HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 44
ht otligaxl,
is Pomo
RI R. MaHia1 MT.
Piss d Pail(=- and M. Meclan rest.
Ysierneb Ontario.
Teems se aW..1l01.s s
f).. *heats, is adverse 1 11
` Months.
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is sound. ting peMg fly ewer
win be 1 31
adverse alas Maine
lw.a: and otase o•aeal.dv.rft.emeats• qo
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her each ,ubb..e
eot Iretba. Measured by
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yeAdvert cements of IoM, Pond, Strayed
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Itemnonpsrell, $1 per month.
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Abet **The tMgoe- t^ Menem Ir.
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P0Nbber'a let$ee,
J. C. Le Mosel. of Goderich, has bees ap
pointed Local Travelling Attest for the tows -
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Local postmasters over the district oro also
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All communications must be sddremed to
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thine 4 Wiesen sod h•lion•W right.
Mein Manna chosen la time the Idle
of absolution was rend Se llagland i the
people, %botanists villein. booms pe -
Holly their own raise. mad the nib d feal-
ty to the undivided lest mesa of M nee.
N tole the system of g.v s tw.mt was
posing through the vernal styes of
evoletiom, whist emcbed its china: whom
to people of os the head of King Caaato
because he paneled is looking to the dors
ages for exam* sod inspiration, the term
of des oath remained practically nehmen
to net the requirements of the altered con-
ditions: and today we seines the abear-
dity 01 officials swearing fealty t, a
.oairah who herself is but • deputy of the
people, though like all mo• ietrae ate would
grasp more power if she could, as wanes
h er inMuteaoe that the great Radical LASOt.'-
(A n*x should be excluded from the GI.AD-
erroas cabinet, .md her pleasure at the extra
dwelt,. conferred upon her as Reran' or
1soIA by BEA. °N vin -D.
In oo.olderiag the oath taken by Mr.
MY**n in the light of the foregoing [mets.
What do you find' We are justified from
Use facia of history in sxoludtng Quos. Vtc-
roatA as a monarch or as an iadirid*ml from
oomsiderauon. She did not pay Mr. Moab
h ie
salary. The people of Ontario did. He
was ander no obliration to guard the special
interests of VLLi,*1A, shier all an 1.divid.
ual or as • monarch, for were it one ad-
mitted that to ber was allegiance der in
either nen, she would have a perfect and
Iogtod right to befst upon the soundness of
the long ago exploded principle el absolute
anarchism. Some of the beet blood of
Britain was spilled to dstioy absolutism,
and at the threshold of the twentieth nen•
tory, 'rhea we are in full view of the most
perfect liberty and rituality, we chant af-
ford to let our representatives take even
one regretful look back at the darkness and
tyranny from which the blood of our fore.
fathers delivered tie.
Mr. Menne took no oath of fealty to
absolutism or to monarchy of any kind.
He simply, as an enlightened man, in the
light of the above facts, took .n oath that
he would perform his duty as county crown
attorney. He owed that duty to the
people, act to the crown. In performing
that duty he never failed. He did hie whole
duty, and so well, ..het Sir Ouvxa Mower,
through whom the people paid the salary,
repeatedly complimented him upon the poise
and care be was at in attending W the
people's busias.e. He reoeived no gratuity
trorn the crown, but was paid by fees for
Use work ha performed and for nothing
else. What au outrage upon common seas
and justice it is to say chef he merit-
ed dismimal because, when at such tams
as be might have devoted to extending his
law praotice and akiag money, he chose
to tell the people of Canada they would be
benefitted by uniting their fortune with
their brethren in the United Stat..
In the sone category with Mr. MYttn
JOB PRINTING BUSINESS- stands tate Orangemen who may favor union
with the Stats ; and with the Orangeman
we wish • few quiet words. Our recol-
lection of the Orangemen's oath, as we have
seen it printed, is that the members of that
society take upon themselves an obligation
to bear true alkgience to Her Majesty
Queen Victoria, so long as she shall main-
tain the Protestant religion, and to inform
her as to the existence of conspiracies
against her life and dignity, etc. Thucath
has a history pertly its owe ; partly that of
the general oath of fealty. In the light of
that history it must therefore be considered
The oath was formulated after the followers
of the Prinoe of Onassis hal driven King
•1.tnits from his throne and placed upon it •
man who in himself had little right to reign
over the people of F:ngIaod. By this very
set the t hramgemen demonstrated that they
did not believe they were under any ob-
ligation to bear allegiance to any in-
dividual or system of government, and that
the queen is the emblem of authority just as
the mace is the emblem of authority in the
hands of the speaker of a legislature. They
were loyal to what they considered to be •
principle that principle being the duty
and right of Protestants to protest against
what they held to be . he ecclesiastical and
civil encroachments of the Church of Rome.
Prince William, became the defender of that
principle •tad in that •apacity, as defender
of the faith, the Orangemen toot the oath of
.Ileguance not to the Primas se an io•
div ,dual nor W the monarchical system
which he represented _but solely W Pro-
testantism which was in him personified.
The words " so long as she shall maintain
the Protestant religion" are • proviso which
go 10 prove this view of the oath W be the
corns.* oma, for on her maintenance of the
religion depends her dignity and her crown
from the Orange point of view
The subecrib er is open to offers for
the puri ha.e of the Newspaper and
Job Printing Office of
One of the beat exquippnll offices and
best paying country newspapers in
western Ontario.
Satisfactory reasons for gelling.
TER .ATN 4111781111111111 AY set haler ori
son the disc neat of Mr. Eu:IN Mvtu,
by Sir ()twee Mower en the pretext that he
had violated his obligation as County Crown
_Attorney In taking part in the great n.ove-
mot ior the consolidation of the English
speaking peoples of North America in one
grand nation extending from the tropics to
the north polar sea, and hounded on both
sides by an ocean which encircles the world,
the oath question has become a subject of
much diaconate:lAwyera have handled it
from all points cf view. Some hold that
every word of en oath must be construed
literally, bait such narrow-minded lawyers
ought W know the abeurdity of such a con-
tention, for how frequently in their own law
books do they meet with sections and
clauses, one half of which is so apparently
in contradiction of the other half that roan -
=mutton find it necessary to enable the
student W gain a proper understanding of
such legal tangles W explain that the clause
most be interpreted in the light thrown up
on it by the 000text The same trouble is Everything In the oath is enbordiiate to
met with by the Bible students. Some the overshadowing principle of Protestant -
hold W the origimal idea of a literal hell, ism. fat her one abandon Protestantism,
with firs and other essentials to most fright and the cry "Down with the Queen" would
fol torment&, while others put • Ices um !om become as popular as " To Hell with the
Portable interpretation upon the panne. re- Pope,'. on that at ohne both the individual
bating W future punishment. and the system of government bsoome ma-
le considering the nath taken by Mr. temptibie in the Orangeman's eye, and the
Melte, which is the same as all officials principle of Pensioning' beames pars
take, nee tact .hosted be remembered, and mount. As in *he case el the general oath
in the light of that fact the oath ehonld be of loyalty. while there has hos adman -
construed. In its present form, the oath is meat and evdetieo el thought and anti-
• survival of •I solat. tiosarehy W hen meet as the world has grown eldera.d wiser,
the kings of England ruled with atiaduts there has Ism unfortunately ro corn s
away they were obliged to take every pemdiag sings ia the forst of oath token
precaution W prevent the people from by the Orsaremet. Th. ;words "His
securing any of that power which the kings Majesty" have changed W " Her Majesty,"
alone panned- -s fearful were they that but me one has hen taken of the growth of
their rotten system would orumbk W de- Demo.rnican l Rep.blilanreatilmestamong
cay and themselves be redwood W the ranks. the walla l'et the fora[ of tie oath remains
They mould not •d..i mian dl again penes- the hams se it was 100 years ago because
ally. •ed wishing ta g.trd again. any is- the evehitiee .1 government has bowl es
vision of their "divine rights," whoa any graded as to be &Inrn imperceptible, sad
but themselves were anted to nen in up to the present tins there has .risen so
govereneet, theme es favored were allowed aneemity for chancieg the (r•tgaat',
to shwa tie moldy preresouves es the knee oath se as W make it as clearly and se solely
aeptf.. only after they ed taken a • Protestant oath as it was when Gamed.
special with of dhgiaas be the kiy- No part el the tka.goms.'a oath on jmmly
The eljmet of this, H is quite dear. no le...ddered as hiding.pn hie coassignee
Mat the kung might retake unimpaired his exempt Mat whisk beads kiss se an advaned
alwelmM seniority. The mob et allocdnoe. Protestant es mofatai. Hee F'rotestnt re-
ws nigh is *he poem el the kis* net Niko There/ere no Oesnger as wbadg-
saes the kkeg shared W neregr hes, nee • e great prke,iptm d W order whin he
with nue ewes M tear ar apimes N hi. donor ler Padl1sl Gain eel* the Udtd
sell. ►m ewers espestes bpm Mem that abates
the power d- ted Se dmo wars really Thos le enol. Imtaee whish Tis es-
SUL trend sill to the .sts.ti.a d (kayo as that .s3..et. Parruer• was to le
r who fear that rnthtmtal onion is ow- the kind leery wdenther en that pard
Mary WSW obligations el the Osier, and saki ete••i•a. sad ..t Ronan
Hat is Mai the Omani beide has gaits • Ain : A week or two ago Mayor
lellowtag .n She other aide el the lite, not- LAM padded M • farewell diner to
ably in Dann, whore Beeth.. Tasysoa pennon resident who was leaving town.
steads l en ro
the lichok, sod in Miens, Anent the toast& proposed was that
when, daring the C.lase in bi•- penis ea " Tlake Manus," unpin with
Friday el ion weak. • along r peeaaWse d on.. maDr. N e Ho0a , ekeirmsm d t
of Amauie•e Orangemen carried their Oahe* Harbor Uomittee d the Town (.Dema[.
1a tae • peat parade. ad, headed by the No ems will dispute the fact that Mr. Nunn.
well -know* farm el Dr. Rarsotos. 1111•116 d eon ran .noompromw•e Conservative, he
to the add -time air. el " The Orange Lily '' hew • truthful moa, and spsakug
nt on
and the " ProtestaBoys.' subject- the tmproventente a the harbor
Again, at the oelehe.tioa of the Twelfth what did he say ' ltd hs, looking into 1
of July last year, at the groat "walk ' et eye of Mayor Burtgs uu that ucoseiw, ei
moot Sarnia, the moNoticeable feature u the the credit for the ea spout& and prosnwt
ptrooeadas m wthe appear nos of the Sag(- of clot work to that geeUer.wi. Nay .
new and Bay City ledges, which took part, did hot eves entices net gsuUa
and UPI loudest u loudest cheers of the day wecau section with the goveromwital favors
given by the ('aoadian contingent when the but staled uu.,3uivuoally that the town w
brethren from "the other side" swung into riving the feast of good thing* include
line, b the strain of " The Boyne Water,'• harbor improvement& and railway sub.di
and with the Stars sad Stripes proudly because Hum. J. C. Patterns bad been
gloating side by side with the baanerete of elected.
KIN" Wtt.uAII and Col•NT VON ScxuHmgnOar ar Conservativeervative friends ass settle
Anse/ion1n vivisg the Anse/ion visitors • fro- twain themselves to whom the credit is d r osptioe the Canadian Orangemen sen 111 there be any credit whenthe tows
were only carrying out the idea which per- only rseslvimg its just dues at the bands
mooted the great oleo/owl council, where the (:overu.teuli. It PA1-rsa'o1 is the man
delegates othe United Stats mot the who has the iatluenoe " thea Int Parrs
delegates from Britain and the colonies asos receive due credit ; but if Mayor disavowed on an equal footing, without trio is the " be all and do all " in connect
tiro, the beet methods for the furt ermacarn
. sand PAaso' u " mot in it,' why, w
of the Order. want to knit it, you know.
Aad thus is another bogie to Ceo*iasntal But we don't want every Tory who
Union removed. ranniag for office --from pouodkeeper t
parliatarlan—to be eternally claimi
that the Government is carrying out the in
gr'ovements of this country simply beam
it wants him w et
1s Senn.
'• nu k-* 1 UMW' Mt a .&silt•,
Then was never • time when the people'
denied' for justice have pot been met by
of violence on the part of the aa
whose privileges were being challenged. In
the days of the ancients nearly every ad-
rocate of popular rights met his death at
the hands of hired asasims The middle
ages furnished examples of men who fee
justice's sake suffered imprisonment in dun
w d
goons rile and watered the tofreedom
with their blood. Our own day hseen
numeroexamples of European tyrants
hunting down men whose only crime was
''ea loving their fellow m ' and dear* to
du good. Evan this " Canada of ours" sent
Use martyrs Leant and Matthews to thels
sdol.l, a sacrifice to the Wood -thirsty r
mints of the loyalists of '37.
Twos ever thus with the *re
is of
royalty, and so will it .ver be if the mom of
('ands tamely submit to the fury and
loyalty sawdust which is belched forth by
crazy Dctiisom, of Toronto, and squirted byse
The Toronto World, whoeditor, by
the way, was but a few years ago • frothy
and flannel -mouthed advocate of Canadian
Independence, which is in oertaisty se re-
bellious against Bmu
ritish ooeetioO as
that of Union with the Staten The
World, which has never been chows in its
selection of tate quarter from whence finan-
cial aid name, we do on look for anything
that is not purely ommerciel, for it& editor
hu $ very appreciative knowledge of what
is meant in commercial circle as "so much
for the job " and therefore we never niarval
when we read anything unusual in that
enema journal. Hut for the l,euefit of
whom It may coocern" we beg to say that
we intend to discussthe Union question
without the slightest thet coregardingopinionsw
opinions of the Toronto sashbucklers.
(H course, these fellows know teat dis-
cussion makes convene by the thousand to
the Unim
onist cause, for comoo sense awl
the good of the pd0t& as are 0at& aide and
therefore they advocate the knocking! down
of all the Usionuts as the only way to meet
their advances.
The powers of the law are to be invoked
to crush, but we may just as well he plainse
with thebelligerent fellow* and tell them ,se
that they n commence their work of
prosecution and blood as soon as they like
and they will find the people ready. A
whole ratios cannot be indicted, and it all
the Unionists oo
• are to be dealt with aord-
ing to martial law the jails will have to bela
enrged and our fields left untitled. Just
let the military gang in Toronto come up W
Huron county sod they will foal us pre-
pared to talk Union right in their teeth, and
if blond letting u W he the order of the day
so let it be, but it wont be all no one
And who, pray, are these braggarts
going to order powder and ball for' Not
for • foreign hand of marauders, but for
the brothers and neighbors of the mom in
their own ranks whose only ocemoe is that
they think the time has come for the
fare, mechanics sad other industrial
classes W give thsmsglvee and families •
better chance W got along. To shoot w W speak
down, forsooth, because they dare
the truth sad tear trot to tell the colonists
that the day of Cada'e socntlos must end
and the well doing of her people must be
the first •s
t esaideratioa of the fathers and
mothers of our land
is it t es.on to pleadt*at the political
system of sur 000ntry should be ohaaged
w that the lemon of the census and the
failure of governmestal opiates have becerne
anif.m' If so, thea w. w traitors. It is
not ntreasonable but tntly patriotic W ad-
vote the Gaily partible remedy to staunch
the flow of our country's bole blood W the
Stats, and W hiador the impov.risbm.st
d our toiling mace and the desolation .f
mainear homes main by tins departure of
on omen died daughters W ohne laud where
the improved pofitioal rendition produce
the hes/thy mrr
lthy nntereial stats from which
west Republic derives her est wealth sad
aua, s'. ono non the Tor
ghee eaist& that it will take tatty .1l
their don W d dawith the Canna in
dontToronto alone, whose me dot the exietisg
Menem is onsiag theatreds W ourse the
system Mit te deletes their mime sway to
Detroit lllud►le, etroit .d ether eines off the
U.In. Shs.M the .1Rbry blokes want •
eamp.iga mann the doughtyDenny Den dines
sen seea M their segood od pleasure, bat
lob Mthat s. rest eimsed ththey wool bre
a let et hall Womble dial will they
MPH T ■g>rlieraa
Mayor BCTtia is evidently muck uo b s
job, and W taken the earliest opportaaity
possible to have himself interviewed with
referents to his intentions at New Year's
When asked if he would again be • candi-
d/se for the mayoralty, the interviewed
told the interviewer that he would be in
the field.
Then The Star editorially gives r•es.ons
why Mr. Brviau should be ontic..d e.
office as follow.
'•He is desirous of seem the harbor im-
provemeote, which were n this year,
completed with as little de y as posibbe,
and be rightly believes that to the position
of the town's executive he can exert a non•
siderable in8unee in accomplishing that
much desired end. The Star is able to gay
that plans are beim? prepared with • view
to the probable extension of the north pier
some 400 feet, and tenders will be asked for
the work at an early date. This, with the
continuation of the dredging .o successfully
carried on this season, would make the
harbor equal to any emergency."
What does this mean' .aro we to under-
stand that no other man but Byrum has
the interest of the town at heart and would
desire to see the harbor improvements u
a000mplisbed fact at an early date'
Or dos it imply that although the Gov-
ernment plans and specifications are being
prepared for a 400 -feet extension of the
north pier, and tenders to be called for,
that the work will not be gone on with if
JOHN Bt-rLa r sot elected mayor of God*.
Ands it to be generally believed that
the continuation of the dredging of the
Government harbor of refuge for the bene-
fit of Canada's Lake marine is merely •
question of votes in Brn.La"a favor and
not a matter of public benefit'
These are matters that the mayor and
hill mouthpiece should explain, for the
public are not gullible slough to take any
stock in the specious claims to the mayor-
ality nude by either the one or the other.
If the question of the election of the
mayor of I:oderich is deemed of such im-
port -moor that the Government of Canada
gays that the election of a certain candid
ase will cause it to give or withhold from
the public treasury, the people not only of
this town but also of the entire Dominion
should certainly know that such is the
We all know that in parliamentary con-
tests the looting of the public treasury is
looked upon in oertain localities by pro-
feesio.al Tory politicians as legitimate en-
terprise, but until The Star put its argu-
ments in favor of Mr. Rrrt.ca we were mot
aware that the ids had invaded municipal
The general impression was tlrat the her-
bor. was being dredged, and the seeded im•
provements by harbor extension .tad other -
nes, were under cooaderation in *e pub-
lic interest, and because t he requirements
of traffic demanded such work; and it will
be news for the people to learn that the era
penditure incident to the prosecution of the
work was made because .Toni BcTLae was
mayor of (:clench, end was contingent up-
on his re-election at New Year's.
The Star might as well go • little farther
with it& gassy statements and tall the rate-
peyen that WTI.ra has not Duly got a
" pall " e* the Government W aid him in
municipal matters, but by • special dispen-
sation of Providence hes got a cinch on the
rain and sunshine W promote hie mayoralty
contest. For we it known to all mss that
Mayor Ruder has lied as much to do wi h
the plen..at Fall ..d the bountiful mope .a
he had with the public works in l:odericb.
On this lire TMs SIUNA.. dos not speak
from guesswork, het ono submit authorities
which even The Star will not disputa
hiring the last political mutest in West
Horn, Hon. J. C. Pitmans sod hie
friends calmed that by his stoniest liode-
rie1 could loos for government aid with
do.fideros. It w.ea't the mayoralty *ke-
no that would !ring about the rood thaw
-it was the election of .1. C. I'ATTI/y*0N.
This is what The Star double bgaded in its
Jens of Fah. 18
"A letter was removed at The Star Mike
yeat..vloy Rom • prominent and well blew.
skipper of this county, in whish he gays :
was in bands en the 9th *sed there
heard en geed awHority that Woes sea=
Wag is done to Oederieh barber Iib
the Host bes will set be able ter 3
et Beaty
l this year
The letter ego be nem at this nOoe by
nyess desiring it. Lot tato people of
Ood.rloh ask thernselwall
Whether itis. Patterson or Irv.
Cameron Is most likely to se -
Sere the extensity* and
Masten t Inaprov.m.ntai d.slred
at tole harbor."
Throe is ant • lean sheet Mayor boar
le emnetMiee with the polite improgennes
teens, Nor yet w ill they god Utah w.amt
Ontario be like sato BsM.rhw
As Paves Mct.vAfttr Lind me ayeaalr,
•• Tb.) ro Lheu.euldia' ler a basin'. ''
• staaot sasaso ..
The tulbuwiag report levee (:viler Names
to the Sheriff WI the o.uduion of the gaol.
should have some effect oe the Cueing
Co' mood in evimg this disgraceful noddles
of affairs remedied Time awl again the
council Imo had the matter brought to its
attention, Ont as )'et no proper rum•edml
measures' nye been Mans We ouuninend
the saw to the hoard of Health
Dna Rte -la view of the trot that our
country is likely to be visited by • danger•
uls epiticnuc, it would be criminal oat my
part acre 1 to remain silent on the sanitary
modifies of the gaol proper. Thera u not
• siagledrabs in .aueulutton with ams. AU
the grassy filth of the hitches, all the filth
of weebmg and scrubbnng the rand. also the
filth of five water closets, are all allowed to
soak into the ground of the gaol premien,
prudgcing maxims mid dmigerous rms.
This state of affairs has been going ca .3500
the year 1842 The stench farm the water
ebaets at unser 3. simply disgusting and
you cu int./ioe in what condition the soil
to the gel yard mum be by this time,
m. y • veritable breeding ground for any
is that nand visit es
It ie true an eight -inch tile dram was put
u last summer on the north aide of Use gaol,
beginning an the cells of the gaolers quar
ters and runs down the bank in front of the
notThis drain could be oono.cted with
the water closets in the two yards it rums
through, but owing to Lbs apathy of the
to make the
council nolkr gg s me
ooam.ctiow, arlthouleigbeen doh it would relieve two
water closets, leaving four ea the south side
to ati11 Lc nt.minate the atseesphse. The
dooms from he collar has made name one -
partitively dry, so that it esm sow be util-
ised, but it is still damp and tasty 1 am
an ashamed W gar 1 vow the present con-
dition d mires with alarm.
IT LOOKS *. V t1o.OesT sae Otos, Ma.
Bras: a sears on the mays0hdi question,
when he takes a two .s.the' rue at tit.
...Isis crow at the rant siert of anis,
wken • jury of his 000.try.sn attached to
him the stigma of • weans and malicious
libeller, that he has boa voautinv ever
Tex Retie= H t♦ DttrtvvaagD THAT THL*t
is a fine opportutwity for (panda t0 build up
• trade in hay with the Old Country. it
err talented contemporary will now boom
the oo d•wood export we'll all be happy.
Markov are what we want wader the Me-
Kinley bill sod the Titley tariff.
towpath .xpei.moe of the editor of .tie
jowled. We aro in nowise ashamed of the
experience, se it was an honest though
humble occupation, sad it gave us ea
iasight into the proper handbag of re
cab:itrant mals which start us In good
stead when dealing with aha on which now
tris to run The Star.
MI JAI. Mnn.lru, 01V Ter STAR Nov.
refers to his friead Gobs as " the tool Goan,
sow .witting his trial for perjury." This
u rather • harsh way to speak of hie tried
and neonate, but perhaps if Mitchell had
been sent to jail instead of begging off se h.
did, .,oat would have spoken of hum as "the
tool Mervittt.t" Whim • certain class et
worthies fall out bona Man sometimes hear
the truth. But, boron bright, it is rather
hard for the Mrristu. pot to call tae (:oat
kettle Mack. They were united in the
character blasting business and by prime
ban they should not be divided.
From our own correspondent.
Miss Ida Sallow, has returned from visit
ing her brother in Detroit and from friends
in London.
SILya WtnDIN,. AT MArtswanp Fan'.
—Friday, October 21st, was • gala day
at Maplewood Farm. Early in the atter
wood the many relatives and friends began
to arrive to celebrate the tbta annivsn.ry
of the marriage of Mr. and Mn. Thomas
Sallows. The .lay was all that could be
A calm mild day, as will such days will
To call the squirrel and the bee from out
their Winton home,
Wham the sound of dropping mats is beard
though all the trees are still,
And twinkle in the smoky light the waters
of the rill.
During the afternoon a championship
of quoits was played between IJ
Wise end A. Morro repre.eOLimg Colborne,
•sed .1. Bellows and 0- Smith reverencing
Orey. The latter won by 21 points W 14.
In the evening the guests were treated W •
snmptuou.repast after which the tine was
,pent in socia Intercourse, recanting toad
singing. Many numerous sad costly prod
mote were presented to the o
ost hostess The canny broke up about use
o'clock, after wishing Mr. and Mrs. Moe.
!allows nay happy ggturs of the day.
Grey : Joh. !Bowan, ohs has taught
for the pset two yearn ke S. 8. No. fad, will
attend the Normal Saiool M Torten next
year W secure his prdomkNol 9d.
of Cod-liver Oil and ilypnphnuphisea
ie both a fed and a remedy. It is
useful as a fat producer and at the
vine time gives vital Torre to the
body. it is hmefiCul in
because It makes fat and givsstreagbh,
It is beneficial for
because they can assimilate it when
they cannot ordinary nod.
it is beneficial for
►terame it basis Ne irritation of oke
threat .ud brildt up the body and
He dliewkj
oil NMI
ser sta
w .aweseo1staal
mal aN sumo., wdm!•g les
Mboata labllt,tase e'
lei aa../s, iota ptydst amd msugal aw
the panes WO**
ow. sash se etusti=us.lons, by%
rM• Y ..e.
.risabio beat+sr M iii rgk
sol by sB dnoi•Mw aa) la Soo seasiitmemp NY we
trona merle or will b wt by NIApsi
ea tit* et prise•-reeab a he.os eel W
X )t
No other brand of
Tobacco has ever en.
joyed such an immense
sale and popularity in
the same period as this
brand of Cut Plug and
Plug Tobacco.
Oldest Ort Tastes ..am for.
farers in Canada.
Cat Fin, ) la ? 9 . LOC
— THE --
Universally acknowledged
to be superior in every res-
pect to any other brands is
the market. Always reli-
able, as has been fully dem-
onstrated by the millions
that are sold annually and
the increasing demand for
them, notwithstanding as
increased competition of ot-
er One Hundred and Twen-
ty-five Factories. This fact
speaks volumes. We are not
cheap Cigar manufacturers
.S.D14 vis & SONS
Largest and Highest Grade Cigsr
Manufacturers in Canada.
Orem ser ewe .seesprd—
Tb shipment .f apple i 74r7 bal. G.•
wewad era
Tb 4116"1411141"
s..,. LdaR h.NYt d Hs " Drxr
Hones " has rt.rlad,
Th. " Fete Hese•Is 11/41 tbsroarhly r
fitted and is este d the hell le the onset.
Mr. had Moa A. Matlyd arrive* hear
atter a M week.' vont ( [aaMs.. n"
Its ser sews seeeentrd,Nt
Mite ia•hed' Hawkins bee gees w ias
Mite Pr.sMms, Baltlerd, meet a M
days hot weak M A. C. Rawkl.•
leis M0MiW0 is betee from iow"
Joie report. Oro as War extremely fah
1N riot —awee
Our ems ase an old terns ••e I
aotitie• of apple hind% the domeed
eco very Treat
fattll/u Rog.
that M rather WNW Waft. Wtdoi Wo e
00_, &AM si AM Is reviled Is IgisZ
NOON O.s Il ntw.l.7. OEM ills! M
Ica Paamin's Omni StSmeterpsis lasely am herd
Nws.psl. bond te sad
W. ads