HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GODERIQA, ONT., THURBDAY,7OCTORER 13, 1892 Furs, Furs, Furs, For LADIES and CHILDREN. APES, STORM—COLLARS, MUFFS Ie. NTURAL and HL13MIAI O POSdgx aANUTRIAITIOSEAL and OO T. +++++++ lies' and &onfleien's For Coals SOLD FROM SAMPLE at "7 ersr Zfow Prices_ JNO. T. ACHESON. :ALL "TRADE 1892. The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as a matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart- ments fully supplied. ine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suiting. will be a marked feature, while all the other Tines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. ISPHOTION KINDLY INPITHD. PHR OHNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. CRIOTLY ONH PRIOR. 3064 iha. Draper and Haberdasher. si ag IMP LI I i • •i ivcmGc. 1 nam I i a il • y :Ili s 9; 1i d = L tills . ai 1 a .gto=gA i s 1 = d °o S b e l hii3 l Y sI 1 Ia d IS Ie. z . .8 ,d I I h Vf i 1 1 .. s f V a ° .8 g 1 C Aej 9 s a SifI 3 e1 A 11 O I-1 le ii w $c e • et s e.3 S d 's3 x e 1i sag saf sr psil r 3 b Flo • an P y lite s 02 iy a a o et , iiLig 4 ^, o . is •- :i3i k3 /.4 n; 'e ; le? 1 = x 1_ 3 =3►m m i X'it 4 i 1 14 1 8 0 C. J 0 2 DO YOU LIKE A OT OP GOOD TEA ? FUOMIT$ OP FANCY. • . 0&D .aSY. The sear girl will sae beam. • tar Inas consideration than the maid.. vote. A man who u ruaiag for Mlles lakes peat risk of • collision with his own prim ciplea The cion who always stops to thick whet he is Rang to say .•Ilam says erectly what he thinks. A Polite Tramp. -.I ode- Whet :i. yon e - s swiss? Tramp --Allow e to Dards with your honor. What were her father's claim' re- marks r" "I ooald sot her them ; I was o0 the wrong side of the door." Parent -This is your birthday. Tommy. What Das Ido for you that will cease you pimwrer' Tommy -"Speak Johnny ! The -•0 whet is always yieldi.g to temp- trti...sidese finds any difficulty is finding temptatie.s to be yielded to. The great value in •staoao,sy as s si- enoe, morally speaking also, is that it tends to make people look higher. He f3►o01d Not Oesepl.ia -He --8o you re- fuse me, dale ens 1 You love another ! file (d.msr.iy)-Oely two others. "As terribie a. an army with banners" W mo referees to a politioel parade, al- though the hamars are terrible enough. M. Boodle--Oment, bow do you know that your diamonds are genuine ! Oast (3itto--By w .dvamom of se pawn- brokaira Boston Child -Ma--. ! amen& ! Tb baby has fell oat of the window ! bosoa Mother -Fallen, you mean. der. Quirk ! Run for • doctor ! A maniple eaof tradesman's challenge: "Am Person who • show me that my Does MI injurious to health will receive tea bone Yang Mra Title -Are these pool -rooms some Bort of bathing arrangement, dear ! Mr. Fitt. --N. ; they only elan • fellow's "We dal buy poetry by the yard,' said the editor so the profess composer. "Per - not. Rut you must admit it is -.•nr- .dby fest." Ted-rm afraid you didn't emjoo the dance lad sight. I..ft earl ' N No; I had • splendid time I sat on the .taus. Proud Young Teacher -Yea, sir ;I teach the idea bow to shoot. e1r•mger (wt. has 4 .rpri.0ee)-Then look out for paper balls. Mr. Tatham/nail-I can't imagine what we ever got -storied for; win totally dif- ferent at .very i.gIe point. hire. Tooth - iodised -0h. you letterer ! Not to b. Downed- --ileum (showtag the eight.) --What do you thick of that! Shade (fro- Cbic.gol- M&7, vou sbould just see oar whet pit. The first u shed the index finger, but when • man takes three or eo it's on i.dir of bin opinion that the masa has grows too sold for beer. DenrunirgM-Row would you define the word 'creak,' Skinigelett Skusgull t ---A wank. my dear ser, is • sparkle in some- thing what you take mo interest in. First Sportsman (a the partriiige Alm et) -,lost say luck; mi- fire .very tie.. li.co.d Ditto -Don't despair, you easy h.m better look in smother world. Stokes -Did you hear that Norris had re:into polties! Maltby -No; has h.! flt.ke. -Yes ; he's been made mammary speaker of the house while his wife is is the eoamtry. Timely War•i•g.-Bob Mayer -Well, I believe I es at be going. Mims We.ry- Perbsps yoe had better. The sigmal service predict. run for to -morrow. • Indy-Mercy she ! And so when East lathe jangleou came fane to fees with • tiger. Ooo! Whatdid you de! Modern Traveller (proudly)-Pbotograpbed it. An Effort of Mammary.—arid.--I think -a►-I cwt ►ave cam you before. Pre - ..Ila -Yea You were imtroduoed to -e la the drawing -room .bout five minutes ago. Wb should pay men in the bosom al W realms( aloud of the capture of • female pickpocket, look with • bard, hid- den meaning erpre-ias at his wife! There is • groat difference betimes mili- tary appeaser am/ levet.. In one there is a good deal of in and is the other then is • good del land. out. Judge -If you were a waiter in • a seaside. hotel all .uutmar, how dose it happen that you are up for vagrancy ! Prisoner -Your honor, I went back them tar • week as • g..ut. Lady -Wirt. neer read Dante's Lehr - no ? O t -,It, my dear madam, whet with my wt.., may .other -in-law, and . even bairmies, I haven't felt to require it. "Hare'. • mal for yea, poor mea." mid the kind-hearted woman. And the looked at her for mom • .ot and the= haughtily ; "'Seas. m., m.a-, but I al - hers dimes • ls aerie." May (di.d.i.ftIy)-Ifo ; I don't think I ever .amid love • mw. Frank Ibrighteaing ep)- Tbst's o.1y smother proal oft e girl l.rity of our test.., derliag. I don't believe I .ver amid, either. OIsdy. Ooggan don't aver me you to tk• theatre so morm (i. s.vi.ve Rallsrty Bring • pair of oppt glasses and k 'em or martini ds at ib. pkny an' you'll ase sea "Mos is mighty skittish 'titters," ob- served old Mrs. Thirdwei "Either 1My sir se ones that there is so a-b.arin' 'em around tis boas, et .o geed-airered that you damsmt trust 'em out of jar sight. Melly -Mtn Pretty -face dreier beauti- fully but she seems • perfect creak. Arthur -Yes. I Maim wherever sibs femme into ebeere scary womee's bad Sara Tem- --May 1 kis m t land. M the Nally They y i-ig wpeg.tine of miersba To- --Wen yam ens kin m.. lbs Tr net afraid of '.a "Oke Mr. Hunker 1" eat.laimd Mia Drothy, w. is as ent►ashstb df ersitb 1, "which Marisa sing bird "I prefer lb. h.., Mem Dorothy." m't "Rat the hes i • meg Nord "Well. M is the +4 Wit 'dims lay 1 sere for. • 7 OPTTLgR LLg81NC t ROFIT .BLE THREE P's IN ONE POD. THE PRICES ARE POPULAR 1 THE GOODS ARE PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH ME I8 PROFITABLE Try our Brands of " MONSOON " and ,TAMILKANDE," the Finest Flavored Teas in the world. Doyon w Nat Iresh Groceries. of all kinds. Trash Fruits andVeVegetables. Se « Ohoice Oonfectionery. al « « A Good Gnat or Glass of Soda Water. if yon do, all at ED. OAMPAIGNE'S, (1R(N'ZR ANi) OONPZ(TiONZR, Oar. Montreal -4. and Square. I'Telephone (bnnection. ALECK SAUNDERS, :MIT Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE 1 IRONWARE j CLEAN, HEALTHFUL, DURABLE. ANOTHER LARGE STOCK TO HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING KETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE—WARE Handsome for the Table, Durable fir Cooking, Chemically Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE is SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever bebn sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE ONLY PLUMBING SHOP IN TEE TOWN. SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. A. B. CORNELLI VTTLERT'" i McLoaa's Block—On the Square--McLeaa's Block, STILL CONTINUZB TJ CONDUCT ori;\ZCRAh8 AT1HI8 USUAL WW PRICKS. Remember, NO HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail toggiiv e him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. 1N0 CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MATCHES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER. T'E T :' ' G1-1-- TET , I30NP PzO1% TORONTO BRANCH—!9 Front -at, Went. MONTREAL BRANCH -318 St. James -et. MAMMOTH WORKS -Hull, Canada UN D ERTAKERS WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the (loderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the beet stock of furniture and undertaker's supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap? BECAUSE J_ OP IEY d>r BON Have added to their present business one of B. J. Nash's Latest Seyls of City He rens, also the finest litre of funeral furnishings in the oosat3f, and are now prepared to conduct funerals at prices reasonable. This department will be strictly stts died to by his mon William, whn, in the employ of the late D. Gordon ter the past tem years, has a knowledge of the business, and by prompt attention hopes to share part of public patronage. Remember the place- Wert+t, on your way to the post Dios. O!v tv a Can. 131t0PrinIngt7ON He finds that it pays in the long - run. His motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He alio makes a specialty of picture framing.. Give him a call before porches. ing elsewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True .Competition. Tien Cie AMAX Pacrno 1t!nwav ti to sive • ai.t la.e tese•se. ries with fair mad per- nc1/2a titi. Itriilei wl tb.mever,ria sh0 slliaffl=iii low tore. Como a ,,,, , 11a. on Howe and fshfea ss.'.. "a ..n ...0-741 itea os..• rw.(W1a:a.e.. priscl.•m sad Is IOW Lmel Meaner. liederfsa