HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 81 8 THIE SIGNAL: OOI)BRICH ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER or:" Laws" 116 0U it pUaACIAIIW •exp Tlii 11,1U1y.W MOM TIM PH.JUL&C Y. a SOLI( 'IT ATOOM POOMPOSIPTIOSI We a'SO . be resewut 1.Snt bates. ha ~It~ .tea/ Mata. jtr•adtii. We.^" In ear b Iati V well et. •a/ 1*ela UM pert of the the loos" eet( ey d d . .tet or ell tiOlutert toidis ars account ef • large parntage p theresehly equipequippedwiwith the est w re mediae wad dgved especially y *msisae physicians. This -eters b•• always One it 'sesta re to dome is the pest. dr • emalM proewnp iM. sem• Whin ea se- aman of ee, .se. .std..• a ken d w Prices and be - to give our customers thea lets. at as reseoae • charse se penlights.t sow t wears fn • tett au pereestage et d te and therefore will sive you the ml - vantage. aad wUI dtapaaer ,oar pescripttess for Mesa per mot. fes " fur gash " taus ear nttular charms Deters. and 8S per coat. less than the areal charges of the other owes whk• give it pereastya This is the th6c part of our ►atlas.., ud lei at till oar hatpins is deettt•ed to r qu•11f. le t. sad we mean to ever The Pbi•rmaeevery the beet sad leading Dhpsa. set? .n (lode b. We will varuses to de as we bate always dans, " tact b" we the beet Drugs and always pat in what is ordered. Our wore a upon at all bunt during the day. end Las utght attend•ace. is never without • competent hand is charge. Ask your ►eyed• ciao for tae pre cr;ptles whoa he cull* rusk hem to leave it at The i'Larmacy end it will be fined o iib securer, and delivered yeomanly. GEO. A. FEAR, euccawor to Gee. Rhyme GODERICHL Art ART. x x x R. CROC'KETT, AttTicT. Lan Ixvpr. marine and portrait palatial' is ot: and water, colon.. l'I.ASSES On Thuraisys. Prid•)3e sad litutd•y.. Inial 0 A.M. to 1! uclotk, and from 1t.5 ..'t!uak ret. Arclltectrml ue mec4.nkal se ism len wings fur patent., $111-110 yiertb-st .Orel dor from the Semen The Pre0olien Column. I T IS A FACT. My inmshouig butlaie.' Las oWined me to ta me info more eoatneulious premiers and he trig tented the two.ture. in Crabby Block. relit to K. Duwnina'e shoe store. 1 will hare lou- ;tree flows to displaan y goods. The d door eolith of F. Im ning'• will be occupied by the Ft'r\Ir' ItE ANt. t PHOLATER,xO de ear meat. where a line and complete .tock of er'•ryt.hin in the Furniture tine of the beet makers will be kept. and at prides TO 8t'IT ALL PUtkrrn. 1 guarantee to .ell lea any article of Furniture from AT. to tea per cent. less thee Tor rdo prire& same kind and Quality. and PAY 17tC1..IlT TO AAT POINT 150 Mils victim Got.RkItIf. Cali and be von rioted. figures tell. end everybody tell. fig- urre. The at her store SMITE'-' BAZAAR will Le rc•upled by our Wall Paper. School Supplier. Oanty Uocda. Stationery and Toy department,. where a fu:I and eodHss variety of need and elegant goods will be placed. SPK( IAL. 1'o: the nest two weeks I will give .penial d.saeants off all lines of furniture to save the trouble and emit of moria it. ('all earl and secure it bargain and tell yuur neighbor, it here you got it. SMITH'S BAZAAR k FURNiTCRE STORY, EDS ly Crabb'. Hloei- SPECIAL NOTICE. 1 To reduce 'Stock i will sell dressed Lumber. FLOORiNG AND SiDING •t $12.0e per thot.sand, .HA -$H AND (DOORS at pr,ponionattIy low figures TOP - Caeh or its midi shot I.►1y JiM PH KIDII, Phone. 1:. II Britannia -at. AnOt1019•4118111011. JOHN GRIFFIN, COUNTY AUO- tiomer, land valuator, lama and Menrasee &moat_ Sales attended In all parts ot the msa- y Correspondence *elicited. Address JOHN RIFFiN, Ktngsbrid,te. Order, left at THE 181014•L OIloe promptly attended to 23.11 IOHN KNOX, GEIkERAL ACC- !/ Homer and Land Valuator, Ooderlch, Oat. Having had ,onsiderble erperMmoe to the .uctloeeeringtrade he is in a position to disclarge with thorough satisfaction all tom muttons entreated to hint. Orden Ido at Martin's Hotel. or seat by mall to his addrroesss,, Oodrieb P. 0., earefulll attended to. JOHN CN(iN, (punto Auctioneer, 1Rltf Meohanles' lasUlu$s. GODE1tICB MEOHANICE' wart WTI LIBRARY AND REAIIINu- 4t00M, cos. of Kest street and Square lap stairs Open taireOpen from 1 toll r.M.. and from 7 to 10 r.m. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY. /.riding !Maly, H'erkly and Illustrated reapers, Magarsacs, etc., et rile. MKMHERift4II TICKET. ONLY O&M, granting free urn of Library and Reading - /town. Apptiationo for membership received a Librarian. is rooet. ED. $HARMAN, t, ORO. ell PIM. Praia Oodertck Yb Ilii till. Ll.welgq. Speetal Dense&. 0. WARD, OONV/YANUIR, • . ecai .. mad eomis.leoer for tattoo and re• miring rerciwniraneee of bail. affidavits a ams.., ken., deportee.& or eotema declare tions in or (Niemen say aches- Quit r pro - Seeding in the H Court of Junior. the Court of Appeal for o. r In may ostisf sy or Division Cour, sPAT teed prompwtslll1 pRee red PAT - address"- Oeit. tf 'NT KW OHOpt'INO MiLL. 1 am prepared to deal' lauds of grain chea- pish. on shortest solei,. M111 is mantra at a8 hears I have tet Wert &ad brat Improved str•ebt for dispatch and erWtarl Priam Nei delay he wittiest your ("hop home AM *1414 y KIDD. t141y 11 tannM-M. •i-LaUonr v(.e..L UTL*TID.-A HOQIW►1D-Alk le MRS. J. T. GARMOW. M -K !'1 liNERAL 8ERYANT W ANTED.- 7ItW s&, Amnion Shave AUCTIONBALI OF HOUSEHOLD Ctt_seasSELO= «theeMs. oeL >K Alr.1M t SRAM LIME FOR RAkart .L.L-000DJunithe .. Uwe has. .AU S for d I_lv 1 wIR M t empty .tended tee X. BAIp1 I.iR. Mr FOR BALM. --TWO 18 IN, OAST M M. tacot 11-1. 4*. beak to sea Teel Ir Mid .Mt War mntt DZssa. Good sew. i 1r resat liths x •t Property fbr Ula or for Sent. HOUSE FOR SALE. -THAT COM- Oseat4. Utile ootti re ea Anglesey -et nti4.4 bth pM•rrtJ. CC erenk good *Man niouui.. grin kitchen Ibebiadold SM. ddddar; x Appy to ML H 02-41 100 ACRE FARM FOR BALL -THE 1 ow homestead of the late Jams Ca... - day. of the totem ip of Kest We warmth, be lag last half of lot Mitt oonce.tlos 1. es the gravel read that leads from Oodarioh to Wise hem It Is situated about NCI rods from Aub- e nseit thriving village with four churches ud •.obool gear at band. A comparatively new trams home with seven large romans and cellar with other cos ralisaos, •.d goad bank ban and about r0 large Warta, trait Iters are o0 the tees. About -40 agree are eleared . The sol Le of the beet. / yg. stion from MRS, CASSAD&Y. i►trhma P.0. the L"OR MALE. -N. i IA? 81, !ND OON- .1 cessio•. Nast Waw•nosk, ***ewes. This is • find -clam farm. Aim tows tot 410. Gear. rich. also lot til. G3dcrtch town. on whbb there is • pg.a.d brick .snag,.. A ,40 PHILIP HOLT. Mit-C, VUR SALE AT A BARGAIN. -THAT commodious building on Klagst.. Ilrus- occnp(.d a. a P612411011-111/1:1; .iutiho by .11.2110014.111711111114. Rremels P.o68. trq- Wl to Dentistry. f 1VI1fICHOLSON, L.D.S. -DENTAL . loo.-m/U *pagelt. the 'sew Peet (twee. W Istat., odssiib. f 17 nil. E. RICHARDSON, L. D. 8., kJ ettreeen dentist. Ose and ritallsed air adgllniatred for painless extracting of teeth. attention given to the preservation the natural teeth. Ofd -Up stairs. OraadOpera House Block, votranee on Weed it.. Oodericb. 1141-1► M.diinb D a... (p: a Muse. "e° nu DRB. SHANNON & SRAItNON, Pbysicia s, Burgeons. Acc0001ent. to. Orc, a Dr. 4*4....'. reoMence, wear the Mei Ooderien. 0. C. `JHANNeti, J. H. SxAe- NON, 1701 Tia 1 OF 1T S E. DANCIY. B ARRIHTIR, .1 Solicitor. ('osV auesr. te.. eta- Mona, to loan at lo*est rate'. 44.ke'. Block. (lode - rich. O•t. 2381-t1 L1 N. LEWIS, BARRISTER, I'ROO- J. for la Maritime Courts of Ontario 011e. -Hour, Colborne hotel. 2313 171U. JOUNSTUN, BARRISTER, . solicitor. cymmtrioar. kc. Lovas edlectioss sad real estate transactions care fully atteadedta (woe -Cr. Hamilton and St. Andrew. -IL. Goderieb. Ont. hits -lyl Jodie DAVISON. BARRISTER, Satlollor. Conveyancer, b. ; Mosey to lead. Ore. over Post-0do.. Ooderteb. 06-41 CAMPION, BARRISTER, J. ...tor. Notary Public, e t o. Orem-Over Joedan'e Drug Store the roosts formerly occupied by Judge Doyle. 1218 1 C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, Sc. i V Uro., ember 01 Sgware and West street, Goderleh, over telegraph office. l'ri- vatr Fonda to lewd at per cent. P40 - /'I ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR - '.i At:ornaya, Solicitors. tc., Oode rich. J T. arrow, Q.C.. W. Proudfoot. CAMERJN, HOLT & HOLI1KS, bor:eters, Solicitors Is C esaossy to. Ooderich, M- C. Caesarea, fl.C. ; P. Reit Dudley O.bsas LaMMr and LnINtlaa 1• J. 1'. IAFTEL, 11RE, LIFE A N D • .es 11 Yrwr ice ./rest ; at lowest rates Oreo --0&e. North... and Square, God erick. 71 - MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Tartrate and other funds at lowest rte. on uotlre town and farm property. Special term. of repayment to .alt the brruwr.-No oommiae!es. -Call or ante M. U. JOHNSTON' Uodertab. 2301-11 600,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO tIP CAMERON MOW' f" LEOLSE8, (iodh- rich. 1730 MONEY TO LIND.-.A LA R O 1 .atsuntet Private Fade ter avoassest st ! o w M 0u 0ret•olas. Mertesses. Apply to ARROW PROUDFOO7. BOUNTY FUNDS TO LOAN. On the security of Cultivated hems. Inter- est •1 ft per cent.. peptide ensWly. A. per - am of the principal may he Mid at any HUN the borrower wYhes. .1U immense* the ('ounty. No perwon eroelhee Denier A editor.. allowed to see inortwal'e. or t o know to whom none, is loaned. Astir to W HOLMES Goderleh. Aug. mi, 1301 Co. ?rattsww. 17-tf RADOIAIFFE, GINERAL IN- wranc., Real rotate and Maley Lassie. Agent. Orly .tat -claw empm•W represented. Mosey to Lead es loans, .t tt.s lowest rate of Interest gttlr•Ish4. say w•7 to Matt the Borrower. Oreo- eend deer hem Hge&r.. West StreaOslo 1 Hotel Aesomuiodstion. LTNiON HOTEL, 01Mk.RIC H.- This well-known ...oral sod farmer( beat has tem taken pee.,eslon or bl tiuM Beecham aad refitted a every reap.. making sae of the .erteet and quietest hors.es in the trade Nee l es4. •. _Rv Ment .4.144* o, .s 11«er ed.e.e.. *Acura B4 045.. IieprTj act'- ILO E HURON HOTEL. - THIS 1-kntwnh .sd bat bee h... =M rood mew woad 10 . eemmsq est esmese•athe rev the tesesitt.s pulps. QafY. Matieft ter. i, t Societies, CANADIAN ORDER OF HONE Uhl lee OodeNch t'trcJ., Ne IK meets third Monday of each mouth In the hall over 114. hear AL 0111100. Special Iaduoem.nt• la IOsur&non gad sick hewers D. CALHICK, Leads , It. J ACH 9008. Treeeurr ; t RICHARIDSON, se•reerl. 00-Irr y)DDES KIDNEY PILLS. Any Amount of empty rawly Bottles 1. Sleek. 1e emits seeks. Leek nut tor our new gbek of peronismo 4. Hostles and Bulk--4ebe•MM le • day r tee. J. W z& s ', Itssait Mss Date SPOOK z>r nollib is OeIi*4 . (AW&11U T=UNA *All.WaY. 1k. s erre. ye •54 depot «'I,, dib es F AAS.R »...............tom II•m. 11? .,,. -....Nems..-......- ....• ghee► MOM Donee. e 1 Noma_ AMOUR MOM. `s , DO iO y the Mall sive =a. hal seed* moll w red krlAthis4..£NOJH R. a ll Oet Sr ntni QrrrM. MECUAA Lcb• IIiOTITUTE IY'EN- laa Q. s - The .waive ai.sa. is 0S.eeeales with the Uoderioh Heahuio,' la . dist* will be reopened for the .aeon la the Mem room. es Thrtredar everting. October 13. at 0 o'clock - Thee dams win be conducted by Geo. tlwppard. sad in.tructio•e will he sea u poaCeso. and book l commercial oorre.- heelless. Advanced ohms' 5141 be formed for those who here already takes a parted course In my of these eshoecta These Messes afford es admirable oppotus- ItY for throe who can spare the amessary time to improve themselves in the .ultect. taught. W. IL MURNEY. OW. STI VEN. 1 Pteeiiest. Secretary. epode* Artielee. 50,000 ElAwRAMII APPLHB D. CANTLLUN. of Mali want. MAO barrels ell sed Winter spplss tee which the beat market Price will be paid. Hoot lour apple. for (attlelo. and sere money. D. CANTKLUN, Chet... 71.11 alertignere Min MORTO AOM BA LE OF HOUSE AND lots la Galerkn. Under and is pursimee ul thspewer of sale oestai•ed la • *erten mortgage deed the Illad fay of September. UM, *Well *111 be pruduo- ed at the time of sale. there trill he sold by public *0 -11 a at the Albion hotel. in the tows al Godertch. oa Saturday the .lad day of Oc- tober. la/2, at : o'clock in the afternoon, by Joh. Knox. Auctioneer. the following p op- erty, ria,: legs 1343, 1144 aad 1317 on G1ni- brldre street, la the town of tioderluh. There L • good frame house upon the prop- erly. •Ten+.: Ten per emit of the purchase mosey st the time of sale and the balance la one mouth thereafter without interest For further particulars apply to the uedee- ..Cd -• ted the 3rd day of October. Inn IL C. HAYS - 81 -34 Venda • :bUcitar. Notice to Creditors. NOTlCE TO CREDITORS. /n 18, scatter of hiaae(l Bros„ of the nllage of .-varier, is the County of Middlesex. M.rrAan(. -. No: it- it hereby given that the encase named Bissett Pros., have male an assignment to ten under the prori.ione of Chapter 121. K. S. 0.. 11447, of all their estate and aff7,ts to tru.t for the benefit of all their credlture. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate he hereby uurtveaed and will the held at the law offices of Utbhooa MoN.b d Mu:keen. L0040a e a Monday the loth Jay of &ktober A. D. I. at 2.30 u :lack in the afternoon. for the appoiutment of leapectors and the giving of direction. etch referen.-e to the disposal of the said estate. All a•r.ditore of the Maid estate are hereby re- quired to file their claims with my- soU.itors. Gibbons. McNab & Mu.:tern. London. las dir- ected by the said st•tutel on or before the day of suck tueetiag. After December lot 1 shall proceed to detrtbute the said estate. 'seethe reward only to such claims as 1 shall have not- ice of. *ail I shall 8or be responsible for the a,ee.s of the .aid estate or An) part thereof. 10 any person or perwme w hoer clam rclaim. shall a'l have been tiled_ Dated the 30th day of $ep'ember, A. D. IN& GIBBONS, MtNAH& ELIXIRS. S,diottore fur trustee, Leedom, C. 11. ARMSTRONG. M -R trustee. V OTICE TO CREU1T1)ftS. M the "ratter of Maggie Y. enrolee, alike torr o/Goder(ch, in 14e f'oentp of Mr eon, MG - freer. Notice is hereby given that the above named Maggie S. Cry .ler nae made an •ssugsmest le John sfwrrode, of the city of Brantford. under the provisions of Chap. 111 R. S. U. 1887. gad amending acts, of all her estate sad effects in oust for the benefit of el her creditors. A meeting of the creditors of the said estate is hereby merely,' and will be held at the of- fice of Hey d, tlaneto d t leant. Meaning Arcade. in the city of Toronto. on Tureday,tbe 4th day of October, ISM. at the hour of two o'clock In the after:soon for the appointment of ieepeetore and 'be riving of directions as to lb.poral of the said estate. Abel creditors of the said estate are herebyre- quired in Ale their calme with the Paid ee- sigoeeor ms.olte,lnn ipt"v,.t e. directed by said statute/ on or before the day of such meet- ing. After the 1st day of November. 14t! the sold .uign.eo shall proceed to distribute the .Old e.tale having regard) only to such claims se be shall herr rig tee of. and be *i11 not be respon- sible for oke assets of the said estate or any part thereof to rainy person or persons whose Minns shall nM have been *led. Dated this 11th day of September. 180. JOHN MU: itttIDh. HITT/ i \Il IRHEAD, Assignee. dol,cit..rs for .4. 6g••.. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT M111 ill THC FAR ,.r AT DR. E. RICHARDSON'S is4T•L P*9Leta, IPIIA MOUSE 8LOCI REPT-STREET. OODUION, ONT. 11 afford. me unlimited sellsfeefion. .her . thorough te.t, resuning In the most patentees - tic appreciation of delightful sad woetelNd pet,e0S. to submit th.t 1 have the only sed eselestr, right to use In Underfed, the wag .deatlfi,- dlaroeery. whin), 1. eavrawtrd serer to crest. this berth pain during the extraction of teeth or Mumps d any kfwd. I. wary every osst cud very little pals la the meet sitiret.e Masa .20 -x4r *CV HD F. 01111‘ 45 • best anaesthetic that NveT wrests the palest to the sflahrses, I. hansom se errs, and the hest seethed knows ea earth to reader the teeth toe-..waltive to pale. Pathan, warm ripe In lo ps,Htvely marselew. In N. ri/e.ea. Prsser•pte• of the satoml Teeth a sp.1i Atl d...tat operatics. wMl said .ktllrnfl lonaM/ palest.' lateral.. are ills.. DR. t RICHARDSON. 11110 ft A mark of oemmea sense mad ped breed - Ing ie absence el psetomsa VAIL DIM tlooe. at eakraadimary law mesa We are sheering t►s helm ashes is all limos al Fall Dry Good. Meat has ever boss shown in Ooderich. We misetios here only • few of oar low prima Drew Hoods from 5o. per ydd.- up to $1.$6. A arena! line of Lathes All Wed Hygesan Vests at Tbc. ; Chanson Hese and Gloss from 1 bo per pair up ; Otey Flannel. from 8c. per yd. See oar great line of all Wnol Grey Flannel at them ppeerr yd. ; nothing like it in town. BI•akets ell wool 45c. per Ib. in ell .ie.. and weights ; Bed Comforters large rise $5c. ; Men's Winter Shirts and Draw- ers from 10c. up, all wool from 40o. ; 3 pair Heavy Wool Socks for ladle. ; Grey Hotton from 3#c. per yd. up. We .hall open this week a hale of yard wide Grey Cotton at 4c. per yd. We fear no con teen, our pnoes are the lowest. We only handle. reliable Goode which we show with pleasure whether you purchase or not JAMES A. REID. Jardine. Book, Uuderioh. Sept. 111th, IML _I TO ADVERTISER$. Notice of changes must be left at this Office not later than Satorday noon. The Copy for changes must be left not liter then Mon- day noon. Casual Advertisements accepted up to noon Wednoedsy of each week. THE WEEKLY MARKET REPORT. 0.de.eh rites ter( s (Mage, Oct.:1. 1 •i7SLds (tStl tThaehea(.. .. ' el; to 11 O al tonrrt Flour, Fall •.,,, 1 10 tot 10 Inour, family 4 444 to 3 M1 81,,.r•ta, p fes 12 :tout are Bran, P to::.. ... 11 00 telt 00 Hcresolug+ p tea 1 t roto(: tae Chopped Feed Wheat • Ma00 u' tone le Oso, see. p boob 0 M to0 27 Pias, Ilf bailie. 0 S6 to 0 M ..............- Herby. two rowed • Mai ..... a 40 to 0 10 HW1nmes ......... 136 to 5 M Hay.Yton *400101110 Potatas •bosh 0 m to u 40 A plate.~ T balk 0 sour 0 7e Yet ter 0 N to O le Kuril. herb .q- -& i ' .... a W p e ('Iter..arley, -. 0 11 to 9 14 Wocd 3 Into 400 Wool 0 18 to 0 30 !tide. $ M to 3 SO P.m 0Mto0(S Dressed met `80w8M Pelta............. _...-..,,... • 861o0 M THE NEWS ABOUT TOWN. d chief. a.tanp Yr, !akin' noire, Aoi f•a* Ado press( K. PINE T•1LORING, - Pah and 1A-latercloths is great variety at. the Chicago Hone, Westet Yoe as have a big cbulce gad MI on good stile and At at very moderate prices. B. Meol.'rm.c, Mgr, The Weak wintry *lads are beg!ouiag to Wow, mid If you don't want to do el leer business with the undertaker You .'.os4d tall at r J. I'ridban's and irate arrangement. for • drat elm* winter overcoat. The beautiful fall ..1 the year is ter tx-M ties for taking outside views of homesteads said lamlly re.Llesasa The gradual blending of Sommer into Fall give: it :at required .►e.1 ,y. H. K, Sallow, nates this work a specialty. The 'old wave of ye.terdai has made rverv- t►ing hum at Saunders and ('ny'.. They have • large Meek of •e.aosd-hand heating stoves for both coal and wood. which they are sailing cheap to mak,. room for new stock. They do all kindsui Uniting. plumbing end sheet metal work by competent mea. l'allud eels Ohms Ooderlcb, (int. 1, 11f•3. J. J. Avry, Godcrieh. DEAN SILL-Inlarwr to inquiry asto bow i like 3 our Saadard wanking machine I would say that it does hart clean work gad wr kit easier dim aay other washer 1 have ever tried. Your. truly, MRS. WM. MerREAT. uodrtch. Oct. 1. 130x, J. J. Aye seedcrkh. Awry., URA. HHM, -In •e.wer 10 the imqulry as to how 1 like the Standard ',sarong machine which 1 uresheie1 from you. 1 would saw that i am well pleased with It, It doe. good, 'Won work and make. washing much easier work. Your rrs1 MRIs J. H. CULi)ORI7K R. T. of -r Sot,At. (:ATHEaI,c -Tb. members of Eureka council purpose treating themselves to a " ribbon " social and musi- cal and literary eutertaintemat at the close of the regular business ue:1 Monday eves - All members are speorily requested to be A Wirt Ito lit n. Eert'1. ALMA NAG -The pubbaber. of Tb. Montreal Daily ed Weekly Star are getting out • magnificent almanac to be known u the Sar Almanac, said to be the finest almanac u the world, oohaining near - 1y four hundred pales, with oolored maps It is looked forward to with great inter- est. %VAMIP•C a%'. CI 04'r- -A very large crowd was attracted by the circus last Saturday afternoon and evening. The performance. all through oram very good, especially the trap- eze and horizontal bar festa. The Roman Thgladiators so drew the attention of all. al The .Nrrg ri., although not very large, at- tracted • good deal of attention. CMA MOM HA:4HP. -Ttos Swart. h.s re - 'Neatly paroha..d the brick Mock on Mem- treal-.t., formerly knows as the ()meal Hotel, part of which h.s bees ootmpi.d by Mr. Swarth for sewers/ yearn as a livery .able. He intends ming the whole Wool 1r his growing business, .ed is hawing tie building overheated and remodelled to ant his requirement.. K% t 1\,. (;e.A.ei.- -The seeing elms' is 005050411* with the 3dsh,i.ioi inefitote will be re opened for the mass in the class. rooms oe Thursday Oct, 13 at 8 p. ,.. The classes will be under the instruction of Geo. Sheppard, teacher of Haltforl yobbo .chool, and the cities will embrace .rItkm5ie, pen ma ship, commercial eorrespend.scr and book-keeping. Iba Linen P*Osernow. - 4. P. Wilkii.oe, el Cln ago, Man of Jam.. Wilkinson of this tows, he. recently received it deserved pro- motion in one of the large maoufaek.riog eslabli.hunents of the World'. Fur (ley. He has been appointed woprrint arl.st e( the %Vattern Wheel Mana4etnring Ca., and has snperviskw. over 1,000 empby.rr This pesk. well for him, as he he. been • mei. dent of Chicago for mthly twelve years, and started to work there at • dollar • day. A °MAwaa ase C. P. R. Tsue IRA ill Rams. -Oa (est, 1 the Canadian Pbct&o Railway Os's telegraph new tariff goes into Wait. Among the seeter.un slhenjss Mead .red p.rltapn tM wart ealoeked for, le • re- dueti.0 d 90 per cant. ie the rates to 11. North •wast territories sad Britieh O.le rni s whew the C. P. R. Ca, have a mea.p.iy et tome . w eft the esm/aey ehen a eiesY.r eedi elan has tams !ba A Lm'?v.. w W a.1AWP Rema - Meek 8saadw.. we*srer d lbs (heed Opera Hare. bee smeared Marts Saari lei world's lame= bearer sad velameiaiees her tee writer en weelea's rtgkts. to ddiser maid les ire as she sigm sob*. ea 17th vet This will be ens d the 11*erf i. & w.Q weave of the emeses. Mara Smart 14sows advocate el Tabled and aim ens of Me Lading e.otri►awn to tbe Tenser Mail. AU Idea .he4M bass her. Par - Monism east week. Hats Bane Pauruyns. -We team Nat O. Drummond, the popular msay.r d the Bask d Meetreal in this .atiw bar beim promoted to the maoagar's aim el the Pit - ton brooch, .ed will remove to the pear• •mile shore of the Bay .t Veins. pres.s.ty. He hes been as efs.ieet sed pupas Siker of the Beak in this maims and will with him the the good will aesteem 011.3 who had hominem reistise@ with hien. W. wtrderstmsd be will be re.eesd.d by Mr. Lockwood of Guelph. who sheer well leaoatmeadad. UttATII ur ase, PAanov.. --Aa old re as lent el Godsons& passed a ea Suadey bit is the person of Mrs Wary, relic. of the late Bujauia Pumas, of this town. D.eessad was born in Saad.riasd, Durham Co., Rag.. is 1808, sod oases to (su.da is 1833 She was married is Godrioh in 1836 and w« well and favorably known to all old residents. Her three ldren (:. H., of Detroit, Capt. James .ad Sarah 01 Goderieb, survive. The funeral took plan. Tuesday last to Maitland cemetery. The pall bearers were, Joe. Williams, T. 11. Nobel, A. M. Ram, The.. Westb.rald, R. Redcliffe, D. McDonald. Hrug'EAt. -The Hamtltos Times thus refers to the marriage of a former well- known resident of t:odencb, now of that city : At the residence of the bride's parent., 137 Ever.ld street south, Hamilton, Inst week 34 ie. May Morgan, eldest daughter of R. R. Morgan, w.. married to W. J. 8*.n- eon, of the tires of Whitman A Swansea of that city Rev. Caeca Curran officiated, and befits • gathering of the /needs of the young people were pre.es& The bnde wus attended by her miters, Miss Clara and Mia Minnie \lorgan, and the heat men were John Swanson, of (.odericb, brother of the , and F. I). Morgan. brother of the bridy StronEN DRAM. ---lei Thursday m,rsisg little Harold, only eon of R1.. J. T. 104:ear sed wife, peeled away from life to the "Better Lend" at the early age of 4 year, 4 months and 8 days. He took sick ca Tues- day morning but kis case pee so alarm un- til Thursday owning at 3 o'clock when the symptoms gave evidescu of the dread dis- ease, diphtheria. Everything ptsible w.a done to relieve his .offering, het despite ell that loving bands and in..lic•l skill could do he rapidly sank until at 8 31 he passed pe•oelully away. Harold wase brig:.t Rifle fellow gad bred by many who mourn his sail feu. Rev. and Mrs. Let :ear have the sympathies ot the entire community. -de - moils Gazette. SHANNON -Ross, --An interesting evilest took place Wednesday morning at St. George's church, being the marriage of J. R. Shannon, M. D., and Mrs Agnes M. Ross. daughter of Hon. A. M. Ross, Tr - onto. The bride was elegantly attired in white silk with tulle veil, and carried • trwl0et of white roes The bridesmaids were Mir Cameron. daughter of M. C. Cameron, ear 3d P , and Miss Hanirltos, sis- ter of the groom. "The maids of hoar were Miss McDougall and little Miss Meyers, u ieos of the bride. Doctor W, U. Role London. acted as groomsman and C. 0. Roes and Jack Elwood as ushers. The oas- tums of the gestate were handsome. Dr. and Mrs Shannon are greet favorites and their many friends wish them much happi- n ess through life. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Mrs R. Menzies is home from Loden Miss A. Breckenridge is vesting is Chi- cago. Jack Klwoo.l, of Toronto, is is tows this week. Mr.. „Barton, of Toronto, is visiting at Hervey Hinck.'. Mrs ('has. Blake left on Friday last on a trip to Chicago. J Edwards, of W ilaoo's drug store, is on • trip to Chicago, Mrs. G. Struthers hes returned iroen • trip to St. Thome& Miss Emm• Han is visiting frierle in Yeatorih this week. Mr. and Mrs. Rob". Dickson, of llrussel , were in town Leet week. Post -John McRala is r.sawing old .e• graint•acee in Goderioh. Mrs ad Minn Blalr returned last week front • visit to Parry Sound. Mr. Miller, sr., of St. Helena was in town lest week visiting old 1rieeda Mrs. W. Msloeim, of Detroit, Mick., kI visiting friends in town this week. Mrs. and Mies Dalton mid Mies Neste La- ses left for West Superior Ism walk. R. R Sallow. is in Detroit .ad vitality this week, visiting relatives and frissda Mrs. W. (Tse, 01 Leamingtee is visit- ing her am pare., Mr. and MA. Dows- ing. Harry Parsons, of Stratford, wet in fawn this week «teediag the funeral of his graid• mother. Mrs. Maps. and (Charlie Mw&a.oe have returned home after • month's visit to Toronto. Mrs. Adair, wbn h.a bees visiting here ft r same t Mme, left en Setarlay for her home in Petrous Expositor James Dickson, Registrar, of Oodarich, spent Sunday in term, with his e on, S. Dickson, Postmaster. Miss gra Ma/Heigh, of Dungannon, arriv- ed in town sem Tay after a visit loftiest& in Detroit and Poetise, Mick. Miss Mabel Malln.gh, of i►eteg•naea, . peed • few days in town list week the roast of Mins Lem Pennington. Post -R. 8. Willie/Hs, of the Rask of Commerce, Gederich, and wife walked from the ooesty awe to Rrtusels last Saterday. They returned on Monday. The maty friends of the Rev. Mr. asd Mrs. (4/n. 1.41.or, formerly ill this seetien, sympathies in tits less of *Mir rely child, • hums boy of Ave yeses, .f diphtheria Mise (Aegis) Dewey, of Daren, M Mdt- tag her pares. le Mwa. fibs bee sister Mrs 30meal hem Prt .tee. Roth lades are .0 to be leek at the " aid hams " Dir. Shaw, sl/ (Males, .4in.4 the, .bow. Ry the wily, the doctor ie a frwigent visitor sad it seat b• that the fed.rt' ill bells have quite .. .ttr.etine far the mnoeelar mid hrdeams prima Masa melba LOCAL MItVITtq tine* Wensn WS. Wee , wage oda $ saps., no aM Same. end he Hale thesugh" Canada samitfis ret' c r•s is..... tier tat t! melee the b Wtwve' a / aWaIet the manual took Mr flee plasm seises o tees& ainiaiemood frees 9 • Chas. Rymeadw hos mored hie skimp w asters 1e les Wath vide el W. hart, le addition le debts Lel elms bodkins( o W prepored be sharpies m ble raise. 141.141111sed m'0" K Owiar le a mis-•elesiatfes, 114. lams si Mfrs Rath Williams did sot app..t t. Ih. liM el eesesedd mooed clam candidata We are to sate, however, thatehs rte her osf esoosd clo a Provincial ctTti Amts. Gro. W. Thro.os is lewd agent for BPI C141:ptaeates, organa, sewing machm.s, 26„ iriVa, Autes and emcee' Ober Steadies. of the boot, and at reek bottom prise. Now i the tune to par. The Ldis' Aid Society of Victoria mi. Methodist March parpe.s bolding es mew in the basement of the oburo1 mew es Tieeday the 11th of October at 730 o sleek p le. Good mseical and literary program. Admiesioe Ilia Everybody invited It has bees prised to the satisfaction of hundreds that teeth ors he extracted by the pit'•h-es ream, ming asti•ne,- , pm - p. Um t be d.esived by havisg the enamor tressweat. The ass is harmlms whilst the sibs is very danguos. If yon what the right ireaLmo..1 you can have it at my Is. ssl maw Grand Opera Herm Rock. 1•: Rieharders MARINE NOTES. Tag McIntosh arrived u an Surlsy Tree, Detroit. Ste. Moaareb called is o.. Wednesday from Swale, and wok on u'+oar'bt•,Is .,t .•1'. Ste. City 0 Wiad.or .ailed i on Satur day es her way up. and on T.. ).y on ite: hay to Detroit. 84r tear arrived on Monday fres Lora(.. with 400 tone of coal for the hulk Am.ries. Chemical Cu. VERDICT OF ' NOT GUILTY." a Obebrsa seas ere. *assessed om • 1111.... CINIT A. Toaott•to, Oat. a -As tits amines yester day Chas. Lougheed, • Christian S.... t , was pat apes trial charged with madam the death en April 19 INK, of Robert Jibe McCausland, f1: M&riea-.r et. Five days before his death the dedsa.sd, who kaa been suffering for the past :U years with a disease of tb• hoer, celled tar ngobitios the services of Mr. Loegsheed 1M sick Inas, according to Dr. w H Q etat..ne■t, w.a deprived of props soariebm.aI, .ad hens, the arrest of the Christian Scientist. While standing in the dock W prisoner, who is • Ipleadid specious el humanity. ,seated to fully realty lbs graysty of his position. As it was clearly proven that the dame of which Me(,aeelaud died wee an incurable este, Judge MacM.bus withdrew the sea from U. jury, ordenai the nature of • ver diet of "not guilty." John Stewart, who was awr.lgn.d ee ihn same charge, wee Ilb.r.ted by • ..►e tsr diet fl. method of treatment in vogue seism tM Christian Scientists h 40 mounter is plumate by .rental .rpesset. A Mage -verve\ rreaehor Dlo.vu,, Oct. A. A good deal of Interest has bees created in thsatneal and chord circles by the report that • Unita/ Ian au Icer ora. &boat 10 discard his Glen, at ohs tion for that el ea actor. The retinae is the Re.. D. Crandon, eel: -known is n helves circles is this city. NFe1 Thursday he will make his first appearance befall r Ream .udueoe. a. ''Richelieu." Peens. In .►. rood. MAuartr.1.m, (l* 3 - The British...MI Yrker, which errt.wl ye.terdar, nimbi that while she was is the Red 8.-. &ryes oil her Arab stoker. bea•me sick shortly ober estl•g dose of heir meals sad died r, thew hours after snffer..q terrible ■gent As autopsy disclosed the feet that they had eaten poi.onons fish, which had been pr ebaestl at Perim. Nn. Hereto.. tat 'e toll. WAs1nv,;TON, Ikt. 5. -Mrs 11.,rr ..'i eitreme nervespnM has disturbed her ran during the met three nights wool one .vas not feeling so well yesterday ,thornier it ■ stated, however, Obit no ne5 syn,l"cets have developed. Ir owed D.a.l t. oat. WitNirio. Oct. 1C test (ten McLeod yesterday worst agt.. for Nes say.: N. Stanley Pasha*, .se're'r d the Oxley muck, nephew of K r• N ark! Hill, Mau found she in eel yestr. 4.y. The pattieslars are cwt re: el,t*,paty.. A Wreoeb Sculptor Bend. Lowness, OetA - Ansouncestent is sods of the death of Gabriel Vital D.br.y, the French aeSlpter, in bks 73th year. sistere eras. t . Pert. PAWN, ()et 8.-Yostorday 94 sew sews d .heird d'ba wow nport.d r Paris ad. i•s .ebur14 t ► . H. Deal A. rt rived. PAIua, 0.1. S. -is sspremhtg his Wog desire for • civil funeral, M. Reuse s- idelined, "I it. L the sits.' -- is whish the cherub ..dose as a dying maw" .4111• •••• Impreppeup..t PAan., Oct. 6. -The Catmint Onkel, remedy arrested for sweating sn.I •ssah- iog • mine bar. bt.a .5.4.8054 by the Alba tribes. to period& of tmprir* mist raagisg teem 8 days se 4 seethe tle.d et apa na.A. At 44. Awsytspar. N.Y., bet. 5. --Wage E.Aem. Tait, sue e1 Assstrda.'s awe peeminest besieges nee, died this .flit - soon of dipbth.ra, .god d yin. Lewnow, Ora S. -Th. Re.. Jame 8prgeea, who h.s been very i11 with (sissy, maintains big .Ium pit A 0.,esna *AMe.I D.at. Wttit *Lunt Aril.,0et &-Adwind Deis bard, timmtnder et the G.resaa soars of evolution, died yesterday. *seem el' am Ane.sa•es Roars, Oe► 1-A despeesh hem Piss says that the wed A.erehM, wee arrested tore ea .rtivklghem _ lltrodess Is the m, I. .bet AehiaeN • polleesnn Mase neersy old • rets vaiv, .ns b.Bm p1rtiag bi seal Oram ebnsm•b4p Otee.eseesa wen I3o.e Oars b...'ms ..t (b.. 4- New Tee!. . es.alb ••mss..... ............ sit