HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 66
OCTOBER 6, 1892.
Is superior to all other prepare-
tionsdaiming to be blood -purifiers.
First of all, because the principal
ingredient used in it is the extract
of genuine Honduras sarsaparilla
root, the vanet�rtest in medi-
cin:et ptopertics. Also, because
Cures Catarrh dock
the ye
raised expressly for the Company,
is ale ays fresh and of the very
best kind. With equal discrimina-
tion and care, each of the other
ingredient • selected and com-
pounded. it is
superior Medicine
b:.ause it is always the same in
appearance, fl.tvur, and effect,
and. being highly concentrated,
only small doses are needed. It
therefore, the most economical
bla.'J-it_trifler in existence. It
Cures makes food nour-
ishing, work
SCROFULA pleasant, sleep
refreshing, and
lit. otitavable. It searches out all
impurities in the system and expels
them harmlessly by the natural
channas. AYER'S Sarsaparilla
gives elasticity to the step, and
imparts to the aged and infirm,
renewed health, strength, and
pr�.p.,.d chem J C. Ayyer a Co.. Lovell. Mae
5.4J t,a at'�Dratggist.: Pry, $' , ra butts.. tit.
Cures others, will cure yse
1 am one of these odd meo who believe in
turning everything to some moral purpose.
la making this personal statement, 1 do not
mean to be egotistical, not in the least, but
seemly to express a patent fact of which all
lay acquaintances are cognizant.
For example, while I like an entertaining
story as well as anybody, I want at to be
something more than that : 1 wast the
author deftly to point a moral lesson. Not
ubstruaively,of course, for that would defeat
the very purpn.e of the tale, but with suf-
ficieut clearness to make it Ay to the mark
like an Indian's arrow.
Well, you see, 1 noticed on levers! oera-
mons In my travels that certain hawkers dos
played the marvels of an Edison phonograph
at tire cents a display for each person
While they made a mercenery use of this
wonderful instrument, the thought struck
ate in a kind of sudden, spontaneous way.es
all the inspirations of genius do, that I might
stilts. the phonograph for the moral better.
anent of to)- own neighborhood.
And so 1 procured one of these instru-
meota and took it borne.
Why, Cantwell, w bat under the blue
dome are you going to do with that mach-
ine!" exclaimed my maiden ester, as I en-
tered the house.
• Oh ! you'll en is good time,- I replied
reservedly-. a
• I hope so," she said, Laughingly. " No
doubt it's one of your odd furors again."
Furor or no furor, I had a well-defined
plan in my mind as to the use I expected to
make of my new Edison machine. My op.
portunity came sooner than 1 expected.
The next day I noticed incidentally that
Mrs. Te1W was paying a visit to Mrs. Lap -
sus Linguae, and knowing that they were
the most notorious gossips in the commun-
ity, keeping it in a constant broil, 1 hur-
ried up to my room for the phonograph.
Then I hastened down to the bonne of Mrs.
Lpsus Linguae.
• Why, Mr. C-a-a-rtwell Jo -o -ns., what
are you doing with that' machine'" broke
out that lady, as 1 stood in the door. "Are
you going to tura agent'"
, Oh, no, not •t all," I returned ruavely-.
" 1 have • very cunoua instrument here,
with which 1 intend to give an Instructive
public exhibition in a few days in one of the
halls down town. ran I leave it here in
the room a couple of hours' It is a little
anwieldv, and I should like to go down
town and attend to state husiuea; and then
i will come back with an express wagon tor
the machine. Have you any objections to
or leaving it' "
"• None at .11," she replied obliran ly.
" Hadn't you better bring it into the par
for where It will nut be spoiled
"• It isn't necessary," 1 hastened to ex•
plain. " 1 will set it right ben oe the
Nand. There are no children about to med-
dle with 11.-
1 put it on • small table as near as i
could to the place where i supposed the tomo
comps wouldsit, and then aljwtd the
receiving diaphragm " so that it would
faithfully register on the wax cylinder env
erythins that was said.
•' it is to bat for the machine to be in
operation while 1 am gone." i sepia:sed,
" You needn't he afraid of it. It isn't in
the least dangerous. 'nerviest), be a slight
ticking, but that need not interrupt your
emarmeat ion "
f Ih ' we shan't mind it at all. assured
lire Iapetus Linguae.
1 west my way, but cogld scarcely keep
my face from betraying my feeling of tri.
*mph as 1 lifted my hat_ It was several
hours 1.efore 1 fouled it cn.iven,..t to return
for my phnsogr•ph.
Whet do you call this machine'"quar-
eel INta. Tellall. as 1 entered the noon
" A phonograph," 1 answered.
" Well, what kind of an exhibition are
yogi going to give
"• If rat arc very anxious to know," i re-
joined, .mileng blandly, '• I will give yeti a
an•ple r.f the Werk dews. Ivy this wnnd•rfnl
instrument Io on Dare to hear it •"
"tt1., yes both muses erel.imd al
most in concert
it took me hut • .torment to rentor. the
" revel* ng diaphragm.- and slip in the re
srn.Inctng dianhrwgm and sd$W the other
parts of the machine so that it would report
the latest impreesome it had reasrded. Time
tae women were perfectly gimlet for coos is
timer hon., listsmiig intentt when sudden -
oily alehaat.! imitt is the prseise tome
•• Have re hotted of w atrial .salol
hone( eir.etaMWe Pur.imam ! "d abase
Why, no whet is the world le t. t "
tied to m.ei.. 1. the Iageiritive teem
of lira Laguna laag...
, Yes maws would have •angio it. 1
kaow, het they a tam they want to to
Tastere last even with that s.morsotr
Mrs. dempl and here the'homograph
gave • remised d mob a sake bet of goalp
that it W01144 have reeled to arob-eaandal
manager d the world.
I glanced over at my two oompaa1oss,
tad observed that they had turned as white
as the puppies !gabbing aur to wnsdow.
Thor eyes began to dilate wider tad wider
as they mored at to talkie/4
Ta more it reported of the od
had joint been eagagsd to, the mors they be-
came horrified, until at Iength Mrs. lapses
Liagtas sprang to her feet and at, Mimed,
in • vows tomes with anger ; ' Mr. Cart -
won Joao, shut op that talkie' maahiae's
month this very e.in*W ! "
' Why ! " I questioned u.00s.tly. " It
is doing troll. isn't it wonderful! Just
hams ! How precisely it nous the
Wein of those two ladies rorsi themsel-
ves with that choice morsel of scandal
It would be • pity to interrupt the inter-
esting oo.v.reatioa. 1 w anxious exc.ed-
agly &&stints, Mrs. Lapses 1ruguae, to
hear the sed er it."
' Mr. Cartoon Jonas," she again broke
out, "do you hear me' Remove that talk -
nog =schuss at ones, this m1t:ate."
Thai you enjoy the ladles' dialogue!"
I asked, pretending to be surprised. "Can
I be mistakeu in my judgment ot your char
actor1 auppo..d you would find such •
coareratioi lust to your taste"
Mts. Lapses I.i ngu•e sank back int., her
chair with • deep sigh, and not . word was
td fur Boum momenta save by the phono-
graph, which had passel glibly from one
piece of gossip to another.
Ugh " greased Mea. Tellall "1 caa't
bear this any longer. Stop it, Mr. dimes,
atop it for -for heav-for pty's sake ! D -o -o
d -o -o, stop it ! "
" I hope It doesn't worry you Ladies," 1
rejoined. '• This is to be part of the pro-
gram for my exhibition down town next
Friday evening.'
•' You don't intend to make that machine
tell all that ,tuft before a public audience In
the town hall, do you, Mr. Jones' " cried
Mn. Lapsus Linguae, starting to her feet
in dismay.
" Certainly," 1 replied, more or Ism non
uhalautly. • That conversation will be very
.lust thou 1 stopped with some surprise,
for the pb000graph was saying in Mrs.
T.tW I's confidential toner :
" 1)o you know, Mrs. Linguae, that the
report is going the rounds that Mr. Cartwell
Jose has been jilted by Mir Dunbar •-"
"Oh, o -o -h ' for Pity's rake, Mr. loam,
do turn it off ' 1)o ! ' pleaded Mn. Tellall
coming towards me, and wringing her
hands, while the pearly teals stood on her
cheeks. "111 never tattle again about my
ueighbors-never, if you'll only turn oil
that horrid machine"
•• Well 1 guess I will," 1 said seeing that
the phonograph dialogue was beocmtng
rather personal. I kit my face flushing,
too, at the reference to nay bring jilted by
my betrothed. So I stopped the phono-
graph, and lead gone to the door with it,
w hen Mrs. L ap.ua Linguae interposed.
•' You won't let that awful machine go
over that horrid talk of ours, on Friday
evening, will you!" she said, bursting into
• Why not'" i asked naively.
"011, it would be awful ! Hoo, hoo, hue,
boo ,
, Don't you like the conversation," I
asked a little sharOy.
, No I don't. Boo,hoo' I never knew
before how awful it must sound for two
women to rpend three hours in nothing bat
goesip. I'll never do it again, never.'
•' Nor i, chimed in Mrs Tellall.
•' All right, ladis•e," I said leniently. "On
those conditions 1 promise not to let my
phonogrash report you at the exhibition,
(hood day)." -
' (;ood day, Mr. 1. nes they said tear-
I walked home In • very meditative
frame of mind.
"What a wonderful isvat1011 is the
phonograph '" 1 said to myself. "Edison,"
i conttnud, apostrophizing the inventor,
"you are a greater genius than you suspect
If i may vary Buren' famous lines to suit
the circumstances I should say that you
have, by your marvellous ingenuity, en-
able, us to bear huntel's as tither. hear
Permit me to add, en peasant, that my
phonograph is still engaged in • work of
moral trnovstion int;my neighborhood. - -
New 'York Observer."
maay A Yeats man.
‘1' hen from over -work, possibly assisted
by an inherited weakness, the health fails
and rest or medical treatment must he re-
sorted to, then no medicine cud be employed
with the mite beneficial results as Sttr.tt's
Emulsive. 2
A Telae retaking.
The wont about that citizen who turned
up alive after he was torrid u that it giro
the envious entail soiled cities of the land •
chance to say Philadelphians are so .low
they don't know when they're dead.
Ieteer Thais fist/.
ttr'rt.reatt,-I have used Fowler's Ex-
tract of Mild Strawberry for bowel coni.
plaint and can say there is no other remedy
as good.
Mea JAMES Thomson,
2 Lake Ion, Ont.
Tike hers, Knew.
Woman (to herself. it scares me half to
death to drive this horse. i wonder what
he'll do next.
Horse (to himeelf)-That must oe a
woman driving or 1 wouldn't he jammed
isle every thine on the read.
The S. N. A. Aon •
The great British North America art now.
• days is to buy • bottle of H. H. B , and
cure yourself of dyspepsia, constipation
headache, liver complaint or had blood, and
it i, an act that always attains the desired
result. - 2
A Maser.
Muss (;asket fat 11 30 p no 1- i)o yes
know, Mr Sappy, 1 am sure you would
make an excellent editor of • sewapapsr.
Sappy (plowed) - Weally. n ,w, Miss (;as-
Miss t: sks, Indeed, 1 do. ''our .mote
amnia to he, " i have cane to stay."
Worm w Weaker.
(;s'irt.awts, i mnfered for three days
very e.v.r.ly from Summer ev+mpkaint sad
could est get relief bat kept gettiag warm
and worst till ohm pain woe almost nnhoar-
•l.le and i became very weak. Some friends
adviawl Ur. Fowler s Extract of Wild
Strawberry, and after 1 had taken ohm fire
dope 1 rotted mach relief and it did sot fail
to mire use. 1 tie sot intend to be without
this valuable .sdici.e if 1 nen help it.
Wu. T Oe.y+e,
2 Wilfred, Ont.
Wawa anima Isom mese the, le eat
is When • measer-steabs M area dew
• Itrebellious
a .w. child Qat gees oat d tie
roses wham the old mean smash- W them►
Weems sever Meteor. When they wast
toshey sem ay "yes" without • stammer.
Amy pesos cat pi thee bat the qua"
bus is what is he going to do after his
t'otmata -"Rattled tokiem.• " "Hoer
uspsd•str "But he was interspi.d."
Row ponying!"
Yoaaa Housekeeper -Have yyaaee scene hese
alt? Gomm Yes, ma'am. Yeaag hauls
keeps- la it fresh!
When mea pictures • haven for Wawa
he always has 6w owe entasia right in to
Dater of at.
Hu Rep.tatiee-••l dost thiak—" I m-
gaa Howell titbit's•. '8o I have hard,"
garckly responded to cruel girl
It is • terrible wrench to oar's ooefidssm
in human mature when your family phyma
ci•m any. he's sorry to find you Ill
Helen If papa doesn't like George why
is he so ourdial : Tom --He says it's such •
mvi..g of the ps tor him to visit often.
It has not yet occurred to to dictio.•ry-
sakers to classify "phonograph" as • form.
neat uogin, amply because 11 talks back.
Possibly the future politician's earliest im-
to smash the ,late ls whee as • boy ha
Ws to go back to school after venins.
She-len't that sign Deer the door-
•liente' Clothin' - horrible lsngluh' H. -
Oh, no ; that's • three -dollar pouts Mama
"Al, she murmured, as her father bustl-
ed two would-be visitors from the frost
door. "I think 1 hear the rustling of the
Walking is said to be the beat exorcist
for brain workers, and it is worthy of not*
that brain workers can seldom afford to do
anything else.
Then is • great deal in the papers now
about lightweight., but we believe the or-
dinary ton of coal is still the champion bight
Sinl --Doss your husband still practioe
aeon ou aa he did when be was single'
Wile , no ; be contents himself with
preaching it tome.
He -Ike you dawnoe' She (who has bean
informed that he is • bore)- No. He -
Neither do I. Let's spend the evening just
talking to each other.
A t -•cation in Town. -Analis--Ihd (Sola
Ise Bohrman enjoy his vacation at the sea-
side! Amelia -I don't Insole, but his
friends in town did.
Chappie-I did not catch Mrs. Hietnpa's
tenet. I wonder if it was Unneeded for
me! Bea --No, 1 know it was not, for ss.
and, "A word to the win u enough."
He was a very absent-minded mad "I
am very fond d•f fruit," she said. '•I just
dote on lemons." "Yam." he melted, "you
know the eaying-':)wests to the sweat'
Minnie- -I simply couldn't have refund
Jack after be offered me this beautiful ea•
gagement ring. t;l•dys-Yes, Jack has al-
ways placed gnat reliance in that ring.
May -Can you look me in the face and
tell me you weren't intoxicated last nipght!
Frank Yes, darling ; but I couldn't look
you in the face tad not be intoxicated now.
Eve --Addy, my dear, Pm going mhopp{olag
this morning. Can you let me have $1100,
Adam -Great heavens, Eve' You seem
to believe the report that I'm made of dust.
Visiting Jeweler -I aveu't seen an opal -
faced watch .none I carne to Ashbury Park.
Patrolman --Vis, sor. It's ag'in ordhers.
Figgen is not allowed to be ism and OS
the bache.
Irate passenger (sa train is moving DIT)--
Wby t6dn t you put my luggage in am I
told you! Porter- Eh, moos ; Ivo 1.
is not sic • fule as yet.el'. Ts re i' the
wrong train.
The e;reen-Eyed Master. -less --They
went to the mountains on their wedding
trip, and Ethel was wretched. Bess -
What was the trouble' .Jess -George fell
in love with the scenery.
Mother -New you have broken my cup.
You deserve • whipping. Come hen.
Frit: --No ; I won't come. Mother -Come,
Frit:, till I whip yon, and then you shall
have tslice li f cake.
An Oversight.--He-1)o you know it has I
always seemed strange to me that I hays'
never sonic' She -Dar me, haven't
any of the girls ever given you their rete is 1
for refusing you'
Mamma (to the profeasor,wbose ears ays
been lacerated for an hour) -Don't you
think the dear child should have her voice
cultivatel' The professor (grimly) -Yom,
if she must sing.
"1 hope you appreciate the fast, sir, Chet
in marrying my daughter you marry a large.
hearted, generous girl." 'I do, sir (with
.amotionsl, and 1 hope she inherits those
qualities from bee father."
Little Tommy Wbykia hal been area -
hag with • piece of hardtack. "Mamma,"
Oddi he, after a silence. "What is it!'
"11 pullparrota get all the cracker they
ask for, I dos .% wonder they learn to
[Maim -This is the best parrot we aye,
bat i wouldn't .ell him without letting you
know his one fault ; he'll .wear if kis fend
doesn't suit him. Mies Fits --I'll take hiss;
it will ..em quite like having • man in the
Mrs Chugwater-Josiah, last Saturday
was my birthday, and you forgot all aboet
it ' Mr. Chugwater -Why, Samantha,
dear, the time per.. ---b en -e. swiftly 1.
your society that your birthdys-er-dams
rotted before I know it.
Mr. Lather Excuse nee, Mie Snapper,
but I have long sought this opportunity to
Mie Snapper -Neve mini the pre-
amble, Nr. Lurker. Run right in ted ash
p.. He's been expecting this would eons
for the last two yearn
His one hops. -"I suppose there is De
way of soaping this doowid .pdemmie," -
Iiloquised ('hippie,'lint .neon it hoe M
cane i hope we may get it by way of cosh
old Lun.os." To which Cae11y lettered a
devout and nnsstlag "Haw 1"
"How in to world did y Fidgety
oomne to marry the 'MOMS he dirt' Why.
.he is fifteen yarn older than ha, at the
Inst. " 1 don't Imola how ith•ppmd I
asked Fidg.ly the other , •af 6. admit-
dmitted that he hadn't figured it out yet him -
Garsletos (in the mountains) -1 tioeght
it was against the rules of this hems to give
tip.. Waiter --So hit am, ale ; but I
ain't heard eh say isle 'gairst • relines
leadin' um•11 tome to a waitah on iodated*,
time, wif no .tpertatiess oh interest or
totem X01) III lanterry, ash.triad, I nes mot necsal to troth hepeer
m yea
..7 bteg�. Yoe hay..te) half whiner to
Nve." Editor(aeries(feebyI-- hooter, will
you please tell the fereaa., wham i me gems,
to place ley obituary es the fleet page.
top e1 a beano, mit to panattest
1 treed., If 1 am eztrevspt is
myself f is theelasery In was la y t -
Martinsville, N.J., Methodist Pu-
sonage. " My acquaintantfr with
your remedy. Boacbee's German
Syrup, was made about fourteen
years ago, when I contracted a Cold
which resulted in a Hoarseness and
a Cough which disabled me front
filling my pulpit for a number ot
Sabbaths. After trying a Physician,
without obtaining relief -I cannot
say now what retuedy be prescribed
-I saw the advertisement of your
remedy and obtained a bottle. I
received such quick and penncntut
eelp from it that whenever we have
had Throat or Bronchial troubles
since in our family, Boachee's Ger-
man Syrup has been our favorite
remedy and always with favorable
results. I have river hesitated to
report my experience of its use :
others when I have found theri
troubled in like manner." Rsv.
of the Newnrk, New A safer
Jersey, M. E. Confer-
ence, April 25, 'coo. R•mody.
C. G. GREEN, Sete Maa'fir,Woodbury,NJ.
tetra tad the /free Teems nem
The wise old Hassam sat In his door, when
three young men pressed eagerly by.
Are ye following after any one, my
saw '" he said.
•• I follow after Pleasure, " said the old-
•• And I after Richer, " said the second.
" Pleasure is only to be found with Riches."
•' And you, my little one'" 130 asked of
the thiel.
• I follow after Duty,- he modestly maid.
And each went Ms way.
The aged Haeao in be journey came
urea three men.
My sou, " he said to the eldest, " me-
thinks thou were the youth who was fol
lowing after Pleasure. Dhd'.t thou over-
take her'"
•• No, father,' at/teeny' the tan.
•• I';•+euro is but a phantom that dine ss
ose approaches. "
„Thou did'st not follow the right way•
My w..
' How did',t thou fare"be asked of the
•• Pleasure is not with riches, " he
•' And 11.0.'7' continued Haman, addrvs
nog the youngest.
, As 1 w*lkeel with Duty, " he replied,
" Pleasure walled ever by my side.
"• It is always thus, " said the old man.
" Pleasure pursued is mot overtaken. Only
her Oath.. is caught by him who pursues.
She herself goes hand in hand with Duty,
and they who rake Iluty their companion
have also the compsaiosship of Pleasure.
Tatars • arstmsas is Melling
rF E:Xt J WLER'5
Another consignment of English
Tweeds and Worsteds, suitable
for Ladies' Jackets and Gents'
Suiting', quality unsurpassed.
Market down away below the
regular prices to clear out and
and make roots for New Fell
Boots and Shoes
in this Department I have •
large and trek -selected stock, di-
rect from the hest manufacturers,
hence i can guarantee the hest
possible value for the least mon-
ey --quality considered.
in chore patterns and A 1 qual-
ity, ('heap. Also • lot of Travel-
lere' Samples, and odd lines in
(ll•eaware, eta., which I have se-
cured at • bargain, and will sell
sway below their actual vale.
Full lines in Family (lroceriee.
A full supply of all kinds of
Paint. and Chia kept constantly
on hand.
Patent Medicines a specialty.
Artistic designs in Stetting Silver
and Silver Plate ; the very best, only;
suitable for Wedding Gifts.
In Fancy China we lead. Carlsbad
Dresden, Elite Limoges, &c., in Um-
brella Stands,
Rose Bowls, Salad
Bowls, and other lines ; also an ele-
gant line in German China, much
The only display of Banquet and
Piano Lamps in town.
Lemaire's Opera Glasses in Orient-
al, Smoke and White Pearn.
Solid Gold Pens, Pencils, Button
Hooks, &c.
Stationers and Booksellers.
Hones need 1t during Pall mirk.
usserp.ss.d roe hose ftbeuldsrs, tuts, ea.
oto., a Horse.
Prepared is • erodes. matter, day or might. Quallo 1• of am timarausee.
now prepared.
y� .01 lad all that la required. aad at prlesake as stay.
haveeot got io this dep•nmeUt. tka
Tht is where we shim-a.rryiag oke mo.
complete hoe in this musty.
hie mop goods allowed to the sere.
Our general Mr lw•re stock is sort complete and well bought. Our Prim solidt u
tendon sad we your patr.asae-
It makes little differ-
ence what others say,
the leading place in the
trade for years and
years has been occupied
O r. Ifmstst sad Square.
P.S.—The latest and beet Spring
and Summer design just to hand.
We have just .naiad • way asks hs e[
—OOlratirrnra ay
Which we guarantee to sell at least
10 Cents per Pound Cheaper
Than can be bought from pedlara A trial order vireos -
wince you of the truthfalae■s of this sseertion.
sell the beat OOFTZE obtainable.