The Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 3THE SIGNAL : GODERICH. ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13. lg92.
yer'S Pills
Niter known and more genet-
%ed than any other cathartic.
war) Mod
purely vegetabl:',
sed free from Mercury or any olhcr
teed a this
Thoug t` (dept
Though Mont t
sic thpills iattended atilt
pcoof f the p
ono). the best results. Their clic, t
oto eticot; then and regulate 1l •
orgimi: tun4 tion, being espec{:.! in the various liver, .1
mint, of the. stoutiach,
Ayer's Pills
by Ando: L
a•t t
a,,., 1n 1 Jrug„i'Ita, ae
oho' prompt nod effe .: • e t :rtttsly
t, r 1,1;04wneab, nausea, CtTeu.c-
,• itldi tiOn,, blug1tahne!ib .til
the" h►cr it!t1ai1►I e, drowsittes...
P,; -t. i,the std:, ur•d trick ltratt..t!i. •
:esti. (ci rel.. colds, (evert,
• mine) titer ",i•
a, {,..e+ , With grc'..t t>�ttctu
ld the tiffs
the. .oi1L koi'ttaMelar'ewhe
t . 1 tot teem;,
Ayer'S Piil
lixould lift<r
gm• ;.:.; in the OilMiti '#'opitrwMr.
dvir nledicittai inter rimy #w'
elfn,.. t they ton put tip oft llama:.
ea t.'.11 ar.lwitoe.
„ I hate lured Ave.'b PP.", i.I
family tor Several veat . anti nil-
w: J ,Item to h.. i mild
legit purgative, hot'.cg
efrott on the fiver. it r t
pill sed." -'-•f
ph.:r, Ky.
:Pa...f 44 hi nit jh Dat Armkeon t.
Every Dose UkkG
tee Rt•p•t• to s.Mae Mesa dam Row
eau. De. Reed •e Obeeta e.
•' elfawalapius ea wheelie is destined to to
the portant es Uw wall M whisk palmate
will gam while they sit in the dostor'. outer
Mice an.) await thaw tars
W heel riding is rapidly gnwtsg to he erns
of the family phyuuiaa s favorite prrtx:rip-
tbesa, and mama of going from his Aloe
b the oormr drug stunt, the patient has is
ttructIuas to go to the bicycle store. The
little slip of paper he tarries in hi& hand
"Hi -_-t[ne Moyoi• takes before and
after Nasals-" The patleal Alta not the
medicine te well shhken at the time of tak-
pre( nhing pedals V w
various di.tainpeit i. I)r 7 . '1• Howl. He
Ism touutl that bicycle ratting will in most
bestowes cure 1ns meta, that :t will often
reining a uervuus wreck or drive Mut the
peau in cr.wkiiig, rheumatic joust, 1)r.
Howl sumetimw `urns late oil :n his mental
workshop until his head u in s whirl std
'ltetu s to go a. sleep, ad then be goes into
alae )',av test, Atte rd of Lie whirl by tak
lams It Ibulrvsnitenor three
IInee. "them lir turas ere ani goes im
uiiltstely to step.
•••fo sleep or net to sleep sold the
doctor, '•a a gavot s,"1 *loch roetrimts the
mwf•.al fr,trent. 3 lar often', thou the
leo v las ant ales n', .fol war • :ly • weal.
ger-• rat r1„1 .irac new drug is not dit•pet
eat .u'1 advertised I'. be a turn time lot
dee.leimues, '1 Ilia lo.- rave ir, the ue,nher
of sleep I i naming .11-11 s nw:.n. a iscraes-
rd tlemasd. *loth Inetu►e an Mermen VI
the Illiml81 of poor :ampere which u a
"Anyl0e13 who mail! take !it, )kYns so to
1)y014.• o1 thc diem druggi.'a in Itis aetnh
b, w mit to surprisu.l at lite ua.ebrr of
``perp, wi.•' re on. omit paters. .1 :4t
des ug store fox slee pr..du: ing ,•ruga L)ar
ing *heti the brain retitle**
✓ a hclentbl.x.d , carry on its nutritive
Gunter. �nnnly.antl vire or !era id.'.11 than is
Iierewry for this function ma} produce in
san111a, or, m ether words the cantle of in
, omnia are two tlrst, t rrrl•rsl
a nemie ; ..road, cerebral hyperemia,
"In cerebral h)poreiva the blood vessels
of the brain are dilated to act mineelate an
increaee.l reception of the blood, aid are
active or panto, according alt the flow u
greater or less than .nr-uial. The most
common Dawe d pwtvroerel.ral hyperemia
is that due W persistent /rental activity,
espeai*Uy leo when accompanied with
•'Tboes who have ever parsed through
the throes of inemnaa know the &aguish d
thought, the slowness of time, whoa sec-
onds become bun and minutes become
Lys U this c,sditioo is .lowed to con-
tinue it Moos emerge* Into s state where
there u 0n sleep, but mental deprwa•iee,
stupor, melanchol1 and insanity. With a
peewee cerebral by inn then &.,without
exception so tar as I can find, a slower act-
ing heart.
'The heart to exercise ita .orslal actio* o0
the reams circulation mast ooetract full
and quick, se ea to make • sudden, quiek
eviction on the blood w the uncles and the
veins emptying into them. The physician
who will prescribe the bromides, chlonls
sad *pupas to a patient without any more
oomoderation of the case than that it is one
of tseosnnta u • poor doctor.
"Ooe of the best remedies u horseback -
riding, but it u sot everybody can •fiord a
good saddle -horse or who could ever rids
ane. The best thing 1 have found produc-
tive of the most beneficial results m reduc-
ing the pee ve cerebral hyperemia is hi-
cycle-rid ni g. It increases respiration sad
heart action, stimulates oxyginatiou of the
blood, and by the regular exert•i.. and re-
moval of the riotous accumulations, the
torpid Over, the inactive bowels, kidneys
and Kin resume their normal action.
"1 have eau patients to the cycle -riding
school, and they have came hack saying
that it made them dozy They were drunk
on oxygen, and I made them keep on until
they overcame the queer intoxication. Pro-
perly seed, i will say that the bicycle is
ogee of the .11101 at remedies of the Nana"
-Chicago News Reword.
Tea ems are pretty auuvemir gilts
Ptak leaae1 pettsscata haus Hook
ede lace ruffle..
By the way, cardinal r to be ode of the
boding octan this year.
tjualnt little shyer tube Deese for Gower
pots aid are quite pretty.
All veils bare borders Inane days, and
ease u colors w match ay kind of drew&
New picture frumps are of dark green or
broom leather, with Luau XV gilt scrolls
bordering the glass.
tVuetsu wli, are inclined to be glounyare
delighted with the uew bedroom furniture,
&Gorr the style of Jaime 1
line a t4'. uwW) pilotlane wliu are Mow There is • dwadoi leu.lepSy l0 t•shivae
in e Isco n( I1. 1"r toward those of l'Frspu., inti n,ouco still
prevails to a great extent.
Pretty bottles for the dressing table are
of twisted baccarat glass, with rococo de-
s1gas rsteed o0 them to gold.
Sensible petticoats, are of fine silk alpecs,
black, of mune, trimmed with • deep ruf
le, edged with Mack Alliott., bar.
Veils with interrogation ',lark,' are the
West thing. The doff' •re of black :metal,
vd the inverted canna of bet hers_
Glossy lynx sad ltusns.. men will be the
fashionable fun this ou ter. 1' uu need a
small tortmne to have molt o cat her.
pointy one.• r , 01 the • told ed glass,
and have crimped metal oe knots tied
ousel }keit seek. •baby
ill pale blur and
Pretty letter tile+, which will .11%, answer
tar keeping `mils together, ere o'4i.pomil of
two oak leaves of silver. joined with •
Stens of }he Frr,,oh pattern gowns al •
very effective, with bottlers of vivid colo..,
mixed with g.44. Nota few allow baud, of
fur also.
Iluaint hat pine are ween aruumjl the
French novelty jewelry. They consist •.f
little Japaoe*. toads, hada of papier macho,
with hair ou :heal.
New umbrellas art seen to :_rape, garnet
at.d Royal bate silk, with 1)reAtlen or Nat -
coy boodles. Silver handles are lees {o
favor than formerly.
The little mink beads that snuggled under
all the pretty girls' chins last winter, at
Melted to a band tat the fur, hare again
made their appearance.
.heard • Yeement 1s the Baer R,dorrr
lo 1.00tlwi au average of 67,511 letters •
day &re mailed.
The 23.000 newspapers in America em
ploy 200.000 ales.
The greatest depth of the Atlatic oroean
u ,'.n'! five ,riles.
The French order of the Legion of Honor
t ow lout 46,000 members.
I..rot;s Goat printed peens 'mamma when
the •u' hor r as 22 years old.
In Saxony &beet 70 per cent of the work-
uomeo earn kis than $150 per year.
There will he *reading room for 36,000
betides 100,000 seats at the World's
The linen m.nuf•otured yearly in England
could be wrapped around the earth set en
India begone mirionary to275,000 people,
Persia rise to 300,000 and Thibet nue to 2,-
Thee London cover2,000 acres,
and *Ireland theyoccupy represents • capit-
al d *10,000.000
One small dose of stroim alcohol @boreess
the time :bat food remains in the stomach
by more than half an hour.
1 be youngest member of the British
House of Coatroom is 22 years of age ; its
oldest is en the shady side of 90.
Within the last thirty years there have
been oa the British onaate 66,377 wrecks,
with the tearful loss of 20,312 liven.
One hundred .ad twenty thousand dollen
it the lint bid for the esolusive privilege of
selling peanut& .t the World's Fair.
The land in (;erm•ny devoted to the pro-
duction of grain Iced in the manufacture of
beer ...I'd snpport 50,000,000 people.
1 i,tnria Carlo1c Salo. is s wonderful
healing e,xnpouud for outs, wounds,
hi -tilers, burns, scalds, boils, piles, pimples,
ft •
A statistical Iteral of interest to woolen is
that to day women are two inches taller on
tai •. t rage than they were twenty-6ve years
y.a�� fur .... to as omestir. Icor mamas
te(tealrr waw. I May ams • ►etlral
ted& ♦ ma equals o mall• hal Sanborn.
.r,1d b am Creams and amme l -
•` W. oU.Resdir ti '-_s.orsaw
This is the reign of the feather boa.
Instead of its popularity being on the wane,
it would seem that it is increasing. Moore
new ones are abort, and of cardinal coque
AU the new mantles are exoeedin(ly long
affairs, many have short bodies, with full
petticoats, but all are long and very ornate,
of silk, velvet or cloth, elaborately trimmed
sad equally elaborately lined.
The day of the shirt waist is • long one.
sad ib evening still seems to be far off. It
is made of Tartan silks, shot taffetas, pain
ds sole and many slmilar at•terials,of
course over a tight -fitting liking.
Good Ye*Ulatioe.
rpm no other subject c„uuected with
sanitary ..-:coos has at set, a tai► •.•.
herculean ss W dilusr u,fornatlal .Intmg
the masers about ventilation. The edeutr
of want of ee,d ventilation ort 0. subtle In
their cbaraeter, ',retool tetril.utioi for one
n the. .eget.) w ser bow- 111 a,inly41 1111.1
whwi it t1,1001 a to uuinfn • •w:d pt•' •plc n..
meereingly unt'oI,0 hurl with the ..:tie, that
:t is slln.rt lulpussil.le to rriag slick prop',
to ace the lei'ttiu1h totwweo came add
efec;. At toted only n• Ittaguid atnent
can I.,• extrw./.04 . tetra their u. sols to the
11814 1tioa that goo•) tout hostel M menu
tai ta, 1.'r4. •t 4 s 1lih : and 'when thay are
told by sun, petty heating ...tractor.,
possibly •v ign.rant as thctneelrea t(lat
the . entaia, ion in a huddling in good, thea
accept the to enema goe.'.1014, tau
less the hole I0 the contrary err ser plain ae
U. lx• detee"ed by that most unreliable of
tatgatts, the hunu/n olfactory 'wpm atm'. to
either of the other tw.• phases of the l,wi-
o'-.a go:.J took may be erp,ctet, al-
tletugh wino the ep:olal expert u called
upon to irato a phut, specttication mad
estimate fur a contractor nil wall' im-
portant job, he will often require all hi
!irnutrso to hold up under the pressure for
cbeapnres that will be brought to bpi
upon hint. The most sattafeettry of all
oeye 10 which to got 'brogue for hoisting
and • entil•ting apparatus is for the owner
or srchltoct to employ the expert under
inetructtoos that, while needless expend'
tore n deprecated, ii,thing the 'imbibes.
of which eau be demonstrated, no feature
for the introduction of which intelligent and
satisfactory reasons can he aligned. is to be
omitted. To get • good job the .....t must
nut twatrol but must depeud upon what is
n eedful A good j .b must be the tint aim;
to get this as cheap`J as possible is the
suh.mlinate and. Proirbly av ) 00 d an ex.
ample of • well designed heating and venti-
lating apparatus as this country &tfortls is
that dertgned for and erected in the Metro-
politan OperaHouse, New York. Herr tae
bast regatta were reached .ad .wily could
have been torched --by putttag cost into
lig bnckgroand.-Srgiaeering lta�It►ttg
A •rresebesa Trap..•. to Make as Iaetra-
meot trey moroar Turtle 1.egg;.
The idea started in Paris by M. F. Da
lends of making en immense telescope t1e
great. attraction of the intern•tiesal imbi-
bition to be held in Frame in 1900 has bees
laughed at • good deal at a000nnt of mom
one having pretended lost through it the
moon would be seen se clearly ae ti the oh -
"error wen deriding .t no more thea a
mater's distance. The project is, however,
far from alrndosed, not withet•sding
the great difficulty of coastru
aha huge instrument, which is
be fort four yards hntg.
paw just, had an interview at the Paris ob-
Henry, assistant astre.tnars; M.P. G•a
aeptical instrument -maker, aad two • iki-
.rv$tory with MM. Pest sad
bot& According to isftxmstioo furnished
the London Steadied .orrespoadent by
11. Derails, the imneems isetrssoat,
weighing nine tone, will b.9 feet 10 inches
in diameter and inches thick. MM.
Henry, the groat instrument, makers, fixed
the dimemsics.. M. P. Gautier is st.dy-
Ing the coed..., for the o...trsoties a!
the tebsoope.and the teak of fanidlag the
great rose•ire mirror will fall to the BA
Goitre glass works.
The omit of the inetrmmteat, with the
..osswsry foundations ..d straot.mee, will
it is o•lcuhted, nisch 9,500,000 franca.
MM. Peal sand Prosper Hoary, writing be
the Temps, say that, from a ahoonttseal
poimt of view, tot", is nothing impossible
in the project, bet that to carry it out is
practise might prove difficult. Far �the
assorts of the enterprise everything depends
Oa the possibility of ebtaraiag the muses.
vary disk for the greed re4e.tisg lido
the dimea.ioae gives by M. IMoncle. They
point out that the largest ineuvmest yet
made weigh. only 1.900 pounds, whereas
the roe it is proposed to make mad weigh
nearly nine toss. M. Gautier, the eminent
..setnotor of the bottommost of the
French oheervteries. is prepar'ng plane for
the wseehanteal ineliating of this gigatie
7 k. largest reflecting of the
world that c! Mr. Commons le .loot four
feat twit isobar is diameter. The pmj«'ted
im trum.t will it is mid. give four times
snore light than the1.r�..t inetrumest
knows, and will permit le do discovery "f
stars fear times smaller tem ay of those
Never allow the boleti' to remain coaat•-
par' d lest serious evil eswa. Natiosal Pi1ls
ere unsurpassed se a remelt for CCSdips -
Whittier was color blind, bet hie poetry
betrays no ahwmaoe of color or any inability
to detect the divers hues with which Nater
arrays herself.
Worms cause muoh dekflers amen( child-
rm. Freeman's Worm Powder prevent
the, and make the child bright and
healthy. lm
The stay at homes have some solace in
the feet that althoarh oompetbd to stav in
suit r% G. them during the Summer they bare
escaped quarantined ships.
Mdhurn'■ Aromatic tlsi.ise Wise for
Litho the s) stem against attacks d
chills, bilious fever, dumb agave aad like
troubles. lm
There is something cadges in the prospec-
tus 01 the Pagan Review, reee.tly started
i London, which assures the public that
it4 aim is to secure "thoroughgoing mpope-
Irtty. . "
An advertiser M the Birmisyhaie Poet a -
setae§ • "Young gentleman is founding •
mew religion, which is sure to become popu-
lar, and doriro, • lode of unease b assist
him in the work."
Mr Whittier in • mount letter said: "For
Jean I have been desirous of a meveswt
ler uniting all (striatum, with no other
ere td or pledge Mimi • simple reongoltiom of
Christ as our leader."
When the hair leegims to 00stts oat in
c'wnl,int, it dhows• weakness of the scalp
abet Daile for immediate &Dentia. The
preparation to •wrest further los of
Mir'* 1 restore the soap to • healthy mo-
thball ie Ayers Harr Vigor.
Dresden china faroiter, makes pretty
gifts for the drswing•room cabinet. Epun•
seta, candelabra, tables, dressing t blew. at the conclusion that n moves with the
chum, spinals( wheel*, in fact, almod �noeivbk velocity of 341 miles ,. -ond.
everytbiny can be found nproduosd is time This is twenty -me times fader them the
dainty chum. in mwiatare, with rosebuds speed of the earth in its orbit round the
and leaves wound around them. Mn.
Moat Settled tier,
381 Lott• a assume.
Dr. Elkin, the aatronuunx of Yale Uni-
versity, and formerly f the Cape of Goo')
$ .pe, has. by • Iomg write of observations
on the parallel of the rtar Arcturus, arrlve.l
When cooking mtrbroome • sliver woes
should be used.
Sun cure for corns is to mix kine parts of
salicylic acid with one part of extract of
n•anwbis indica sad forty-eight parte of col-
lodion. After bathing the fest in warm
water apply this mixture to the affected
parts with • osmel'. hair brush.
There are now small machines for ratting
ice into diasood-shaped pieces They are
attached to • table or shelf by screws, and,
as they work very r.ptdly, they are of great
conve*Iemws is preparing ice for summa
drinks and dishes.
Do not hang winter ..d summer garments
in the sante cupboard In the autumn put
awe the summer dresses -the oaten cores
and rough -died -folded in as
empty trunk or box, or hung w • dimmed
place kept for the purpose
A ample remedy for warts is : Pam •
aeon, new pie through the w .rt, and bold
it so you cam apply one sod of the per to
the lame of • isimp, bold it there until the
wart fries under the action of the heat. A
wart so treated will take final leave.
teamed et Me gape r •hlat e&
It make. no differ: mo hew Meter • girl
is. or how sweet her vows, if she wears
glen•'e all Use young MAI ase afraid of her
- Atekinew Q1sba,
McCerkle:-"I got even with my wife to -
da whoa else was scolding me."
McCorkli:-"I Mid her she was rte gen-
tle man."
nes A Tema ,Hi..
When froal over -work, possibly assist/ d
by an inherited weakerar, the health fails
and rest or medical treatment must be re
sorted to, then no medicine can he employed
with the rams beneficial results as Scott's
When doing housework. 1f )nor heads
became chapped or red mix cornmeal and
vtnager into • stiff past* and apply two or
three times a day after washimg in hot
water; thea dry without wipr.g aad rub
with glyeerise At might ase cold cream
ad wear gloves.
8adwiches can be made eight or ten
hours before they are eaten if they are coy-
ettdd with • damp cloth meanwhile. Pile
them eLodaly and 'compact upon • dish and
eover them with a towel which bas been
wrung out of cold water. Tuck this
closely over them and put them in • cool
When •boot to clean windows have
ready a mudin bag full of whiting and two
,ash -leathers. Duet the gids thickly with
the whiting, then rub it off thoroughly
with . damp-.ot wet -Mather, sad 8.&111
polish it well with a close, dry ass. 'Ghia
le the method penned by teen when cleae-
4sg the windows of • new hots., and gives
a polish unknown to the glom washed in
the ordinary way. Another excelled
method fee giving brilliancy to gram is to
dampen • rap with spirits of wine, rub the
glass well with this, and then point% as be -
late with • sleds, dry leather. Newspapers
are admirable as p.lishcruferwindow panes,
as for ay glum semi that mad ter food or
raterr..1 M OMMATI mr
(*alma be disputed, aad the arae is yet to
Ir heard from in whish Putnam'. Paidem
(ore Ettrartor hag failed to perform • per
feet rare. This with panders aad
aminose d freed from
ors an
tr Tose greet sawn and bsao. ewn efaad.
t eriaelled. Sara, safe painless. Dewar" of
hauls offered as mlrl.,tntoa for the great
ears ern P•tmsa'. Pantos Cora itetr•et-
sr. N C. Poises b Ori , Kimgstos, peel
Nis. Ilse mo other.
Pot of Pure merity.
Prom t5Chlsmeo later-Ucr•n.
Hughes -Don't you want something for
your cough
Blues ---threat Cesar, I should say not ; ' 1
give 1t away H 1 .rinse.
Sealer Mese Geld.
GpmTLnmam,-I have used Fowler's Kx
tract of Wild Strawberry for bowel coot
plaint and can my then is oo other remedy
as good.
Mau JAIral Da'{trlsos.
2 lake Don, Ont.
sow known. its magnifying power, it ie e-
p.etod will be I5,(410 braes, es that it will
bee to poreeive ea the moos •►leele
n o �Wer thus ter mare'• gears Gest
mesal es tee inoom en.
Om of the aerie -elm rase time Mese
dhow] pt • pions exlsibitiee professed to be
• ash of Oliver (ionwell. A gentlemem
premed dnervmd Mot it mould sot los (hues.
i'n -
weire, as be W • very large bead, sari this
was • mall shun. "Ob, bnow an that."
said the ie sarin*+
w. Mivneis hM
Fear unto et :team.
From Tee Detroit Ft ere Pier
Most men outlive their usefulness.
The mar who can't tell • lie is dead.
No man is • Christian by compulsion.
Women are Beat in small things.
olborne Bros.
We have already in stock a full
assortment of New Fall (:alums in
D/? SS 0000
We have a Hue $fe*Oftuteut of New Drell Stutr.
the latest'L tlesig1is in fancy ;trip's and checks, ('relim
Cloth, Mt l,uige Twills. forget,, Cheviots, )1'4,.l.lane-. Ca h-
utcrettes and plain Heuricttos, Wool Tartans anti Plait'-.
Al.3r,ut 200 yards of Colored Cashmeres, worth .,Oe
for 35e., a big bargain.
We carry the finest range of plain and fancy M,ul(.-
ings we have ever shows n, in black and 0.1or
trA11 Mantle Cloth-, bought from us will the taut
free of charge.
Our Tweed Stock is. complete. Suit. mail., to cr'ler.
5 per cent. allowed) on all Dry Goodii purchases of
one .Lollar anti over.
A first-class Dross and Mantle Maker in our store,
up stairs.
We carry the largest stock of Brussels, Tapestry,
Wool anal Union Carpets, Art Squares, Rugs ami Mats,
Oil Cloths, and Linoleum.; ever shown in the County by
one house.
Uvt r 300 Sets of Lace Curtains to select from, di-
rect from the makers in Scotland.
Great Carpet Warehouse
of the County.
Mee S. W. A. Ad.
The rest British North America act mow -
.days is to buy a bottle of B. R. B., and
cure yourself of dyspepsia, constipation,
headache, liver xnphaint or had blood, sad
it is an act that always attains the desired
Tee leases ive.
Fre the New York Weekly.
Mrs. Riggs --WAY do you dislike Dr.
Mr-. Maggs --He mired my husband'srheu-
matism, so he can mover Wit when it r
to roils, sod last work I spoiled • sew
hat. _
When catarrh Winks a perms of scro-
fulous diathesis. the disease ts almost dare
to beams. chronic. The only efficacious
sere, therefore, ie Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
which expels scrofula from the system and
the catarrh coos follows snit. Local treat
most is only the 'mater) oldie.
Tint Iheepwdees tilt:.
"•I1 wee late is the winter of 1M0.(1
that soapensfsre were first displayed as $
part of • feminine rosters. is Philadel-
phia, said a member of the local roar
Hundred at Gape May • few days ago, to a
Philadelphia Record reporter. • and had
quite forgotten the incident until this
morning, oboe I reed something in • news-
paper letter inn+ Bar Harbor shout the girl
whoArst displayed the novelty.
"Aad where de you es she took
.session to make the display! Wily, of
sal the planes- the Assembly,aad you
may well believe sir that ty twisted
sot eel • W sensation, but •
deal ey 'M
adverse comment. The suspen-
der were of rieh yellow itis and support-
ed • Wick V shaped belt, also of mere. aad
Use rest of the coolants was of Wes sad
elle and told braid. The girl was hand-
some, with • splendid figure, sad was met
a Philadelphian. although she often white
here. where .the has relatives high (s eb
Ihts thing alma preventi•d we worsen
Bets esseeter,nngg tot costume • freak, awl
that was that the girl had hear mopping br
tyre montlis with saw of the Vanderbilt* is
New York, and it was. therefor'., likely
that the idea pm rum. hal jfrom Paris. No
sinew 009:..1 the idea this wars. however,
nor ha.. 1 sect. it applied to • • M0 dram
'denting American
ire taeewdwstrM 1 44 UM
"Backache the acauengers
means the hid- of the system.
neva are In 'Delay Is
trud*a Dodd's dangerous. Meg-
KMI,i.g Pillsiw lec ted kidne
prompt relief " troubles result
"76 per cent. in Bad Blood,
Of disease /s Dyspepsia, Umar
ret caused by Compla i n t, and
disordered kid- the most dan-
Myg gerous of all.
Blight as well aright. Disease,
heto have a Diabetes aad
althy city Dropsy."
teltkoat *anger- "The a 6 oe o
aye, as good diseases cannot
health what Ow exist w h • r •
kidneys are Dodd's Kidney
clogged, they are Pills are used.
Sold by ell dealers °rand by maim remipt
or Mime en oleo. err b°a or six for !aa&
Dr. L. A. Smith t Co. Tomato. Wriggler
hook rand IG4.ey Tab..
Untoda all the aimed mentos et the
wd�aally withouta�wuabdelR t eye.
Usk .Il the impurities and foal humors
of the ss.retio.•' at the same time COP -
resting Acidity of the Stomach.
es, Dizziness, Heartburn.
1r-t$on. Dryness of the Skin.
..r..,.a Dimness of Vision,
thee, Salt Rheum, Eryspe Hero -
Tula, Flatters of the A Ner-
vousness. and General Deb jell
shwa+.nd many other similar
field to the haappppyy i� of BD
Per lib lig alt Dealers.
?t illalIRI i a , hogdebea, Teeio.
Steam Boiler Works.
IRSTARL131161) 1380.i
Saoressor to C•AryMal e! Black.
Manufacturers of all kinds of Station-
ary Marine, Upright a Tubular
Salt Pang, Smoke Stacks, Sheet Iron
Works, etc., etc.
Liao dealers In Upright sad Horizontal Slide
Valve Lsgfues. Automatic (`ut-Of Morino, a
vecialtr. An aims of pipe and pipe-dttl.a
eeaaantl on bead. lratltllales furnished o0
amort woke. Its &Iriag promptly attended to
31111147 P. O. Box 37, Uodertch. Ort.
Work. -opposite A. T. it. Station. Oodericb
Buchanan & Son,
Dealers in .1) kinds or
Aad builder's material of every derriptlss
School Furniture a Specialty.
RamsmN. to M Hosed eat. P.rte.-t
lead showy shalom.
WedIPPR d oitnei le at sMOI)RRATinate'n theN rims.
OK ie opposite the U. is. Patriot Of -
bad wt au obtain Patents 1. Ileo totes
those -mime brew a'AI41I1NO'MN.
Or 1 Aron/CL OR URI WINp. Ws ed
Hr .s to palemaiont7 Pres of Jarmo ead
ere husk Po R ♦ ROA IJNLAiea Pr.OR-
fAl.t' �A f t
We refer beta, to the rfetw
lsaer, t
4 M• �(wfor Nv., eget*
taTane .f.
to .read 14,01
)yrs lases er 0eoaty. mite to
• a UMW & CO.
Paean Wwtttifil.artm
The Wee►o4 Taller.
Atm omen 0511.0 hAutos Y1
Specie. and Antidote for
impure, weak trod impnveri.M,d howl, dye-
, slesplesemss, peiptation of the
h .giver orimplaint, neuralgia, Isms of
fiery, bronchitis, oonetimptiort, gall
eMns, janmdioe, kidney era urinary
dissemsw. St. Vitas' donee, female irreg-
eMrlNes and removal debility.
thea proprietor wand le matastm'or-
felit Ma Ilea
`■ tM McLaren. Twain •mas, gaaoi