HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-20, Page 3T
To preservo
n, Ikbssss, cr•r, and busty of sbs
greatesttoss M athreellsrpo
pa berm being dem y the see at
outype drawlers. To he are of
erg a trig aaIWI% ask year
spiggt,t or peters far Apes Gibe
It is absolutely emperor to say
preparationof the kind. k
original corer ted haler
to bare which has harem this, faded.
ray, It keep the scalp cool, tsoide
sof bas from d.adrwg. It hent itching
woes, prevents beldame sod ripens
silken texture and lasting fragrant*.
No toilet can be considered complete
without thti •1rnt popular and regale
ef all hair.lre.simga•
My hair beganturning gray and
japing oat when 1 i was about se years of
1 bane lately been using Ayer's
I'li. r vigor, and it is causing a wow
g re.�th of hair of the natural color." -
lb J. Lowry, Jones Prairie, Texas.
•, Over . err ago I had a severe
lever, and wi..e i recovered, my hair
pwgsn to fall out, and what little remake
of turned gray. !tried various remedies,
bed a about se• cess. till at last 1 began
Ayers Bair, \ i , and now my hair is
growing ra Z and is restored to its
original c .' -Mrs. Annie Collins,
Dighton, blase.
" I h-,ve used Ayer. Hair Vigor for
n early five years, and my hair is moist,
gbssv, and in an excellent state of
preservation. 1 am forty years old, and
have ridden the brains for twenty-five
year. -Wm. Henry Ott, alias "Mus-
tang Bill," Newcastle, Wyo.
Hair Vigor
hewed t., I )1 C. Ayer a s
Ca. Low. Masa
S,ild y Drops s g+rywhore.
then a tame ear•ggte tae Die11 Dmes et
Nilo Wound.
Toaoero, Oct. 17. -Death bee at lass
lensed William Jams, the wistful ef the
Fgliates shooting alfa) Dbolutbm en.
caned at 10.50 o check Setaedsy might.
The struggle was • Meg as., with tae
odds spier the injured w. Tb. shed•
tag scarred on the sight of sept W sad
the toiletries eves be was admitted be
the Torero elenend k-piW Farcy -sit!
Mere after the shooting papers of the
team vire/est type apt in sad so
lope of moving the ten's life was
eat raised. Jones, is his neoments
of essiioss.s a, was told that he must
die, bat he stoutly denied that he would.
A week ye it looked as N he Mew mon
t►y the icemen, b Mvire improved te
t atlyi aa extent that the po«ibilley of
t bb leg was discussed.IIbtnss TO days ye Jams made an
t ate-mortes statemest, in which be stated
that om the night of the shooting be had
roe to Brit ton's house to collect 111.50 dem
on some bogs he hod sold- He ase ae-
koowl.dg.d throwing stomas at the win-
A few dere ego Jame' robust canoeist -
tion gradually weakened as the vital said
became more and mote itsprsgested with
poison generated in the injured limb, until
Saturday n ght, when, as already stated,
Meth ensued He was unconscious up to
hti three of his demise.
Saturday Coroner Johnson bell • pope.
mortem examination o. M. remains. sad
later in the .Ramona Me body was taken
ew•y by Undertaker Young.
Herbert Britten. the yon.g man whom
Jona alleges to have find the fatal shot,
Was arrested the day followig the bare,
but was liberated on bail by Jesus .f
the Pease Jack.a
Aa inquiet will be held this •hr.oes e
4 ''dock at Oaloott's Hotel, Kglia►oe.
The reedy et as iamb.. Leve es a Dego.
1.cwnore, Oct. 17. -Saturday eerily •
young son of Franca J. Pendergast, cursor
of York and Mattlaad-s4.ete,leht his home,
esd retsraing in &bout 10 minutes was sur-
prised to find . basket on Me milk between
the pie and tee doorstep Naturally he
peeked it ap u•1 carried it into the horse to
see what the contents were. The only owe -
petit was a baby. Dr. Id&tarthrr was
summoned and found life egotist, although
h e could not say that the child was dead
when fors& ft was &pp.roatly &best •
week old, had been eatersey bra and was
well nourished. The infant was droned
asefortahly and neatly. There 1e no else
to the persons who deposited the bathes
aid its lemma oe.tente where they were
Cormier Ferguson was u.a111ed and • jury
ver to be smpn.led Saturday 1. view
die body- An inquest will be hold at as
early date to find out if passible who wished
lir. Pendergast to etre for w ek11d.
renal aeoMeat •t rl.mlII.. us Mlle.
Iltsrtyo', Oat 17.-A fatal •oeldeat se -
erred about t 70 pp. m. Sans/slay at the grab
wharf west of Mulish -street, es the b•
host. A esmr
bof wagons heavily laden with
gnus for the wharf wee arriving there to
imrharp, and om of these ran over Mr.
terugherty, wbo lives soar the sw-
an of Bey sad Pleteseetreae.
Th. wheel emoted right over the
eea.'s chest, crus#feg his sad bgiatiag
Sprite et an interns) oaten, +Nair re -
shed in his death is • sew minutes.
MI Dougherty was taken to Iris hese
NH lir McCabe was semmea.d, bot death
resulted before the pbyioha arrived.
• Tears Ilan oaten e,ees M thee et
the Moes mammon crimes Rees Meese
ed is onseataa *tette--t8e feet--, et
Weiner Le4y sea Ns. w.sass .
lhsiew'. PAua, Ost. 4. --A .mall village
Galled New Bliss. shoat .even railer frets
base, was the .Gem of • mese yesterday,
the fowler perhaps that bas over takes
in Canada Is brief, at was • terrible
erarder, followed by inorsdiri.m te
never ap the trams of tb• horrible deed,
whit► iarolved the We of as aged man, kis
trite aad dt agitre The nerian of ti. vic-
tims aro William Lesley, Mrs. Lasky this
wife) and their d•eg81r Minus. To add
h orror, if that was possible, to the awful
Grine., • ser of the murdered nun sand
(.'barb Luckey is la the colla hero, bold on
.espockon u/ beteg the author of the outrage.
Tb. details of the unhappy &tfar are ea
follows Abet >' o'clock to the •Itr.ew.
• naigkbor of the dead dean ootioed the
hems to beim lames sed Immediately start-
ed for it, Is was quickly juiced by • num-
ber of other nese who were attending •
threshing readmits at sootier house alum
by. The house occupied by the Lackeys
was sitwt«f about ,5i, rods back from the
rood, oa the aerate side of which lived the
te.. Dearest utighbora A number of trees
stand is the field in front of the house, and
these prevented • very good view of it, se
that when t8. neighbors arrived as the scene
the fire had gain considerable headway.
The whole intortor of the house was envel-
oped in seines when the first lass reached
it, and ever• door and win,low eau shut
and fastened. Au entrance waquickly forc-
ed, when the odor of horning flesh told the
awful talo that human life, or Ina, were
beteg secritied. Water was poured upon
the bre about the frost door, and as soon as
possible one of the men entered to reconnoi-
tre. The floor was burued away, and then
in tie cellar, on top of the burning
timbers ted debris, he sow the char-
red remits of the throe occupants of
the house, two of them, father and
daughter, in one corner and the mothsi
in another. By means of a pole and wire
what was left of them was taken from the
batmtag building, the fire ineanw hits ragtig
around the ever gsos. rescuers. Th.
heads and limbs and wrly all the Beek
were burned away fres the victims, so Mid
they were unr.cogauable, and could only
be told one front another by the formmdtioa
of the trunks. The house, a keg one, with
stone atta. hos nt, was burned to the
ground, not •being left, and when aU
was ovr the poop a stood about, shocked
aad stunned by the overwhelming evidences
of a terrible crime that had occurred is
their midst- It was clear that murder had
been committed, followed by arson, for on
n o ether hypothesis owld be etplhined
that is broad daylight, in • small house,
could three people be burned to death.
Then tiem were the facts of ai1 the doors
•rad windows being feetee.d land the fire
starting on the laude of the hoose, and, to
still further .atebliak the fact, two aims
were found
novenae erns *woo.
The movements of the family for the dee
were discussed, ..d the following greasily
accepted theory .volved: Mr. Lackey bad
001Mall to Smith's Falls to market oa Setae
day morning. sad it is supposed that his
wife, who was •looe in the house during
the attermena, was murdered first. 51r.
Lockey arrived bine about two o'clock in
the afternoon, and was seen driving in by
the neighbors. Oa entering the house it is
supposed that he, too, was despatched, aid
jest about the Game time the daughter, who
biome speeding the rooming at • brother's
whcaesee., mu seedy reached hoe. It pre-
, from the fact of finding br false
Meth ie the yard • few feet from the house,
that when she reached the house and was
about to enter, she mow the dead
bodies of her prset., and ran
rr.amiag away.The to rderer, it is
L4w��t, peed bar, rash 4r and chok-
.d of ter Ms•tss where the teeth were
foaled, drasetbell beck into the house of
carnage, LIDO her. Thee, to cover
his awful day's week, Mired tbe pians .cod
fled. The 'reeler, saw • Gimmes mire
the Mide in the morning toward
the I u. ray homestead, .ad one neighbor,
who had met the etre. ran going frees town
towards tare to the morning, mot him re-
tenstag jest atter dark that sight. Chief
McGowan, ot this town, wee aosannu wed
with, and shoot 2 o'oiook this (Sumday)
e irnieg
M. woe tee Tears o►e.
Tuwr,vm Oct 10. -Though several
slireed eine individuals denying the passibility
.r eke life of ems brag protracted beyond
y period of 100 years hove maintainer! so
erre inseam d longevity Gum '.aitirodueed.
etidectery svN.see to confute this state
the res establish iedieputaMy the het of
stases all me rose .esteaeriame Is
meet (4e of those iu asses ie d Deem.
%dael the Queen street Calmed Sap
list ell A who died ►.n l.m week, .54
whom etlreete and &at.dfilwies age reds em
Nth well •.t►..tieeted grounds the we
issea &10s doubt ma be entertained as te
M doubt ►nit► The (triodea new et this
Duarah= pairs..* was r
John Mryweat ell
ITq, as here h ReReheard, Ven July la
gree d 4 latlyys theing .got of ran assds l4 lays a the Mao of
£aaaaTID a Wal
in his bed at the Palace Hotel kegs. The
asepses had registered as Charles Elegem,
Ottawa, but, oe being guestioaei by the
thief, admitted that iis same was aotKtsg-
stes, bet Charles Lackey, and a ere .t the
s etheed new He her sot lived at home
for years, sad, Ms said. did tet sew with
his lather when he was thea 18. sar-
dred worm was his stepmother, and this
was the taw of my quarrels its the days
when be lived at kala. The Iasi year, itis
r ,rt d he has at spla the Cereal
PPee��seoen itelaliag at Ottawa, sad was
only liberated oo Lerida t He ie a
yours ase of •beat 90 W
years, and est
•t *1I d • criminal appesr wet
load • h
marred. MIS was ld .pori4Jet, ..i
blood was foesd upas semis of hie cloth
He admitted o fret McGowan the
hs W been out in the neighborhood of
his old bene es s.sevd y, bat said he
had not gees seer the bore f 1840 any
bora H. shows vary little censers .heir
the death of his family, .ad is est meth
sterefe d ever Ids arrest em one of the
see be ter rims, if met the were
bebreus, that ever blotted the .reals ed
Caaadiee ►iwry. The w.rdered near wee
&mong the most respectable
and well-te-de
farmers et the ii pelt, end today shoo.
sends .t people from all the surrounding
country lave .felted the seer of the erne,
A years ..r 16,000,000 leashes tU.E T
Waite Gleed sssieis•ily i• England every
Wellsville. M. bee twice as any dap
es inh•►ite.te. I'► bus 1,741 rehire end
?.ND dep.
The themes erred by • .team
eases! L les beer% me is iced at meaty.
01* lairs.
A man is Rebs, S4 years rd. shot four
leer is deg, rhos • tete/ d ferty fee
The drive well. owe of the simplest of he
meeker, hos yielded its isevestut W',000.-
0001. myrtles.
Tb soil of Hayti is retry fertile. Cora ls
eerily grown and three crops ran be raised
ane y.
!n Peoteavillenism, out dom-
en*. at use time in jail, 757 howl home Hun
Joy scholars.
For every feu shillings 'pest in Regime'
on desk, wnly • Lalrpeany u expended on
The pmt Barns spelled his name be
s tamely mune) until the publiw.wtid
it poems to 1786.
Fifteen tbomsaud children ars numbered
in the membership of the Norwegian Total
Abstinent* society.
In Corfu chests of paper phos for mosey.
(here sheet buys on.• quut of rice or twenty
abets • piece of Lamp, i••'h.
Febreary is the rm.otL glitch the great-
er number of binds moor ; June the month
in which oouer the fewest.
6allileo's first telescope was nude out of
• comsat lead pipe, into the ends of which
were glued ordlaary spectacle gleams.
A bachelor in Baltimore recently gave
se reason for his refusal to merry that he
ooasaderei young married women the newt
ill-behaved creatures in existence.
6x•anisation of the human skin with the
most powerful microscopes reveals the
feet that it is covered with minute scales,
over -lapping each other exactly like those
of a Bah
Sone very odd single acmes m be found
in the registrar's ofho. in London. as
"Righteous," "Happe "Hope1nl," "04.di-
est winding ap with triplet of "Faith.'
"Hop.", and "Gleety."
A Pbiledelpbu optima makes • special
e esmr ,thernumieter which registers 10
degrees of heat ler than the actual tem-
perature, and be says that persons with
vividtmhgisatioos can keep cool with one
in the hoose
A Pottstown lady is iasiarcb of an owner
for • silver thimble which she decieres she
found imbedded in the seater of • ham
which she watt slicing. She would &leo like
to have arouse explanation d bow the thim-
ble got there.
The point .t theaomp.er can be told from
treye• sits oho ration.. The side
ei the epee which mom is !mind is the
earth. If the tree be exposed to the ern
heaviest mad longest lithe will be an the
south side.
TIM S..dis•vian mese thick that apiri ss
ea be driv.n away and witches kept et bay
by • knife stuck in the hour or .54. driven
rap. Them rams have held from time Um
....rill the ides that it was lucky to Bad •
pies of his..
Frit year only four persons were killed os
all the railways of the United Kingdom,
whereas in the streets of i.ondon •lose 147
deaths and 5,784 p.reon•l injuries resulted
from sacidated cirsumsasoss connected
with vehicular traffic.
Harvard university is spreading her net
over • very wide extent of territory this
year. It es announced that examinstioss
for admission to that inatitation are to be
bold simultaneously in no ler than twesty-
fve places, including England, Germany
and Japes.
A Frenchman recently brought 500 par-
rots from Brazil to dispose of in Paris. An
epidemic broke out anwag the birds, from
which all bat two died. '!ti. contagion then
spread to the persons who kept them, and
several have seeenmb.d o an infectious
The toilowies Doo frame .n indigsan►
motor was recently iw.iwa8 by • master
In one of the London board I
must cots about the wicked things you
teach my complain
things You light •
Dandle, put • tumbler over it .nd make it
go oat without blowing it oat"
Fos, critan b temp. Wal wholly or its
part se islands. 'ears is the beet known
on s000ant etf he historical pat ; nor
mines St. Petersburg, the capital oash
la, sad the two last are the .-itis.. of Ohne
aid Amst.rdns, mitered r•ispertively in
Belgium and Holl•ad.
There aro 966 religiose pepors in the
United States, whose oemlen.4 .-ireulatice
is about or►eight of all the trewspaper�
published is M. 000.try. The Methodist.
publish 147 papers. the Roman ()similes
Iv, Baptise tresbyteri•ns 53, Protes-
rot s-
tent lipiseopab 47.
The .iesoeespe hes revealed essay won-
dere,otie s that the eosson eater -
Ma 4,000
000.aeoies is kis bodythe
elms* he's qtr Gash .ostein 1,800 sir-
rotsL rag the IM prominent eyes of
this betais.S etas ars ...h furnished
with 114,000 p ifsled fess*
The areata believed the boa, as a
mewl, had per sterns powers, and they
drove soils Les Ohre walls as a preterites
. The Arabs, when ovor-
taZ.n y levru eros in the desert, q
est "leas. 1...," which they think will
•seyiWse the evil Spiita who have ratted
A Omit 1st 61MMa Mem.
Prof. Fleury Dragooned hes •e article on
books that have helped his, fa the error
. amber of " Jeannie M Mar's l nsstrat.d
Me.t8ly." tram whieh we take out wrath
art paragraph- " i mud eemd.de," be
e pye, " by referring to tee it two books
w loft satisfied mother part of my meter..
I sapper i am not wt of court by r.lsrrieg
to trees brinks which es•idled the higl.w
ppo..4 of ea buew i tenth & use shesialit
dev.Itrpr�in Ms whole mamboed. Well, 1
pinked up • poo. k a • book/MIL ..d, after
reeding • of it, weir it Meow
velsme d )D►. Ammsisges. Chemise taught
.e, I think, te believe m • O.d. 1 heel
always hose brm.ght a te knew there was
• Ord, bet i did met like the idea I hod
mash ratter there W hese ern (ted Bet
when 1 reed Cheat g's both i new the
rheas••• of • Dilly put 1. r.oh a way that
L wmm gird /Me wee • Owl"
IM OtMIPtMlris.
" Whet a IMM Mt r • NbbR
seder is 1 " Tests t Nhl a
bay." --0064 Nowa
f#prrs5m 4f1M1e►M gt* 1•sthme mob
�1r�n.t�'.wtr.' •�t�imi
Oil kr Ave i.eae sad feengile.
las INN centre
rimmed. edstsares is the Nair Sedative.
Emma it said to have seven negro edi-
Over seventeen thousand styles of silk
goods ars known to dealers.
Somebody nye that tuau.tuee should unly
be sliced with a silver knife.
A Freuch chemist bee succwed..d au mak-
ing uurtatwu Wescott., that cut mete then
the genuine.
Tbc dtel•cst alining shaft In Arri(.a 1
recruit) beau opened at Kianberty. It vias
down 1,000 feet
At the death of Hosea 1hraLet14 3,004
dream were is her wardrobe, of which two
(ply were o1 silk.
Mexico has 38,500 miles of telegraph and
6,6 ' of railroad. A district messenger ser-
vice wi11 soon be introduced.
'-A thimble is really etymologically con-
sidered only a •• thumb bell, '• the original
thimble having been worn on the thumu.
' Auris Catholic Salve is a wooded al
healing uumpound for cuts, wounds,
bruises, barns, scalds, boils, pilo, pimples,
he. 1m
Tb fat Frsoch newspaper, the gazette
de France, was started in 1631 by Theo.
t•hreate Remaudot. He alas, established the
meat Mont de Pieta.
Never allow the bowels to remain comb -
Feted lest serious evil ensue. National Pills
are unsurpassed as a remedy for constipa-
tion. Its
The life of a locomotive creek pin, which
is almost the first thing about eat crones to
wear umt, is 60,000 miles, sad the lite of •
33 -inch wheel is t6,TS miles.
fe IILl•ro's Aromatic Quiuioe Wine fr•
ulna•s the system ag i ist attacks of ague,
shills, bilious fever, dumb ague and like
troubles. lm
A cr000dile which had "taken the pledge'
was recently shot on the Dreams river,
Queensland. The creatures swarth .s-
tained • Father Matthew tGmperamee medal
dated 1880.
Forma muse much sickness .maeg child-
ren. Freeman's Worm Powder prevent
this, and make the child bright and
healthy. 1m
In Alachua and other caustic* in Florida
a short time ago there was • 'bower of fine
spider Nabs which covered the ground for
mtles.'Enough fell, it is said, to start •
refA er
_bottle et thrown into the Atlantic Nov.
24, 1887, from the Cephalonia, stout 400
miles out fru Boston, rso.ntly washed
ashore en • hitt* islet in the Caribbean se.,
6,300 miles away.
Don't commit suicide on account of year
•' incurable" blood disease. The sensible
thing for yon to do is to take Ayer's Sal-
esparilla. 11 that tails, why, then -keep
on ti ping, sad 11 will not fail The trouble
is, people get discouraged too soots. "Try,
try, try again "
The emblem light ulna in a Ansi.ati
thenar. tumbled Gut of the gallery
all eryya�awl N1
We tie seriones.
ded for
his eeprefemisesi Hieeder is trying to
thaw attends. be \Merl to the detriment
ef the ship pe essiames, bet after promb-
ieg set ode it any spry he was allowed to
Pte week again.
Whet the baser' is to Leedom and the
Mer-wbered Gab le to New York, the flare
i. to Paris. h is • mere .pmtortabie
weirs then OM ether two, .rad wee mesad
ret .her St. Nae.*, who is the pares err
d IM l rime , seth
t Mimes e int el
its kfea was m.dp fe the Hetet fit li.we.
is ►h. R.. St Mara., i. Prig
The rdinry life el • ship is given yes
authority as follows. I. the U.Jtd Mates,
14 years; i. Frans., 90 iota; Is Holland,
14 years/ i. (Lars.. years; ��; le GreatBritain, 98 )ern; i. Italy, 27 years, sod f.
Norway. 10 years. The anneal death rate
of the world's shipping is *bet tear per
ear .ad the birth rate 6 per mist.
L parts .f Mase rhe.dt. it is thargb
that ff s girl puts • pias of mothers weed
same her heck the Ser boy she ul..w wit
M her beeb•ed. 1e Bede., N • merrhp-
.bie woman ppest. • Mt of swain weed
nether her pill.w ea retiring, the fret moo
.ho seas is the mnreing will, es Wye the
s.persthtiam, be the nue who she is be
way Molle erose their feet is rho
imp Live o! characters. Neat
.scally put the right foot over the leekk,
whit gesami0r1 people g^i^afy pet the
hit ever the right. Everybody kwe hew
meth cha..dr is expressed tet the eerswmgg
of tb hat, mad why should it he this
eseprieleg it . wee should tell whet he
the 4 eerie
eway be pieces his fret
Cestiseter said rblree.pte..
He was • street ear oonduetor, and also
something ot • philosopher.
" You see it was ibis way, be mid in
telling hi. story. "The woman thnn••ht
she we ;melted, but she wasn't 1 h •
whole pocketful of pennies and didn't wart
au y more, but she took some anklet. end
pennies from her pars, and o•retnlly
sorted out the pennies for me. Well, 1
eked her if she couldn't give me • nickel
instead -that wag the faro, you know -and
she got mad. She mid she never mw such
non insulting conductor in her life. I told
bey I intended no offence and she glared at
as sod said *be would report tae; she would
not stand such insolence.
fabe did report me, too. She said that
I ted ratted to take dm praise and had
treated leer meet insultingly. I wu
"• hauled up, " given her letter and told
that I must go to her home and apologise."
" Humiliating, " suggested the listener.
"I should say it was humiliating," went
ou the orderer. " It's the kind of •
thins that just make. • seen shrivel up, he
feel so scall "
" Of course, you didn't go?"
"Of mum, I did go. "
" I should think • mat with any nnde. "-
" Oh, yes, pride's all right 1 figured
that out and I cou'r't ase that it 'td hurt
my prides anmore to go to her sad say 1
as sorry ten it would to go chasing
'ror,d town telling people : " Pleven,
sister, I's • poor unfortunate man who's
out ed. job. Can't you give something to
de se's I can keep thiage gold at the
borer No, sr. in. • w steads on
his dimity he wants to Dart of look around
and ase where he'. going to light if be
topples over. Sometimes • fell.w lights
right en top of hie pride had crushes it se
be f r't recognise it Berme make it
knuckle under • Utile today time have '
smash it it the eye to morrow. "
P=74. 7-trIA
'theft Antrim
olborne Bros.
FALL We have already in stock a full
aaeortment of New Fall Goods in
We have a fine assortment of New Drees Stuffs in
the latest designs in fancy stripes and checks, Crepon
Cloth, Melange Twills, Serges, Cheviots, E•+ternanen, Cash-
inerettes and plain Henriettas, Wool Tartan. and Plaids.
About 200 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth 50c.,
for 35c., s big bargain.
We carry the finest range of plain and fancy Mantl-
ings we have ever shown, in black end colors.
7AII Mantle Cloths bought from us will be cut
free of charge.
Our Tweed Stock is complete. Suits made to order.
5 per cent. allowed on all Dry Goods purchases of
one dollar and over.
A first-class Dress and Mantle Maker in our store,
up stairs.
We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry,
Wool and Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs and Mats,
Oil Cloths, and Linoleums ever shown in the County by
one house.
Over 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di-
rect from the makers in Scotland.
Great Carpet Warehouse}
of the County.
"Dachau is•
mesas the kid-
neys ar• in
utile Dodd's
Kidney Pillsler
Prompt relief"
••76 per ..at.
Of disease /s
fret sawed
disordered hid-
Iightse well
try to hams a
healthy city
without ••wsr•
am good
when the
kidneys are
ONgle� t-sy ars
f thion
lay Is
ds tngerour./aNap-
trouble• result
in Gad 110.4
Dyspepsia, Liver
ComplaInt and
the most dan-
gerous of all,
?rights Dimas*,
Diabetes and
Dro i�tr "
' A• eboo•
Wanes* *menet
exist where
Dodd'• Kidney
Pills are set
of Sold by
eveSI rt yer is e: neve* receipt1./a
beeli idbi lLioq lain waraw Webster
Regulates the Stomach,
Liver andBowels, unlocks
the Secrettons,Purlfiesths
Blood end removes ell Irn-
purities from e Pimple to
the worst Scrofulous Sore.
• • CURES •=-
Stern Boiler Works.
Su -censer toCAnita' k Black,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright & Tubular
Salt Pans, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Alts duan la Upright sad Horlaontal lends
Valve amines, Autuonat'e Cat -Off Ermines a
perfslty. All dor of pipe and ripe-ettleg
skrusto on hand. Retitu•ts furnished on
mkt Dot foe. Receiving promptly attended to.
»! Iy P. 0. Hos .i, Ooderich, Out.
W.rb-Oppeite O. T. 8. Statim. Oederieh
wedGoa all ases st. tb. U. K
ase •tt�ed5. to id.po YOALRU Ti Ii
bb..rrermdGMe y eyyestte the V. a. Patent Of-
i� Lan rr a eau elW. Puten•e 1. 4*. dos
baa SUDRt on I►Rw We:�JltreAlD�0,irrgeWe mg
as M .aent•be rt x f 18 fi lm OM
W. rade. her.. ee the Pe.moeidr, mho
L H•tesuer p►. . amti
ti ed .en. M JOIN
wrote te
O A MOW 411 Mss
flAstte s w►MMo.HtO
E$Td1LUSNE0 1155
Buchanan & Son,
Deelr. la W Mods of
Aad ba"deeo material of sreery deseeipti n
School Furniture a Specialty.
summit GOODS
Remelts te be reseed ine, Perfect
aed showy keg.
The Wave. ter.
AND tenial *.eras aortae
3Wif arc and Anridole for
mai wish sod ▪ skapk massb pal�pitatism e/e/ tielbed blood,er
vlraeek tint• •wraps,
immadlee, highboy s
i▪ lossank St. Vitus' des., femme Wog-
.lerNiso sed ~eat debility.
LLIYwYTert $IYIRI111, VIh r iw111.
Pr p se r end lhenth�dew►
ktisf•MisratIMPII Mrs wire
D.a...ed `ibis.