HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1892-10-6, Page 5• TIIE SIGNAL: GODBRIOH, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 189 5 THE CANADIAN BANK UF COMMERCE L3TAKIMt*D 1M1. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. rp,yM. (AI or) Mi 111111.1.5011 DOLLARS . 1111.000.00 0. SWT. a E. WALKER, GrNIaAI MANAMA. SI,000,000. GODERICH BRANCH. A o , sleAl. BARIUM RIMIIMM TmAit*OTto FAaMsav Norte DierioUNnO. DaAFT6 ISSUSD PAYABLE AT AL, POINTS NI CANADA. AND Tt a PMNCtPAI ctvite el TM! UNrTto STATII GMAT BRITAIN, FRANC/. B1RMuoA, as fs*V1MSS RANK D[FARTA6[NT. DgeopTS OF 54.00 AND UPWARDS MO(IVt0. ANO CUNRENT NATE$ tris IN TERaeT LLoweri rNTtiNrT AGO= 1tD TIN Owe1O/ML AT THIS IND Or WAY AIM •.aa IN [AO/l 1Ma. {pedal AMeei lN. ghee IM lb* Illedleation of ^crtr.--ale' 1st ane. ▪ FatmerS' Estes R•IN. R. S. WILLIAMS, Manager. MIZAINO Li11Ks. noterle.d has • 600-ye•r-yld hotel, The Isle of Guernsey exact* • tan from all tma. A Brs.klyu actress named Brown spalls r name llrvuglt•s. it is ons claimed that fast trains are safer an ,aw oras. The lank of Ragland requires sixty folio Lou. for us doily {{wants. Their are tt00 bathhouses ui Tok u, pea, to w hick • hath can be had for nue it. A man of ,clestce In fier•tauc uaruwns it it a front meteors that all our diamonds se Japan is shaken 500 times a year by th.ivakes. and has 700 stations erected ohsenin1 mouth shock& l tuhp {bow has hem held manually at t Orange Tres Inn. Batley, a small vil e near Macclesfield, Eagle/ad, for the a arty -seven years. laden headed Data are use) by moms moths for roofing purposes. The teat Ar !knees the head ever the bole in the and laking is so prevented. N.r 1.uwhamps bees lav their hooey in Mery of wax abort as large as • pigeon's mmol not in combs. The homey never ,lens awl in of as oily cooautency. 1.co.r.limg to the lest ceases returns Eng- ,' pose -mei no fewer than 70,0110 oath - ,t and gn..+ma 56,230 male indoor ser- a. and 1,2111,000 female indoor servant& s :.t.,.uth Greenland the color of the hair ion which woman ties round her Mad .its. the notal condition of the wearer, •cher she be maid or wife or widow. aonon have hese in ..as since 1330. The L. were the hrst Europeans to utilise at to 1463, at the siege of Adrianople, it was{ owtary Inter that England ie - to manufacture them a an i.dicatios of the thrift amospt working oleasss of Frame it is stated there are now 6,tP)0,000 depositors i. French savings beaks. with an &omi- t ted feed of not lees than f112,t100,000- t Cob.., • lawyer bequeathed the sum ",000 francs to a neilhouse in that to- y "I earned this looney,- W.1 he to MU, "from thaw who spent their 1i1e- in lawsuits- This legacy is only • tubes." tree Rawm graves were loud by work. near Hagman, ra Aimee, Germany, • in rodt time ago rodcc..litio n. Faeh e contained a Rumen warrior's elude - his sans, armor and many Roman 1.e latst form of steamship propeller as English invention. It is (Warned es when in motion there ea no weight of .•t .n the blades on the rise and hll of propeller, due to the pitching of the el feather merchant of Faris has lately 6,100 birds of paradise, 300,0110 an birds of venous specie. and 4(10,0t$) tmuig hirda. Another dealer hail receit .,1rs1 birds from America bad 100,000 a.\fr.a. b. oldest ararchair in the world is the or ..ice used hy Queen Hatafn, who ribbed in E1P-pt 16111 B. 1. 1t re made loony, beautifully carved, aid is so hand 1 with age am u. appear to be carved a black marble. is not generally known that an in the exact center hy • ride ball wt 1 amts at ow -e from sight. Suck, however, to fact. Sleeting it through the center t.'rs it in such infinitesimal pieces that s! roes lost to sight. Trete, w•a • name formerly given to u.sgtnan Tisa of the went. Carver, NB • :.•an traveller, mention" it in 1763. 1 'thing the river he evidently confound• t w ith the Missouri, but the none was ply applied to the pretest .tate of that M he �wediah government has adopted a • ani kel.w gunpowder which is sod tc • the follovnag advantage. It is easy uanufavture, produces no flame and doss heat the ries. It gives the hall an roa- eiLaity of 2,100 fest with • pressure of Mitt atre' .phere& lot , leotard is • pas about six hat are mod open at the top cad it N e eh , prno.ar as though it were shat 11 • lox. This is because buxom a sl* begin their Right by a short rum, they cannot or will sot attempt to fly let they .an do so. u not true that Sir Charles Rowell has W OW to give sp his privet* practice on 'ointment to office. Mr. faadatum oily hays expected that Sit Charles ild bursae to sash an absurd ich, though it in theory is poseblyy cel• t is utterly impossible m practice. 1. Maxim Lemont* is shoot to i.tinedinse ill into the Is malt a.o.. provitibig • "morn penalty bad • year's ,.r o- 0 owl s fine of •+,(100 franca for •�1� on • duelif the dneliet shall hate 4d Itis ram the maximum pM•lty will be se year. imprisonment. and I0,0l 0 fame tart Reefer and Charles Lemma, of Deo Mines. were both in live with the 1e pit sod they to battle the oat. d nealry by a ;rill the presence of 'rime woman. 1(be was welebing the • tit fromleggy, when the awes took and ran, [browing her out sad maw fatal inJnries 1 angular freak of rater. may he observ- .n of Ashbarnhsm, Maes. Persona dog clown under • tree and /recd bel rwe.tb, bet it W two hinds that of • piss and that et en 1• irh may be distinctly saw frees • 4'l In aril hll of the year hens WI u' side aid ammo .0 the other. tt th. new knew for fresh air Andres e • . i . N.J. the nate 01 Christ ... add.,.... the 111 Umt Tela{ Ae fey hot► is tasdwd to � Isstesil.. of the Wekeaaldm 1n fie atMINI knit In its dlise e - w ""el,"by ,by the am that seised Ree 'r` catered. "*1. i warms the .cart •.4 dealer it, he said. rhea, after • moment, added : "Now, whet is sin r "%Porins'" cisme back the answer from has juvenile endimcs. A Philadelphia physician who has just r.turne.l from • tap to England, says "1 stopped with a gentleman in Livertrrol who u aaliag • fortune out of msie of the most curious applications of the drop.{. psiny.t. the slot idea that 1 have ever sees. In England, by the way, they use it for a dozen things that we know scathing tot in the country The use of it to which 1 al- lude, is the tarnishing of illuminated gee to small consumers. A small device in fastened to any ordinary gars ureter, and each tuns a Dopper peony is dropped in a slot a curtain amount of gas is let into the meter, sad thence into the pipe leading to the burner. A hole dial shows how much gee is admr Led to the meter, and • dawn or more peo- nies Dia be dropped in in suooeesiou if the purchaser e, desires. Over 4,000 of them are now in use in Liverpoolmut the demand for them in that and other big cities s so great that the oompsa, ownrsg the patent cannot at present begin to make them fast eamigb to supply it." SEWARD STORIES. Meese«, t1e Was Sliest Ma..yPer,e.sdon XN Rirlleve He Wee a Or.•at Man. William H. Seward mend to tell some in- teresting stories of hie.dveut into politics It amused him greatly, be used to say, to see the surprise detected i porn the fame u1 politicians who had heard of him, but had never sem him before. He was so slight of figure and so boyish looking that it seemed impassable that he could be really the bril- liant William H. Seward of whom they had heard so touch. Mr. Seward used to say that the young mu, who wee 5 feet 10 or velar. mai of splendid physique, hail. real deal twitter chance to get aloes rn poities than the little fellow, tuck as he was. One day at the seashore he WAS introduc- ed to a famous politician as Mr. Seward. "Seward ' 1 uu come from New York State ! ' "Yes, that is my home." "Well, I have heard of • Seward there who they say i going to make a great tante for himself, •.d the one that the Whigs ran for I :overnor lastear. Do you happen to know Mm ! Perhaps he is a relative of years r "I1*, yes, I know him, or suppose 1 do. 1 ought to, for I am the Seward you refer k,. "What you! Pardon stn, bit you are a mere boy' "Nevertheless, 1 am the Sew rt who ra. for Governor last year." tepli.d Mr. Se- ward. Iaughtug very heartily over the serptries exposed by this famous politi- cian. He used to tell mother story that seemed to give hint great joy to repeat. When he was • member of the State Senate the first time he received • tnesnge frau ace .1 the most distinguished politician" m New York askt.g for an interview. Mr, Seward felt pls.sed to be honored thus, sod arraying ( in his Sunday clothes, which can - tested of • blue broadcloth coat, cut ewe]. low -tail fashion. light ..hired trousers, strapped over the gaiters, • very high dickey oddlsr and stiff stock, sad a bell-crowned beaver hat, he went to call us the distinguished mut. He was received in the parlor, and the politician, while mut-- mous, urtaws, was told and distant, treating him with utmost formality Mr. Sewed mid : "I thought perhaps yob. had atm, special huarneis will, ne. "No, sir, I do not thick of any : in fact, 1 supposed you were paying me a call of !mere "But �tI received a merge from yon_" "I do sot remember to have sent one I 11ot •zp.eti g this afternoon a visit from rs11Slor Seward. Maybe my request has Hummed. I did not catch your none." "Why, I am Senator Seward, 1 iemeraL" The politrlaa arose from his seat, weds to Seward, put his hada on hie should rte, and said : "Well, Senator, you will pardon me, i know. I suppneed you wars a young beau who had tolled with n lurking duke to meet my daughter. Let me apolo- aLa by saying that yon have indeed an old Ldp on young shoe dere." The he •b•.done4 his formal mariner and an atimacy was began which lasted for years. ()me of the best stories Seward told weed a reception he had while Governor of the State. He gave it in honor of Millard Fill- more. A great many people knew neither Seward nor Fillmore by sight. Fillmore wee a splendid specimen of sturdy manhood, n early etz feet in het'ght. He stood at Sew. •rd's left sad the /QRNeses between the men was oinking. Of the throng that pass- el by those who were not acquainted with either Seward or Fillmore sainted Fillmore e se Governor, and he teemed M Reward and said : "ll-► does essay people mistake and col rme Governor r' "Ah," said Seward, "It is because in the popular mind there is an instantly feeling that • great office should be filled by • man who is physically great .a you are. Fill ✓ ose. R hen people me me they think same mistake has hese nude and that is saws way or other • boy has bees cheese Governor. -New York Sam A Madera 1111e.M fMet., A hand of falric•tors of ralesmossy were Venom at tes• the other day i. cats i ▪ {tion with them, or surmised to he, is • certain Radio fiiovanerdi, of whom the Italwp•pen resent extasordi.ary Marten. Heb 33 years of age, and i5 very wet known to the provisoes attar Verona. amid km been oessideed by the people there e • meet d (:east ideate ()This. His life, b fact, seems to have bees • mystery. Rise mean sago he was • pone werkw•• in • foolery .mar Venom O.e day, Mow, we, he told Venom his employs that he would leave theca, ea he ales was gaisg to do the Signals (the jpeelemesi. Is fast he want away, and Alm • time was seem he Venom enol rowwing�•1,00o-rs setae .1 & time es the meal •asomeiosa 15.07 one hums le treader whim soil M ►e hell W. ACHESON & SON. AHEAD WITH NOVELTIES_FON FALL THOSE STYLISH ANI) PERFECT -FITTING LADIES COATS & JACKETS We opened in stock a week ago, gain the favor of all buyers. Our last lot now opened of Costumes and Scotch .Suiting FOR DR�BSES, Places us now with the Largest Seloctius of High -Clans Dress Goods in Godorich, and with correct Trimmings for a11. FANCY AND PLAIN FLANNELS of all the best stakes now in stock at Closest Prices. KI1) GLOVES -Josephine and Bouillon's best French just opened. Each pair warranted and returnable if unsatisfactory. EARLY INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. Tawe tato sun good fortune, but 00 one oould telL He went in for horses, and often had as many as thirty of them at a time in his stables. His roams also were furnished in amagniflpent manner. He would, however, sell off occasionally hie horses and furniture, and go off on long jourmeys,asd always cams back evidently richer than ever. His do- wer* sware always covered with m•g:taicsst dismoad rings, and be wore pricoleen jewels os his person is the shape of sc•rfpiss, watch chains, .to. One day he retorsed to Verona with • assn fell of gold timers watcben This was heard d by the polios, sad be was arrested on the eocus•tios et smuggling, bat almost immediately was 1st of, as there was no proof, and Ie showed • rsosipt which made it clear he had bosgbl the watches an his own account. In a lop at Verona he showed the proprietor, whom he knew, 110 notes of 1,000 francs esoh,tbst be had in his pocket. On several other co- myons he wee nam to light his cigars with 10 franc sofas. The pdice bearing of this, kept watch, .ad he is now arrested as hay. leg to do with the coinage of false money. (ire•[ excitam sit has been felt at Verona •boat his arrest, and at the revelations with regard to this well-known character that may be brought to light in the coming trial. -cam Tablet. Larsen e. utssmry Wertaanabip. "Imitat mon, sues ne an experimental study or as a pastime," laid Mr. Lowell, tis • dangerous prealidu ; but if deliberately SM. dertaken, it is destructive. Lot son Ij you what happens in hundreds of lames able instances. An inexperienced writer eosoerves • story- • very good cos --the plan of which removable@ some wets by a famous author. The first thing he does r si make that anther has model. Ha adopts his forms, rad copies all kis tracks of inenner. He could not do himself • worse injury. Magazine men are orouppyigi�g themselves • great do•1 just noir, irjlf supernatural effect& When their tjtljW takes a th gr t into •teg.e or in: regime, ty almost invariably an up Pee ee & pattern ; and the farther they eau gilb away from their own identity le the tempt to mimic him the more contented they nes. It does not oeenr to thew thug even if they made his style literally thele awn, they would have lithe to be proud a.• -Harper's Weekly. ExHABSTION OF 114E SOIL_ Xiteegea. I'hospb.rlr Add and Pae nab are P....•uttal to Plant Growth. Safer • fee words as to the kind of farm products, which we can all anywhere, with advantage to ourselves ae farmers. We have in Canada only eo much of certain valuable elements in the soil, and when we sell any farm pr.lw-ta, we sell of some of these things. The constituents in the soil which are emential to plant growth, mod which in many places are becoming &arcs, are nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. if • [tan sells • beg* quantity of these things for a small price, he impoverishes hu farm. Nitrogen. phosphoric acid and potash, in me ton each. of mine farm products : Minorco rtowi ,eric potion aril. Ib. Ib. {beat.. 01.5 11.5 boder s! Is.t tiatl,..... 7VOA lie liar 7e.* 17.1 I ems - sloe 115 1gr.....g •! are. Mos u.t Piesnlis P`sa mak, 5(155 50n 31.2 n t '!reel. diva Pat .wine, dive 11.5 10. e t a..+e in 1IiI Mil 24 1 rise sets. .. .b O 0 1• every ton of barky the farmer sells thirty-two ieonwls of nitrogen, fifteen and one-half of phosphoric acid sad nine of pot- ash. 1f a mut will perste it. selling • ton of hay and a ton of oats the two tons for 431 he will sell as much of the elements of fertility of his farm as he will dispose of in two toss of fat swine few 12011. if he dans fat beef be will sell about ow half more for P200 than be sells in the other case of primitive products for 430, if be sells cheese., he will got for the cheese 5400 a ton, and sell lees in ass ton than in two and nos half toss of hay for g4 If • man will sell a ton of hay for 110, he will 5,11 about eighty •eleven than more out of his farm than ria will for /300 in butter at la cents per pound. Cheese is more exhaustive Fine hatter is eserly all carbon, het strong hotter has sone nitrogen in .{abeam. strength s..quh.l i• that way bee not any mosey value. -Pro. Robertson, hairy 0rmmtesiossr. D 1•s 5 •-6 11.6 !s.! 7.4 trot MIS 11.4 IS LS 2 l errwbara elslti Th. plan we have Ikrwi •t the (atatYm( Farm is to the roe Irving space of Misr or Ave on meltof the tree to low calci• This riskiest", &saki he roe over ►le strip every ten days •p to .1115 90lth. The uses will now be left to follow the awn mane. Tis roma will not be cel except e..egb t. keep dam the weals; tide is in order OM the tense sive thormighly ripen their weed. To west sot be feed ohm the 1 or July. The m.e ifipmld the be.sehes of • tree se M wrier, the more likely iiia Mho from the frost As the tree winter, the hq.M matter los IM wad i dully a00 crange• tato torn of starch and sugar. It follows that the greater proportion of solid matter wet have in the twigs and new- ly formed wood the lees liable we are to have the tree damaged by frost, because the damage arts from the sudden expan- sdoo of the liquid matter lander the action of frost and oouwgo•stly rupture of the oak. If the twig of a well ripened tree is taken in the fall and a lo.gptudinal section is made, • little iodine then ap- plied to the wound you will readily me by the aid of • magnifying glass the March respond to the test by turning blue ; this Is an indiaetion of a well ripened twig. On this hive! 01111 point in the cul- tivation of trees wife♦ N inmost important to bear in naiad ; 11e flee must be well noosed before it gam IM11 winter /merlon 0$, T WORRY O ABOUT The Washing TRY OLIO OAP= it will save you much trouble it will bring you comfort and ease it will save your clothes and hands It does not require washing powders It will wash in either bard or soft water It cannot injure the most delicate skin or fabric its purity and excellence have given it the largest sale in the world y Sunlight Soap mem: rT. somt.lanl 5.550a saes., mom Inas numminiallTOM, GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA BREAKFAST. laws wb• leh knowledge of the natural govern the oper.ttoam of dleeatios and sutratios, and by a careful ygliostion of the wwtRae srsperties et well-saisctsd Comm Mr. delleatel �MvoMureeded bebevera breaktam icb with . may novo ore many vy doctors' bills. It is by the Judi - /done ten of seri artiste* of diet that • canal tulles slay be p.dtmbp bulls op Datil strong suo to reals* every tendency to Masses. H of subtle maladies aro &w1., • eeesd en ready to attack wherever there Is • gale point a roar swam many • Malssm.YYee by keeping ourselves well ferdil•d with lire blood and • property aoerlshed fTo o. - O�fo4 liereice (7eserte. )Mode {Imply with bailing water or milk. only le a ckets,by (iron ,.. labelled thin JAMES gRf a C.. iwamepathse Mem. teem OtorM, detsama. CAN.E�.�A -AXD- The Clladiall o1ioo. BY - PROF. GOLDWIN SMiTH. -//- This great work on Canada and Canada's Future ii' now on sale at all Book stores. It should he read by every Canadian, and is specially valuable to all who take an in- terest in the great question of POLITICAL UNION of Canada and the United S taate& Price in paper, - - b0 Ceuta. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - - $12,000,000. REST, ,000,000. �! Saving De>barinrenl has been opened in con- vection with lisis branch. Interest allowed at cnvrent rates. GEO. DRUMMOND, plana Ter Goderich Branch. BETTER THAN EVER ! 1 bss•}trt returned Tram Toronto with • huge ctrl wellessorted nock of the Latest Styles in- Hats, Bonnets, FaFett,rs and Ribbons We have not time to prepare for a special /Pall opening, but the Ladies of Qoderioh and vicinity are cordially invited to call and in- spect our stock. MISSES YrATES. Fall M.IIIinery! MISS CAMERON, Who has recently visited the leading markets in the East, has in stock complete lines in all The Latest Styles of Millinery, suit- able for Fall and Winter Trade. naw And respectfully invites an early inspection of the .ams. MISS CAMERON, Hamilton-st. 2411m and those vrtetlei that do not thoroughly ripen their wood are the ones that fregnent- ly suffer Prem the cold of winter. For instance among forest trees the Catalpa and Yellow Locust will ripen their wood as • rule only where the summer season is two or three weeks longer than at Ottawa or in rtsasuna spoially fa:amide, consequently slay are frequently injured by the oold of winter. -John Craig, lk.nuion Horticul- turist. Morro : Malcolm Black has been re -en- raged as teacher in S. S. No. 3 for next year at an advanced salary. Mr. Black ham • targe school --his average being 66 last year -bet he is doing good work. Morris : On Tuesday, Sept. 27, Bowman Bros. threshed 23 acres of l'0as in the field in "Manitoba style." 1. lam teams were kept busy drawing in the grain to the mach- ine. The yield wee something like 30 bush- els per sore. •Wae4N by dards. coney rfoovr, a young man employed on the Curtiss ranch, reports • strange espen- ence with birds. He was driving a single horse and buggy from the Fair much Tues- day afternoon. When about two miles from Knight's Landing he wan suddenly startled out of • dose by myraid. .d tortle which swanned down upon him. The air wee literally black with them, apd they viciously attacked the horse, whi,1h was frightened into a frantic effort to rub away. The young nen was seared beyond his powers of description'. He fought the birds off with Ins whip, and, directing the hum as best he bald, was coon beyond their pursuit. He said they were i.early all l.lackbirls, although there appeared to be :,cher species among the army of his winged •'rotes. -Woodland (l;al.1 {tall lirey : (leo. Armstrong hu Empire State potatoes that are dandies. 'came of then{ will weigh two pounds. Do You Use Knives and Forks ? If you don't we have nothing to say to you ! If you do we can interest you. Your pocket can afford this : 1)1.1 Price, $1.50 Now, i 7'ic. per doz. 2.00 1.00 " "- 3.00 1.50 " 4.50 " 2.25 6.00 100 CADDY & TOM, Purchasers of Late Jas. Saunders' Cutlery, McLean's Block. ti Did Yon Say ICOWA Cleaning ? Our Forte : We show you Wall Paper Cheaper than competitors can buy them. New Styles and Colorings. Prices : 6 and 7c. paper for 3c. 9 and lOc. paper for Sc. 12 to 2Oc. paper for 7c. Borders, 5 and lOc. per roll. CADDY & TOM, Purchasers of Late Jas. Saunders' Wall Paper. West -St.