HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-13, Page 1INN BMW se Iron MBILAVIWI ITHE SIGNAL N T14E SOT. BOOKSUM 0•16-01star Owe Iowan • Pi" i AAvrts. THE i► DING NDWB$J`PDR OF HVRON OOUNTY. 111190• AV TOM Mads YOUR LABEL T1115 WEEK. Bimm mom rows Kis ■ Massae or Or AOwaAw. VOL. XLIV. No. 2382. GODERICH, ONTARIn, CANADA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1892. D. McGILLICUDDY, PROFR LIV ADVERTISEMENTS THIS WEEK Mile', finished Wilmer SnIil ....... PS. 6 tslterr Mires Tats e ✓ id for sal. --fir. W. Oen. . 6 ,ons W . Ail en& R Ont. 4 Marion. g o J T. Admer1 f recedes id. Camttida.e ...,.......... $ anemic .. Miss M.Lwws. $ aces kar Nate -A. M. Roes ........... . g mo sod Oise teles-Arentreate fa Ow .... 6 neer Waxiest -David M. Jehedss 6 ►u sed Winter (.'tethMR-r. J. PrNha$ - pbotes--R R. tiatbws ... g maul Notice -A. Saunders 6 sad opera Hesse -A nta.Mas.. . $ Mot anted -Mrs. tedereas II Q tL Irides she rr-W. d� 1 sa Tu..da.. eat ilk of lite '•. 11. 1'n. D. a. of Ooderl,:k..mlated b tee Row. R, Y..rswu.. r • ofI► e, New. A. X \rdll. of e.aderla.d. M.eettle, yoa.s. sat d.u*bter tof Jo-. DIED. !CHANAN-1a OodrW, es&rda,. Octo- ber w h, lea Walter J., only sun .f James Boa sass. Jr.. lewd 6 years. m menthe and it MIA - T N 6. la (loderteb. ea Friday Odabat Ith. tot .Ede' rill etyma, roe Of lie ease jyee tee. aped & years and 3 mosrbe, COMMON NEWS ter BRIER. Jeer 11,too was collected in easel tolls at "r `lane on S.aturdny. l�rn•, •.:.uow were reported is many to ot Ontario on Wednesday. aides ihss.rd was g:ven uiae years in meatier, at Pintos for sha.tnrg at e Ur fall CiviC .swigs ent ran 'e.• !t•t111na- nwell take plan is fourteen places in la ••. nem on Novetnbe: y. 1.... • Kingston etgarmaker, has bees mei shit he hu been left S1O),000 Ly • ,,..rd •;ncle in Nan Fran.-iec.r. . ,.t„anaant Routh, of the !4aivation u.. will hold a owned of war for officers ...latter. in Slootreal on the 20th int. trace has yet heen discovered of ter a 'earner Thomas Mee Morn, a bo •pl, are+& mysteriously from Ottawa lest he by itorigi,lug • boom tothe Celan rg, 'numlerlaad and Panfic R.R., was tar • III the towaship of HaldinaanJ by 01 tont c. Il the Domin o& Ministers of the Crown tree invited to the dedicatory ewe - ,ea of the World's Fur in Chicago on I.t inst. .sees will becelebrated is authe Remus lore: churches of the archdiocese of piton on October 10 in boom of s'Lento • Columbus. 'm. Schasnerborn, of Sidney, was sen - ed to five years in penitentiary at eville for .stung fire to his father's e• sad stable. tine breach of promo cess of Matilda gherty against Jam.. Rutherford, et at..rd. a %erdict of 9:b damages for stiff was returned. he total aeeeesm 0t in Brantford this " •• 011,441,640, as compared with $6,- ::11 last year. The population has de - a. -.1 2IS, the smasher of r-sidenu this Leung 13,=1fi• t the convocation at Wyelitl. College res announced that to perpetuate the •.1 Robert Baldwin, the Baldwin ilc have decided to set apart the .01 ffY,t$i O as a foundation for • mission sari Ir .loin Dyke immigration agent for ala in Eitg fid, arrived Is Ottawa from 'itended tour through the Northwest eel s the crofter settlements are pros- ng..nd the crofters are very anxious I.,v their relatives with them from the 1 ..entry. Ir James Mayer, professor at St. Mun- 1 •.liege. Glasgow. hes been appointed feasor of political mommy sad oos.tlt.- al history in the Usivrsity of Toronto. • G. M. Wrests( bas been appointed urer in history, ase of dee petitions ureal vacant hy the death of Sir D•nid Iwo. b. d sprado Slavin, alias McMahen, killed Capt. John R. limey • few is ago in Cornwall, attacked Jailer Me- iald and en intendant while rations were sg handed to him Mr. Mei).maid was sal with • blow from an iron bar, bat the r•dant lumped outaids and e•lied.mint• e. The ruffian was overpowered atter a penile tight Mr. McDewald's wound is t ie&, i.ut its thought net dangsrws. it \e. RIM, • few miles from 8mitb's L, nn 'aturday, the bodies of • farmer lied Luckey, his wife and daughter, sal I.eyond v�eeooaaggnnitioa, were feed in u below by neighbrxswho Ws attract- kming ing the buile building &blew. The pintoes nature of such a ire in daylight 10 s search, whish rswltal is two axes, wad with blood, bang f.sad. A sou el deed man who had been abewt maw uv ova arrested in en hotel at Smith% Il and . barged with dee crime. Blood i.e were found On his clothing. CHOLERA EPIDEMIC, It ea. heedid of Adagio cholera iniCledt. land timber ernes of I9$ r ' d'holss& Yes lona sorted ni New Y ally. 1 workman died of obiters to the Mesbit iptal at Berlin last Friday. Die Public Sehosls of Hmahorg mora ►••d, the cholera epidemic having tiu1e 1 Ifet • sagk ave of eholer• was reported Vie••• no SaterdsJ The phgr e's SIS to rimesters 1a Europe. Imo Koko. • ROm.ima, died Ilhemaisly fin at Tnnaw•ada, N. Y. with sonar of Asiatic eheiers I' He was= h 1n hoer& His Bweyemr.eld sea Is clunk '4 the mar deems mad will dM. °emu to the stria.st anti-ebslsr. rapt "" e1 the Contra' Board of Wealth, to swam ,.f the H•mttrrg•An.oyle&. Paha "Tint r irg �,+ tsirng D00wteou littroa, have beim with- iss free Montreal for the Nut of the Il 41 r : Adam Reid. • refired for.' t oho Ii.. in Lows Wlugham, hall his "!Oster t.nr.-d *0 the grwand feeds? Ipgn Noihs8 was say.t Immured for ROBERT J. K. GORE SENT IJP FOR TRIAL Two Chas rEM of Perjury orb Found Agalnet HIM. COMMITTED TO THE NEXT ASSIZE. • aenembanaf •111d.vit by ere In whish Ile MYet. the Cbwrneer or Lanni Gor- den and Olives twee the Fellows who fes him M We Wales Iliele.senes against Mr.etameeea -Tie Legal Tery Junes le al Ass item to " Pact up The J..." Robert lion charged with perjury on two counts was up on roamed before Horace Horton end Joseph Williams, J. P.'s and mayor Butler, on Friday last. The two informations led were as follows: CAs*uA, Information and Perrino) of Ontario, I complaint of Mal• County of Huro., oolm Colin Carne - To Wit : roe, of the town of Dederick, in the county of H.roe, takes this With day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nicety -two, before the undersigned, the of Her Majoety's Justices of the Peace in and for the said County of Huron, who .aitb, that at Goderbh aforseaid on the 22nd day of July, A. D. 1892, one Robert (;ore •t the said town of Goderich hoot an interview with the reporter cif The Toronto World, a sewep•per published in the city of Toronto, end then and there gave to the said repor- ter a statement in writing containing the following words : --Theo she investing a gird n amed Rhea Imus) weal to live with • faintly in Tavistock named Hyman (mean Mg Herman,) it was there they discovered her couditios and returned her to the Home. They (meaning the said Hermans)asked ber (lemming the said Lomas) who was the auth- or d her .hamate, and she said Mr. Cameros (meaning the informant). And the mid re- verter asked the saki Robert Gore, " How do you know that t " to which question the said Robert Gore replied " Why, I went to Tevistock atter Cameron accused me of the crime, sad saw Hyman (meaning Hernias). He is a respectable farmer. He toll nie the gel moused Cameron, and hie wife, who was present at the time, corroborated her huehsod's statement." And the said Robert lore thee and there under the pros -Mous of the act respecting Extra -Judicial Oahs, upon bis oatb, being duly sworn by one M. O. Johnston, a per- ste having authority to administer oaths in such meas, did falsely, wilfully and oor- reedy depose tea swear that the said state- ments are correct and true in every particu- lar, whereas in truth and in fact the mid statements were not, Dor was any of them correct and true in fact That the mid Dien Lotoas did not my to the Hermans, husband or wife, wbo the author of ber shame was (jorsaning her .sductioa and pregnancy 1. That the said Robert (;ore did not go to Tavistock after the informant accused him of the crime of aeduang the said Ulm Lomas Teat neith- er the mid Herman oor his wire told the Raid Robert (:ore that Ellen Lomas accused the informant of seduaiug her, sad the mud husband did not say so, and the wife wbo was present at the time did not corroborate it And the said Robert Gore did thereby commit wilful and corrupt perjury. Sworn before me the day and year first above mentioned at Gods - rich. in the County of Huron. (Sod -1 Hoaacs Howes, J. P. CANADA., l Information • n d Province of Ontario, ! Complaint of Mal - County of Huron, swim Colin Game - To Wit : J los, of the Town of Oodsrio►, in the comity of H.. roe, taken this 10th day d September, in the year of our Lord me thousand eight htudred and ninety-two, before the andend , one of Her Majesty's distical of the iiee in and for the said oeunty of Hurls, who with, that, at Goderich afore- said on the liibel day of July, A. D., 1892, one Robert Gees at the mid town of Ocde- ricb had ea interview with the reporter of The Toronto World, beim • newspaper published in the sit of Toronto, and thea d athen gave to the mid reporter • state meat in writing co.tainier the following words :-'• Mrs Cameron brought her hus- band, ills, and Lan Gordon face to foes l0 the main hall and asked Ellen if Mr. Common bad bees with bar over fifty teem and that thea ship was pregame' to his Blien said yes, it was tree and Laura Ger- dos mid the seas" Than the ,mid Robert Ogre was asked by said reporter, "DW you hear this?" To wbieb said Robot (lore replied : " I did, I was is the greesiee.m mid the deer lending bus tie ball was Tieid reporter thin tusked : 'Wam Whet did Mr. Caster's say r To which the said Robert Oen ea.wered : "He toqk ales by the sbouklr, shook her ad sheet- ed, say that again and i'll self you both to the p.aitewtl.ry." Also, Men wrote a letter on 80.d.y, May 17th, 1801 to Mr. Mary of the Home is Stratford, asking fim to ma and take her away es, hand seamed her ever fifty times " And the said Robert Dens than and there ender the provision of the Aot wpsr'ttng Satre - Judicial Oaths his oath. betas duly sworn swby eels M. a person bar- ing authority to sdminsster oaths in each teams, did &Maly, wilfully and corruptly depute and swear that. the said state meta are sennet and true as ower' p•ttisslar, whssss is truth and it fact the said state meets were not, nor was any of them ear - not sad true in fact. And the amid Mrs. Canmrem did sot bring her hsband, the said Ulm Loa.s and the mid Lamm Gor- den face to fors h the maim hall. And did ase ash the said Eke lames if the inform- ant hail bees with her over fifty tines mord if she wee net then pregnant to him t sod the mid nes Lemma did not say, yes it was tree ; sad the said icor• Gorier da not may tie men. Ths mid Robert Gas did ver.' bear what was lid. He was tet I hew in the gres.beens mad the doer lead - leg from Lb. greesMtens hu the maim hall wore not thee op•w The mid iefswnia.t dM woe take the said Fallen Lome by the shoulders. Hs did sot Makeher. I7 He did set Myst my that aper and yyoeua to the rasti�ry ; and the said Biles 1.omme witdid sal write • letter on M.y 17th, A. 1). 1801, to Mr. Merry of Ike Home is Stratford asking him to come sad take her away ea lameron had oedeeed her over fifty tiers And the said Robert tion did thereby commit wilful sad corrupt perjury. (Sad.) M. C. CornOom. Sworn before me the day and year first above mentioned at Goa. - rich in the county of Harm_ (Med.& Hoaocs HOUToie, . P. Ths nevelt of the evades** by Mr. ..d Mrs. Herman was giv. •t two weeks ago, and no farther evids.o. . n that case was deemed neosn•ry on the present 000ssioa. The examination oa the mooed count was taken 0p. Tors Irrunt11/1 Marshall O. Job.tan, ewers -I •m a barrister and solicitor, &ad hare • own - mimeo for taking affidavits in the County of Hurou. This is my si(ta•ture to the statutory declaration ; the.sguature " R. J. K. Gore" was signed by the prisoner ex- hibit " C " sad E" looks like prisoner's handwriting ; exhibit •' F " appears to be in the prisoaer's handwriting. The declar- ation was solemdy dsokand before me as commissioner. M. C. Cameron, .worts --I am the cam platuant. I have heard the information read ; there Is no truth in the statements 000tained therein cbarged to have been mule by Gore. 'fhsy ars Wee. The tint charge est out is ab.olstely telae. No Inter- view between Lura Gordon, Ellen Lomas, my wife and myself eve& took place in the main hall of my house on that or any other subject An interview took place between Ellen loss, my wife and myself upstairs in my bedroom in the north-west corner of my house. It arose as follows : I was home from Ottawa some time about the middle of May, 1891, and was preparing to leave for Ottawa by the afternoon train on Monday, 1 think. I was in my dressing room, • room off my bedroom when sty wife handed me • letter purporting to have been writhes by Bllea Loam, addressed to Mrs Merry, of the Home, S.r•tlyd. 1 retail the letter. It was sub- stantially aa follows : Mrs Merry -Mr. Cameron is • bad man ; w put his hand on my mouth and hurt ate. I wish you would take eael.ackto the home." It w•ssigned by Ellen Lomas. The signature appeared to be that of Ellen Lomas but neither the spelling nor the diction was hen. I so pointed out to my wife at the moment I said to my wife, "The best way to settle this is to bring the girl here. " My wife went out of the bedroom and shortly brought the girl in, and when she came in closed the bedroom door, and it remained closed during the whole interview. I was sitting down and my wife and the girl were standing op. 1 held the letter in my hand and laid to Killen Lomas, "Did I ever do anything to you, or say anything indecent to you she mid, "No, Mr. Cameros, you never did. " That was her reply. Holding the letter in my hand, " h this letter true or false'" .he mid, " It is not tone. " 1 then said "Who pat you up to this'" and the answer was, " tun Gordon. " The first time I asked her the qusaios, "Did I ever do snytlune indecent to you!" .he remained silent. The second time the started crying. 1 waited for a moment and asked her again, when she answered as stated before, vis , that I mow did. My wife then took the girl back to her own room. Lura Gordon was not in my bedroom an imam during the whole interview. Dunt know when Gore was at that time. Gore would not have heard • single wool of the interview were he in the pre .boas.. It was impossible for loin to hare beard the interview. I wawa 1.o O.1•wn that tants cloy ai two o'clock Ned 1. . r r saw the girl Loom m afterwar.ls 11.'- ern• :ed Mrs. Cameros to dismiss the tee a-rva5N at mos. It is not true that 1 *book Blaen Losse by the shoulder. I knee .fated everything that took plana at rhe interview. I did not shoat at her or lay a finger on br. I did not say " 8•y that spin and I will send you he the p.sit..ti•ry, ' or any words like it I sever saw or heard of any such letter as that spoken of by the primer as having been writers on the 17th el May, 1801, and swore le by the primer. The oily letter I have tom ineosammidee with thematter is the cue already spokes of. 1 have had oommuni- satdoa with Oen which saved me to go to Detroit to meet him. I got statements from the primmer, 'imbed '''Robert Oors," e xhibit " F. " I swear I saw Robert Gore sip exhibit " F, " after it had been read over to him, at Widmer Whir. Sutherland'. office. I obtained from the priacoer • .worn statement of the lame matter in the Cadillac How, Detroit, drafted there, but n ot sworn to by the prioesr, es the night of the 12th of August. On the moruiag of the 13th tie prisoner crooned the river with Dr. Wilms and me to Windsor. The pri.os.r sad I west to the Atom of Cameros t is.q •ad S,.tb.rised, and the p•ler.iRsed by him at the Cadillac Hew, Detroit, was read to him mod a forst of statutory de- claration was seemed to the statement and he was ewers be it by Mr. Sutherland, • oanmi.ioner for Wring affidavits in the county of Rear. Alter the document was .worn to I asked Mr. istherkasd to have it type written is dupiists, wbi.b was dome. Mr. (stbris.d, the prisoner sad 'myself west is to Mr. Astrised% inner office, .ad tie. Mr. authorised and myself in the pruswes of the primmer the type written wpm with the umnumaript to sae that were After we prepared doom the primmer took mss of tie Dope.@ read rind it, and than more to at lest ase of the espies, so that the ,Me.msat I am about to road was rend over to the primmer first at the Cadillae How... Detroit, time in Mr. S.therland's gAim. Windsor, and thea, list he read it himself wham type writhes. The following is the stafem nit : tunny " v." The Qsses se lie romantic's of M. C. (,arm's and WiIli•m McLas,d The Termite World. I Robert Gore, sow of the United Sitter of Aassia, primmer de solemnly desire. 1 That 14... heard resat aver te sun the sssousd .t1 et fame and tbrmghl u nderstood tie men and the .fee 9 That tie amid stet.mant M Mae is every partbwfar h whmatess and is fast. Ad 1 maks *410..1u . d..insti.m ens- ..issliss.ty MWvhss the metas M bs toms iand by virtu of the "acts respecting extra -judicial oaths." (rid, I Rosser Goat Declared beim tae at the city of Windsor is the County of Best We 13th. day at August in the year of our Lord 1892 (St) P. H. Sutherlend, A Cwnmi.aiooer H (' J. he. 1 Statement oads by Robert (.aro rm- . peeling the reports against M. C. !Cameron :-- I 1 That the interview between W. W. Fox, reporter Gtr the Toronto World, and myeelt as reported in the World of the 29th July A. D. 1892, is absolutely false in every particular. 2 The report u co:orad, distorted and mialeding floe report was sot real over to me and I never would have signed or sworn to any such statements as are therciu contained had I knows the nature and effect Ithreof. 3 I now withdraw every allegation therein. I regret that it was published and hereby apologize to Mr. Cameron for its publication. 4 i never would have maid or written a word against Mr, Cameron fed I not been urged to do so by the Conservatives of Goderich and promised backing up by them, In fact I never had any reason to do so. 6 I admit that I wrote an anonymous letter to the Detective Bureau of Toronto and to the Hon. John Haggart, both of which letters are I am informed in the pos- session of said Bureau and are similar in terms. 6 That money was to be raised for me in Go.tench by the Tories of Goderich to keep me then to worry Mr. Cameron. M. Hutchison was to give ms 6100, so Robert Thompson Gold me, Ox.Rnw Thompson, Old Cunningham sail Archie Elliott were to contribute, and John Beacom of Goderich Township, who told me to go ahead against Cameros, said I would get .11 the money I wanted. 7 That 1 bad criminal connection with Lure Gordon more thou a dozen tuns while she lived at Mr. Cameron's. 8 That Lamm Corder told me that she suggested to Ellen Lomas the writing of • letter to the Home at Stretford complaining that Mr. Cameron had abased her and dic- tated every word of the letter. 9 That I never saw anything wrong r improper in the conduct of Mr. Cameron while I lived with bins. He always acted the part of a man and a gei4leman ,o far as I could see. 10 Now that I have left Canada I make this statement without reward or the hope or promise of reward solely in the interest of truth and justice as there never was one word of truth in the stories circulated about him so far as my knowledge extends ($d.) Rosser Goat Rutin " IL" To the editor of the Toronto World. Sts, -1n your issue of the 29th ult. you publish wbat you are pleased to call a re- port of so interview that took place bet- ween your reporter and myself respecting the scandals affecting M. C. Cameron. i now bag to my to you and the public that the material statements contained in that report are false. 3. The so-called report is colored, the (acts distorted and misleading. 3. That the said report was not read over to me as published in your paper. Had it been I never would have signed so grosoy false and scandalous • ,tatement,and I • e- tainly never would have declared to '.ie truth of • report nearly every word of a'uoh is false, had I understood the nature and ef- fect of it 4. I now withdraw every allegation con- tained in your published report, and beg to apologize to M. C. Cameron for the publi- cation through the over -zeal of your repor- ter and yourself in giving cir elation to false charge, in order to damage • political enemy. & I was erred t.y M. C. Cameron's politi- cal opponents in Goderich to abase him all I could, and was assured by them of finan- cial backing in doing this for political Dee- pens. arpus. I have handed Mr. Cameron • good many of the males of these men. 6. I my now, and I am willing to swear to it, that i never saw anything in M. C. Cameron's oomduct during all the years I lived with him inonn.istent with that of • gentleman ; certainly no such improprieties as are detailed in your paper, unfit for pub- lication in any newspaper of the least res- pectability. I am now living in the United State,. I have sent this letter to be mailed to you. I bop you will have the 'matinees to publish it. You scattered the poison, now matter the antidote. Yours, Rose Goat Mr. Cameron.onatinuing hiserid..os,amid -I wish Io state that the reason why the the document was read over the mooed time at Windsor was that clause 10 was added ad signed after the prisoner had 2md the manuscript Page two was tors mad tie present claw 10 inserted. With that es...iiie��-ep'''l��,lo it u prseisely the same as the Dopy i at the Cadillac How. Crows eexam by Mr. Johnston -I have the oommunisatene w►bh kid up to this hterwiow with Gore. I am perfectly satis- fied that to other Interview took place wits ilia Lamm than the interview before siwt o.sd. i Brat saw the article os the 99mb of July,11391 The reporter sever told ate anything •beret having a sworn declaration frets the Gordon girl sod tie i only know from what (fere toll ma when Dore left temp. I rseiwed two lel4sre from Gone .isms i meet him is Detroit Re was sober when i set bine in the hotel h Detroit. Dr. Wilma me with .e for a short Lime. One d the exhibit. " K " M in my owe hadwntini ; 1 drafted it, but read it over clause by elate to tis primmer. I am al - Isom abedutely e.rmi. 1 did sot write Gore alter the 13th of Aamass. Ye. ; i did writ* this letter exItibi1 " M " dam. Aug. 111111, best I will expiate Mr. Me1.., editor of tie Windsor Roomed wished he rabbit tie leo.sneat i rsuived from Ore, hat 1 would set let him have N. Re then mid that he would heterview Ore es tie sahj. 1, sad i meet that iter to Gore as sass as i .mashed helm as that he mesa sen be ishenMwuL umiwr " r. Dederick Aug. 14 1680. you " 1 forgot to wars ynet is be later - viewed hy any one on els ysbjeet, of .Nl a Marl. ward. Yours M. C. Cannel*. Mrs Cameron. exon, swews i art the wHe et M. C. Cumereu. I have hoard his testis _y pot give. Mr. (].mesa's stakeout in rstoresos to the laterviow with Mae Lootae is quite correct 1'bre neer was any other interview that mold be ma - founded with this interview. fro similar interview ever took t:laoe- (ra.e-esamined-(lwsrht the girl up 1. Mr. °amerce'. room. Mr. Cameron asked the girl it be had ever dome anything in- deosnt he her. She did aot answer at firs but beim cryin ; finally she mid he had not. She said Amt Lura Gordon toll hr to write the letter. I am satisfied no similar interview ever took place. No other oogyereWoo about the matter took frbetimes Mr. Cameron and mysell. own had an Interview with the prisoner about this matter. Lura Gordon could not Imre beard the interview. Some weel.s previous to the interview w question I had made op my mind to send Ellen Lomas back to the home, as she was proving too great a responsibility to me owing to the difficulty of keeping her out of the stable. I was only keeping her on to enable me to fit up some suitable clothing for ber before she left. I never knew that the girl was preg- amt. GORE COrsITTLD FOR TRW - The court was thea cleared, and after • brief consultation the prieooer (;ore was committed to Mead he trial for perjury on both counts at the first court of competent jurisdiction, which will be the Spring Court of Aaiun. COUNTY CURRENCY. Brussels : About 7,000 barrels of apples have been shipped from Rruseeb this season so tar. Morro : Ed. Rrewar is around again but he still uses the crutehes. Him leg was broken a few weeks ago by a kick from a horse. Brussels : Mrs. Thos. Norton will be re- moved to Mount Forest where she will be carat for by her brother in-law, Rev. Mr. Norton. Blyth : The special committee of the Guelph Conference will meet in the Metho- dist Church, Blyth, on Tuealay, Oct. 18th, 1892, at 2 p.m. Clinton : R..1. Unmmore, Litcensc In- spector Paisley's moo -in-law, is filling a good position on the staff of the Hebrew ',taod- ard, in New York city. Morris : Donald Mc('allum, of this locality, recently sold 1S head of 2 year-old steep to Mr. Bawtiuheimer, of Ethel, realising 9605 therefor Ssaforth : George Hammill, • graduate of Seaforth Collegiate Institute. has been appointed mathematical master in Culling wood Collegiate lest itute. Chown : Mr. I'eter Wilson, of Albert street north, gamed his 93rd milestone last Friday ; be is the oldest man in town and has been bedfast for some time. Stanley : Simsbury Born•. recently sold to McGregor & Meson, of Rruoeield a hand- some team of three-year-old geldings, which tipped the beam at 3,200 pounds. Brussels : Robt. Watt, foreman ot the Ronald Fire engine works, has gone to Halifax to take charge of their engine at the test to take place in that city. Morris: Last week Frank Runes pur- chased the 50 acre farm adjoining his own oat the bth line, from his uncles. paying 92,- 500 for it. This gives Mr. Hainan a tip-top 100 ace's 0055. Morris: Joseph Stubbs, 4th line, has rested his 160 acro farm to his sons for a term of 6.e years, at an annual rental of 0326. Mr. and Mme Stubbs will continue to reside on the farm. Clinton : ID. Clary, who for years re- presented the Doherty Organ in England, Out has beets iu Canada for about a year, has g..uc back to 1?ngland to look after the interests of the Doherty. S.atorth : Scott Bros. have purchased from the executors of the estate of the Into Robert Scott, Scott's block and the brain storehouse at the station, and John Scott has purchased the two buns:real acre farm at Roxboro. Morris: Wm. Carter sold the Coleman farm last week to his ter+tier, Albert Carter, of the 8th line. This farm contains 50 acres, and is composed of part of lot 29, ..n the 9th concession. Mr. Carter received 92,000 for the pia e. Belgrave : kin John L. Geddes, upon resigning her position as organist in the Presbyterian church, was presented by the congregation with • handsome and well filled puree. Miss Barbara Tucker is her .ucrwsor. Rrursis : W. H. McCracken i. strik• ing rather • faster gait than usual on the prim winning eminent this. fall. At Sea. forth he secured 18, lst prizes and 10 2tsd and on the same days t ok 9, to and 11, 2nd at Belgnve with • second display. 46 prises .t two fain is not • bad record. Hallett : Early Saturday orsg the barn of Conrad Murphy, ma7th con. et Hallett, was dlsonvrrsd to be on fin ad was de- stroyed with Its contents, consisting et • team of horses, wagon, a fav peas, eta Mr. lslurphy was fortunate enough to have hie wheat marketed. The Celine of the Bre in mot ksowo. Stanley : C. H. Read hes soil hie taro, Mt 13, Bayfield Road south, Stanley, toddle Reed for the sum of 92,500. The farm cos - tains 42 acres and adjoins one of Jolts Reed's other farms Mr. Reed is to bee... gratuiatad on his purchase, as it is a gond farm and it, together with his other land, gives him • las farm of over 220 acres. Walton : Mr. Johastos, formerly of Walton public school, sad wow • student of Knox College, Toronto, was visitng 1rr.11s armed here but week. Mr. Forest got him to take the evening service last Sunday. He took for his text " Noah metering the Ark, " and pre •-most excellent diocese's, maks m. seof the Meet eeroeet, strongest •wcl pointed appeals to Ji his bearers to outer the Ark Chris Freon pwes.t ap- pearance Mr. Johnston will be use mere of tie mosey *Vedanta of Knox Coake who ham, Dna are, 'within `` their nark in their esnpjre/N/ws wber'e Pteviaeaem has mottled Hem. Tie Lollar te.1111A••r- The p' --t slims and the perfe.t Wet with which 1•dies oar tins the liquid fruit, Ayrep of Fite, miler all eon - Miklos 'wake it their favorite remedy. It is plimmieg to tie eye .md l0 the trate, matte, etmlenl le 0atig on les kid - says, aver mud h,trwds 1m THE WRECK OF THE NASHUA. An Amerloatn Propeller Lost off Goderloh SHE FOUNDERED 1N THE GALE. TM lease& 14m wed a.sa Mrteee miles below mayaeld --Wreckage all aloes ebe Vs.M from cert Albert bees -Tbe body er Me.. nheNard nese. I.lo CoiNreeb barber -glad week by wreck- ers stews the .rare. On Tuesday, Ort 4, the following tele- gram was received from the Kendall Mar- ine Reporting Co., Detroit, by rept. Will- iam Rabb, wreckage reoeiver at this port " Look out for disabled barge. " That was the first intimation received in this section that the propeller Nashua, bound from Byng Inlet, 14orgian Ray, to Toledo, Ohio, with • deckloasl of lumber lad met with misfortune in these waters. Capt. Babb at oath set to work to look for the disabled craft, but failed to get any tidings of ber until Saturday night wheu a telegram was received stating that the vessel bad been seen floating bottom up and with stern gone, about fourteen mils below Hayfield, apparently caught on a boulder about • quarter of a mile from shore. During all the time that intervened be• tween the notification of the disaster to the vessel until the present time Capt. Babb lea been uooeasing in his efforts to obtain tidings of the lost crew, and has walked the beach from fort Albert to Hayfield with that end in view. The propeller Nashua bed been in nom mission for many years and was owned by the Wolverine ('o., the principal owner be- ing J.J,eMeLain, of Detroit, and CaptainMillyr, rho sailed the boat being another of tie owners. Capt. Sheppard was mate on the Na.bna, during the late part of the season. He nad opened the year in com- mand of the William Heary Johnston, but owing to a strong personal frieud.hip for ('apt Miller had resigned on the Johnston, and taken second position on the Nashua. Capt. Millen and Capt. Sheppard were each accompanied by his wife, as there was also a strong friendship existing between the two women. When it became known to Capt. Millen that the Nashui s trip would be up to the Georgian )fey, the waters of which were unfamiliar to him he telephoned to another old friend of his, a retired lake rptaw, and later • shipbuilder in Port Huron, and who knew the intricacies ot (;eorgian Bay, to take • trip up with him and act as pilot Captain Muir acceded to the invitation and took the trip on the ill-fated boat. In addition to the officers of the vessel and their wires there were eleven men on the Nashua, but in the absence of books or records no names nen be furnished at pre- sent. Wednesday of lest weak Fred Muir, of the firm of Muir Bros., that and wood dealers, fort Huron, sone of Capt. Muir, came to this section to institute a search for the body of his father. He remained until Saturday but was unsuoceeeful in his quest On his return home, his brother .1. J. started out, leaving Port Huron on •Sunday night ad reaching Goderich by the 11 ...m. train Monday morning. Minor that tires he has been unceasing in his search for the body of his father, or for any infor- matioa that would lead up to his recovery, but the search has thus far been in vain. Tuesday morning shortly •iter daybreak the body of • woman about 50 years of age was discovered beside the south pier, hav- ing been washed ashore during the preo.d- ing night. A largo life preserver wen well strapped to the body, and It war found that •stem of money,a prayer -book ,and a marriage certificate were on the person of the deed woman. A wedding ring with the letter *4 "55.. 00 00501 14. Gngsr.. The body was that of Mrs. Sheppard, wife of the sate of the Nashua. R ord of the finding of the body was at ones wind to Port Hums by J. J. Muir, and Willis. Muir, nos of the deceased, and MIs. bar sister, at mos started and arrived by the 7.30 train, Tuesday evening. Pr.paratioas for shipping the body were at owes made, the order being satidactorily carried out by Rrophey & Soo, undertakers All along the shore between Port Albert is strewn with wreckage tram the Nashua and other derelicts that have met with dis- aster during the pest mouth or so, but rep to the pr.ssat so body has been area except that of the lase woman whi,:h Boated into Goderich on Tuesday last R 8 Chilton, American consul has been iadefabi aMe in his rffnrte u, obtain 101 0, mabin. io regard to the missing crew of the Nashua, and in aiding and &muting the re• lativ.. in the search. CAPTAIN BASS, Tel an.xtv.tl or wnrCL. age at this port claim, that .11 along the shore a system of vandsliIMIn exists in On far u wt•eekege is concerned, and drift timber I.mber and other eommodities aro u••con- ditionally stolen, despite the strict prohibi- tory elan. whack .re wet fo.*h in the Statutes. The(ollowireare the chime. :.•11. would be well for everyone to bear them in mind as Captain Rabb is determined hence- forth to tarry out to the letter the laws prsvisism, ad to prosecute offenders to the Weer tad :- Sus 96. Whenever any nereen takes �a.mmm�aa of wreckage within the limit. of _arida, he 'hail as mon as possible deliver the same to the receiver. neo. 27. Every person taking possession el wreok.ge within the limit. of Canada trio fails to deliver the game to the m- iniver, 1a pursuance of the next preceding .se1Mm, mall forfeit any claim to 'mem*, nota shall be Rahe to pay as • ps..lty de.bto the vales ref erste smelter, awl a further sass .et eses.ding fear hundred ddlan.