000i.g the Part of hav- ing poisoned the Clover girl. Nein, though 6. ie described as an Americas, which is i. /England held to he .ynooywith a native of e United fNats,so•r t is really a (burden. There is • Canadian and an Awncae aide to hi career, which places him in • meet veer viable light that of • libertine .md pr - fanner of orioles' operations as women. I. the course of hie life he has bass in shoe essteet with the polies of varies cities 1. the United SOW end Canada sen. len. Clime.., as Lamaism Lorne, Oen. IL—An interview with Mr. Foden, the Minister .f Inseam ef the Destaios of who l.sow in appeared Mr. land, y�Faitss admitted aihe Inserviewerrthat ee had ease to Reigls with »le Jobs Al. beet, the Ces.dianto negotiate with the s IsprW Oe mr-..t fee • porns of see repewtmtiasi e at Wsshingeen ..d ether mot d s eoyital& How 95* a.I* -ceche,. The Panel del dude= 8n caw lune wig! • tem IL pokey EMd IM ail r 46' ' Mles bobs - 4ed. 1L seN- btr of -._bene doled was ea knew' I Ben ourtemle !11 Oope0lism, 131 Ind► p edenwith Ew e.1, wie i6i hear hem. .bile wfE b u m tee flw.ew.edh tee file.. ef wee ti.p�p. Otlis s see defeat et Pruni r Mkt is Tea I Omar. TNI WIDE WORLD. lent. phiisdc4hia dipitberia isvery Preva- ♦ eo.isty has been formed u PWLdelphia te premise the satiate of hore./mk. There is ao doubt that cholera exams is she deans of which Cobkna as the winter. A telep►o.e lire has been lout an euooeur Iul operation between New lark and Chi- cago. A wase& suffering from leprosy has bees discovered in PhiLwlelpha aid sent to the hospital. The World's Voir buildings et Chicago wore forvt•lly dedicated as Friday by Vios- Preudent Mortes. A system has been i.a•gurated u Si. Louis, Mo., of sending soils to suburban localities by the street car linea During the put tour weeks 3,II0%1100 bcbls of corn have been shipped luso Mex - 1.0, anal stall there is suffering among the pour at the Mexican capasl. To mark the chrtsteuirg of the infant German Princess, 400 wonen, imprison ed for various ofeoces, lave been releas- ed. Fap.ees robber Oliver Corti* Perry, who was recently senteowd to fifty year' mo- ment, bens managed to escape by tug • tunnel under the wall of his Several thousand axottoa operators of Heywood, Lancashire, have bees notified by the mill owners of a redurtum in their wages of 6 per Dent. A strike will probably result. The outbreak of pleunrpoenwona amore United lists cattle on the steamer Eng- land at Ihpttord ag&.n postpones the free entry of United Fltatee stock to British markets T►. Lighthouse Board at Washi.gtoo bus approved of Cies Poe's scheme for lighting tit. Mary's river, Michigan, so that it will will be We for navigation by night Ile by day. Alen Chrmomt, the -old letter carrier," cab Met Deplore, Wien, as September 10 to wt1M to Chicago to tritest the dedication sesEl�enies,� vd on Monday nig'.t. He yeses Joseph B. Gordon, aunty -four years of y* the colored man who shot and killed W six-year old daughter at Detroit on July Rh hist, was on Saturday sentenced to inn. pie.nmeet for life. lee proportion for boldtsg an inures- tiesal exhibitioe in Belgium has been de- fiaitely adopted, the extubttton to consist of two onetime, one in Brussels and the other in Antwerp, oomeoted by an electric railway. After five ninnies' deliberation the Lom- dem jury that hes been hearing the evidence In the Lambeth poisoning cess brought in • verdict fiedieg Thomas Neill guilty of the murder of Matilda Clover. Judge Hawkie sentenced Neill to be hanged. The twenty-year old can of Seo•sr Bos.cbi, who was playing on • violin .t a party the other evening an Vienna, sud- denly threw down his instrument, drew his revolver, and shot human dead in the presence of these assembled to do him boater. ACCIDENT RECORD. tiaeh, • Hamilton son, had bees near V.nco.ver, B.C. Wm. McRae, of Longford, while addju t- ime • belt in a MMU, had his arm Lora A flood in San `perate, • Sardinian vil- lage, has caused the lose of fully 200 live& Joseph Bentley fell from • trapeze to the asap of a theatre in New Yorit and was At St. Louie, Mo., Theodore Princeley sot and killed ken wife, aged �, because . he refused to live with hint. Fifteen dwellings and stores at Frgle- wood, near Chicago, were burned, and three persona Lost their lives in the dame.. Daniel McNamara, • wealthy and r.- apeeted farmer, was killed in a gravel pit at Stratford Thereby by the bank swag Thomas Mann, of i.oadon, a (:. T. R. brakeman, was run over and killed by• freigbc train et Stoney Cry k Mony night. Robert Storey, a retired farmer aged 40, was struck by • Bread Trunk expree near Port Hope while walking on the track, and killed. Capt. Maths, a well-known farmer of Nast Oxford, had his skull fractured by a kiek from a horse. Hie injuria are oossid- .red fatal. Capt. J. W. Lawlor, who .ailed from Boston in • twelve -foot beat en • trasa-At- natio 'voyage, has been given up by kis se lost. A maa named O'Malley, from Boston, dell under the wheels of . C. P.R. train .t Medicine Hat N. W.T., ss Tuesday might, and was killeii. Mien Annie I'lark, d Philadelphia, step- apa match Mondaynight, which ting, set fire to her cloting. Her in - vies en proved fetal. A boy named Eddy Liberty weeaccident- ally shot at Winchester Spriaga by • ran with whom he was out hunting. He died 80 hour after the accident. Janes Sutherland, of Mount Brydge., hod both lege cut off by • C. P.R. train at ieedom. 0. was removed to Leads Hos- pital, end will probably die. John Kean, aged eighteen, had kis Int arm tors from the socket at Clark ! Car- max's flax mill, St. Mary's. There are some hop.. ad ►ls recovering. John Doherty, • O. T. R. switchman, was is. over at Nnprs Palls, Ontario, Hater - leg atrni.g, and did in tiros ban from the fajaties which be reserved. At Teas, 76 poend. of dy- smmite ea a Government dredge. Om. man his bead blown off and two esbws wen very .svwely injured. Word has ben reosi.d by the Hodson le Say Convoy's olleiaat innipeg of the death by drowning at NorwayHeuse d Oldel �r�Mor Heiser and r. Bt.alsy Chub Y. h.. invesigated the death .f John Andersen, whosewfound en the O.T.R. near N balls,as and be. deeded there Is se truth in the rumor tis. the men wee murdered. him Dolma, sevestrilhe d offs, wee had reestly arrived in liew York from Amsterdam, and was en hk way te We ass in Milwaukee, was rens over sad by • (i T. A nab an Wednesday -Wt wins are..neg • bridge thee Pei As West Wh teed, Cola, i1011 ..heel albino ween nkwU.g be • O.Itmhss s.M4.Wn They were ss .,aa lg hat high, whish ipara way, and 300 teba- 4lien }am ` • heap. Mean IMO Med, ., rbut tray brakes limb. Rod see a G, imbed e. eased • Yet ef Met mod thee ter fear HMIs wham trey tees caw mobs ..t de soy = them en . d theay 1 .. . tom the dew. Daring their .bean.e the been amitt sae .ted ebiliss were b to ia1L• BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $ 12,000,000. REST, - - 6,000,000. A Saving Department has been oteued in con- vection avilh this branch. Interest allowed at current rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager Goderich Brame. W. ACHESON & SON. White pure Wool Blankets, We li ;vinust opened a special purchase at $1.75, $2.25 and $2.75 per pair, and they are selling fast. Grey Flannels_ Our 17c., 19c. and 25c. special quality pleases all who have examined them. Fancy Flan- nels for Shirtings, etc., 28 inches wide, finest qualities, 35c. ; a large selection. Cravenette C For Ladies' Waterproof Capes, SPECIAL, 2 yds. wide, our price, 75c., regular price, $1.00; Best quality, 95c., regular price, $1.Z, in Greys, Blues and Blacks. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. 5 per cent. discount on cash purchases. Milllnery! FANCY A LARai AND W*LL$ILLIICI'ZD STOGY OF THE IN Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, FEATHERS AND RIBBONS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR AND CHILDREN'S PINAFORE'S. PLEASE CALL AND 8MS BUTTZR AND E408 TAKEN MISSES YIBITES. 18711 -mss Bluevale: W. H. Stewart, who u &t• tending the school d Pedagogy, Toronto, loowel Hse beenigeb Sc col as Bo.rd. o let h)' the Le .O N C t Clinton : Neil Vox bas gone into partner * hip with a reverend gentleman in slo. pub- liaatioo of the Nerds, Mas, Herald. Neil is an old SN:sAi. bey, and has the ability to run a first -chin prpr he does D ot know such • word se bail, and we, there fore look for his oomtieued suooxe. Fagged Out 11 THAT thud. worm - out 91W.s, of widish mo *massy women eassgbin after • day's washing. Is dose away N%it will ialae who use Dist methu�••• • to • !Wag �` - i 7 , 4 c„` 44) S°°P Which makes the Dirt dropeM Wttbout Hard Rubra Without Hollins Without Washing 1'ry the easy. elesn and r.nnesnl.al say -the way of washing. and you .111 not M die appointad. +ic Sunlight 1TU1NL1OHT SOAP Irvine on cum) for TIMM, yes may nes it with sombre sal delight ter .very household versos. ••••• wssr v, rlstwn i,evmw *DOS, .ceras MBAR ermwmAO wooers GRATEFUL-OOMFORT EPPS'S COCOA ` BREAKFAST. tie (]tem w\ �t■g a�ss aa�dwaf���rw itl a x ea logien s ` Mn,��IB.1m nlayprwsr� Vftigit ..ir t. ~abeam esters. NIGHTS ARE HERE I 80 18 HICH-CLASS WALL PAPER AT HAIF PRICE TO MAKE YOUR HOMES COMFORTABLE. WE HAVE DONE OUR PART NOW YOU DO YOURS (;ADDY & TOM WEST STREET