HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 88 OPER LETTKR Ti.) OUR cum$ ilia et TdI POstdO rim YRS PHARMACY. A lit)LICITATIuN (!r T1ti rammurnom T • We w pieased W hove ream. W tY N pam,st tr.a meraill Ot ver every w. osalat •.a • tato• 1• ►.IM wyie en Minty ptDl.u10uu ad Tis Irl Mie ria t•tiaf w h ver M• a••M 4DM•.•etry is tale eel tb the peer we have $t . d .t rs+.ta el the N.« ""ar'°t ttteh a••a anal• ea accord of hang eini.t.„.pnizirlii and? t various now R pwdity ylcta... a Me,•bW •lwrasgadss Argive• parocatarte to doctor• la the p.M. •Rbag► • anal et ps,ess 1•aggee Ike. row earns ea r omen of oar being •aaioue in keep dewe Prices sad be .'•'.• to give our ometemere their medicine ate . tenable a charge as peedkla but Dow we a.s inn no peroeewge at 611te doctors. and therefore will etre you tthe ad- feftew ✓ mpd wee Ater s " `lons fee per coot. !lata teror cash sthe. our regular cheeps before. Dad S per art. teen than the usual chargee of the other Mores which glue a penisntage. Thi, Is the time erientll& pan of our business. and the come that all oar training is damned to St sed q ualt'7J •- for. and we sewn to ever rusk* The I'h rwtacl the best sad evading Deepen eery 1n Doderich. We will coots.te to do as we have always dome " teat Y' use the beet Drugs .ad slwayeut ID what le ordered. Our eters. Is open at all d u ring the da) . and has night attendance. is sever without a oomprtent band In charge. Ask your pipit Man for roe preen'ption whom he cells or ask him to leave It at The Pharmacy .ad it mill be fllle••t with socur.cy and dells mid trample. (GEO. A. FEAR, eammeeor to Geo. Rhyme nUDSRU('H. Art ART. 0 0 0 x R. CROCKETT, Aavt.T. Lar.dewpe. manus and portrait pelting la oil and sever color - CLASSES On Thursdays. nide,. and Saturdays. Dore 9 A r. to 12 o'ct4 ck. end from Stu 5 uc'esk PY - ale itectcm! .o.t mrcl •meal drawing. ilnwi.i:s for parents. rte. 1111 oto :-Nertk+t.. fhmt door baa *Wiegman The Peonlits Columns A KI(; JOB FINISHED. Now 111• ran settle down to business We have the stork, the will and better facilitis than ever for dein: buaaa..ss. 2 LARtiK iiTORKel 2 1 L%HOKFLOORS 1 Valle t u it h the newest and best goods themar- ket arlbrd.. Y! RNun-in:: 1)EPARTMONT. lot floor te bed -rouse sults. (inns suttee. hall furniture. enc. Ind floor. mouldings. window shades. mirrors. cornice poles. mir- ror plates. laic. Remember in ell 110.0 of fur- niture we guarantee to sell et 5 to 10 tees then Toronto prleew and pay freight 130 miles from Iuderich. '.V. dont defy competition, we invite it. 'Tis the I:fe of trade. Our 4th door. the Bazaars devoted to wall paper. hens-.. stationery. art and fancy goola. R:•tnember the pace. +M*'I ti's BAZAAR AND Ft'ItrITUf.E 21'ORk. t'rsbb'• Block. lolly. SPECIAL NOTICE To reduce Stock I will ail dressed Lumber. FL(rt.•1:1NO ANU SIDING at 9112.60 per Iltoia.nd. teA-'f ANi` In1OR>' at proportionately low figures -nut- Creh or it. equivalent SOI)' JoSXPH KIDD. Phone. r, 17 Britannia -et., AuotiOrseUUi . JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY ACC- tlotwer. land saltaior. loan and Insurance agent. Sales at; tooled in ell parts of the roue - y_ Correspondenceeolicited. Address JOHN -' IyrIN. KIDgmbrider. Orden aft at Tog eallAI. Dike promptly attended to. n-tf JOHN KNOX, GENERAL AUC - newer laid 1 end Valuator. (odideh. Oat Having had considerable ezperieuoe la Meauctleaeeriigtrade. he is in a position to daoharge with the otutb satufactloa all cam suasion, entrusted to Lim. Orden lett at Martin's Hotel. or sent by marl to hi..ddrreeww,, M •dencb Y. O., cerefuuy attended to. JOHN KNOX. Cnasty Auctioneer. laM7tf seshaaleer UlstlttlM. 1ODER1CH MECHANICS• INSTI- TUTE LIBRARY AND READING - ROOM, cor. of East street ■nd Souare top emirs Open from 1 to d r.5., gad from 7 to 10 P.m. ABOUT 7000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY. Leaky Deily, Weekly end Illustrate/ Papers, Made fees, eft., on Pale. MEMBERSHIP TICKET• ONLY granting tree we. of Library and itading- Room. Applications for membership received by Librarian. In room. RD. SHARMAN. ORO. 8TIVEN, President. decretary. Oederlob March Ilth I . Riposted Notlsss. 1 G. WARD, WRVS YANCER, el • ac.. and oommies!oaer for taking end re - giving recognizance& of ball. affidavits a .0lrmat.on$, depwltlone or solemn declare. lions in or 0oncernino any sctlor, suit or pro- moting In the High Court a Jostloe. the Court of Appeal for Ontario, or to any Oomny or Dirlston Court. All tranmetiotu o•relullyp gad promptly executed. Reeadeace and P.O. •dares Omeganson. Ont. rf~tf NEW CHOPPING MILL 1 am prepared to duan karts of grain chop plait oil shortest antlee. Mill is running at all beers. 1 have the Wag and best Improved tas•k1 for displace aid efficiency. bm Pikes whaaee n•61e. Nodela,l gneting Your cophne len. JOB. KiDD. akM_ 17 B itaasleat. IfstsiAumernateaation. U NION HOTEL. OODERiOH - Tk44 wee-ksewe gown.t and tarmac' mat hes been t.ka p.emere• of by moults Srotkm•asd refitted 1e every re.pmet making ins of the neatest and quieten houses Is the lead. /fire leeatlee. Itx.eilenl •t .lglag Rates moderate. SAULT* BROtt.. Proprio tem. 116 t f THE HURON HOTEL. - T1118 ornineown sad papules em Sedated.Improved rehas new* OM is mow seemed le Ogee le gmel ty ef umeMda2..1.r flaw ItamiMlilling p.ti1M. need letrirVrrotirr. Ire :werr•aarw~M- CANADIAN ORDER OF HOME tA--godor!e0 l No let meets dire wane the WI over {Tddire Mamga,L rooraneei (spd iio •mswts Is RI('HAeader 1 1 SOW'. buehry. Treasurer in THE SIGNAL : GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1899• Slt.latiooe Vahseat SERVANT..WAwNyTID--000D OHS- ♦MIIRlitang rat La 11...w i= -snap GENERAL BERT A NpeT/eW WANTED. - 4 wap.. teN iie''a8. Y li ate rirt•Patisitill:gadir '!?weber Wanted. CHER WANTED. -TO 8. 8. NO. o R, t 00... hholdiaa • •pplimatomewt8 Dor third - Nov. Sth. •t 1144•=. Ad topined iw M. J.0.. mar For Saks. r(OR SALE. - A GOOD FAIIIi.T 0*.need ask frees the i traria, ria, own enth sow. As the V lvyag town =swill be chow Apply to A. M. Artistes ler Oslo 1111E FOR SALL-GOOD FRESH lime kept menta --fly ea heed at thejF-alts Reserve lire kiln. dollenwill b0 etaeeded X•HAXCHLiR- EMm 'Lag BALE -TWO 18 IN. CAST JL paiirei - it la. Am•, 1 11-M in. here. err sae be liesed to 0t larger shaft. Good an sew. WI4 Miser at • rcatso,able 0 sire. Apply at Tun d..ItAL Steam Meeting loose. North -et.. edmi 0tit. PrWMry lsr Sae or ter Rent. 1.101.-811 FOR SALE. -THAT c011. Sortable !!rhes Gettage en Asgleee) •t many occupied by Mr. J. C. Hyslop. 1 rooms and hall in front part. with kitchen, pantry and bedroom off kitchen bebied. stood stone cellar; doe orchard. Apply to MIMI H YSLOP. M A.aeie.ey-et. *1-41 1 0 -ttii#. FARM FOR HALL -TRE odd homestead of the Este James Cassa- day. of the towrut ip of last Wewanesk, be- ing last half of lot ltl. oonresdea 1. ca the swivel rood that leads front Goderich to Wing ham. It Is Bunted about Ito rods from Aube sir.. • thrtvisg village with four churches and • *shied near at herd. A oomp.raucely sew frame hoose with ayes large ta00111 and Cellar with other cosreole.oa. and good bards bare and about 900 large bearing fruit tree. are ea the 9rrmleea. About 90 arms are cleared. The ail is of the best. Farther lstoem•tien from MR& CASSAUAY. dithers P.O. AOR SALE. -N. f LOT 31, *ND 00.N - cession. Haat Waweao.0. 100 acres. This N • Bret -etas farm. Ala town lot OS, Goose tiskt also lot 423. Ooderich town, on whla0 there is • good brick cottage. At ply ;to PHILIP HOLT. 4gtl. L'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -TAUT commodious buildingo. ginger. Thus - iris. at present occupied as a paintehop by Wm.8mlal le co sale. Terni. easy App*J to F. 8. Seo ' . Saul..*. P. 0. OLtf Dentistry. NICHOLSON, L.D.S.-DENTAL 1 room t49.yte the mew Float Oelee. Wast-et..Ooderich. ROMs DR, E. RIC 13AIIDSON, L. A 8., oarm0on dentist. Das aid yls.tbag .tr •elm.nistera.l for painless extracting ea teeth. Special attention given to the women -Mimi of the natural teeth. Odoe-Up rain, strand Open Hots Stock. eatnaa un West_ St. Doderloh. 5161-1 v • R13. WBIT=LT t HCNTs& Orc -Ora.d Opera Rouse. Goderiyh. Su DR8. SHANNON & SHANNON, Physicians. Surgeon.. A000mehers. Me. Omc. at Ur. 8h•a.ois redde.oe. sear the gaol Dederick. 0. C. Bmiaagea. J. R. 8a4N- mos. 1751 LesRaL OFTUS E DANCEY, BARRiSTER, 1.1 Solicitor. Conveyancer, kit.. rec. Money to loan at lowest rates. Blake'. Block. Gode- rich. Ont. L' N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, PROO- iJ• for in itentlaie Courts et Ontara Once --South Cairene bort. 1313 `1.0. JOHNSTON, BARRISTER, 1• eolic1Wr, cirnmisio.er, ke. Loans. collections and real estate trersactioos care- fully attended to. Once -Cor. Hamlltos and St. Andrew i et, God•nich, Oat. MK IV JOilN DAVISON, BARRISTER. Solicitor. C,o.vvy.oer. aka. ; Moray II lead. Otlloe over Poe -Oleo*, Roderick. gt-tf L' C A M P I O N, BARRISTER, J I. Solicitor. Notary Faille, • t e. Omoe-Over Jordan's Drug Store. the rooms formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 111( C. HAYS. SOdgLICITOR, Ao, 1.t. of (51,.' , cwaer ore and Wee street, Ouderiok. over ukgraph ollloo. Pri- vet. Funds to lend at 8 per cent. 9100• (( ARROW & PRO UDFOOT, BAR- kR• Attorneys. Solicitors. Ike.. God. rich. J. T, w. .C., W. Proodfoot. CIAMERJN, HOLT & HOLMES, Barristers, Solicitor a Ch•aoory, he, Oodericb. M. C. Caer esesC . M . ; P. Bolt ; Dudley Holmes. LAMA Ilea 1a.nrantge. 141 • J. T. NAFTEL, FIRE, LIFE AND • accident /&goat ; at awed rates. (NOcc--tor. N god 8gw•re,God- ericb. 14- 't4 ON KY TO LEN D. -A LARGE 11 amount of private •.d ether reads at lowest rates on predacity* town *ed fuse prop, rti . Special terms of repayment to amt the borrower. --?lo etommiadon. -Call or write M. (l. JOHNSTON (Midi/rich. Yen 1111-1? *600,000 'P0 LOAN. APPLY TO W CAMRRON MOLE a Noumea iyM.ate- MNER OY TO LIQA-A L A 01 amount of Private Ponds ter Ines meet Oen 1ow501 rete• os • 5e. Apply t+OARROW a PHO1. DW0OT, COUNTY FUNDS TO LOANkJ. On the security se Cultivated Farina Inter- est. ell per neat.. payable an.u•iD. An, por Don of the principal may h• mid et any time the borrower tree. '.11 •open*« paid by the County. No person except the County Auditors allowed to see or t u know to whom mores is loaned. A"t y to HOLMEB. Go4srich, Aim 010. 1St tS Co. Tr"ssener. Idet R RADCLIFFZ, OENERAL IN. R. venae. Real haste and Mosey 140.1.5 Age.t. Only Ont -eyes companies repr•eested. Money to lead es etr•lgh lees, ., the 1.0.01 este of lutenist gore to *.7 to .alt ten, narrower. Older flora eel deer hem dosses. West Str.0. (Jude DODD'S KIDNEY PiLLS £.y Ameust of empty Coady Settler Is Seek. h came e eaeh. EUPHut1A A. Mmar11411 WU a• - ORmM bee. • eat. op-1.kersad fMRIC* c orra w a d amtped Or Ale [Jallme.t oe enter. 0sL 0* Oh Mat aset ea real bottle. a10•et.red eels by RUPBRMIA A. Mo - emirate.&. Goderi.0 Tho f0llowten drummer have the Unreal tax sale James wins. W. C. Goode. (loo. A. aFrum. Pubile lotuses• NOTICS-L AUQUI? BAKER, DU war,It lr•ter. Ike edit act to give a w nos trod/t, as 1 will got be be held reepeneibie ter any emaciate moatra.td by Ler hose this dam, AUOUBT BARREL Roderick Oat. nth. MIL 01.11 Ntoilldaess Grants. HOTEL BUSINESS FOR BALE. -- That *etl-ktwwa •.d popular the British Exchange HOteL 0040oh0y1: n fed for We. This hotel has been for meas sears the ksadq ua, ten of the Amite and ('has orfs Judges, leading ambers of the Canadian Bar end Commrrclal Travellers' As•oclatioa 1t barn been to p.,v r.aloo of Its present owner end her ase bu.ba.ul for over twenty years. end is too "rill known throughout Gorda to enquire detailed description. The owner would prefer to sell the property ee bloc This is au excellent opportunity for an experi- enced hotel non with the nag capital to keels Ike hems up to the Address all oommmleatione te the owner, Mrs. WM. COX. Goderich, O.0. lterneeigo Selo. MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE AND iota I. Uodertch. Under gad in pursuance of the power of sale contained in • remota mortgage dated the rend day of eleplembcr, lei`. riven will be produc- ed.t the time of sale, there will be sold by pudic auction sen the Albion hotel. In the town of Uodericb. w. da..riay the dad day of uv sober. INS. al 2 u'docg In the afternoon. by John Knox. AUctloae.•r• the (o!lowing p op arty. sax.: Lots 1313, 1216 and 1317 on Oise- brid.re street. in tare town at Ouderioh. There is • good frame house upon the prop- erty. Terms : Tea per cent. of the purchase money at , hu tinw- of sew and the balance in one Dao -.10 theorafter without interest. Yoe further particulare apply to the undo - signal. Dated the 3r1 day of October Ind.a R. C. HAYS. Voodoo'. tlottcttor. Notion to Creditors. NOTICE TO CREDITOR$. to lar matter o, Bowen Oros_ of t*r Miner oqf Kreger. da far (veers el lfidlleati, Merr*r.f. Notice is hereby given that the 'Loose named Baneett 1tree.. love made an monument to me owlet the provisions of Chapter 132. len. S. O.. net: of al • bear estate and affects in trust for the benefit of all their creditora meeting creditors u bereby ooevveneat and will of bend at the law offices of Gibbons, Mc Nah t M Whet n. Loudon 0a Monday the lar May of October A. U. DIM et 3.30 o'_lock in the afternoon. for the appointment of inspectors sod the giving of drrecuons with reference to the dlep0e.1 of the said estate. .III creditors of the said made are hereby re- quired to file their claims with nay solicitors, Olbboma McNabb MWkern, London, bas dir- ected by the said etat•_•teien or before the day of such meeting. After December 1st 1 shall proceed 10 distribute the mid estate, herald reepird only to iamb claims as 1 shall have not- ice ot and 1 shad Dnt he responsible (or the nese•s of the sand rotate or any part thereof. to a.y perms or persons whose claim melodies shall not bare been died. Dated the 311th day of September. A. D. IS.. GIBBONS, M.'N.tfl a MULKKILN. Solicitors fur trustee. Loathes. C. B. ARMSTRONG. Stet tree. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN IIT TNx 1 ie 0n •T DR. E. RICHARDSON'S Est aTAL PARLOR[, OPERA NOUSE ROCK NEST -STREET 00DS20E, GIT. 1t affords me tmlimlted .s0ismtls.*. after • Thorough teat. resultlsg in the most sennas r tie ■ppnrlatfon of delightful seal astonlpbed patrols. to intent% that 1 have the only amid (melody.. right to use In Ooderieh, the latma •ciestlec dleo0very, which is warranted never to create the least pain during the extraction of teeth or stomps of any kind, in neer, every case. .ad very little paln in the moat extreme ream. ANTI-14fERPIC POICNd is • local anaesthetic that sever affects the patient In the .Ill hest. Is heresies. as water, sad the beet method known 0a earth to reader the tooth moo-.re•itive to pain. Patients .sure me It 1s Pealelvely larvelees 1. 11. F.terta. I'reeteratl.m of the natural teeth • specialty. All fiesta! operations well std o01111ul17 dome. My patients Interests are mine. DR. 9. IUCHARDSON. mkt! HIGH CLASS LECTURE. A TREAT IN A SEASON. _ti_ %sARIE STUART The eminent writer and lecturer, will deliver her famous lecture en- titled "WOMAN'S RIGIITS" -oN- COMMIT, OM 19, 1892 -AT TH R -- Leek out far .or new Stook .f P.rntme; la Grand Opera House. souses sad Bwk-4 b tlp.eswd is • day en nee. Tickets, 25 Menta Reserved Bate, LS anal 50 cents. J. IVtwo/rlt Pasaasar,wm Dew 1lrota For Salo at Fraser & Porter's. !horn /Am= mfr low pnaas, We . s .ht rhe h oil tics of Fall tater has over bean drown in We g..wti.m hen only • law at oar low prie.a. Drams Goods Tana ba par yd. up to 21.25. A Tana Uwe d Lelia. All Wool Hygetn Vann at Tia ; (». -a.. Ho.n and Gloves trout 150 par pair up ; Grey Flannels Iron 80. per yd. 8.e our great line d all Wool Ons !Lena! .t 1 ba per nothing like it in town. BlermUks all wool 45c. per Ib. ia all nom and weights ; Bed Comforters large she 83c. Mena Winter Shirts and Draw- the boat 1 Goods errs haat 20.. upall wool from 40c. ; 3 pair Heavy Wool Socks for 23o. ; Grey Cotton from S}a per yd. .p. We shall open this wool a bale of yard wide Grey Cotton at 4c. per yd. Ws fear no competition, our prices are the lowest. We only handle reliable Goods which we show with pleasure whether you purchase or not. JAMES A. MUD. JordanMeek. Ooderfek. Sept. Stk, lent il- Travelling Glide. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Telas arrive and depart 01 as fol- lows . hall sed E.pa.p «AS........... s.1.00 p.m. Nall and lnme pre ............. •... wt+w 9.m. Mixed • » ..»»•..!7.$pm. Mixed Mall t».......fame.a. Ilanhil sa ltgpew ..................... Lle p.m. TO ADVERTISERS. Notice of changes! must 1* left at this (Mee not later than Saturday noon. Th. Copy for changes must be lett not later than Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of inch week. THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. -4 elders amend pe, fa4(l' arise, li Ioda heft pleat .1. The fall "bow se•eon is abopt over. but It. R. Sallow" continues to make an exce,len• play of very tine specimens of photographic work et his studio. ('all end see arm. Nobody wants to get 1• a tight plass, bat ever bol. wear" a .es` 0t -especially on mochas. You can alwal• trot Bolted "abitac- torlly by cantor on 9. J. Pridhass. FINE TAILORING. - Fah and winter cloths in great variety et the Chicago' Hours. Wst.t. You (•e have a big chhit...3 and rely on good Nyle mid 0t at very moderate prier. B. MaoCormae. Mar. Saunders S: 00. the Wee..t. tinsmiths and plumbers ere busy, end would advise Owes requiring plumbing, beating x sheet moist work to get It done durieg the dee weather and avoid the rush. They have • !ergo' num- ber of remnd-hand cooking and beetlag "[ores for coal or wood. which they are selling cheap. ANorma Screwier!: L Prrm. --Wo learn that the list of successful oa0didat a from our Colleti•te Institute has been further in- creased by the addition of alis Helen C. Strang, who has, on reconsideration, bten mated a Primary certificate. Fou t?avr.garrr Tlt...1%1mi.-Charlie !:enc* and Aller` Seeger hare gone t.. Tor- onto to take a university worm, the former to Toronto University and the latter to Trinity. Both young mem are good students, ata( we hope to hear of their soarer in the future. Colicky. --Marie Stuart the eminent lee tnrer will deliver one of her frames lectures entitled " Women's Rights, " in the (!rand Opera House.* Wednesday, 19th Oct. Every lady and every one ooSten• plating matrimony should hear her. Sesta are for sale at Fraser t Porter's. :lee her ariverttaemeat on pop 5 for particulars. Tae Rearmost Way. -Owing to u large portion of the •page of Tux Seism- being taken op this week with the premetation of • subject which for some months past has occupied • wide plus in the etiolation of the public our usual quota of town and country local Dews ha been forced to lie over. T)n Yoron L1.CPAIf. -A meeting of the Yong liberals will be held in their rooms, North st. next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is repainted m • thorough reorganization of the club is conternpl.ted, owing to the feet that • heavy feallll o•m. paign is before it. Let every liberal, young aid old, tura oat on Tsesd.y evening. FAtlwgt.t. S.ttvlcai. -Rev. (`anon Young will occupy St. George's church pulpit on Sunday next, morning and evening, and preach farewell decoy noes The rev. ypntlesnan has dins excellent service for the congregation of St. George's during hes term m recta, and leaves the church in a very t•tidactdy position financially and other- wise. He fins to the rectorship a St Johns, Woodhouse, with residence at Sine - coo, Norfolk county. Ora Naw Art-notrpsa.--Chorlton & Bon (asoomears to McLean, Charlton a CAI.) late proprietors of ria Qaeeu's Auction marta of Mostreal and Toronto ha.. located in our town They will shortly opsa • er genal auction mai . ander the old nave en widely known (The Queen's Auction Mart). Mr. Chariton has had 20 yore °rperiesea as a gement &nati0sar. He is maid to have • powerful and cultured worse, is • linguist reg several languages aad amen highly recommended. (ter. C. is at present engaged in the publication err a sew free directory of the tows. He may be fraud at his residence No 10, Keays -n, or ml. Braes P 0. box 72, Dederick. The firm's anrlocncement will appear in thew oolemtns ea moos as they knee their premolar. Cab .Avenel out all oas.itntlneita of mode for actual ono. A RA.11TatuT. -A nim treat Mie stare for the lovers of good dnnatie raprse0etetion. Manager Saunders of the Grand Opera Howe hes mcbpeded attar treks( for • num her d samon't part in ••ceriug ida Van ('osrtl•ad the talented antras sed her superb enmpany for • dramatic sasses of three right, 27th, 213th and 29th Get nets Van Courtland m well ea being • !asst clam •ettre.° ie nee of the pereet wanes en the loge to day and everywhere is netted by the had people of the Fawns e4 (0.de and the United States where eh* has hewn toar- inn for some semen* The pl.te will be evened early on that those desirenea of seenring enures helms can do no Ar Anne Peate a in. -At the ohms of an excellent sermna peeachoel by Rev Mr. Awums, of Auburn. Inst fi•hhailt mama,. the R... Mewed For, et Elora, earl a fay.ur pastor d 1ro.M.a Methodist ahsreh grin is smiting his eon god one Maeda here, made • few ht.emster r'satarb ea the wor- med that W jaw` ham prombed anal aim gore as m mtM wriewholInn aloe /am Jo he ds v yam r tninny M fI .4.inry. ten A `tab earl Mary mil ponnease • von. whish often 1. M tV unvy d most ol rib vette passNlaa L 1111 .vs Wry yeses AIM the rev. pallaataa resided a deeertea mod Mere me sew vary flaw left el his !enter apa.lat..one belt . R. T. sir T. aunts.--ThS el Tsenprame hold • s▪ a Mealy last Atter the regtdos Homeisms hod h... $rwaa.t-1 the yeses Wise prow eat hreesta WM en ahs -dames al mho awl seam, to which ample *Mee *. dome by the present Env. J. E, Nowell, IL A., w. Mea mad le As Asir and as awl - lest PIopam d weal as1 ia.Ilmme-' ' memo le• literary ..M.tMm.. /Iw, waw the .her which the seembase Fnatmt no Mir several home. DOOM. 1111EVMES. The Collegiate leathers Literary Swift will boli their regular mating melt Friday • Why bay soar awing machines Irma strangers et fabulous prior, whim you moa l.ecc the best m.sulacttjwl trout rho. W. Ttiom.ee lq x.00 Dr. M. Ntohebos, the Wont -aa dentin, w akes the preservation of the manual teeth • specialty. time administered free 9 a r. for the painless •rtraoUou of toll During the pest few wicks • number of bail oases of wreckage •coelia* have Dane 10 the knowledge of Capt. Babb, and no arse will blame him If he orris out the law to the letter against (he violator. (ho. W. Thomson u local agent for Bell pienett e, sawing machines, "'cycles, incluse, fi and marmot mer- chandise. All of best, and at rock bottoms paws. Now ' the tins to pur- chase It hoe been proved to the m•tislmotiam of hundreds that teeth oro he extracted by the *Mess process, using uta -nerve puree. Don't be deceived by having the coot.. treatment The one is harmless whilst the other a vary dangerous. if you wane the right treatment you can her. it at my den- tal mew, (:rand Opera Hoam Block. E. Richardson. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. alis Soegmiller, of Stratford, is wraiths, in Iowa this week. Miss Maggie Stowe returned from a visit to Detroit on Monday. Mites Rose Row and Nellie McKean. were in Clinton last Friday. C. R. Armstrong of Lon.lon, paid • visit to his brother G. Aru,atrwg, on Friday. Wm. Forndof (printer), of Chicago, IIL, is visittag here for the good of his health. Mrs. W. F. Clark and daughter arrived home an Tosday from • vet to !hared. Mr. amid Mrs. R. R Sallow. returned ea Tuesday from • visit to 1Valkervalle and other points. Mrs. ('h.a Hawkins and sen of Shop• prdto. arrived In town from • visit to De- troit an Tuesday. Mimi Downie, who hod been va.4.g to town for some time peat, returned to her home it Simone on Saturday last. John Darwin, forearm of the lkafortk Ex ter, wee u town durthe the week, and paid The SIt2NAL a fneadly slog. Geo. McTavish, who has been is the em ploy el Jut. A- Reid for some time put, eft on Monday Int for s suntan position in tY i•rt.5. Rev. Mr. Swann, of Auburn, brother.an- I•w of Geo. Fear preached to North•et Methodist church morning and evening of last Sunday. Mrs. W. D. ('..I returned home to i.•a- mingtee on Toerday after spending • couple of weeks in town, visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. Downing. Rev. Mr. Torrence, of Victoria -01. Metho- dist church, has, we are pl...nf to .tete, recovered from his reooat severe fibres, .mid is now able w teams W pastoral duties. AUCTION SALES - All parties geteng their sale 0211. printed at N once will Zero • bee entre teemed in this lie q to the time of sale. Auction sale of household furniture ud other articles, on Saturday, Oct. 15th, 1892, at the •uct.ios rooms, Hamilton -at., t:ede. rich, at 2 o'clock P.m. J. Knox, auctioneer. Auction male of farm stock sad imple- ments, on Monday. Oct. 24th, 1892. at 2 o'clock r. u., on lot 9, coo. 6, Colborne. J. H. Millin. proprietor, .1. Knox. auctioneer Auction sale of farm stock on Thursday, Oct, 27th 1892 at 1 o'clock p.m., on lot 20, L. R„ Ashfield. No reserve. Michael Dalton, Proprietor. John Griffin, auction- eer. Auction sale of household furniture, m Thursday, Oct. 20th, at 1 o elock 1..o., at the residsnos of the Into Jut. Saunders, Britannia -.t, Goderich, John Koox, sac- Oooe•r. Auction sale of farm stook sad inplemena on Wednesday, Oct 19th, 1892, at 1 o'clock no lot 14, ocaoeni05 5, Goderich Tp. Wm. J. Willson, proprietor. Joke Knox auctioneer. Auction eel. of household far.iton a Goderich, on Tuesday, Oct. 18th, 1,,102, at 1 &clock P. M , &e RritannM•wt, next pkaoe to Sheriff Gibbons. A. Hobbs, proprietor, J. Knox, auctioneer. Auction male of farm property on Saturday Oct. 15th, 1892, at the Colborne Hotel at the hoar of 1 Si o'clock p.m_, this brag the estate of the Mw Robert Otwgy. H. Hay- den, Adr,ini.trator. John Kam, Auction - 0111r. esteemed Tt $04. y, Can.ot be disputed, amid the mase is yet to he heard from in which P*wser's Painless Corn EItractor lea failed to perform • per- fect curs TAi with prinless and rnrjjii action and from unoyaace during moa. (Tb. great corn and bunion core stands um- rivalled. Sure, sale, painlea Beware of frauds offered ea substitutes for the great corn care Putnam's Painless Corn Extract- or. N. (' PaIson A Co., Kingston, pro- prietors. liar no other. MARINE NOTES. City of Windsor, ea Wednesay for liar - nig. Noir. Arctic ran in os Saturday for ohol. ter. Str. United Empire en Saturday Irons Sonia. Sar. GUI of W angor ou Tuesday for last/vit. Str. City of Wieder called la on Friday. hound ■p. Seer. Letter {d1 on Needy light for Theorise Kehr. (at.n.arrived frets Wander, light, en Friday. Behr Sophie &n T.eaday ler Spanish River, light. Snhr. drilla lett fie Kisserdi.e ea Mee day with enol. Rehr. Greyhound en fiwturday, fro.` Kimardi.. Nahrtannin ae Monday far Cello. THE ....................... MARKET NLP 1 y OMinsmi. Os s. ell! N i t ....... 11 • u ,q mise. 4•..e..., ll ........................................ .. isassallialm >r tr=.M ... we ........... 0 me s nue 4 nMto4« Niels O ewe "".... •- . 116.434 a to t 1t tNtote1 @Stein works of Casawith tall Hats. hand hay hese y0 8nhr. Kolf•ge a. Wed.esdar light fu, Tuber Morey for oodar for Detroit Mr. Howdah engineer wehe. r Tuesday dredge. Moa.rob Aft on Wedattndy e.d Oily of Wham, m Friday, both hand tam sp.hr. Greyhound left o. 0lo.day for Be Was Woad. with *applies for •rme. Seer. KoIfage arrived to oa Maeda frog Sandusky with 170 toss of goal foe Jot Kidd. Serra Sophie ie arrived on F froo Toledo with 600 tens of eon for *0 ywater works. The body of Mrs. Capt. Shepherd, tib was aboard the ill tared stone harp masks was found on Tuesday .gar the south piee, Mrs. Shephard lived near Port Hera tad was about 51 ,ears et ate Her sow sad sister arrived ID tow. m -1'.esd•y 11111111 1. take charge of the body and cuuvey 11 bgma `bore of the ship's tr*oater paper, were Woad near *0. .ortb par. BELFAST. Prom our own aorrereondent James Mullin r turning the old Monate • reddea0., which will make a rery wt.l• tenable one when hushed. Win. .1. Irwin, of thin pace mat win4 heavy berm ls Tuesday .t. iii W., am end contents wore 0.rrnt to therad. e.. dept about eighty bushels of *Leet e20 were Bred- He was threshing on that and it is supposed that • spark frees the engirt' set the stack out fire. He was slight- ly rammed, but the lose will be to the neigh boyhood of 11800 e 81.000 after deductins insurance. Preveeetee Serer than goer. Thom who keep their blood in a pure cid healthy aoaditicn need bare little feud any doom attacking them. It u the es- fr•ebled, run-down system upon which do ease 1044.• its feasts. lir. Williams' Pak Pills have no equal as a blood builder, save tonic, and preventative of disease. 'It's- sande of grateful people toady to the on demo! powers of this mainly. Teko se substitute or:imitation. (M.11 deslenerby snail at 50c. • box, or six boxe. for KM Dr. Williams' Med. Co., Brockville, Oat T.a.ys.a's Is.ersl if, ermce. I.rntno$, tier. 10.-- According to prover the Lord Bishop of Winchester prreehadlb funeral aermee in the Hademere nook Sunday. He referred to the dead Iamna4 in eulogistic and feeling terra, and hie re- make e'merke made • deep impression on the 1 rye crowd that attended the mrrieea b the course of his sermon the Bebe maid : "I would tall the Boosted pee s English Thee -rites rather then a Virgil In he completeness he arms so gee to hr mrp•am Wordsworth and to almost mask Shakespeare. He wee 0.0100 g as Bytes, without any of Ryromi'e o aiaJ sed nets pat disdain .' The Prince of Wale. will represent the Queen at the funeral of Tesayeu. Lad Salisbury is expected u be among thea present at the poet'. lntarseeet. The Duke of Arple, the Marquis d Uuferin, the Earl of Selborne, the Rev. Bosjamtn Jowett, ate Vis ('has -elk% of the Univstmty of Edinburgh, and the ken► tcrisn Lecky will be micaa/ the paUbsnn at the funeral of Tenuywee. Mr. Glut striae wm invited to act in taus rapacity, kat b wrote •40 w . be en the grand of ali paean tts A room ■v'. Aamres. A mother who sow nods her sou oat in- to the hsaiae.. world Moahea him at tine when the oh.nc.s are all in favor of the young bran, writes Edward Rok in Ike " At Home with the l:'diwr," in the Omer bar Ladies' Hones Journal. tltdmr r were never mon wining to place Lir trusts upon the shoulders of young ma tks they are today. " lions. blood," as it it celled, it the life of the 'modern badge world and is everywhere swagbt. in New York the daat•.d for the right ki.d rayon's etas is dl aapsoitia is for greater than lir apply, sad what 44 tree of New York r trwo of ...ilium erg. situ Beer u mend, howeverens Elm rtgkt kind 0f Yossg mese. said by that olsasitfastiaa I men yn0sg M *0. wee willing to wee*, sad wart Mrd. The the eMok wparl al tb• wawho works by c0hiag for tM hptr whoa tum teem .ball .but Ari g0.M,if it ever ted. Hundred• of young men.190new 901141055 .sift at• sa city worn off sad then b.00ao more maek- inn whew. phials caa be said sen • d•!. uni ttetios. Ne mother seal ham Ydm waxie& ter the Mona, of a sea who Mit water of spring p suout foto the Waimea world, ere long a be ban in maid • few esa Piste H. at be bonen above all fMet!•. sed allow to hoe: him there i m eoseprnsetssss w... honestyoat ud iiaAwmeS I yH nowt los sa $es rawer i M fe.eiblie satin that • mss menet aid d wAlekey •0d b. i•eat bsetes. H• mast, Ino, aMeirlo btwoes • ••r! man sodomite od • load.... taws ; ba 0.001 M boob. H. anal mak. Ai lir .01011.10. geed e 412.4.. and set b paswsene' with tM per' sleet idea that his employer hes so bwds to goodies Ale moveteate outside iof aim- - iters. As employer low r*95or.ry000 to riJ[ post his ..play«i . to . .t afi times. h the .i.5 err out of f1. ria imp.!vests ifh. M ttM terIL seidight Twea 4h. (Vtl.tpl.g se.nM sill ar.r4km n eMee, w hqa wad grM rd.r I6, r..ki 4.10. Prwia* d Ostm+io, wko •.•,•d 5 greatest sheerer el " flosi4At w•-rr id, el0 ; bel. $1 mrd• is MA. Sl b to 14th, • Madsen. hook i and • est piet.rw to flip.. whip mod +set lets a l* a neap wrapper•. SssdbesMOt Tee sun• as thea of ash montle, aid marked hes ca5,pwtE4im e 1 teas give r. Rr raes, tags, and asabar af w oes slam will bp. hH.Aerl 44 Tanks' Moil en fret Hattud•v is gash swath. ly 11 els J tight Istat