HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 5THE SIGNAL: GODERIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, P$92 b THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE um... IMr. HEAD OFFICE. TORONTO. SWIM. (WASS S) Siff MULLION OOLLANS • SO.000.000. $1,000,000, •2T, S. L WALKER, GINERAl MANAotii. GODERICH BRANCH. A GENERAL BANKING BOOPOSIe TRANSACTED. FANNIN.' MOTU DtenouNTEO. Nee T s WOUND PAVANS/ AT ALS POIN1II ON CANADA, ANO TNI PRINCIPAL CITIES IN TME UNITES) STATIC, Ginter BRITAIN. FRANCE. BERMUDA, as BAVINOS SANK OEPARTrENT. Keegan OF *1.00 AND UPWARD. RECEIVED, ANO CURRENT RATES OF INTERMIT •- .Eo ,NT.RSST AMOCO TO TMS PRINCIPAL AT Mt ENO OF WAY AND •sale IN ammo YEAR. Special Attestthee gives te Nee Ott Hoot la eI 'on.wexrr',et me res. s, f c . • et•rs' Reece Notes. R. 8. WILLIAMS, Manager. THE LADIES' WORK AT THE SHOW. t. $.,.mast Ner.4Me Mae WM sew teened. nod nems is the list et prise wieners fa yixs departsant of the Northwestern Fur which was omitted last week : Wo.en quilt, home made, M. L. Sash. Patchwork nodi, woollen, J. C. Straaghs° ; L Tho•. Hamilton Patchwork quilt, oot. sea, it K Waskiagto. ; 2, Mia. ('a.)pbell. Sedrudrred quilt, Matthew Woods Kismet usilt, Mies S 2, M. L. .oeyd. Crochet work quilt, Mos Spears - :to . 2, A Allen. Smyrna rug, W. K. Washington. Twelve yards home -nada oar - 1t. Warnock. Pair woollen stockings, 'Thom Hamilton ; 2, Mies Stakes. Two pars Tootho sucks, ooe coarse and one fine, Thos. &noIt.o.. Two pain woollen gloves, o0S neater and one line, Mrs Symington Two psus woolen mita, me coarse and one bate, yy'.ymtugton ; 2, W. K Wahtngtw. Woollen yarn, hosts made, Thea Hamilton; 2, Mrs. John Howie. SFaral by Turkish aye Co , of Mutates"! N Dollengouda sot lis ng than one yard in leth, dyad wits Tartish Dyes, Mrs. Warnock ; 2, Mien sy.ii.gton. Cotton good., not leen than ear y and to length, dyed with Turkish Dyes, Ms. rvmi.gtoo ; 2, Mrs. Warnock. Gent's taut', lines frost, head made, Thos. Ha- iltes 2, Mrs. W. Elliatt. Gents' shirt, loss front, enmities made, Mimeymo.gtes; 2. Mrs. W. Elliott. (tot's fancy gassed siert, machine made, Thos. Hsmtltco ; 2, Mn i ampbeU. Dent fancy flannel shirt, head made, Thos. Hamilton. Night dross, M». W. Elliott ; 2, Men Symington- Tat- ting, M. L Swyd ; 2, vis McFarlane. tbrochrt work. is wool, Mrs. Campbell : 2. M. L S.md. Crochet wort, in maims, Niel Symington ; 2. W. K Ws.hiavtoa Mariam r work, Mies Symtagtoe ; 2, A. R. Anderson. Miguardins lace. Mrm. L W K. W a.hingtos. Embroidery enliven, t and 2, Mrs M. Hutchiaos. Point Mee, A. R Anderson ; 2, Mies Symington. Heal con lace, Mies SymingtonSilk embroidery, Mus McFarlase ; 2, Mies Symington Drawing room screen, Mrs. Campbell; 2, Ila, Symington. Piano or table scarf, Mr. Campbell ; 2, A. R. Anderson Worked whisk holder, D. A. Straiten ; M. 1.. Sawed. Worked parlor sachet, Mies Symington ; 2, Mr.. Comp - bell. iota pillow, M. L tineyd ; 2, Mrs. i.i pbell. Table centre picas, 1, Mrs. Campbell : 2, Mrs. Hutchison. Toilet set of is kind, A. It. Andorsos ; 2, M. L. Sneyd. Om set table nate, Mrs. Hutchisoe ; 2, Nro I •ampbell. Mate of any. kind, Mts. t 4°,10011; 2, M . L Sneyd. Tea cosy. Mrs. I ampbell ; 2, Mies Symington. Shawl ot is kind. Min. Campbell. Fancy braiding, rc material, J. t SU-aughan. Ribboe work, Mrs. Campbell ; 2, Miss Symington. Fumy knitting. by hand. S. 1.. Scott : 2, M. I. Seep'. Fancy patched work. Mrs. I ampbell ; 2, Miss Symimgtoe. teethes Embroidery. Mrs. (Campbell; 2, Miss Sy- mmrton. !totem embroidery, in liana, Mn Richardson ; 2, J. C*roughs*. loran •1 net, specims.e of. Mrs. Campbell : 2, )foes Symington. Rick Rack, Mn, t ano e,' ; %V. K Washasgton. Patch ea aa ..1.1 garrmest, Mian Stokes ; 2, Thos. Ram 1:..n Fancy netting, Mies Symiegteu. Drawn work, Mrs. Campbell • 2, Miss Sy- mington. Darning, Thos. 'Hamilton ; 2, Mian Stokes. Parsing on alk or satin, w a 1protemionel,) Mir IscFsrlane. 1'aiae- lag on silk or satin, oils, )asatear), C. A. Hmaber ; 2, Mien Symingtoe. Pristng on silk or Satin, water colors (amateur). Mrs. Campbell. Palettes on glees.Ma Goo. Porter ; 2, Mien Book. Painting as hit, Mien S mingtoa : 2, M. L. Snoyd. F tidy, lt. L M.syd; 2, Mrs. Cas Novelty, any kind, Mrs. Campbell ; A. R. Anderson. Crochet liaenlaos, Mrs. Camp- bell ; 2, Thos. Hamilton. Crochet oottaa Isom, Mrs. ('empbell ; 2, W. E. 1l'ashingtos. Novelty bread lens, Mrs. Campbell W. E. Washington (lseiile asndroidery on felt, Mrs. Campbell ; 2, Mien Sysingtoa Etcbi.g on any material, flan or coarse, C. A. Nath ; 2, M. L Sseyd. Arrassse work Mien McFarlane ; Mien Sys. Crary work m wool, Mrs Campbell work is silk, W. E. Wisbiagtos ; 2, Mien Symington. Apliyw on felt, Mrs. Camp- bell ; 2, Mrs Symington. Ladling'.ksgmeg bag, embroidered, J. C. Steamboat. Fancy pin cushion, Mrs. Campbell ; 2, M. L Sneyd, Crochet or knit slippers, M. L. Sseyd : 2, Mrs. (Campbell. Buttes holes, display es 6 different material!, 8. L. Scott ; 2, Mn. W. Blliott. Hasdkesabid mlaket, M. L. h.ayti. (;love box, M. L Sneed. Gentle- s. -'s os1Mr and cuff boa, M. L 8asyd. Kitchen apron. Mien Da% is ; 2, Mien Sy Legendry bag. J. C. 8trenghas ; 2, Mn. CLatpkdL Best and peatast opt - lection of Mdi..' work, the toric of one par - . on, 1, Mien 8yentagton ;2, Mien McFarhana Beat collection millinery. not Mm thea 6 pieces, diploma, Mrs. R. B. Smith. wOaK BY CNILDIUta t-YDtZ lb TRAIN Or uta Cotton sadsrolothisj (hard made) 2 gar- masta, Thos. Hamilton. Trimmed ootton pinafore, T. Hasilto. Hemmed handker- chiefs (half doses) 8. L Soots Darned seeks or atookiap, 2 pairs, T. Hamilton Crochet work in cotton, S. L Soott. Paint- ing (sowers) Matthew Woods. Drawing' =or crayon), Matthew Woods. Beat dell, Mrs. Jolts Morrie- Outline work, Thos. Hamilton ; 2, S. L Scott. Knitted lam. Thos. Hamilton Highly commended—Pictures in Berlin wool, Mss. John Howrie- PE6ONAL MENTION. The Rev. Mr. Spurpor. is suffering from quinsy. The Pepsis reported to be mi flaring from meatal prostration. Judge Cross. of the !'.,ort of Queen's Beach, Quebec, has resigned. Rev. J. T. Dowling, of Belleville, has been milted to the pastorate at Mormomia, N. fit'. T. Barmier Maodonaid and party aro going to British Columbia on the private car, "Kr n.chffe." Rev. W. H. Wade, of Woodstock, has as.spted the rectorship of the church of Am- e rman, HamLlton. Sir John Abbott was in Montreal Thurs. day, looking very much improved in health. He left Saturday for F.agland. Pref. Goldwin Smith delivered an ad- dress to the veossary of North Oxford. as CASH AND ONEPRICE 1 This is the system on which we do business. By it we can mark our goods at a very small advance on cost. We do not require the large profits necessary in selling on the credit system in order to provide for the losses which that system is sure to entail ; in that way the honest cus- tomer is made pay for the dishonest. We have nc ac- counts to mark "bad," and charge to profit and loss. Marking our goods close ensures a quick sale. We de- pend on the volume of business, not on the sire of the Profit. If we can turn our stock over three times while our competitors do so once, we can do so on one-third the profit ; and then, SPOT CASH is always the greatest factor in buying right. It always finds rock bottom. This is our theory, we leave you to judge as to its prac- tical working. You know good value when you see it. lumina our goods, compare our prices. We do not throw out three or four lines below cost as a " bait " to take you believe we sell " cheap," but in everything we ' 'e you the big credit system profit. Bee how much you can save by the CASH AND ONE PRICE 8Y8TEM. We are always glad to show you. We have special values in 8ealettes, Mantle Cloths, Drags Goods, Tweeds, Blankets, Flannels, Underclothing, T°P Shirts, Yarns, Hosiery, Gloves and Corsets. ARMSTRONG & 00., ALWAYS THS CHIAPZEIT, Oen Anbeeon's Old Stand. DOCTOR'S ORDERS. Sir James ( [rant, of Ottawa, says :—" To w cure heiath in our Usn diaa climate pure wool undervests ere very necessary, and 1 feel confi- dent you have actwmplixhed a good work in the production of the "HEALTH BRAND," which cannot fail to meet the reyuiteatents of our people. Wishing you every possible degree of success." The above speaks for itself, and every lady who desires light, luxurious, comfortable and warm underveets and drawers will Bad all theme qualities ounabined in the " Health Brand." Now genuine without • wove silk label, marked " Health." FOR SALK IN GODERICH BY W. ACHESON & SON, 1MIPORTISRS OF Oress COMM, Iaiillos and Maiillo Cloths q'AU departments in High-G7ass Dry Goods now complete. ; eeuserh p, taking for his subject Freedom M Pe .lames Laos, son of Mr. William lam, and liar Ethel McCarthy, daughter of Mr. Dalton McCarthy, Tomato, were married oc Saturday. Sir William Dawson principal of McGill University, whom ill.ees las been mans. • good deal M anxiety, is now believed to be out of danger. The illness of Mrs. Harrison, wife of President Harrison, has taken • dight tarn for the worse, bat the physicians matinee to expect her ultimate recovery. Rev. B. Csufield Jones, of Westchester, Pa, formerly of Port Hope, was married to Mien Atria Chisholm, daughter of Mr. Amain Chiohols, Q.('., at the Finn Presbyterian claroh, Port Hope, The Aske M Argyll, i1. Marquis of Huf- fman, the Earl of Selborne, Hey. B. Jowett, late rim-clmaosUor of Kdinburgh Univer- sityy, and Historian Lecky were among the pafbearers at the funeral of Lord Taney - g oo. Hon. Edward Blake will address s mesa mg at Boston. Mar., on Wednesday, 2Ith met. On November !ltd Mr. and Mrs. Blake w ill for Liverpool by the Tetanic. O. Wo. ember 14th Mr. Blake and Sir George Trevelyea, Secretary for Scotland, speak at the a.auel imagoes of the liberal Amber Society in honor of Colston's Day, at Wia- tat. THE WIDE WORLD. The corporative of Liverpool is to amain the freeoorn of the city npve leer. laad.'ase, A young mw. nasttel I;ryee, xi, under- graduate at (Mord Unisersity, committed suicide because he has failed to pa.s :.s ex. animal $.n. The type founders of the Unite.! States have formed a • on,I,tuc, to lie known as the Type Founders Company, with i capital ef nrt0,iert, Louis. Shockley, of Mount Holly, N.J., who strangled thrum children one .:.y last week, was aruten.•ed to twroty ye ate ds. - ),rime nseut. l wise City, Idaho, is to be hoard with i.ot water from the Hot Sprinvs. a nails from the city. The rum will he fifty pat soot. lees thea a ith craL The (;cited States Postmaster t .neral ig opposed to C a adoption of lime -cent patnge, as 11 would in in prole Lk loss r f $•'',(U(1, (1(10 to !$Si• "•M. • .nnaUy for some time to vase. The siesta -hip thiamin. from Yucatan, arrived at New `Cork quarantine, hat ing on hw.rd • lienal descendant of (2., i..* 0baF (Columbus, who will attend the ('o:omhus celebration. List. Micklegs, of the An.tr;an army, bas arrived in Berlin, haring ridden from Vienna in three days ow hour and fourteen minutes. He was the first arrival an tither side in the long distance ride. Three hundred of the hest citizens of Troy, 'leen, took a colored prisoner from odioers, hanged him and riddled his body with bullets. lie was charged with at- tempting to assault a white girl. Major Slagoee, aged tb2 years, has just arrived in Chicago from Grant county, Oregon, iavi.g walked the whole 2.100 miles to be present at the dedication of the World's Far building.. Re started in l uly. el=the liverynaa, whose deadly aim Winchester was so 'Scanlon in killing 16. three Dalton desperadoes at Cof- feyville, Kan., the other day, is to be pre- sented with • gold medal by Chicago ad- mirers. The notorious Italtos gang was scal- ly exterminated .t ('offeyaville, Kas., four E isenberg of the gang, inclodtug Hop sad t;rout Dalton, being killed while attempt- ing to rub • beak. Four ciurena also last their lives gad several were wounded. Th. Southern Paeiie Railway (ounpsny and Wells, Fogo & Comp ay bare tele- graphed to Coffeyville, Kat., 116.0M) to be pod to the sten who killed the Dalton pens. it is maid that the rewards offend for the gang. deed or .live, sggrag ted SOAP sea. ACCIDENT RECORD. The body of Maggie Ml.i o f was found in the river at Owen Flasnd. She had hese mi .g several days. Peter Inkster, . G.T.R. brakeman had his left arm eat off by falling off a trate war Hyde Park. Ile was taken to the Leedom Hospital A trolley oar easductar named Thomas Slider, Hamilton, was e.agkt between two ears sad so Moly injured that he died a M bean laser. 8i.t se mels, which bad bees at the bottom M • seal daft .t Pittates, Pa, far fear weeks, were fewer' ysstorvlay,alive sad is fairly geed ecndition ( apt. Lawlor, who sailed i. a 14 -(IoM canvas hcct from Rumen in Jaw last few . voyage arra the floes., has set bees beard from MOOD July 30th and It M feared be le Ina while D. M. Statham y M K.whargh was driving hoses frees Kapmsen hie hers ren malty, throwing him cwt ef the traria R. .sed hjeris hews which he died kw two Titres man were killed sod s amtso fatally wesadet, ..d emend pneaw Jut het net .madly wwgadel, el • entered to. rival near Pubes, Me., tltlstiap •. steambar4e Nashua has been touad bottom side up an lake Huron, 20 tables from Bald. Not a trace of the crew could be found, aad it is believed all hands The steamship Stat. of Georgie, while on her way down sheik. Lawrence from Moot - real to Quebec, ren en • rock near Cap • la Roche, sad so injured her bottom that she had to be beached. Babel Springer, eight years of age, daughter of Mr. William Springer, deputy empty treasurer at Detroit, was chocked to death while returning from school by sucking isto her throat • wooden whistle. Now are poor but those wbo want teat!' is r;od's providence $flHg4 MINOS t Ease and Comfort peer Mos sad old kabiawd ways of wtuhftlg, it 1. owed and bard upon women of advancing years to attempt osundry week. Bet wk's the world - famed, lebereswlog Sunlight Soap, Anybody ass do . Wash with com- parative sass by following the ample dhoesioas tub "•IINLIOlHT" there's no hard Moab*. ems faaokles, bot steam, or timed Make • Mal will-st'-Yh yon. wont!• : Pa. N.tyis Savor.ew., T�NsB New .Strives! Tssesee GRATEFUL—COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. "B7 s monsenk ka.wledse M the natural laws which ever. the operations et digestion sad notr(ttla, sed by s ~Wal •ppitestios of the Inc nrapert6. wefos1cud Coeds. 14r. $bm has provided ow breaktaw tarts with • delicately flavoured beverage whish may as many y oars diatom' Mer. It is by the ladl- sego are of sock articles M diet that • nowt' taeten any he gam wity befit up until stroll( apaNO M midst every tendency to dioms. nasasesM .subtle maladies are floating . rand en ready 40 attack wherever then isweek peen. ws s Malt 67 kkeepta(ourrsselves well fswam o sed wwiy a t Olen Need godrein • properly soarl•Ii•d frame: - m.10 coaly i emek.t.,W Wooers, with abelled then JAMES . II OD, ,> p� ie 1101111•11rise.. CAITATZA -ABD---- The Caoatlian Questioo. —BY— PROF. GOLDWIN SMITH. —fi— nis great work on Canada and Canada's Future is now on male at all Book stores. It should he rear) by every Canadian, and in specially valuable to all who take an in- terest in the great question of POIATICAI. UNION of Cantina and the United 8laietl prise in paper, - - 60 oeetN. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $12,000,000. REST, - - - E,000►lino. A Saving Department has been ojened in con- vection with this branch. Interest allowed at current rated. GEO. DRUMMOND, Manager GoderYch Branch. Mllllnery! - • LARON AND W*L4NNLECTID [TOCK 011' THZ ell Most Fashionable Shapes in Hats and Bonnets, FANCY FEATHERS AND RIBBONS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR AND CHILDREN'$ PINAFORES. PLANK CALL AND BEN, BCTi[R AND glias TAKEN MISSES YATES. Fall. Millinery 1 MISS CAMERON', Who has recently visited the leading markets in the East, has now in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. And respectfully invites an early inspection of the -tarns. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton-st. Wisglam : P. Fisher, Ery., poenaa•ster left town last week for Regina,N when he will remain for • couple of months, or until the wet season in thoroughly over here. Mr. Fisher, we are sorry to gay) is s great sufferer from that very trying dimes called asthma, bat the dry and health -giv- ing breezes of the North-West will. we hope, work wooden for him, as it has dot Huns : The total convections in the meat for the last quarter, numbered only 40. Of the ramose 4 were violations of the Liesnes Act, and nearly all the rest were either assault cams or something akin there- to. The total finae imposed including two of 220 each, only amounted to VB. The morals of the county are evidently improv• ing, as then is nothing like the number of magistrate's oases there used to be in pre- vious years. Eganoodville: A very interesting ,end pleveant event took plaice ea Monday even %3c1 inst., at the residence of Rev. deism t.raltam, Clifton cortege, E.gnioo.l- Tilla That date being the twenty fifth anniversary of the marriage of Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Graham, and this being the fiftieth year of the r•evetesd gentleman's service i. the ministry , the two events were celebrated by the eatertunmest at tea ot quite • num- ber of the neighbors and other ft•iesds from • distance. McKillop : Tse 'Thompson Morrison farm, on the 9th oeaceesion of McKillop, a few lou east of Winthrop, has been sold to John Morrison, a neighbor, for Y4,000. 1t contains 100 acres, and is an e-oeUent term, and it is cheap at this price. Mullett : Andrew Taylor, of the 12th con., has rented his farm for a terns of years, to W. Kimonos'', front near Brussels. It is Mr. Tsylor'a intestioo w use • trip as far west as Edmonton, and should he like the country out there he will go into stock raining. Do You Vee Salvos stud Forks ? If you don't we have nothing to say to you! If you do we can interest you. Your pocket can afford this : Old Price, .11.50 Now, R 75c. per .!oz. 2.00 " 3.00 " 4.50 ti.00 " 64 1.00 ., 1.50 " 2.25 " 3.00 CADDY & TOM, Purchasers of Late Jas. Saunders' Cutlery, McLean's Block. 4 Did You Bay Cleaning ? Our Forte : We show you Wall Paper Cheaper than competitors can buy them. New Styles and Colorings. Prices: 6 and 7c. paper for 3c. 9 and lOc. paper for bc. 12 to 20c. paper for 7c. Borders, 5 and lOc. per roll. CADDY & TOM, Purchasers of Late Jas. Saunders' Wall Paper. West -St.