HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-27, Page 3AYER
hcosime the principal
yolk t toted in it is the cert
. '
rgentone lionducss sarsaparilla
• the vii'747i iiunit&
c r '-'tfies. Also. be.-nusd
L the ellow
ires Catarrh docky, hoistg
Scd eepressly for LIM CVIltrially.
freth and of the very
With equal discrimina-
te a• nd rare, each of the other
real:tits arc selected and Coin-
etedevi. It is
luperior Medicine
:,114 it is &Ways the sante in
fear;.tiee, iloserw, and efle.i,
Kt. 1.• . highly concentrated,
ki are needed. It
re, the most eettoomical
in e e64 It
makes kited nu.
Cures wo t k
CROFRA pleasant, sleep
refreshing, and
z. It searches Out all
pert the system and expels
tni by the natio
• .. AVERS Sarsaparilla
r.;.* .t.ieti6ty to the sh.:p, and
to the aged and infirm,
rfeWar lissitb. strength, and
J CA?, & C.• t,t‘tatt
lirotigt,tst ;.". s.: • 13..4t1s. Ss.
/tit 416 &diet% will
ours you
' As Lamers erseessi lastieuresed to
1 str•oi with. tared Pease • •ourge
Hell i •Ii.•, ..1„: to the I.toden 'nee.*
' fed. limes a, le•v• nue %1,,,, I.
at tit. • led,,.. pilejt111414., hetes rarl., r
11444,11 ' hat. i..41.4.. WC( people tattle ai usu.:
from • •-• 0 a lite -sous trantier I.. toll ••••
11.1)4lIt 1 'Art, sae "gorges.u. cerememais.
Maple, Hie all the put %Ale wealth of the
itecteut .IIJI 1 tiAI) pate flout when, they set
Iout feet. emit 1,h4. loaded with gtdd,
borne ..0 the inelg• t•I 4,11P, still II art reties l•
MAW* and septa. test at timer skirt, by •
Ifir"fte el titP. a Tip Pit Otters : ittNisilec... host,
With anvil, stretching lions pele to pule
11011101s tie- street ; eassore er.sova soul
smatiflits g4lt.sin4 a die do,/liag Ole
skim ; .. iittic :......traii. •11 eves.; girl,
hi ritualist with '.4.tV NS and voirtiei of
loiters ; tee, 4 theee 10.....lers. 00t 1111114
ilia • silver :Wipe .., and at the lock of
all • ranou• and motley crowd of • he
people, Itusstai siei estlish, chiefly ill the
poor and unta-.14itt, hollow heal, hoary
featured. dulleyed. vacant. temple. melte ill
then, ruddy with health. but mote of these
pale del wtated with pea• rhe proceasiott
begot outele ow chervil, aiel I loolol dee ii
ea I part t., I, forte the ore.. elute shed,
was half way up to Ilklofty roodthee
mail uho intlkai cher holland the clergy
%taught tay ey e et the era mei .vetstienekol
mare • Useniest 1. the nate &Fearer.
s I h! [IS yea- 1892 is the year 7,910,
cords the Arrieriates akin 111.000.0X1
! to plug their meth.
clock owned by a resident of Trappe.
has tithed since 1766.
ray one came of auustroke °courted in s•
1 daring the whole summer.
urgi electricity is in coeteesplation
large progeny in LLatral Spain.
the Issu! of the avenue* man there are
it 120,000 hairs, provided. of comer,
he is sot bald.
inan ic Maine has built an immense lob -
pond nd will put into it this autumn
it 78,000 tobstant
twenty -acre peed budded up out of the
h in renter county, Penneylvanii. re
lv01!weitty minutes.
ce Yeti. boasts a the hugest surpliced
red hoy choir in the United Stater and,
a as is known, in the world.
▪ eitiasiss wbo are able to read and
4. have the power to vote in Bolivia ausd
cal othet South American republan.
ihrmingliam steel worker committed
ode in • simple way. He put his head
er • trip hammer 4.04 st smash 1.
'ictteis Cerbolic Salve is a wooderful
he., compound for. outs, womeds,
mos, burns, scolds, boils, pilaw, pimple*,
he hirgte, barometer yet made has
n ptt I working' Iler at the St.
u. • .,.wer in Pans. It is 41 feet 5 inches
;ever allow tbe bowels to remain cough-
ed I. -.t SOC40011 evil menu National Pills
wourpassel as • rentedy for catalpa-
eie minima three hundred thousand
[nag' worth of pickles and sauces me
orad front England - to other taunt ries
VOTITS came muctii sicitoess among child-
. Freemen's Worm Powders prevent
1, Soil make the child bright and
Jthy. lm
' recenearreatoreencerstlaroonaroothete
" That is IP:skim° for " You most get •
id knife," an important thing to have in
dilbure's Aromatic Quinine Wine for
▪ the system against attack" of ague,
lis, bilious fever, dumb ague sad like
geutlenian in Tacoma recently gave •
art to twenty-eight people, the dude,
els hetnr the interior et distilled' of a tree
him estate.
" Lewis," the encient manse of Paris,
see in effect "'midtown," the city when
%mane found it being thiely composed
nod :milt houses.
More Oen a foerth .1 111. gold and news
sat third of tliti silver produced thorough -
1 the world 1. the year 1891 was mined
the United States.
The riessique hanker cm the emeetaary
o r of Nelms cathedra& which bears •
am dimwit resemblance to • Ike, is said
be of the twelfth mature.
There is no better Radicles for family me
iga Ames Cathartic PIM. Their sugar -
wag makes them easy sod eves agreeable
has, sod as they esseak as mimed or
kw jejunum dreg. they are press* safe
r pstieele say age.
1401: 11014,0•111 111 tht gua.iy dee He
e a, • Pouttuan, di the hag voile he piesast
weer.. eke stat OW 6/, i disuelatred. oral
its get) clot,. • gebdevl 881.1. catit•-*
seat MI pa:Lori Le.* are MO& 44. It 114.
thew glares *pots .h.e. area' toy etteethet
to Id• tio• 'The !site and etcetera retakes
his glassy cyst. 311..- hill p14 micedit,
the. oiled sea iip eta the huora, Whew
mash eme tq. to my tee At IA
terval• al* t • UMW." feet
wet the esei pray dig and ngMI
t •ttOt 1 'early tlie taw,
)I44* tome 4.48 414 ttah;04 ce.14.444/1111/44444. *14
sakiv, have ',Donn that he had regret, oil his
lest h • w ar ran: SN'hy wee he bete ' The
upeatti It tr: his divot -aka rye. at the
banuer 111%1111711 et Ws heed t•.1.1 everything:.
Trite. he was dytag. but the ••lioiera was
coming sad he Val, tu terra 4 sly trig le
fore Ms time. re, tte coma to make th,*
14141) 41.844 tan i•cel ought or.l.•i the tttrat
lattath paaa hili by Air ' tete )c.arfillIg
tot life elan life is worth i.. 4.,u wh..n
is • burden too heat%) to /MSS 7 111111 1101111114
fur etinething whim Omer im ut. Imager env
thing to hope for: that 4..41 1.':.' renmei
armee agitate death lien 0. -*tit is the neer
and tea itaWu sod.
I aw the ceekol4s preceetion only from
the organ :at diurelt, but there mai a
promotion of Another hoed which I followed
through Ow streets. It waa • Jewish
funeral, and it took place in lirakau. The
dead sea a wean of the poorest else who
had thol front the iutirruities of et treme old
age, but in the prevailing disquietude of vu
maws. about the cholera nearly every death
seemed surpicioue. and &lout -the use there
were strauge whispers. Eveey circum-
stance seemed to conspire to help the de
lesion. Strict Jewish law require* t hat *1).'
dead shall he buried within four and twenty
bolus, but the district tir had not come
to certifythe cause of death, sad the hin•
eral, which had been appointed for II in
the monsing, did not tithe pleee natil 4 in
the afternoon. During the five hours be-
tween a crowd of people gathered in the
street and germinated alarming rumors_ 1
wee taken upstairs to • derkenal inner room
on the second atage. There the body
lay on the hare door. entirely covered with
s. hlack sheet Teo vemihat !turned at
either side of the head and two wormer sat
on the floor beanie them. After the doctor
had Come at tength and looked at tbe dead
and written his name es a paper ind then
passed out with • stiff lip, not castiag •
wont at any of ua. two 111.P0 irroUght • cof-
fin This um a Meek. oblong box, which
tweak for all the Jewish teepees of the dis-
trict, the dead being buried without coffins.
The box was taken into the inner room, and
presently- it reappeared covered by • pall
and borne on the shoulders of four Iik*i,
WOO, I think, of the deceased, or nearest of
her kin. It was then tbat I te-nk pert in •
procession such as iew men of the western
world can have seeu. Beyond the bearers
there were no mourners ..f the family of
the dead woman, but all the poor Jews of
Krakes became at once her mourners and
their own. The crowd fell behind and 1 4 -
lowed without order. lour or lit e okl men,
wearing tall, silk hate, much browned and
battered, over velvet skull -caps, which
showed like black haftdages across the be Ls
of their heed*, ,arrieel litt le Unita -Airy hes ks,
which they rattled as we walked along,
crying, "Charity earth from death '
They were members of the Society of Butl-
ers. Eapecially as we turned the ow.
nem of the erects the old men rett ..!
their oans end cried together, "1 'hardy
saveth from death '.•• Everybody gave
to them ----old men bobbing on sticks,
014 women melting green stuff in the
Hers young girls bareheaded and
foot, prostitutes in the slattern rip
of their afternoon morning, WWI even the
blind beggar, who would lay hold of the
arm of the joiner by and give hint •
kreutzer to drop into the mu Seek reso-
lute and persistent slow giving was start,
ling. Was it usual • By no 1111111881t Thee
what did it mean It menet tint the
cholera WIWI ooming end that the shadow el
the Greet Death hung over everybody.
At each step the crowd grew larger. lis
and boys joined us conetautly, falling la
and going alosig without previous armors
=eat, aa if obeying some unheard ocengesed.
As we approached the cemetery the streets
seemed to flow with oes tide only, a tide
of people 'mikes with downcast heads
and • vague ogees of dread, noscheakall-
ly, like people walking in a di. 11
usual for inek moureses le hearkg •
body to t1). -p... te Amuse this virtues
01 tbe ded. bet se thk esemion
they were limy with angels= egrater-
they were talkies el the asiera. Death
was goilistatere them, bst that wee
slily the Death, sod it excited so
terror. Whiat esotracted their breasts
sad drew these en with the fasoinatioft
of fear was that the living death wee
hovering over than Their oleos and
their mounting wee a sort of eI.81& sup-
plicating' to Ms Green Death to spun them.
"Chanty mveth front death t. Charity
Gareth from death r nos to propitiate
Death they gehoo-tio poorest sod the
barest- .811 111.. they felkewsd-the oldest
semi the lansiget.
A Seed
The Olel Frierod-I hear you aro magsgswit
°ay Can it he presible you are vise to
Part young Fiddlehmsek
Th. Heiress -Oh, so. He mired use to
I#114 . rigsvoll 40 1)1. fora few weeks to
oitt 4141credit -Lits.
The mbelliareees
Ranted& often shows Itself m early life
51 81 ekaratitorissil by swellings, abscesses
siveays, ste. Ceneesoptine is Anrettele
fee hinge la this clam of disarm Some*
beldam gs
D45.43_4M.r.ishit mediae*.
- - -
• 40487 1071,
14". " grate miss all masted es
We shouM osier ie rm. reel,
If we don't the wietor'll find es
la v rattly, thereat hole.
Chal booming, gentle areesisr,
Aewl the pone nuees is it
What's Ore matter with *et=
"imillas ea
4141 41454 t
-Wow Tett NOM
itualinger, Heel e tetteoit *l*'. 1l ,4
• laiwNeo .ho itii% t•WolatAttl :du 1,t1A4
41 in •atItrAAAtalt LA, p W4.14.0'.
l• tb I14 .1 1111p4 l4 catilteht V es .Ii0
AliNtat,.: WI, 11:11114% Harr. eart'•i :pm.. tem
so Herby were two ...ma, 8,4,4 1'. I*. lott
seri PM %tors of awe
.4 New ork %teat, ilea an
stletiu Ititb amour. piteetsgispi,..., either
. vat WAWA fult the pa 4 VII rar•
Ait V...heseit t • ...ergOt
Ip chiektrris •.., it. lie et I • h toe,* tee
imiseisinvry4l1.14S e!' '01,' t . .• et every
..1.114 '140 0.4,
rem greet the estessea 11., e at
lie awe "7.7.,...114 tiessot it tit,
ith 1.einue.
4)41 Ilauvuend, of Wuthingtos, too
tiptoed sivviity ewns inch e orterred 11)
hat city dill Ilea i7oi1 cur.: t 414011
deism veldt -tit> from running aftt. I., reel
taziPialleribpoirtztOTIKONCIIIIITy. raraenazzilklialum.
SOY br AR two... sad Preessee.
1111r. 411.11 MNININONA•Ilo
The tenon VI ewer aim elerillosed Uwe to
to o Larne tetent.
are tit bet hir t ho host 4,,. 1 01
To illustrate the 11 himies, ot t•ermas in.,
'Itata.*411041kvreeteet oO4CS
OW. rev rdi timelier goi for er .1.0r /1".11. decide for rat .f.
•ochin,4 titstit satItlic .ted savitui the it a• tits Oboe trrierre.: tteov of the
• Tier tettru.• 411 ever tee teem) f
of • lab
ti• jorl %., us,* 444 I.
,4.8 , I.. tun tiftn•e•kre Ma la 111 WNW/
l'hflip of the out kir( eras *11.1 .4 a tall. red -hatred
five getteratioto arr nitre; silm,'‘,"• o.' hill.- lifters enitirsi
.steed. liretuel '104 years ol.1 and °slum1 la art 140 eiTt 1 ‘4,014.•
VizIltrto ...S4tObit4itss r oi.jectitmalr!s
quantal.; or 81.e winad fa have Mayad •s
keg aa she rhel.
Stte 000,114"DIV 44,t)4.444 nie alliaMielestely
as " mamma,' 1 got used to this. mid may
lauebed at her daily quatom
'What shell 1 owe, foto -the groom,
wee • drummer bey . N:tpoloal, beats
pithaest at the hunting sit ...toe.
A itaielle se sprite trete, not larier
• hie 1..*11 ... and welching how t ha n • ,to it
• arisen. would. it iliaistigh.1. toe
Ines ehotigh t.. 14*,11 to
Hem, amt twit again
The I, remit - • ti ,ertrich. lope . lee
a new trick sti-alle..* a sabre. 1
epe,tatov. watc.). :Lin, swaths% 'sari :Lett
listen 1.. *Jt& 1.140),' Sri, *tat I. 01*.
of the time plea. ot his inesed*.
Ttie I:ennuis telegraph service ttes aloe 1.1
‘-oppri leveve wire, atoll ropIa.•mg all de
:tam anti towel wires by the IIVW 114.
*he!. 44 WWII tit a small dseeseter sad
weigh., Almon' PM poon.ls to the toile
are et•militar..
ex lawyers. one lord by courtesy, tete bar.
iota. several honerables. Otte et, member
perlintiomt, tied a doyen hank, ups latid..
proertetorit among the 1.41eletIll b.
Plaltoielphia .-sed to 14• the ''..ity of
iteates. but according to the latest motel-
tive the thlaint-t i,,Il uow h.1.4. to Rattle
more, et whemie population ouly 24 per trent
live in !muses oontalutag over twenty-one
AU eminent physuciart believe* that .SV -
• r,�.. has e better color perception the
cerihnel. Of 100 Indian bout he found urea
aster Mind 'mother group of 2344) had but
two. while mos of the girhi was toned be
color bled.
Half Wall. WO hewed Meng the Maine
/oast In increased numbers, and the WIAWSLIO
fishermen are greatly siaresed, as umal; but
sA the seals are an attraction for summer
boarders, arid the latter pays batter than
▪ the mak remain.
Chili has peened • kw makiog military
serviete compuleory oe every effective mak
in the republic slime 20 years of age.
Tbe firm tenare to hs spent in active
service. At CIZe wee go into the first re-
serve sod at 40 into the second.
An indication of the progress ad the tints
1. 4104411 in an office/ resiscieriroes the gov-
ernment library at Wellington, New Zea-
land, directed to the state library of Con-
• ecticut, for ea exchange of public &ce-
ments -a rt jean which was gladly compti-
e1 vnth.
The principal of • school in 1..therts re.
meetly made • request on Loudon mission-
ary Ponieties for a gratuitous supply of
bibles for the maim renublit., ant! was told
that he would Lave to apply to an Ameri-
can bible house, ea Liberia was • state
founded isy Americans.
Thr Ancient Order of Fainters --mane-
aged, doubtless, by the laudable efforts
which vronion have Dade to provide for me-
tingencies hare decided that womes sbal1
become foresters if they so please. Specsal
courts will be institeted, which will be di-
rected by mania.
London 11•••!1•I. e411 IVOTO WOISWO 114-1 aa
sanitary inspectors im the opinioe of Dr.
Co' rare, medical offieer for Poplar. With
the help of sehcient women working emeriti
the pom thiuks epidemic. %night be nip-
ped in the bud. (sleevw eh has
40114.6t mep•eturs, who are tts..ng an a•latir-
able work.
These is a minous group rocks near
Milan which form the oft-tit-eratal "Na-
ture', City." An irregular of rocks
4011 feet Ingh resembles 41 c.tadel. Be-
low are five depreisions, of oltici. one in a
gigantic amphitheatre, end the mound •
nneropoitc, • third • parade anti the fourth
wok. laid ..it city quarters, with pub-
lic monumeuta, gates, streets, etc.
44.4 11.5.1 .4 tRisrealle.
"If there is anything I hold ie 111. 441),.
meat ortetempt meet thoroughly despise,"
remarked the big mon to • crowd in the
rotary stare, "it is • mem who permits
himself en be led around by the wise by
his wife ; is other words • hespeekeel
4451 41108 a little worms appeased ie the
deer with • betaken on her arm.
"Hem" the said to the big man, sharply,
"cease .to None with me sew and may
this beekei."
The Nom, ma up • laugh.
"Keens. nee gentleman," salmi the leg
Moo, starthig oat, "this is an bassinets Feat -
ter ; but before 1 Jen 1 want et ash you all
es man ha OWLS if I over showed any signs of
being steal ea myself
Thee be walked off "rah his wits *IA
• .'ne• rit:e41/111/411, •)43 reached
tanner. as WC!! 11., lip. ;12; , was awsil
4811 4.1 et lite hoe.e. e bee Celia
* 1. ei peet•el at icv 4.07. tioshed 444
14 ha: Ls I,.
1.1 me. like •ii Livia .Nlistnen, hew
▪ loor 1.n to keep dinner stetile'for
Pepe t befit yeatin vier MI bear
'rhe effect opal • • Papa who hammed
1,1 be ill.* enteriug tmagined.
To rat 'ewe rail Frotti..
ck \Pt:,
.rape l'ie --Line • pie plate with rich
pode, till with either green or ripe grapes,
a teeter ansi sprinkle well With flour Comer
u 12 the top cried and bake.
t ;nil es ()Luisa in SI nip date a, syrup
of alga1 and water ; 'select perfect grapes.
drop in syrup awl just let come to • heal
peur into cans, MAW well with syrup amil
Clain 'setup. ----Pick six puunds of grape"
from *items ; boil iu • little water, surain,
add three pounds of sugar, one pint at vine-
gar, ase tablespoonful each of salt, cloves
sad cinnamon. Boil thick and bottle.
Grape Jam. -Boil the grapnel a few min-
utes, then rub thorn through • colander to
remove the seeds. Allow half • pint of
'sugar to one of the gripe pulp, boil until
stiff, stirring all the time to prevent stick
Grape Preserves. -Make a syrup of •
pound of sugar and a pint 01 water, for
C4.4.)')? pint of fruit. Have it very thick.
Pick ripe, perfect grapes from the stem.,
41.1111 the syrup and boil slowly until clear
and dome.
(;rape Mezmalade. --Cook an equal
amount of grapes and apples, and rub
through a mane sieve. Add • little miler,
soil cook half an hoar. Allow half a pound
of sugar tor every pound of pulp ; 4*044
daily, stirring all the time to prevent stick
log, until quite
Spiced grapes. - -Ten pounds of grapes,
eight pounds .,f sugar, four tablespoonfuls
of cloves, four of einnamon, one quart of
goal vinegar (meter use acid vinegar.. Boil
slowly until the fruit is tender. Remove
front t he tire. These may be ruboed
through a seise or not.
Grape Jelly. Pick the grapes tram the
steno, pit into • stowpen, oover I- it
miloirly for one hour. StrainVarough . •
bag and squeeze out the juice. For es ..ry
pint of juice allow oar. pound of sugar. When
the juice has belled ten minutes add the
sugar, stir until it dissolves, and boil gently
until it jellies. Cover the glasses with paper
dipped in the white of ari egg.
Grape Syrup. -Mash ripe grapes of
at rig flavor and stand in • warm place for
three or four der'; then put into a env-
ies and let drip slowly. To every pint allow
wo pounds of sugar; MIX and set over the
tire. Stir until the sugar is all dissolved,
let it crane to • boil, then bottle and cork.
This syrup is a beautiful coloring tor Mee
jellies and other sweet matte Roil the corks
and put .o the bottles while hot, thes they
will be tight.
The annual report of the London polio*
department shows that there Were over two
thossoed burglary and home -breaking cease
there lest year. the average amount m-
uted by �c1) burglar was hu than fire
dollars. When use takes the risk and the
sight work sad the rather long hours into
eensiderattea, it is easy to see that the bur-
glary busied= is sot & paying one in Law
lea at least.
1. 31.. Zealand recently Sir John Hall
presented • petition signed be 18,724 wo-
men .1 91 years of age sal opined. in favor
et womee's trembles. This is the=
venire ever promoted to the New 7
ParI*amust, 14. aka presented a mooed
positios. aimed by MO womee, the two go.
Woes erostaistag • total of 19,e34 eve -
terse, represeeting a krge proportion of
the female popelotion of the esioey.
• liquor dealer who opened & place for
huainees ie Cohisibia. 3101,remedy started
eat with • determination to justify sad
dignify his benne= aed lift it limn the
level usually assigned to it- He issued •
mike with this headline . "Know all
nen hy these preemies." He unmoral
that be hod "se desire to sell to nsiftors,
druskards or the destitute ;" that any
"wife with • drunkard for & husband," or
..y person with • friend "unfortunately
dissipated, was requested to notify him
of the feet and the deserdted
would be neleded from is pear 04 beni-
son He believed "there are gentlemen of
linear and workmen erhu can afford it
who wain to &Mk," sad he wasterl to do
businese, • strictly legitimate business,
with them.
The practicer of dentistry 1. 01 groat an-
tiquity, for, as early as 309 B.C. gold was
used for stopping teeth and go1.1 wire was
mogloyeel nt hold artificial teeth in positios,
and it does not seem then to hev• been •
new an. Headrest declares that the
Reorpt ens list kilos ledge of de demesses
of the teeth and their treatment, In On
writing. of %lariat ((ire' century) • MAO IS
WWI 40/110C1 am stoppling or extriu•!
meth The date of the intmilnetion of
artificial troth Mot England 'so Kroner@ is
noseriam. They tante u sltreerwit treat
Magiatel, hut pat when it is difhtstet to
detreteme. " Tee Nlaileartaticel Jewel,"
pahhvbed Vol, oatmeal en Recount of Sir
Jahn Illegree • • it 'oe eauelel all te. 'sorb
kg be drown tot, Mba dist Wu, .4
teet k in emyee "
olborne Bros.
111 FALL
C. C. Peraanns & Co.
Otanni,-My daughter was suffering ter-
ribly with neuralgia. 1 purchased • bottle
of MINARMS LINIMENT and rubbed her
face thoroughly. The pain left her end gee
slept well Mil inerniner. Next night another
attacksmother appo'ktion resulted aa pm-
•iously, with no 'urn since. Grvadvi
14.114(4 determined me to expos" myself
I would not be without 31131'
AR▪ 1Y LINIMENT in the bones at any
J. H. Banat.
Parbdale, Ost. let
117*ir' *084.4 854*41 0484584 *0
Scientific Amerirn
• =rm. duvisolgik
Fre; .tir 411&..,"I
We, hal 1 alteat.1 in stuck a full
assortment of New Fall Goods iu
We bar.- a fine aamortment of New Dream Stuffs in
s. le latest &signs in fancy fetrille`,. Anil cheeks, erepon
Cloth; Melange Twillg, Sergea, Clieviobss, Eaternanes, Cash-
merette, and plain Ht:nriettfiN. Wool Tartans. sni1 elsids.
About 200 yards of Colored i'stabaleree, worth
.for 35c., a big harpair
We carry the lint* romp• rif plain anti ropey Moult-
ing, uct ittiVe ',Vet AOWIll, 1tt Mack 14n41 colore..
Malady eleti knight from us will be cut
fre(- 4,1 charge. .
- Our Twtvd Stock complete. guilt* mole to °Met
3 per .eent. atiowtd .11 all Dry (ion& purchases of
or*c and over.
A first -cies.: Dro,•,. and Mantle Maker in (a)r *ire,
up *fairs.
We entry the largeiit stock of Brussels, Tapestry.
Wool awl 1-nion Carpets. Art Square*, Rugs and Mett$,
Cloths, anti Linoleum's ever abown itt ibt Comity h3
one how...
Over :100 Seta of Lam Curtains to ,eleet from, gli
rect from the maker* in Scotland.
Great Carpet Warehouse
or the County.
means the kid-
neys are in
trouble. Dodd's
Kidney Pills glue
prompt relief"
"76 per mat.
of di is
fret caused by
disordered kid-
*liellgirt as well
try to haus a
healthy city
without sewer-
age, as good
koalth when the
kidneys ars
SW,* they are
figebyalt deans„ago:gee
Dr. I.. A.lwilek pi6en.r Torosexi" WrIsiG•
boa Wig Kidney Tele
the scavengers
of the system.
"Delay Is
dangerous. Neg-
lected kidney
troubles result
In Bad (flood,
Dyspepsia, Litmr
Compkint and
the moat dan-
gerous of all,
Bright, Dieweee,
Diabetes sad
Dropsy. -
Th. above
diseases cannot
•rist Where
Dodd's Kidney
Pills ars wed."
iI- T1 EL' 1.
Mambo ibe slogged avenues of the
Dowois. Kidneys and Liver, ferrying
e s"! gradually without weakening tho sys.
t •to., all the impurities and foul humors
c : tbe secretions; at the same time COP-
rlattng Acidity of tho Stomach.
caring Biliousness. DYSPOIXia,
Elnad.aahei. Dizziness, Heartburn.
Countlpation. Drynosa_of tho Skin,
Prnpv._ Dimness of Vision. Jour,
wanness. and General Debility ;an
fr.".a. Fluttering cf eart, Her- t
thous ar.,1 =any other Ccroplevants
• tc thy hoffiretteoof BURDOCK Mor.....M 0 1313
ttIOD E rr
br B.Ils tif D-sters. nilYAUIAn
tom! ft,PrttgrN Tafel I 1ST R It1 TUR
.'team Boiler Works.
de8TABLi14mi Napo
Sour, suer to Mrsaftd Mark.
Nlanufneturers of all kiwis of Station-
ary I'pright ik Tubular
Salt Pans, Stacks, Sheet trot
Warkii, etc., etc.
Ale, deters in Upright and Horisental elide
valve engines. A t•tootatie zmeses a
Pew/AltY. All Mare of pip- and i toe coins
thestantly on head. Kainuees furnished oft
short note*. [itinerate ;mune, attended to.
get ty P. O. Ho: V, Ooderiek. Ont.
Works- demote 0. T Ft. station. Goderich
Buchanan & Son,
Damien to all kited. of
Aad builders material of every deeerlottoe
School }Vulture a SPEICifini.
Remeents te be =eared out. Pectoot
sad showy shame.
cr.„. t Rheum, rritclas.sero_
111a WOONL. Tager.
81184.1ettde?14betuaiMITAZIP41.elt Mgt"
dermallitim le aerate the II. R. Palest or
sae o ale Patents la le.. time
Ms these '.o', freer WA fifffATIrriN
arse IittrIfilti. On 1184WIJVV. We aa
.1. 44 4. p41486141'.11117 t.r
we make rit•INONeAritiliff
M wi 08-
TAPA Iels7.
WS meet, liseeo,ipecthe Postmeetter, theorist
M.myOrem .. aed to sachet
or =ito same enema In yew
ti. wrestle
• A WWII a CS..
eau trenalt TUPT, I in •girt KM.
Specific and Antidote for
legpore, weak and impoverished blood, dys-
pepsia, shoplesenem, petrel., ion of the
rt., liver complaint. neuralgia, In.. of
evemory, bronchitis, roneomminn, gall
stems. Jeuadics, kidney arid urinary
dimesese, Vans' &nee, female irreg-
ularities and General debility.
J. M. McIA011,
Preermter sod Meseta 1) 8141?.
Mobeso's everuRientiewon COSI bke
Is la lenAL u. -II fr,rn
At= Atwer°eleoetet1ris
Itriestes, leseesse sae Tornote.
Mtn r.