HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 7?err a ie"t •' ' ^�- -Vat► r THE SIGNAL : GODERICH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1662. 00 JOHN T. ACHESON + + + + + + + e desire to call the attention- of oily Oastomere to our new stock of BIak and Colored Kid Gloves Imported direct frogs the makers. Every pair is guaranteed. We claim to have the beet $1.00 Kid Glove ever shown in Goderich + + + + + + + STOCK IN ALL DIPIRTHNT8 NOW COIPLBTE. INSPECTION INVITED. JNO. T. ACHESON. FALL TRADE 1892. • The Fall Season is now upon us, and, as • matter of course, FALL GOODS are in demand. We are in re- ceipt of a few lines, and shortly will have all Depart - menta fully supplied Fine Hosiery, Gloves, Imported and Domestic Woolen Yarns, Mantle Cloth and Tweed Suitings will be a marked feature, while all the other lines—too numerous to mention—will be fully up to the mark. I do not pretend to keep the largest stock, but as regards completeness of assortment, quality and price, will be found second to none. INSPECTION KINDLY INVITED. 5 PIR OHNT. DISCOUNT FOR CASH. STRICTLY ONH PBIOH. mart. ZJ'NRO, Duper and Haberdasher. 9964 CAN USE ANY WRITINGIINK. in 4 U~ J 0 i 0 DO you LIKE A STP OF GOOD TEA ? Try our Brands of " MONSOON " and "TAMILKANDE," the Finest Flavored Teas in the world. Do you want Fresh Grocerie& i aFresh Canned Goods of all kinds. M " Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. • M Choice Confectionery. « ♦ Good Cigar or GLIM of Soda Water. li yea do, ail at ZED. C. LXGNE'B Gown AND Oorracvlowse, Col. Montreal -at and Niue* ONE OF THE STAY -AT HOMES. MIT earl. fti[i{•Jt•T. •• Wbat wW P.t eves Ur'y do sew r 1 asked of -y amain, as we ...t en the versa d., one morning. and looked &arae• the Add to tee deserted looking' Grey farm hoses- " Poor P•teiswx ! toy heart aches for bar, ' said -y eosin. I looked up, at the tremor is her voice. There were tears is her eyes. • • 8M ien't so very poor, us she ! or she wouldn't be so 000sider.d here," 1 said. '• tlhs will have • thousand or two from her father's estate, t suppose, and • WORMY like Patience Grey will early e.ea her living MA Moms way." •• G Paul ! with all year learsiag you y Imam very Utile about sums things," said (atberi.e, severely. " let -e tell you. In the first place, Patience a forty ; her health M broke. ; ahs will .suer be stress again. Her or/a hove bees overtaxed for yeses. Yor fifteen yeas bas -ether bus been as is - valid, and many times she has bees at the point of death. I verily believe that Pati- ssoi .aUriag dovetails add provers ham .dol to has m.thr's life. limy times I have Meal by lira Grey's bedside, with the tat that her s.Aeringo were over, but insis nursed bar batik to tiro adman ..d again. This. were osteo west' that the devoted dagbtr did sot eo to bed at night, dad sway nights in suooe-too when her eyes were not closed. '!Cres e• ars ago Mrs. Grey died, aid soon after Mr. Grey had • paralytic stroke and until be died, • weak ago, he has been helpless ea s child. The other children west out from the .id home to banes of their own. Fred has • fine position in • bank. Walter M • teacher and comm•sds • good salary. Jaw sod Delia married well, but what has patience to show for all her • vanished yes '•. o •• Her father rave her • weekly allow- ance, surely," I acid. • Though of corse mosey cannot pay such debts, neither Gan buy such unselfish devotion." •• o," said Catherine, ••Patisow never received ay wags&. Besides the ogee of bas parents aid the housework, she employ- ed bas spare moments is doing swag .ad caking rsgu shies she and bo.gat her clothes and f rsiehoa mem little mei forte for her father esti mother besides." "•Well, I sever suppling Mr. Grey so small a mac as that," 1 raid. •• No, you misjudge him, Paul, Mr. Grey's little property was is laud, you knew, sod it was let out on shares ; and if yen kaow mytbing shoat the profits a • fano in these days, you will understand how small his Moan* was. Than there were always big doctor hills, and the debts of that • •sups goat'—lack. Ob! my blood boils when I Gunk of him ! I doubt if he ever did one thing is his life from • pure, angelfish motive, oe bas ever made the world one whit Dotter for having lived in it. He certainly never did anything to brighten kis p•e+sto' byes, and yet he will share egwIly with Patieooe in the few thou sod dollars that his father left. Oh ! Paul, this M • strange world ! Have you made the discovery that it Mao ! " • Yes," I said, "I have formed that opinion from certain phages I have sees of it. Bat, Catharine, isn't here • law of sem. pensatioo ! Do you not believe in that ! " Yes, Haul, I behove tb.n is such a Law written in the Mamie books of heaven, but there are Dose in this selfish world, ex- cept the coassioasneas of right living, .ad the joy that oases to a heart at pesos with God ad one's own conscience. Rut I do believe if there M a soft place in heaven, it is for Patience Grey, and the scores of wom- en like her, who spend their lives is unap- preciated toil and seU-s.crifos." • Bat her parents appreciated Patience's devotion, did they sot►" I asked. ' Yea, certainly they did," said Cather- ine. " Only it seemed as if they &&espied and expected it, as we do our oo-mes bles- sings of air •n.l sunshine. And Patients thought it her duty. I am sure no tis ever beam her complain." "• Bat bas brothers and sisters know .bent what you hay, told me. Surely they will give up all claims to their father. estate," I questioned. " He mast have known they would do what was right else he would have given it to Patience by will- I wonder that he did not do that. It would have been lit - tie enough, I am sure." O yes," mid Catherine, " I will tell you jest bow magnanimous they were. They came to the fusers', well-dressed, well-fed looking' people, every one of them, unless it was Jack. He did look • tittle seedy, to be sure. But he would under any circnms.ta.- oes. Patience is the youngest of the family, if you recites age aosordiag to years, but he looked almost old asegig1 to be the moth er of them a11. Well, after it was all over, and it was found there was no will, the the children agreed that Patiesoe should have whatever •rtieles of household fermi - tare she wished to keep, 'as she had taken can of her parents is their last sickness,' though to be sure she had had a good home all the- years,' as Jack said, and that was more then he could say.' You oa im- agine, Paul, how valuable the bee of the furniture would be, after the wear of sixty yam" "• But the tarn, is it to be Mold!" I asked. " Yea, as Moo. as • p.nhassr tan be foun.l " said Oatherioe. ' That wall what found, was best to be doss. An ad- vertisement d- � emsst was sent to the keel paper the week after the isar+l. They seamed in • harry to seed Patinas adrift, before abs bad time to make my plans, or adjust bar - self to her obastied eieeumet•se But they ��d ss. to give her • Mims, I g uppies!" I asked meekly, famine a •term of wrath whisk I eew gathering in my ages in'. has w.sM burst as my defenceless heed. " O yea, they WON through that form - .k," mid (Libras&. " They knew very well Palliates would sever be depasdent up- as their bounty. 'Though I haven't • dealt but she will ge is them whenever they esu sick, and go thrssygk tis oM routine of am- Greyagain. O►, MiPsMs.o. will Ani a Melee 611, 1 blare no doubt Mrthal And her home •ban be hers seal she Asa.. bet- ter plain. She knees ohs bas sue friend who loves her for herself .k d tiis Our Mead - ship bas Moe tr.t a year.," Happy Fatlenes Ona► t " I .M. For weU I hosier whoever pied say gamin's af- bd rd. Ma f•Mtig.- aa bias, ewswer. Ir ass. Waft A ave far aseis*eres- are iesagassw. >k. Hai- isms, while le Ohs Husky Wes- tdas, diem.. -ad a test that whoa esmbisd with stir herbs makes ss e q sad weals ears far seseelpttea It b is the feta of dry mots asd leaves► sea M knswn as Lseb Ydieia s It willows ebk-b_sassha iso ib• ices.& brat sea lidos" sad he ~Ai ne the mesekeliseM lass imam DregdMa=N M 110A • pssity_►-#rst frrtmwr.enamsus fw ■loses&.. OPULgR I.,E A SII TC ROFITABLE THREE P's IN - ONE POD. THE PRICES ARE POPULAR THE GOODS ARB PLEASING 1 TRADING WITH ME 18 PROFITABLE ALECK SAUNDERS, TREET Has all kinds of Novelties for the Kitchen, And will procure New Things as fast as they appear. GRANITE OLEAN, IRONWARE J DURABLE ANOTHER LARGE STOCK—Ta HAND IN SAUCEPANS, PORRIDGE BOILERS, TEA AND COFFEE POTS, PUDDING PANS, PRESERVING SETTLES, Etc. THE NEW WHITE -WARE Handsome for the Table, Durable for Cooking, Chemically Pure. HAND -MADE RE -DIPPED TINWARE 1s SELLING FAST Nothing like it has ever bean sold in the town. I have it in all lines. THE 0 LY PLUMBING SHOP IN THE grovnt SANITARY PLUMBING AND HEATING. Al. B. CORNELL TSE WILDING— VP' McLean's Block—On the Square--McLean's Block, BrtLL OOIuINUns TJ OONDUCT FUNERALS ATyxle USUAL LOW PRICES. Remember, 110 HIGH CHARGES. The best stock in the county to choose from. 2 first-class hearses. Don't fail to give him a call and save money. Prompt attendance. ,''N0 CHARGE FOR HEARSES. A. B. CORNELL, On the Square. EVERYBODY USES EDDY'S MAJCH ES BEST QUALITY. SURE LIGHTER_ a PA-MI—ACM ToRoxm BRANCH -39 Front -et. Wtstt MONTREAL BRANCH -518 St. James -at Hannon' WORK&—Hull, Canada. UNDERTAKERS J_ SROveititY i SON Have added to their prompt business orae of B. J. Nash's Lust Style d Oity Hearses, also the finest line of funeral fasaishinp in the county, end are now prepared to eorwioct ?anorak at D=Ings rasW>abuL This department will be strictly attended to by his son William, who, in the employ of the Ws. D. Gerdes Iso the past ea years, has a knowledge of the bosiasse, end by prompt atsenties hsps to share part of pibhc patromtga Remember the plane— Ws0N►, els wayyour te tie aim Give tui a call. WHY Does GEO. BARRY, the Goderich furniture dealer and undertaker, keep the best stock of furniture and undertaker'. supplies 1 And how is it that he can sell so cheap f BECAUSE He finds that it pays in the long run. Ilia motto is : " Small Profits and Quick Re- turns." He also makes a specialty of picture framing. Give him a call before pporches- ing ehiewhere. Embalming Fluid always on hand. 2357-y Patronise True Competition. Competition. J. BROPHBIY &;'BON.