HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 6SIGNAL : GODERIOHI ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1892.
That AVER'S Sarsaparilla CURBS
cantles of S: rofulotie Diseases,
Eruptions, Boils, Eczema, Liver
and )Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia,
Rheumatism, and Catarrh should
be ; t+nvincing that the same course
of treatment WILL CURE yo*'. All
that has been said of the wonder-
ful cures effected by the use of
dcrinj; tl, st fifty tears, truth-
fully apple, .a -day. It is, in every
sense, The Superior Medicine.
Its curative properties, strength,
.effect, and flavor are always the
same ; and for whatever blood
diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla is
taken, they yield to this treatment.
When fou ask for
J ,t,. ba dada: all to purchase any
of the wuratless substitutes, which
are mostly mixtures of the char -
est ingredients, contain no sar.a -
parilla, bas - no uniform standard
of appearance, flatvr, or effect,
are blood -purifiers in name only •
and are offered to you because
there is more profit in selling
them. Take
Prep... • b iia J. C..1 .., sir t:.• L...-': Mass
5..:.i ,' Druggists: life Sr ; +u bottle*, If.
Cures others, will oaws 1�
a Pathetic Scene Ir (mart 1 ptssl.al art
Lotto, Father.
Mtge ha 'I TeJe;r.m.
IL W. r►lpps I .pars ea ►ereMre-ew1.e
Piedaras Dleewed by 1 rod. a.bertew
--Miaow end Lambe.
The Alcoa report of the l)utareo (:overs•
.beat Olt the subject of forestry has just
been mined, and I deur* te cull atteetwa
b some of Ito features. 'l be etatesseu4
eostained eu r.fetrn w to the cx,dittos of
Use Ontario counties ought to aromas the
palate to the vital importance of the yam
sten ond the used ot prvwpt .tea,• to pre-
vent the further alw.euss•ry deatreatlea.1
timber. la seen* quarters the watdsd area
does :lot exceed S per .*nt. of Ike whole, so
reckless and ladlbcriniteute has been the de-
vastators. Aa a censequessia the supply of
fuel is go mg out •,o1 meaty farmers are
oblige' to procure it at a Cuss.'.'rOH. dis-
lut.•e from their home*. A rose result of
the o,erelesrat• e, however, is the gradual
alters;. .H, :n tom chi.. *', whic1. s:alt:. .1 but
luta. attracted the u•..'e 1•f ever)) :went
gent °toed ver In Canada, as it. other • ',cry
tv,unr o , w here the same proses, has gorse
.,it, 11..• cur.mg now:. ot the wooer. bee
result.. I is au iatrear- o: goods and
drool::: 'e. r..nderugg .hu .. tea' iron much dem
favorable to agrten!turo. The crops. too,
.:eprsael the shelter of the tors ' witted
foruwrly prudes -tau theist from the seaenty
of the oind And (,oat, have latterly been
much more nncertaio Ia uta•., localities it
has bete toed impo& ibte of late year.
to ruse fall -wheat a•tccessluUy' Now, tlue
14 a nutter .,l deep eonrere to the farmers,
whose interests are ingrenLed It •how a
sad lark ot r •re.igh; tl..t til.. Mae uotti.a
class long ewes, reeopsin•d tilt need of forest
pre.ere.tsou and nplahting. t)u the . on-
trary, the a.wof host, land 11 etc.dt►1 dt-
mintehtng. In their auiiety to UMW the ut-
m et every acre, land of tale va.uc for
cultivation ;• often armed or -very stick
whleh in..ht much mote ailvu.:.geoudy Ire
left pennaneilly timbered. A pruuent care
for the weeds of the future should he exer
cod in terming just as mach as any other
hominess. If there is use thing certain, us,•
ing to the steady Increase of the demand,
coupled with the diminution of the supply,
It is that not very far hence in the future
wood of all kinds will be materially tacrese-
ed In price. The jc4icioue Corner will,
therefore, not only preserve any of the
unreel forest remaining on his lead, bat
replant trees, with an eye not merely to
improving the appearance of his farm and
protecting the growing crops, but to the
ultimate valve of the umber. If the right
kind of trees are selected he will tind in a
few ,'ears that he has made a valuable is -
vestment -R. W. Phipps.
Juste Maclrougsll herd ('ouuty Judge.'
l'rtintual Court is his .:lamt.ers
Oa • settee at the Ede or the roods .at
a young woman, the to of five little
.hil•lren sitting by her .1.1.•. lu from of
this family sac t;.orge Hooking, the hus-
band and/ethers who wit tri t.l for the tot f•
of a taw .t',til 'uhn Mush, of Markham., nen
the 30'h, of lest nr.,t•h. H. was foiled
Valli; he nes titre« prior convictions re
worded against hint, one for fraud, true 6n
burelar and .w•: fot tn.•f;.
"1 hardly know w ha• to do with you. "
..id ledge )facl►.aha11 ' " I ought or send
you to the pen:c.nttart.'
" The hest thin; V.n. can .1•. with me is
to hong ns,:, ' .aid the vomit mac, to every
one's surprise. '• Ilea of no use to thi,
earth. I'd be willtu • to take hanging. I
have a goo' wife :.nJ good children. i try
to bee bettor lint 1 can't. As soot as 1 g -.t
dlmk in , :e i go wrong ,,,.l do whatc.'er
anybody tell+ me mad get into t ruble. I m
lorry for my wife &'.d little etre.. She is a
good W0mr : its is s jewel : whoa 1 mune
out of Mil she was waiting for tile st the
prom gat.• with n lunch.
To. man's story deeplyadec:ct those oho
heard it. Even officers of the law, used to
a'1 error of touching teems, were moved by
the pitiful case, anal rime old gen•Itoiete dad
not thunk it unmanly to wipe away the tears
that o ul.l not be restrataed. the kind
hearted jwage. htlusclf apparently touched,
said, " 1 really do not knew what to do
with you
' • Well, I'll tell yon. " replie f the pt Owner
" let m• go and i'll take core of tate chil-
dren You tan see that i took g•od care of
thein .ince I'm out.
Evidently this is true. Although peer.
the oliddren were comfortably clad ; they
.re pretty little folks and in goal health.
"I will never see then. hungry-." said to, •
father. "tor you may sentence in.: to be
lashed I'm always in 1,olid.•."
Theo, .0 if sudden!.' realizing what int
prominent meant tort 1. unfortunate family,
he cried out •
For I;ore sake, give me me m or•• chose ,
so that I'll feel sure about 'em. A long
winter is coming to them• and charity is
oold here.-
I will remand you for a week," said
Jud,(e S1&cI)oegtll, "sad make some ingwir-
ies shout you.'
" Well, do," aid Hawkins, •' and try to
giv: me A chance : it'll be the k.n•1et ac: of
your life. -
Oa ercome
ife.-Oaercome by his feelings the poor young
(show sat down, bowed his need and erten
bitterly, while hit little children cling to
him and kissed him. When the mast..!.•s
were put into 14. hands his wife was almost
" Rather me than hint," she said . "h.• it
the hest and kin.le.t n.an. i don't care what
they say. -
the law knows no love, and the prisoner
was pot into • carrlare and driven to j.d,
leaving the wife and the five little children
on the sidewalk crying as if their harts
would break
Peeve.11s. Renee Tse. Corr
Those who keep their blood to • pure sad
healthy condition need have little tear of
any dimes@ attacking them. 1t is the en-
feebled, ruodnwn system were which des•
Nue fasten* its fang.. i. William a Pink
Pills have on 'Neal as • biota! fruitier, nerve
tonic, and preventative of disease Tho...
•Utas of grateful 9enple testify to the sm.
derful powers of this remedy. Take no
substitute .w imitation. Of all dealers .•r
by mail at 50c. a box, or 6 poxes for $3,51.
Ile Wilhelm' Med. Co , Brockvilk On•.
Tfie ttrspov alliWIlwilmwe used.
from The Ladies' Nome Jevons'.
An ortistsc engagement ring a formed of
two narrow ban ■ of vola that twcon1e oue
just in the . entre . the part where they an'
divided as filled in with small but p ire .lea
moods These small, clear stones are a1
wase preferred by women of ono.' taste t..
eery Targe ones lees perfect in odor and in
Weise sod Wesbr.
Ilz4Tr.ente, 1 suffered for three dal,
eery s.v.r.ly from Sommer complaint end
wield not get relief Mot hep• getting wore,
and worse till the p.ln was Almost ante ,r
.hie mid i became v..7 weaO Some friewd•
advised lk Fowler a Retract of Wild
Strawberry, and after 1 hart taken the Ike.
deer 1 friend teed .atter sad ,* did set fail
M eur* nen. 1 de not iste.a to he without
this valuable seethed.. if 1 cats help it.
Wu. T GLu•w,
t Wilfred, Oat.
t ai• Tn.la• ebe r specs.
I km We It br rested esmtlo ty
the sin reeg
Y' some Wa btd
outdo' up aeries
As' diad•m will wrap r1N
AO A.' 11 le elected
Jest keen all mitea•ef• rte ham
I ell pt eke bM' repos by,
Bays 1 le eyes. 1. wawa rue t
. 1 to vest mre 1
A wok or • 1. . t alter
✓ etep,wd u. p.p,r 1 ee..•r wn,
The IMO is •u 1. .it'S SkMr.
As' 1 weeder .►.l • to psi,
That the s.r..en* look se bmm/w'-
1. the hoiden w) dery sewed stray'
It keel. *ern. a wawa'
Rae( I'd laid wy 1 tanker. by).
says I to lay seat, tc t 1. •e11 Jaya 1
Yy 1 to esprit..so. I
(A womb ors ..wpir Week
th.rwir to net., 1.. b gelling es dry.
It is roll.' Jets.ny ascot.
I foie loss . leak et the .t..•k•,
Ali . peep Si the ....MMC column.
As' to knee if Ma ch.04ra .hip's In aorta
Aa' h se►.. .,r het w a.1.•..uy
I owl {Map at s japer,
fagot I to r. to I,i..ett es,* I
S ave I to assail, sear I .
( *her l) .Ions a pekosh
1 .aa • nuke cutialoO110141111111141t.
Ar' f helm Madre woofed.'.
An' the Owe, Is all se Amis._
A. ter tow, it taw en :.udli.
Ti. reed tote news.Meiw..mY Wp
II. ,sow 11 lbs,ielem tie en,
sues eke pxpsrt ane...' Ma
No mese'.. the tela., to w►ildf
An sous Melte •sy s
re boors earl tart perusite
Wei r.,Mlel.t ,ape., to ,.+ir til.. wwht,yy
.t.be 4iw:,et..er...asssMdttd:
As' ! rod h R rti41*' sass•. -aa.,
M+' I pat) toe mete I.0 on melte%
Aa' n.w 1 knew s Mogi os, owe
Of *f,+i the ..wmrt
As' 1 mq.t know it, eat 1 •.,all 1:•
Illbetbs.- tanf ornen.•I.
• Julia H Rai, le fosse
Jeuru e
Live volumes ..f ear o•ontaII .,os, ,olume of
- Water se enmpr.se,i "t ..av-gen and hy.
droteu in the pr,{. rtion of Lune volume of
the torm;'r gots 1., ;0' aulumrA of the lat-
te r.
The celebrated high electric light mast .t
Nlinne•p.Iis, which is 237 feet high, las
pouted ineffective for lighting purposes.
and is Low no longer need.
One of the Latest inventions m connection
with the apphtation of electrietty to street
oar service s• a self lubrteattag for trolleys,
which needs no attention after being coos
put in operation
Professor IAswer, whose recent lecture and
demonstration on the liquefaction of oxygen
attracted attention all over the world,
says that while oxygen when liquefied is
strongly magnetic It is a poor conductor .14
electricity. In other words, oxygen pre.
motsthe carious paradox of a nonconduct-
ing magnet
Carboni, add gas. which is ejected in
large quantities from the earth, is being
utilized in several localities. At Kurgbrohl,
ne.rI'ohlentx, • arbouic ata spring opened
during operations, and which is eight Plebes
wide and some thirty or forty feet high, u
being used in the impregnation of mweral
watt rs.
The color of certain shrimps and crabs,
and also the Dolor of their eggs, are known
tovary greatly with the surroundings.
Tkow living in green ,sponges are much
larger, lay vastly mon eggs, which aro also
s little larger, and the shrimps ere green or
yellow, and the large claws are always
orange -red, while those oftkebrown sponges
are red, blue or brown.
A writer in the Iroemonger expresses the
opinion that steel is liable to be changed by
the action of time, unaided Loy any externa.;
mecheaieel or chemical infamies, and, is
support of his view that time alone appears
to be sufficient to product thew changes, he
Plea several examples of failares which
have occurred within hue owe experieact,
some fiat steel plates ersekiiag spontaneous-
ly. sad others on being t.eted by dropping.
Mention is male of numerous boiler plse.e
that cracked atter the boilers had bees at
work for years, and weeks after the steam
praisers had been red.oed and the water
non out, and this. too, is feoe of the fact of
every boiler being tested to double tt. work,
ing pressure when new.
SWIMS [Runt. Ts.
The total vole* of bacon, learns .lad pork
imported into I:reat Britain in 1891, was
/48,468,234. The total value sent from
( Made in the year ending .lune, 1861, was
7.53.1,o79 pomade with a value of 3026,05 .
1)enmerk w Ith a population of .bout 85,0110
greater than Ontario, .out over 32,0(10,0Ou
lbs. for which she realized .n average of 12
teats • pound. We realized about sight
and •gouter meta ; and the haeoei from
the United !hates we- entered at an average
of about 7 Dents pet pound. The Danes
have learned to eater for their customers,
and have not believed an trying to sell Lard
to . man who wants to eat dem pork. So
it will pa us to get leaner and less lardy
bogs. The ynahty that is wanted is leso
pork from dairy fed swine. To meet the re-
quirements of the English markets. larger
numbers of our swine should be sold by our
farmers alive. They could then be slaugh-
tered =aching houses, where the c*r-
tames could be treated and cared in • uni-
form. satisfactory manner. As • rale it
pays the fartner anti feeder better to sell his
sense on foot, than to market them as
dressed hogs. l'anada competes in the F.ng-
lish market with the United States, which
sent to England the largest tion of
bacon she imports, That tied ' osota
per pound, and our bacon will sell from •
cent to a tint mad • quarter higher, be-
cause oar pigs are fed oo the bs products of
the dairy and mixed cereals, while thein
are fed chiefly on corn. We can increase
the profit by reducing the c.et. through
economical fattening and selling the animals
before they are too large and old. in the
course of feeling experiments at the It:apne a
mental Farm, Ottawa, ex pens of pigs wen
fed for over five months. The expsri-
menta at the Farm at Ottawa show that
four and one half pounds of `rain will give
am pound of increase is live weight of
swine. and that it la not profitable to fatten
swine for any market, after the weight of
the animal exceeds ON) pounds alive. la
some feeding tests, during the first mond
of feeling, when the pigs weighed from 77
to Ilt3 pounds retch, only 3.31 pounds of
grata were required for each pound of fa
crew in emelt. Dung the nut month,
3.07 pounds of grain were consumed for
every pound of increase in live weight.
Daring the third month, 31. per cent. more
grain was consented for every pound of gain;
ttfl par emit., 110 per cent and 12.5 per osnt.
moregra+. was consigned for each
pond of gestin during the next three meths
respectively. At the rod of the test the
pigs weighed an average of 211 pounds
each For the last month's feeding, 6.93
pounds of grate were eo.nnted for every
pound of Increase in live weight. By atria.
ter dairying you Trill find it poenble to
increase the supply of hogs, sea well as, to pro-
duce them cheaper. i do not knave an
way of raising small pigs successful) and
economically, ..rept by the ase of skim
milk .iter they ars weaned. The winter
raising 01 yoeng pigs. to be fed off and sold
luring June, J.ly, kugnst and September,
should be s very profitable atlpinct to
winter dairying. The English market
will take an unlimited quantity of well-fed
lean bacon cad hens Prof. Robertson.
*WW Mtn t.AYK
The total number of sheep and lambs im-
ported into Great Itritaln in 1861 was 344,-
Ple. t'anada want in the year ending Jute
Moth. I891, to the number o/ 40,734. Some
expertm.•rts to this shipment of lost►e to
the English market wen made and rreepport
.rl ap.o Ila Professor Shaw whose excellent
reputation le known throughout all Iinterto.
He states ni his conclusion. that • pfo8t-
able trate is the shipment of lambs of gn.wI
quality can be derel.ped with England.
With !Deny nlhen, I ha.. heel" curiously
unwed at the criticism. of snow .ht* heti*
fled Pro/yeast Sh..'. earliest .Hort totem
en the •grieultural milkmen. the figs.
when the ltrttah loon and the reaadiM
lamb win be .town together in perm. -
Prof Rnitertson, Ottawa
Light reel
We*ry Regales Did ver get anythis' ter
T•tt.r on Torn. Nes ; and 1t was the
lightest ,owl 1 •.,r *truck. ret UMW 1
tackled the o1,1 wrwn.n ler • feed She said
she didn't have within ler see, and i env
givin her a peers of ow mood. when the old
man rate est mod mad* ow eat M weed•.
" I Inherit some tendency to Dye-
pepeia from my mother. I suffered
two years in this way ; consdted a
number of doctors. They did Inc
no good. I then used
RNlevsd In your August mower
and it was just two
days when I felt great relief. I soon
dot so that I c.t:tld :deep and eat, and
I felt that I o ..s well. That was
three years ago, and I .un still tirst-
clas:+. 1 am never
Two Days. without s bottle, Ina
if I feed coa.4tipatet:
the least pirticle a dose or two of
August Flower does the work. 'Ow
ti*ality ot't*w mudieine is, that you
eves stop thJu',c of i t without any had
effect ;on the system.
ConatipatiOfR h tL I w;.a sick I
fe 1 t evers thing it
s ctucd to rie .:.:Lata could f 1. t
r.:s of ail nit it u:c:ist miserable. Mit
say, in conclusion. that I -believe
Atst lower vci I cure anyone of
indigestion. if t: k
Life ofhtieefywith Ind(;menL. �.
M. Weed. 2911*•
fro .;ns,• St . h, its^at:+ ;is. Iud. '
I I. i. tR.te.
Floor Ps ..
Lying :a state IAt..ow•tic oominaYeat
A ►.soy gtrlead.
have used Br. l'-owt is )xtra:t
Willi Strawberry in my handy for years
and :-sou high') rel-omnzesri it for Sommer
cu:.plaint, .iiarrh.•'a, eremite, eta
Mtea:. t,tn. t<tuT,
A Titled Beggar
A favorite frolic of the eau eargsis of
Huntley was to counterfeit the characters
of the lower orders ; and he was snob e.
adept in the art fiat kis meet intimate as-
sociates, and even ht. own father, eoeld .et
recognise him. He made • that he
world obtain • supply of bath meat end
money from hu father without being de-
tected in the character he would assume.
Hewing rigged himself oat with meal -pack•
and wallets, and all the appendages of a
g•berlunme, he selected the time when he
knew hie father would be walking i. tie
beautiful lag avenue leading to Gordon
castle. The fader and moa stet, and the
latter acted kis port so admirably that he
was ordered to go into the castle and par-
take of the substantial victuals and tit
cheer set apart for poor strangers.
marquis, after esjo isg the repast without
being discovered by the servants, agate
placed himself in • situation when ►u
father would have to pass him ; and, on his
apprwch, solicited "two or tbree bawboo
to buy snce.ha." His father gave him •
sixpemoc, .hoe the marquis, laughing ob-
served, „Was • e•epesee that the Duke
of Gordon meld afford to gi'e to the Mar -
gets of Huntley "'
2 iluntavdte, Oat.
A event Hare.
Fetes The 11.0eo : N. ere.
Little la.y-Isn't hit hers queer'.
Am tie- Is what way
Little ler) -W'ea a little boy dnae any
clout for ha j sea. he doesn't get any hiiy, ;
but 2.so•,t h. r made little boy does 1t, i.e
gets five treats.
Artistic designs in Sterling Silver
and Silver Plate ; the very best, only;
suitable for Wedding Gifts.
In Fancy China we lead. Carlsbad,
Dresden, Elite Limoges, &c., in Um-
brella Stands, Rose Bowls, Salad
Bowls, and other lines ; also an ele-
gant line in German China, much
The only d isp'ay of Banquet and
Piano Lamps in town.
Lemaire's Opera Glasses in Orient-
al. Smoke and White Pearl.
olid Gold Pens, Pencils, Button
Hooks, &c.
PRASERSta& PrORTSoneoERilers
Is is a pleasure fur m. to ray good words
,.f AnU IMndn,ff, alt it• merits can-
on* be questien..l. In toy ,..in case, ilan
dr.ff not holy made itself kt.nwn by vj•
I *ruses its more than liberal quantities
.1on.w4.:,., 1 could not obtain relic'. Out
1• centit...rd t:rr.t nee .u.i m. 1e11(11 fur
notion *&used dal:tcg of Ile hair. 11v ban
Ler spoke highly of A•,u-1.taodrutt 1 need
.t. *i:d not .fly l.r..•very trace of Ibtn.h,.ft
tbeeepeerc l hut the lalling cent t.f the Lear
hes *topped. Hawing fail faith in the pre-
r.arr.t:. n I not only ei.dorre et fur the above
but further arid that as a fine drrsemg for
the hair nothing (plats it.
L Worska**, Clothier,
1903 NotreDame tit., Montreal, P. V.
Teaeatem ale Reese Idea,
Mr. Bala, in his Journal, relates the fol-
lowing experience of Mr. William Black,
W novelist: "When at work Mr Bleak
levee interim quid, and °•soot bear the
slightest noise. For this reams he always
selects a room at the top of the home as his
study. At one time it was his mtafortene
to live in whet he describes as • jerry-built
house, and while endeavoring to work is
the early boon of the morning, as is he
custom, be tells of one amusing iaesevent.
ecce that he was called upon daily to pet
up with The nursery of his next door
neighbour was in • line with his study, ..d
In flu a somewhat numerous family were
located Every morning as regular as
clockwork, Mr Beck could bear the elder
sister tall net, 'Now thew you horrid little
things, kneel down and my your nasty little
prayers." A profound silence would follow,
but the Interval was a hrief one. The.
came • rash and clatter, and the shrill
voices of the children were hoard exclaiming,
'We hate sorsa our prayers; we have mid
our prayers'
The Nieman Reedy.
F*w of oar readers, perhaps, are aware
that the human hn.ly falls asleep by tasted
monk. According to M. Calraa, • breach
physiologist. the muscles of the lap .nd
arms M.r. then. power hefrre those which
oopfr.rt the heat, and t hese (art sooner th.0
the mu.9es who -h .*.stain the lack : and he
Jlu.hates thus by the oven o1 peewee who
sleep 'm borenleP k..o .bile tbay *re Mood -
Ong or calking H* t'el+aen•es that the
seek of sight oleele first ; then the seem
of test.: neat the canes of smell ; twat
that of hewing; .o•• assly that of beech.
. a hat the viscera fag
a.ie.p our« w . 1 •,cher, sod deep with
d (tweet ascots 0. ....tds.aa
flleard•. LI.I..e.e cores 1a e.rlppe
GURL/ c�
c y01-ERA�s
Another consignment of English
Tweeds and Worsterla, suitable
for Ladies' J.cketa and (lents'
t4oiting., quality unsurpaiweel.
Horses need c1 dl.nrtg pelt work.
thwarpssaed for Sore Shoulders. Nuts, t,.
eta, on lionise
Market down away below the
regular prices to clear out and
Aad make room for New Fall
Boots and Shoes
.1.. this Bc.>,uintent I have a
large and we:l-et Ic. till
�� tstock, di-
rr• t front Ute hest wanttfscturere,
I. new I can guarantee the hest
p'.'ttil.le value for the !met mon
rt --quality considered.
[)INN >1 and TEA SETS
in choice patterns and A I goal
ity, Cheep. Also A lot Of Travel
len' Sanmpl.s, and veld lines in
(;lo'itware, rte., which 1 hove se -
cored at a bargain, and will sell
sway below their actual value.
Prospered la a fleet -Haas t -/.t ted ► QOM* Is of tarot importance.
W. C. 0000E, - THE CHEMIST.
Full line. in Family Groceries.
A full supply of all kind. of
Paints and (tile kept eoni.tantly
on hard.
Patent Medicines a specialty.
R. B. SOLL.& D,
OM which M sec now prepared,
yo• will gad all that is required. mid at moo
that sake us sty.
we dost tWk 7sOu
dwesepst seyttklag th.l
bene not east 1. tLle rtmea
This ie whore we shise-earrytae not Iwo
complete Om is this county.
No sic needs allowed is the store.
Our ge rerel bsrlwarr stock is most complete and well bought- On prices lothi: a
Motion and we your patronage.
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
Cor. lliet-k and Square.
P.S.-The latest and beet. Spring
and Summer designs joust to hand.
i r
We have just received a very choioa 1st at
-.OfetgrING O1
Which we guarantee to all at Inst
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlars. ♦ trial order Wil]
since you of the truthfulness of this assertion.
sell the best COFFEE obtainable.